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Paper / Subject Code: 89285 / Internet ofThings (DLOC)

Time: 3hours


1) Solve any FOUR questions.

2) All question carries equal marks.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Assume suitableadditional data, if necessary and Parly State

0.1a) Discuss IOTWF Standardized Architecture.

b) Explain Raspberry Pi with diagram.

c) Describe Zigbee protocol stack using IEEE 802.15.4.

Q.2 a) What are gateways and backhaul sub layers?

b) Briefly explain Adapting SCADA for IP.

c) What do you mean by SoC? Also explain its applications.

Q.3 a) Describe various health & lifestyle domain specificIOT.

b) Explain the different pin/partsof Arduino Uno board.
c) Describe data vs. network analyticsfor an loT network.

Q.4 a) Write short notes on BLE.

b) Differentiatebetween Sensors and actuators with neat diagram.
c) What is IoT? Explain loT blocks in detail. List out the different IOT Challenges.

Q.5 a) Explain IOT Application layer with a neat diagram.

b) Discuss the concept of Edge computing.
c) Explain MQTT. Compare - COAP and MQTT.

Q.6 a) Describe Architecture of Wireless Sensor Network.

b) Explain different Energy related IOTsDomain with example.
c) What are I0T software platform? Explain in short with an example.
Paper / Subject Code: 89285 / Internet of Things (DLOC)


Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

1) Attempt any Four question out of six questions.
2) All question carries equal marks.
3) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. EXAM
4) Figures to the right indicatefull marks.
5) Assume suitable additionaldata, if necessary and clearly state it.
6) All sub-questions of the samne question should be grouped together.

Q.1 (a) Give the function of each layer of a seven-layer loT architectural 10
reference model published by loTWF architectural committee.
(b) What meaning of Smart object? Give
is the Security and rivacy concerns 05
of Smart objects in Internet of things.
(c) Explain the characteristics of Smart object. Give the trends in smart 05

Q.2 (a) Explain the architectural classification smart objects according to

Things:Sensors and Actuators Layer.Give the classification of networks
according to access technologies and distances considering in loT based

(b) What are the factors based on the type of device involved and the function 05
it will erform helps to choose right protocol for a particular loT

(c) Compare with suitable parameters COAP and MQTT application 05
protocols used for loT applications.

Q.3 (a) Describe top 10 applications of loT in existing market place.

(b Compare with suitable parameters between Raspberry Piand Arduino. 05
(c) Why RESTful JSON is a popularchoice for loT applications?

Q.4 (a) What is Fog Computing? Give advantages and disadvantages of Fog 05
(b) What Edge Computing? Give advantages and disadvantages of Edge
is 05
(c) Explain the different types of sensorsare used for measuring one of the
physical properties and give its representative examples.

Q.5 (a) Explain in detail about Smart services in loT system. 05

(b) Write a short note on "Data Analytics Versus Business Benefits". 05
(c) Draw and explain neat diagram of Protocol Stack for Transporting Serial 10
DNP3 SCADA over IP. Give meaning of a master/slave relationship in

0.6 (a) Explain at least five use cases where loT involvements will convert cities
into smart cities.
(b) Compare any Five lo'T softwareplatforms with suitable paranmeters.
Option B: Managing network devVices

Option C: Programming loT boards

Option D: Protocol management

When SCADA s deployed in LLN which used


Option A:
Option B:

Option D:
of Layer 2 communication network layer
the following is not part
10 Which of

Option A: Access Network Sublayer

Option B: Gateways and Backhaul
IoT Network Management Sublayer
Option C:
Option D: Appication and analytics ayer

B Q2
(20 Marks)
Solveany FOUR Questions

5marks each

Classitication of sensors and explain


Define sensors in Give
types of senisors.

Word Forum (loTWF) Standardized

Explain in brief The loT
B Architecture.
Compare and contrast: Wired and Wireess Sensor Networks.
C for WSN
the different network topologies

Write short note on

D MicroEectro-Mechanical Systens (MEMS)
Backhaul Subayer in Core loT
Discussn briefGateways and
E Functional Stack
1Explain Characteristics and Trends in Smart object.

FOUR Questions 5 marks each

Q3 Solve any

(20 Marks)
Compare and contrat Appication Layer protocos.

Eaborate the working model of smart city.

Expain features of ESP32.

Write Short Note on- JSON-LD
Compare different IoT Boards in terms of connectivity.
Expain loT Application Transport Methods
in brief.

Solveany FOUR Questions 5 marks each

Write Short Note on- SCADA.
Access Technologies with application area of each
Explain following

1 Zigbee 2. BLE 3. RFID 4. Celuar (3G/4GISG) 5. LPWANS

How diferent from Digitization.
What is IoT? What is ts impact? it is

and Raspberry Pi
Compare and contrast Arduino
Explain an loT Soffware platfom

Discuss Chistered architecture of Wireless Sensor Networks.

2| Page

Paper /Subject Code: 89285/ Internetof Thngs

Te CroM)/ Sam VI R -14/ SH 202: D2BCFEDI

(3Hours) A85DC qTotal Marks:80]



1) Attempt any Four question.

2) All question carries equal marks,
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
152C4E54485D A8SDC2846DC2BCFEDDIF27
4) Illustrate your answers with heat sketchès wherever necessary.
5) Assume suitable additionál data, if neessary and clearly state

52C4ES4 akSIC280446DC


Q.1 A)Discuss in details working each lay er in IOTWF Standardized Architècture.

(10Marks) 2C4ES4A85DC2804
Q.1 B) Explain Arduino Unoboard with its pins and parts in detail. 1O Marks)

Q2A) What áre 10T softwareplatform? Explain any five with examples. (10 Marks)

Q.2 B)State the factors which are helping to selectright protocol for particular lot EDDIF27152C4ES4A°

application? Comparebetween COAP andMQTT? CiO Marks)

Q3A) Givethe classifiation of networks,according toaccess technologies and distances

(1O Marks)
Sconsidering in loT based appliations.

Q3 B)Describe Žigbeeprotocol stack using IEEE 802.15.4


Q4A) Explain Fog Computing and Edge computing ith its advantages and disadvantages.
between the
State the diference Fog Computing and Edge computing. (10 Marks)

4E54A85DC280446D (10 Marks)

Q.4 B)What aregateways and backhaul sub layers?

Q.5 A) Draw and explain neat diagram of Protocol Stack for Transporting Serial DNP3
sCADAover IP. Give meaning ofa master/slaverelàtionshipîn DNP3.
Q.5 B)Write in detail about working of Sensors and Actuators. Differentiate between

Sensors and actuators with neat diagram. Explain any five types of sensors and actuators with

appropriatearea of applicationwhere they areuseful.


LBCFEDDIF27152C% Explain the characteristics of Smart Give

Q.6 A) What is meaningof Smart object? object.

the trends in stnárt

Wríesshort not
Q.6B) on

SHealth & lifestyle domain specific IOT. (10 Marks)

i) Data Analytics Versus Buihess Benefits

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