Chapter 11 Cooperative Organisation
Chapter 11 Cooperative Organisation
Chapter 11 Cooperative Organisation
Id u n d:
th is ehapter,
Definitionof a Cooperative Society
Meaning and
Characteristics of Cooperative and n Joint Stock Company
Distinctionbetween a
11.4 Formation of a Cooperative
Different Types of Cooperative
11.6 Advantages of Cooperative
11.7 Disadvantages of Cooperative
of protecting the interests of the weaker
Cooperativeorganisationdeveloped as a means
by the economically strong
sectionsof society against exploitation and oppression
wherein persons associate together
and powerfulsections.It is a form of organisation
For example, consumers
voluntarily and on equal basis to further their common interests.
may join hands to provide goods at cheaper rates by establishing direct contacts with
manufacturersand thereby eliminating the profits of middlemen. Similarly, people
belonging to the working class may form a cooperative society to provide houses at
low costs to the members.A cooperative society is based on the principles of self help
and mutual help and its primary motive is to render service to the members.
Cooperative Organisation
State Motive
Cash Distribution
Trading of Surplus
and promote common
A voluntary association often or more persons formed to protect
throughmutual help on cooperative basis.
(haracteristics:(i) Voluntary association (ii) Religious and political neutrality (iii) Separate
of surplus (vii) Limited
entity(iv) One man one vote (v) Service motive (iv) Disposal
Oncapital(viii) Cash trading (ix) State control.
lypes of
cooperatives: Consumers' cooperatives (2) Producers' cooperatives (3) Marketing
(i) (6) Credit cooperatives.
ves (4) Farming cooperatives (5) Housing cooperatives
(i) (ii) Open membership (iii) Limited liability (iv) Continuity
(v) Dem Easy formation costs (viii) Cheaper and
Ocraticmanagement (vi) Internal financing (vii) Low operating
production(ix) State patronage (x) Social benefits.
Inefficient management (iii) Lack of motivation (iv)Non-
(1) Limited funds (ii)
tansferability (vi) Excessive Government control (vii) Rift among
members of shares (v) Lack of secrecy