Azure AZ-204 Notes

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Azure App Service is an HTTP-based service for hosting web applications, REST APIs,

and mobile back ends. You can develop in your favorite programming language or
Applications run and scale with ease on both Windows and Linux-based environments.

When you deploy your web app you can use a separate deployment slot instead of the
default production slot when you're running in the Standard App Service Plan tier
or better

App Service can also host web apps natively on Linux for supported application
stacks. It can also run custom Linux containers (also known as Web App for
App Service on Linux supports many language specific built-in images. Just deploy
your code. Supported languages and frameworks include: Node.js, Java (JRE 8 & JRE
11), PHP, Python, .NET, and Ruby.
If the runtime your application requires isn't supported in the built-in images,
you can deploy it with a custom container.

Azure app service / Azure Web Services

In the creation level of Azure web services , we need to select the publish code
language and runtaime stack ( version of the programming language )
Select the Operating System and region

App Service Plan

App Service Plan both the pricing model for the apps and hosting option.
You dont get to chose the server and VM for that , you can just select the plan
( tiers ).
Once we select the app service plan , we need to select the SKU and Size of the
It's contain 1. Dev/Test 2.Production 3.Isolated
1.Dev/Test - free tier plan.
2.Production - Standard/Premium Service plan , extra featues available for
production maintanace.
3.Isolated - We can accomodate the hardware and customize of our convienet.

App Service Deployment Options

1. Zone redundancy - if we enable this option our application will different
three different regions and have a backup.
2. Networking Plan - we need to create a Virtual Network , avoid the web traffic
and control the traffic .
3. Application Insights - We can monitoring the apps and set the events ( for
fails and issues ) get the log for the apps.

Deployment Slots ( scale up your app service plan ) - its can hold the other
version of our deployments
Deployment Slots Swap - its very usefull , when we ready to deploy the testing code
to move from production , we can use ths swap button . if we use the swap button we
can't loose our code and versions.

AutoScaling App Service ( Based on the App service plan ) we can scaling our app
service instances
Manual Scaling , Auto Scaling
Scale up
Scale out - this means adding the instance to your application , if they need.
App Service logs , we can monitor the log from all aspects Error , alert msg and
verbose log . web server logging , FTP FTPS logs ( get , post request log )
Diagnostic logs - is that way of collecting logs and metrics for a resources.
It's collect - HTTP logs, App Service Console logs , App Service Application logs,
App Service Platform logs , All Metrics and IPSecurity Platform logs, All Metrics
We can customise the Diagnostic logs , we can ebale the Send to log Analytics
Workplace - then all the metrics and logs will be displayed in the azure monitor.

Create Azure Web App in powershell

get-command ''AzWebapp" - it will display all the commands

New-AzResourceGroup - its command to create new azure resource group
New-AzAppServicePlan - Create a azure service plan for resources
New-AzWebApp - Create a new Azure web app for the particular app service plan and
resource group and location.
-g - shortcut for resource group name , -n shortcut for name variable -p - shortcut
for azure app service plan
az webapp up - its also creating the azure web app

Azure Web App - Console (Advanced Tools)

We can monitor the logs and deployment details from the console tab .
KUDU - is an site for monitoring the deployment related files. its giving the
details from our web app.
we can download the deployment script from the site.

Azure Container Instance - Azure container instance

Azure Container Registry - we need to select the region and domain name and SKU
( plan ) - we can deploy the code from this container registry with the help of
Docker is the contanerization tools to create images and push the images into the
container and deploy the image into the container instance.
We can enable the users access for the container registry In setting options
access keys and enable the Admin user , set the username and password.
With the help of Container registry we can create a container instance for deploy
the image.

Azure Funcion - It's contain a small pieces of code and contains itself another
function ( In function app contain group of function ( that perform in different
needs and behaviour ) )
Need to pass the Function app name , select subscription and resource group
Runtime stack and Version Region and Operating System
Select the Hosting plan , Select the storage account ( create storage account )
Enable Virutal Network avoid trafficing and enable the monitoring.

Create a function within the function app , select the function app and select the
Development environments ( VS Code , Any editor , Developer Portal ).
We can use template as well to create function and function can basically work some
type of trigger ( HTTP , Timer , Cosmos DB , Blob , Service Bus , Queue ) - we can
go through the Support Bindings learning page.
When we create a function inside the function app , we can able to edit the code
integration the code , Monitor the function and maintain the function key

Monitoring Functions & Events

In the Monitor tab ( Inovocation and Logs ) options. we can track the function
Blob Output Binding ( create a storage container )
When we adding the output binding we should see the modification in the function
itself , even we can view the changes with the help of URL itself.

Create a Timer Trigger

Open the azure function app -> click the function add click the create button for
new function with select the timer trigger template.
Give a function name and Mention the scdeule time ( The timer need to specified for
execution ) and the function has been created for the mentioned azure function app
region and using the service plan.

if we want test and run the timer trigger function without using the authentication
token . so we can disable the authentication in the portal level
going to the function.json file and add this line alone.
"authlevel" : "anonymous"
if we want to add any other blob storage, Cosmos DB and sql server we can use the
integrated tab in the portal.

