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Delhi Technological University

Established by the Govt. of NCT of Delhi vide Act 6 of 2009

(Formerly Delhi College of Engineering)

ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified

ACCREDITED with ‘A’ Grade (CGPA 3.22 out of 4.0) by NAAC

M. Sc.
BROCHURE 2024-25
Admission Schedule with Important Dates*
(For the Final Schedule and Important Dates, visit DTU Website:

Activity/Event Date

17-05-2024 (Friday)
1 Advertisements in newspapers

17-05-2024 (Friday)
2 Commencement of Online Registration
10:00 A.M. onwards

07-07-2024 (Sunday)
3 Last Day and Time for Online Registration
12:00 Midnight

Merit List for 1st round of counselling on the basis of CUET 12-07-2024 (Friday)
(PG)-2024 Score for admission to M.Sc. programme. 05:00 P.M.

1st Round of admission at DTU for all branches and

freezing seats and preparing wait list (Selected candidates
5 (Tuesday)
are required to report along with original documents and
10:00 A.M.
Bank Draft for payment of Fee).

Display of vacant seats for 2nd round on DTU website: 19-07-2024 (Friday)
6 05:00 P.M.

2nd Round admission at DTU and also the last date of

admissions for all branches and freezing seats (Selected
7 (Tuesday)
candidates are required to report along with original
10:00 A.M.
documents and Bank Draft for payment of Fee).

Display of vacant seats for spot round on DTU website: 26-07-2024 (Friday)
8 05:00 P.M.

Spot round of admissions at DTU for all branches 30-07-2024

9 (Selected candidates are required to report along with (Tuesday)
original documents and Bank Draft for payment of a fee.) 10:00 A.M.

Date will be
10 Special Spot Round (if required) announced on the

*Note: All candidates desirous of seeking admission to M.Sc. Programme are hereby advised to read the
brochure carefully and visit the website regularly for updates and other details/
additional information about the entire admission process. The contents and information provided in
the Admission Brochure are based on the current instructions/guidelines issued by the Government of
NCT of Delhi & CUET (PG)-2024 administered by NTA.

Any Modification / Addition / further clarification about eligibility conditions and procedures for
admission in the M.Sc. programmes, if required, will be notified on the University Website through
separate notification.
Delhi Technological University
Established by the Govt. of NCT of Delhi vide Act 6 of 2009
(Formerly Delhi College of Engineering)

M. Sc.
BROCHURE 2024-25
General Instructions 6

CONTENTS About Delhi Technological University 8

1. M. Sc. Programmes 13
1.1 Eligibility Conditions 13
1.2 Seat Matrix 14
2. Reservation of Seats for Different Categories and
Relaxation in Essential Qualifications 15
2.1 Reservation Policy 15
2.2 Seat Conversion Rules 16
3. Online Registration Process/Counselling Process 17
3.1 Registration Fee 17
3.2 Details of Entrance Test 17
3.3 Rules for Seat Allotment 17
3.4 First round of admission 18
3.5 Second/ subsequent rounds of admission (Subject to availability of
seats) 18
3.6 Spot round of admission (Subject to availability of seats) 18
4. Fee Structure: 19
5. Withdrawal / Refund Policy 20
6. Documents Required 21
7. Academic Department Details & Course Curriculum Offered for M. Sc.
Programmes 22
7.1 Department of Applied Mathematics 22
7.2 Department of Applied Physics 23
7.3 Department of Applied Chemistry 24
7.4 Department of Biotechnology 25
8. Syllabus for CUET (PG) Examination
for M. Sc. ADMISSIONS 2024-2025 27
8.1 Syllabus for M.Sc. Mathematics (SCQP19), CUET Examination 27
8.2 Syllabus for M.Sc. Physics (SCQP24), CUET Examination 28
8.3 Syllabus for M.Sc. Chemistry (SCQP08), CUET examination 29
8.4 Syllabus for M.Sc. Biotechnology (SCQP17), CUET Examination 37
9. Certificates and Formats 38
9.1 Certificate for Appearing in the Final Semester/Year Examination 38
9.2 Authorities who can issue Caste / Tribe Certificate 39
9.3 Person with Disability Sub-Category 42
9.4 Certificate for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 43
9.5 Certificate in Respect of Defence Category (CW) 44
9.6 Affidavit for Single Girl Child 45
9.7 Certificate for Availing Admission Against Kashmiri Migrant Quota 46
Established by Govt. of Delhi vide Act 6 of 2009
(Formerly Delhi College of Engineering)

Prof. Prateek Sharma


Message from Vice Chancellor

It is my immense pleasure to announce that Delhi Technological University is commencing
postgraduate courses admissions for the academic year 2024-25 in May 2024.

Delhi Technological University is globally known for outstanding education, research and
innovations. The University currently offers various interdisciplinary and industry relevant
programmes in science, technology, management and allied areas at undergraduate,
post- graduate and doctoral levels.

Students admitted to DTU through their dedication, discipline and steadfastness can go
on, to become professionals and impactful leaders. DTU provides them an environment
to shape their talent as DTU ensures that every step of a student’s journey is designed
keeping in mind the holistic development. This is coupled with a diverse range of extra-
curricular activities throughout the year, which help students develop various skills to
facilitate them throughout their lives.

Over the years, DTU has established itself as the University of unshakable Repute. Hence,
getting admission in DTU has scaled great heights on the national and international
stages, and continue to make us proud. The conjoined efforts of relentless students,
faculty, administration and the staff have preserved and exceptional environment in DTU
that allows persistent exchange of information and upholds the unmatched excellence
associated with this University for eight decades.

We aim at nurturing the students holistically and endeavour to foster a culture in which
virtues and skills are instilled in them, along with a concern for society and its wellbeing.
On behalf of DTU, I whole heartedly welcome all applicants.

(Prof. Prateek Sharma)


PH. : 011-27882284, 27852207 Email:, WEBSITE:

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

1. Admissions to the M.Sc. programmes for admission as specified in this brochure.
the academic year 2024-25 in the Delhi
Technological University (DTU) will be 7. If a candidate is found ineligible at any
done through the Common University stage before or after examination /
Entrance Test: CUET - (PG) - 2024 declaration of result or during any stage
conducted by the National Testing of the programme, his / her candidature
Agency (NTA). / admission will be cancelled without
any notice and suitable action shall
2. The admissions will be done purely be initiated against him / her including
based on the merit list prepared by forfeiture of the fee.
CUET-(PG)-2024 rank among the
registered students at the DTU portal. 8. The applicants are advised to preserve
the online registration form as well as
3. List of M.Sc. programmes offered by acknowledgement details, if any for
DTU: Academic Year 2024-25 future reference.
9. While filling up the registration form, the
Programme Test Paper CUET Paper
Name Code 2024 Title candidate must verify the correctness of
all the particulars furnished by him / her.
M.Sc. In case any candidate is found to have
SCQP19 Mathematics
furnished false information or is found to
M.Sc. (Physics) SCQP24 Physics have concealed any material information
M.Sc. in his / her application/registration form,
SCQP08 Chemistry
(Chemistry) he / she will be debarred from admission
M. Sc. and forfeiture of the fee. Further,
SCQP17 Life Sciences University reserves the rights to take
suitable actions against the applicant in
4. A separate registration form to apply for this regard.
DTU’s M.Sc. programme will be released
on the University’s official website www. 10. After the registration form is complete Candidates are required to in all respect and all the required
fill in their CUET scores obtained in the documents have been uploaded, the
respective courses in the application candidate must confirm all the details
form. before final submission. The candidate
will not be permitted to edit/change
5. The registration fee of Rs. 1500/- for details filled in the registration form once
GN/OBC/EWS/SC/ST/PwD, is to be the candidate submits the form.
paid online through credit card/net
banking at the time of registration. 11. Candidates must ensure that Mobile
After completing the registration form Number and Email Address provided by
successfully if a candidate does not pay them must be valid and should belong to
the registration fee, he/she will not be the candidate or his/her immediate family
considered for any seat allotment in any members. These details will be used by
round of the counselling. The fee paid the University for future communications
for the registration for admission shall with the candidate. University would not
not be refundable. be responsible for communication not
being made due to non-existent/faulty
6. It is the responsibility of the candidates to communication details provided by the
ascertain whether he/she possesses the candidate.
requisite eligibility and qualifications for

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

12. It is in the interest of the candidate to the parents (mother/father) or any other
remember his/her Password and keep family member is not acceptable and
it highly confidential, to avoid misuse by the candidate will not be entitled even
other candidates. for provisional admission. The caste/
category certificate must be uploaded in
13. Merit list will be declared on the online admission portal as well.
university website only and no separate
intimation will be sent to the candidates 18. It is the sole responsibility of the
regarding declaration of merit list and candidate to prove his / her eligibility
for admission. for claiming reservation under any of
the reserved categories. A candidate
14. Final dates of commencement of first who is offered a seat under reserved
and second-round admissions/detailed category / sub-category in any round
schedule and last date of admission will of seat allotment and fails to produce
be uploaded on the DTU website (www. appropriate document in support, his/ her allotted seat will be cancelled
15. The candidates will be called for and he / she shall be considered for
admission depending upon the number allotment in GENERAL (GN) category
of seats available in each programme. in subsequent rounds on submission
The offer of admission shall be extended of a written request by the candidate
only to the qualified and eligible to University in this regard, subject to
candidates strictly in order of merit. eligibility, availability of vacant seats and
his/ her merit. University reserves the
16. The list of documents required for right to accept or reject such requests.
admission counselling is mentioned in
19. EWS and OBC (NCL) candidates
section 6 of this brochure. Candidates
are required to produce concerned
are advised to bring/upload, wherever
certificate issued after March 31, 2024
specified, all the relevant documents
from the authorities.
as detailed in this brochure at the time
of admission. 20. Candidates are advised to keep
checking the website for
17. The candidate seeking admission under further updates regarding the admission
reserved categories has to mandatorily process for M.Sc. programme.
produce the caste/category certificate in
his/her name at the time of counselling. 21. For any queries, please write to us at
The certificate in the name of either of

- 2024-2025
Delhi Technological University (DTU), a manpower of highest quality in the field of
leading World Class Technological University, engineering and technology, and, is globally
plays a vital role in National and Global well known for its outstanding education,
Knowledge Network. It is empowering India research and innovations. The University
with the Wings of Knowledge and Power currently offers various inter-disciplinary
of Innovations. With more than 82 years of and industry relevant programmes in
tradition of excellence in “Engineering & Science, Technology, Management, and
Technological Education” and “Research allied areas at Undergraduate, Postgraduate
& Innovations”. DTU came into being after and Doctoral level. The University has
the reconstitution of the Delhi College of established a strong academia-industry
Engineering by the Government of NCT of interface and has collaborations with
Delhi in 2009, by Act 6 of 2009, passed reputed research organizations, industries,
by the assembly of the NCT of Delhi. It is and premier institutions. A great many
a non-affiliating, teaching and research alumni of the institute have excelled at home
University, committed to achieve excellence and abroad and through their contributions
in Engineering, Science, Technology, to the profession of engineering. They have
Management and allied areas and matters brought high honour and enhanced the
connected therewith or incidental thereto. dignity of engineering fraternity being rolled
The university, in its various avatars, namely, out from institutions in India. The University
the ‘Delhi Polytechnic’ and ‘Delhi College lays great emphasis on assisting students
of Engineering’ (DCE), has been serving in the development of national character,
the nation and the global community since self-confidence, leadership and fostering an
its inception in 1941, by providing trained ecosystem for creativity and imagination.


To be a world class university through

VISION education, innovation and research for the
service of humanity

To establish centres of excellence in emerging areas of

MISSION science, engineering, technology, management and allied
To foster an ecosystem for incubation, product development,
transfer of technology and entrepreneurship.
To create environment of collaboration, experimentation,
imagination and creativity.
To develop human potential with analytical abilities, ethics
and integrity.
To provide environment friendly, reasonable and sustainable
solutions for local & global needs.

