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CORROCIL-37IPa Page 1 of 4

Material Safety Data Sheet

1. Identification of substance
Product details
Trade name: CORROCIL-37IPa
Vasu Chemicals LLP,
Vasu Center, Military Road, Tel: +9122/6144 9500
Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai – 400 059. Fax:+9122/29209624
Information Department:
Contact: Mrs. Renuka Pandit

2. Composition/ Data on components

Chemical characterization
Active Components:
Orthophosphate blend

3. Hazard Identification :
Information pertaining to particular dangers for man and environment:
Eyes: May causes eye irritation
Skin: May causes light irritation.
Ingestion: May cause irritation.

4. First Aid Measures

General information:
All treatments should be based on observed signs and symptoms of distress in the
patient. Consideration should be given to the possibility that overexposure to
materials other than this product may have occurred.
After inhalation:
Remove subject from exposure and move to fresh air immediately. If not breathing.
Give artificial respiration.
After skin contact:
Get medical aid. Flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes.
After eye contact:
Flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes.
After ingestion:
Do not induce vomiting. If victim is conscious and alert, give 2-4 cups full of water.
Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical aid

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Material Safety Data Sheet

5. Fire fighting measures

Non flammable
Suitable extinguishing agents:
Use extinguishing media appropriate to surrounding fire conditions.
Protective equipment:
Wear a self-contained breathing apparatus and protective suit.

6. Accidental release measures

Person-related safety precautions:
Use personal protective equipment.
Measures for environmental protection:
Wash surface with plenty of water and soap.

7. Handling and storage

Information for safe handling:
Use adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Use proper equipment
for lifting and transporting all containers. Use sensible industrial hygiene and
housekeeping practices. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid all situations that
could lead to harmful exposure.
Requirements to be met by storerooms and receptacles:
Store in a dry, well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly close and away from
incompatible materials.
Further information about storage conditions:
Keep container tightly close and away from incompatible materials. Keep away
from freezing, material stability may be affected
Information about protection against explosions and fires
Store in original packing. Keep container tightly closed in a cool, well-ventilated

8. Exposure controls and personal protection:

Personal protective equipment
Eye protection:
Safety glasses with side-shields Eye protection worn must be compatible with
respiratory protection system employed.
Respiratory protection:
Generally not required. If necessary use self-contained breathing apparatus.
Protective measures:
Facilities storing or utilizing this material should be equipped with an eyewash facility.
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Material Safety Data Sheet

9. Physical and chemical properties

Form: Liquid
Specific Gravity: 1.40 – 1.70
pH-Value (100 ppm in water): 5.00 – 8.00
Solubility in / Miscibility with Water: Soluble

10. Stability and reactivity

Stable under normal temperatures and pressures.
Materials to be avoided:
Corrosive to aluminum and mild steel, Avoid in contact with any other metals. Strong
oxidizing agents, strong bases

11. Toxicological information

Acute toxicity
Primary irritant effect:
Eyes: May cause eye irritation
Skin: May cause slight irritation.
Ingestion: May cause irritation.
Toxicity to Animals: Not available.

12. Ecological information

Data not available.

13. Disposal considerations

Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be managed in an
appropriate incineration and approved waste disposal facility and should be
according to State and local disposal regulations.

Un-cleaned packaging
According to State and local disposal regulations.

14. Transport Information:

Not regulated

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Material Safety Data Sheet

15. Regulations.
Code letter and hazard designation of product: Non hazardous
Risk phrases:
R-36/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.

Safety phrases:
S-26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water
and seek medical advice.
S-28 After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of water.
S-36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection.

16. Other Information:

Disclaimer of liability: the information in this MSDS was obtained from sources, which
we believe are reliable. However, the information is provided without any warranty,
express or implied, regarding its correctness. The conditions or methods of handling,
storage, use or disposal of the product are beyond our control and may be beyond
our knowledge. For this and other reasons, we do not assume responsibility and
expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage or expense arising out of or in any way
connected with the handling, storage, use or disposal of the product. This MSDS was
prepared and is to be used only for this product. If the product is used as a
component in another product, this MSDS information may not be applicable.

Date: 17/05/2021 Rev. No: 00

CORROCIL- 37Pa Page 1 of 4
Material Safety Data Sheet

1. Identification of substance
Product details
Trade name: CORROCIL- 37Pa
Vasu Chemicals LLP,
Vasu Center, Military Road, Tel: +9122/6144 9500
Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai – 400 059. Fax:+9122/29209624
Information Department:
Contact: Mrs. Renuka Pandit

2. Composition/ Data on components

Chemical characterization
Active Components:
Blend of pyrophosphate salts.

3. Hazard Identification :
Information pertaining to particular dangers for man and environment:
Eyes: May cause irritation.
Skin: May cause irritation.
Inhalation: Causes irritation of the mucous membrane and upper respiratory

4. First Aid Measures

General information:
All treatments should be based on observed signs and symptoms of distress in the
patient. Consideration should be given to the possibility that overexposure to
materials other than this product may have occurred.
After inhalation:
Remove subject from exposure and move to fresh air immediately. If not breathing,
give artificial respiration. Call physician immediately.
After skin contact:
Flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Wash clothing before reuse.
After eye contact:
Flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15-20 minutes. Seek medical attention.
After ingestion:
Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by physician. Feed person bread soaked
in milk followed by olive or cooking oil. Call physician.

