Wave Optics

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Physics II (SYJC) Wave Theory of Light Mr.

Tushar Naik

Wave Optics
Newton’s Corpuscular Theory:-

Newton’s corpuscular theory based on following features: -

1. Light consist of very small particles called corpuscles.

2. The particles are invisible i.e. Very small size and elastic in nature.
3. The particles have different size and very small mass.
4. The different color of light due to different size of particle.
5. The particle moves in straight line.
6. The corpuscles are repelled by reflection surface so reflection of light will
7. The corpuscles are attracted by refracting surface so refraction of light
8. This theory explains photoelectric Effect.


1. According to this theory particle emits from surface of light so decrease in mass
of surface but actually there is no such decrease in mass.
2. This theory cannot explain simultaneous reflection and refraction.
3. According to this theory velocity of light in denser medium is greater than rarer
medium but actually it is opposite.
4. The phenomenon like polarization diffraction and interference of light cannot
explain by this theory.

Huygens wave theory of light:-

Que: - What is Huygens wave theory of light? Give its drawbacks & importance.

Ans: - Followings are the main features of Huygens’s theory:-

1. Light propagate in the form of wave.

1. Light wave in the form of longitudinal wave.
2. Light wave are moves in straight line in same medium.
3. When light wave enters into retina of eye we feel sensation.
4. Light waves propagate through Huygen’s hypothetical medium called as
luminiferous ether medium which is present everywhere.
5. The different color of light is due to different wavelengths of light wave

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Physics II (SYJC) Wave Theory of Light Mr.Tushar Naik

1. It is experimentally found that there is no any such luminiferous ether medium.

2. This theory cannot explain rectilinear propagation of light.
3. Huygens says that light waves are longitudinal waves but they are actually
electromagnetic (transverse) waves.
4. The photoelectric effect cannot explain by this theory.

Importance of Huygens’s theory:-

1. This theory explains simultaneous reflection and refraction of light.

2. This theory explains the color of light due to different wavelength of light
3. According to this theory velocity of light in rarer medium is greater than
velocity of light denser medium which is experimentally correct.
4. Sensation of light due to light waves enters into eye.

Wave front and Wave normal: -

Que: - Define wave front & wave Normal.

Ans: - Wave front:-

“It is defined as the locus of all points at which wave reaches

simultaneously so that all points are in same phase on surface.”

Wave normal:-

A perpendicular is drawn to the wave front in the direction of

wave propagation at any point is called wave normal.

Construction of spherical wave front:-

Que: -Explain the construction of spherical wave front.

Ans: -Huygens principle for construction of wave front:-

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Physics II (SYJC) Wave Theory of Light Mr.Tushar Naik
1. Every point on wave front acts as secondary source of light
2. The envelope of secondary waves gives the new wave front of that time.
consider the source is ”s” and place at point ‘s’ it gives
spherical wave front the wave emits from source will reach at A,B,C
simultaneously and they act as secondary source.
3. After some time ‘t’ the points A, B and C acts center of sphere of radius of C
where C is the velocity of light act as secondary wave front. The envelope of
sphere represents new spherical wave fronts the backward moving of
secondary wave front does not exist.

Types of wave fronts:-

Que: -What are the types of wave front?

Ans: - Followings are different types of wave fronts:-

1. Spherical Wave front:-

A Wave front starts from point source are called spherical wavefront.it is
obtained point source at a finite distance from source.
2. Plane Wave front :-
A Wave front starts from point source at infinity is called plane wave front it is
obtained at infinite distance the light from sun reaches in the form of plane
wave front.
3. Cylindrical wave front:-
A wave front starts from linear source of light is called cylindrical wave front. It
is obtained from slits.

Difference between spherical and plane wave front: -

Que: -Distinguish between plane spherical and plane wave front.

Ans: -

Sr.No. Spherical wave front Plane wave front

1. Source is at finite distance Source is at infinite distance

2. Radius of curvature is finite Radius of curvature is infinite

3. It is spherical in shape It is plane in shape

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Physics II (SYJC) Wave Theory of Light Mr.Tushar Naik
4. Wave normal is radial Wave normal is parallel

5. It is finally converted into plane It is not converted into

wave front spherical wave front.

