Application For Auxiliary Staff

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Presbyterian Church Schools in Belize


We appreciate your interest in our school. We invite you to complete this

Initial Application and return it to the school office. If your application is
considered, a personal interview with you will be arranged and we will ask
you to answer some follow-up questions.
Attach Picture Here
The key to a successful Christian School is its faculty and staff. We are
grateful for those who are professionally qualified, who love and know
children, and who exemplify Christ by the pattern of their lives.

We pray that God will have his perfect will in the life of each applicant.

14/11/2024 25/11/2024
Application Date Date(s) Available

Please include the following documents with your application form and Curriculum Vitae/ Resume:

Two Passport Photographs

Birth Certificate
Medical Certificate
______Police Record
_____ Social security
_____Qualifications(Diplomas, Transcripts, CXC. Etc.) ____
Work Permit (where applicable)
_____ Marriage/ Divorce Certificate (where applicable)

1. All documents must be duplicated.
2. Copied documents must be certified.
3. All documents in foreign languages must be accompanied by official English translation.

Also include:
Three Personal Recommendations (Form Included)
Two Professional Recommendations (Form Included)

A. Applicant’s Name and Address

Full Name: Mr. Pablo Concepcion Gonzalez
Present Address:

Phone: Email:
B. Personal Information
Marital Status: _Single _Engaged _Married _Separated _Divorced _Remarried _Widow(er)
Please include an explanation if divorced or remarried. (Use a separate sheet of paper)
Spouse’s Name: Occupation:
Years Married: Number of Children: Age(s):

C. Position Desired
Secretary Maintenance
Bursar Security
_____________________________________________________________________________ D.
Christian Background

Instructions : In your own handwriting on SEPARATE sheets of paper, answer the

following questions marked with an asterisk (*). All other questions without
an asterisk (*) can be answered on this application form. Sign where
Testimony: Briefly give your Christian testimony.

Family Life: * 1. Briefly describe your spouse/fiancée’s relationship to Christ.

* 2. If you have children, briefly describe how you have nurtured your
children in their relationship to Christ.

Bible: Do you believe the Bible to be the inspired and infallible Word of God, the final
authority in all matters of faith, conduct, and truth? ___ Yes ___ No

Statement of Please carefully read our statement of Faith (attached) and indicate your degree
Faith: of support.

_____ I fully support the Statement of Faith as written, without reservation.

_____ I support the Statement of Faith with the exception of the areas I have
listed and explained on a separate paper.

Church: Name of the church of which you are a member:

Are you presently a member in good standing? ___ Yes ___ No

Service: In what church activities are you currently involved and with what degree of
What other Christian service activities have you been involved in since
becoming a Christian?

Devotional Life: Describe your routine of personal Bible study and prayer:

E. Professional Life
Formal Training: What degree or degrees do you hold?
Degree Date Received Institution from Which Received
_________ ______________ _______________________________________
_________ ______________ _______________________________________
_________ ______________ _______________________________________
Professional Qualifications
List other work or military experience that may have significance for the type
of position for which you are applying

Other Experience: Institution Type of Work/ Experience Dates

List any other educational advantages, including travel:

F. Personal and Professional References
(Do not list immediate family members for references.)
The attached recommendation forms and return envelopes should be
distributed by you to each one listed as a reference below.

Personal: Give three references who are qualified to report on your spiritual experience and Christian
service. List your current pastor first.
Name Address Phone Position

Professional: Give two references who are qualified to report on your professional training and
experience. List your current or most recent director, principal, or supervisor
Name Address Phone Position

G. Personal Philosophy
Please answer succinctly, in one or two paragraphs, each question below:

Short Essays: A. Why do you wish to have a part in Christian education?

B. State what you consider to be the main characteristics that distinguish a
Christian school from other schools.

C. What areas do you feel are you strengths? Your weaknesses?

D. Please summarize any additional information that you would like to present
regarding your qualifications for this position.

H. Personal Interests
List your hobbies and personal interests:
I. Applicants Certification and Agreement
I understand that the Presbyterian Schools in Belize is an equal opportunity employer
and as such does not discriminate in its employment practices against any person
because of race, color, or ethnic origin.

I hereby certify that the facts set forth on this initial application are true and complete
to the best of my knowledge. I understand that discovery of falsification of any
statement or significant omission of fact may prevent me from being hired or, if hired,
may subject me to immediate dismissal.