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

Location: innovation the university offers provisions
like funding for students’ innovative
Delhi Technological University is situated
projects, financial assistance to students
at Shahbad Daulatpur, Rohini in North-West
for attending internship overseas, research
Delhi, India. It is approximately 32 kilometers
project grants to all faculty members etc.
from the Indira Gandhi International Airport,
To celebrate the individual’s excellence in
New Delhi and the nearest Metro stations
research, the university offers Research
are Samaypur Badli/Rithala. Once at
Excellence Awards to researchers in three
Samaypur Badli/Rithala, board local
categories of awards annually, namely,
transport, auto or bus to get down at DTU,
Outstanding Research Awards, Premier
which is 3-4 kms far from Samaypur Badli/
Research Awards, and Commendable
Rithala Metro Station.
Research Awards. The awards are open to
Programmes Offered all the researchers of DTU. The University
provides funds to faculty and students
The University offers 14 Undergraduate
to organize and attend various faculty
engineering programmes (B.Tech.) and
development programmes, seminars, and
three bachelor programmes [i.e. B.Des.,
BBA, BA (Hons.) Economics], 25 M.Tech.
programmes, 5 MBA programmes, 4 M.Sc. Ranking and Rewards
programmes, MA (Economics) and M. Des.
Programme. The university offers Ph. D The university is having ISO 9001:2015
programmes in all areas of engineering, certification since 27.11.2018, accredited with
science, management, design and ‘A’ grade by NAAC (National Assessment
economics. The UG and PG programmes of and Accreditation Council) and has been
DTU offer the most modern curricula, based accorded 2(f) and 12-B status by the
on the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), University Grants Commission (UGC). Many
having rich mix of courses from science, of its UG & PG engineering programmes
engineering, management, social sciences, are also accredited by the National Board
humanities, fine arts, liberal arts, classical of Accreditation (NBA). The University
music, sports, etc. The course curricula have is consistently ranked among best 10
been developed with a view to integrate engineering institutions as per the various
advancements in science and engineering, independent surveys on best engineering
while also incorporating industry relevant institutions of the country. The university
technologies. To provide further flexibility has been ranked 8th by India Today’s best
there is provision for credit transfer and government engineering colleges ranking
earning credits through massive online 2023. The 2023 NIRF rankings placed DTU
courses (MOOCs) from different platforms at the 29th position among the engineering
such as NPTEL, SWAYAM, Coursera and institutions and at 40 in the categories of
Edx etc. The curriculum is regularly updated universities. DTU has been placed at 801-
keeping in view the new technologies and 1000 bracket in the Times Higher Education
changes in the needs of industries and World University Ranking 2024.
Campus and Infrastructure
Faculty and Research DTU has 164 acres of a lush green, tech-
The university has a very talented pool savvy main campus, consisting of 16
of experienced, as well as young faculty academic departments, research centers,
members who are well qualified in their area and residences for students, faculty, and
of specialization and have very good national staff. At present the university has around
and international exposure. To engage 15,000 students in its undergraduate,
the students and faculty in research and postgraduate, and Ph. D programmes.

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

DTU has an EDUSAT Studio utilized for Central Library
recording of lectures, events, and talks.
Delhi Technological University library, with
Besides the main campus, the university
a collection of more than 2,00,000 text and
has another campus in East Delhi, where
reference books and a large number of
some of the M.B.A. programmes, B.A. (Hons.)
e-journals, e-books, manuscripts in digital
Economics and B.B.A. programmes are
format, is one of the highly rich engineering
offered. The newly established East Delhi
libraries in the country. Library provides
Campus of DTU has been functional since
remote access facility to all its readers by
the 2017-18 academic session. It is located
using cloud based remote access software.
at Vivek Vihar, Phase II, Delhi. This campus
The library also helps researchers to maintain
endeavours to provide quality education,
proper integrity and ethics and provides the
research, and innovation in the emerging
facility of similarity check to avoid instances
areas of management, relevant to industry
of plagiarism. It has a very active presence
and society.
on Facebook. Various current awareness
Computer Centre services and user information literacy
programmes are continually organized
DTU has a well-equipped centralized throughout the year. The library building
computer centre to cater to the needs of is a four storied, aesthetically designed,
students and faculty in the university. It is centrally air-conditioned structure with a
housed, in a magnificent state-of-the-art seating capacity of 500. Library is updated
building having specialized laboratories to regularly by way of adding new literature
provide variety of platforms and computing in the form of text books, reference books,
environment for UG, PG and research reports, proceedings, abstracts & indexes,
students. The centre possesses several encyclopaedias, data books, standards
servers and over 275 Dell intel core i5 (National & International), Journals &
computer systems. In addition, the centre database on CD-ROM.
has more than 15 servers hosting different
applications such as websites & portals, Hostel
SPSS, Mathematica, MatLab, DNS, LDAP,
Hostel life is one of the most enjoyable
proxy, Email services, Network Monitoring
and memorable times of one’s life. There
System (NMS) etc. and 4 SUN CAD
are 11 boy’s hostels and 03 girl’s hostels
workstations meant for use by UG/PG/PhD
in DTU, besides, one separate hostel for
students for their projects and research
international students (boys). Each hostel
work. The centre is networked through
in the campus gives each individual ample
high-end intelligent Juniper/Avaya/CISCO/
opportunity to develop various qualities
Brocade/Ruckus manageable switches
as each hostel is equipped with recreation
and possesses round the clock two
room, reading room, mess and gymnasium.
leased lines of 10 Gbps link of NKN and
Additionally, every hostel subscribes to the
1Gbps link of Reliance Jio with shared
latest magazines and newspapers for the
bandwidth in different pipes for the Wi-
residents. The hostels are connected to the
Fi connectivity in the Library, Academic
campus via the campus wide wi-fi network
Departments, Administrative Blocks, Sports
and LAN which enables the residents to
Complex, Faculty Residence and Hostel
browse the internet and access the online
blocks of the campus, with internet facilities
library resources for their academic and
on all the nodes. It also has the latest
research related work. The information of
versions of compilers, scientific, technical,
all available accommodation will be posted
and engineering software, training kits etc.
on the University website. However, limited
for the students of different branches of
seats could be provided inside the University

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

premises. In addition, the mess facility at the business ideas by providing a range of
University can be availed by all the students. services including co-working office space,
mentoring support, funding support with
Centre for extension & field venture capital financing, and other supports
outreach & resources they need, all under one roof.
Centre for Extension and Field Outreach During last five years, IIF provided 70 lakhs
was established in DTU in the year 2018. The of funds to 56 start-up companies. Also,
various activities/ programme performed DTU-IIF promotes the culture of innovation
by the Centre is to sensitize the students and Entrepreneurship by organizing various
to develop social values, widespread their webinars/workshops/Hackathons, etc. The
responsibilities and knowledge in societal Business Review Committee screens the
issues and problems by making them to new ideas and recommends incubation at
involve with the community people. DTU DTU-IIF. The Finance Review Committee
is a Participating Institute under under recommends the investment of Rs. 7.5 lakh
“Unnat Bharat Abhyan”- a Project of Ministry per start-up. Delhi Technological University
of HRD, Govt. of India and adopted five established Technology Business Incubator
villages and are conducting classes in their (TBI) in the name of DTU Innovation and
schools. Directorate of Education, Govt. Incubation Foundation (DTU-IIF). DTU-IIF
of NCT of Delhi awarded a Project “Youth was incorporated as Section 8 Company
for Education” and has launched “Desh on 06.09.2016.
Ke Mentor”, which is one of the largest
Sports and Other Outdoor Activities
mentoring programmes in school education.
Centre has also started a certificate course The students of DTU are provided with
titled as “Basic Computer Course” Under excellent facilities for indoor and outdoor
Lab on Wheels (LOW) Scheme for the games. DTU has 4 x 400 m racing track,
candidates from the Government Schools fields for football, hockey, cricket, courts for
of NCT of Delhi or from society. Centre at volleyball, basketball, tennis, badminton,
DTU is coordinating with Delhi Police along with facilities for indoor games. A
conducting Skill development programme well-equipped gymnasium is also available
through one-month basic computer training in the campus in addition to gym facilities in
to Juveniles in conflict with law/ weaker each hostel. The university has appointed
section in Rohini. Centre is regularly coaches in almost all the games to coach
organizing Seminars/ online webinars/ the students and prepare university teams.
workshops/ Awareness programmes etc and Students are encouraged to participate in
is working towards increasing productivity, various sporting events and tournaments
enhancing skills and abilities, focusing on held in, and around, NCR of Delhi. From
growth and helping people to work on their academic year 2018-19, as per the revised
own future development. curriculum, the university offers foundation
electives to the students of first year and
Innovation and incubation second year and in these sports have big
foundation (DTU-IIF) share of electives.
DTU-IIF is a Technology Business Incubator A large number of bright and capable
(TBI) established in 2016 as a non-profit scholars, having graduated from the
section 8 company. Currently, this TBI is Institute, have distinguished themselves by
supported by the Government of Delhi means of their extraordinary achievements
and Delhi Technological University. in their chosen professions and by their
DTU-IIF helps start-up companies and contributions to the society at large.
individual entrepreneurs to develop their

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

DCE-DTU Alumi Network festivals not just provide an opportunity
to the students to connect with the
DCE-DTU Alumni are serving leadership
professional world, but also display their
positions in many of the best-known
creative and technical skills in several
companies in India and abroad, in marketing,
interesting events and activities organized
finance, human resources, information
during the fests. The ENGIFEST, one of the
technology, research & analytics, innovation
most well attended student’s cultural event
& entrepreneurship. And the worldwide
in northern India and the YUVAAN, the
network of illustrious alumni includes world-
literary Fest, is annual cultural extravaganza
known personalities like Prof. Vinod Dham
of the university and offers a good mix of
(Father of the Pentium Chip), Dr. Raj Soin
literary, cultural, and entertainment events.
(Founder, CEO of Soin, and LLC), Prof. D. Yogi.
The INVICTUS is annual technical festival of
Goswami (Inventor, Author, Entrepreneur
the university where all technical societies
and Educator), Dr. Durga Das Aggarwal
of the university host various technical
(President, CEO Piping Technology &
activities and competition. The AAHVAAN
Products, Inc). Mr. Vijay Shekhar Sharma,
is the annual sports fest organized by DTU
(Founder of Paytm), Sh. Karnal Singh (Former
sports council.
Chief of Enforcement Directorate), Sh. Arun
Goyal (Member-CERC & Former Secretary, Medical Facilities
Cabinet Secretariat).
DTU has a well-equipped health care
Alumni have been traditionally contributing centre, where the medical practitioners are
generously towards placement available to the students requiring medical
opportunities, sponsorships/ Fellowship attention. The healthcare centre has
programs and infrastructural developments specialized medical practitioners including
of their alma mater. Donations for Raj Soin Hall ENT, dental care, Physiotherapy, Nutrition,
by Dr. Soin, Clean Energy Research Centre Gynaecology and Obstetrics etc. Further,
establishment by Prof. Yogi Goswami, and medical camps are also being organized by
several scholarships for the students of DTU the University on regular basis. In addition,
have shown the dedication of the alumni for Ambulance facility is also available in case
the betterment of their alma mater. of emergency. The University has also tie-
ups with the major hospitals of Delhi for
Events and Festivals emergency cases.
The university organizes annual cultural, More information about DTU can be
literary, sports and technical festivals. These accessed at

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

1. M. Sc. Programmes
1.1 Eligibility Conditions curricula which is based on Choice Based
Credit System (CBCS) guidelines issued
The M.Sc. two-year degree programme
by University Grants Commission (UGC)
offers quality education in the disciplines
equips the students with the ability to utilize
of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and
scientific knowledge foundation for practical
Biotechnology. The course is designed to
and industrial applications. The medium of
provide a basket of ‘Elective’ courses as an
instruction is English for the programme.
integral component of curriculum, for catering
The educational qualifications and eligibility
to the varied interests of the students, so
conditions for admission is given in the
that students can develop ‘specialization’ in
the areas of their academic and professional
interest. The interdisciplinary content of the
Table-1 : Educational qualifications and eligibility conditions for M.Sc. Admission 2024-25
S. Name of Programme Number of
Essential qualifications
No. Department Name Seats*
1. Applied M.Sc. 60 BA/B.Sc. (Gen. OR Hons.) with
Mathematics Mathematics 55% or equivalent CGPA provided
(MSCMAT) by the concerned Institute/
University with Mathematics as
one of the main subjects.
2. Applied M.Sc. Physics 60 B.Sc. (Gen./Hons.) with 55% or
Physics (MSCPHY) equivalent CGPA provided by the
concerned Institute/ University
with Physics as one of the main
3. Applied M. Sc. 60 B.Sc. (Gen/Hons.) with 55% or
Chemistry Chemistry equivalent CGPA provided by the
(MSCCHEM) concerned Institute/ University
with Chemistry as one of the
main subjects.
4. Biotechnology M.Sc. 60 B.Sc. (Gen/Hons.) with 55% or
Biotechnology equivalent CGPA provided by the
(MSCBT) concerned Institute/ University
with Biology as one of the main
* Candidates are advised to visit university website regularly for updates.
In case CGPA or conversion formula has not been provided by the concerned Institute/
University then equivalent CGPA will be computed as per the following
Percentage of Marks= 10 × CGPA

