Comprehensionof Physics

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1. Read the passage carefully and answer the question from (a) to (e).
A shunt is a low resistance conductor
connected in parallel to an instrument ita
galvanometer or ammeter. It provides another easy path for current to flow. A galvanometero
ammeter cannot be connected directly in a circuit if a strong current is ilowing in it. Otherwise
the instrument may be damaged. For solving this difficulty. a low resistance or shunt is
in parallel with this instrument. Then a major part of the current flows connected
through the shunt andthe
remaining small portion of current flows through the instrument. A voltmeter is used to accurately
measure potential difference across two points in a circuit in volts. It is always
connected in
parallel to the circuit or conductor across which potential difference is to be measured. The
resistance of voltmeter should be very high. An ideal voltmeter should have infinite resistance.
An ammeter is used to accurately measure the current in amperes directly. An
ammeter is always
connected in series in a circuit, The resistance of an ammeter should be very low. An ideal
ammeter should have zero resistance.
(a) What is Shunt ?
Ans. A shunt is a low resistance conductor connected in
parallel to an instrument like
galvanometer or ammeter.
(b) What is Voltmeter ?
Ans. A voltmeter is used to accurately measure potential
circuit in volts.
difference across two points in a
(c). How voltmeter is connected in circuit?
Ans. It is always connected in parallel to the circuit or conductor across which potential
difference is to be measured.
(d) What is an ammeter ?
Ans. An ammneter is used to accurately measure the
current in amperes.
(e) How ammeter is connected in circuit?
Ans. An ammeter is always connected in series in a circuit
2. Read the passage carefully and answer the
question from (a) to (e).
Agalvanometer. can be converted into voltmeter by connecting a large seriesto
the galvanometer. resistance
Let G and R be the resistance of a galvanometer and a conductor connected in series withit

LetV== be the potential difference to be measured by voltmeter.

Let I,bethe current flowing in circuit corresponding to which the voltmeter gives the full
Now Potential difference between points Aand Bis given by
V=,(R+ G)
R+G =

or R= --G

dhie is the required value of resistançe which must be connetted in series to the galvanometer to
convert it into a.yoltmeter ofrange- (0 - V) volt.
in (a) What is galvanometer ?
Ans. It is the device which is used to detect or measure weak curtant.
(6) What is resistance of ideal voltmeter ?

al Ans. Infinite

(c) What is resistance of ideal ammeter ?

Ans. Zero
voltmeter ?
(4) How galvanometr can be converted into
by connecting a large resistance in
Ans. A galvanometer can be converted into voltmeter
series to the galvanometer.
in series with galvanomeer so.that it
(e). How much resistance should be connected
behaves as voltmeter ?

al Ans, R = -G

of resistance which must be connected in series to the galvanometer

This is the required value
of range (0- V) volt.
lo convert it into a voltmeter
question from (a) to (e).
Read the passage carefully and answer the
A converted into an ammeter by connecting a low resistance (shunt)
galvanometer can be
Paral el to the galvanometer.
A parallel to galvanometer.
small resistance S connected in
shunt respectively. Let I be the total
Let Gand galvanometer and
it S be the resistance of a
utrent to be measured by an ammeter
in the circuit.
Let lg be current flowing through the galvanometer corresponding to which galvanons
gives the full deflection. The remaining current (1- Ig) flows through a shunt
Since G and S are parallel, the potential difference across them is same. resistance.
I,G = (1- 1)S
S= G

This is required value of shunt resistance to convert a galvanometer into an ammeter of ranoe
(0- I) A.
(a) What is Shunt ?
Ans. A shunt is a low resistance conductor connected in parallel to an instrument lie
galvanometer or ammeter.
(b) What isresistance of ideal voltmeter ?
Ans. Infinite
(c) What is resistance of ideal ammeter ?
Ans. Zero
(d) How galvanometer can be converted into ammeter ?
Ans. A galvanometer can be converted into an ammeter by connecting a low resistance
(shunt) parallel to the galvanometer.
(e) How much resistance should be connected in parallel with galvanometer so that it
behaves as ammeter ?

