Broiler Cycle Costing - Elite Farm

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Broiler cycle costing- Elite farm

Avg weight 1.97 kg

FCR 1.92
cropped weight 8990.82 kg
Feed consumed 17275 kg
Opening stock 5100 birds
Number cropped 4575 birds
Mortality 525
Mortality % 10%

Cost unit Quantity Price Total

DOCs 5000 450.00 2,250,000.00
Feed cost 17275 368.69 6,369,125.00
Drugs and vaccines 139.46 697,300.00
Consumables (charcoal&Shavings) 82,000.00
Labour 4 30,000.00 120,000.00
Supervisors 2 60,000.00 120,000.00
Security 2 25,000.00 50,000.00
Logistics 130,000.00
Fuel 65,000.00
Rent 200,000.00

Total weight cropped

Cost price

cropped selling price

8,990.82 1,050.00

Arkelio Foods will cover the loss incured in this cycle.
Cost of feeding breakdown
Item Quantity Unit Price
Super starter (olam special) 3,000.00 376.00 1,128,000.00
Grower (Olam special) 7,500.00 374.00 2,805,000.00
Finisher (Olam special) 4,500.00 372.00 1,674,000.00
Finisher (hendrix pellets) 2,275.00 335.00 762,125.00
17,275.00 368.69 6,369,125.00

Medication Qty Price Total

Gumboro vaccine 2.00 15,000.00 30,000.00
Lasota vaccine 2.00 10,500.00 21,000.00
Enrofloxacine 2ltr 2.00 17,000.00 34,000.00
Centre-dicox 1ltr 2.00 13,500.00 27,000.00
Tylosin 20% 50.00 2,000.00 100,000.00
Tylosin pure 5.00 66,000.00 330,000.00
Oxytet 3.00 27,000.00 81,000.00
kepcox 3.00 14,500.00 43,500.00
Vitamins 5.00 5,280.00 26,400.00
Milk 4.00 1,100.00 4,400.00

Charcoal 52,000.00
shaven 30,000.00
8,990.82 kg Fuel 65,000.00
1,121.52 Logistics 130,000.00

Left-over feeds Qty (bags) unit value

Amount Finisher (hendrix pellets) 109.00 8,625.00 940,125.00
9,440,361.00 Starter (hendrix pellets) 120.00 8,875.00 1,065,000.00
10,205,000.00 2,005,125.00
- 764,639.00

he loss incured in this cycle.

Price per bag No of bags
9,400.00 120.00
9,350.00 300.00
9,300.00 180.00
8,375.00 91.00
Elite farm- Epe set up expenses till date

S/n Item Unit Qty Amount

1 Land clearing 45,000.00 1 45,000.00
2 Washing 20,500.00 1 20,500.00
3 Disinfectant V-ox 25L 130,000.00 1 130,000.00
4 Farm house Rent 20,000.00 12 240,000.00
5 Adult feeder 6,000.00 220 1,320,000.00
6 Adult drinker 10L 3,500.00 150 525,000.00
7 Herbicides (force up) 4,200.00 2 8,400.00
8 Herbicides (Paraforce) 3,000.00 1 3,000.00
TOTAL 2,291,900.00

Upfront payment 2,000,000.00

balance 291,900.00
Elite farms to balance Arkelio Foods N291,900

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