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

1.2 Seat Matrix
a. Detailed seat matrix indicating seats in various departments under different categories
is given in Table-2.
Table-2 : Seat Matrix for M.Sc. Programme for the Session 2024-2025
Category AM AP AC BT Total
Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biotech.
GN Open 22 23 22 22
PwD 1 1 1 1
Defence CW 1 1 1 1
Total Gen Seats 24 25 24 24 97
SC SC 8 8 8 8
SC-PwD 0 1 0 1
Defence CW 1 0 1 0
Total SC Seats 9 9 9 9 36
ST ST 4 3 4 5
ST-PwD 1 0 0 0
Defence CW 0 1 0 0
Total ST Seats 5 4 4 5 18
OBC OBC 15 15 15 14
OBC-PwD 1 0 1 1
Defence CW 0 1 1 1
Total OBC Seats 16 16 17 16 65
EWS EWS 5 5 5 5
EWS-PwD 0 1 1 0
Defence CW 1 0 0 1
Total EWS Seats 6 6 6 6 24
Total Seats 60 60 60 60 240

b. Relaxation in minimum percentage paper(s)/ supplementary(ies) before the

requirement will be granted to candidates date of admission may also apply. Such
belonging to SC/ST/PwD categories as candidates will be required to submit a
given in Table 3. The aggregate marks certificate as per the proforma given in
awarded for the qualifying degree will Annexure-1 along with the application
be considered for eligibility. Admission form. Such candidates may be admitted
to the M.Sc. programmes as given in provisionally but they will be required
Table-1, will be made on the basis of to produce the proof of having passed
merit in the written test CUET-(PG)-2024 the qualifying degree with the required
conducted by the NTA. percentage of marks or CGPA latest by
September 30, 2024, failing which their
Final year students who will be admission shall be cancelled and fees
completing all the requirements of their will be forfeited.
qualifying examination including back

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

2. Reservation of Seats for Different Categories and
Relaxation in Essential Qualifications
Admissions to the M.Sc. programmes will for Kashmiri migrant. However, there will
be made on All India basis. The university be no relaxation in the minimum eligibility
follows the reservations rules of Govt. of criteria for SG and Kashmiri migrants (KM).
NCT of Delhi. In addition to this, 01 (One) seat Table 3 given below indicates the percentage
in each M. Sc. programme of DTU, over and of reservations for various categories and
above their normal intake, is earmarked for relaxation in minimum eligibility conditions
Single Girl Child (SG) candidate and 01 (one) as applicable for the academic session
seat in each M. Sc. programme is reserved 2024– 2025.
Table-3: Reservation of Seats for Different Categories and Relaxation in Essential
Seats Relaxation in Essential
S. No. Category
reserved qualification
1 Scheduled Castes (SC) 15% 5%
2 Scheduled Tribes (ST) 7.5 % 5%
3 Other Backward Classes (OBC) 27% NIL
4. Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 10% NIL
5. Sub Category Persons with Disability (PwD) 5% 5%
6. Sub Category Defence Personal (CW) 5% NIL

2.1 Reservation Policy Priority I - Widows/wards of Defence

Personnel killed in action.
a. Scheduled Caste (SC): 15 % of the total
seats are reserved for Scheduled Caste Priority II – Wards of disabled in action
candidates. and boarded out from service.
b. Scheduled Tribe (ST): 7.5 % of the total Priority III - Widows/wards of Defence
seats are reserved for Scheduled Tribe Personnel who died in peace time with
candidates. death attributable to Military Service.
c. Other Backward Class (OBC- NCL): 27% Priority IV - Wards of disabled in service
of the total seats are reserved for Other and boarded out from service with
Backward Class (Non-Creamy Layer) disability attributable to military service.
candidates. Priority V - Wards of serving Defence
d. Economically Weaker Section (EWS): Personnel and ex-servicemen who are
10% of the total seats are reserved in receipt of the following Gallantry
for Economically Weaker Section Awards:* 1. ParamVir Chakra 2. Ashok
candidates. Chakra 3. Mahavir Chakra 4. Kirti Chakra
5. Vir Chakra 6. Shaurya Chakra 7. Sena/
Sub-categories namely ‘Defence’ and NauSena/Vayu Sena Medal 8. Mention-
‘Person with Disability’ are available in-Despatches 9. President’s Police
under each category (General, SC, ST, Medal for Gallantry 10. Police Medal for
OBC-NCL, EWS). Gallantry
e. Defence Personnel (CW): 5% of the total Priority VI – Wards of Ex-servicemen.
seats (Horizontal) in each category are
Priority VII – Wives of:
reserved for candidates belonging to
Defence sub-category in the following i. Defence personnel disabled in action
priority: and boarded out from service

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

ii. Defence personnel disabled in CGPA relaxation in eligibility
service and boarded with disability requirement in line with the policies
attributable to military service of Govt. of NCT of Delhi. They will
iii. Ex-servicemen and serving personnel not be allowed any other relaxation
who are in receipt of Gallantry awards. beyond this limit even if they belong
to SC/ST category.
Priority VIII – Wards of Serving personnel.
g) Kashmiri Migrants (KM)
Priority IX - Wives of Serving personnel. (Supernumerary): (One) seat over
Note:* These medals are awarded for Gallantry and above the total intake of all
as well as for distinguished service. Accordingly, programme is available.
it is notified in correspondence as under: (a)
Sena Medal (G)/ NauSena Medal (G)/ Vayu Sena h) Single Girl Child (SG) (Supernumerary):
Medal (G) for the medal awarded for Gallantry. 01 (One) seat in each programme,
(b) Sena Medal (D)/ NauSena Medal (D)/ Vayu over and above their normal intake,
Sena Medal (D) for the medal awarded for is earmarked for Single Girl Child
Distinguished Service. However, for the purpose candidate (Girl having no brother and
of reservation, only notification which states that sister alive).
the Medal has been awarded for Gallantry will
be accepted and the Medal for Distinguished 2.2 Seat Conversion Rules
Services will not be accepted.
a. After exhausting the complete list of
f. Person with Disability (PwD): 5% of the PwD and CW subcategories if there are
total seats (Horizontally)in each category vacant seats, the vacant seats in these
are reserved for candidates belonging subcategories will be transferred to
to ‘Person with Disability’ sub-category. respective main category (GEN/SC/ST/
Candidate’s seeking admission must OBC/EWS).
fulfil the eligibility conditions as detailed b. After exhausting the complete list of SC,
earlier. The 5% reservation horizontally ST, OBC and EWS candidates, the vacant
for persons with disability may be seats will be treated as unreserved in the
allocated as detailed in Seat Matrix. The Spot Round. The conversion of vacant
format of disability certificate is available seats will be done only in the Spot Round
as Annexure-3. as per the following procedure:
Against the seats identified for each i. If the complete list of ST candidate
disability, of which, one percent each exhausts, then the remaining vacant
shall be reserved for persons with seats under this category will be
benchmark disabilities under clauses filled from the list of SC, category
(a), (b), and (c) and one percent, under candidates or vice versa as per merit.
clauses (d) and (e).
ii. If the complete list of SC/ST candidate
a) Blindness and low vision; exhausts, then the remaining vacant
b) Deaf and hard of hearing; seats under this category will be filled
c) Locomotors disability including by creating equal number of seats in
GN, category as per merit.
cerebral palsy, leprosy cured,
dwarfism, acid attack victims and iii. If the complete list of EWS candidate
muscular dystrophy; exhausts, then the remaining vacant
seats under this category will be
d) Austin, intellectual disability, specific
filled from the list of GN, category
learning disability and mental illness;
candidates as per merit.
e) Multiple disabilities from amongst
iv. If the complete list of OBC candidate
persons under clauses (a) to (d)
exhausts, then the remaining vacant
including deaf-blindness.
seats under this category will be
f) Physically handicapped applicants filled from the list of GN, category
are permitted 5% marks of equivalent candidates as per merit.

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

3. Online Registration Process/Counselling Process
For admission to M.Sc. programmes 2024, apply separately in each department by
candidates need to register and fill the paying separate online registration fee.
registration form ONLINE through the website after the advertisement. 3.2 Details of Entrance Test
The guidelines indicated in the Online The admission to the following M.Sc.
registration form must be carefully read programmes for the academic year 2024-
by all applicants before filling the Online 25 will be based on the rank obtained in
registration form. The registration process the Common University Entrance Test:
is completed only when a print out of the CUET-(PG)-2024 conducted by the National
filled ONLINE registration form is taken Testing Agency (NTA). The details of test
after successful registration and candidates paper codes and respective programme
paying ONLINE registration fee, which has names are mentioned in Table-4:
to be submitted/uploaded at the time of Table-4
admission/counselling in the University
Details of Test paper codes and respective
along with two good quality photographs
programme names as per CUET-(PG) 2024
(same as uploaded on online application
form) affixed in the appropriate place on the Programme Test Paper CUET Paper
form. Name Code 2024 Title
Candidates, whose final year result is M.Sc.
awaited, may also fill the online registration SCQP19 Mathematics
form provided he/she has score in CUET M.Sc. Physics SCQP24 Physics
exam. Once the candidate has registered
and paid the registration Fee, he/ she would SCQP08 Chemistry
be required to upload an Undertaking as per
the format given in the Brochure (Annexure-I) M. Sc. Life
while filling up the registration form. The Biotechnology Sciences
candidates would require to submit their The students are advised to check the
final mark lists/ degree by September 30, DTU website ( regularly for
2024. Detailed notification in this regard will updates and additional information.
be published on University website.
3.1 Registration Fee 3.3 Rules for Seat Allotment
The registration fee of Rs. 1500/- for GN/ Merit list will be prepared based on the CUET
OBC/EWS/ SC/ST/PwD, is to be paid (PG)-2024 score/rank among registered
online through credit/net banking at the students at DTU.
time of registration and choice filling. The A tentative schedule and the merit list will
registration shall not be complete without be displayed on the University’s website,
the payment of registration fee which is NO separate intimation will
non-refundable and would not be adjusted be sent to the candidates individually.
towards any other fee. Convenience charge Merit list will be declared on the university
(online transactions) will be charged over website only and NO separate intimation
and above the Online Registration as per will be sent to the candidates regarding
the charges for the payment gateway on declaration of merit list and for admission.
every online registration fee payment.
To resolve and determine inter-se-merit of
If a candidate wishes to apply in more than candidates having same CUET (PG) score,
one MSc programmes, then he/she must

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

following criterion will be used in the stated The candidate may freeze his/her admission
order of preference. in a particular M.Sc. Programme, by filling
up a freezing form and submitting the
# In unlikely event of their CUET (PG) score same in the department concerned as per
is being the same, then preference will be the schedule displayed on the admission
based on the All India Rank. website.
# Date of Birth will be compared and elder 3.5 Second/ subsequent rounds of
candidate will be given preference;
admission (Subject to availability
# In highly unlikely event of date of birth is of seats)
same, then rank will be decided on the basis
In case, some seats remain unfilled then
of marks/ CGPA obtained in the qualifying
second/subsequent round of counselling
may be conducted.
3.4 First round of admission The list of seats available for admission
The merit list will be displayed for the first during second/spot round of admission will
round of admissions along with first round be displayed on the DTU admission website
admission schedule on the university as per the schedule given. Candidates are
website and department advised to check the DTU website regularly
notice boards. for instructions and Merit list.
The second/ subsequent rounds for all the
The selected candidates in first round
programmes will be held at the same venue
of admission shall pay the requisite
i.e. respective department. No separate
fee through online (or) demand draft in
individual communication will be sent in this
Favour of “Registrar, Delhi Technological
University” payable at New Delhi and submit
a copy of fee receipt back to the respective The candidate shall have to produce the
department. Admission shall not be valid relevant documents in original (as notified
without payment of fee and submitting the in section 6) for verification at the time of
fee receipt to the department. admission. If a candidate fails to report
for admission on the scheduled date OR
The candidate shall have to produce the he/ she is not able to submit the required
relevant documents in original (as notified documents or fee, he/ she shall forfeit his/
in section 6) for verification at the time of her claim for admission and the seat shall be
admission. If a candidate fails to report offered to the next eligible candidate in the
for admission on the scheduled date OR order of merit. Further, the candidate will not
he/ she is not able to submit the required be eligible for subsequent rounds. However,
documents or fee, he/ she shall forfeit his/ such candidates are eligible for spot round
her claim for admission and the seat shall be of counselling.
offered to the next eligible candidate in the
order of merit. Further, the candidate will not No admission will be made directly to second
be eligible for subsequent rounds. or higher semester of any programme.

A candidate can send his authorized 3.6 Spot round of admission

representative with all the required (Subject to availability of seats)
documents and fee to report for admission in c. The SPOT ROUND shall be conducted
case he/she is unable to report for admission depending upon the availability of
in person. The authorized representative vacant seats in programmes offered.
must come with the authorization letter duly
signed by the candidate. d. All the registered and eligible
candidates who have not secured a seat

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

till the second round of counselling i.e. copy of authorization letter on admission
candidates who have been allotted but support email (mscoordinator@dtu.
not accepted a seat and those who have
not been offered a seat till the second
round of counselling, are eligible for h. Candidates will be called in order of
spot round. The registered candidates their merit rank and allowed to opt for
who were allotted seat in some round of their choice of seat as per vacant seat
counselling, but the seat was cancelled availability.
due to some deficiency (or legitimate i. The selected candidates in spot round
reason) are also eligible for this round of admission shall deposit the requisite
provided the deficiencies are removed. fee through online (or) demand draft in
e. For detailed information on spot round, favour of “Registrar, Delhi Technological
candidates are advised to visit the University” payable at New Delhi and
University website submit a copy of fee receipt back to
the respective department. Admission
f. Participating candidates need to report shall not be valid without payment of
in person at the Spot Round venue fee and submitting the fee receipt to the
(Respective Department Office) as per department.
spot round schedule and mark their
attendance within reporting time. No j. Withdrawal of seat is not allowed for
candidates shall be allowed after the SPOT round seats and admission Fee
reporting time. will not be refunded.

g. Candidates who cannot come physically *Special spot round may be conducted by
can authorize their parent/relative/ the university after the spot round depending
guardian/friends as their representative upon the availability of vacant seats.
to participate in SPOT round on ** Any change in the counselling schedule
their behalf and complete admission due to unforeseen circumstances shall
formalities. No other relaxation will be be announced on the university website.
given in the procedure of admission. Such Candidates are advised to visit the website
candidates are also advised to send a regularly.

