Brochure MSC
Brochure MSC
Brochure MSC
M. Sc.
BROCHURE 2024-25
Admission Schedule with Important Dates*
(For the Final Schedule and Important Dates, visit DTU Website:
Activity/Event Date
17-05-2024 (Friday)
1 Advertisements in newspapers
17-05-2024 (Friday)
2 Commencement of Online Registration
10:00 A.M. onwards
07-07-2024 (Sunday)
3 Last Day and Time for Online Registration
12:00 Midnight
Merit List for 1st round of counselling on the basis of CUET 12-07-2024 (Friday)
(PG)-2024 Score for admission to M.Sc. programme. 05:00 P.M.
Display of vacant seats for 2nd round on DTU website: 19-07-2024 (Friday)
6 05:00 P.M.
Display of vacant seats for spot round on DTU website: 26-07-2024 (Friday)
8 05:00 P.M.
Date will be
10 Special Spot Round (if required) announced on the
*Note: All candidates desirous of seeking admission to M.Sc. Programme are hereby advised to read the
brochure carefully and visit the website regularly for updates and other details/
additional information about the entire admission process. The contents and information provided in
the Admission Brochure are based on the current instructions/guidelines issued by the Government of
NCT of Delhi & CUET (PG)-2024 administered by NTA.
Any Modification / Addition / further clarification about eligibility conditions and procedures for
admission in the M.Sc. programmes, if required, will be notified on the University Website through
separate notification.
Delhi Technological University
Established by the Govt. of NCT of Delhi vide Act 6 of 2009
(Formerly Delhi College of Engineering)
M. Sc.
BROCHURE 2024-25
General Instructions 6
Delhi Technological University is globally known for outstanding education, research and
innovations. The University currently offers various interdisciplinary and industry relevant
programmes in science, technology, management and allied areas at undergraduate,
post- graduate and doctoral levels.
Students admitted to DTU through their dedication, discipline and steadfastness can go
on, to become professionals and impactful leaders. DTU provides them an environment
to shape their talent as DTU ensures that every step of a student’s journey is designed
keeping in mind the holistic development. This is coupled with a diverse range of extra-
curricular activities throughout the year, which help students develop various skills to
facilitate them throughout their lives.
Over the years, DTU has established itself as the University of unshakable Repute. Hence,
getting admission in DTU has scaled great heights on the national and international
stages, and continue to make us proud. The conjoined efforts of relentless students,
faculty, administration and the staff have preserved and exceptional environment in DTU
that allows persistent exchange of information and upholds the unmatched excellence
associated with this University for eight decades.
We aim at nurturing the students holistically and endeavour to foster a culture in which
virtues and skills are instilled in them, along with a concern for society and its wellbeing.
On behalf of DTU, I whole heartedly welcome all applicants.
- 2024-2025
Delhi Technological University (DTU), a manpower of highest quality in the field of
leading World Class Technological University, engineering and technology, and, is globally
plays a vital role in National and Global well known for its outstanding education,
Knowledge Network. It is empowering India research and innovations. The University
with the Wings of Knowledge and Power currently offers various inter-disciplinary
of Innovations. With more than 82 years of and industry relevant programmes in
tradition of excellence in “Engineering & Science, Technology, Management, and
Technological Education” and “Research allied areas at Undergraduate, Postgraduate
& Innovations”. DTU came into being after and Doctoral level. The University has
the reconstitution of the Delhi College of established a strong academia-industry
Engineering by the Government of NCT of interface and has collaborations with
Delhi in 2009, by Act 6 of 2009, passed reputed research organizations, industries,
by the assembly of the NCT of Delhi. It is and premier institutions. A great many
a non-affiliating, teaching and research alumni of the institute have excelled at home
University, committed to achieve excellence and abroad and through their contributions
in Engineering, Science, Technology, to the profession of engineering. They have
Management and allied areas and matters brought high honour and enhanced the
connected therewith or incidental thereto. dignity of engineering fraternity being rolled
The university, in its various avatars, namely, out from institutions in India. The University
the ‘Delhi Polytechnic’ and ‘Delhi College lays great emphasis on assisting students
of Engineering’ (DCE), has been serving in the development of national character,
the nation and the global community since self-confidence, leadership and fostering an
its inception in 1941, by providing trained ecosystem for creativity and imagination.
g. Candidates who cannot come physically *Special spot round may be conducted by
can authorize their parent/relative/ the university after the spot round depending
guardian/friends as their representative upon the availability of vacant seats.
to participate in SPOT round on ** Any change in the counselling schedule
their behalf and complete admission due to unforeseen circumstances shall
formalities. No other relaxation will be be announced on the university website.
given in the procedure of admission. Such Candidates are advised to visit the website
candidates are also advised to send a regularly.
