Oct, 2023
Bishoftu, Ethiopia
Table of contents
SHEGAR, OROMIA............................................................................................................i
table of contents...................................................................................................................ii
1.0 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................1
1.1. General Overview.....................................................................................................1
2 Objective of the Terms of reference.............................................................................1
3. Project Description.........................................................................................................2
4. Project location................................................................................................................2
5 Time Schedule..................................................................................................................3
6. Sources of Data................................................................................................................3
List of table
Table 1: work schedules......................................................................................................3
Table 2: checklist for screening of impacts.........................................................................4
On the other hand, there is much dependence on imported dairy products such as cheese
due to the fact that the quantity, quality and variety of locally produced cheeses do not
cater to the needs of consumers. Imported cheese, mostly in processed powder form, is
used as an ingredient by many restaurants. Furthermore, imported cheese products are
used to bridge domestic demand and supply gap in cheese consumption.
Realizing the increasing demand and supply gap of value added dairy products such as
pasteurized milk, yogurt and cheese, setting up a Gizacho sisay Dairy Farma and Milk
product Processing Unit is proposed in this prefeasibility study. This project will be
established on owned land with purpose-built plant constructed on modern lines. The
plant would process raw milk into pasteurized milk throughout the year; however, yogurt
and cheese would be produced for 120 and 240 days respectively. The plant will begin
operations with 50% installed capacity utilization and 2.88 million litres of raw milk is to
be processed in year 1. The product mix will be Pasteurized Milk: Yogurt: Cheese in ratio
of 12:8:41. Approximately 1.37 million litres of pasteurized milk, 912,000 Kgs of yogurt
and 47,000 Kgs of cheese will be processed in the first year of production. With 50%
capacity utilization in first year of production and annual increase of 5 %, the project will
be utilizing its capacity for a maximum of 80% i.e. processing of approx.4.61 million
litres in year 10.
The envisaged project will create a job opportunity for about 260 employees on temporal
and permanent base. This will contribute to reduce the number of youth unemployment
which is the bottle neck of the country. It also pays tax for the government as well as
reduces problem of foreign currency.
However, Short-term benefits build up from development projects may significantly
impact on the ability of human and natural ecosystems to meet the needs and aspirations
of the future generations unless proper management and monitoring is undertaken. The
concept of sustainable development envisages development that not only allows the
present generation to meet its developmental and natural needs but also ensure
intergenerational equity through application of precautionary principle. An important
component of sustainable development is the process of assessing the potential
environmental, economic and social impacts of a project prior to its implementation.
Thus, this TOR was prepared by Bright star management and Environmental
Consultancy plc to identify potential impacts, both positive and negative and then to
propose possible enhancement/mitigation measures for the proposed project, Milk
processing located in Oromia National regional state, Bishoftu Town
3. Project Description
Total investment cost is 80 million birr. The project will create 260 job opportunities in
permanent and temporal basis for local community. The facility is proposed on total area
of about 1 Hek. The project is bordered by :The surrounding land use consists of dairy
farms and milk or dairy processing plants with storage facilities and scattered dwellings
occupied by farmers and farm workers. This includes the access road and associated
infrastructure on the farmlands i.e. 5-6 scattered dwellings that farmers and farmworkers
are occupying as well as the commercial infrastructure i.e. dairy processing and milking
infrastructure on both adjacent properties. The facility is designed to compose
of sheds, this area comprises simply machines installation place, raw materials storing
sheds, products storing sheds, the administration spaces, the sanitary units, and other
essential service rooms. The project will supply more milk processing for domestic and
foreign market.
4. Project location
5 Time Schedule
The work will be carried out, in the town according to the following schedule.
Table 1: work schedules
S.N Types of activities Number of days required for
1 Screening: Deciding if an ESIA is required 2
2 Scoping and consideration of alternatives: 2
3 Public consultation 5
3 Collecting data 2
4 Impact Prediction 2
5 Analysis of Mitigation measures 2
4 Synthesizing the ESIA Report 7
6. Sources of Data
primary and secondary data are used for the work. Primary data will be obtained from
project affected communities, district administration and Bishoftu Town EPA
professionals through consultation and interview. Secondary data sources are obtained
from water supply and sanitation office, urban agriculture office, education office, health
office, trade and industry, planning office, labor and social affair office, urban
beatification and greenery office, District administration, children youth and women
affairs office, and town administration, national and regional laws and proclamations,
CSA, and others.
The following methodology is used to collect data:
Semi- structured interview: this involved holding individual interviews with
the project manager and his coworkers using a pre- prepared interview checklist
and recording the feedback.
Consultation about the Project: the aim of the consultation with the locally
affected people by the project has a paramount importance to hear and
incorporate the views and opinions of those communities around the area.
Literature review: this involved the review of all literature and data relevant to
the project. The literature included legislation, data kept by the proponent and
government agencies.
Site observation: this involves a transect walk across the site and the
neighboring area to get acquainted with the natural environment and also to cross
check issues, arising from the interviews above. Furthermore, field visit will be
undertaken to understand the likely impacts of a development project i.e Dairy
Farm and milk processing Project in this case on the environment around the
project site through making transect walking along the intended project site. This
field survey also helped to gather the base line environmental condition of the
area for better prediction and evaluation of the adverse environmental and social
impacts. CONSULTAT: Bright star management and environmental consultancy
plc will identify different areas of attention like noise pollution, air pollution, soil
pollution, surface and ground water pollution and during the project construction
and operation human health and safety impacts.
14. Market Destination The residents of the wereda and the surrounding area
Merchants and drivers
Business community
Different occasional guest
Domestic and foreign tourists and visitors
15. Recommendation The project is economically, financially and socially feasible. For
instance, financially, the project’s IRR is 63.45% which is greater
than discount rate (12%) and NPV is equal to Br. 12,994,064.32.
Soil erosion or flooding concerns (e.g., due to highly
erodible Dairy farm and Milk Processing or steep
Number of stream crossings or disturbances
Wet season excavation
Creation of quarry sites or borrow pits
Significant vegetation removal
Wildlife habitats or populations disturbed
Be located within or nearby environmentally Sensitive
areas (e.g. intact natural forests, Wetlands, etc.)?
Cultural or religious sites disturbed
Economic or physical resettlement required
New settlement pressures created
Create solid waste on the sites (including excess fill
materials from grading and excavation activities, scrap
wood and metals, and small concrete spills).
Cause poor water drainage and increase the risk of
water-related diseases such as malaria or Bilharzias?
Cause air pollution? (Fugitive dust, etc.)
Cause contaminated land?
Create Noise and vibration
Aesthetic disruption to the surrounding areas?
Cause Potential Physical hazards ( Like accident or
injury or illness due to repetitive exposure to
mechanical action or work activity)
Cause and spread communicable disease (poor
sanitation and, sexual transmission and vector-borne
Cause poor Water Quality and less water Availability
Cause traffic congestion (Traffic accidents, injuries
and fatalities among members of the Community )
Cause flood and gully formation at the outlet or end
point of drainage canals
Possible impact on individual’s property, including
impact on houses, fences and other structures
cause more traffic accidents, since pedestrian walk way
is not properly considered as part of the road design
Affect any air quality standard or contribute substantially to
an existing or projected air quality problems
Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an
Archaeological resource
Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or
regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the
Affect human health directly or indirectly