4. Fee Structure:
The detailed fee structure for M.Sc. Programme is given in Table-5.
Table-5: Detailed Fee Structure for M.Sc. Programme
S. Particulars Fee in AY 2024 – Fee in AY 2025 –
No. 2025 1st Year (Rs.) 2026 2nd Year (Rs.)
1. Tuition Fee 23,000/- 24,800/-
2. Non Govt. Component
2.1 Student welfare fee (Co-curricular activities, 10,000/- 10,000/-
Training & placement, extra curricular
activities, Annual gathering, Students welfare,
Institutional development, outsourcing,
conference, seminar, workshop, innovative
projects, skill development activities and
miscellaneous expenditure on unspecified

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

2.2 Facilities and services charges (Research 1,500/- 1,500/-
initiatives, training programmes, Awards,
automation, facilities, entrepreneurship
activities and any miscellaneous expenditure
on unspecified items)
2.3 Economically weaker section fund 5,000/- 5,000/-
Examination fee (Examination infrastructure 5,000/- 7,000/-
2.4 strengthening, expenditure on examination
activities, confidential printing etc.)
DTU Medical facilities and premium amount 700/- 700/-
2.5 for Mediclaim of student (per-annum)
GRAND TOTAL Rs. 45,200/- Rs. 49,000/-
The annual fee of the M.Sc. programme counselling) will be given one-day time to
will have to be deposited online by the deposit the admission fee.
candidate at the time of admission on the
university website. Candidates must note If the admission fee is not paid within the
that the admission fee must be paid in single stipulated date and time, then the offer of
instalment failing which the admission offer admission given to them will be withdrawn
will be withdrawn immediately. Waitlisted automatically and the seat will be offered to
candidates (if offered admission during the next eligible candidate.

5. Withdrawal / Refund Policy

The University follows the following policy given in Table-6 for the remittance and refund of
fee, if a student chooses to withdraw from programme of study in which he / she is enrolled.
Table-6: Withdrawal and Fee Refund Policy

S. Percentage of Refund Point of time when application for withdrawal of

No. of aggregate fee admission received
1. 100% 15 days before the formally notified last date of admission
(i.e. upto 06-08-2024).
2. 80% Not more than 15 days after the formally notified last date of
admission (i.e. upto 07-08-2024).
3. 50% More than 15 days but less than 30 days after the formally
notified last date of admission (i.e. from 08-08-2024 to 22-
4. 00% (NIL) More than 30 days after the formally notified last date of
admission (i.e. on or after 23-08-2024).
Note: Last date of admission is 23.07.2024 for all M.Sc. Programmes. Any change will be
notified separately on DTU website. Candidates are advised to visit DTU website www.dtu. regularly for notification.

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

6. Documents Required
1. Candidates are required to submit the certificate.
following documents in original along
with ONE set of self-attested photocopies 8. Candidates applying for admission
of the original documents, two recent to seat reserved for Differently Abled
passport size photographs, printout of Person (PwD) sub-category, the
the registration form duly signed by the candidate must produce the certificates
candidate and annual admission fee in original at the time of document
receipt paid online on the university verification as per Annexure-3.
website, for the purpose of verification 9. The benefit of reservation under EWS
at the time of admission. The original can be availed by persons who are not
documents will be returned to the covered under the scheme of reservation
students after verification. Candidates for SCs, STs and OBCs upon production
are advised to visit University website of an Income and Asset Certificate
regularly for notification in this regard. issued by a competent authority based
2. Date of Birth proof /10th certificate. upon the Income and Assets criteria. The
details and prescribed format issued by
3. All mark sheets and certificate of the Competent Authority is detailed at
qualifying examination (Graduation). Annexure-4.
4. If Result for final semester is not declared, 10. For admission to a seat reserved for
then candidate will be required to submit Defence sub-category (CW), candidate
an Undertaking as per format placed at must produce the following certificates
Annexure-1. (as applicable), in original, at the time
of document verification as per format
5. SC/ST/OBC/Persons with disability available at Annexure-5.
Certificate(s) whichever applicable, on
the basis of which reservation is claimed. 11. The candidates seeking admission under
SG category can submit an affidavit duly
6. Candidates applying for any reserved attested by competent authority as per
seat (i.e. EWS, SC, ST, OBC-NCL, SG, Annexure-6.
CW, KM) must produce the original
certificates (as applicable) issued from 12. The candidates seeking admission
an approved district authority, at the under Kashmiri Migrants (KM)seats
time of document verification. must produce the following documents,
in original, at the time of document
7. OBC (NCL) candidates are required to verification:
produce a caste certificate issued after
March 31, 2024 from the authorities as a. Certificate of registration as
mentioned in Annexure 2. However, if Kashmiri Migrants issued by the
the certificate is issued prior to March Relief Commissioner, Jammu or
31, 2024, it must be accompanied with Divisional Commissioner, Delhi to
an additional certificate regarding establish the status of the applicant
the present non-creamy layer status as registered migrants as per
of the candidate, issued by the same Annexure-7.
competent authority. This additional
certificate must have reference of his b. Proof of property in Kashmir of the
/ her already issued original caste parent of the candidate.

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

The Department runs a four-year B. Tech. Research Areas: Information Theory, Graph
programme in Mathematics & Computing. Theory, Discrete Mathematics, Numerical
This programme is an amalgamation of Analysis, General Relativity and Cosmology,
Mathematics with Computer Science and Optimization Technique, Complex Analysis,
Financial Engineering. More than 25 research Mathematical Modelling, Approximation
students are registered in the Department Theory, Stochastic Processes, Fuzzy logic
for Ph.D programme. The department has and optimization, Algebra and Mathematical
a team of committed faculty members from Finance.
the disciplines of Pure Mathematics, Applied
Mathematics, Computer Engineering,
Statistics and Operation Research.

Course Scheme for M.Sc. (MATHEMATICS)

Abstract Algebra Complex Analysis
Real Analysis Partial Differential Equations
Ordinary Differential Equations Topology
Discrete Mathematics Linear Algebra
Mathematical Statistics Numerical Analysis
Programming Lab- I Programming Lab- II
Communicative English Fundamentals of Computers


Functional Analysis Measure and Integration
Operation Research Dissertation-II
Dissertation-1 Discipline Specific Elective-3/Track-I
Discipline Specific Elective-1/ Track-I Discipline Specific Elective-4
Discipline Specific Elective-2 Generic Elective Courses-2
Generic Elective Course-1
List of Electives
Stochastic process Financial Mathematics
Analysis and Design of Algorithms Data Mining
Number Theory Optimization Techniques
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation Approximation Theory
Calculus of Variation General Relativity and Cosmology
Graph Theory Finite Element Method
Database Management System Machine Learning
Integral Transforms & Equations Advanced Partial Differential Equations
Cryptography and Coding Theory Univalent Function Theory
Classical Mechanics Fuzzy Sets and Applications

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

In addition to these departmental electives, Further, besides conventional modes of
student can opt for other elective courses teaching such as lectures, videos, power
depending on his/ her interest offered by points and reading materials, Students are
any other department offering courses in encouraged to earn some credits through
M.Sc. and B.Tech. programmes. self-paced custom elearning in the areas
Track 1 option is by research work. of interest through MOOCs, SWAYAM and
Candidate will be finally evaluated at the NPTEL digital platforms.
end of the semester IV on the basis of his/
her publication (accepted or published in
SCI/SCIE journals).


Applied Physics Department is providing Research Areas: Nanotechnology: Carbon
cutting edge research, innovation and Nanotube / Carbon Nano fibre and
education in the emerging areas of science Graphene. Plasma Physics/Dusty plasma/
and technology. Department offers the THz Radiation Emission/High power
undergraduate Academic Programme microwave devices, Photonics and Photonic
(B.Tech.) in Engineering Physics and Post Crystals. Glass Science and Technology
Graduate program (M.Tech.) in Material Phosphors, Photoluminescence, Organic &
Science and Technology and one M.Sc. Nano-Material, Time-resolved spectroscopy,
programme in Physics is offered from Micro electronic Devices and Solar Cells-
the Department. The department has Application Oriented Modelling and
well-equipped state of art laboratories Simulation, Waveguide based devices.
for undergraduate, postgraduate and Fibre and Integrated optics, Luminescent
Ph.D. students. Faculty members of the Material, Material science, Experimental
department are actively involved in National Lithium Ion battery, Multiferroic materials,
and International collaborations for R & D Atomic & molecular physics, Gas sensors,
activities. Atmosphere Sciences, Memory Devices.
Course Scheme for M.Sc. (PHYSICS)
Mathematical Physics Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Classical Mechanics Statistical Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics Computational Methods
Applied Optics Electrodynamics
Electronics Solid State Physics
Physics Lab-I Physics Lab-II
Communicative English Fundamentals of Computers


Atomic and Molecular Physics Advanced Semiconductor Devices
Nuclear and Particle Physics Discipline Specific Elective-2/ Track-I
Dissertation-I Generic Elective Course-2
Discipline Specific Elective-1/ Track-I Advanced Physics Lab -II
Generic Elective Course-1 Dissertation-II
Advanced Physics Lab -I

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

List of Electives
Fibre and Integrated Optics Space and Atmospheric Science
Advanced Condensed Matter Physics Lasersand Spectroscopy
Advanced Numerical Physics Spintronics
Plasma Physics Advanced Electronics
Characterization Techniques Advanced Functional Materials
In addition to these departmental electives, Further, besides conventional modes of
student can opt for other elective courses teaching such as lectures, videos, power
depending on his/ her interest offered by points and reading materials, Students are
any other department offering courses in encouraged to earn some credits through
M.Sc. and B.Tech. programmes. self-paced custom elearning in the areas
Track 1 option is by research work. of interest through MOOCs, SWAYAM and
Candidate will be finally evaluated at the NPTEL digital platforms.
end of the semester IV on the basis of his/
her publication (accepted or published in
SCI/SCIE journals).
Department of Applied Chemistry holds published quality research papers in peer-
the foundation of the reputation of Delhi reviewed journals and contributed towards
Technological University as it is one of conference proceeding and book chapters
the core disciplines of DTU founded at of national and international repute.
the time of its inception. The department
offers B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering (4 Research Areas: Inorganicchemistry,
yrs); M.Tech. in Polymer Technology (2 yrs); bioinorganic chemistry, cell imaging, organic
and M.Sc. in Chemistry (2 yrs); and Ph.D. chemistry, organic synthesis, bioorganic
in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. chemistry, medicinal chemistry, biomimetic
The department is providing cutting edge reactions, bio-polymer, nutraceuticals &
research, innovation and education in the functional foods, conducting polymer,
emerging areas of chemistry and chemical sensors, electrochemistry, natural products,
engineering. The department has well- medical textiles, effluent treatment, nano
equipped state of art laboratories for & environmental biotechnology, surface
undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. chemistry, reaction engineering, chemical
students. The faculty members of the engineering, polymer blends &composites,
department are actively involved in research hydrogels.
and collaborations. The department have
Course Scheme for M.Sc. (Chemistry)
Inorganic Chemistry-1: Chemical Bonding, Inorganic Chemistry-2: Molecular
Stability Constant and Supramolecular Chemistry symmetry and Group Theory
Organic Chemistry-1: Stereochemistry and Organic Chemistry-2: Photochemistry &
Reaction Intermediates & Mechanism Pericyclic reactionsand Spectroscopy
Physical Chemistry-1: Quantum chemistry, Physical Chemistry-2: Thermodynamics,
electrochemistry and chemical kinetics Chemical bonding, and Surface chemistry
Elementary Topics for Chemists Generic Elective Courses-1
Chemistry practical (inorganic/organic/ Chemistry practical (inorganic/organic/
physical) physical)
Communicative English Fundamentals of Computers
ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025
Organic Chemistry-3: Methods and Inorganic Chemistry-4: Spectroscopy for
Reagents in Organic Synthesis Inorganic Chemists
Organic Chemistry-4: Medicinal and Natural
product chemistry
PhysicalChemistry-4: Advance electrochemistry
Physical Chemistry-3: Physical aspects Dissertation-I
of spectroscopic methods
Specialization Laboratory Generic Elective Courses-2
Discipline Specific Elective-1/Track-I Discipline Specific Elective-2/Track-I
Inorganic Chemistry-3: Organometallic Dissertation-II
Chemistry and its Applications

List of Electives
Chemistry of Nanomaterials Advanced Methods in Organic Synthesis
Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms and Agrochemicals and food chemistry
Bioinorganic Chemistry
Organic Synthesis and Heterocyclic Chemistry of Life Processes and Bioactive
Chemistry Compounds
Solid State Chemistry Macromolecules
Analytical Techniques for Inorganic Chemists Advanced Molecular Spectra
Material, Nuclear and Radiochemistry
In addition to these departmental electives, Further, besides conventional modes of
student can opt for other elective courses teaching such as lectures, videos, power
depending on his/ her interest offered by points and reading materials, Students are
any other department offering courses in encouraged to earn some credits through
M.Sc. and B.Tech. programmes. self-paced custom elearning in the areas
Track 1 option is by research work. of interest through MOOCs, SWAYAM and
Candidate will be finally evaluated at the NPTEL digital platforms.
end of the semester IV on the basis of his/
her publication (accepted or published in
SCI/SCIE journals).


