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Available WCDMA RAN key performance indicators

WCDMA RAN Key Performance Indicators

4 Available WCDMA RAN key performance indicators

This section contains a summary of the current understanding of KPIs to be followed in 3G radio access networks. The KPI development work is always ongoing, and therefore the provided formulas and their target values are updated frequently. Network acceptance targets are not covered here. If a KPI described here is also part of an acceptance agreement, the acceptance target for the KPI depends on the acceptance agreement. Previously, a target value or a reference was available for all documented KPIs. The approach has now changed. For information on any target values or references, see the KPIs in System Program Report. In the following table you can see all the key performance indicators in WCDMA RAN. In the table, the following information is given: KPI level The level of the key performance indicators. KPI class The KPI class and possible additional classification KPI ID The ID of the key performance indicator. Indicates States what the key performance indicator is used for. Original release Shows the release when the KPI became available. Definition updated Shows the release when the KPI was updated.
KPI level Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network KPI class Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility KPI ID RNC_20b RNC_94e RNC_154d RNC_219a RNC_565f RNC_30a RNC_566e Indicates RRC Connection Setup Success Ratio RRC Setup and Access Complete Ratio, from Network Perspective RRC Setup and Access Complete Ratio Registration Success Voice Call Setup Success Ratio (CSSR) RAB Setup and Access Complete Ratio for Voice UDI Call Setup Success Ratio (CSSR) Original release RAN 1.5.2ED RAN04 RAN04 RAN 1.5.2ED RAN05 RAN 1.5.2ED RAN05 Definition updated RU20 RU20 RU20 RU10 -

Table 4

Available KPIs in WCDMA RAN



DN05191189 Issue 05B

WCDMA RAN Key Performance Indicators

Available WCDMA RAN key performance indicators

KPI level Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network

KPI class Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Retainability Retainability Retainability Retainability Retainability Retainability Retainability Retainability Usage/Duration Usage/Duration Usage/Duration

KPI ID RNC_31a RNC_575d RNC_618a RNC_576e RNC_157a RNC_916b RNC_741b RNC_544a RNC_5008a RNC_5009a RNC_5004a RNC_5030a RNC_217f RNC_231d RNC_232e RNC_619b RNC_736b RNC_615c RNC_922b RNC_742b RNC_745a RNC_746a RNC_737b

Indicates RAB Setup Access Success Ratio for UDI Streaming Call Setup Success Ratio (CSSR) RAB Setup Access Success Ratio for Streaming Packet Service Setup Success Ratio (CSSR) RAB Setup and Access Complete Ratio for NRT Service Packet Session Setup Success Ratio (SSSR) Multi RAB Setup and Access Success Ratio

Original release RAN 1.5.2ED RAN05 RAN 1.5.2ED RAN05 RAN 1.5.2ED RAS06 RAN04

Definition updated RU10 RU10 RU20 RU20 RU10, RU20 RU20 RU20 RU20 RU10 RU20

LCS Setup and Access Complete Ratio RAN04 Relocation Success in Target RNC for CS Relocation Success in Target RNC for PS Incoming Inter System HHO Success in Target RNC for CS Incoming Inter System Hard Handover Success Rate in Target RNC for PS RRC Success Ratio RAB Success Ratio, Voice (CSR) RAB Success Ratio, UD I(CSR) RAB Success Ratio, Streaming (CSR) RAB Success Ratio, NRT Services RAB Success Ratio, NRT Services, from Network Perspective Packet Session Success Ratio (SSR) Multi RAB Success Ratio Voice, Minutes UDI, Minutes Minutes per Drop Voice RU10 RU10 RU10 RU10 RAN 1.5.2ED RAN 1.5.2ED RAS05.1 RAS05.1 RAN04 RAN04 RAS06 RAN04 RAS05.1 ED RAS05.1 ED RAS05.1 ED

Table 4

Available KPIs in WCDMA RAN (Cont.)