I authorize the Presbyterian schools in Belize to inquire about my work and personal
history and verify all data given in my application for employment, related papers, or
oral interviews. I authorize the giving and receiving of any information requested by
the Presbyterian Schools in Belize and I release from liability any person, organization,
or company giving or receiving any such information.

Signature of Applicant Date

Presbyterian Church Schools in Belize


The Presbyterian Church Schools in Belize hold to the doctrines of Scripture as

set forth in the Westminster Confession of Faith.

THE BIBLE: The Bible is the revealed, holy, infallible, and inerrant Word of
God. It is our only authority for life, and is our rule of faith and practice.

GOD IS TRIUNE: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are together one God in three
distinct persons (The Holy Trinity).

GOD IS SOVEREIGN: He is the supreme ruler, absolutely in control of

everything, and sustains all things by His power.

GOD IS THE CREATOR: He created everything out of nothing and created

man in His won image, giving him dignity and worth.

GOD IS THE SAVIOR: Before all time, God the Father chose those upon whom
He would set His special love. He then sent His son to earth to die on a cross to
save those whom He chose. The Holy Spirit applies the work of Christ to all
who respond by faith, indwelling them upon conversion.

MAN IS SINFUL AND SEPARATED FROM GOD: Before coming to Christ for
forgiveness, man is at enmity with God, deserving eternal damnation. Every
part of man is affected by sin, rendering him unable to come to God apart from
the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit.

ETERNAL LIFE IS OFFERED TO ALL MEN: The benefits of Christ’s death

are freely offered to all, and to those who respond by faith alone, the free gift of
eternal life is given.
Presbyterian Schools in Belize

Dear Sir or Madam:
___________________________________ has requested consideration for auxiliary position with one of
the Presbyterian schools in Belize. He/she has given your name as a person who can provide information
concerning his/her character and fitness for service.
As we must exercise great care in the selection of administration (principal) candidates, we would
appreciate your assistance be answering the following questions. Please feel free to answer on additional
paper if more space is needed. This information will be kept confidential. Please seal this completed from
in the enclosed envelope and mail it to the address on the front of the envelope.

1. How long and how recently have you known the applicant?___________________________

2. In what relationship have you known the applicant?__________________________________

3. State any unusual circumstances or conditions in the applicant’s family __________________


4. Does the applicant show wise discretion in conduct toward the opposite sex?______________

5 Is the applicant’s health sufficient for service?______________________________________

6. Does the applicant demonstrate his/her Christian faith?_______________________________

7. Do you believe the applicant will make a good principal/administrator and will maintain a
good attitude under continued and severe strain?____________________________________

8. Does the applicant have any particular strengths and weakness that will affect his/her
administration of the school? Explain. ___________________________________________

9. Does the applicant accept suggestion well?________________________________________

10. Does the applicant work well with others, or is he/she a loner who withdraws from others?

11. Does the applicant demonstrate a sincere attitude toward his occupation through adequate
preparation, time commitment, work habits, etc?___________________________________

12. Does the applicant demonstrate the ability to seek out and utilize all resources available to
improve job performance?____________________________________________________

13. Is the applicant creative in carrying out required duties?_____________________________

14. What has significantly influenced the Candidate’s decision to enter this service?__________

Summary: How do you rate the candidate’s promise for this type of service?
___Exceptional ___ Good ___ Average ___ Below Average ___ Should be discourage
Below is a list of personal qualities to help us better understanding the applicant from your point of view. Circle
the number that indicates where the applicant ranks in your estimation. (If you have had no opportunity to evaluate
certain qualities, circle the ∆ at the left. One is a very low rating. Five is a very high rating.

APPEARANCE; Dresses appropriately. Does not wear revealing clothing and is neat and well-groomed.
∆1 2 3 4 5

COOPERATION: Works well with others. Is willing to participate in group encounters and bears his/her part of
the responsibility in group activities.
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

LIFE OUTLOOK: Is optimistic but realistic. Does not tend to be pessimistic and handles personal problems
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

SOCIAL ATTITUDE: Is well-like by others and has acceptable social relationships with members
of both sexes. Appears confident and at ease with people of all ages.
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

MENTAL ABILITIES: Is alert and responsive. Creatively meets new challenges and opportunities.
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

CHRISTIAN LIFE: Is responsible to the church and participates in services regularly. Senses a responsibility to
use his/her gifts in church ministry.
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