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Material Safety Data Sheet

5. Fire fighting measures

Non flammable
Suitable extinguishing agents:
Use extinguishing media suitable for surrounding fire. Decomposes on heating
emitting toxic gases.
Protective equipment:
Wear a self-contained breathing apparatus and protective suit.

6. Accidental release measures

Non flammable
Person-related safety precautions:
Use personal protective equipment.
Measures for environmental protection:
Collect the material with suitable absorbent and place in a covered waste disposal

7. Handling and storage

Information for safe handling:
Use adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid contact with Use
proper equipment for lifting and transporting all containers. Use sensible industrial
hygiene and housekeeping practices. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid all
situations that could lead to harmful exposure.
Requirements to be met by storerooms and receptacles:
Store in a dry, well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly close and away from
incompatible materials.
Further information about storage conditions:
Keep container tightly close and away from incompatible materials. Store away from

Information about protection against explosions and fires

Store in original packing. Keep container tightly closed in a cool, well-ventilated

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Material Safety Data Sheet

8. Exposure controls and personal protection:

Personal protective equipment
Eye protection:
Use chemical goggles with side-shields Eye protection worn must be compatible
with respiratory protection system employed.
Respiratory protection:
Respiratory protection should be worn when there is a potential to exceed the
exposure limit requirements or guidelines. If there are no applicable exposure limit
requirements or guidelines, use an approved respirator.
Hand protection:
Approved gloves should be worn whenever this material is handled.
Protective measures:
Facilities storing or utilizing this material should be equipped with an eyewash facility.

9. Physical and chemical properties

From: Liquid
pH(100 ppm in water): 6.00 – 9.00
Specific Gravity: 1.10 – 1.45
Solubility in/ Miscibility with water: Soluble

10. Stability and reactivity

Material is stable and hygroscopic.
Materials to be avoided:
Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents and ammonia.
Dangerous products of decomposition.
Phosphine, oxides of phosphorus.

11. Toxicological information

Acute toxicity
Primary irritant effect:
Eyes: May cause irritation.
Skin: May cause irritation.
Inhalation: Causes irritation of the mucous membrane and upper respiratory
Toxicity to Animals: Data not available.

12. Ecological information

Data not available.

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Material Safety Data Sheet

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13. Disposal considerations
Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be managed in an
approved waste disposal facility and should be according to State and local
disposal regulations.
Un-cleaned packaging
According to State and local disposal regulations.

14. Transport Information:

Not regulated.

15. Regulations.
Risk phrases:
R-36/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin
Safety phrases:
S-8 Keep container dry
S-24/25 Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
S-28 After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of soap-suds.
S-37 Wear suitable gloves.
S-45 In case of fire accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice

16. Other Information:

Disclaimer of liability: the information in this MSDS was obtained from sources, which
we believe are reliable. However, the information is provided without any warranty,
express or implied, regarding its correctness. The conditions or methods of handling,
storage, use or disposal of the product are beyond our control and may be beyond
our knowledge. For this and other reasons, we do not assume responsibility and
expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage or expense arising out of or in any way
connected with the handling, storage, use or disposal of the product. This MSDS was
prepared and is to be used only for this product. If the product is used as a component
in another product, this MSDS information may not be applicable.

Date: 17/05/2021 Rev. No: 00

CORROCIL- 37Za Page 1 of 4
Material Safety Data Sheet

1. Identification of substance
Product details
Trade name: CORROCIL-37Za
Vasu Chemicals LLP,
Vasu Center, Military Road, Tel: +9122/6144 9500
Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai – 400 059. Fax: +9122/29209624
Information Department:
Contact: Mrs. Renuka Pandit

2. Composition/ Data on components

Chemical characterization
Active Components:
Blend of Zinc salts

3. Hazard Identification :
Information pertaining to particular dangers for man and environment:
Eyes: May causes eye irritation
Skin: May causes light irritation.
Ingestion: May cause irritation.

4. First Aid Measures

General information:
All treatments should be based on observed signs and symptoms of distress in the
patient. Consideration should be given to the possibility that overexposure to
materials other than this product may have occurred.
After inhalation:
Remove subject from exposure and move to fresh air immediately. If not breathing.
Give artificial respiration.
After skin contact:
Get medical aid. Flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes.
After eye contact:
Flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes.
After ingestion:
Do not induce vomiting. If victim is conscious and alert, give 2-4 cups full of water.
Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical aid

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Material Safety Data Sheet

5. Fire-fighting measures
Non flammable
Suitable extinguishing agents:
Use extinguishing media appropriate to surrounding fire conditions.
Protective equipment:
Wear a self-contained breathing apparatus and protective suit.

6. Accidental release measures

Person-related safety precautions:
Use personal protective equipment.
Measures for environmental protection:
Wash surface with plenty of water and soap.

