Reaction Time
speed The ability to combine strength
The ability to quickly respond to a
The ability to do things in the shortest
time possible.
power lhifting, jump squats
receiving a pass, catching a ball
sprinting, running
How is fitness assessed? Body
Composition: Body Mass Index (BMI)
BMI is a measurement tool that can
indicate whether a person is underweight
or overweight in reference to his/her
height. To get your BMI, measure your
height in meters and weight in kilograms
then refer the result to the BMI chart
Cardio Respiratory Endurance: 3-minute
Step Test
Using the first step of the stairs, go up
and down while maintaining a fixed
rhythm of UP-UP-DOWN-DOWN for 3
minutes. After 3 minutes, count your
heart rate for 15 seconds then multiply
by four to get your 1 minute step test
heart rate. Compare the result with the
norm. Count the number of
steps made within 1 minute Abdominal
Strength: Curl-ups
Lie on your back with feet hip-width
apart from each other, knees bent, and
with hands on your thighs. While your
partner is holding your feet, squeeze
your stomach while reach the bringing
knee. your Return upper to your body
original forward. position Slide and your
repeat hands the on your process. thighs
until you Muscular Endurance: Push-ups
Lie in planking position with both hands
flat on the floor and near the level of the
chest. Slowly, push your body up while
puting the weight on the muscles of your
arms and body.
your meter inches 15-inch measuring
From hands stick apart, a mark. in side
sitting device. knees Keep by between
side position, Record your straight or
your legs
the one keep and legs, on results. the
straight, the thighs top of back 36-inch
flat the heels flat on on end other the
against the then facing floor. a tape wall,
Put reach out. at a Put feet the a forward
measuring strip 15-inch pointing as of far
up tape mark. tape along and in at Place
the 12 the the 5. Flexibility: Sit and
Reach LA
Agility: 30-Second Touch Line
(Right/Left) many Stand line at touches
the center sideways between from the
one left side and to right another lines.
from a Within 30 designated seconds,
point. make as
<ills And
Of vere ent ave ke ike ed py ve eS
cours in Wiat are ecreationally There are
for the target open areas, games that are
played on streets? Target Games Played
on Streets enjoyment while some are
competitively as a sporting event. many
target games in the Philippines which
can be played on streets in in
gymnasiums or in stadiums Some target
games are played
or The elbow player The hitS player
washer must (sipa) count several the
times number using of times his/her foot,
he/she knee, hits/ kicks the washer and
must not allow it touch the ground.
Sometimes, the player aims to bring or
shoot the washer to a target. The player
who has the most number of kicks wins
the game.
Sipa (Kick Game)
The players need one long and one
short bamboo stick. A player acts as a
batter with the opponents standing from
a distance. The batter tosses the short
bamboo stick and hits it with the long
bamboo stick The other players attempt
to catch the flying shorter stick. The
player who catches or picks up the
shorter stick
will be the next batter. A small hole and a
throwing line connected by longer line a
(approximately 5 to 6 meters) are
prepared. The players attempt to throw
the big stones (pamato) into the small
hole. The player whose big stone lands
nearest the hole goes first The players
then take turns throwing their small
stones into the hole until only one stone
is left outside the hole. The players who
successfully throw their small stones
inside the hole are winners. The player
who fails to shoot the small stone will be
called muchacho.
Calahoyo (Hole-in)
One player is called the "it" (taya) who is
responsible of guarding the tin can (lata)
beside him/her. The other players hit the
tin can using their own slippers (pamato).
The "it" attempts to tag the other players
○while they are trying to get their
The one caught by the "it" exchange
roles with him/her and becomes the next
Tumbang Preso
The game is played by two or more
players using two flat sticks (one big and
one small). A hole iS dug in the ground
and the small stick is placed in the hole
with the majority of the length sticking
out. The first player hits the exposed part
of the small stick to flip it out of the hole
then hits it while in mid-air. The hitter
gets a point if he is able to make a run in
the playing area. The opponent who
catches the small stick becomes the next
Syato or Tiato
Go and Learn
that target games reflect the rich culture
and tradition of the Filipinos and playing
them can also help with values
part of Filipino culture is to search for
entertainment nOugh games, The games
that Filipinos play are as old as our and
enjoyment. One source is we can trace
that we are really fond of competition
because of the prestung hearts
ancestors. Based on these games
pressure games There are different
contests that are bound by rules ovide.
psychology book, Virgilio Enriquez
(1977) which capture Filipinos said that
one of the Filipinos' modes of ths pion is
through joining gamnes, which they
enjoy very much nteraction Games are
grouped into five: invasion games,
striking games,
target games, ball games,and e-games
The first four are physical games.
Eachtype uses strategies in winning that
c calls for players the player/s feel the
naturalness of the game being played.
Target games display fundamental skills
The last type of games are simulated
games that make richness of culture and
traditions of people Their ways of living
and daily activities are manifested the
raucted in the games they play. Playing
targ et games is indeed fun especially
when safety is observed. When
someone plays any of these target
games, he/she needs to observe some
safety rules
What are some safety precautions in
playing target games? 1. Stretching L
warm-up and before starting other
activities, the players need to stretch
their muscles to avoid injuries. 2. Attire -
Wearing proper and comfortable attire
allows players to move freely and easily.
3. Equipment- - These must be checked
beforehand for wear and tear and if
these are still safe to use in the game ort
tods L Weather - Check for ideal weather
conditions. ToO much heat or rain game
and one's health as well. affect can the
5. Health Condition - The player must
make sure that he/she from sickness
before engaging in any strenuous
activity. is feeling well and free