4. Fee Structure:
The detailed fee structure for M.Sc. Programme is given in Table-5.
Table-5: Detailed Fee Structure for M.Sc. Programme
S. Particulars Fee in AY 2024 – Fee in AY 2025 –
No. 2025 1st Year (Rs.) 2026 2nd Year (Rs.)
1. Tuition Fee 23,000/- 24,800/-
2. Non Govt. Component
2.1 Student welfare fee (Co-curricular activities, 10,000/- 10,000/-
Training & placement, extra curricular
activities, Annual gathering, Students welfare,
Institutional development, outsourcing,
conference, seminar, workshop, innovative
projects, skill development activities and
miscellaneous expenditure on unspecified
List of Electives
Chemistry of Nanomaterials Advanced Methods in Organic Synthesis
Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms and Agrochemicals and food chemistry
Bioinorganic Chemistry
Organic Synthesis and Heterocyclic Chemistry of Life Processes and Bioactive
Chemistry Compounds
Solid State Chemistry Macromolecules
Analytical Techniques for Inorganic Chemists Advanced Molecular Spectra
Material, Nuclear and Radiochemistry
In addition to these departmental electives, Further, besides conventional modes of
student can opt for other elective courses teaching such as lectures, videos, power
depending on his/ her interest offered by points and reading materials, Students are
any other department offering courses in encouraged to earn some credits through
M.Sc. and B.Tech. programmes. self-paced custom elearning in the areas
Track 1 option is by research work. of interest through MOOCs, SWAYAM and
Candidate will be finally evaluated at the NPTEL digital platforms.
end of the semester IV on the basis of his/
her publication (accepted or published in
SCI/SCIE journals).
List of Electives
Microbial Technology Diagnostics
Computational Biology Cancer Genetics
Animal Biotechnology Evolutionary Genetics
Plant Biotechnology Model Genetic Systems
Environmental Biotechnology Pharmacogenomics
Nano-biotechnology Stem Cell Biology
Protein Engineering Vaccines
Molecular Virology Metabolic Engineering
Industrial & Food Biotechnology Molecular Therapeutics
by _____________________.
Signature _________________________
Place: ____________ Name ____________________________
Date: ____________ Address __________________________
of Village/Town____________________________________District/Division _________
Division of ________________________ State. This is also to certify that he/she does not
Dated: _________________
District Magistrate / Deputy Commissioner /
Competent Authority
community which is recognized as a backward class by the Government of India for the
purpose of reservation in services as per orders contained in Department of Personnel
and Training Office Memorandum No.36012/22/93- Estt. (SCT), dated 8/9/1993. It is also
declared that I do not belong to persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of
the Schedule to the above referred Office Memorandum, dated 8/9/1993, which is modified
vide Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No.36033/3/2004 Estt.
(Res.) dated 9/3/2004.
Date: _________________
Percentage loss of earning capacity (in words): __________________
Whether the candidate is otherwise able to carry on the studies and perform the duties
d. Disabled in peace time and boarded out from service with disability attributable to
military service.
f. Ex- serviceman.
g. Serving soldier
DTU against the Defence quota under priority His/ Her Ex-serviceman widow identify card
NO _______________________________________/_______________RSB Secretary
__________ (full address to be given) do hereby, solemnly declare and affirm as under:
Place: _____________________________
Dated: _____________________________
Verified that the contents of the above affidavit/self attested are true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein.
Place: _____________________________
Dated: _____________________________
son/daughter/wife of ____________________________________________________
resident of ___________________________________________________________
Place: ______________________
Date: _______________________
Note: No Document other than this will be accepted by the University for claiming
reservation against the Kashmiri Migrant Seat.