Enrolment Agreement Form Attain Skills College

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Enrolment Agreement

Personal Details (Legal name as per photo ID, which will need to be sighted to verify legal name)

1) Family Name Kunwar

Given Name Sagar
Town & city of
2) Date of Birth 26/06/2004 birth Gulmi 3) Gender Female ✘ Male Other

4) Street Address 409 Gowan Road

5) Suburb enter text here. State QLD Postcode 4116
Telephone Home enter text here. Work enter text here. Mobile 0404810312
Email Address Kunwarsensagar75@gmail.com
USI I give permission for Attain Skills College to access my Unique Student Identifier (USI) for the purpose of recording my results. If I
do not have a USI in place, I am willing for Attain Skills College to set up my USI on my behalf. USI enter text.

Course of Enrolment

Course Code CHC33021 Date – From __ __ /__ __ / __ __ __ __

Course Title Certificate III Individual Support Date - To __ __ /__ __ / __ __ __ __

Where did you hear about this course? Newspaper Website ✘ Internet Yellow Pages ✘ Word of Mouth Radio Google
Emergency Contact Details

Full Name Sodiksha Kunwar Relationship Sister

Contact number Click or tap here to enter text. Mobile 0415809862
In the event of an emergency do you give Attain Skills College permission to organise emergency transport and treatment and
agree to pay all costs related to the emergency? YES / NO
AVETMISS Data Collection
Language & Cultural Diversity Disability Schooling
6) In which country were you born? 10) Do you consider yourself to have a 12) What is your highest COMPLETED
Australia disability, impairment or long-term school level? (Please tick ONE box
Other – please specify condition? only)
________________________________________ Year 12 or equivalent ✘ 12
Yes 11
7) Do you speak a language other than English at home? Year 11 or equivalent
No ✘ No – Go to Question 10
Year 10 or equivalent
No, English only English only – Go to Question 9 12 09
Yes, other – please specify Year 9 or equivalent
____________________________________ 11) If yes, then please indicate the areas 08
Year 8 or below
of disability, impairment or long-term 02
Never attended school
8) How well do you speak English? condition: (you may tick more than
Very well ✘1 Well 2 13) In which YEAR did you complete that
3 4
one) School level?
Not well Not at all Hearing/Deaf
9) Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? Physical ______________________________
Intellectual __
(For persons of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin,
mark both ‘Yes’ boxes) Learning 14) Are you still attending secondary
No ✘ Mental Illness school?
Yes, Aboriginal Acquired brain impairment Yes
Yes, Torres Strait Islander Vision No ✘

Medical condition
Previous Qualifications Achieved Employment Study Reason
15) Have you successfully completed any of the 17) Of the following categories, which BEST 18) Of the following categories, which BEST
following qualifications? describes your current employment status? describes your main reason for undertaking
Yes ✘ No No – Go to Question 17 (Tick ONE box only) this course/ traineeship/apprenticeship? (Tick
16) If YES, then tick ANY applicable boxes Full-Time employee ONE box only)
Part-Time employee To get a job ✘ 01
Bachelor Degree or Higher Degree

Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree Self-employed - not employing others To develop my existing business
Diploma (or Associate Diploma) Employer To start my own business
☐ IV (or Advanced Certificate/Technician)
Certificate Employed - Unpaid worker in a family To try for a different career
511 business To get a better job or promotion
Certificate III (or Trade Certificate) Unemployed – Seeking full-time work It was a requirement of my job
Certificate II Unemployed – Seeking part-time work I wanted extra skills for my job

Not employed – Not seeking employment To get into another course or study 08
Certificate I 08
Other education (including certificates or overseas For personal interest or self-development
qualifications not listed above) Other reasons

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Office Use Only Comments
Fees Paid $
Receipt No

Student Signature: _______________________________________________________________ Course Cost: _______________Date: __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __

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Terms & Conditions of Enrolment
1. Enrolment & Selection (5.3) student will be given a six-month period to undertake reassessment if
a) The student is responsible for notifying Attain Skills College if they have a required.
medical condition or disability or require assistance in their training. m) The RTO is responsible for the issuance of AQF certification
b) The course fee must accompany enrolment to secure a placement within documentation (5.2).
a course.
3. Cooling Off Period (5.3)
c) It is the student’s responsibility to note the date, time and location of the
Attain Skills College protects the rights of the learner including but limited
course as advertised.
to the Statutory requirements for cooling-off periods.
d) Courses with low enrolments may be cancelled, every effort will be made
to contact students, please ensure your contact details are correct. Students are eligible to cancel their enrolment by placing a formal notice of
e) Requests from the student to transfer or credit their course placement cancellation in writing to the Enrolment Officer (a letter or email is acceptable)
within 10 business days of enrolment, unless the student has already
due to changed personal circumstances will be considered and every
commenced the training or has logged into the system. Please refer to the
effort will be made to ensure a placement into an alternative course. Refund policy for process on acquiring a refund.
f) If you are unable to complete your course, due to changed personal
circumstances, the RTO will make every effort to ensure you are placed 4. Changes to Agreed Services (5.4)
into an alternative pre-scheduled course. Where there are any changes to the agreed services that will affect the learner,
g) Students can only join after course commencement date if they meet all including in the event of Attain Skills College closing down, the RTO will advise
prerequisites. Full course fees are still payable for late enrolments. the learner as soon as practicable. This includes changes to any new third-party
arrangements or a change of ownership or any changes to existing third party
h) The RTO reserves the right to decline admission to a course, terminate a
student's enrolment in a class or change a Trainer/Assessor at any time
without notice. 5. Fee Protection (7.3)
i) Students participate in courses involving physical activity; field trips, Attain Skills College requires a minimum deposit, which will not exceed $1,500
practical demonstrations etc. and do so at their own risk. Australia Wide per individual student, prior to course commencement. If the full course fees
Training Institute’s students are covered by public liability insurance are less than $1,500, the full fees may be required to be paid prior to course
whilst working within the RTO’s premises. commencement. Please refer to the course flyer for an outline of all course fees.
Following course commencement, full fees will be required to be paid by either
2. Course Fees, Payments and Refunds (5.3) a payment plan (if remaining fees are more than $1500), or in full (if the
a) Please refer to the course flyer for information on course fees, including remaining fees are below $1500) for training and other services yet to be
any required deposit; administration fees; materials fees and any other delivered.
charges (if applicable). 6. Consumer Guarantee (5.3)
b) In line with the RTO’s Fee Protection Policy the RTO will not collect more Attain Skills College guarantees that the services provided by the RTO will be:
than $1,500 prior to course commencement.
 provided with due care and skill
c) Certificates and Statements of Attainment are issued to students who are
 fit for any specified purpose (express or implied)
assessed as competent in the units completed. The cost of the certificates
is included in the course fees.  provided within a reasonable time (when no timeframe is set for the
d) Refunds may be made in the following circumstances:
i. Participants have overpaid the administration charge 7. Complaints and Appeals (6.1)
ii. Participants enrolled in training that has been terminated by the If a student is experiencing any difficulties, they are encouraged to discuss their
RTO concerns with Senior Management. Attain Skills College administrative staff will
iii. Participant advises the RTO prior to course commencement that make themselves available at a mutually convenient time if a student wishes to
they are withdrawing from the course seek assistance.
iv. If the participant withdraws from a course or program, prior to If a Staff member or Student wishes to make a formal complaint they are
course commencement, due to illness or extreme hardship as required to complete a Complaints and Appeals Form, which is included in the
determined by the RTO Student Handbook. Once the form has been completed, the form should be
submitted to the RTO for actioning.
v. In the event that the RTO fails to provide the agreed services
e) A deposit of no more than $1,500 is required prior to course Please refer to the Student Handbook for more details on the complaints and
appeals process.
commencement; this deposit is to confirm a place in the course. Please
refer to the Course Flyer for the deposit amount required. 8. Credit Transfer (3.5)
f) If the student withdraws from the course prior to course commencement, The RTO recognises the Australian Qualifications Framework and Vocational
they will forfeit an administration fee but may be entitled to a refund of Education and Training (VET) qualifications and VET statements of attainment
the remaining paid. If the total course fee is less than $150, then the total issued by any other Registered Training Organisation.
of the course fee is to be paid prior to course commencement to secure a Credit Transfer will be awarded for all units of competencies that directly align
place within the course. with units from the qualification the student has enrolled. Evidence of
g) No refunds will be issued once the student has commenced the course competences achieved must be supplied for recognition to be processed (i.e.
h) Students are responsible for the safe storage of their Certificates and presentation of original certificate or transcript).
Statements of Attainment. If a student requires a reissue of their Please refer to the Student Handbook or contact the office for the procedure on
Certificate or Statement of Attainment, a certificate re-issue fee of $80 how to apply for a Credit Transfer.
will be charged. 9. Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) (1.7)
i) If a student is deemed not yet competent on completion of training, they
LLN support is available to provide students with advice and support services in
will be offered an opportunity to be reassessed. If a student is deemed the provision of language, literacy and numeracy assessment services. Students
not yet competent a second time, they will be given another opportunity needing assistance with their learning is to be identified upon enrolment.
for reassessment. Trainers and staff within the RTO can provide students with support to assist the
j) If a student is required to be reassessed, they will be provided with student throughout the learning process.
further guidance from their trainer prior to reassessment. Language, Literacy and Numeracy skills are generally included and identified in
k) In most cases there will be no reassessment fee. If a reassessment fee is Training Packages and accredited course programs. In identifying language,
applicable, this fee will be included on the course flyer. literacy and numeracy requirements, students are required to have basic skills
l) If a student is deemed competent in some but not all the units of in:
competencies required, a Statement of Attainment will be issued, and the • Count, check and record accurately