Construction of plane wave front:-

Que: -Explain construction of plane wave front.

Ans: - Huygens principle for construction of wave front:-

1. Every point on wave front acts as secondary wave front.

2. The envelope of secondary waves gives the new wave front of that time.
consider a point source is place at infinite distance emit
the successive plane wave front let it is reach at point A,B, simultaneously and
they acts as secondary source.
3. After some time t the points A, B, acts center of sphere of radius of ct. The
envelope of all these spheres will represent a new radial wave fronts. The
backward moving of secondary wave front does not exist.

Concept of wave front:-

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Physics II (SYJC) Wave Theory of Light Mr.Tushar Naik
Que: -What is wave front? Give the concept of wavefront.

Ans: -

Wave front: -

It is defined as the locus of all point to which wave riches simultaneously so that all
point are in same phase on the surface.


Consider point sources is placed in air it emits light wave in all direction let c is
velocity of light then ct gives the reduction of spherical wave front all point on
wave fronts are in same phase.

Reflection of plane wave front: -

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1. Consider the plane reflecting surface XY on which plane wave front incident
obliquely. The wave front first riches to the point A and then successively riches
from A to C as soon as wave riches at point A then point A become a secondary
2. Now the wave front moves from pint B to C in time t second then BC = ct
where c = velocity of light. During this time the secondary wave riches from
point A to D by covering distance is equal to radius of sphere so that BC = AD
=ct now the tangent drawn to the spherical surface CD the points C & D are in
phase so that it is act as reflected wave.

From geometry of fig,

∠PAN= i =angle of incidence
∠DAN=r=angle of reflection
∠ABC = ∠ADC=900and
AC is common so that,
Hence according to S - A – S test, ∆ABC & ∆ADC are concurrent.
90- i= 90-r

Laws of reflection:-

1. First law: -Angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. ∠i = ∠r

2. Second Law: -The incidence & reflected rays are lies in same plane (second
3. Third Law: -the incidence & reflected rays are lies in opposite sides of the

Refraction of plane wave front: -

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Physics II (SYJC) Wave Theory of Light Mr.Tushar Naik
Que: - On the basis of Huygens’s theory prove that laws of refraction.

Ans: -

1. Consider the refracting surface XY separates the two Medias I.e. air
medium & denser medium. Now consider the plane wave front AB
obliquely incident on plane refracting surface
2. The wave front reaches first at point A then the point act as secondary
source in denser medium
3. Now the wave front moves from point B to C in time t second in air
4. During this time t the secondary wave covers the distance equal to c 2t in
denser medium. The distance c2t is radius of semicircle having center at A
5. Now draw tangent CD to hemisphere then the points C & D are in same
phase. The CD represents refracted wave front.

The radius of semicircle AD=c2t (Where c2 is velocity of light in denser

From fig,
∠i + ∠BAM = 900 ………………….………… (1)
∠BAM + ∠BAC = 900 ………………….….. (2)
After comparing both equation, ∠BAM get cancelled
So, ∠BAC =∠i
Now, in ∆BAC, ∠B = 900 so that, sin i = ………………… (3)
Now, ∠r +∠DAC = 900
∠DAC + ∠DCA = 900
So, ∠DCA = r
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In ∆ADC sin r = …………………………. (4)

sin 𝑖 𝐵𝐶 𝐴𝐶 𝐵𝐶
= × 𝐴𝐷 =
sin 𝑟 𝐴𝐶 𝐴𝐷

sin 𝑖 𝐶1
= = µ12 Is the Snell’s law
sin 𝑟 𝐶2

Laws of refraction:-

1. Sin angle of incident to the sine angle of refraction is constant is Snell’s law.
2. Incident and refracted rays are in one plane.
3. The incident and refracted ray lie on opposite side of normal.

Polarization of light:-

Que: -With the help of neat diagram explain polarization shows the transverse
nature of light waves.

