Edu 534 1sem Sy 24 25 P2 Project
Edu 534 1sem Sy 24 25 P2 Project
Edu 534 1sem Sy 24 25 P2 Project
College of Education
First Semester| SY: 2024-2025
EDU 534: Technology for Teaching and Learning 1
P2 Project
Name 1.Calva, Matt Godwin Criteria:
2. Navarro, Bernadith 20 points - Innovativeness in technology integration
3. Ladica, Rose nancy 30 points - Alignment of the tools and educational concepts/theories
4. Bucag, James 30 points - Depth of the explanation
5. 10 points - Organization
10 points - Punctuality (September 6, 2024)
Secti Score:
Instructions: In groups of five, select and analyze an existing lesson plan, focusing on potential technology integration. Then, use the technology integration matrix provided to
document how technology can be incorporated into each aspect of the lesson. Make sure to answer the provided guide questions in two to three sentences.
Lesson Plan
Technology Utilization of Technology Educational Concepts and
I. Objective:
● What tool to use? ● Who will use the technology? Theories
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
The tools that we will use in The ones who will use the ● Who is the proponent?
1. define educational technology and list at least three
teaching educational technology technology are the teachers B.F. Skinner (1904-1990)
examples of digital tools used in education.
are the television, our phones, and the students. ● How do the concepts/theories
PowerPoint presentation, and ● How to use the technology? explain the utilization of
II. Subject Matter:
laptop They will use the technology?
Topic: Introduction to educational technology
● Why use the tool? technologies as the instructor Contribution: Skinner, a
For us to properly use the will utilize the television to behaviorist psychologist,
advantages of our time with the deliver the topic to the introduced the concept of
2021/what-is-educational-technology.html#:~:text=Educational growth of technology we will use students, use the SIS to teaching machines in the
%20Technology%20is%20the%20field,to%20improve these tools in order for our topic check attendance, Google 1950s. These devices were
%20teaching%20and%20learning. to be properly discussed to our forms for the activies and the designed to provide
students and for them to be able PPT that the instructor had programmed instruction,
III. Materials: to understand the topic better prepared. offering immediate feedback to
● Television through technology. learners. Skinner's work laid the
● Laptop groundwork for computer-
● PowerPoint presentation assisted instruction and other
forms of automated learning.
● In lesson objectives we use
Google chrome to find
more ideas, wps office,
drive and docs.
● It is for us to gather a lot of ● The educators will use ● Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934)
ideas and information about the technology.
the topic for our students to ● By creating the materials ● Contribution: Although
learn and create a good in teaching the learners Vygotsky is more known for
plan to teach the learners using Google chrome, his work in developmental
using technology. wps office, drive and psychology, his ideas about
Google docs, we can the zone of proximal
introduce how we use development (ZPD) and
technology even in the social learning have
classroom. influenced educational
technology, particularly in
the design of collaborative
learning platforms that
emphasize interaction and
peer support.
IV. Classroom Routine:
● Greetings ● In classroom routine we ● The educator will use the ● Cognitive Load Theory
● Prayers use Google Forms for pre tool. ● John Sweller
● Energizer activity and the SIS to ● By For announcements, ● By simplifying attendance
● Discussion check attendance. distributing assignments, tracking, reducing the
● The use of Google forms in and providing feedback. cognitive load on teachers
the activities makes the For class by automating repetitive
learners more engage in communication, tasks. Digital tools can
technology teaching them organizing materials, and present information in
become technologically facilitating online structured ways that reduce
literate. discussions. To send distractions and help
quick messages, students focus on learning.
updates, or reminders to
students and parents.
V. Learning Stages/Procedures
A. Activity ● In Learning ● The teacher will use the
● 4 pics 1 word stage/procedure we will use TV.
● The teacher will present 4 picture in the screen. The the TV on presenting the ● By presenting the slides
students will be grouped into 2, identify what is the word questions. that contains the
behind the pictures and explain briefly. Each group can ● To show the students the questions.
choose 1 representative. questions that they should
B. Analysis
● What have you conclude observe about the 4 pictures ?
● The teacher will ask "who knows about the
teachnologies flashed in the screen" ?
C. Abstraction
→ Define educational technology
→ what are the key components of educational technology?
→ Discuss the key concepts:
● Digital Learning tools
● Multimedia and interactive content
● Mobile learning and educational apps
● Assistive technology
D. Application
1) What are the key benefits of using educational
technology in the classroom?
2) How can teachers ensure that educational technology is
accessible to all students?
3) What are some challenges educators face when
integrating new technologies into their teaching?
4) In what ways can emerging technologies like AI, virtual
reality (VR), or gamification enhance the learning
experience in specific subjects?
5) What role does data privacy play in the use of
educational technology?
VI. Assessment
In ⅛ sheet of paper the students will answer in not more than 4