Rapid Chloride Permeability
Rapid Chloride Permeability
Rapid Chloride Permeability
Designation: C1202- ·w
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0 C1202-10
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symmetric poly (methyl methacrylate) chambers, each contain- supplementary cementitious materials. Use the same method
ing electrically conductive mesh and external connectors. One and duration of curing test specimens when comparing two or
design in common use is shown in 1 and 3. However, more mixtures. The accelerated moist curing procedure in 8.2.3
other designs are acceptable, provided that overall dimensions is permitted as an alternative to the extended moist curing
(including dimensions of the fluid reservoir) are the same as procedure for concrete mixtures containing supplementary
shown in and width of the screen and shims are as cementitious materials (See Note 6).
shown. 8.2.1 Moist Curing-Cure test specimens for at least 28
7.6 Temperature Measuring Device (optional)-30 to 250 days in accordance with Practice C192/C192lVI or in accor-
°F (0 to 120 °C) range. dance with the standard curing procedure of Practice C3 1I
7.7 Voltage Application and Data Readout Apparatus- C3l Ivi for specimens prepared in the field.
Capable of holding 60 ::±:: 0.1 V de across applied voltage cell 8.2.2 Extended Moist Curing-Cure test specimens for at
over entire range of cunents and of displaying voltage accurate least 56 days in accordance with Practice Cl92/C192M for
to ::±:: 0.1 V and cunent to ::±:: 1 rnA. Apparatus listed in specimens prepared in the laboratory or in accordance with the
7.7.1-7. 7.5 is a possible system meeting this requirement. standard curing procedure of Practice C31/C31 M for speci-
7.7.1 Voltmeter-Digital (DVM), 3 digit, minimum 0-99.9 mens prepared in the field.
V range, rated accuracy ::±:: 0.1 %. 8.2.3 Accelerated Moist Curing-Provide 7 days of moist
7.7.2 Voltmeter-Digital (DVM), 4Vz digit, 0-200 mV curing in accordance with Practice CI92/C 192M for specimens
range, rated accuracy ::±:: 0.1 %. prepared in the laboratory or in accordance with the standard
7.7.3 Shunt Resistor-100 mV, lOA rating, tolerance curing procedure of Practice C3 1/C31M for specimens pre-
::±:: 0.1 %. Alternatively, a 0.01 0 resistor, tolerance ::±:: 0.1 %, pared in the field. After 7 days of moist curing, immerse the
may be used, but care must be taken to establish very low specimens for 21 days in lime-saturated water at 38.0 ::±:: 2.0 oc
resistance connections. (100 ::±:: 3 °F).
7.7.4 Constant Voltage Power Supply- 0-80 V de, 0-2 A, NoTE 5-The 56-day moist curing period is to allow for some supple-
capable of holding voltage constant at 60 ::±:: 0.1 V over entire mentary cementitious materials to develop potential properties because of
range of cunents. their slower rate of hydration. Concrete containing supplementary cemen-
7.7.5 Cable-Two conductor, No. 14 (1.6 mm), insulated, titious materials may continue to show reductions in results of this test
600 v. beyond 56 days, and in some cases, it may be appropriate to test at later
ages, such as 3 months.
NOTE 6-The accelerated moist curing procedure has been found useful
8. Test Specimens
in providing an earlier indication of potential property development with
8.1 Sample preparation and selection depends on the pur- slower hydrating supplementary cementitious materials (7). Because the
pose of the test. For evaluation of materials or their propor- two different curing methods may not provide the same results, the
tions, samples may be (a) cores from test slabs or from large specifier of the test may require a con-elation between results for extended
diameter cylinders or (b) 4-in. (102-mm) diameter cast cylin- moist cured and accelerated moist cured specimens and establish appro-
priate acceptance criteria when the accelerated moist curing procedure is
ders. For evaluation of structures, samples may be (a) cores used or permitted. Comparisons between results of moist cured specimens
from the structure or (b) 4-in. (102-mm) diameter cylinders and field performance of concrete are documented in (8).
cast and cured at the field site. Coring shall be done with a
drilling rig equipped with a 4-in. (102-mm) diameter diamond- 8.3 Transport the cores or field-cured cylinders to the
laboratory in sealed (tied) plastic bags. If specimens must be
dressed core bit. Select and core samples following procedures
shipped, they should be packed so as to be properly protected
in Test Method C42iC42fv1. Cylinders cast in the laboratory
from freezing and from damage in transit or storage.
shall be prepared following procedures in Practice C 192/
8.4 Using the water-cooled diamond saw or silicon carbide
C192M. When cylinders are cast in the field to evaluate a
saw, cut a 2 ::±:: Vs in. (51 ± 3 mm) slice from the top of the core
structure, care must be taken that the cylinders receive the
same treatment as the structure, for example, similar degree of
or cylinder, with the cut parallel to the top of the core. Tl'Js
consolidation, curing, and temperature history during curing. slice will be the test specimen. Use a belt sander to remove any
buns on the end of the specimen.