The main objective of the Department is department has undertaken sponsored
to provide academic training and conduct projects funded by ICMR, CSIR, DST, DBT,
research in the interdisciplinary areas of UGC, etc. The department has 10 state-of-
biotechnology with particular emphasis on the-art laboratories.
extending the knowledge generated from
these studies toward the development of Research Areas: Aquaculture, Algal
technologies of commercial significance. Biotechnology, Bioremediation, Biosensor,
Functional Genomics, Genome informatics,
The Department is running postgraduate Immunology, Immunostimulation, Molecular
programmes in Biotechnology, Neuroscience, Nano- biotechnology, Neuro-
Bioinformatics, and Industrial Biotechnology. oncology, Radiation Biology, Water Quality
Department of Biotechnology is also running Management.
research-oriented Ph.D. programme. The

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

Course Scheme for M.Sc. (BIOTECHNOLOGY)
Biochemistry Immunology
Cell and Developmental Biology Microbiology and Industrial Applications
Molecular Biology Genetic Engineering
Analytical Techniques Genetics
Biostatistics andComputer Applications Generic Elective Courses-1
Seminar Project Proposal Presentation
Communicative English Fundamentals of Computers


Bioprocess Engineering and Technology Project Work
Immunotechnology and Molecular Virology Genomics and Proteomics
IPR & Biosafety Generic Elective Courses-2
Discipline Specific Elective-1
Discipline Specific Elective-2
Lab based on elective

List of Electives
Microbial Technology Diagnostics
Computational Biology Cancer Genetics
Animal Biotechnology Evolutionary Genetics
Plant Biotechnology Model Genetic Systems
Environmental Biotechnology Pharmacogenomics
Nano-biotechnology Stem Cell Biology
Protein Engineering Vaccines
Molecular Virology Metabolic Engineering
Industrial & Food Biotechnology Molecular Therapeutics

In addition to these departmental electives, Further, besides conventional modes of

student can opt for other elective courses teaching such as lectures, videos, power
depending on his/ her interest offered by points and reading materials, Students are
any other department offering courses in encouraged to earn some credits through
M.Sc. and B.Tech. programmes. self-paced custom elearning in the areas
Track 1 option is by research work. of interest through MOOCs, SWAYAM and
Candidate will be finally evaluated at the NPTEL digital platforms.
end of the semester IV on the basis of his/
her publication (accepted or published in
SCI/SCIE journals).

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

8. Syllabus for CUET (PG) Examination For M. Sc.
ADMISSIONS 2024-2025
8.1 Syllabus for M.Sc. Mathematics Homogeneous functions including Euler’s
(SCQP19), CUET Examination theorem.

Algebra: Groups, subgroups, Abelian Complex Analysis: Functions of a complex

groups, non-abelian groups, cyclic groups, Variable, Differentiability and analyticity,
permutation groups; Normal subgroups, Cauchy Riemann Equations, Power series
Lagrange’s Theorem for finite groups, group as an analytic function, properties of line
homomorphism and quotient groups, Rings, integrals, Goursat Theorem, Cauchy theorem,
Subrings, Ideal, Prime ideal; Maximal ideals; consequence of simply connectivity, index
Fields, quotient field. of a closed curves.
Cauchy’s integral formula, Morera’s theorem,
Vector spaces, Linear dependence and
Liouville’s theorem, Fundamental theorem
Independence of vectors, basis, dimension,
of Algebra, Harmonic functions.
linear transformations, matrix representation
with respect to an ordered basis, Range Integral Calculus: Integration as the inverse
space and null space, rank-nullity theorem; process of differentiation, definite integrals
Rank and inverse of a matrix, determinant, and their properties, Fundamental theorem
solutions of systems of linear equations, of integral calculus. Double and triple
consistency conditions. Eigenvalues and integrals, change of order of integration.
eigenvectors. Cayley-Hamilton theorem. Calculating surface areas and volumes
Symmetric, Skew symmetric, Hermitian, using double integrals and applications.
Skew-Hermitian, Orthogonal and Unitary Calculating volumes using triple integrals
matrices. and applications.

Real Analysis: Sequences and series of Differential Equations: Ordinary differential

real numbers. Convergent and divergent equations of the first order of the form
sequences, bounded and monotone y’=f(x,y). Bernoulli’s equation, exact
sequences, Convergence criteria for differential equations, integrating factor,
sequences of real numbers, Cauchy Orthogonal trajectories, Homogeneous
sequences, absolute and conditional differential equations-separable solutions,
convergence; Tests of convergence Linear differential equations of second and
for series of positive terms-comparison higher order with constant coefficients,
test, ratio test, root test, Leibnitz test for method of variation of parameters. Cauchy-
convergence of alternating series. Euler equation.
Vector Calculus: Scalar and vector fields,
Functions of one variable: limit, continuity,
gradient, divergence, curl and Laplacian.
differentiation, Rolle’s Theorem, Cauchy’s
Scalar line integrals and vector line integrals,
Taylor’s theorem. Interior points, limit points,
scalar surface integrals and vector surface
open sets, closed sets, bounded sets,
integrals, Green’s, Stokes and Gauss
connected sets, compact sets; completeness
theorems and their applications.
of R, Power series (of real variable) including
Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s, domain of Linear Programing: Convex sets, extreme
convergence, term-wise differentiation and points, convex hull, hyper plane & polyhedral
integration of power series. Sets, convex function and concave functions,
Concept of basis, basic feasible solutions,
Functions of two real variable: limit, continuity, Formulation of Linear Programming Problem
partial derivatives, differentiability, maxima (LPP), Graphical Method of LPP, Simplex
and minima. Method of Lagrange multipliers, Method

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

8.2 Syllabus for M.Sc. Physics Electricity and Magnetism: Coulomb’s law,
(SCQP24), CUET Examination Gauss’s law. Electric field and potential.
Electrostatic boundary conditions, Solution
Mathematical Methods: Calculus of single of Laplace’s equation for simple cases.
and multiple variables, partial derivatives, Conductors, capacitors, dielectrics,
Jacobian, imperfect and perfect differentials, dielectric polarization, volume and surface
Taylor expansion, Fourier series. Vector charges, electrostatic energy. Biot-Savart
algebra, Vector Calculus, Multiple integrals, law, Ampere’s law, Faraday’s law of
Divergence theorem, green’s theorem,
electromagnetic induction, self and mutual
Stokes’ theorem. First order equations and
inductance. Alternating currents. Simple DC
linear second order differential equations
and AC circuits with R, L and C components.
with constant coefficients. Matrices and
Displacement current, Maxwell’s equations
determinants, Algebra of complex numbers.
and plane electromagnetic waves,
Mechanics and General Properties of Poynting’s theorem, reflection and refraction
Matter: Newton’s laws of motion and at a dielectric interface, transmission and
applications, Velocity and acceleration in reflection coefficients (normal incidence
Cartesian, polar and cylindrical coordinate only). Lorentz Force and motion of charged
systems, uniformly rotating frame, centrifugal particles in electric and magnetic fields.
and Coriolis forces, Motion under a central
force, Kepler’s laws, Gravitational Law and Kinetic theory, Thermodynamics: Elements
field, Conservative and non-conservative of Kinetic theory of gases. Velocity
forces. System of particles, Center of mass, distribution and equipartition of energy.
equation of motion of the CM, conservation of Specific heat of Mono-, di- and tri-atomic
linear and angular momentum, conservation gases. Ideal gas, van-der-Waals gas and
of energy, variable mass systems. Elastic and equation of state. Mean free path. Laws of
inelastic collisions. Rigid body motion,fixed thermodynamics. Zeroth law and concept
axis rotations, rotation and translation, of thermal equilibrium. First law and its
moments of Inertia and products of Inertia, consequences. Isothermal and adiabatic
parallel and perpendicular axes theorem. processes. Reversible, irreversible and
Principal moments and axes. Kinematics of quasi-static processes. Second law
moving fluids, equation of continuity, Euler’s and entropy. Carnot cycle. Maxwell’s
equation, Bernoulli’s theorem. thermodynamic relations and simple
applications. Thermodynamic potentials
Oscillations, Waves and Optics: Differential
and their applications. Phase transitions
equation for simple harmonic oscillator and
its general solution. Superposition of two or and Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Ideas
more simple harmonic oscillators. Lissajous of ensembles, Maxwell-Boltzmann, Fermi-
figures. Damped and forced oscillators, Dirac and Bose Einstein distributions.
resonance. Wave equation, traveling and Modern Physics: Inertial frames and Galilean
standing waves in one-dimension. Energy invariance. Postulates of special relativity.
density and energy transmission in waves. Lorentz transformations. Length contraction,
Group velocity and phase velocity. Sound time dilation. Relativistic velocity addition
waves in media. Doppler Effect. Fermat’s theorem, mass energy equivalence.
Principle. General theory of image formation. Blackbody radiation, photoelectric effect,
Thick lens, thin lens and lens combinations. Compton Effect, Bohr’s atomic model, X-rays.
Interference of light, optical path retardation. Wave-particle duality, Uncertainty principle,
Fraunhofer diffraction. Rayleigh criterion the superposition principle, calculation of
and resolving power. Diffraction gratings. expectation values, Schrödinger equation
Polarization: linear, circular and elliptic and its solution for one-, two- and three-
polarization. Double refraction and optical dimensional boxes. Solution of Schrödinger

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

equation for the one-dimensional harmonic η; variation of viscosity with temperature and
oscillator. Reflection and transmission at pressure. Maxwell distribution and its use in
a step potential, Pauli Exclusion Principle. evaluating molecular velocities (average,
Structure of atomic nucleus, mass and root mean square and most probable) and
binding energy. Radioactivity and its average kinetic energy, law of equipartition
applications. Laws of radioactive decay. of energy, degrees of freedom and molecular
basis of heat capacities.
Solid State Physics, Devices and
Electronics: Crystal structure, Bravais lattices 2. Liquid State
and basis. Miller indices. X-ray diffraction Structure and physical properties of liquids;
and Bragg’s law Intrinsic and extrinsic vapour pressure, surface tension, viscosity,
semiconductors, variation of resistivity with and their dependence on temperature, Effect
temperature. Fermi level. p-n junction diode, of addition of various solutes on surface
I-V characteristics, Zener diode and its tension, cleansing action of detergents.
applications, BJT: characteristics in CB, CE, Structure of water.
CC modes. Single stage amplifier, two stage
R-C coupled amplifiers. Simple Oscillators: 3. Ionic Equilibria
Barkhausen condition, sinusoidal oscillators. Strong, moderate and weak electrolytes,
OPAMP and applications: Inverting and non- degree of ionization, factors affecting
inverting amplifier. Boolean algebra: Binary degree of ionization, ionization constant
number systems; conversion from one and ionic product of water. Ionization of
system to another system; binary addition weak acids and bases, pH scale, common
and subtraction. Logic Gates AND, OR, NOT, ion effect; dissociation constants of mono-
NAND, NOR exclusive OR; Truth tables; , di- and tri-protic acids. Salt hydrolysis,
combination of gates; de Morgan’s theorem. hydrolysis constants, degree of hydrolysis
and pH for different salts. Buffer solutions;
8.3 Syllabus for M.Sc. Chemistry Henderson equation, buffer capacity,
(SCQP08), CUET examination buffer range, buffer action, applications of
Physical Chemistry buffers in analytical chemistry, Solubility and
solubility product.
1. Gaseous State
Behavior of real gases: Deviations from ideal Brönsted-Lowry concept of acid-base
gas behavior, compressibility factor, and its reactions, solvated proton, relative strength
variation with pressure for different gases. of acids, types of acid-base reactions,
Causes of deviation from ideal behavior. van levelling solvents, Lewis acid-base concept,
der Waals equation of state, its derivation and Classification of Lewis acids, Hard and
application in explaining real gas behaviour; Soft Acids and Bases (HSAB) Application
van der Waals equation expressed in virial of HSAB principle. Qualitative treatment of
form, Boyle temperature. Isotherms of real acid – base titration curves (calculation of
gases and their comparison with van der pH at various stages). Theory of indicators;
Waals isotherms, continuity of states, critical selection of indicators and their limitations.
state, critical and van der Waals constants, Multistage equilibria in polyelectrolytes.
law of corresponding states. 4. Solid State
Kinetic molecular model of a gas: postulates Nature of the solid state, law of constancy
and derivation of the kinetic gas equation; of interfacial angles, law of rational indices,
collision frequency; collision diameter; mean Miller indices, elementary ideas of symmetry,
free path and viscosity of gases, including symmetry elements and symmetry
their temperature and pressure dependence, operations, qualitative idea of point and
relation between mean free path and space groups, seven crystal systems and
coefficient of viscosity, calculation of σ from fourteen Bravais lattices; X-ray diffraction,