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• Read and interpret Attain Skills College has an obligation under Commonwealth and State
• Estimate, calculate and measure legislation to provide information to certain government departments for the
purpose of reporting data to the government. On occasion, the government
All students undertaking a Certificate III qualification or below are required to regulatory body will require access to student records for the purpose of
undertake an LLN Assessment. auditing the RTO against the Standards for RTO’s. No student files will be
10. Support Services (1.7) removed from the RTO’s site, unless a student is notified beforehand.

Attain Skills College caters to diverse client learning needs and aims to identify 13. Privacy Notice
and respond to the learning needs of all clients. Clients are encouraged to Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012 and National VET Data Policy
express their views about their learning needs at all stages of their learning (which includes the National VET Provider Collection Data Requirements Policy
experience from the initial enrolment and induction stage to course completion, at Part B), Registered Training Organisations are required to collect and submit
through their trainer or RTO staff. data compliant with AVETMISS for the National VET Provider Collection for all
Attain Skills College is committed to providing clients requiring additional Nationally Recognised Training. This data is held by the National Centre for
support, advice or assistance while training. Please see the Student Handbook Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER), and may be used and disclosed for
on the types of support provided by the RTO. purposes that include:
To achieve this and to ensure the quality delivery of training and education, the • populating authenticated VET transcripts
RTO provides client vocational counselling to improve and extend training • administering VET, including program administration, regulation,
outcomes. Students are advised to make an appointment with their trainer in monitoring and evaluation
the first instance, if required the student can then schedule an appointment • facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys
with the RTO for further counselling and/or assistance. and data linkage
• understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce
11. Legislative and Regulatory Requirements (8.5) planning and consumer information.
All students will undergo an induction with the RTO, which will include the NCVER is authorised by the National Vocational Education and Training
student’s rights and responsibilities against the relevant Commonwealth, State Regulator Act 2011 (NVETR Act) to disclose to the following bodies, personal
or Territory legislation and regulatory requirements. Students are issued with a information collected in accordance with the Data Provision Requirements or
Student Handbook, which also includes the Student’s rights and responsibilities any equivalent requirements in a non-referring State (Victoria or Western
that will affect their participation in vocational education and training. Australia), for the purposes of that body:
The student acknowledges that they must observe Australia Wide Training • a VET regulator (the Australian Skills, Quality Authority, the Victorian
Institute’s policies and procedures, according to State and Federal Government Registration and Qualifications Authority or the Training Accreditation
legislative and regulatory requirements, as set out in the Student Handbook. Council Western Australia)
12. Privacy Protection • the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and
Attain Skills College respects the importance of securing any form of personal • another Commonwealth authority
information which is collected from the student(s) and/or other Stakeholders. • a state or territory authority (other than a registered training
Information collected from students is only utilised for the purpose gathering organisation) that deals with or has responsibility for matters relating to
information on the student as part of their enrolment, training, assessment and VET.
certification process. All data is kept securely within either a locked filing cabinet
NCVER may also disclose personal information to persons engaged by NCVER to
or filed electronically within a password protected database.
conduct research on NCVER’s behalf.