NoTE 4-The maximum allowable aggregate size has not been estab- 8.5 Special processing is necessary for core samples where
lished for this test. Users have indicated that test repeatability is the surface has been modified, for example, by texturing or by
satisfactory on specimens from the same concrete batch for aggregates up
applying curing compounds, sealers, or other surface treat-
to 25.0 mm (1 in.) nominal ma:xllnrrm size.
ments, and where the intent of the test is not to include the
8.2 When results of this test method are used for evaluation effect of the modifications. In those cases, the modified portion
of materials or mixture proportions based on cast specimens for of the core shall be removed and the adjacent 2 ::±:: Vs in. (51 ::±::
purposes of quality control, mixture submittals, or acceptance 3 mm) slice shall be used for the test.
of concrete, prepare 4-in (102-mm) diameter cylindrical speci-
mens in accordance with Practice C 192/C 192M for concrete 9. Conditioning
mixtures prepared in the laboratory or Practice C3l/C3 L _ 9.1 Vigorously boil a litre or more of tapwater in a large
from samples of fresh concrete obtained in the field. Unless sealable container. Remove container from heat, cap tightly,
otherwise specified, moist cure specimens in accordance with and allow water to cool to ambient temperature.
8..2.1 for concrete mixtures containing only portland cement 9.2 Allow specimen prepared in Section 8 to surface dry in
and in accordance with 8.2.2 for concrete mixtures containing air for at least 1 h. Prepare approximately 1/z oz ( 10 g) of rapid
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0 C1202-IO
setting coating and brush onto the side smface of specimen.
Place the sample on a suitable support while coating to ensure
complete coating of sides. Allow coating to cure according to
the manufacturer's instructions.
9.3 The coating should be allowed to cure until it is no
longer sticky to the touch. Fill any apparent holes in the coating
and allow additional curing time, as necessary. Place specimen
in beaker or other container (see 6. then place container in
vacuum desiccator. Alternatively, place specimen directly in
vacuum desiccator. Both end faces of specimen must be
exposed. Seal desiccator and strnt vacuum pump or aspirator.
Pressure should decrease to less than 50 mm Hg (6650 Pa)
within a few minutes. Maintain vacuum for 3 h.
9.4 Fill separatory funnel or other container (see 6.1. ) with FIG. 4 Specimen Ready for Test
the de-aerated water prepared in 9.1. With vacuum pump still
running, open water stopcock and drain sufficient water into
Fill the other side of the cell (which will be connected to
beaker or container to cover specimen (do not allow air to enter
the positive terminal of the power supply) with 0.3 N NaOH
desiccator through this stopcock).
9.5 Close water stopcock and allow vacuum pump to run for
10.5 Attach lead wires to cell banana posts. Make electrical
one additional hour.
connections to voltage application and data readout apparatus
9.6 Close vacuum line stopcock, then turn off pump.
as appropriate; for example, for system listed in 7.7.1-7.7.5,
(Change pump oil if a water trap is not being used.) Tum
connect as shown in 5. Tum power supply on, set to 60.0
vacuum line stopcock to allow air to re-enter desiccator.
± 0.1 V, and record initial current reading. Temperatures of the
9.7 Soak specimen under water (the water used in steps
specimen, applied voltage cell, and solutions shall be 68 to 77
in the beaker for 18 ± 2 h.
°F (20 to 25 °C) at the time the test is initiated, that is, when
10. Procedure the power supply is tumed on.
10.1 Remove specimen from water, blot off excess water, 10.6 During the test, the air temperature around the speci-
and transfer specimen to a sealed can or other container which mens shall be maintained in the range of 68 to 77 °F (20 to 25
will maintain the specimen in 95 % or higher relative humidity.
