AK First Term GR 10 Geog 2024-25 1

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First Terminal Examination 2024-25


Answer Key

Part 1 (30 Marks)

Attempt all questions from this part

Question 1

Study the extract of Survey of India Map sheet no G43S10 and answer the following questions:-

i)(a)Give the 6 fig grid reference of the following:- [2]

i)Temple near Perua-538241 ii)Trigonometrical Station 413-544274

ii)Calculate the area between Eastings 50 to 55 and Northings 21 to 25 [2]

No of squares between E 50 to 55=5

No of of squares between N 21 to 25= 4

Area of 1 square=2cm x 2cm

Area of 1 square (acc to scale 2cm to 1 km) = 1 km x 1 km=1 sq km

Area of the given region=20 sq km

iii)a)State the compass direction of the following:- [2]

i)Lilora from Lunol -SE ii)Warka from Derol-NE

(iv)Mention the drainage pattern in the following grid squares:- [2]

i)5427-Radial ii)5220-Trellis

(v)What is the direction of the flow of the Sipu river and how do you know it?State any one feature of
Sipu Nadi [2]

The direction of the flow of Sipu river is SW shown on the map by an arrow

It is a seasonal river which has a meandering course.

Question 2:-
On the outline map of India provided, [10]

(i)Shade and label an area of Red Soil in Peninsular India

(ii)Mark and label the longitude on which Indian Standard Time is calculated.

(iii)Mark with arrows and name the winds that bring rainfall to Taminadu

(iv)Mark and label river Betwa

(v)Mark and name an important tributary of a Peninsular River

(vi)Mark and label an area of Alluvial Soil of NE India

(vii)Mark and label the winds which bring maximum rainfall to India

viii)Mark and label the river which is called Ganga of the South

ix)Shade and label any one region where laterite soil is found.

x)Shade and label river Sutlej

Question 3:Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options(Do not copy the
question but write the correct answers only) [10]

i)The Himalayas have a significant impact on the climate of India as they:

a)Block NE Monsoon Winds b)Causes rainfall in Gangetic Plains

c) Create Rainshadow area in Deccan Plateau d)Causes Cyclonic disturbance in Bay of Bengal

ii)Which of the following may be used for recharging groundwater?

a)Planting of shelterbelts b)Plugging of gullies and ravines

c)Percolation Pits d)Tubewell Irrigation

iii)Alluvial Soil is rich in which of the following minerals?

a)Nitrogen b) Iron c)Humus d) Phosphorus

iv)Prakash has gone to his village that is next to a forest.He observes sandalwood trees in the
forest.Which forest is it?

a)Moist Deciduous b)Littoral c)Tropical Evergreen d) Montane Forest

v)Which of the following least irrigated state in India is solely dependent on canals?
a)Assam b)Mizoram c)Tripura d)Arunachal Pradesh

vi)_____________is a raw material used for smelting of iron ore

a)Manganese b)Magnetite c)Copper d)Mica

vii)The Neyveli Lignite coalfield in _____________ is the largest lignite deposit field in South India

a)Kerela b)Tamilnadu c)Maharashtra d)Karnataka

viii)Which of the following is NOT a source of rainfall for Punjab and Haryana?

a)Western disturbances b)Arabian Sea Branch of SW Monsoon

c)Bay of Bengal branch of SW Monsoon d) Retreating Monsoon

Assertion(A)-Black Soil has a kind of self ploughing charaterestic

Reason(R)-Black Soil is clayey in nature and highly retentive of moisture

a)Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

b)Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A

c)Both A and R are false

d)A is true but R is false

x)Nuclear Power is the _________________ largest source of electricity in India.

a)second b)fourth c)fifth d)sixth

Part 2-Attempt any 5 questions from this part

Question 4:-

a)How is Burst of Monsoon different from Break of Monsoon? [2]

The sudden onset of rainfall in the first week of June is termed as Burst of Monsoon while a
gap of two or more weeks when SW Monsoon fails to bring rainfall is called Break of Monsoon

b)What causes the winter rain along the Coromandel Coast?Name a state which gets sufficient
rainfall from the winter season. [2]

NE Monsoon are offshore winds which do not carry much of moisture but when they cross
Bay of Bengal they pick up moisture and bring rainfall to Coromandel Coast.

