Power Sharing Worksheet'
Power Sharing Worksheet'
Power Sharing Worksheet'
Power Sharing
Belgium and Sri Lanka, Majoritarianism in Sri Lanka.
1) The principle of majoritarianism- led to civil war in -
a) Srilanka b) Georgia c) Belgium d) Ukraine
2) Tamil natives of Sri Lanka are called as
a) Sri lankan Tamils b) Indian Tamils c) Tamils d)
Muslim Tamil
3) Which language was recognized as the official language after Independence
of Sri Lanka?
a) Tamil b) Hindi c) Sinhala d) Telugu
4) Identify the major social group that constituted the largest share in the
population of Sri Lanka
a) SrilankanTamilsb) Indian Tamils c) Muslims d) Sinhalas
5) The major Social groups of Sri Lanka are
a) Sinhala speaker 74% Tamil speaker 18% b) Sinhala speaker 75%Tamil
Speaker 20%
c) Sinhala speaker 78% Tamil speaker 21% d) Sinhala speaker 79% Tamil
speaker 22%
6) An act was passed in Srilanka that recognized SINHALA as the only official
a)1954 b)1955 c) 1956 d)1957
7) What does Tamil Eelam Mean?
a) Tamil state b) Tamil government c) Tamil nation
d) Tami court
8) A belief that the majority community should be able to rule county in
whichever way they want,
by disregarding the wishes. and needs of minority is known as________
a) Majoritarianism b) Federal government
c) Community government d) Prudential government
9) What measure was adopted by the democratically elected government of
Srilanka to establish
Sinhala supremacy?
a) Constitutional Reforms b) Monarchy rule
c) Majoritarian measure d) Community Government
10) Which language was recognized as the Official language after independence
in Sri lanka?
a)Tamil b) Tundi c) Sinhala d) Telugu
11) What is the linguistic composition of Belgium?
a) 59% Speaks French, 1^% speaks German , 40% speaks Dutch
b) 59% speaks Dutch, 40% speaks French and 1% speaks German
c) 50% speaks Dutch, 49% speaks French, and 1% speaks German
d) 70% speaks Dutch , 25% speaks French and 5% speaks German..
12) Which of the following does not border Belgium?
a) Germany b) Ireland c) France d) Netherland
13) Which are the two major ethnic groups of Belgium?
a) Dutch and German b) French and German
c) Dutch and French d) None of these.
14) The constitution or Sri Lanka protect and foster
a) Christian b) Buddhism c) Muslim d) Hindu
15) Which community was relatively rich and powerful in Belgium?
a) French b) Dutch c) Sinhala d) Muslim
16) Consider the following statements about power sharing arrangements in
Belgium and Sri Lanka
a) In Belgium the Dutch speaking majority people tried to impose the
domination on the minority
French speaking community
b) In Sri Lanka the policies of the government sought to ensure the dominance
of the Sinhala
speaking majority.
c) The Tamils of the Sri Lanka demanded a federal arrangement of power
sharing to protect their
culture, language end equality of opportunity education and jobs
D) The transformation of Belgium from unitary government to a federal one
prevented a possible
division of the County on linguistic lines.
Which statements given above are correct?
a) A B C and D b) A, B, and C c) C and D d)
B, C, and D
Accommodation in Belgium, Why Power Sharing is Desirable?
1. The Community Government signifies:
(a) The powers of government regarding community development.
(b) The powers of the government regarding law making for the community.
(c) The powers of the government regarding cultural, educational and language
related issues
(d) The powers of government regarding capital city.
2. Power sharing is:
(a) The very spirit of democracy
(b) Separation of powers at different levels.
(c) System of checks and balances.
(d) a type of balancing powers.
3. Choose the correct option:
Power sharing is desirable because it helps:
(a) to increase pressure on government (b) to reduce
possibilities of conflicts.
(c) to generate awareness among people (d) to increase percentage of
4. Prudential reasons of power sharing stress on the facts that:
A. It ensures the stability of political order.
B. It reduces the possibility of conflict between social groups.
C. It gives a fair share to minority.
D. It is the very spirit of democracy.
Which of the above statements are correct?
(a) A, B (b) A, C and D (c) All are correct (d) A, B & C
5. How many times Belgium had amended their constitution?
(a) Three times (b) Four times (c) Only for one time (d) Two times
6. Between which years Belgium had amended its constitution?
(a) 1970 and 1993 (b) 1973 and 1993
(c) 1960 and 1970 (d) 1975 and 1995
7. Which is the wrong statement related to Belgium Model of power sharing?
(a) The number of Dutch and French-speaking ministers shall be equal in the
central government
(b) Brussels has a separate government in which both the communities have
equal representation
(c) Apart from the Central and the State Government, there is a third kind of
government-community government
(d) The state governments are subordinate to the Central Government
8. Who has the power regarding cultural, educational and language-related
issues in Belgium?
(a) Central government (b) State government
(c)Community government (d) European Union
9. When many countries of Europe came together to form the European
Union, was chosen as its headquarters.
(a) New York (b) Amsterdam
(c) London (d) Brussels
10. In Belgium, the leaders have realised that the unity of the country is possible
only by :
(a) Rule of majority community
(b) Respecting the feelings and interests of different communities and
(c) Respecting the feelings and interests of majority communities.
(d) Dividing the country in language wise.
11. Which will undermine the unity of the nation in long run?
(a) Power sharing in the country.
(b) Imposing the will of majority community over others
(c) Accommodation of social diversities.
(d) Decentralisation of power.
12. The prudential reasons stress that power sharing will bring out .......
(a) Political instability (b) Conflicts and violence
(c) better outcomes (d) Better understanding
13. Identify the correct statement related to the Belgium model of power
(a) Any single community can make decisions unilaterally.
