Work Sheet One

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Work sheet of IC engine for 5th year

Exam date Saturday 09/11/2024 at 3:00 G.C

1. What is IC engine?
2. Define spark-ignition(petrol) and compression-ignition (diesel) engines.
3. List and explain the main differences between four stroke and two stroke of SI engines.
4. Define and write the formula of mean piston speed of two stroke engine.
5. List and explain strokes in four stroke cycle engines?
6. Define the compression ratio for reciprocating engines.
7. How is the mean effective pressure for reciprocating engines defined?
8. Discuss about the main engine performance parameters.
9. When the piston speed is increasing, discuss about: Wear, Indicated power, torque, Friction, and Noise
10.List and explain important differences between the design and operating characteristics of spark-ignition
(petrol) and compression-ignition (diesel) engines.
11.Why spark ignition engines have less efficiency than compression-ignition engine?
12.Sketch the diagram of IC engine with its main components.
13.Toltu automobile has a Three-liter SI V6 engine that operates on a four-stroke cycle at 3600RPM. The
compassion ratio is 9.5, the length of connecting rods is 18cm and the engine is square (B=S). At this speed
combustion ends at 20o aTDC. Determine:
a. Cylinder bore, stroke length and Average piston speed
b. Clearance volume of one cylinder and Piston speed at the end of combustion
c. Distance the piston has traveled from TDC at the end of combustion
d. Volume in the combustion chambers at the end of combustion
14.A pickup truck has a two-liter, V6, SI engine operating at 2400 RPM. The compression ratio rc = 10.:1, the
volumetric efficiency η = 0.91, and the bore and stroke are related as stroke S = 0.92 B.
a. Stroke length (cm) and Average piston speed (m/s)
b. Clearance volume of one cylinder and Air flow rate into engine (kg/sec)
c. Piston speed at crank angle of 90 a TDC
15. A nine cylinder, four-stroke cycle, radial SI engine operates at 900 RPM. Calculate:
a. How often ignition occurs, in degrees of engine rotation.
b. How many power strokes per revolution.
c. How many power strokes per second.

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