1. I declare that the information contained in this Enrolment Agreement 5. I understand that I will be required to pay a deposit with this Enrolment
Form is true and correct. Agreement Form and that the deposit is non-refundable.
2. I confirm that I have read, understood and consent to the Terms and 6. By signing this document, I give permission for the RTO to access my
Conditions of Enrolment and the Fee Payment and Refund Procedures Unique Student Identifier for the purpose of my training.
3. I acknowledge and agree with the terms and conditions of enrolment 7. I understand that my rights and responsibilities as a student are outlined
with specific reference to the RTO’s enrolment and selection in the Student Handbook and that I should refer to this handbook for
4. I consent to Attain Skills College providing my information to Australian further information on USI, LLN Assessment, Complaints and Appeals,
Commonwealth and State Governments for the purpose of reporting to the WHS, Support Services and other legislative and regulatory policies and
Government as part of my enrolment. procedures.

APPLICANTS SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________________________________________________ DATE: 23/07/2024

RTO REPRESENTATIVE: _____ Click or tap here to enter text. ________________________________________________________

PHOTO ID SIGHTED: Drivers Licence ✘ Passport Photo ID Other:

| Email: enrol@attainskillscollege.com.au | Website: https://www.attainskillscollege.com.au

| RTO ID: 46168 | 28 663 479 472

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INTERVIEW QUESTIONS – To determine students suitability for entering into the course

OTHER COMMENTS – Interviewer is to add

additional notes here, which should expand on the
Why have you decided to ✘ To get a job

enrol into this course? ✘ To develop new skills

Work in the industry currently

Want to develop my existing skills
What level is your current ✘ Limited Experience - I am new to the industry

skills and knowledge of the Some Experience - I have worked in the industry for 1-3 years
course you wish to enrol? Intermediate Experience - I have worked in the industry for 3-6 years
Extensive Experience - I have over 6 years’ experience in the industry
What is your expectation ✘ To get a job

upon completion of training? ✘ To get a pay rise

To be able to apply for a higher position

✘ To get a better job

To learn new skills

Are there any specific I may require flexibility in my training to meet my personal needs
training needs you may I may require adjustment to training to meet my learning needs
have? I have a disability and would like further assistance
I do not have access to materials and equipment to assist with my
learning and assessment
I may need adaptive technology or specific equipment to assist with my
I have a cultural need and training may need to be adapted to meet my
I would like to be referred to a support service to assist me with my
learning (ie language and literacy)
I have a physical disability and may need the training and assessment
environment to be adjusted
I have difficulty with language, literacy and/or numeracy and may need
some assistance
I have financial difficulties and would like to negotiate a payment plan
We provide a range of I may need equipment to be modified due to physical disability (eg.
Support Services for our Ramps, disability toilets and classes held in rooms accessible to persons with
students, are there any disabilities)
special needs that you need I may need equipment to be modified to assist my learning (eg. lowering
help with? benches, enlarging computer screens, providing chairs with support)
I may need assessment tools to be modified to assist with my disability
(eg. Oral exam instead of written or allowing additional time for a scribe to
write an exam for person with a disability)
I may need the course delivery to be adjusted, as I have a disability or a
personal need (eg. Providing student notes or research materials in different
formats or by accessing a Sign Language Interpreter)
I may need assistance from disability organisation that represents or
provide services to people with a disability
English is not my first language, I will need assistance with language
I am currently working and would like to complete assessments within
the workplace
I will need support with my learning
I will need specialist support equipment or personnel
I am interested in undertaking tutorials to assist with my learning
I will need assistance with using technology
Referral to LLN training or assistance
We offer Recognition of RPL – Need to explain to the student what is the RPL process and the type
Prior Learning and Credit of evidence that will need to be collected
Transfer, are you interested CT – Student currently holds an equivalent unit
in applying for either of
Office Use Only LLN testing required prior to course commencement
Reasonable adjustment. Please state specific needs
RPL/CT granted
Mode of delivery suitable for candidate
Selection criteria met existing skills and knowledge of student

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