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Available WCDMA RAN key performance indicators

WCDMA RAN Key Performance Indicators

KPI level Access network Access Network Access Network Access Network Access Network Access Network Access network Access network Access network Access network Access network

KPI class Usage/Duration Usage/Duration Usage/Duration Usage/Duration Usage/Duration Usage/Throug hput Mobility Mobility Mobility Mobility Mobility

KPI ID RNC_738b RNC_5050b RNC_5051b RNC_5058a RNC_5059a RNC_280b RNC_168a RNC_300g RNC_301e RNC_302d RNC_303d

Indicates Minutes per Drop UDI Iu-PS data volume per drop - ATM based Iu-PS data volume per drop - IP based NRT RAB duration NRT Sessions duration Average CS Erlang Intra System Hard Handover Success Ratio Inter System RT Hard Handover Success Ratio Inter System NRT Hard Handover Success Ratio Inter System HHO Drop Rate RT Inter System HHO Drop Rate NRT

Original release RAS05.1 ED RU10 RU10 RU20 RU20 RAN04 RAN 1.5.2ED RAS05.1 ED RAS05.1 ED RAS05.1 ED RAS05.1 ED

Definition updated RU20 RU20 RU20 RU10, RU20 RU20 -

RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function

Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Retainability Retainability Retainability Retainability

RNC_605b RNC_5000b RNC_914c RNC_913a RNC_5002a RNC_915c RNC_943b RNC_609a RNC_5010a RNC_920b RNC_919a

HSDPA Resource Accessibility for NRT Traffic HSDPA Resource Accessibility for RT Traffic HSDPA Setup Success Ratio HSUPA Resource Accessibility for NRT Traffic HSUPA Resource Accessibility for RT Traffic HSUPA Setup Success Ratio R99 Setup Success Ratio HSDPA Resource Retainability for NRT Traffic HSDPA Resource Retainability for RT Traffic HSDPA Success Ratio HSUPA resource Retainability for NRT Traffic

RAN05 RU10 RAS06 RAS06 RU10 RAS06 RAS06 RAN05 RU10 RAS06 RAS06

RU10 RU10 RU10 RU10 RU10 RU10 RU10 RU10

Table 4

Available KPIs in WCDMA RAN (Cont.)



DN05191189 Issue 05B

WCDMA RAN Key Performance Indicators

Available WCDMA RAN key performance indicators

KPI level RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function

KPI class Retainability Retainability Retainability Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity

KPI ID RNC_5012a RNC_921b RNC_944b RNC_214a RNC_218a RNC_5046a RNC_5047a RNC_229a RNC_268a RNC_617a RNC_616a RNC_930b RNC_740b RNC_926b RNC_928b RNC_193b RNC_194b RNC_743a RNC_298e RNC_299d RNC_5028a RNC_927a

Indicates HSUPA resource Retainability for RT Traffic HSUPA Success Ratio R99 Success Ratio RRC Setup Attempts Registration Attempts Short Message Service Attempts for idle mode UEs Incoming Location Service Attempts RAB Attempts Voice RAB Attempts UDI RAB Attempts Streaming

Original release RU10 RAS06 RAS06 RAN 1.5.2ED RAN 1.5.2ED RU10 RU10 RAN 1.5.2ED RAN 1.5.2ED RAN 1.5.2ED

Definition updated RU10 RU10 RU20 RU10 RU10 RU10, RU20 RU20 -

RAB Attempts PS Interactive and Back- RAN ground 1.5.2ED Packet Session attempts Multi RAB Attempts HSDPA Attempts HSUPA Attempts Soft Handover Update Attempts, RT Soft Handover Update Attempts, NRT Intra System Hard Handover attempts Inter System Hard Handover attempts, RT Inter System Hard Handover attempts, NRT Incoming Inter System Change Attempts HSDPA Serving Cell Change Attempts RAS06 RAN 1.5.2ED RAN 1.5.2ED RAN 1.5.2ED RAN 1.5.2ED RAN 1.5.2ED RAN 1.5.2ED RAN 1.5.2ED RAN 1.5.2ED RU10 RAS06

Table 4

Available KPIs in WCDMA RAN (Cont.)

DN05191189 Issue 05B



Available WCDMA RAN key performance indicators

WCDMA RAN Key Performance Indicators

KPI level RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function

KPI class Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Reque sted Capacity Usage/Resour ce Availability Usage/Resour ce Availability

KPI ID RNC_929a RNC_5062a RNC_5063a RNC_5064a RNC_5065a RNC_5066a RNC_5067a RNC_1906a RNC_728a RNC_729a

Indicates HSUPA Serving Cell Change Attempts Incoming SRNS Relocation Attempts for CS Incoming SRNS Relocation Attempts for PS Incoming Inter RNC HHO Attempts for CS Incoming Inter RNC HHO Attempts for PS Intra RNC HHO Attempts for CS Intra RNC HHO Attempts for PS R99 Packet Session Attempts Iu Availability Iur Availability