7. Handling and storage

Information for safe handling:
Use adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Use proper equipment
for lifting and transporting all containers. Use sensible industrial hygiene and
housekeeping practices. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid all situations that
could lead to harmful exposure.
Requirements to be met by storerooms and receptacles:
Store in a dry, well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly close and away from
incompatible materials.
Further information about storage conditions:
Keep container tightly close and away from incompatible materials. Keep away
from freezing, material stability may be affected.
Information about protection against explosions and fires
Store in original packing. Keep container tightly closed in a cool, well-ventilated

8. Exposure controls and personal protection:

Personal protective equipment
Eye protection:
Safety glasses with side-shields Eye protection worn must be compatible with
respiratory protection system employed.
Respiratory protection:
Generally not required. If necessary use self-contained breathing apparatus.
Protective measures:
Facilities storing or utilizing this material should be equipped with an eyewash
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Material Safety Data Sheet

9. Physical and chemical properties

Form: Liquid
Specific Gravity: 1.40 – 1.70
Solubility in/ Miscibility with water: Soluble
pH (100 ppm in water): 5.00 – 8.00

10. Stability and reactivity

Stable under normal temperatures and pressures.
Materials to be avoided:
Corrosive to aluminum and mild steel, Avoid in contact with any other metals.
Strong oxidizing agents, strong bases

11. Toxicological information

Acute toxicity
Primary irritant effect:
Eyes: May causes eye irritation
Skin: May cause slight irritation.
Ingestion: May cause irritation.
Toxicity to Animals: Not available.

12. Ecological information

Data not available.

13. Disposal considerations

Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be managed in an
appropriate incineration and approved waste disposal facility and should be
according to State and local disposal regulations.
Un cleaned packaging
According to State and local disposal regulations.

14. Transport Information:

Not regulated

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Material Safety Data Sheet

15. Regulations.
Code letter and hazard designation of product:
Risk phrases:
R-36/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.

Safety phrases:
S-26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of
water and seek medical advice.
S-28 After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of water.
S-36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face

16. Other Information:

Disclaimer of liability: the information in this MSDS was obtained from sources,
which we believe are reliable. However, the information is provided without any
warranty, express or implied, regarding its correctness. The conditions or methods
of handling, storage, use or disposal of the product are beyond our control and
may be beyond our knowledge. For this and other reasons, we do not assume
responsibility and expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage or expense arising out
of or in any way connected with the handling, storage, use or disposal of the
product. This MSDS was prepared and is to be used only for this product. If the
product is used as a component in another product, this MSDS information may
not be applicable.

Date: 17/05/2021 Rev. No: 00

CORROCIL-237a Page 1 of 4
Material Safety Data Sheet

1. Identification of substance
Product details
Trade name: CORROCIL-237a
Vasu Chemicals LLP,
Vasu Center, Military Road, Tel: +9122/6144 9500
Marol, Andheri(E), Mumbai – 400 059. Fax:+9122/29209624
Information Department:
Contact: Mrs. Renuka Pandit

2. Composition/ Data on components

Chemical characterization
Active Components:
Azole Derivatives

3. Hazard Identification :
Information pertaining to particular dangers for man and environment:
Eyes: May cause irritation.
Skin: May cause irritation.
Ingestion: May cause injury to the entire to the entire respiratory tract.

4. First Aid Measures

General information:
All treatments should be based on observed signs and symptoms of distress in the
patient. Consideration should be given to the possibility that overexposure to
materials other than this product may have occurred.
After inhalation:
Remove subject from exposure and move to fresh air immediately. If not breathing,
give artificial respiration. Call physician immediately.
After skin contact:
Flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Wash clothing before reuse.
After eye contact:
Flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15-20 minutes. Seek medical attention.
After ingestion:
Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by physician. Never give anything by
mouth to an unconscious person.

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Material Safety Data Sheet

5. Fire-fighting measures
Non flammable
Suitable extinguishing agents:
Use extinguishing media suitable for surrounding fire.
Protective equipment:
Wear a self-contained breathing apparatus and protective suit.

6. Accidental release measures

Person-related safety precautions:
Use personal protective equipment.
Measures for environmental protection:
Collect the material with inert absorbent and place in a covered waste disposal

7. Handling and storage

Information for safe handling:
Use adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid contact with Use
proper equipment for lifting and transporting all containers. Use sensible industrial
hygiene and housekeeping practices. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid all
situations that could lead to harmful exposure.
Requirements to be met by storerooms and receptacles:
Store in a dry, well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly close and away from
incompatible materials.
Further information about storage conditions:
Keep container tightly close and away from incompatible materials.

Information about protection against explosions and fires

Store in original packing.
Keep container tightly closed in a cool, well-ventilated area.

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Material Safety Data Sheet

8. Exposure controls and personal protection:

Personal protective equipment
Eye protection:
Use chemical goggles with side-shields Eye protection worn must be compatible
with respiratory protection system employed. Eye wash fountain should be located
in immediate work area.
Respiratory protection:
Respiratory protection should be worn when there is a potential to exceed the
exposure limit requirements or guidelines. If there are no applicable exposure limit
requirements or guidelines, use an approved respirator.
Hand protection:
Use impervious material gloves should be worn whenever this material is handled.
Gloves should be removed and replaced immediately after use.
Protective measures:
Facilities storing or utilizing this material should be equipped with an eyewash facility.