Azure Function are Serverless-desing , simple and stateless ( we can design the
function to execute and return the result asap ).
In Azure function we can set the triggered by a timer , http , blob event or
message queue.
We can work asynchromously run and work the other code.

Microsoft designed and introduced Azure Durable Function ( its can help to long-
running or a multi step process )
Function chaining - In the function chaining pattern, a sequence of functions
executes in a specific order. In this pattern, the output of one function is
applied to the input of another function.
Fan-out/fan-in In the fan out/fan in pattern, you execute multiple functions in
parallel and then wait for all functions to finish
Async HTTP APIs - A common way to implement this pattern is by having an HTTP
endpoint trigger the long-running action
Monitoring - The monitor pattern refers to a flexible, recurring process in a
Human interaction - its involove human activities in some kind of functions
triggers and deployment.
Aggregator (stateful entities) The sixth pattern is about aggregating event data
over a period of time into a single, addressable entity. In this pattern, the data
being aggregated might come from multiple sources, might be delivered in batches,
or might be scattered over long-periods of time.

Durable function have three major components - Client, orchestrator ,activity and

Orchestrator functions - describe how actions are executed and the order in which
actions are executed. Orchestrator functions describe the orchestration in code (C#
or JavaScript) as shown in Durable Functions application patterns.
Activity functions - are the basic unit of work in a durable function
orchestration. Activity functions are the functions and tasks that are orchestrated
in the process. For example, you might create an orchestrator function to process
an order.
The tasks involve checking the inventory, charging the customer, and creating a
shipment. Each task would be a separate activity function. These activity functions
may be executed serially, in parallel, or some combination of both.

Create Durable Function - In the template level we can select the durable functions
In the Development Tools we can up scale the Azure function app , we can go the App
Service Editor . its redirect to the Visual studio and we can able tto see the
wwwroot file contain all the files when we create the HTTP trigger and Timer
We can create the package.json file and the name , version of the file.
we can install the NPM durable function dependency - npm install durable-
function , node_modules

Azure Functions is a serverless compute service, whereas Azure Logic Apps is a

serverless workflow integration platform.
Both can create complex orchestrations. An orchestration is a collection of
functions or steps, called actions in Logic Apps, that are executed to accomplish a
complex task.

The functionTimeout property in the host.json project file specifies the timeout
duration for functions in a function app.
This property applies specifically to function executions. After the trigger starts
function execution, the function needs to return/respond within the timeout

A trigger defines how a function is invoked and a function must have exactly one
Triggers have associated data, which is often provided as the payload of the

Binding to a function is a way of declaratively connecting another resource to the

function; bindings might be connected as input bindings, output bindings, or both.
Data from bindings is provided to the function as parameters.

You can mix and match different bindings to suit your needs. Bindings are optional
and a function might have one or multiple input and/or output bindings
All triggers and bindings have a direction property in the function.json file:

For triggers, the direction is always in

Input and output bindings use in and out
Some bindings support a special direction inout. If you use inout, only the
Advanced editor is available via the Integrate tab in the portal.

Azure Blob Storage ( Hot Tier , Cool Tier , Archieve Tier, premium ) based on the
plan and the tier will work ( Blob Storage content ( Block of Binary object )
unstructured data for example : video, streaming music and different type of
unstructured data ).
Azure Blob Storage has contains three types - Storage account , Container , Blob
Storage account - unique namespace and endpoint url (
Container - unique container name and valid DNS Server
Container names can be between 3 and 63 characters long.
Container names must start with a letter or number, and can contain only lowercase
letters, numbers, and the dash (-) character.
Two or more consecutive dash characters aren't permitted in container names.
( )
Azure Support ( Page Blob , Append Blob , Block Blobs )

A lifecycle management policy is a collection of rules in a JSON document. Each

rule definition within a policy includes a filter set and an action set.
The filter set limits rule actions to a certain set of objects within a container
or objects names. The action set applies the tier or delete actions to the filtered
set of objects:
"rules": [
"name": "rule1",
"enabled": true,
"type": "Lifecycle",
"definition": {...}
"name": "rule2",
"type": "Lifecycle",
"definition": {...}
At least one rule is required in a policy. You can define up to 100 rules in a

The delete rule action supports both block blobs and append blobs. The
enableAutoTierToHotFromCool, tierToArchive, and tierToCool rule actions only
supports block blobs.
The only two HTTP properties that are available for containers are ETag and Last-

Databases often are too large to load directly into a cache, so it is common to use
data cache pattern.
Session store is used to store user-session information instead of storing too much
data in a cookie that can adversely affect performance.
Distributed transactions allow a series of commands to run on a back-end datastore
as a single operation.
By using content cache, you can provide quicker access to static content compared
to back-end datastores. Session store, distributed transactions, and content cache
cannot be used to load data on demand.