Ans. S=

This is required value of shunt resistance to convert a galvanometer into an amme

of range (0- I) A.
4. Read the passage carefully and answer the question from (a) to (e).
When the current flows through a circular coil of Uppr
wire, the face of the coil (loop) in which the current
appears to flow anticlockwise acts as a magnetic
North pole as shown in figure (a). On the other hand.
the face of the coil (loop of wire) in which the current (a) (b)
(e) face(N)
appears to flow in clockwise direction acts as
magnetic South pole as shown in figure (b). Thus. we
find that a current loop has two equal and opposite likea
magnetic poles separated by a certain distance. Therefore. a current loop/coil behaves
magnetic dipole

nturns and current I flows through it, then the magnetic dipole moment of the
CS-XIT f the
is givenby:

Invectorform, M =nlA
directionis normal to the plane of the loop from south to north.
magnetic dipole moment of current loop is equal to product of ampere turns and area of
he dimensions of magnetic dipole moment are [A'L'1.
range SI unittof
magnetic dipole moment (M) is ampere metre, i.e., Am
then it
If the upper
face of the current loop behaves like a S-pole and lower face as N-pole,
depicted as shown in figure (c). In this case, Macts to plane of loop from upper face to
nt like anbe

(a) Current loop behaves as

Ans. magnetic dipole.
() What do you mean by magnetic dipole moment?
Magnetic dipole moment of current loop is equal to product of ampere turns and area of
(c) Give the SI unit of magnetic dipole moment.

is ampere metre, i.e,, Am.

that it Ans. S(unit of magnetic dipole moment (M)
(d) What is the direction of magnetic dipole
loop from south to north.
Ans. Its direction is normal to the plane of the
magnetic dipole moment.
(e) Give the mathematical formula of
turns and current I flows through it, then the magnetic dipole moment
meter AS, If the loop has n
ofthecurrent loop is given by:
M =nlA

In vector form, M =nlA

answerthe questionfrom (a) to (e).
Read the passage carefully and it in
region (space)
field of any magnetic pole is the
tichMagnetic influence can be realised.
its magnetic
or curve
N) A line of force is a line, straight
aintngent magnetic field line or magnetic field at that
to which direction of magnetic
at any point gives the lines which help us
like These are only the
certain phenomena in magnetism.
As shown in figure they travel from N-pole to S-pole outside the magnet and
N-pole inside the body of the magnet. The tangent to afield line at any point gives from S-pole to
of the net magnetic field B' at that point. Magnetic field lines of a
magnet or a solenoid
the direction
closed and continuous curves extending through the body of the magnet. Magnetic field
to contract longitudinally in case of unlike poles. This explains the attraction
poles. No, two magnetic field lines intersect each other. If two lines
intersect at a point, then
that point there will be two directions of the magnetic field, which is not possible. Magnetic fola
lines tend to dilate laterally in case of like poles. This explains the repulsion between like noles
The number of magnetic field lines crossing per unit area normally in a region gives the ide
about the strength of the field, i.e., closely spaced field lines represent a strong field,
widely space field lines represent a weak magnetic field.
(a) What is magnetic field ?
Ans. Magnetie field of any magnetie pole is the region (space) around it in which its mapnelie
influence can be realised.
(b) What is magnetic field line ?

Ans. A magnetic field line or magnetic line of force is a line, straight or curve tangent b
which at any point gives the direction of magnetic field at that point.
(c) What is the direction of magnetic field line outside the magnet ?
Ans. Magnetic field line travel from N-pole to S-pole outside the magnet.
(d) What is the direction of magnetic field line inside the magnet ?
Ans. Magnetic field line travel from S-pole to N-pole inside the magnet.
(e) Can two magnetic ficld lines intersect each other? that
then at
Ans. No, two magnetic field lines intersect each other. If two lines intersect at a point,
point there will be two directions of the magnetic field, which is not possible.
6. Read the passage carefully and answer thequestion from (a) to (e). Smal
a as
A combination of two isolated, equal and opposite magnetic poles separated byknown
distance constitutes a magnetic dipole. The distance between two magnetic poles ofa
poles south
magnetic length and is denoted by 2 1. Aline passing through the north and
dipole is known as the axial line of the magnetic dipole. Aline passingthrough a point
the two poles of a magnetic dipole and perpendicular to its axial line gives the
euatoriallineof the magnetic dipole.A ideal dipole is one whose pole strength
tends to infinity
separation between the two poles tends to zero.
a What do you mean by magnetie dipole?
combination of two isolated, cqual and opposite magnetic poles separated by a small
Ans. A
distance constitutes a magnetic dipole.
(6) What do youmean by magnetic length ?
Ans. The distance between two magnetic poles is known as magnetic length and is denoted by

(c) What do you mean by axial line of magnetic dipole?

known as the
Ans. A line passing through the north and south poles of a magnetic dipole is
axial line of the magnetic dipole.
(d) What doyou mean by equatorial line of magneticdipole?
Ans. A line passing through a point midway between the two poles ofa magnetic dipole
perpendicular to its axial line gives the cquatorial line of the magnetic dipole.
(e) What is an ideal dipole?
Ans. A ideal dipole is one whose pole strength tends to infinity while the separation
the two poles tends to zero.