Ans: -

Wave theory of light explains the phenomenon like interference;

diffraction and polarization. According to this theory wave propagate in the
form of transverse or longitudinal. The polarization shows light wave
propagates in the form of transverse waves. Experimentally it can be shown as,

Fig (a)

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Fig (b)

If we take rope and transverse waves are created then

the wave is easily passed through the first slit. Now if we place another slit
parallel to first slit then the transverse wave pass through it but if we place
another that slit horizontal to first slit then wave cannot passed through it.

The above effect can be seen by using the tourmaline

crystal. Consider the source of light falling of first crystal P then light waves are
passing through it. If we place another crystal A parallel to first then light is
coming out as shown in figure A.

But if we place another crystal a horizontal or

tilted to first crystal P then light wave not passed through it as shown in fig B.

 Experimental Conclusion:-
1. From experiment we conclude that the light waves have transverse nature.
2. Light waves propagate in the form of wave.
3. Polarization is the property possesses by transverse wave only.

 Plane polarized light (PPL):-

The phenomenon due to which the vibration of light is
restricted in particular plane is called as plane polarized light.
When an ordinary light is passed through the tourmaline crystal then out of all
the vibrations which are symmetrical about the direction of wave propagation

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is passed through it so that the light coming out from crystal is plane as shown
in next fig.

Plane of vibration: -
The plane in which the vibration of plane polarized light
contains is called plane of vibration.
Plane of polarization:-
The plane perpendicular to the plane of vibration is
called plane of polarization.
A device that produced plane polarized light is called
The crystal which analyzes the nature of plane polarizes
light is called analyzer.The plane polarized light can be produce by using
following methods
1.by reflection
2.by scattering
3.with the help of natural crystal like calcite or tourmaline
4. by using Nicol prism
5.by using Polaroid’s

Brewster’s Law: -

Que: - Define polarizing angle & hence obtain expression for Brewster’s law.

Ans: - Polarizing Angle (Brewster’s Angle): -

The angle of incidence of ordinary

light at which the reflected light is plane polarized then that angleis called
polarizing angle.

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In Fig,

XY = Plane refracting surface

IP = Polarizing angle

r1 = Angle of reflection

r = Angle of refraction

At the polarizing angle the reflected & refracted rays are perpendicular to each

r1 + r = 900

r = 90 – r1

According law of reflection,

Ip= r1

r = 90 - ip

By Snell’s law
sin 𝑖𝑃
n= sin 𝑟

sin 𝑖
n = sin (90−𝑖

sin 𝑖
n = cos 𝑖𝑃

n = tan𝑖𝑃 this is the Brewster’s law.

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Statement: -

“The refractive index of medium numerically equal to tan angle of


Que: - State Brewster’s law? Show that for polarizing angle reflected and refracted
rays are right angle.

Ans: - Brewster’s Law: -

“When light is incident on refracting surface at an angle

of incident equal to polarizing angle then R.I. of medium is numerically equal
to tan angle of polarization.”

I.e. n =tan iP…………………………………. (1)

𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑖𝑃
By Snell’s Law, n = ……………….. (2)
sin 𝑟

𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑖𝑃 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑖𝑃
From (1) & (2) we get, = tan 𝑖𝑃 =
sin 𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝑖𝑃

Sin r = cos ip

Sin r = sin (90 - ip)

r = 90 - ip

r + ip = 90 ………………………………….. (3)

r = 90 - ∠RAY

iP = r1 = 90 - ∠RAY

Equation (3) becomes

90 - ∠DAY + 90 - ∠RAY = 90

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−∠ DAY -∠RAY = -180 + 90

∠DAY + ∠RAY = 900

Hence we say that reflected ray and refracted rays are

perpendicular to each other. Hence proved.

Nicol Prism: -

Que: -Explain the following term.

Ans: -

1. Double Refraction(Birefringence): -

The phenomenon of refraction in

which two refracted rays are produced is called as double refraction. When
unpolarised light is incident on calcite crystal it is split into two rays 1) E - Ray
(Extra ordinary ray) and 2) O ray (Ordinary Ray).
2. Ordinary Light:
In double refraction the ray which
obeys law of refraction is called ordinary light or O ray.
3. Extra Ordinary Light: -
In double refraction the ray which
does not obeys law of refraction is called Extra-ordinary light or E ray.