Each rule definition includes a filter set and an action set. The filter set limits
rule actions to a certain set of objects within a container or objects names.
The action set applies the tier or delete actions to the filtered set of objects.

The following sample rule filters the account to run the actions on objects that
exist inside sample-container and start with blob1.

Tier blob to cool tier 30 days after last modification

Tier blob to archive tier 90 days after last modification
Delete blob 2,555 days (seven years) after last modification
Delete blob snapshots 90 days after snapshot creation

"rules": [
"enabled": true,
"name": "sample-rule",
"type": "Lifecycle",
"definition": {
"actions": {
"version": {
"delete": {
"daysAfterCreationGreaterThan": 90
"baseBlob": {
"tierToCool": {
"daysAfterModificationGreaterThan": 30
"tierToArchive": {
"daysAfterModificationGreaterThan": 90,
"daysAfterLastTierChangeGreaterThan": 7
"delete": {
"daysAfterModificationGreaterThan": 2555
"filters": {
"blobTypes": [
"prefixMatch": [

AzCopy - is the utlitiy , we can perform the file trasfer ( copy ) with the help of
azcopy between two different containers , or different storage account.
Ex : azcopy copy 'source-path' 'destination-path'
Azcopy V10 is the latest stable version , its support all the platform we can use
it in our local with the help of SSH keys , Connection Strings

StartCopyFromUri - we can use this method in .NET programming language level to

copy the files from different container or strorage account with the helop of
connection string
Using the Azure Storage Blob * Nuget package and BlockBlobClient method
Ex : destination.StartCopyFromUri(SoruceClient.uri)

In order to add the Metadata from the file in the code level, we can use the
SetMetadata method.
Ex: SourceClient.SetMetadata(passing the dicitionary value )
The Dictionary value contain both the Createdby , Environment

Storage Account Backup , replication and lifecycle

In portal level , we can go to the Data protection , enable the operational backup
and need to select\create a vault enable the redundancy and add the backup policy
as well
We need to enable the soft deletes that allow us for retrieving the deleteed files
within the time span.

In portal level , go to the storage account , select the Data Management tab ,
click the Object replication . we can create an own data replication rules from our
azure storage.

In Life Cycle Management is basically allow us to save money from the Tier
Subscription plan , it will help to move the fules from different tiers
we can set the lifecycle for that , we can create an custom rule based on our
Select the Tier , select the date and include the condition.

When you create an static web app, Azure interacts directly with GitHub or Azure
DevOps to monitor a branch of your choice.
Every time you push commits or accept pull requests into the watched branch, a
build automatically runs and your app and API deploys to Azure.
Static web apps are commonly built using libraries and web frameworks like Angular,
React, Svelte, Vue, or Blazor where server side rendering isn't required.
These apps include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image assets that make up the

Azure Cosmos DB ( Non- relational Database ) - is the database for really designed
it very user efficient and cost effective.
When we create the Azure cosmos account we include the account name , location and
capacity mode.
In the capacity mode we have two option, Provisioned thorughput and serverless
We have checkbox option to disable or enable the throughput unit

In the Global Distribution Tab , we can enable the DB replicaition ( Geo-Redundancy

, Multi-region Writes )
In the Backup Policy tab , we can set the backup periodically , with the backup
interval, retention and select the backup redundancy.

Default Consistency - Azure Cosmos DB

There are five level of consistency 1. Strong , 2.Bounded Stainless 3.Session
4.Consistent prefix, 5.Eventual.

Strong Consistency - if we want to write the data from the Cosmos DB , it will wait
untill update the data from all the region from our replication/backup DB
Bounded Stainless - we can defined the maximum delay time to updated the data from
our backup DB regions
Session - is most widely used consistency level both for single refion as well as
global distributions.
Consistent prefix - if we writes the data in the order , then the client can see
the order wise , in the global distirbution regions
Eventual - is the weakest form of consistency wherein a clinet may get the values
which are older than the ones it had seen before , but its retrive the data faster
than others.

Cosmos DB have a feature called Notification feed with the help of Azure
Functions , its allow you to trigger and set the notification whenever on changes
to documents within the Cosmos DB.
Cosmos DB guarantees very fast latency, resulting in a much quicker experience

Azure AD ( Active Directory ) Entra ID- its help to handle the user permissions for
the portal

EnablePurgeProtection prevents the key vault from being permanently deleted before
the soft-delete
retention period has elapsed.
EnableSoftDelete allows deleted vault and its contents to be retained and
recoverable for the specified
number of days
Run the az keyvault update --enable-soft-delete true --enable-purge-protection true

Use this method if you are logged in to Windows using your Azure Active Directory
credentials from a
federated domain.
1. Start Management Studio or Data Tools and in the Connect to Server (or Connect
to Database Engine)
dialog box, in the Authentication box, select Active
Directory - Integrated. No password is needed or can be entered because your
existing credentials will be
presented for the connection.

Configure the web app to the Standard App Service Tier. The Standard tier supports
auto-scaling, and we
should minimize the cost. We can then enable autoscaling on the web app, add a
scale rule and add a Scale

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