Tamilnadu 1

c)Give a geographical reason for each of the following:- [3]

i)The Northern Plains of India do not freeze in winter

Due to the presence of Himalayas which do not allow cold polar winds to enter India [1]

ii)Chennai has a lower annual range of temperature than Lucknow

Chennai is a coastal city and so has a lower annual range of temperature than Lucknow which
has an interior location thereby having a higher range of temperature [1]

iii)In spite of the Aravalli Range,Rajasthan gets scanty rainfall.

Since Aravalli Range is parallel to SW Monsoon winds it does not give much of rainfall from
SW monsoon winds [ 1]

d)Study the Climatic data of Station X and answer the questions that follow:- [3]

M J F M A My J Jy A S O N D

Tem( 21 21.8 24.3 27.2 28 26.4 26.1 25.4 26 26 23.8 21.2


Rf(c 5.1 2.8 3.9 4.6 6.8 20.4 31.6 32.5 18.4 6.2 5.8 3.5

i)Calculate the total annual rainfall of Station X

141.6 cms 1

ii)Name the winds that bring most of the rain

SW Monsoon winds [ 1]

iii)On which coast of India is Station X located?

Western coast,probably Malabar Coast [ 1]

Question 5

a)Mention any two causes of Soil Erosion In India.Name any two conservation methods which may be
practiced in arid regions [2]

Causes-Heavy Population pressure on land/Nature of Rainfall/Overgrazing/Bad Farming

Techniques/Steep Topography/Deforestation(any two points to be mentioned with a short
explanation ) 1+1

Shelter Belts and Strip Cropping ½+½

b)Alluvial Soil is the only ex situ soil-What is meant by ex situ and how are they different from in situ
Soil?Give any one example of in situ soil. [2]

Ex situ soils are ones which are transported far from their place of origin while In situ soils are
ones which are found in their place of origin 1

Red/Black/Laterite-Any one eg 1

c)Give a geographical reason for each of them:- [3]

i)Terrace Farming is an ideal soil conservation method for hilly areas

Since there are steps it prevents the flow of water and so it is ideal for hilly areas [1]

ii)Khadar Soils are preferred over Bhangar Soil

Since Khadar is new alluvium it is more fertile than Bhangar since it gets renewed more often

iii)Soils of Western Ghats are affected badly by wind erosion

Sparse vegetation and dry weather helps in rampant wind erosion [1]

d)What is leaching and which soil is associated with it ?State any one characteristic of it in terms of its
color and state any 1 crop grown in this soil [3]

Leaching is a process in which nutrients get percolated down below the soil due to heavy
rainfall and high high temperature making the top soil infertile [1]

Laterite Soil is associated with it.It is red in colour [1]

Crops-Rice/Sugarcane [1]

Question 6

a)Give two points of difference between Tropical Evergreen and Tropical Deciduous Forest [2]

[I Mark each for corresponding points on either side ]

Tropical Evergreen Forest Tropical Deciduous Forest

1.Rainfall more than 200 cms and 1.Rainfall between 100 to 200 cms while
temperature between 25 to 27 deg C temperature is between 24 to 27 deg C

2.Do not have a fixed shedding season 2.Has a fixed shedding season

b)Name the type of forests found in western part of Western Ghats and give one reason why these
forests are so named. [2]

Tropical Evergreen 1

It is named since the Forest always looks green since some trees always bears leaves
c)Give a geographical reason for each of the following: [3]

i)Tropical Evergreen Forests are difficult to exploit for commercial purposes

High density of different types of trees and lack of efficient transport network (1)

ii)Tidal Forests have profuse growth with tangle of climbers

To adapt themselves to survive in soft and shifting mud in wet marshy areas (1)

iii)Forests are grown in and around cities having iron and steel industries

Iron and steel industries emit a lot of poisonous gasses and so to combat it forests are grown
around it (1)

d)How is Agroforestry different from Social Forestry?If given a choice between the two, which one will
you choose and why? [3]

