Making Sense of Odds and Odds Ratios.24
Making Sense of Odds and Odds Ratios.24
Making Sense of Odds and Odds Ratios.24
pingectomy. Relative risks will 10% chance of rain (820%) is non-
Converting Probability and sense,4 since the probability of rain
vary, depending on the referent
group used. cannot exceed 100%. The relative
Probability to Odds risk of rain in this situation is lower:
The formula for converting from Odds Ratio probability with nor’easter/proba-
probability to odds is Odds ratios are more difficult to bility on average day⫽0.90/
probability/(1–probability)⫽odds understand than are relative risks. 0.10⫽9.0. Thus, the likelihood of
As the name implies, an odds ratio rain with a storm approaching is
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Example is the odds of the outcome in one nine times higher than on an aver-
With a probability of 0.30, the group divided by the odds of the age day (relative risk), not 82 times
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odds would be calculated as outcome in the other group (analo- higher (the odds ratio). Since the
gous to relative risk). As a ratio, it chance of rain is high, the odds
0.30/(1–0.30)⫽0.30/0.70⫽0.43 ranges from zero to infinity. The ratio greatly exaggerates the rela-
odds ratios formula is more cum- tive risk; hence, the two terms can-
Odds to Probability
bersome, so a few abbreviations not be used interchangeably.
In the reverse direction, the for- may help. Here, p1 refers to the This same exaggeration occurs
mula for converting odds to probability of the outcome in when the odds ratio is inappropri-
probability is group 1, and p2 is the probability of ately used as a proxy for the rela-
odds/(odds⫹1)⫽probability the outcome in group 2. tive risk in clinical research.5 For
example, a study of the familial
p 1 /(1⫺p 1 )
Example Odds ratio⫽ recurrence of dystocia reported
p 2 /(1⫺p 2 )
With an odds of 4, the probabil- (based on an odds ratio of 24) that
ity would be calculated as In the sterilization example, the “the risk is increased more than
4/(4⫹1)⫽4/5⫽0.80 relative risk of pregnancy with the 20-fold . . . .” Since the baseline risk
Hulka spring clip was 4.9 com- was 11%, a 20-fold increase in 11% is
pared with postpartum partial sal- impossible because the probability
ratio of probabilities. For example, in pingectomy. The odds ratio of of dystocia cannot exceed 100%.2
a cohort study, the relative risk pregnancy with the Hulka clip
would be the probability of the out- compared with postpartum partial EXAMPLES WITH CARDS
come in those exposed divided by salpingectomy would be 5.1, simi- We will next illustrate these four
the probability of the outcome in lar to the relative risk. Because the terms in sequence, using a deck of
those not exposed. Because this ex- frequency of pregnancy was low 52 playing cards (jokers removed).6
pression is also a ratio, its values with both methods (the “rare dis-
range from zero to infinity. ease assumption”), the odds ratio
The tubal sterilization study and relative risk are close, and the
above provides some examples. two can be used interchangeably. What is the probability of draw-
The probability of pregnancy after The odds ratio and relative risk are ing a diamond card from a ran-
sterilization with the Hulka spring similar when the outcome is un- domly shuffled deck? Since the
clip was 37 per 1,000 women, or common; the odds ratio exagger- deck contains 13 diamond cards
0.037. The comparable figure for ates the relative risk when the out- out of a total of 52, the probability
postpartum partial salpingectomy come is common. is 13/52⫽1⁄4⫽0.25. Thus, with many
was 7.5 per 1,000 women, or In the weather example above, repetitions (and with replacement
0.0075.3 Hence, the relative risk of the odds of rain with a nor’easter of the drawn card each time), the
pregnancy with the Hulka clip approaching are 9.0, whereas the probability of drawing a diamond
compared with postpartum salpin- odds on an typical day are 0.11. will be 0.25.
gectomy was (0.037 per 1,000)/ Thus, the odds ratio of rain with an
(0.0075 per 1,000)⫽4.9. The risk of approaching nor’easter compared Odds
pregnancy was nearly five times with a usual day is 9.0/0.11⫽82. A What are the odds of drawing a
higher with this clip than with the weather forecaster might excitedly diamond card from the same shuf-
postpartum operations. Relative proclaim on the evening news that fled deck? The odds would be the
risks always relate to some bench- rain is 82 times more likely with the probability of drawing a diamond
mark (sometimes called the “refer- impending storm compared with card divided by the probability of
ent”), here, postpartum partial sal- an average day! Not so: 82 times a drawing a card of another suit. Here,
424 Grimes and Schulz Odds and Odds Ratios OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
this would be 13/(52–13)⫽13/39⫽1/ baseline probabilities of the out- relative risk and odds ratio if a new
3⫽0.33. In other words, one can come exceed 0.10 to 0.20. treatment boosted fertility to 0.99?