Original release RAS06 RU20 RU20 RU20 RU20 RU20 RU20 RU20 RAS05.1 RAS05.1

Definition updated RU10

Usage/AlloRNC_162c cated Capacity Usage/AlloRNC_163c cated Capacity Usage/AlloRNC_164f cated Capacity Usage/AlloRNC_165g cated Capacity Usage/AlloRNC_614c cated Capacity Usage/AlloRNC_923c cated Capacity Usage/AlloRNC_192b cated Capacity Usage/AlloRNC_5025a cated Capacity Usage/AlloRNC_5016a cated Capacity Usage/AlloRNC_5017a cated Capacity

RAN Average Allocated Uplink Dedicated Channel Capacity for CS Voice in Con- 1.5.2ED trolling RNC Average Allocated Downlink Dedicated RAN Channel Capacity for CS Voice in Con- 1.5.2ED trolling RNC Average Allocated Uplink Dedicated Channel Capacity for Data Calls in Controlling RNC Average Allocated Downlink Dedicated Channel Capacity for Data Calls in Controlling RNC HS-DSCH selections E-DCH selections Soft Handover Overhead in CRNC Peak number of RRC Connected Mode Users in RNC Maximum number of Voice calls per RNC Peak number of HSDPA users in RNC RAN04

RNC function


RNC function

RNC function


RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function

RAS05 RAS06 RAN 1.5.2ED RU10 RU10 RU10

Table 4

Available KPIs in WCDMA RAN (Cont.)



DN05191189 Issue 05B

WCDMA RAN Key Performance Indicators

Available WCDMA RAN key performance indicators

KPI level RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function RNC function

KPI class


Indicates Peak number of HSUPA users in RNC Iu-PS peak throughput Iu-PS GTP Average input traffic rate in RNC Iu-PS GTP total input traffic in RNC [Mbit] Average NRT DCH DL Throughput Average NRT HS-DSCH DL Throughput HSDPA MAC-d data volume at RNC Average MAC-d flow throughput HSUPA MAC-es average throughput at RNC HSUPA MAC-es data volume at RNC

Original release RU10 RU10 RAS05.1 ED RU10 RAN05 RAN05 RU10 RAS06 RAS06 RAS06

Definition updated RU10 RU10 -

Usage/AlloRNC_5018a cated Capacity Usage/Throug hput Usage/Throug hput Usage/Throug hput Usage/Throug hput Usage/Throug hput Usage/Throug hput Usage/Throug hput Usage/Throug hput Usage/Throug hput RNC_5021a RNC_941b RNC_5027a RNC_5032a RNC_5033a RNC_5043a RNC_721c RNC_952c RNC_931c

Transport Resource Manager Transport Resource Manager Transport Resource Manager Transport Resource Manager Transport Resource Manager Transport Resource Manager Transport Resource Manager Transport Resource Manager Transport Resource Manager Transport Resource Manager Transport Resource Manager

Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility

RNC_602a RNC_5005a RNC_5031a

AAL2 connection reservation success rate IP Route Accessibility IP Route Accessibility for incoming iub traffic AAL2 path average reserved bandwidth IP Route Egress Reservation Rate IP based Iub Uplink reservation rate at Flexi BTS IP based Iub Uplink reservation rate at Ultrasite BTS ATM interface based average throughput for outgoing traffic (RNC side) ATM interface based average throughput for incoming traffic (RNC side) ATM interface based outgoing Data Volume (RNC side) ATM interface based incoming Data Volume (RNC side)

RAN05 RU10 RU10 RAN05 RU10 RU20 RU20 RAS06 RAS06 RAS06 RAS06

RU10 RU10 RU10 RU10

Usage/AlloRNC_601a cated Capacity Usage/AlloRNC_5052a cated Capacity Usage/AlloRNC_5104a cated Capacity Usage/AlloRNC_5105a cated Capacity Usage/Throug hput Usage/Throug hput Usage/Throug hput Usage/Throug hput RNC_950b RNC_951b RNC_945b RNC_946b

Table 4

Available KPIs in WCDMA RAN (Cont.)