Agroforestry is a sustainable system of managing land through combined production of crops

and animal rearing while Social Forestry is management and protection of forests with
afforestation with social and rural development (1+1)

Open Ended Ques 1

Question 7

a)Distinguish between Perennial Canals and Inundation Canals [2]

Perennial Canals Inundation Canals

1.Have water in them throughout the year 1.Have water only when the river is flooded

2.Presence of Barrages or dams to store 2.Absence of barrages or dams to store

water water

b)State any two drawbacks of Conventional methods of irrigation [2]

[1 mark each for each drawback )

Drawbacks-1.A large quantity of water is not properly utilized

2.Crops are usually subjected to cyclic changes of flooding

3.Prolonged waterlogging take place in fields in low areas

4.Effective areas of cultivation gets reduced since quite a bit of land is used for channels [2]

c)Rainwater Harvesting is the need of the hour-What is meant by it and mention any two of its
objectives [3]

It is the process of increasing the recharge of groundwater by capturing and storing rainwater
locally in subsurface reservoirs [1]

Objectives-Meeting the demand for water

2.Reducing the runoffs which chokes drains

3.Avoiding flooding of roads

4.Reducing soil erosion

5.Reducing groundwater pollution

6.Improving the quality of groundwater [2]

d)Give a geographical reason for each of the following:- [3]

i)Drip irrigation is the most advanced and efficient method of irrigation

Perforated pipes that are placed between rows of crops ensures that evaporation is drastically
reduced and so irrigation water is conserved [1]

ii)Canals make the soil infertile

When alkaline salts come to the surface it mixes with the soil and makes it unproductive[1]

iii)Tanks are a special feature of irrigation in Deccan Plateau

Hard rocks in the area do not absorb water and the terrain has many natural depressions[1]

Question 8

a)Brass and Bronze are two alloys made with copper-Which other minerals are combined with copper
to make these alloys? [2]

Copper with zinc is Brass while Copper with tin is Bronze 1 for each

b)Name the mineral used for making dry cell batteries and state any two states where it is mined.[2]

Manganese (1)

states are Andhra Pradesh/Telangana /Jharkhand/Karnataka ½ each

c)Give a geographical reason for each of the following:- [3]

i)Bauxite is used widely in electrical equipment industry

Good conductor of electricity [1]

ii)Raw iron needs to be alloyed in order to be useful for construction and automobile industry

To strengthen and harden it since it is soft [1]

iii)Copper is used in making electric wires

It is malleable and ductile [1]

d)Name the three varieties of iron ore mined in India.Name one state where each of them is found [3]



Limonite-West Bengal/Uttarakhand/UP /Himachal Pradesh

Question 9

a)How is Gondwana Coalfields different from Tertiary Coalfields in terms of quality and location? [2]

Gondwana Coalfields are found along river valleys while Tertiary are found in highlands of NE

Gondwana Coalfields are free from moisture and contains sulphur and phosphorus in small
quantities while Tertiary has more of moisture and sulphur

b)What are wind farms and where are they usually located? [2]

A number of windmills in a definite pattern in clusters are called Wind Farms [1]

They are located along coastal areas,open grasslands and hilly regions [1]

c)Give a geographical reason for each of the following:- [3]

i)Oil refineries are located close to oilfields or near ports

To minimize the cost of transport and to avoid the risk of transporting inside the country due
to its inflammable nature

ii)India is in an advantageous situation to harness solar energy

Due to its location in the Tropical belt and so gets lot of direct solar energy

iii)Nuclear Energy is the most reliable source of energy

As nuclear power plants can run 24 hrs a day and seven days in a week without any

d)With reference to Bhakra Nangal Dam answer the following:- [3]

i)Name the river on which it is constructed.-Sutlej River [1]

ii)Name two states that benefit from this project-Punjab/Haryana/Rajasthan /Himachal Pradesh[½ +

iii)State any two objectives of this project- [½ each ]

To provide water for irrigation,to prevent flooding and to generate hydel power



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