9. Physical and chemical properties

Form: Liquid
Solubility in/Miscibility with water: Soluble
pH (100 ppm in water): 7.00 – 10.00
Specific Gravity: 1.05 – 1.20

10. Stability and reactivity

Materials to be avoided:
Strong oxidizing agents, strong acids
Dangerous products of decomposition.
Carbon Dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, HCN

11. Toxicological information

Acute toxicity
Primary irritant effect:
Eyes: May cause irritation.
Skin: May cause irritation.
Ingestion: May cause injury to the entire to the entire respiratory tract.
Toxicity to Animals: Oral LD 50: 920 mg/Kg.

12. Ecological information

Data not available.

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Material Safety Data Sheet

13. Disposal considerations

Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be managed in an
approved waste disposal facility and should be according to State and local
disposal regulations.
Uncleaned packaging
According to State and local disposal regulations.

14. Transport Information:

Not regulated.

15. Regulations.
Risk phrases:
R-25 Toxic if swallowed.
R-36/38 Irritating to eyes and skin.

Safety phrases:
S-26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water
and seek medical advice.
S-36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection.
S-45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice
immediately (show the label where possible).

16. Other Information:

Disclaimer of liability: the information in this MSDS was obtained from sources, which
we believe are reliable. However, the information is provided without any warranty,
express or implied, regarding its correctness. The conditions or methods of handling,
storage, use or disposal of the product are beyond our control and may be beyond
our knowledge. For this and other reasons, we do not assume responsibility and
expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage or expense arising out of or in any way
connected with the handling, storage, use or disposal of the product. This MSDS was
prepared and is to be used only for this product. If the product is used as a component
in another product, this MSDS information may not be applicable.

Date: 17/05/2021 Rev. No: 00

CORROCIL-37a Page 1 of 4
Material Safety Data Sheet

1. Identification of substance
Product details
Trade name: CORROCIL- 37a
Vasu Chemicals LLP,
Vasu Center, Military Road, Tel: +9122/6144 9500
Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai – 400 059. Fax:+9122/29209624
Information Department:
Contact: Mrs. Renuka Pandit

2. Composition/ Data on components

Chemical characterization
Active Components:
Organophosphonate based

3. Hazard Identification :
Information pertaining to particular dangers for man and environment:
Eyes: May cause eye irritation
Skin: May cause light irritation.
Ingestion: May cause irritation.

4. First Aid Measures

General information:
All treatments should be based on observed signs and symptoms of distress in the
patient. Consideration should be given to the possibility that overexposure to
materials other than this product may have occurred.
After inhalation:
Remove subject from exposure and move to fresh air immediately. If not breathing.
Give artificial respiration.
After skin contact:
Get medical aid. Flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes.
After eye contact:
Flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes.
After ingestion:
Do not induce vomiting. If victim is conscious and alert, give 2-4 cups full of water.
Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical aid
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Material Safety Data Sheet

5. Fire fighting measures

Non flammable
Suitable extinguishing agents:
Use extinguishing media appropriate to surrounding fire conditions.
Protective equipment:
Wear a self-contained breathing apparatus and protective suit.

6. Accidental release measures

Person-related safety precautions:
Use personal protective equipment.
Measures for environmental protection:
Wash surface with plenty of water and soap.

7. Handling and storage

Information for safe handling:
Use adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Use proper equipment
for lifting and transporting all containers. Use sensible industrial hygiene and
housekeeping practices. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid all situations that
could lead to harmful exposure.
Requirements to be met by storerooms and receptacles:
Store in a dry, well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly close and away from
incompatible materials.
Further information about storage conditions:
Keep container tightly close and away from incompatible materials. Keep away
from freezing, material stability may be affected
Information about protection against explosions and fires
Store in original packing. Keep container tightly closed in a cool, well-ventilated

8. Exposure controls and personal protection:

Personal protective equipment
Eye protection:
Safety glasses with side-shields Eye protection worn must be compatible with
respiratory protection system employed.
Respiratory protection:
Generally not required. If necessary use self contained breathing apparatus.
Protective measures:
Facilities storing or utilizing this material should be equipped with an eyewash facility.
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Material Safety Data Sheet

9. Physical and chemical properties

Form: Liquid
Specific Gravity: 1.10 – 1.40
pH-Value (100 ppm in water): 5.00 – 8.00
Solubility in/ Miscibility with water: Soluble

10. Stability and reactivity

Stable under normal temperatures and pressures.
Materials to be avoided:
Corrosive to aluminum and mild steel, Avoid in contact with any other metals. Strong
oxidizing agents, strong bases

11. Toxicological information

Acute toxicity
Primary irritant effect:
Eyes: May causes eye irritation
Skin: May cause slight irritation.
Ingestion: May cause irritation.
Toxicity to Animals: Not available.

12. Ecological information

Data not available.

13. Disposal considerations

Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be managed in an
appropriate incineration and approved waste disposal facility and should be
according to State and local disposal regulations.

Un-cleaned packaging
According to State and local disposal regulations.