(b) The Dutch speaking people accepted equal representation for French in
(c) Many powers of the central government have been given to state
(d) The central government has the power regarding cultural, educational and
language- related issues.
14. Which can undermine the unity of the country:
(a) Respecting the feelings and interests of different communities and
(b) Mutually acceptable arrangements for sharing power
(c) Central government shares power with states.
(d) if a majority community wants to force its dominance over others and
refuses to share power
15. Moral reasons emphasise the very act of power sharing as ........
(a) creating better outcomes (b) Valuable
(c) Time consuming (d) Valueless
Forms of Power Sharing
1. Which of the following is an example of horizontal sharing of power?
(a) Power sharing between different states.
(b) Power sharing between different organs of the government.
(c) Power sharing between different levels of the government
(d) Power sharing between different political parties
2. Division of powers between higher and lower levels of government is
(a) Horizontal distribution (b)Parallel distribution
(c) Vertical division (d)Diagonal division
3 Which one of the following is the 3rd tier of government in India?
(a)Panchayati Raj Government (b) State government
(c) Community Government (d) National Government
4. Which one of the following organs of the government keeps a check on the
functioning of executive or legislatives?
(a) Legislatives (b) Executives (c) Parliament (d) Judiciary
5. Community government in Belgium is a good example of which form of
power sharing arrangements.
(a)Vertical division of power
(b) Power sharing among different social groups
(c) Horizontal division of power
(d) Power sharing among political parties, pressure groups & movements.
6. In India power sharing mechanism does not involve directly to ____
(a) Legislative (b) Judiciary (c)Industry (d)Executive
7. Which of the following is not one of the three organs of government
powers are shared?
(a) Legislative (b) Bureaucracy
(c) Executive (d)Judiciary
8. Assertion: Power sharing is good for democracy.
Reason: It helps to reduce conflict between social groups
(a)Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is correct but R is wrong
(d) A is wrong but R is true.
9. Assertion: In India we have reserved constituencies in assemblies and the
parliament of our country.
Reason: Because India follows community government as in Belgium.
(a)Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is correct but R is wrong
(d) A is wrong but R is true.
10) Assertion - In a democracy we find interest groups such as traders,
businessmen, industrialist, workers who also will have a share in
Reason - Because power sharing arrangements can also be to seen in the
way political parties, pressure groups control or influence those
II Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.(2 Marks)
1. What is Power Sharing?
2. Where is Sri Lanka located?
3. Define the term “Ethnic”.
4. State one special problem in Brussels.
5. The community government in Belgium is a good example of which
form of power sharing?
6. What is horizontal distribution of power?
7. Why the system of ‘reserved constituencies’ is adopted in India?
8. Give an example of power sharing among different political parties in a
9. Why is Power sharing most important for a Democracy ?
10. Which are the two reasons for power sharing and mention one
advantage of each ?
III Answer the following questions in brief.(3 marks)
1. What are the main principles of democracy?
2. Why was the minority French Speaking community relatively rich and
3. How did the Tamils make efforts to gain power in Sri Lanka?
4. Why did the Sri Lankan Tamils feel alienated inspite of their long stay
in Sri Lanka?
5. Explain any three forms of power sharing in modern democracy with
6. “Sharing of power makes a country more powerful and United”?
Justify the statement.
7. Describe the measure adopted by the democratic government of
Srilanka to establish Sinhala supremacy.
8. Describe any two steps taken by the Belgium government to
accommodate the ethnic diversities.
9. Explain the horizontal power sharing arrangement in a federal country.
What are the main principles of democracy?
10. Describe the horizontal power sharing arrangements?
11. What is the moral reason behind power shaing?
12. Belgium is a democratic country, Why has the idea of power sharing
13. “Power sharing is the very spirit of democracy.” Justify the statement
with suitable points.
14. Before community government Belgium faced so many ethnic
problem, How Belgian government solved its ethnic Problem ? What
are the main principles of democracy?
15. Why was the minority French Speaking community relatively rich
And powerful?
16. How did the Tamils make efforts to gain power in Sri Lanka? 3
17. Why did the Sri Lankan Tamils feel alienated inspite of their long
stay in Sri Lanka?
18. Explain any three forms of power sharing in modern democracy with
IV. Answer the following questions in detail. (5 marks)
1. What factors led to a civil war in Sri Lanka?
2. Explain with examples the accommodative experience of Belgium for
peace and harmony.
3. How has the idea of power sharing emerged? Explain different forms
that have common arrangements of power sharing.
4. Power Sharing is the very spirit of democracy”. Justify the statement. 5
5. Why do we find the Belgian model very complicated? How has it
helped to prevent conflict and division of the country on linguistic
6. Describe the vertical and horizontal forms of power sharing exercised
in India.
7. What are the two major forms of power sharing found in modern
8. Describe the ideas of the Belgian model for accommodating diversities.
9. Describe the problems of majoritarianism in Srilanka. 5
10. Explain the elements of Belgian model of accommodating diversities.
11. How has the idea of power sharing emerged? Explain different forms
that have common arrangements of power sharing.
12. Explain the two measure reasons why power sharing is important in a
13. Differentiate between Horizontal division of power sharing and
Vertical division of power sharing?
14. What is majoritarianism? How has it increased the feelings of
Alienation among Sri Lankan Tamils? Explain with examples.
15. What measures were adopted by the Belgium government to
accommodate regional and cultural diversities?
16. Why do we find the Belgian model very complicated? How has it
helped to prevent conflict and division of the country on linguistic
17. Analyse how majoritarianism has increased the feeling of alienation
among the Sri Lankan Tamils?
18. Explain four forms of participation in government under modern
democratic system.