PP 12 Mild Hearing Loss - Mar2
PP 12 Mild Hearing Loss - Mar2
PP 12 Mild Hearing Loss - Mar2
You have been given this leaflet because a hearing test has shown that your
child has a mild hearing loss. This leaflet will tell you about what mild
hearing loss means and what help is available.
At school
• Make the teacher aware that your child has a hearing loss.
• Ask for your child to be seated as near to the teacher as possible.
Your commitment to us
• To make every effort to attend and be punctual at the appointments made for you.
• To inform us as soon as you know that you will be unable to attend an appointment.
• To help staff assigned to you or your child’s care to help you by cooperating with them.
• To respect and care for any devices loaned to your child as best you can, as they remain the
property of the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust.
If you would like this leaflet in other languages or formats (e.g. large print,
Braille or audio), please contact the Audiology Department.