14. Transport Information:

Not regulated

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Material Safety Data Sheet

15. Regulations.
Code letter and hazard designation of product:
Risk phrases:
R-36/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.

Safety phrases:
S-26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water
and seek medical advice.
S-28 After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of water.
S-36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection.

16. Other Information:

Disclaimer of liability: the information in this MSDS was obtained from sources, which
we believe are reliable. However, the information is provided without any warranty,
express or implied, regarding its correctness. The conditions or methods of handling,
storage, use or disposal of the product are beyond our control and may be beyond
our knowledge. For this and other reasons, we do not assume responsibility and
expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage or expense arising out of or in any way
connected with the handling, storage, use or disposal of the product. This MSDS was
prepared and is to be used only for this product. If the product is used as a
component in another product, this MSDS information may not be applicable.

Date: 17/05/2021 Rev. No: 00

SCACIL-37a Page 1 of 5
Material Safety Data Sheet

1. Identification of substance
Product details
Trade name: SCACIL-37a
Vasu Chemicals LLP,
Vasu Center, Military Road, Tel: +9122/6144 9500
Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai – 400 059. Fax:+9122/29209624
Information Department:
Contact: Mrs. Renuka Pandit

2. Composition/ Data on components

Chemical characterization
Active Components:
Polymeric dispersant

3. Hazard Identification :
Information pertaining to particular dangers for man and environment:
Eyes: Direct contact with material can cause slight irritation
Skin: Prolonged or repeated skin contact can cause slight irritation
Inhalation: Inhalation of vapor or mist can cause irritation of nose, throat, and
lungs, headache, nausea

4. First Aid Measures

General information:
All treatments should be based on observed signs and symptoms of distress in the
patient. Consideration should be given to the possibility that overexposure to
materials other than this product may have occurred.
After inhalation:
Move to fresh air.
After skin contact:
Wash with water and soap as a precaution. If skin irritation persists, call a physician.
After eye contact:
Rinse with plenty of water. If eye irritation persists, consult a specialist.
After ingestion:
Drink 1 or 2 glasses of water. Consult a physician if necessary. Never give anything by
mouth to an unconscious person.

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Material Safety Data Sheet

5. Fire fighting measures

Non flammable
Suitable extinguishing agents:
Use extinguishing media suitable for surrounding fire.
Protective equipment:
Wear a self-contained breathing apparatus and protective suit

6. Accidental release measures

Person-related safety precautions:
Use personal protective equipment. Keep people away from and upwind of
spill/leak. Material can create slippery conditions.
Measures for environmental protection:
Keep spills and cleaning runoff out of municipal sewers and open bodies of water.

7. Handling and storage

Information for safe handling:
Use adequate ventilation. Monomer vapors can be evolved when material is
heated during processing operations. Use proper equipment for lifting and
transporting all containers. Use sensible industrial hygiene and housekeeping
practices. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid all situations that could lead to
harmful exposure.
Requirements to be met by storerooms and receptacles:
Keep from freezing - product stability may be affected.

Further information about storage conditions:

Store in a dry, well-ventilated place.Keep container tightly closed and away from
incompatible materials.

Information about protection against explosions and fires

Store in original packing. Keep container tightly closed in a cool, well-ventilated
area. Protect from frost. Protect from heat and direct sunlight.

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Material Safety Data Sheet

8. Exposure controls and personal protection:

Personal protective equipment
Eye protection:
Safety glasses with side-shields Eye protection worn must be compatible with
respiratory protection system employed.
Hand protection:
The glove(s) listed below may provide protection against permeation: Neoprene
Respiratory protection:
Approved dust/mist respirator is recommended. Where a higher level of protection is
required, use a self-contained breathing apparatus.
Protective measures:
Facilities storing or utilizing this material should be equipped with an eyewash facility.
Engineering measures:
Use local exhaust ventilation

9. Physical and chemical properties

Form: Liquid
Specific Gravity: 1.05 – 1.25
pH-Value (100 ppm in water): 5.00 - 8.00
Solubility in / Miscibility with Water: Soluble

10. Stability and reactivity

Stable.However, avoid temperatures above 230C/446F, the onset of polymer
decomposition. Thermal decomposition is dependent on time and temperature.
Materials to be avoided:
There are no known materials which are incompatible with this product.
Dangerous products of decomposition:
Thermal decomposition may yield acrylic monomers.

11. Toxicological information

Acute toxicity
Primary irritant effect:
On the skin: Prolonged or repeated skin contact can cause slight irritation.
Inhalation: Inhalation of vapor or mist can cause irritation of nose, throat, and
lungs, headache, nausea
On the eye: Direct contact with material can cause slight irritation
Toxicity to Animals: LD50 rat > 5,000 mg/kg
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Material Safety Data Sheet

12. Ecological information

There is no known information.

13. Disposal considerations

Keep spills and cleaning runoff out of municipal sewers and open bodies of water.
Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be managed in an
appropriate and approved waste disposal facility and should be according to State
and local disposal regulations.
Uncleaned packaging
According to State and local disposal regulations.

14. Transport Information:

Not restricted according to transport regulations.