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

Bragg’s law, a simple account of rotating 6. Partial molar quantities
crystal method and powder pattern method. Partial molar quantities, dependence of
Analysis of powder diffraction patterns of thermodynamic parameters on composition;
NaCl, CsCl and KCl. Various types of defects GibbsDuhem equation, chemical potential
in crystals, Glasses and liquid crystals. of ideal mixtures, change in thermodynamic
functions in mixing of ideal gases.
5. Thermodynamics
Intensive and extensive variables; state and 7. Dilute solutions or Colligative Properties
path functions; isolated, closed and open Dilute solutions; lowering of vapour
systems; zeroth law of thermodynamics. pressure, Raoult’s and Henry’s Laws and
First law: Concept of heat, q, work, w, their applications. Excess thermodynamic
internal energy, U, and statement of first functions. Thermodynamic derivation
law; enthalpy, H, relation between heat using chemical potential to derive relations
capacities, calculations of q, w, U and H for between the four colligative properties: [(i)
reversible, irreversible and free expansion relative lowering of vapour pressure, (ii)
of gases (ideal and van der Waals) under elevation of boiling point, (iii) Depression
isothermal and adiabatic conditions. of freezing point, (iv) osmotic pressure] and
amount of solute. Applications in calculating
Thermochemistry: molar masses of normal, dissociated and
Heats of reactions: standard states; associated solutes in solution.
enthalpy of formation of molecules and 8. Molecular Spectroscopy & Photochemistry
ions and enthalpy of combustion and its
applications; calculation of bond energy,
bond dissociation energy and resonance Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with
energy from thermochemical data, effect molecules and various types of spectra;
of temperature (Kirchhoff’s equations), BornOppenheimer approximation. Rotation
pressure on enthalpy of reactions. spectroscopy: Selection rules, intensities
of spectral lines, determination of bond
Second Law: lengths of diatomic and linear triatomic
Concept of entropy; thermodynamic molecules, isotopic substitution. Vibrational
scale of temperature, statement of the spectroscopy: Classical equation of
second law of thermodynamics; molecular vibration, computation of force constant,
and statistical interpretation of entropy. amplitude of diatomic molecular vibrations,
Calculation of entropy change for reversible anharmonicity, Morse potential, dissociation
and irreversible processes. energies, fundamental frequencies,
overtones, hot bands, degrees of freedom
Third law of thermodynamics: for polyatomic molecules, modes of
Third Law of thermodynamics, residual vibration, concept of group frequencies.
entropy, calculation of absolute entropy of Vibration-rotation spectroscopy: diatomic
molecules. vibrating rotator, P, Q, R branches.

Free Energy Functions: Unit-II

Gibbs and Helmholtz energy; variation of Raman spectroscopy: Qualitative treatment
S, G, A with T, V, P; Free energy change of Rotational Raman effect; Effect of nuclear
and spontaneity. Relation between spin, Vibrational Raman spectra, Stokes and
Joule-Thomson coefficient and other anti-Stokes lines; their intensity difference,
thermodynamic parameters; inversion rule of mutual exclusion. Electronic
temperature; Gibbs-Helmholtz equation; spectroscopy: Franck-Condon principle,
Maxwell relations; thermodynamic equation electronic transitions, singlet and triplet
of state. states, fluorescence and phosphorescence,
dissociation and predissociation.

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

Unit-III 12. Phase Equilibria
Photophysical and photochemical Concept of phases, components and
processes: laws of photochemistry, quantum degrees of freedom, derivation of Gibbs
yield. Jablonski diagrams: Franck-Condon Phase Rule for nonreactive and reactive
principle, Law of photochemical equivalence, systems; Clausius-Clapeyron equation
quantum efficiency, low and high quantum and its applications to solid liquid, liquid-
efficiency. kinetics of photochemical vapour and solid-vapour equilibria, phase
reactions (H2 + Br2⇌HBr, 2HI ⇌ H2 + I2), diagram for one component systems, with
energy transfer in photochemical reactions applications. Phase diagrams for systems
(photosensitization and quenching), of solid-liquid equilibria involving eutectic,
fluorescence, phosphorescence, congruent and incongruent melting points,
chemiluminescence, Discussion of solid solutions. Three component systems,
Electronic spectra and photochemistry waterchloroform-acetic acid system,
(Lambert-Beer law and its applications). triangular plots. Binary solutions: Gibbs-
Duhem-Margules equation, its derivation
9. Chemical Kinetics and applications to fractional distillation of
Order and molecularity of a reaction, rate binary miscible liquids (ideal and nonideal),
laws in terms of the advancement of a azeotropes, lever rule, partial miscibility of
reaction, differential and integrated rate liquids, CST, miscible pairs, steam distillation.
laws for first, second and fractional order Nernst distribution law: its derivation and
reactions, pseudounimolecular reactions, applications.
determination of the order, kinetics of
complex reactions (limited to first order): 13. Introduction to Quantum Chemistry:
(i) Opposing reactions (ii) parallel reactions Unit-I
and (iii) consecutive reactions and their Introduction to black-body radiation and
differential rate equations (steady-state distribution of energy, photo-electic effect,
approximation in reaction mechanisms) (iv) concept of quantization, wave particle duality
chain reactions. Temperature dependence (de-Broglie’s hypothesis), The uncertainty
of reaction rates; Arrhenius equation; principle, The wave function: wave
activation energy. Collision theory of reaction function and its interpretation, conditions
rates, Lindemann mechanism, qualitative of normalization and Orthogonality and its
treatment of the theory of absolute reaction significance. Basic idea about operators,
rates. eigen function and values, Schrodinger
10. Catalysis equation and application to free-particle
and particle in a box, boundary conditions,
Types of catalyst, specificity and selectivity, wave functions and energies, degeneracy,
mechanisms of catalyzed reactions at solid hydrogen atom, Schrodinger equation in
surfaces; effect of particle size and efficiency polar coordinates, radial and angular parts
of nanoparticles as catalysts. Enzyme of the hydrogenic orbitals, degeneracies,
catalysis, MichaelisMenten mechanism, spherical harmonics, representations of
acid-base catalysis. hydrogenic orbitals.
11. Surface chemistry Unit-II
Physical adsorption, chemisorption, Quantitative treatment of simple harmonic
adsorption isotherms (Freundlich, Temkin, osciallator model, setting up of Schodinger
Derivation of Langumuir adsorption equation and discussion of solution of wave
isotherms, surface area determination), functions. Rigid rotator model and discussion
BET theory of multilayer adsorption (no of application of Schrodinger equation. idea
derivation), Adsorption in solution about transformation to spherical polar
coordinate, discussion on solution.

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

Unit-III and SbO/Sb2O3 electrodes. Concentration
Qualitative treatment of hydrogen atom and cells with and without transference, liquid
hydrogen-like ions: setting up of Schrödinger junction potential; determination of activity
equation in spherical polar coordinates, coefficients and transference numbers.
radial part, quantization of energy (only Qualitative discussion of potentiometric
final energy expression). Average and titrations (acid-base, redox, precipitation).
most probable distances of electron from
Inorganic Chemistry
nucleus. Valence bond and molecular orbital
approaches, LCAO-MO treatment of H2, 1. Atomic Structure
H2 + ; bonding and anti-bonding orbitals, Bohr’s theory, its limitations and atomic
Comparison of LCAO-MO and VB treatments spectrum of hydrogen atom. Wave
of H2 (only wavefunctions, detailed solution mechanics: de’ Broglie equation,
not required) and their limitations. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and its
significance, Schrödinger’s wave equation,
14. Conductance
significance of ψ and ψ2. Quantum numbers
Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation. and their significance. Normalized and
Conductivity, equivalent and molar orthogonal wave functions. Sign of wave
conductivity and their variation with dilution functions. Radial and angular wave functions
for weak and strong electrolytes. Molar for hydrogen atom. Radial and angular
conductivity at infinite dilution. Kohlrausch distribution curves. Shapes of s, p, d and f
law of independent migration of ions. orbitals. Contour boundary and probability
Debye-Hückel-Onsager equation, Wien diagrams. Pauli’s Exclusion Principle, Hund’s
effect, Debye-Falkenhagen effect, Walden’s rule of maximum multiplicity, Aufbau’s
rules. Ionic velocities, mobilities and their principle and its limitations, Variation of
determinations, transference numbers and orbital energy with atomic number.
their relation to ionic mobilities, determination
of transference numbers using Hittorf and 2. Periodicity of Elements
Moving Boundary methods. Applications s, p, d, f block elements, the long form of
of conductance measurement: (i) degree of periodic table. Detailed discussion of the
dissociation of weak electrolytes, (ii) ionic following properties of the elements, with
product of water (iii) solubility and solubility reference to s and p-block.
product of sparingly soluble salts, (iv)
conductometric titrations, and (v) hydrolysis a. Effective nuclear charge, shielding or
constants of salts. screening effect, Slater rules, variation
of effective nuclear charge in periodic
15. Electrochemistry table.
Quantitative aspects of Faraday’s laws of
b. Atomic radii (van’der Waals)
electrolysis, rules of oxidation/reduction of
ions based on half-cell potentials, applications c. Ionic and crystal radii.
of electrolysis in metallurgy and industry.
Chemical cells, reversible and irreversible d. Covalent radii (octahedral and
cells with examples. Electromotive force of a tetrahedral)
cell and its measurement, Nernst equation; e. Ionization enthalpy, Successive
Standard electrode (reduction) potential ionization enthalpies and factors
and its application to different kinds of half- affecting ionization energy. Applications
cells. Application of EMF measurements in of ionization enthalpy.
determining (i) free energy, enthalpy and
entropy of a cell reaction, (ii) equilibrium f. Electron gain enthalpy, trends of electron
constants, and (iii) pH values, using gain enthalpy.
hydrogen, quinone-hydroquinone, glass

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

g. Electronegativity, Pauling, Mullikan, bond, effects of hydrogen bonding on
Allred Rachow scales, electronegativity melting and boiling points, solubility,
and bond order, partial charge, dissolution.
hybridization, group electronegativity. 5. Oxidation-Reduction and general
Sanderson electron density ratio principle of metallurgy
3. Chemical Bonding Redox equations, Standard Electrode
i. Ionic bond: General characteristics, Potential and its application to inorganic
types of ions, size effects, radius ratio reactions. Occurrence of metals based on
rule and its limitations. Packing of ions standard electrode potentials. Ellingham
in crystals. Born-Landé equation with diagrams for reduction of metal oxides
derivation, expression for lattice energy. using carbon or carbon monoxide as
Madelung constant, Born-Haber cycle reducing agent. Electrolytic Reduction,
and its application, Solvation energy. Hydrometallurgy. Methods of purification
of metals: Electrolytic Kroll process, Parting
ii. Covalent bond: Lewis structure, Valence process, van Arkel- de Boer process and
Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory Mond’s process, Zone refining.
(VSEPR), Shapes of simple molecules
and ions containing lone-and bond- 6. Chemistry of s and p Block Elements
pairs of electrons multiple bonding, Inert pair effect, Relative stability of different
sigma and pi-bond approach, Valence oxidation states, diagonal relationship and
Bond theory, (Heitler-London approach). anomalous behavior of first member of each
Hybridization containing s, p and s, group. Allotropy and catenation. Complex
p, d atomic orbitals, shapes of hybrid formation tendency of s and p block
orbitals, Bents rule, Resonance and elements. Hydrides and their classification
resonance energy, Molecular orbital ionic, covalent and interstitial. Basic
theory. Molecular orbital diagrams of beryllium acetate and nitrate.
simple homonuclear and heteronuclear Structure, bonding, preparation, properties
diatomic molecules, MO diagrams of and uses. Boric acid and borates, boron
simple tri and tetra-atomic molecules, nitrides, borohydrides (diborane) carboranes
e.g., N2, O2, C2, B2, F2, CO, NO, and and graphitic compounds, silanes, Oxides
their ions; HCl, BeF2, CO2, HCHO, (idea and oxoacids of nitrogen, Phosphorus and
of s-p mixing and orbital interaction to chlorine. Per-oxo acids of Sulphur inter-
be given). Covalent character in ionic halogen compounds, polyhalide ions,
compounds, polarizing power and pseudo-halogens, properties of halogens.
polarizability. Fajan rules, polarization.
Ionic character in covalent compounds: 7. Noble Gases
Bond moment and dipole moment. Occurrence and uses, rationalization
ionic character from dipole moment and of inertness of noble gases, Clathrates;
electronegativities. preparation and properties of XeF2, XeF4
and XeF6; Bonding in noble gas compounds
4. Metallic bonding and Weak chemical (Valence bond and MO treatment for XeF2),
forces Shapes of noble gas compounds (VSEPR
i. Metallic Bond: Qualitative idea of free theory).
electron model, Semiconductors, 8. Inorganic Polymers
Types of inorganic polymers, comparison
ii. Weak Chemical Forces: van’der Waals, with organic polymers, synthesis, structural
ion-dipole, dipole-dipole, induced dipole aspects and applications of silicones
dipoleinduced dipole interactions, and siloxanes. Borazines, silicates and
Lenard-Jones 6-12 formula, hydrogen phosphazenes, and polysulphates.