7Read the passage carefully and answer the question from (a) to (e).
The branch of physics which deals with the study of magnetism of earth is
geomagnetism or terrestial magnetism.
direction. If this magnet is
Afreely suspended magnet always aligns itself along north-south along its
umed away from this position and left it to oscillates for some time and finally aligns
Initial north-south direction.
magnetic south pole near the
I suggests as if there is a giant magnet inside the earth with its
SOgraphic north pole of earth and the magnetic north pole near the geographic south pole.
value of magnetic field on the surface of carth is of the order of 10 T. The line joining the
axis makes a small angle 17.5° with the
sographic north and south of earth, called geographicconfined
to the earth's surface. It extends
hagnetic axis. The magnetic field of the earth is not
Veral hundred miles above it.
(a) What is geomagnetism or terrestial magnetism ?
Ans. The branch of physics which deals with the study of magnetism of earth is called
3eomagnetism or terrestial magnetism.
(6) In wvhich direciton a freely suspended
magnet always aligns?
Ans. A freely suspended magnet always aligns itself along
north-south direction
(c) What is the value of magnetic field on the
surface of earth ?
Ans. The value of magnetic field on the surface of earth is
of the order of 10T.
(d) What is geographic axis ?
Ans. The line joining the geographic north and south of
earth, called geographic axis.
(e) What is the angle between
geographic axis and magnetic axis?
Ans. Geographic axis makes a small angle 17.5°
with the magnetic axis.
8. Read thepassage carefully and answer tlhe
question from (a) to (e).
The physical quantities which enables us to
completely describe the
called the elements of earth's magnitude
of earth's magnetic field at a place are and direction
Magnetic declination (), Magnetic inclination or dip or magnetism. These are:
component of earth's magnetic field. angle of dip (Þ) and Horizontal
Magnetic Declination at a place may be defined as the angle
and the earth geographic meridian at the between its magnetic meridian
does not coincide with its place. It is due to fact that the
magnetic axis of the earth
geographic axis.
Angle of dip at a place is defined as the angle
magnetic field (BE) and the horizontal direction in between the direction of intensity of earth's
magnetic meridian at that place.
Horizontal component of earth's magnetic field is defined as
magnetic field (BE) along the horizontal direction in the component of earths
magnetic meridian. It may be representeo
by BH.
(a) What are the elements of
earth's magnetism ?
Ans. The physical quantities which enables us to
direction of earth's magnetic field. at a place completely describe the magnitude a0
are called the elements of earth's
(b) Namethe elements of
earth's magnetism ?
Ans. Magnetic declination (0),
Magnetic inclination or dip or angle of dip (ß) and Horizontal
component of earth's magnetic field.
(c) What do you mean by
magnetic declination ?
Ans. Magnetic Declination at a place may be defined as the angle between its magnetic
meridian and the earth geographic meridian at the place. It is due to fact that the
magnetic axis of the earth does not coincide with its
geographic axis.

i What do you mean by angle of dip?

Angle of dip at a place is defined as the angle between the direction of intensity of
carth's magnetie field (B;) and the horizontal direction in magnetic meridian at that
what do you mean by horizontal component of carth's magnetic field?

Ans. Horizontal component of carth's magnetic field is defined as the component of earth's
magnetie ficld (B ) along the horizontal direction in magnetic meridian. It may be
represented by B.
Read the passage carefully and answer the question from (a) to (e).
Diamagnets were first discovered when Brugmans observed in 1778 that bismuth and
timonv were repelled by the magnetic field. The substances which are feebly repelled by a
maonet and hence tend to move trom stronger to the weaker parts of the magnetic field are called
iamagnetic substances. For example : zinc, copper, gold, water, lead, mercury, sodium chloride,
ntrogen. hydrogen. silicon etc.
When a diamagnetic substance is placed in a nmagnetic field, the lines of force prefer to pass
tirough air than through the substance. Thus B < H. In a non-uniform magnetic field, diamagnetic
sibstance move from stronger to weaker part of the field. When a diamagnetic rod is suspended
na unifom magnetic field, it adjusts itself perpendicular to the direction of the
Diamagnetic substance lose magnetism when external magnetic field is removed. Magnetic
ameability is less than I for diamagnetic substance. Magnetic susceptibility is negative for
Gamagnetic substance. Magnetic susceptibility is independent of temperature for diamagnetic
(a) What are diamagnetic substances ?
to move from
Ans. The substances which are feebly repelled by a magnet and hence tend
diamagnetic substances.
stronger to the weaker parts of the magnetic field are called
o) Give example of diamagnetic substances.
Ans. Zinc, copper, gold, waler, lead, mercury, sodium chloride, nitrogen, hydrogen, silicon
diamagnetic substances ?
) What is the value of magnetie permeability for
Ans, Magnetic permeability is less than Ifor diamagnetic substance.
(d) What is the value of magneticsusceptibility for diamagnetic substances ?
Ans, is negative for diamagnetic
(e) What will happen when a diamagnetic rod is suspended in a uniform magnetie