15. Regulations.
Code letter and hazard designation of product
Risk phrases:
R-37 Irritating to respiratory system
R- 36/38- Irritating to eyes and skin
Safety phrases:
S 26 - In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and
seek medical advice.
S 29- Do not empty into drains.
S 36/37/39- Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye / face protection.
S 45 - In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice

16. Other Information:

Disclaimer of liability: The information in this MSDS was obtained from sources, which
we believe are reliable. However, the information is provided without any warranty,
express or implied, regarding its correctness. The conditions or methods of handling,
storage, use or disposal of the product are beyond our control and may be beyond
our knowledge. For this and other reasons, we do not assume responsibility and
expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage or expense arising out of or in any way
connected with the handling, storage, use or disposal of the product. This MSDS was
prepared and is to be used only for this product.

Date: 17/05/2021 Rev. No: 00

SCACIL-437a Page 1 of 4
Material Safety Data Sheet

1. Identification of substance
Product details
Trade name: SCACIL-437a
Vasu Chemicals LLP,
Vasu Center, Military Road, Tel: +9122/6144 9500
Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai – 400 059. Fax:+9122/2920 9624
Information Department:
Contact: Mrs. Renuka Pandit

2. Composition/ Data on components

Chemical characterization
Active Components:
Ethoxylated condensates

3. Hazard Identification :
Information pertaining to particular dangers for man and environment:
Eyes: May cause temporary irritation.
Skin: May cause skin irritation. May be harmful if absorbed through skin.
Inhalation: May cause respiratory tract irritation. May be harmful if inhaled.
Ingestion: May cause irritation of the digestive tract. May be harmful if

4. First Aid Measures

General information:
All treatments should be based on observed signs and symptoms of distress in the
patient. Consideration should be given to the possibility that overexposure to
materials other than this product may have occurred.
After inhalation:
Move exposed individual to fresh air. Give oxygen or artificial respiration if needed.
After skin contact:
Get medical aid. Flush skin with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes while
removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Remove contaminated clothing and
Hand protection:
Use suitable gloves.
After eye contact:
Flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15-20 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper
and lower eyelids. Get medical aid immediately.

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Material Safety Data Sheet

After ingestion:
If victim is conscious and alert, give 2-4 cups full of milk or water. Get medical aid

5. Fire fighting measures

Non flammable
Suitable extinguishing agents:
Use water spray, dry chemicals, carbon dioxide or appropriate foam
Protective equipment:
Wear a self-contained breathing apparatus and protective suit.

6. Accidental release measures

Person-related safety precautions:
Use personal protective equipment.
Measures for environmental protection:
Clean up spills immediately.

7. Handling and storage

Information for safe handling:
Use adequate ventilation. Use proper equipment for lifting and transporting all
containers. Use sensible industrial hygiene and housekeeping practices. Wash
thoroughly after handling. Avoid all situations that could lead to harmful exposure.
Requirements to be met by storerooms and receptacles:
Store in a cool, dry place. Keep container closed when not in use.
Further information about storage conditions:
Store in a dry, well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly close and away from
incompatible materials.

Information about protection against explosions and fires

Store in original packing.
Keep container tightly closed in a cool, well-ventilated area.

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Material Safety Data Sheet

8. Exposure controls and personal protection:

Personal protective equipment
Eye protection:
Safety glasses with side-shields Eye protection worn must be compatible with
respiratory protection system employed.
Respiratory protection:
Approved dust/mist respirator is recommended. Where a higher level of protection is
required, use a self-contained breathing apparatus.
Protective measures:
Facilities storing or utilizing this material should be equipped with an eyewash facility.
Engineering measures:
Use local exhaust ventilation

9. Physical and chemical properties

Form: Liquid
Solubility in / Miscibility with Water: Soluble
Specific Gravity: 1.00 – 1.20
pH (100 ppm in water): 6.00 – 9.00

10. Stability and reactivity

Stable under normal temperatures and pressures
Materials to be avoided:
Strong oxidizing agents

11. Toxicological information

Acute toxicity
Primary irritant effect:
On the skin: May cause skin irritation. May be harmful if absorbed through the skin
Inhalation: May cause respiratory tract irritation. May be harmful if inhaled.
On the eye: May cause temporary irritation.
Ingestion: May cause irritation of the digestive tract. May be harmful if swallowed.
Toxicity to Animals: Not available

12. Ecological information

Do not allow product to reach ground water, water course or sewage system.

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Material Safety Data Sheet

13. Disposal considerations

Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be managed in an
appropriate and approved waste disposal facility and should be according to State
and local disposal regulations.
Un-cleaned packaging
According to State and local disposal regulations.

14. Transport Information:

Not regulated

15. Regulations.
Risk phrases:
R-36/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.
Safety phrases:
S-24/25 Avoid contact with skin and eyes.

16. Other Information:

Disclaimer of liability: the information in this MSDS was obtained from sources, which
we believe are reliable. However, the information is provided without any warranty,
express or implied, regarding its correctness. The conditions or methods of handling,
storage, use or disposal of the product are beyond our control and may be beyond
our knowledge. For this and other reasons, we do not assume responsibility and
expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage or expense arising out of or in any way
connected with the handling, storage, use or disposal of the product. This MSDS was
prepared and is to be used only for this product. If the product is used as a component
in another product, this MSDS information may not be applicable.

