Enrolment Agreement Form Attain Skills College
Enrolment Agreement Form Attain Skills College
Enrolment Agreement Form Attain Skills College
Personal Details (Legal name as per photo ID, which will need to be sighted to verify legal name)
Course of Enrolment
Medical condition
Previous Qualifications Achieved Employment Study Reason
15) Have you successfully completed any of the 17) Of the following categories, which BEST 18) Of the following categories, which BEST
following qualifications? describes your current employment status? describes your main reason for undertaking
Yes ✘ No No – Go to Question 17 (Tick ONE box only) this course/ traineeship/apprenticeship? (Tick
16) If YES, then tick ANY applicable boxes Full-Time employee ONE box only)
Part-Time employee To get a job ✘ 01
Bachelor Degree or Higher Degree
Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree Self-employed - not employing others To develop my existing business
Diploma (or Associate Diploma) Employer To start my own business
☐ IV (or Advanced Certificate/Technician)
Certificate Employed - Unpaid worker in a family To try for a different career
511 business To get a better job or promotion
Certificate III (or Trade Certificate) Unemployed – Seeking full-time work It was a requirement of my job
Certificate II Unemployed – Seeking part-time work I wanted extra skills for my job
Not employed – Not seeking employment To get into another course or study 08
Certificate I 08
Other education (including certificates or overseas For personal interest or self-development
qualifications not listed above) Other reasons
Attain Skills College caters to diverse client learning needs and aims to identify 13. Privacy Notice
and respond to the learning needs of all clients. Clients are encouraged to Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012 and National VET Data Policy
express their views about their learning needs at all stages of their learning (which includes the National VET Provider Collection Data Requirements Policy
experience from the initial enrolment and induction stage to course completion, at Part B), Registered Training Organisations are required to collect and submit
through their trainer or RTO staff. data compliant with AVETMISS for the National VET Provider Collection for all
Attain Skills College is committed to providing clients requiring additional Nationally Recognised Training. This data is held by the National Centre for
support, advice or assistance while training. Please see the Student Handbook Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER), and may be used and disclosed for
on the types of support provided by the RTO. purposes that include:
To achieve this and to ensure the quality delivery of training and education, the • populating authenticated VET transcripts
RTO provides client vocational counselling to improve and extend training • administering VET, including program administration, regulation,
outcomes. Students are advised to make an appointment with their trainer in monitoring and evaluation
the first instance, if required the student can then schedule an appointment • facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys
with the RTO for further counselling and/or assistance. and data linkage
• understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce
11. Legislative and Regulatory Requirements (8.5) planning and consumer information.
All students will undergo an induction with the RTO, which will include the NCVER is authorised by the National Vocational Education and Training
student’s rights and responsibilities against the relevant Commonwealth, State Regulator Act 2011 (NVETR Act) to disclose to the following bodies, personal
or Territory legislation and regulatory requirements. Students are issued with a information collected in accordance with the Data Provision Requirements or
Student Handbook, which also includes the Student’s rights and responsibilities any equivalent requirements in a non-referring State (Victoria or Western
that will affect their participation in vocational education and training. Australia), for the purposes of that body:
The student acknowledges that they must observe Australia Wide Training • a VET regulator (the Australian Skills, Quality Authority, the Victorian
Institute’s policies and procedures, according to State and Federal Government Registration and Qualifications Authority or the Training Accreditation
legislative and regulatory requirements, as set out in the Student Handbook. Council Western Australia)
12. Privacy Protection • the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and
Attain Skills College respects the importance of securing any form of personal • another Commonwealth authority
information which is collected from the student(s) and/or other Stakeholders. • a state or territory authority (other than a registered training
Information collected from students is only utilised for the purpose gathering organisation) that deals with or has responsibility for matters relating to
information on the student as part of their enrolment, training, assessment and VET.
certification process. All data is kept securely within either a locked filing cabinet
NCVER may also disclose personal information to persons engaged by NCVER to
or filed electronically within a password protected database.
conduct research on NCVER’s behalf.
1. I declare that the information contained in this Enrolment Agreement 5. I understand that I will be required to pay a deposit with this Enrolment
Form is true and correct. Agreement Form and that the deposit is non-refundable.
2. I confirm that I have read, understood and consent to the Terms and 6. By signing this document, I give permission for the RTO to access my
Conditions of Enrolment and the Fee Payment and Refund Procedures Unique Student Identifier for the purpose of my training.
3. I acknowledge and agree with the terms and conditions of enrolment 7. I understand that my rights and responsibilities as a student are outlined
with specific reference to the RTO’s enrolment and selection in the Student Handbook and that I should refer to this handbook for
4. I consent to Attain Skills College providing my information to Australian further information on USI, LLN Assessment, Complaints and Appeals,
Commonwealth and State Governments for the purpose of reporting to the WHS, Support Services and other legislative and regulatory policies and
Government as part of my enrolment. procedures.
skills and knowledge of the Some Experience - I have worked in the industry for 1-3 years
course you wish to enrol? Intermediate Experience - I have worked in the industry for 3-6 years
Extensive Experience - I have over 6 years’ experience in the industry
What is your expectation ✘ To get a job