My Last Day at School

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My last day at School

"Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things."

(Marcus Tullius Cicero)

Memories are more indelible than ink. Days pass however the memories and associations they leave refuse
to die. My last day at School is one of those by gone days whose memory is still fresh and clear in my
mind. It was one of the golden days of my life. It was a day of sadness as well as happiness.

Tears trickle down my cheeks as I remember my last day in my School. It was the day of parting and parting
in life is painful. It was the last chapter of the glorious book of my student life. I had been a Student in my l
School for ten years. It was a golden period of my life. But the golden period passed away like a happy

During this period I had learnt many lessons. I had made many friends. I had developed great respect for
my teachers. I had participated in many co-curricular activities. I had won many prizes. I had evolved great
intimacy with the school building. In fact, I had enjoyed my stay at school.

" The first day of school the day when the countdown to the last day of school begins."

A Sunny day of March was my last day at School. The holidays preparatory to the final examination were
going to commence from the next day. All the students were in their best clothes. Our juniors of ninth class
had hosted a farewell party for us in the school hall. We were entertained with speeches, songs, jokes,
followed by a feast including burgers and cold drinks. On that day were given preparatory holidays. No
teaching work was done. Our class teachers came as usual to our class. They laid great stress on the
importance of revising Papers. "It is easier "said they,

" To satisfy the examiner with a few lines written Correctly and well, than with pages full of mistakes."

They also advised us not to be nervous but take the examination with courage. The Headmaster assured us
that even during the preparatory holidays, we could get our difficulties removed if through consulting our
teachers we wanted to.

"Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom."

(George Washington Carver)

However, the best part of the farewell party was our Headmaster's Speech. He gave us many golden pieces
of advice. He advised us to be honest, truthful and upright in our dealings. I will never forget his words,

" Hard work and perseverance is a key to success."

In the end, he wished us all a successful life and a bright future.

After this our worthy Headmaster and teachers showered their blessings on us and addressed a few words
of wisdom and advice. Those words are still ringing in my ears. One of our friends sang a farewell song
which moved everyone to tears.

On behalf of my class, I thanked the ninth class friends for the sumptuous party they had given and the fine
words they had spoken. I heartily thanked the Headmaster and the teachers for their keen interest in our
benefit and parental love for us. The occasion was so touching that I could not help shedding tears.
" People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you
made them feel."

(Maya Angelou)

Gloom reigned in the school. I took leave of my teachers, asked for their blessings and started for home. I
looked at the school building thoughtfully. The school building, the playground, the trees in the school
courtyard, the class rooms and even the school library seemed to whisper to me how they would miss me.
Even the last day at school had ended.

I left the gate, but the school building seemed to beckon to me. I threw back a wistful glance. I then
consoled myself. I thought I should visit this seat of light and learning once a year. I should pay back my
debt to the school by helping it with money.

Days have rolled by since I left the School. Whenever I sit in an idle and thoughtful mood the whole picture
of my school is raised before me.

I bend my head in respect of my school. Can I ever forget my School? no, never.

"Farewell, my friends!

farewell, my foes!

My peace with these.

My love with those."

In short, the last day of school was one of the most cherished days of my life. It was a turning point in my
life which was filled with both joy and grief. I was sad to leave my friends and teachers with whom I had
associated and shared some wonderful moments of my life. I was happy that my school had formed me
and taught me to accept new challenges in life. I was sad to leave school; but the last day of school marked
a new beginning in my life.

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