Date: 17/05/2021 Rev. No: 00

BIONIL-537a Page 1 of 5
Material Safety Data Sheet

1. Identification of substance
Product details
Trade name: BIONIL-537a
Vasu Chemicals LLP,
Vasu Center, Military Road, Tel: +9122/6144 9500
Marol, Andheri(E), Mumbai – 400 059. Fax:+9122/29209624
Information Department:
Contact: Mrs. Renuka Pandit

2. Composition/ Data on components

Chemical characterization
Active Components:
2,2-Dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide formulation

3. Hazard Identification :
Information pertaining to particular dangers for man and environment:
Eyes: Risk of serious damage to eyes.
Skin: May cause irritation. May cause sensitization by skin contact
Inhalation: Toxic by inhalation.
Ingestion: Toxic if swallowed

4. First Aid Measures

General information:
All treatments should be based on observed signs and symptoms of distress in the
patient. Consideration should be given to the possibility that overexposure to
materials other than this product may have occurred.
After inhalation:
Remove subject from exposure and move to fresh air immediately. If not breathing,
call an emergency responder or ambulance, then give artificial respiration; if by
mouth to mouth use rescuer protection (pocket mask etc). Call poison control center
or doctor for treatment advice.
After skin contact:
Get medical aid. Flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Call a poison
control center or doctor for treatment advice. Wash clothing before reuse.
After eye contact:
Flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15-20 minutes. Seek medical attention.

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Material Safety Data Sheet

After ingestion:
Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have
person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to
do so by the poison control center or doctor. Never give anything by mouth to an
unconscious person.

5. Fire fighting measures

Non flammable
Suitable extinguishing agents:
Use extinguishing media suitable for surrounding fire.
Protective equipment:
Wear a self-contained breathing apparatus and protective suit.

6. Accidental release measures

Person-related safety precautions:
Use personal protective equipment.
Measures for environmental protection:
Keep spills and cleaning runoff out of municipal sewers and open bodies of water.

7. Handling and storage

Information for safe handling:
Use adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Use proper equipment
for lifting and transporting all containers. Use sensible industrial hygiene and
housekeeping practices. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid all situations that
could lead to harmful exposure.
Requirements to be met by storerooms and receptacles:
Store in a dry, well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly close and away from
incompatible materials.
Further information about storage conditions:
Keep container tightly close and away from incompatible materials. Do not store in
aluminum. Storage temperature should be less the 35OC.
Information about protection against explosions and fires
Store in original packing.
Keep container tightly closed in a cool, well-ventilated area.

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Material Safety Data Sheet

8. Exposure controls and personal protection:

Personal protective equipment
Eye protection:
Use chemical goggles with side-shields Eye protection worn must be compatible
with respiratory protection system employed. Eye wash fountain should be located
in immediate work area.
Respiratory protection:
Respiratory protection should be worn when there is a potential to exceed the
exposure limit requirements or guidelines. If there are no applicable exposure limit
requirements or guidelines, use an approved respirator.
Hand protection:
Chemical-resistant gloves should be worn whenever this material is handled. Gloves
should be removed and replaced immediately after use. Neoprene, polyvinyl
chloride, nitrile/butadiene rubber.
Protective measures:
Facilities storing or utilizing this material should be equipped with an eyewash facility.

9. Physical and chemical properties

Form: Liquid
Solubility in/ Miscibility with water: Soluble
Specific Gravity: 1.00 - 1.20
pH(100 ppm in water) : 6.00 – 9.00

10. Stability and reactivity

Materials to be avoided:
Amines, strong bases, strong oxidizers, strong reducing agents. Avoid contact with
metal such as aluminum.
Dangerous products of decomposition.
Decomposition products can include and are not limited to; carbon dioxide,
dibromoacetonitrile, hydrogen bromide, nitrogen oxides. Decomposition products
can include trace amounts of cyanogens bromide .

11. Toxicological information

Acute toxicity
Primary irritant effect:
Eyes: Risk of serious damage to eyes.
Skin: May cause irritation. May cause sensitization by skin contact
Inhalation: Toxic by inhalation.
Ingestion: Toxic if swallowed
Toxicity to Animals: Oral LD 50: 224 mg/Kg.
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Material Safety Data Sheet

12. Ecological information

Toxic to aquatic organisms.

13. Disposal considerations

Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be managed in an
appropriate incineration and approved waste disposal facility and should be
according to State and local disposal regulations.
Uncleaned packaging
According to State and local disposal regulations.

14. Transport Information:

Not regulated

15. Regulations.
Risk phrases:
R-23/25 Toxic by inhalation and if swallowed.
R-38 Irritating to skin.
R-41 Risk of serious damage to eyes.
R-43 May cause sensitization by skin contact.
R-50 Very toxic to aquatic organisms.

Safety phrases:
S-26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water
and seek medical advice.
S-36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection.
S-45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice
immediately (show the label where possible).
S-60 this material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous
S-61 Avoid release to environment.