Que: - What is Nicol Prism? Describe its construction.

Ans: - Nicol Prism: -

It is the optical device used for producing plane polarized light.

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Physics II (SYJC) Wave Theory of Light Mr.Tushar Naik
Construction: -

It is made from Calcite crystal. To construct Nicol Prism a calcite

of length should be three times its width. It is then transfer into parallelogram
of opposite angles should be 680. The crystal is then cut diagonally into two
equal parts, and then these parts are joined by using transparent gum of R.I.
(1.55) called Canada Balsam.

Working: -

When unpolarised light is incident on Nicol Prism as shown in fig

the ray get suffers into double refraction and split in two rays, ordinary rays (O-
ray) & extra ordinary ray (E-ray). For O-ray R.I. of calcite is 1.66 while for E-ray
R.I. of calcite is 1.49. The R.I. of calcite is lies between R.I. of Canada Balsam
(1.55) so that Canada Balsam acts as rare medium for Ordinary ray & denser
medium for Extraordinary ray. So that, the ordinary ray get totally internally
reflected and absorbed into black face of Nicol Prism & only E – Ray coming out
from Nicol Prism. In this way Nicol Prism works as a polarizer. The plane
polarized light is coming out.

Dichroism: -

The crystal absorbs one of the refracted rays transmits other

called Dichroism. The crystal of iodo-sulphate of quinine is called as Heraphite
is used as Dichroism.

Polaroids: -

The large sheets are used to produce plane polarized light is

called Polaroids.

Types of Polaroids: -

1. K – Polaroids
2. H – Polaroids

1. K – Polaroids: -

When Poly vinyl alcohol film is heated in the presence of HCl so

then strongly Dichroism is obtain.

2.H – Polaroids: -

This Polaroid is obtaining by using poly vinyl alcohol. This

material acts as Dichroism.

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Note: -When two Polaroids are parallel to each other, then then plane
polarize light is obtained. And when two Polaroids are perpendicular to each
other, then no light is obtain.

Uses of Polaroids: -

1. To produce plane polarized light

2. It is used in sunglasses
3. It is used in front glass of vehicle.
4. It is used in window glass of train, plane.
5. The spectacles to see 3D pictures are made from Polaroid.
6. They have low cost as compare to Nicol Prism.

Doppler Effect of Light: -

Que: - Explain Doppler Effect in light and explain Red shift and Blue shift.

Ans: - Doppler Effect in light depends upon the relative velocity of

source and observer irrespective of whether the source and observer are
moving towards each other or moving away from each other or either of them
is stationary and the other is moving.

As light does not required medium for propagation. The velocity

of light is same irrespective of movement of the source and observer.

The frequency of light is given by

1± 𝑟
n’ = n
𝑉𝑟 2

Where Vr = radial component of velocity of source relative to observer.

As Vr<< c,
n’ = n 1 ± 𝐶

This leads to
∆𝑛 ∆𝜆 𝑉𝑟
= =
𝑛 𝜆 𝐶

Red Shift: -

When the source and observer are moving away from each
other then frequency of visible spectrum increases and wavelength decreases
and spectrum is shifted towards red, is called as red shift.

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Physics II (SYJC) Wave Theory of Light Mr.Tushar Naik
Blue shift: -

When the source and observer are approaching each other

then frequency of visible spectrum decreases and wavelength increases and
spectrum is shifted towards blue, is called as blue shift.

Applications of Doppler Effect: -

1. Used for measurement of plasma temperature.

2. Used to measure speed of rotation of sun.

Que: - State & Explain principle of superposition of light waves?

Ans: - Principle of superposition of waves: -

When two or more waves reach at a point in the given medium,

simultaneously then the resultant displacement at that point is vector sum of
displacements of all waves.

If two waves have displacement 𝑥1 &𝑥2 then by

principle of superposition, the resultant displacement is,

𝑥 = 𝑥1 + 𝑥2 .

If two waves arrived at a point are in phase then

their displacement is added to each other is maximum that is intensity is more
so brightness is happen.

If two waves arrived at a point are out of phase

then their displacement is subtract to each other & the resultant displacement
is minimum I.e. Intensity is low so that darkness is happen.