10.2 Specimen mounting (all sealants other than rubber 10.7 Read and record cunent at least every 30 min. If a
gaskets; use 10.2.2 or 10.2.3, as appropriate): voltmeter is being used in combination with a shunt resistor for
10.2.1 If using two-prnt specimen-cell sealant, prepare ap- the cunent reading (see 5), use appropriate scale factors to
proximately 0.7 to 1.4 oz (20 to 40 g). convert voltage reading to amperes. Each half of the test cell
10.2.2 Low Viscosity Specimen-Cell Sealant-If filter paper must remain filled with the appropriate solution for the entire
is necessary, center filter paper over one screen of the applied period of the test.
voltage cell. Trowel sealant over brass shims adjacent to NoTE 7-During the test, the temperature of the solutions should not be
applied voltage cell body. Carefully remove filter paper. Press allowed to exceed 190 op (90 °C) in order to avoid damage to the cell and
specimen onto screen; remove or smooth excess sealant which to avoid boiling off the solutions. Although it is not a requirement of the
has flowed out of specimen-cell boundary. method, the temperature of the solutions can be monitored with thermo-
couples installed through the Vs-in. (3-mm) venthole in the top of the cell.
10.2.3 High Viscosity Specimen-Cell Sealant-Set speci-
High temperatures occur only for highly penetrable concretes. If a test of
men onto screen. Apply sealant around specimen-cell bound- a 2-in. (51-mm) thick specimen is terminated because of high tempera-
ary. tures, this should be noted in the report, along with the time of
10.2.4 Cover exposed face of specimen with an imperme-
able material such as rubber or plastic sheeting. Place rubber 3 Digit DVM
stopper in cell filling hole to restrict moisture movement. IOOV F.S. -- No.i4 Wire
Allow sealant to cure per manufacturer's instructions. Hookup Wire
be connected to lhe negative terminal of the power supply in FIG. 5 Electrical Block Diagram (example)
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termination, and the concrete rated as having very high chlolide ion 12" 1.5 Description of specimen, including presence and
penetrability (see 12"L9)" location of reinforcing steel, presence and thickness of overlay,
10"8 Terminate test after 6 h, except as discussed in Note I and presence and thickness of surface treatment,
10"9 Remove specimen" Rinse cell thoroughly in tapwater; 12J .6 Curing history of specimen; indicate moist curing,
strip out and discard residual sealant extended moist cming, or accelerated moist curing as defined
in this test method, as applicable,
11. Calculation and Interpretation of Results 12.1.7 Unusual specimen preparation, for example, removal
11.1 Plot current (in amperes) versus time (in seconds)" of surface treatment,
Draw a smooth curve through the data, and integrate the area 12.1.8 Test results, reported as the total charge passed over
underneath the curve in order to obtain the ampere-seconds, or the test period (adjusted per l ,2), and
coulombs, of charge passed during the 6-h test period" (See 12" 1.9 The qualitative chloride ion penetrability equivalent
Note 8) Alternatively, use automatic data processing equipment to the calculated charge passed (from Tab!e l ).
to perform the integration during or after the test and to display
the coulomb value. The total charge passed is a measure of the 13. Precision and Bias 5
electrical conductance of the concrete during the period of the 13.1 Precision:
test. 13" 1.1 Single-Operator Precision-The single operator co-
efficient of variation of a single test result has been found to be
NoTE 8-Sample Calculation-If the current is recorded at 30 min
intervals, the following fonnula, based on the trapezoidal rule, can be used 12.3% 9). Therefore the results of two properly con-
with an electronic calculator to perform the integration: ducted tests by the same operator on concrete samples from the
same batch and of the same diameter should not differ by more
Q = 900 Uo + 2I3o + 2I60 + """ " + 2I3oo + 2I330 + I36o) (1)
than 42 % (Note 9).