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Material Safety Data Sheet

16. Other Information:

Disclaimer of liability: the information in this MSDS was obtained from sources, which
we believe are reliable. However, the information is provided without any warranty,
express or implied, regarding its correctness. The conditions or methods of handling,
storage, use or disposal of the product are beyond our control and may be beyond
our knowledge. For this and other reasons, we do not assume responsibility and
expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage or expense arising out of or in any way
connected with the handling, storage, use or disposal of the product. This MSDS was
prepared and is to be used only for this product. If the product is used as a component
in another product, this MSDS information may not be applicable.

Date: 17/05/2021 Rev. No: 00

BIONIL-737a Page 1 of 4
Material Safety Data Sheet

1. Identification of substance
Product details
Trade name: BIONIL- 737a
Vasu Chemicals LLP,
Vasu Center, Military Road, Tel: +9122/6144 9500
Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai – 400 059. Fax:+9122/29209624
Information Department:
Contact: Mrs. Renuka Pandit

2. Composition/ Data on components

Chemical characterization
Active Components:
Methylene Bis thiocynate

3. Hazard Identification :
Information pertaining to particular dangers for man and environment:
Skin : May cause sensitization by skin contact
Eye : May cause irritation.
Inhalation : May cause irritation.

4. First Aid Measures

General information:
All treatments should be based on observed signs and symptoms of distress in the
patient. Consideration should be given to the possibility that overexposure to
materials other than this product may have occurred.
After inhalation:
Move to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if breathing has stopped. If symptoms
persist call a physician.
After skin contact:
Immediately get under a safety shower. Remove contaminated clothing. Wash off
with soap and water. Immediate medical attention is required. Wash contaminated
clothing before reuse.
After eye contact:
Rinse immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Immediate medical
attention is required.

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Material Safety Data Sheet

After ingestion:
Drink 1 or 2 glasses of water. Immediately see a physician. Never give anything by
mouth to an unconscious person.

5. Fire fighting measures

Non flammable
Suitable extinguishing agents:
Use extinguishing media appropriate for surrounding fire.
Protective equipment:
Wear a self-contained breathing apparatus and protective suit

6. Accidental release measures

Person-related safety precautions:
Use approved personal protective equipment.
Measures for environmental protection:
Keep spills and clean up residuals out of municipal sewers and open bodies of
water. Adsorb the spill with spill pillows or inert solids such as clay or vermiculite, and
transfer contaminated materials to suitable containers for disposal.

7. Handling and storage

Information for safe handling:
Use adequate ventilation. Use proper equipment for lifting and transporting all
containers. Use sensible industrial hygiene and housekeeping practices. Wash
thoroughly after handling. Avoid all situations that could lead to harmful exposure
Information about storage conditions:
Store in a dry, well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly close and away from
incompatible materials.
Information about protection against explosions and fires
Store in original packing. Keep container tightly closed in a cool, well-ventilated

8. Exposure controls and personal protection:

Personal protective equipment
Eye protection:
Use chemical splash goggles and face shield. Eye protection worn must be
compatible with respiratory protection system employed.
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Material Safety Data Sheet

Hand protection:
Chemical-resistant gloves should be worn whenever this material is handled. Gloves
should be removed and replaced immediately after use.
Protective measures:
Facilities storing or utilizing this material should be equipped with an eyewash facility
and safety shower.
Engineering measures:
Use only in area provided with appropriate exhaust ventilation.

9. Physical and chemical properties

Form: Liquid
Specific Gravity: 1.00 – 1.15
Solubility in / Miscibility with Water: Soluble
pH-Value (100 ppm in water): 6.00 – 9.00

10. Stability and reactivity

Stable under recommended storage conditions.
Materials to be avoided:
Avoid contact with oxidizing agents, amines, reducing agents, mercaptans.
Dangerous products of decomposition:
Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides, hydrogen chloride.

11. Toxicological information

Acute toxicity
Primary irritant effect:
Skin : May cause sensitization by skin contact
Eye : May cause irritation.
Inhalation : May cause irritation.
Toxicity to Animals: Data not available.

12. Ecological information

Data not available.

13. Disposal considerations

Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be managed in an
appropriate and approved waste disposal facility and should be according to State
and local disposal regulations.
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Material Safety Data Sheet

Uncleaned packaging
According to State and local disposal regulations.

14. Transport Information:

Not regulated.

15. Regulations.
Risk phrases:
R-36/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.
R-43 May cause sensitization by skin contact.
Safety phrases:
S-26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and
seek medical advice.
S-36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection
S-45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice

16. Other Information:

Disclaimer of liability: The information in this MSDS was obtained from sources, which
we believe are reliable. However, the information is provided without any warranty,
express or implied, regarding its correctness. The conditions or methods of handling,
storage, use or disposal of the product are beyond our control and may be beyond
our knowledge. For this and other reasons, we do not assume responsibility and
expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage or expense arising out of or in any way
connected with the handling, storage, use or disposal of the product. This MSDS was
prepared and is to be used only for this product. If the product is used as a component
in another product, this MSDS information may not be applicable.

Date: 17/05/2021 Rev. No: 01

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