 Wavesareinphase :-
1. If the crest or trough of one wave falls to the crest or trough of other wave.
2. The amplitude & displacement are added to each other.
3. Intensity is maximum.
4. Brightness is occurring at that point.

 Wave are in out of phase :-

1. If crest of one wave falls on trough of other wave then waves are out of
2. The amplitude & displacement are opposing to each other.

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3. Intensity is minimum.
4. Darkness is occurring at that point.

Que: - What is interference? Explain constructive and destructive interference.

Ans: -Defn: - Due to superposition of waves at a point, displacement produced is

maximum or minimum that is called as interference of two waves.

 Explanation:-
Consider the experiment in which 𝑠1 &𝑠2 are the two sources of
wave, then the waves are interfere to each other as shown in figure.
Constructive interference: -
The circles show two waves are in phase so maximum
displacement is produced at that points so bright band will obtain then the
interference is called as constructive interference.
Destructive Interference: -
While the cross line shows two waves are in out of phase so
displacement produce is minimum so dark band will obtain then the interference is

Que:- What is the condition to get constructive & distractive interference?


A) Conditions for constructive interference:-

1. Two waves must be in phase.

2. Path Difference = 2𝑛 = 𝑛𝜆
Where, n = 1,2,3,4………………..
3. Phase difference = n 𝜋 where, n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, … ….
4. Bright point is obtained.

B) Conditions for distractive interference: -

1. Two waves must be in out of phase.

2. path difference at a point = (2n+1)2
3. Phase difference = (2n +1) 𝜋 where, n = 1,2,3,4,5……………
4. Dark point is obtained.

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Que: - Give the condition to obtain the steady interference pattern?

Ans: - Following are the conditions to get steady interference: -

1) The two sources of light must becoherent: -

The two sources are said to be coherent if phase
difference between them is either zero or constant having same frequency
also. For getting steady interference pattern, two sources must be coherent.
Due to this sharp and distinct interference produces.
2) Two sources of light must be monochromatic: -
A source of light is called monochromatic if that
light contains single color. I.e. single wavelength. For getting sharp & well
defined interference pattern the two sources must be monochromatic.
3) The two sources are equally bright: -
For getting distinct & clear interference pattern
the two sources must be equally bright.
4) The two sources are closed to each other: -
If two sources are far away from each other then
the dark & bright band ismuch closed to each other & hence they cannot
observe clearly so two sources must be closed to each other.
5) The two sources are narrow: -
If the two sources are wide then we get number
of wave trains. So the clear & sharp pattern is not obtained. So for getting
distinct & clear interference pattern the two sources must be narrow.

 Young’s experiment:-

Que: - DescribeYoung’s double slit experiment?

Ans: - Young’s experiment: -

Young’s experiment consists of two card boards.

Sunlight is used as a source of light & screen is fixed to see interference pattern. In
this experiment, the first card board has pin hole & it is illuminated by sunlight. The
light from ‘s’ is fall on second card board having two pin holes, very closed to each
other namely S1 & S2. They acts as coherent source then the interference is
produced and it is seen on screen.

From figure, it is seen that, when crest of one wave fall

on creston other wave then the constructive interference is produced & bright
point is obtained &when crest of one wave fall on the trough of other wave then

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the destructive interference is produced & dark point is obtained. Thus in Young’s
experiment, alternate dark & bright points are seen.

The points are not distinct because sunlight consist

number of wavelength of light. To avoid this kind of drawback, monochromatic
source is used.

Analytical treatment of interference bands:-

Que: - Give theory of interference bands & prove that the distance between two
consecutive bright band & dark band is equal.


Que: -Using analytical method obtained an expression for the path difference between
two light waves & hence shows that dark & bright bands are equally spaced?


Que: - Give theory of interference band and hence obtain an expression for bandwidth

Ans: - Consider two coherent monochromatic source of light A

& B are separated by small distance ‘d’. The interference will produce on screen at
distance ‘D’ from source.

Consider a point ‘P’ on screen at perpendicular bisector

of source AB. Now draws AM & BN. Consider, any point Q on screen at distance X
from point P then join AQ & BQ.