expect to draw one diamond for However, authors sometimes The relative risk of fertility with the
every three cards of another suit. use the odds ratio as a proxy for the new treatment compared with
The odds (0.33) exaggerate the prob- relative risk even when the disease baseline would be 0.99/0.85, or
ability (0.25) of drawing a diamond is not rare, which is inappropriate 1.2. Thus, the new treatment in-
because the event is not uncommon and can lead to misinterpretation. creased the fertility rate by only
(the probability of diamonds is 25%). A study of odds ratio use in two 20%. The highest possible increase
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What is the relative risk of drawing cles, the odds ratio exaggerated the because the baseline rate (the refer-
a diamond card compared with relative risk by more than 20%.2 ent) is so high.12
drawing the ace of spades? The Other investigators have mistaken In epidemiology, relative risks
probability of a diamond is 0.25; the odds ratio for the relative risk, in the range of 1.2 to 1.5 (“weak
the probability of drawing the ace leading to the claim that a twofold associations”) are difficult to inter-
of spades is 1/52, or 0.019. Hence, difference in cesarean delivery fre- pret; bias can easily account for
the relative risk of drawing a dia- quency was a threefold difference.10 them.13 In contrast, the odds ratio
mond compared with drawing the of the fertility treatment in this ex-
WHY BOTHER WITH ODDS ample would be 99/5.7, or 17. The
ace of spades is 0.25/0.019⫽13.
RATIOS? relative risk of 1.2 is not much
Thus, a diamond card is 13 times
more likely than the ace of spades Given these inherent problems different from 1.0 (no effect), in
(the referent). with odds ratios, why use them at contrast to the odds ratio of 17.
all? Odds ratios have several key Here, the wide range of possible
roles to play. Although they are odds ratios is more informative
Odds Ratio always a valid measure of associa- than the narrow possible range of
What would be the odds ratio of tion, they are not always a good relative risks.
drawing a diamond compared with substitute for relative risk. First, Third, odds ratios are the output
drawing the ace of spades? As cal- odds ratios are the appropriate of logistic regression, a technique
culated above, the odds of drawing measure of relative effect in case- often used to control for confound-
a diamond are 0.33. The odds of control studies.11 In these studies, ing bias in research analysis.14 Ad-
drawing the ace of spades are researchers have a numerator (cases) justment of odds ratios in logistic
1/(52–1)⫽1/51⫽0.020. So the odds but no denominator, so rates and regression analysis is widely avail-
ratio would be 0.33/0.020⫽17. relative risks cannot be determined. able through software packages
Once again, the odds ratio of draw- Instead, investigators compare the and is easily understood. Properly
ing a diamond compared with the frequency of exposure among cases addressing confounding in re-
ace of spades (17) is higher than the with the frequency of exposure search usually trumps concerns re-
relative risk (13), so the two terms among the controls. In case-control garding odds ratios.
cannot be used interchangeably. studies, the odds ratio is a good
proxy for the true relative risk when SUMMING UP
PITFALLS OF ODDS RATIOS the “rare disease assumption” is met. Odds ratios are hard for many clini-
Odds ratios have important draw- Examples of rare conditions include cians to understand and susceptible
backs.7 First, clinicians think in ovarian cancer, systemic lupus ery- to misinterpretation.2 Under the
probabilities, not odds. Second, as thematosus, and uterine rupture; “rare disease assumption,” when the
noted above, odds ratios exagger- these have all been investigated with probability of an outcome is less than
ate the effect size compared with a case-control studies. 0.10 or 0.20, the odds ratio and rel-
relative risk, especially for com- Second, odds ratios are com- ative risk can be used interchange-
mon outcomes. If the odds ratio is monly used in meta-analysis, which ably. This is not true when the prob-
greater than 1.0, it is larger than the aggregates research studies to in- ability is higher.
relative risk. Conversely, if the crease the power to find differ- Methods are available to ap-
odds ratio is less than 1.0, it is ences. With frequent outcomes, rel- proximate the relative risk from an
smaller than the relative risk.8,9 ative risks are constrained.12 For adjusted odds ratio.9,15 This may
This discrepancy becomes clini- example, assume that baseline fer- provide more reader-friendly arti-
cally important only when the tility is 0.85. What would be the cles.2 The formula proposed by
VOL. 111, NO. 2, PART 1, FEBRUARY 2008 Grimes and Schulz Odds and Odds Ratios 425
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