Finalised SOL-X SMTC Slides For Distribution (14 Apr 2021)
Finalised SOL-X SMTC Slides For Distribution (14 Apr 2021)
Finalised SOL-X SMTC Slides For Distribution (14 Apr 2021)
This presentation is intended to provide an overview of the features of
SOL-X’s products and may be subject to changes and/or improvements.
While every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability
of the information provided, the materials are provided on an “as is” basis,
without warranty of any kind. No warranty or representations are made
regarding the accuracy and completeness of the materials.
Safety trends related to “Human Factors” framework “Human Factors” approach to the Control
human factors to improving health and of Work and Crew Wellbeing leveraging
safety outcomes digital workflows, IoT, wearable
technologies and advance analytics
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The contents of this presentation are proprietary and contain confidential information of SOL-X. No part of this presentation may be recorded or reproduced without written permission from SOL-X.
While every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided, the materials are provided on an “as is” basis, without warranty of any kind.
Other Agent or
11% 73% Shipboard Operation
Material 4%
Human Factors
Crew Wellbeing Control Of Work Source(s): EMSA. Annual overview of marine casualties and incidents 2019
1 2 3 4 5
Well Executed Well designed Skills and Learning before
Safety technology
Tasks and equipment & and after things
Culture to respond
Procedures controls go wrong
to emerging
Source(s): OCIMF Human Factors approach. A framework to materially reduce marine risk
UK Maritime and Coast Guard Agency. Human Element Guidance - The Deadly Dozen - 12 Significant People Factors in Maritime Safety
Safety First & Empowering the crew to take Encourage behavior change by
Safety Always ownership and accountability removing friction points
of health and safety
Listening to the workforce through
real time feedback and reports
Source(s): OCIMF Human Factors approach. A framework to materially reduce marine risk
UK Maritime and Coast Guard Agency. Human Element Guidance - The Deadly Dozen - 12 Significant People Factors in Maritime Safety
Source(s): OCIMF Human Factors approach. A framework to materially reduce marine risk
UK Maritime and Coast Guard Agency. Human Element Guidance - The Deadly Dozen - 12 Significant People Factors in Maritime Safety
Source(s): OCIMF Human Factors approach. A framework to materially reduce marine risk
UK Maritime and Coast Guard Agency. Human Element Guidance - The Deadly Dozen - 12 Significant People Factors in Maritime Safety
Source(s): OCIMF Human Factors approach. A framework to materially reduce marine risk
UK Maritime and Coast Guard Agency. Human Element Guidance - The Deadly Dozen - 12 Significant People Factors in Maritime Safety
Analyze PAST
Source(s): OCIMF Human Factors approach. A framework to materially reduce marine risk
UK Maritime and Coast Guard Agency. Human Element Guidance - The Deadly Dozen - 12 Significant People Factors in Maritime Safety
Observe crew behaviour and determine how safe
and improving accountability. Improve safety practices can be turned to habitual behaviours
assurance and “Human Reliability” by focusing on
Who? Where? When? and What?
Set Goals For Behavior Change
Set expectations for behavior change. Key
Educate and provide the right tools to build Principles Real-Time Feedback
crew accountability
of BBS Using technology to provide real time
feedback to crew on operations, observations
and system based leading indicators
Positive Safe Behavior Reinforced
To build a relationship of trust and respect with
the crew. Focus on opportunities to appreciate,
4 Analyze Data
praise and acknowledge good behavior Data analytics to identify elements for
improving “Human Reliability”
Point solutions
Compliance assurance of Analytics Improved crew
right person, right location, situational awareness
right time, right task
Internet of
Things (IoT)
An industry leading
Behavioral Based Safety
system addressing human
factors that combines an
enhanced control of work with
a holistic approach to crew Smart
wellbeing ~ improving worker Workflow
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