The light waves from source A & B will reach at point Q &
produced interference. Let, 𝜆 is wavelength of light. The path difference between
light waves reach at Q is,

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Path difference = BQ – AQ.

Let, ∆AQM &∆BQN are right angle triangles,

AQ2 = AM2 + QM2

AQ2= D2 + (x- 2 )2

2𝑥𝑑 𝑑2
AQ2 = D2 + x2 - +
2 4

AQ2 = D2 + x2 - 𝑥𝑑 + ……………… (I)

Similarly From fig,

BQ2 = BN2 + QN2

BQ2= D2 + (x+ 2 )2

2𝑥𝑑 𝑑2
BQ2 = D2 + x2 + +
2 4

BQ2 = D2 + x2 + xd + ………………..(II)

Subtract equations (II) - (I)

BQ2 - AQ2 = 2xd

(BQ – AQ) (BQ + AQ) = 2xd


d << D ………. (x& d are very small than D)

BQ = AQ = D

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2𝑥𝑑 2𝑥𝑑
B𝑄 − 𝐴𝑄 = =
𝐷+𝐷 2𝐷

𝐵𝑄 − 𝐴𝑄 =

Path difference = 𝐷

1. If Q will be bright the path difference is equal to even integral multiple of 𝜆.

∴ Path difference = n𝜆 = , n = 0, 1, 2, 3 …

2. If Q will be dark point the path difference is equal to odd multiple of𝜆.
1 𝑥𝑑
∴ Path difference = (n - 2) 𝜆 = , n= 0,1,2,3,…………………..

Expression for bandwidth or fringe width (x):-

Bandwidth: -

The distance between two successive bright

or dark bands is called bandwidth.

For bright band,

Path difference = n 𝜆
n𝜆 = 𝐷

x= 𝑑

For first fringe, n = 1

x1 = 𝑑

For second fringe, n = 2

x2 = 𝑑

2𝜆𝐷 𝜆𝐷
So, Bandwidth or Fringe width = x2 – x1 = -
𝑑 𝑑

Bandwidth x = ……………. (I)

Now for dark band,

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Path Difference = (2n+1)2

𝑥𝑑 𝜆
= (2n+1)2

x = (2n+1) 2𝑑

for first fringe n = 1

x1 = [ 2(1) + 1] 2𝑑

x1 = 2𝑑

for second fringe n = 2

x2 = [ 2(2) + 1]

x2 = 2𝑑

5𝜆𝐷 3𝜆𝐷 2𝜆𝐷 𝜆𝐷

So, Bandwidth or Fringe width = x2 – x1 = - = =
2𝑑 2𝑑 2𝑑 𝑑

Bandwidth x = ……………. (II)

From equation (I) and (II) it is clear that the

distance between two successive bright or dark bands is same so that dark and
bright bands are equally spaced.


Que: - What is diffraction? What are types of diffraction?

Ans: - Diffraction:-

The phenomenon of bending of light at sharp corners of an

obstacle whose size compare to the wavelength of wave is called as diffraction.
There are two types of diffractions:-

1. Fraunhoffer diffraction: -
When source of light and screen are at infinite
distance from slit then diffraction produced is called as Fraunhoffer diffraction
in this case the wave front is plane wave front.
2. Fresnel diffraction: -
When source of light and screen are at finite
distance from slit then diffraction produced is called as Fresnel diffraction.

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Physics II (SYJC) Wave Theory of Light Mr.Tushar Naik

Distinguish between Interference and diffraction.

Sr. No Interference Diffraction

1. Interference is result of It is the result of limited part of

superposition of two waves. light wave front.

2. Interference fringes are equally Here fringes are not same width

3. All bright fingers have same Only central maxima has highest
intensity. intensity other has less intensity.

4. The regions of minimum The region of minimum intensity

intensity are dark point. is not dark.

5. Resolving Power is not related Resolving Power is related with

with interference. diffraction.

Que:- Distinguish between Fresnel and Fraunhoffer diffraction.

