Diagnostic Test Math G8-Q1 2021-2022

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Republic of the Philippines

Caraga Administrative Region
Anibongan Integrated School


DIRECTION: Read and analyze each a. a2+1

question carefully. Write the letter of b. 2a+1
your answer. c. a2+2a+1
d. 2a2+a+1
1. What is the product of the sum and
difference of two terms?
A. perfect square trinomial 7. What is the largest common factor of
B. simple trinomial 8m4n3 – 12 m3 n4?
C. difference of two squares
A. 4m4n4
D. difference of two cubes
2. What type of special product is C. 24m3n3
shown in D. 4m3n3
(x+y)(x+y) =x2+2xy+ y2 ?
A. square of a binomial 8. Which of the following expressions is
B. square of a trinomial writen in factored form?
C. sum & difference of two terms A. 4m3n+3
D. cube of binomial B. (x+4)(2x-3)
C. 2x2-x+1
3. What is the product when 3 is
D. x2-16
multiplied to
(x2 – 4x + 5) ? 9. .What is the missing term if x2-
A. 3x2-12x+15 9x+____ has
B. 3x2+12x+15 the factors (x-7) and (x-2)
C. 3x2-12x-15
A. -14
D. 3x2+12x-15
B. 14
C. 5
4. Write (2x+5)2 as a trinomial. D. -5
A. 4x2+10x+25 10. What are the factors of x2-49?
B. 4x2+20x+25
C. 4x2+25 A. (x+7)(x-7)
D. 4x2-25 B. (x+7)(x+7)
C. (x-7)(x-7)
5. What is the GCF of 4x2y3, 6x2y, and D. not possible
A.10x2y3 11. Factor x2-7x+12
B. 6xy A. (x-3)(x-4)
C. 4x2y3 B. (x-12)(x+1)
D. 2xy C. (x-6)(x-2)
D. not possible
6. The product of (a+1)(a+1) in 12. What are the factors of 3x+xy+3z+yz
polynomial A. (3+y)(x+z)
form is ________ B. (3+x)(y+z)
C. (3+z)(x+y) B. rational
D. (3+x)(x+z) C. quadratic
13. . The factors of 3x2+8x+5 are? D. radical
A. (3x+5)(x+2) 20. Which of the following algebraic
B. (3x+5)(x+1) expressions could NOT be
C. (3x-5)(x+1) considered as
D. (3x+1)(x+5) rational algebraic expressions?
A. 50 x
14. Give the missing factor if B. 5x1/2
x3-1= (___)(x2+x+1)? C. 4x2-9y2
D. a-b/b+a
21. What is the rational algebraic
A. x+1
B. x-1
C. x+3 equivalent to (8kp3)0 ?
D. x-3
15. If the area of a rectangle is 3x2-6x A. 0
B. 1
and its
C. 8kp3
width is 3x, what is its length? D. 1
A. x2-2 8kp3
B. x2-2x
C. x-2
D. 3
22. What is the equivalent expression of
16. Translate into mathematical phrase: x-5?
“Twice the square of x less than
three” A. 1
A. 2x2 -3 x-5
B. 3 – 2x2 B. 1
C. (2x) 2 -3 x5
D. 3 - (2x) 2 C. x5
D. -5x
17. Translate into mathematical phrase:
“Thrice the sum of y and six 23. The value of a2b2 when a=1 and
increased by b=2 is
one-fifth of a number x” A. 6
A. (3y+6 )+ x/5 B. 5
B. (3y-6 )+ x/5 C. 4
C. 3(y+6) + x/5 D. 3
D. 3(y-6) - x/5
24. If x= -5 and y=4, find the value of x0
18. Express into verbal phrase: 9 – m / y2 ?
A. 9 less than a number m A. -1/16
B. 9 is subtracted from a number m B. 0
C. 9 less a number m C. 1/16
D. the sum of 9 and a number m D. 1/8
25. Evaluate 2a[4(x)2] /3y if a=1, x=-3
19. The expression that can be written and y=3
in the A. 8
a B. -8
form , where a and b are C. 72/9
D. -72/9
26. Which expression is already in
and b≠ 0 is
A. linear
A. y-2 2b
2-y B. a (a+b)
B. x-y 2ab
x+y C. a +b
C. y2-1 2
y+1 D. a+ab
D. 2x+x 2ab
x 32.The quotient of x2+2x+1 and __x2-
27. Simplify: 49a3b2c x2+4x+3
7abc x2+2x+1
A. 7abc
B. 7a2bc A. _(x+1)2_
C. 7ab2 (x-3)(x+1)
D. 7a2b B. _(x+1)2__
C. _(x-1)2__
28. Simplify the expression x2- 9 ? (x-3)(x+1)
x+3 D. __(x-1)2_
A. x-3 (x+3)(x-1)
B. x-3 33. What is the Rectangular Coordinate
C. (x+3)(x-3) A. It is used for naming
x+3 points in a plane.
D. x+3 B. It is a plane used for
graphing linear functions.
C. It is used to determine
the location of a point by
using a single number.
D. It is a two-dimensional
plane which is divided by
two axes into four
29. What is a + a equal to? regions called quadrants.
b b
A. a2/b2
B. a2/b
C. 2a/2b
D. 2a/b

34. Which of the following is true about

30. The difference between
x and 4_ is?
3(y+5) (y+5) point (-3,3) ?
A. the point is located in
A. x-12 quadrant 1
3(y+5) B. the point is located in
B. . x-12 quadrant 2
3(y-5) C. the point is located in
C. . x+12 quadrant 3
3(y+5) D. the point is located in
D. . x+12 quadrant 4
31. The product of a2-b2 and a2 is
35. It is a special type of relation in
2ab a-b
2 which every element in the domain is
A. a +ab
mapped to exactly one element in the A.

A. relation
B. function
C. linear function B.
D. not function

36. Which of the relationships below

NOT define a function? C.
A. x y
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4

B. x y

1 2
3 38. What is the domain of the function
4 f(x) = _x_ ?
3 x+2
C. x 4 y
A. D={x/x ∈ R}
-5 5 B. D={x/x ∈ R, x≠0}
5 C. D={x/x ∈R, x≠ -2}
-8 8 D. D={x/x ∈R, ≠ 2}

39. If you are to choose one BEST

D. x y representation of the relationship
1 between
2 electric bill and power
3 5 consumption ,
4 which should you use to represent
idea in clearest way?
A. table
B. mapping diagram
C. rule or equation
D. graph

40. John rode a taxi from a bus terminal

to JB
37. The following graphs define a Mall whose distance is
function appropriately
EXCEPT ONE 4km. After riding, he paid an amount
P110.00. Which variable is
A. taxi riding
B. amount paid
C. distance travelled
D. person riding the taxi

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