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National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation (NHFDC)

The National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation (NHFDC) has been set up by
the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India on 24th January 1997. The
company is registered under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 as a Company not for profit.
It is wholly owned by Government of India and has an authorised share capital of Rs. 400 crores
(Rupees Four Hundred Crore only). The company is managed by Board of Directors nominated
by Government of India.

NHFDC functions as an Apex institution for channelising the funds to persons with disabilities
through the State Channelising Agencies (SCAs) nominated by the State Government(s).

The major function of NHFDC is to provide financial assistance in the form of loan for the benefit
of persons with disabilities for setting up/augmenting income generating activities.
As per clause IIIA of Memorandum of Association of NHFDC, the main objects to be pursued by
NHFDC on its incorporation are :


1. To promote economic developmental activities for the benefit of the handicapped persons.
2. To promote self-employment and other ventures for the benefit/economic rehabilitation of the
handicapped persons.
3. To assist, subject to such income and/or economic criteria as may be prescribed by the
Government from time to time, the handicapped individuals or groups of handicapped individuals
by way of loans and advances for economically and financially viable schemes and projects.
4. To grant concessional finance in selected cases for the handicapped persons in the country in
collaboration with Government Ministries/Deptts. at State level to the extent of the budgetary
assistance granted by the Government of India to NHFDC.
5. To extend loans to the handicapped for pursuing general/professional / technical education for
training at graduate and higher levels.
6. To assist in the upgradation of technical and enterpreneurial skills of handicapped persons for
proper and efficient management of production units.
7. To set up training, quality control, process development, technology, common facility centres
and other infrastructural activities for the proper rehabilitation/upliftment of the handicapped
persons in support of their economic pursuits.
8. To assist the State level organisations to deal with the development of the handicapped persons
by way of providing financial assistance and in obtaining commercial funding or by way of
9. To work as an apex institution on the lines of National Scheduled Castes Finance and
Development Corporation for channelising the funds through State Finance Corporations for the
Handicapped or through corresponding Corporations authorised by State Govts./ Boards set up by
Union Government/State Government/Union Territory Administrations and Voluntary
Organisations. NHFDC willreceive proposals for financial assistance through above mentioned
organisations and sanction loans and margin money to the beneficiaries for disbursement through
these organisations. NHFDC will also coordinate and monitor the schemes/programmes
implemented through authorised State Finance & Development Corporations/Boards/UT
Administration and NGOs, financed by the Corporation.
10. To assist self-employed individuals/group of individuals or registered factories/companies/co-
operatives of disabled persons in marketing their finished goods and assist in procurememnt of
raw materials.



country including one in each State Capital. Nature of support: Entrepreneurship development,
consultancy and training. SISI has wide spectrum of technological, management and
administrative tasks to perform.

a)To provide consultancy and training to small entrepreneurs – both existing and prospective.
b)To serve as an interface between Central and State governments.
c)To initiate entrepreneurial promotion programs

Functions of SISI
1. To assist existing and prospective entrepreneurs through technical and managerial counseling
such as help in selecting the appropriate machinery and equipment, adoption of recognized
standards of testing, quality performance etc;

2. Conducting EDPs all over the country;

3. To advise the Central and State governments on policy matters relating to small industry

4. To assist in testing of raw materials and products of SSIs, their inspection and quality control;

5. To provide market information to the SISI’s;

6. To recommend SSI’s for financial assistance from financial institutions;

7. To enlist entrepreneurs for partition in Government stores purchase programme;

8. Conduct economic and technical surveys and prepare techno-economic feasible reports for
selected areas and industries.


National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC)

The National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC), an ISO 9000 certified company, since its
establishment in 1955, has been working to fulfill its mission of promoting, aiding and fostering
the growth of small-scale industries and industry related small-scale services/businesses in the

At present, the NSIC operates through 6 Zonal Offices, 26 Branch Offices, 15 Sub-offices, 5
Technical Services Centres, 3 Extension Centres and 2 Software Technology Parks supported by
a team of over 5000 professionals spread across the country. To mange operations in Gulf and
African countries, the NSIC operates from its offices in Dubai and Johannesburg.

Functions of NSIC:

NSIC provides a wide range of services, predominantly promotional in character, to small-scale


Its main functions are to:

a. Provide machinery on hire-purchase scheme to small-scale industries.

b. Provide equipment leasing facility.

c. Help in export marketing of the products of small-scale industries.

d. Participate in bulk purchase programme of the Government.

e. Develop prototype of machines and equipments to pass on to small-scale industries for

commercial production.

f. Distribute basic raw material among small-scale industries through raw material depots.

g. Help in development and up-gradation of technology and implementation of modernization

programmes of small-scale industries.

h. Impart training in various industrial trades.

i. Set up small-scale industries in other developing countries on turn-key basis.

j. Undertake the construction of industrial estates.



NIESBUD is an apex body for co-ordinating and overseeing the activities of various institutions
and agencies engaged in entrepreneurship development particularly in the area of small-scale
The main objectives of the institute are:

➢ To accelerate the process of entrepreneurship development throughout the country and

among all segments of the society.
➢ To help institutions/agencies in carrying out activities relating to entrepreneurship
➢ To evolve standardised process of selection, training support and sustenance to potential
entrepreneurs enabling them to set up and run their enterprises successfully.
➢ To provide information support to trainers, promoters and entrepreneurs by organising
documentation and research work relevant to entrepreneurship development
➢ To provide functional forums for integration and exchange of experiences helpful for
policy formulation and modification at various levels.
The main functions of the Institute are as follows:

(i) Evolving effective training, strategy and methodology.

(ii) Formulating scientific selection procedure)

(iii) Standardising model syllabus for training for various groups.

(iv) Developing training aids, manuals and other tools.

(v) Supporting 9ther agencies engaged in entrepreneurship development.

(vi) Conducting such programmes for promoters, trainers and entrepreneurs which are commonly
not undertaken by other agencies

(vii) Organising all those activities that help develop entrepreneurial culture in the country.


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