Ans: -

SR. NO. Fresnel Diffraction Fraunhoffer Diffraction

1 Source of light and screen are Source of light and screen are at
at finite distance from slit infinite distance from slit

2 In this case the wave front is In this case the wave front is plane
Spherical wave front. wave front.

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Physics II (SYJC) Wave Theory of Light Mr.Tushar Naik
Que:- Explain qualitatively the intensity variation in diffraction pattern produced by
single slit?

Ans: - Fraunhoffer diffraction due to single slit:-

Consider the monochromatic parallel beam of light of

wavelength 𝜆 falling on a slit of width ‘a’. The diffraction pattern is form on screen
as shown in figure

i) Condition for minima

 We now consider the intensity at point P1 above O on the screen where

another set of rays diffracted at an angle θ have been bought to focus by the
lens and contributions from different elements of the slits do not arise in phase
at P1
 If we drop a perpendicular from point A to the diffracted ray B,then AE as
shown in figure constitutes the diffracted wavefront and BE is the path
difference between the rays from the two edges A and B of the slit.

 Let us imagine this path difference to be equal to one wavelength.

 The wavelets from different parts of the slit do not reach point P 1 in the phase
because they cover unequal distance at reaching P1.
 Thus they would interfere and cancel out each other.
BE = λ
BE = AB sinθ
BE = a sinθ

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Physics II (SYJC) Wave Theory of Light Mr.Tushar Naik
λ = a sinθ
sinθ = 𝑎
asθ is very small, sinθ = θ
θ= 𝑎 -------- (1)
This represents first minima.
For minima: -
asin𝜃 = 𝑛𝜆 where, n = 1, 2, 3,…………. This is the condition for minima

For maxima: -
asin𝜃 = (n+2 ) 𝜆, where, n = 1, 2, 3, …………

The figure for intensity distribution: -

a. The intensity of central maxima is more than minima.

b. The width of central maxima is twice the minima.
c. The intensity of secondary maxima goes on decreases.

Rayleigh’s criterion:

Que: - State and explain Rayleigh’s criterion of resolution?

Ans: - Statement: - The images of two point objects closed to each other are said to be
resolved if central maxima of one falls on the first minima of other

Explanation: -

if we have Angular separation of two point objects and Angular

separation of first minima and central maxima in diffraction pattern. On the
basis of Rayleigh’s criterionthere are 3 cases:-

I) Unresolved: -
The central maxima due to one
source iswithin the first minima due to the other source the two central
maxima are overlapping on each other.
II) Just resolved:-

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Physics II (SYJC) Wave Theory of Light Mr.Tushar Naik
The central maximum due to one
source coincides exactly with first minima of other. The images are said
be just resolved

III) Completely resolved:-

The central maxima of one source
is beyond the first minima of the other and the resultant pattern is
clearly shows separate.

Limit of resolution (𝜽): -

It is the minimum distance betweentwo objects when

they can be observed as separate by the optical instrument.

Resolving Power: -

It is define as the reciprocal of limit of resolution.


The ability of instrument to produced distinct and

separate images is called resolving power.

Que: - Define resolving power? Explain R.P. of Microscope?

Ans: -R.P:- It is the reciprocal of limit of resolution


𝜆 = Angle suspended by the object at objective

O = Objective lens

Consider an object AB having width ‘d’ as shown in

figure. We know that,

Path difference = 2𝝁𝒅𝒔𝒊𝒏𝝀 where, 𝜇 = R.I. of medium.

By Rayleigh’s law, if two object are just resolved

2 𝜇𝑑𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜆 = 𝜆
d = 2𝜇𝑠𝑖𝑛 ∝

But, R.I. of air = 1.4 sin𝜃 = called as NA

d = 2𝑠𝑖𝑛 ∝

𝜇𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 = Numerical Aperture

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Physics II (SYJC) Wave Theory of Light Mr.Tushar Naik
In electron microscope 𝜆 is very small so that R.P. is
larger than optical microscope.

Que: - Explain Resolving Power of telescope.

Ans: -Let, 𝜆 is wavelength of light D is equal to the diameter of objective lens then
R.P. of telescope is,
R.P. = 1.22 𝜆 where D = Diameter of objective called aperture


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