DN05191189 Issue 05B



Available WCDMA RAN key performance indicators

WCDMA RAN Key Performance Indicators

KPI level Transport Resource Manager Transport Resource Manager Transport Resource Manager Transport Resource Manager

KPI class Usage/Throug hput Usage/Throug hput Usage/Transmission load Usage/Transmission load

KPI ID RNC_5022a RNC_5029a RNC_960b RNC_732b

Indicates Outgoing IP route traffic volume Incoming IP route traffic volume ATM VCC specific incoming traffic load ATM VCC specific outgoing traffic load

Original release RU10 RU10 RU10 RAS05.1

Definition updated RU20 RU10

Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point

Usage/Resour ce Availability Usage/Resour ce Availability Usage/Radio Load Usage/Radio Load Usage/Radio Load Usage/Radio Load Usage/Radio Load Usage/HW Resources Usage/HW Resources Usage/HW Resources Usage/HW Resources

RNC_183c RNC_727a RNC_177c RNC_101b RNC_102b RNC_1180a RNC_1181a RNC_730a RNC_731a RNC_7001a

Cell Availability Cell Availability, excluding blocked by user state (BLU) Noise floor of the System Average Uplink R99 Load Average R99 Downlink Load Average HSUPA Uplink Load Average HSPA Downlink Load Average ratio of utilized CE for DL in BTS Average ratio of utilized CE for UL in BTS NB/RSxx BTS: The average license related uplink channel element usage ratio NB/RSxx BTS: The average license related downlink channel element usage ratio E-DCH 2ms TTI utilization Peak number of HSDPA users in WBTS Peak number of HSUPA users in WBTS Average number of active users with MIMO Average number of active DC HSDPA users

RAN05 RAS05.1 RAN 1.5.2ED RAN 1.5.2ED RAN 1.5.2ED RAS06 RAS06 RAS05.1 RAS05.1 RU10

RU20 RU20 RU20 -

Access point



Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point

Usage/AlloRNC_5106a cated Capacity Usage/AlloRNC_5117a cated Capacity Usage/AlloRNC_5118a cated Capacity Usage/AlloRNC_5113a cated Capacity Usage/AlloRNC_5149a cated Capacity

RU20 RU20 RU20 RU20 RU20

Table 4

Available KPIs in WCDMA RAN (Cont.)



DN05191189 Issue 05B

WCDMA RAN Key Performance Indicators

Available WCDMA RAN key performance indicators

KPI level Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point Access point

KPI class Usage/Throug hput Usage/Throug hput Usage/Throug hput Usage/Throug hput Usage/Throug hput Usage/Throug hput Usage/Throug hput Usage/Throug hput Mobility Mobility Mobility Mobility Mobility Integrity/Error rates Integrity/Error rates Integrity/Error rates Integrity/Error rates Integrity/Error rates Integrity/Error rates Integrity/Error rates Integrity/Error rates

KPI ID RNC_5019a RNC_608b RNC_739c RNC_606d RNC_722b RNC_5020a RNC_1879b RNC_1883b RNC_195a RNC_153b RNC_191b RNC_733a RNC_918b RNC_5035a RNC_607d RNC_7063a RNC_5037a RNC_5036a RNC_5034a RNC_917a RNC_7070a

Indicates Iub data volume DL in BTS HSDPA received data HSDPA MAC-d data volume at BTS HSDPA MAC-d Average net throughput at BTS WBTS: Active HS-DSCH MAC-d throughput, network perspective Iub data volume UL in BTS Average HSDPA end user throughput HSUPA Active Cell throughput Soft Handover Success Rate Soft Handover Success Rate, RT Soft Handover Success Rate, NRT HSDPA Serving Cell Change Success Rate HSUPA Serving Cell Change Success Rate NRT DCH DL Efficiency HSDPA MAC-hs efficiency NB/RSxx BTS: The average ratio of not acknowledged HARQ processes Voice RB UL BLER Real Time Radio Bearer UL BLER

Original release RU10 RAN05 RAS06 RAN05 RAS06 RU10 RU20 RU20 RAN 1.5.2ED RAN 1.5.2ED RAN 1.5.2ED RAS05 RAS06 RU10 RAN05 RU10 RU10 RU10

Definition updated RU10 RU10 RU10 RU10 RU10 RU20 -

Non Real Time Radio Bearer UL BLER RU10 HSUPA MAC-es BLER NB/RSxx BTS: HSUPA HARQ not acknowledged Ratio RAS06 RU10

Table 4

Available KPIs in WCDMA RAN (Cont.)

DN05191189 Issue 05B



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