MIT15 387S15 Lecture8
MIT15 387S15 Lecture8
MIT15 387S15 Lecture8
The Environment
What does the “world” look like at the time of the case?
Tom Mendoza
Head of Global
Sales Marketing Services
Head of
Americas Sales EMEA AP/J
Whitney Tomlin
Alice Minelli
“Bag” Team
(Products) (Reps)
“Bag” Team
(Products) (Reps)
Smith– May 11
Chasen– May 10
Frank Fire??
New Hires??
New Products
New Products
Why is this hard to do?
Value prop is less clear
Harder work to evangelize new product
Incentives not aligned
• Company benefits from sales of new product, but rep is
disproportionately rewarded for sales of existing product in
terms of return on effort
What can the DM do?
Change compensation plan? Not likely.
Intrinsic rewards (appreciation, recognition, security,
belonging, encouragement)
Coach on selling process to increase response
Mobilize resources in support of new products
• Sales engineers
© 2014 MIT Entrepreneurship Center
15.387 Technology Sales and Sales Management
Would you ever put a rep on an
improvement plan? Why or why not?
Improvement Plans
Why put a rep on an improvement plan?
Signal of inadequate performance; makes it easy
to terminate rep for cause
• Don’t you already have cause? Low sales! Out you go!!
Way of rationing management attention
Tom Mendoza
Head of Global
Sales Marketing Services
Head of
Americas Sales EMEA AP/J
Whitney Tomlin
Alice Minelli
Todd DeSchutes Victoria Knapp Patty Thompson William Frank Brian Smith Bing Chasen
“Bag” “Headcount”
(Products) (Team)
Smith 0.8 X X X X
Chasen 0.8 X X X X
Smith 0.8 X X X X
Chasen 0.8 X X X X
7.5 8.8 10.9 34.0
7.5 8.8 10.9 34.0
Tom Mendoza
15.387 Technology Sales and Sales Management
Head of
Americas EMEA AP/J
Whitney Tomlin
One of the
Alice Minelli
hardest jobs in
the company
South Silicon Downtown San and
Jim Wilson Valley District Francisco One of the
most critical
Todd Patty jobs in the
DeSchutes Victoria Knapp Thompson William Frank Brian Smith Bing Chasen
Key Takeaways
First line sales management is where “the rubber meets the
Managing individual contributors with a number to make
• Building a team, managing egos/issues/aspirations
• Let the hunters hunt and let the farmers farm
Translating corporate goals and objectives into sales
• New product introduction
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