13.1.2 Multilaboratory Precision-The multilaboratory co-
where: efficient of variation of a single test result has been found to be
Q charge passed (coulombs), 18.0% 9). Therefore results of two properly conducted
Ia cunent (amperes) immediately after voltage is applied, and
tests in different laboratories on the same material should not
I, current (amperes) at t min after voltage is applied"
differ by more than 51 % 9). The average of three test
11.2 If the specimen diameter is other than 3.75 in" (95 results in two different laboratories should not differ by more
mm), the value for total charge passed established in ! I" 1 must than 42 % (Note
be adjusted" The adjustment is made by multiplying the value
NoTE 9-These numbers represent, respectively, the (ls %) and
established in 1 "I by the ratio of the cross-sectional areas of
(d2s %) limits as described in Practice C670. The prec:isiun statements are
the standard and the actual specimens. That is: based on the variations in tests on three different concretes, each tested in
Q, =QxX ( X
)2 (2)
triplicate in eleven laboratolies" All specimens had the same actual
diameters, but lengths valied within the range 2 ± Vs in. (51 ± 3 mm)"
NoTE 10-Although the test method does not require the reporting of
more than one test result, testing of replicate specimens is usually
where: desirable" The precision statement for the averages of three results is given
Qs = charge passed (coulombs) through a 3"75-in" (95-mm) since laboratories frequently will run this number of specimens" When
diameter specimen, averages of three results are established in each laboratory, the multilabo-
Qx = charge passed (coulombs) through x in. diameter ratory coefficient of valiation, sMLis calculated as:
specimen, and
x = diameter (in.) of the nonstandard specimen. (3)
11.3 Use Tabie 1 to evaluate the test results. These values
were developed from data on slices of cores taken from where:
laboratory slabs prepared from various types of concretes. sfL = within-laboratory variance and
SsL = between-laboratory variance"
11.3.1 Factors which are known to affect chloride ion
The percentage cited represents the (d2s %) limit based on the value for
penetration include: water-cement ratio, the presence of poly- the multi laboratory coefficient of variation"
meric admixtures, sample age, air-void system, aggregate type,
degree of consolidation, and type of curing. 13 2 Bias-The procedure of this test method for measuring
the resistance of concrete to chloride ion penetration has no
12. Report bias because the value of this resistance can be defined only in
12.1 Report the following, if known: terms of a test method.
12J .1 Source of core or cylinder, in terms of the particular 14. Keywords
location the core or cylinder represents,
12.1.2 Identification number of core or cylinder and speci- 14" 1 chloride content; corrosion; deicing chemicals;
men, resistance-chloride penetration
12.1.3 Location of specimen within core or cylinder,
12.1.4 Type of concrete, including binder type, water- 5
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM Intemational Headquarters and may
cement ratio, and other relevant data supplied with samples, be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:C09-1 004"
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ian ellis (basf+construction+chemicals) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized.
cO C1202 -10
(1) Whiting, D., "Rapid Determination of the Chloride Permeability of (5) Ozyildirim, C., and Halstead, W. J., "Use of Admixtures to Attain Low
Concrete," Final Report No. FHWA/RD-811119, Federal Highway Permeability Concretes," Final Report No. FHWANA-88-Rll, Vir-
Administration, August 1981, NTIS No. PB 82140724. ginia Transportation Research Council, February 1988, NTIS No. PB
(2) Whiting, D., "Permeability of Selected Concretes," Penneability of 88201264.
Concrete, SP-108, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, Michigan, Obla, K.H. and Lobo, C.L., "Acceptance Criteria for Durability Tests,"
1988, pp. 195-222.
ACJ Concrete International, Vol. 29, No.5, May 2007, pp. 43-48.
(3) Whiting, D., and Dziedzic, W., "Resistance to Chloride Infiltration of
Superplasticized Concrete as Compared with Currently Used Concrete (7) Ozyildirim C., Effects of Temperature on the Development of Low
Overlay Systems," Final Report No. FHWA/OH-89/009, Construc- Permeability in Concretes, VTRC R98-14, Virginia Transpmiation
tion Technology Laboratories, May 1989. Research Council, Charlottesville, VA, 1998.
(4) Berke, N. S., Pfeifer, D. W., and Weil, T. G., "Protection Against (8) Bouzoubaa, N., Bilodeau, A., Vasanthy, S., Fournier, B., and Golden,
Chloride-Induced Corrosion," Concrete International, Vol. 10, No. D., Development of Ternary Blends for High-Pe1formance Concrete,
12, December 1988, pp. 45-55. ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 101, No. 1, pp. 19-29, 2004.
Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this test method since the last issue,
Cl202- 09, that may impact the use of this test method. (Approved February 1, 2010)
Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this test method since the last issue,
Cl202- 08, that may impact the use of this test method. (Approved May 1, 2009)
Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this test method since the last issue,
C1202- 07, that may impact the use of this test method. (Approved December 15, 2008)
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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