EMOTIONAL STABILITY: Is not given to depression nor easily moved to anger. Exercises self-control.
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

RELIABILITY: Is honest and trustworthy. Fulfills personal obligations without pressure, completes
responsibility without constant reminders.
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

PHYSICAL CONDITION: Has good physical stamina and is able to maintain active , normal life/ no abnormal
illnesses observed.
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

FINANCIAL HABITS: Pays bills and meets financial obligations on time. Is careful not to overspend and lives
within budget limits.
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

LIFESTYLE: Does not abuse alcohol and drugs, nor use offensive language.
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

LEADERSHIP: Is a capable leader but also has respect for the leadership of others. Displays ability to lead
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

Recommender’s Name: ______________________________

Signature: _____________________________
Address: _____________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________
Position or title: _____________________________
Dear Sir or Madam:
___________________________________ has requested consideration for auxiliary position with one of
the Presbyterian schools in Belize. He/she has given your name as a person who can provide information
concerning his/her character and fitness for service.
As we must exercise great care in the selection of administration (principal) candidates, we would
appreciate your assistance be answering the following questions. Please feel free to answer on additional
paper if more space is needed. This information will be kept confidential. Please seal this completed from
in the enclosed envelope and mail it to the address on the front of the envelope.

1. How long and how recently have you known the applicant?___________________________

2. In what relationship have you known the applicant?__________________________________

3. State any unusual circumstances or conditions in the applicant’s family __________________


4. Does the applicant show wise discretion in conduct toward the opposite sex?______________

5 Is the applicant’s health sufficient for service?______________________________________

6. Does the applicant demonstrate his/her Christian faith?_______________________________

7. Do you believe the applicant will make a good principal/administrator and will maintain a
good attitude under continued and severe strain?____________________________________

8. Does the applicant have any particular strengths and weakness that will affect his/her
administration of the school? Explain. ___________________________________________

9. Does the applicant accept suggestion well?________________________________________

10. Does the applicant work well with others, or is he/she a loner who withdraws from others?

11. Does the applicant demonstrate a sincere attitude toward his occupation through adequate
preparation, time commitment, work habits, etc?___________________________________

12. Does the applicant demonstrate the ability to seek out and utilize all resources available to
improve job performance?____________________________________________________

13. Is the applicant creative in carrying out required duties?_____________________________

14. What has significantly influenced the Candidate’s decision to enter this service?__________

Summary: How do you rate the candidate’s promise for this type of service?
___Exceptional ___ Good ___ Average ___ Below Average ___ Should be discourage
Below is a list of personal qualities to help us better understanding the applicant from your point of view. Circle
the number that indicates where the applicant ranks in your estimation. (If you have had no opportunity to evaluate
certain qualities, circle the ∆ at the left. One is a very low rating. Five is a very high rating.

APPEARANCE; Dresses appropriately. Does not wear revealing clothing and is neat and well-groomed.
∆1 2 3 4 5

COOPERATION: Works well with others. Is willing to participate in group encounters and bears his/her part of
the responsibility in group activities.
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

LIFE OUTLOOK: Is optimistic but realistic. Does not tend to be pessimistic and handles personal problems
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

SOCIAL ATTITUDE: Is well-like by others and has acceptable social relationships with members
of both sexes. Appears confident and at ease with people of all ages.
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

MENTAL ABILITIES: Is alert and responsive. Creatively meets new challenges and opportunities.
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

CHRISTIAN LIFE: Is responsible to the church and participates in services regularly. Senses a responsibility to
use his/her gifts in church ministry.
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

EMOTIONAL STABILITY: Is not given to depression nor easily moved to anger. Exercises self-control.
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

RELIABILITY: Is honest and trustworthy. Fulfills personal obligations without pressure, completes
responsibility without constant reminders.
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

PHYSICAL CONDITION: Has good physical stamina and is able to maintain active , normal life/ no abnormal
illnesses observed.
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

FINANCIAL HABITS: Pays bills and meets financial obligations on time. Is careful not to overspend and lives
within budget limits.
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

LIFESTYLE: Does not abuse alcohol and drugs, nor use offensive language.
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

LEADERSHIP: Is a capable leader but also has respect for the leadership of others. Displays ability to lead
∆ 1 2 3 4 5

Recommender’s Name: ______________________________

Signature: _____________________________
Address: _____________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________
Position or title: _____________________________

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