When a diamagnctic rod is suspended in a unifoma nmagnetic tield, it adjusts itself
Perpendicular to the direction of the field.
10. Read the passage carefully and answer the question from (a) to
The substances vhich get feebly attracted by amagnet are
called paramagnetic substa.
Such substances when placed in an external
magnetising field, get feebly maghetised alone a
direction the field. For example : Aluminium, platinum,
chromium, manganese,
sulphate and solutions of iron and nickel etc. copper
When a paramagnetic substance is placed in a magnetic field, the lines of force
prefer to
through the substance rather than through air. Thus B > H. In a
non-uniform magnetic felH
paramagnetic substances move from weaker to stronger part of the field. When a.paramagn etis
rod is suspended in a uniform magnetic field, it adjusts itself parallel to the direction of the
Paramagnetic substances lose magnetism when external magnetic field is removed. Magnetic
permeability is slightly greater than 1for paramagnetic substances. Magnetic susceptibility is +ve
but its value is small for paramagnetic substances. For
paramagnetic substances magnetic
susceptibility varies inversely as the temperature of the substance i.e. x o This is called

Curie's law for paramagnetic substances.

(a) What are paramagnetic substances?
Ans. The substances which get feebly attracted by a magnet are called
(6) Give example of paramagnetic substances.
Ans. Aluminium, platinum, chromium, manganese, copper sulphate and solutions of iron and
nickel etc.
(c) What is the value of magnetic permeability for paramagnetic
Ans. Magnetic permeability is slightly greater than 1 for paramagnetic substances.
(d) What is the value of magnetic suSceptibility for paramagnetic substances?.
Ans. Magnetic susceptibility is slightly positive for paramagnetic substances.
(e) What will happen when a paramagnetic rod is suspended in a uniform magnetie
Ans. When a paramagnetic rod is suspended in a uniform magnetic field, it adjusts
parallel to the direction of the field.

Readthe passage carefully and answer the quesion from(a) to (e) its
L of the earth's magnetic field varies from place to place on the earth's surface:
being the order of 10T.
field was
What causes
the earthto have a magnetic field is not clear. Originally the magneticrotation of
of as arising from a giant bar magnet placed approximately along the axis of
thought correct. The
and deep in the interior. However, this simplistic picture is certainly not
earth convective motion of
fieldis now thought to arise due to electric current produced by
magnetic the earth. This is
metallic Auids (consisting mostly of molten iron and nickel] in the outer core of
knownasthe dynamo effect.

magnetic field lines of the earth resemble that of a (hypothetical) magnetic dipole located
The coincide with the axis of rotation of the
earth. The axis of the dipole does not
dhe centre of the
tilted by approximately 11.3° with respect to the later. In this way of looking
arth but is presently leave
poles are located where the magnetic field lines due to the dipole enter or
tit. the magnetic latitude of 79.74° Nand a longitude of
north magnetic pole is at a
fhte earth. The location of the south pole is at 79.74°S, 108.22°E in
Canada. The magnetic
11.8° W, a place somewhere in north
the Antarctica.
magnitude of magnetic field of earth ?
(a) What is the order of
Ans, 10T
cause of magnetic field of earth assumed these days ?
(b) What is the
is now thought to arise due to electric current produced by
Ans. The magnetic field mostly of molten iron and nickel] in
of metallic fluids (consisting
convective motion
of the earth. This is known as the dynamo effect.
the outer core
magnetic dipole located at the center of the carth
(c) What is the angle
earth ?
and axis of rotation of the
Ans. 11.3°

(d) the magnetic poles located ?

Where are
poles are located wherethe magnetic field lines due to the dipole enter
Ans, The magnetic
or leave the earth.
location of magnetic South Pole ?
(e) What the
79.74° S, 108.22°E in the Antarctica.
Ans, The magnetic south pole is at

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