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

9. Coordination Chemistry agents in medicine. Iron and its application
Werner’s theory, EAN rule, piano-stool in biosystems, Haemoglobin; Storage and
compounds, valence bond theory (inner transfer of iron.
and outer orbital complexes), Crystal field 13. Organometallic Compounds
theory, d-orbital splitting, weak and strong
fields, pairing energies, factors affecting the Definition and classification of organometallic
magnitude of (Δ). Octahedral vs. tetrahedral compounds on the basis of bond type.
coordination, tetragonal distortions from Concept of hapticity of organic ligands. Metal
octahedral geometry Jahn-Teller theorem, carbonyls: 18 electron rule, electron count of
square planar complexes, d orbital splitting mononuclear, polynuclear and substituted
in trigonal bipyramidal, square pyramidal metal carbonyls of 3d series. General
and cubic ligand field environments, CFSE, methods of preparation (direct combination,
Variation of lattice energies, enthalpies reductive carbonylation, thermal and
of hydration and crystal radii variations in photochemical decomposition) of mono and
halides of first and second row transition binuclear carbonyls of 3d series. Structures
metal series, Qualitative aspect of Ligand of mononuclear and binuclear carbonyls of
field theory, MO diagrams of representative Cr, Mn, Fe, Co and Ni using VBT. pi-acceptor
coronation complexes, IUPAC nomenclature behaviour of CO (MO diagram of CO to be
of coordination compounds, isomerism in discussed), synergic effect and use of IR
coordination compounds. Stereochemistry data to explain extent of back bonding.
of complexes with the coordination number Organic Chemistry
4 and 6, Chelate effect.
1. Basics of Organic Chemistry
10. Transition Elements Organic Compounds: Classification, and
General group trends with special reference Nomenclature, Hybridization, Shapes of
to electronic configuration, colour, variable molecules, Influence of hybridization on
valency, magnetic and catalytic properties, bond properties. Electronic Displacements:
and ability to form complexes. Stability of Inductive, electromeric, resonance and
various oxidation states and e.m.f. (Latimer mesomeric effects, hyperconjugation and
& Bsworth diagrams). Difference between their applications; Dipole moment; Organic
the first, second and third transition series. acids and bases; their relative strength.
Chemistry of Ti, V, Cr Mn, Fe and Co in Homolytic and Heterolytic fission with
various oxidation states (excluding their suitable examples. Curly arrow rules, formal
metallurgy) charges; Electrophiles and Nucleophiles;
Nucleophlicity and basicity; Types, shape and
11. Lanthanoids and Actinides
relative stabilities of reaction intermediates
Electronic configuration, oxidation states, (Carbocations, Carbanions, Free radicals
color, spectra and magnetic behavior, and Carbenes). Organic reactions and
lanthanide contraction, separation of their mechanism: Addition, Elimination and
lanthanides (ion-exchange method only). Substitution reactions.
12. Bioinorganic Chemistry 2. Stereochemistry
Metal ions present in biological systems, Concept of asymmetry, Fischer Projection,
classification of elements according to their Newmann and Sawhorse projection
action in biological system. Geochemical formulae and their interconversions;
effect on distribution of metals. Sodium Geometrical isomerism: cis–trans and, syn-
/ K-pump, carbonic anhydrase and anti isomerism E/Z notations with C.I.P rules.
carboxypeptidase. Excess and deficiency Optical Isomerism: Optical Activity, Specific
of some trace metals. Toxicity of metal Rotation, Chirality/Asymmetry, Enantiomers,
ions (Hg, Pb, Cd and As), toxicity, chelating Molecules with two or more chiral-

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

centres, Distereoisomers, meso structures, stereochemical aspects and effect of solvent
Racemic mixtures, Relative and absolute etc.; nucleophilic substitution vs. elimination.
configuration: D/L and R/S designations. Aryl halides: Preparation, including
3. Chemistry of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons preparation from diazonium salts.
Carbon-Carbon sigma bonds nucleophilic aromatic substitution; SNAr,
Benzyne mechanism. Relative reactivity
Chemistry of alkanes: Formation of alkanes, of alkyl, allyl/benzyl, vinyl and aryl halides
Wurtz Reaction, Wurtz- Fittig Reactions, Free towards nucleophilic substitution reactions.
radical substitutions: Halogenation - relative
reactivity and selectivity. Organometallic compounds of Mg and Li
and their use in synthesis.
Carbon-Carbon pi-bonds.
Formation of alkenes and alkynes by 7. Alcohols, Phenols, Ethers and Epoxides
elimination reactions, Mechanism of E1, Alcohols: preparation, properties and
E2, E1cb reactions. Saytzeff and Hofmann relative reactivity of 1°, 2°, 3° alcohols,
eliminations. Reactions of alkenes: Bouvaelt-Blanc Reduction; Preparation
Electrophilic additions their mechanisms and properties of glycols: Oxidation by
(Markownikoff/ Anti Markownikoff periodic acid and lead tetraacetate, Pinacol-
addition), mechanism of oxymercuration Pinacolone rearrangement.
demercuration, hydroboration- oxidation, Phenols: Preparation and properties; Acidity
ozonolysis, reduction (catalytic and chemical), and factors effecting it, Ring substitution
syn and anti-hydroxylation (oxidation). 1, 2- reactions, Reimer–Tiemann and Kolbe’s–
and 1, 4- addition reactions in conjugated Schmidt Reactions, Fries and Claisen
dienes and, DielsAlder reaction; Allylic and rearrangements with mechanism.
benzylic bromination and mechanism, e.g.
propene, 1-butene, toluene, ethyl benzene. Ethers and Epoxides: Preparation and
Reactions of alkynes: Acidity, Electrophilic reactions with acids. Reactions of epoxides
and Nucleophilic additions. with alcohols, ammonia derivatives and
4. Cycloalkanes and Conformational
Analysis 8. Carbonyl Compounds
Structure, reactivity and preparation;
Cycloalkanes and stability, Baeyer strain Nucleophilic additions, Nucleophilic
theory, Conformation analysis, Energy addition-elimination reactions with ammonia
diagrams of cyclohexane: Chair, Boat and derivatives with mechanism; Mechanisms
Twist boat forms. of Aldol and Benzoin condensation,
5. Aromatic Hydrocarbons Knoevenagel condensation, Claisen-
Schmidt, Perkin, Cannizzaro and Wittig
Aromaticity: Huckel’s rule, aromatic reaction, Beckmann and Benzil-Benzilic
character of arenes, cyclic carbocations/ acid rearrangements, haloform reaction
carbanions and heterocyclic compounds and Baeyer Villiger oxidation, α-substitution
with suitable examples. Electrophilic reactions, oxidations and reductions
aromatic substitution: halogenation, (Clemmensen, WolffKishner, LiAlH4, NaBH4,
nitration, sulphonation and Friedel-Craft’s MPV, PDC and PGC); Addition reactions of
alkylation/acylation with their mechanism. unsaturated carbonyl compounds: Michael
Directing effects of substituent groups. addition.
6. Chemistry of Halogenated Hydrocarbons Active methylene compounds: Keto-enol
Alkyl halides: Methods of preparation, tautomerism. Preparation and synthetic
nucleophilic substitution reactions – applications of diethyl malonate and ethyl
SN1, SN2 and SNi mechanisms with acetoacetate.

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

9. Carboxylic Acids and their Derivatives synthesis, Friedlander’s synthesis, Knorr
Preparation, physical properties and quinoline synthesis, Doebner-Miller
reactions of monocarboxylic acids: Typical synthesis, Bischler-Napieralski reaction,
reactions of dicarboxylic acids, hydroxy Pictet-Spengler reaction, Pomeranz-Fritsch
acids and unsaturated acids: succinic/ reaction Derivatives of furan: Furfural and
phthalic, lactic, malic, tartaric, citric, maleic furoic acid.
and fumaric acids; Preparation and reactions 14. Alkaloids
of acid chlorides, anhydrides, esters and Natural occurrence, General structural
amides; Comparative study of nucleophilic features, Isolation and their physiological
substitution at acyl group -Mechanism of action Hoffmann’s exhaustive methylation,
acidic and alkaline hydrolysis of esters, Emde’s modification, Structure elucidation
Claisen condensation, Dieckmann and and synthesis of Hygrine and Nicotine.
Reformatsky reactions, Hofmann bromamide Medicinal importance of Nicotine, Hygrine,
degradation and Curtius rearrangement. Quinine, Morphine, Cocaine, and Reserpine
10. Sulphur containing compounds 15. Terpenes
Preparation and reactions of thiols, Occurrence, classification, isoprene rule;
thioethers and sulphonic acids Elucidation of stucture and synthesis of
11. Nitrogen Containing Functional Groups Citral, Neral and α-terpineol.
Preparation and important reactions of 16. Organic Spectroscopy
nitro and compounds, nitriles and isonitriles Basic Principles of UV Spectroscopy:
Amines: Effect of substituent and solvent on
Application of Woodward-Fiser rule in
basicity; Preparation and properties: Gabriel
interpretation of Organic compounds:
phthalimide synthesis, Carbylamine reaction,
Application of visible, ultraviolet and
Mannich reaction, Hoffmann’s exhaustive
infrared spectroscopy in organic
methylation, Hofmann-elimination reaction;
molecules. Electromagnetic radiation,
Distinction between 1°, 2° and 3° amines
electronic transitions, λmax & εmax,
with Hinsberg reagent and nitrous acid. chromophore, auxochrome, bathochromic
Diazonium salts: Preparation and synthetic and hypsochromic shifts. Application of
applications. electronic spectroscopy and Woodward
12. Polynuclear Hydrocarbons rules for calculating λmax of conjugated
Reactions of naphthalene phenanthrene dienes and α,β – unsaturated compounds.
and anthracene Structure, Preparation Basic principles of IR Spectroscopy:
and structure elucidation and important Identification of Functional groups of
derivatives of naphthalene and anthracene; various classes of organic compounds:
Polynuclear hydrocarbons. Infrared radiation and types of molecular
13. Heterocyclic Compounds vibrations, functional group and fingerprint
Classification and nomenclature, Structure, region. IR spectra of alkanes, alkenes and
aromaticity in 5-numbered and 6-membered simple alcohols (inter and intramolecular
rings containing one heteroatom; Synthesis, hydrogen bonding), aldehydes, ketones,
reactions and mechanism of substitution carboxylic acids and their derivatives
reactions of Furan, Pyrrole (Paal-Knorr (effect of substitution on >C=O stretching
synthesis, Knorr pyrrole synthesis, Hantzsch absorptions).
synthesis), Thiophene, Pyridine (Hantzsch NMR (1 H and 13C NMR):
synthesis), Pyrimidine, Structure elucidation Application of Chemical Shifts, Splitting of
of indole, Fischer indole synthesis and signals, Spin coupling and Over Houser
Madelung synthesis), Structure elucidation effect in interpretation of NMR spectra,
of quinoline and isoquinoline, Skraup Isotopic exchange

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

Basic principles Mass Spectrometry: applications of biotechnology in
Application of fragmentation rule in medicine, industry and agriculture,
characterization of organic compounds. animal & plant cell culture, environmental
Problems on structure elucidation of organic biotechnology
compounds based on spectral data 5. Microbiology: Diversity of microbes,
8.4 Syllabus for M.Sc. bacterial reproduction, antimicrobial
agents, significance of microbes in
Biotechnology (SCQP17), CUET
the industry and agriculture, antigen,
Examination antibody, complement systems,
Life Sciences (SCQ17) immunity, vaccines, plant virus, animal
virus and environmental microbiology.
1. Techniques: Principles and applications
of chromatography, spectroscopy, 6. Molecular Genetics: Principles of
microscopy, electrophoresis, inheritance, linkage & crossing
centrifugation, blotting, PCR & over, chromosomal aberrations,
radioisotope techniques extrachromosomal inheritance,
replication, transcription, translation,
2. Chromatin structure and function: DNA repair and population genetics
Organization of chromosomes in
prokaryotes and eukaryotes, chromatin 7. Plant Sciences: Bryophytes,
types, centromere, Telomere and Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms,
concept of gene Angiosperms, Vascular system in
plants, Economic important of plants,
3. Biochemistry: Structure and functions of Photosynthesis, Photoperiodism,
proteins, DNA, carbohydrates, lipids & Vernalization, and Biogeochemical cycle
vitamins. Bioenergetics, Glycolysis, TCA
cycle, Electron Transport System and 8. Animal Sciences: Characteristics of
ATP synthesis, oxidation and synthesis invertebrates and vertebrates, anatomy
of fatty acid, membrane structure and and physiology of different system of
function humans, nerve impulse transmission,
endocrinology, human diseases
4. Biotechnology: Recombinant DNA Apoptosis and cancer, inherited
technology, principles of gene cloning, diseases, animal cell culture.

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

9. Certificates and Formats
(Required from candidates who are yet to appear in the qualifying examination)

In connection with the application of Mr./Ms. _________________________________

for admission to PG programme(s) at Delhi Technological University Delhi, I hereby

certify that he/she is a bonafide student of our institution. He/she is yet to complete
the requirements of qualifying examination including theory, practical project

examination and back paper(s)/supplementary(is) for B.A./B.Sc._________________

which is to be scheduled later on (Strike out the non-applicable ones and write in the
blank space if the degree is not mentioned) and the result is likely to be announced
by ________________ 2024. The percentage of aggregate marks/CGPA obtained by

him/her upto pre final year examination is ___________________His/her conduct and

character during his/her stay at the University/University has been “GOOD”.

Signature of the Principal/Dean/Registrar/

Dy. Registrar /Proctor/Administrative Officer

Name: _________________________ Seal : ____________________________
Place: ______________
Date: ______________

I, _______________________________________________ son /daughter/ward of

Mr./Ms___________________________ hereby undertake that I have appeared in all

the examinations including practicals / projects / theory / back paper(s) / supplementary(ies)
before the date of registration and only the result is awaited, which is likely to be declared

by _____________________.
Signature _________________________
Place: ____________ Name ____________________________
Date: ____________ Address __________________________

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

Scheduled Caste (SC)/Scheduled Tribe (ST) /Other Backward Class (OBC-NCL): For
admission to a seat reserved for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Class
(NCL), candidate must produce a certificate, in original, issued from an approved district
authority stating the Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe/ Other Backward Class (NCL), to
which the candidate belongs. A list of approved authorities is given below:
a. District Magistrate / Additional Magistrate / Deputy Commissioner / Collector /
Additional Deputy Commissioner / Deputy Collector / 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate /
City Magistrate (not below the rank of 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate), Sub-Divisional
Magistrate / Taluka Magistrate / Executive Magistrate / Extra Assistant Commissioner.
b. Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar.
c. Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidates and/or his/her family normally
d. Administrator/Secretary to Administration/Development Officer (Laccadive & Minicoy
(Certificate issued by any other authority will not be accepted.)
Prescribed Format for OBC Certificate

This is to certify that Shri / Smt. / Kum.________________________________________

Son / Daughter of Shri / Smt.________________________________________________

of Village/Town____________________________________District/Division _________

in the State belongs to the _______________________________________________

Community which is recognized as a backward class under:

i. Resolution No. 12011/68/93-BCC(C) v. Resolution No. 12011/44/96-BCC dated

dated 10/09/93 published in the Gazette 6/12/96 published in the Gazette of
of India Extraordinary Part I Section I India Extraordinary Part I Section I No.
No. 186 dated 13/09/93. 210 dated 11/12/96.
ii. Resolution No. 12011/9/94-BCC dated vi. Resolution No. 12011/13/97-BCC dated
19/10/94 published in the Gazette of 03/12/97.
India Extraordinary Part I Section I No.
vii. Resolution No. 12011/99/94-BCC dated
163 dated 20/10/94.
iii. Resolution No. 12011/7/95-BCC dated
24/05/95 published in the Gazette of viii. Resolution No. 12011/68/98-BCC dated
India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 27/10/99.
88 dated25/05/95. ix. Resolution No. 12011/88/98-BCC dated
iv. Resolution No. 12011/96/94-BCC dated 6/12/99 published in the Gazette of
9/03/96. India Extraordinary Part I Section I No.
270 dated 06/12/99.

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

x. Resolution No. 12011/36/99-BCC dated xiii. Resolution No. 12011/1/2001-BCC dated
04/04/2000 published in the Gazette 19/06/2003.
of India Extraordinary Part I Section I xiv. Resolution No. 12011/4/2002-BCC
No. 71 dated04/04/2000. dated 13/01/2004.
xi. Resolution No. 12011/44/99-BCC dated xv. Resolution No. 12011/9/2004-BCC dated
21/09/2000 published in the Gazette of 16/01/2006 published in the Gazette of
India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. India Extraordinary Part I Section I No.
210dated21/09/2000. 210 dated 16/01/2006.
xii. Resolution No. 12015/9/2000-BCC
dated 06/09/2001.

Shri / Smt. / Kum. ________________________________________________________

and / or his family ordinarily reside(s) in the __________________________ District /

Division of ________________________ State. This is also to certify that he/she does not

belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the Schedule to

the Government of India, Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No. 36012/22/93-Estt.
(SCT) dated 08/09/93 which is modified vide OM No. 36033/3/2004 Estt. (Res.) dated

Dated: _________________
District Magistrate / Deputy Commissioner /
Competent Authority

NOTE: Magistrate / Executive Magistrate /

Extra Assistant Commissioner (not
a. The term ‘Ordinarily’ used here will below the rank of Ist Class Stipendiary
have the same meaning as in Section Magistrate).
20 of the Representation of the People
Act, 1950. ii. Chief Presidency Magistrate/
Additional Chief Presidency
b. The authorities competent to issue Magistrate / Presidency Magistrate.
Caste Certificates are indicated below:
iii. Revenue Officer not below the rank
i. District Magistrate / Additional of Tehsildar’ and
Magistrate / Collector / Deputy
Commissioner / Additional Deputy iv. Sub-Divisional Officer of the area
Commissioner / Deputy Collector where the candidate and / or his
/ Ist Class Stipendiary Magistrate / family resides.
Sub-Divisional magistrate / Taluka

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

Declaration/undertaking - for OBC Candidates only

I, ____________________________ son/daughter of Shri ______________________

resident of village/town/city _______________________ district __________________

State _______________ hereby declare that I belong to the ____________________

community which is recognized as a backward class by the Government of India for the
purpose of reservation in services as per orders contained in Department of Personnel
and Training Office Memorandum No.36012/22/93- Estt. (SCT), dated 8/9/1993. It is also
declared that I do not belong to persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of
the Schedule to the above referred Office Memorandum, dated 8/9/1993, which is modified
vide Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No.36033/3/2004 Estt.
(Res.) dated 9/3/2004.

Signature of the Candidate

Place: _________________

Date: _________________

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025



For admission to seat reserved for Differently Abled Person (PD) sub-category, the
candidate must produce the following certificates in original at the time of document
verification for PD candidates:
a. A certificate of physical disability issued by a duly notified Medical Board of a District/
Government Hospital set up for examining the physically challenged candidates under
the provision of the Person with Disability (equal opportunities, protection of rights and
full participation) Act 1995. The certificate should indicate the extent (i.e. percentage)
of the physical handicap and should bear the Photograph of the candidate concerned.
The certificate should be countersigned by one of the Doctors constituting the Board
issuing the certificates.
b. A certificate duly recommended by Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for the
Handicapped, 9 - 11 Vikas Marg, Karkardooma, Delhi 110092.

Certificate for Person with Disability

To be issued by Medical Board from Government Hospital

Name of the candidate: Mr./Ms.*_____________________________

Father’s Name:__________________________________________
Permanent Address:______________________________________

Percentage loss of earning capacity (in words): __________________

Whether the candidate is otherwise able to carry on the studies and perform the duties

of an engineer/architect satisfactorily: ________________________.

Name of the disease-causing handicap: __________________________________
Whether handicap is temporary or permanent: ______________________________
Whether handicap is progressive or non-progressive: ___________________________
The candidate is FIT / UNFIT to pursue further studies.
(*Strike out whichever is not applicable)

Member Member Principal Medical Officer

(Orthopaedic Specialist)
Seal of Office:
Date: ___________________
1. The medical board must have one orthopaedic specialist as its member.
2. Candidate having temporary or progressive handicap will not be considered against
the seats.

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

Government of……………..
(Name & Address of the authority issuing the certificate)
Certificate No. ________ Date: _______________

This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kumari________________________________________

son/daughter/wife of _________________________ permanent resident of_________
_____________________ Village/Street______________ Post Office______________
District__________________ in the State/Union Territory________________________
Pin Code____________ whose photograph is attested below belongs to Economically
Weaker Sections, since the gross annual income* of his/her family** is below Rs. 8 lakh
(Rupees Eight Lakh only) for the financial year_________. His/her family does not own or
possess any of the following assets***:
i. 5 acres of agricultural land and above;
ii. Residential flat of 1000 sq. ft. and above;
iii. Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities;
iv. Residential plot of 200 sq. yards and above in. areas other than the notified municipalities.
Shri/Smt./Kumari____________________ belongs to the caste__________________ which
is not recognized as a Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes (Central List)

Signature with seal of Office _______________________

Name _______________________
*Note 1: Income covered all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession etc.
**Note 2: The term “Family” for this purpose include the person, who seeks benefit of reservation, his/ her parents
and siblings below the age of 18 years as also his/ her spouse and children below the age of 18 years.
***Note 3: The property held by a “ Family” in different locations or different places/ cities have been clubbed while
applying the land or property holding test to determine EWS status.


The Income and Asset Certificate issued ‘by Taluka Magistrate / Executive Magistrate /
any one of the following authorities in the Extra Assistant Commissioner,
prescribed format vi. Chief Presidency Magistrate / Additional
as given above shall only be accepted as proof Chief Presidency Magistrate / Presidency
of candidate’s claim as ‘belonging to EWS: - Magistrate.
v. District Magistrate / Additional District vii. Revenue Officer not below the rank of
Magistrate / Collector / Deputy Tehsildar’ and
Commissioner / Additional Deputy viii. Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where
Commissioner / Ist Class Stipendiary the candidate and / or his family normally
Magistrate / Sub-Divisional magistrate / resides.

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025




This is to certify that Master/ Miss __________________________________________

son/ daughter of ______________________________resident of _________________

__________________________________________ the above named officer/ JCO/ OR

pertains to the category marked below:- (Select one from below)

a. Killed in action on __________________________ during __________________

b. Disabled in action on____________________ and boarded out from service on


c. Died in peace time on _________________ with death attribute to military service.

d. Disabled in peace time and boarded out from service with disability attributable to
military service.

e. Gallantry Award winner (______________________________________________)

f. Ex- serviceman.
g. Serving soldier

(Category ______________________________ above)

Mr./ Miss __________________________ son/ daughter of ______________________

______________________ the above named officer/ JCO/ OR is eligible for admission in

DTU against the Defence quota under priority His/ Her Ex-serviceman widow identify card

No. Is DLH-01 _____________________________ .

NO _______________________________________/_______________RSB Secretary

(Round stamp of office) (Zila/Rajyasainik board)

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025



For claiming admission in this category, the Father/Mother/Guardian (in case parents
are deceased) shall have to submit affidavit/ self attested to this effect duly attested by
area District Magistrate/Additional Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner/Collector/Additional
Deputy Commissioner/Deputy Collector / Ist Class Stipendiary Magistrate /City Magistrate
(not below the rank of Ist Class Stipendiary Magistrate)/Sub-Divisional magistrate / Taluka
Magistrate / Executive Magistrate / Extra Assistant Commissioner.


(on non-judicial PAPER OF Rs. 20/- duly attested by Ist Class Magistrate)

I __________________________________________________ (name) father/mother

of Miss _________________________________ resident of ___________________


__________ (full address to be given) do hereby, solemnly declare and affirm as under:

1. That I am a citizen of India.

2. That Miss ___________________________________ born on ________________

is the only (Single) Girl Child of the deponent.

3. That the deponent has no living male/female child other than the above one.

Place: _____________________________

Dated: _____________________________

Verified that the contents of the above affidavit/self attested are true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein.

Place: _____________________________

Dated: _____________________________

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025



(To be submitted at the time of admission)

Certified that Shri/ Km/Smt. ______________________________________________

son/daughter/wife of ____________________________________________________

resident of ___________________________________________________________

is registered as migrant from Jammu and Kashmir. The registration number is

______________________ dated __________________.

It is also certified that Shri/Km/Smt. ________________________________________

Is registered in Delhi/ _________________________ as J & K Migrant on ___________.

Name & Signature of

Deputy Commissioner/ Competent authority
(Office stamp)

Place: ______________________

Date: _______________________

Note: No Document other than this will be accepted by the University for claiming
reservation against the Kashmiri Migrant Seat.

ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

For all the queries related to

M. Sc. Admission 2024-2025

Mail to:

Chairperson, M. Sc. Admission 2024-25

Delhi Technological University
Shahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road, Delhi-110042


ADMISSION BROCHURE M. Sc. Programmes - 2024-2025

Delhi Technological University
Established by the Govt. of NCT of Delhi vide Act 6 of 2009
(Formerly Delhi College of Engineering)
Shahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road, Delhi-110042

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