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Cloud Security Alliance designed and created this Zero Trust Training course study guide (the “Work”)
primarily as an educational resource for security and governance professionals. Cloud Security
Alliance makes no claim that use of any of the Work will assure a successful outcome. The Work
should not be considered inclusive of all proper information, procedures and tests or exclusive of
other information, procedures and tests that are reasonably directed to obtaining the same results.
In determining the propriety of any specific information, procedure or test, professionals should
apply their own professional judgment to the specific circumstances presented by the particular
systems or information technology environment.

© 2022 Cloud Security Alliance – All Rights Reserved. You may download, store, display on your
computer, view, print, and link to the Cloud Security Alliance at
subject to the following: (a) the draft may be used solely for your personal, informational, non-
commercial use; (b) the draft may not be modified or altered in any way; (c) the draft may not be
redistributed; and (d) the trademark, copyright or other notices may not be removed. You may quote
portions of the draft as permitted by the Fair Use provisions of the United States Copyright Act,
provided that you attribute the portions to the Cloud Security Alliance.

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. ii

About Cloud Security Alliance

The Cloud Security AllianceSM (CSA) ( is the world’s leading

organization dedicated to defining and raising awareness of best practices to help ensure a secure
cloud computing environment. Cloud Security Alliance harnesses the subject matter expertise of
industry practitioners, associations, governments, and its corporate and individual members to
offer cloud security-specific research, education, certification, events and products. Cloud Security
Alliance activities, knowledge and extensive network benefit the entire community impacted by
cloud—from providers and customers, to governments, entrepreneurs and the assurance industry—
and provide a forum through which diverse parties can work together to create and maintain a
trusted cloud ecosystem.

CSA Address
709 Dupont St.
Bellingham, WA 98225, USA
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© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. iii

Dedicated to Juanita Koilpillai, a pioneer in software-defined perimeters whose contributions to the
Zero Trust Architecture Training and CSA are immeasurable.

The Zero Trust Training was developed with the support of the Cloud Security Alliance Zero Trust
Training (ZTT) Expert Group, whose members include volunteers from a wide variety of industries
across the globe. Made up of subject matter experts with hands-on experience planning and
implementing ZTT, both as cloud service consumers and providers, the ZTT Expert Group includes
board members, the technical C-suite, as well as privacy, legal, internal audit, procurement, IT,
security and development teams. From cumulative stakeholder input, the ZTT Expert Group
established the value proposition, scope, learning objectives, and curriculum of the Zero Trust

To learn more about the Zero Trust Training and ways to get involved please visit: https://

We would also like to thank our beta testers, who provided valuable feedback on the Zero Trust

Lead Developers:
Daniele Catteddu, CTO, CISM, Cloud Security Alliance, Italy
Juanita Koilpilla, CEO, Waverly Labs, USA
Richard Lee, CISSP, CCSP, WCP, Citizens Financial Group, USA

Contributing Editors:
Anna Schorr, Training Program Manager, MBA, CCSK, Cloud Security Alliance, USA
Hannah Rock, Content Development Manager, Cloud Security Alliance, USA
James Lam, CISA, CISM, CRISC, CDPSE, TOGAF, M.S., Accenture Strategy & Consulting, USA
Jenna Morrison, CCSK, USA
Leon Yen, Technical Writer, Cloud Security Alliance, USA
Remo Hardeman, Security Architect, Cybersecurity Advisor, Omerta Information Security, Petro SA,
Stephen Smith, Graphic Designer, Cloud Security Alliance, USA

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. iv

Expert Reviewer:
Anusha Vaidyanathan, USA
Juan Carlos (Charlie) Soto, MSc, CISSP, CISM, CDPSE, CIAM, CCISO, aCommerce, Thailand
Matthew Meersman, PhD, CISM, CISSP, CCSP, CDPSE, PMP, MITRE Corporation, USA
Michael J. Herndon, CCSP, CISSP, CRISC, CGEIT, CIPP/US, CIPT, AWS Certified Solution Architect,
Bayer A.G., USA
Michael Roza, CPA, CISA, CIA, MBA, Exec MBA, CSA Research Fellow, Belgium
Nishanth Singarapu, CISM, CCSK, ZCEA, Neustar, USA
Robert D. Morris, CISSP, GDSA, GCIH, MITRE Corporation, USA
Ryan Bergsma, CCSK, Cloud Security Alliance, USA
Shamun Mahmud, Cloud Security Alliance, USA
Shinesa Cambric, CISSP, CISA, CCSP, CISM, Microsoft, USA
Vani Murthy, CISSP, CDPSE, CCSK, CRISC, PMP, ITIL, MBA, MS, Akamai Technologies, USA

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. v

Table of Contents
List of Figures����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� viii
Course Intro����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1
Course Structure���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1
Course Learning Objectives����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1
1 SDP History, Benefits, & Concepts����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
1.1 SDP Definition & Function �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
1.2 SDP Principles��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
1.3 Relationship Between SDP & ZT�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
1.4 History of SDP��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
1.4.1 The Origination of SDP ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
1.4.2 The Business Case for SDP����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
1.5 Technology Benefits of SDP �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5
1.5.1 Reduced Attack Surface���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5
1.5.2 Authenticate & Authorize Before Access�������������������������������������������������������������������5
1.5.3 Centralized Organizational IAM Security��������������������������������������������������������������������6
1.5.4 Open Specification����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7
1.6 Business Benefits of SDP���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7
1.6.1 Enhances Existing Cybersecurity Investments����������������������������������������������������������7
1.6.2 Cost Reduction & Labor Savings�������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
1.6.3 Reduces Compliance Scope��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
2 Traditional Architecture Issues & SDP Solutions��������������������������������������������������������������������������9
2.1 Concerns SDP Addresses ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
2.1.1 The Shifting Perimeter ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
2.1.2 The IP Address Challenge������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
2.1.3 Integrating Security Controls ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
2.2 Threats SDP Protects Against������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 10
2.2.1 CSA’s Egregious 11��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
2.2.2 Verizon’s DBIR���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13
2.2.3 OWASP IoT Top 10��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
2.2.4 OWASP Top 10�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
2.2.5 Server Exploitation Threats������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
2.2.6 Hijacking Threats���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
2.2.7 Other Threats���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. vi

2.3 SDP & Industry Adopted Solutions ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
2.3.1 Network Access Control ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
2.3.2 Virtual Private Network ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20
2.3.3 Identity & Access Management ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 21 SDP & Identity Lifecycle Management������������������������������������������������������������ 22 SDP & Open Authentication Protocols����������������������������������������������������������� 22
2.3.4 Next Generation Firewall����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
3 Core Tenets, Underlying Technologies, & Architecture �������������������������������������������������������������24
3.1 SDP Core Tenets���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24
3.2 Underlying Technology���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25
3.2.1 Drop-All Firewall������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 25
3.2.2 Separate Control & Data Planes������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 25
3.2.3 Mutual Transport Layer Security ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25
3.2.4 Single Packet Authorization �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������26 SPA Benefits��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26 SPA Limitations��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27
3.3 SDP Architecture Components ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27
3.3.1 Initiating Hosts ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27
3.3.2 SDP Client��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27
3.3.3 Accepting Hosts ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27
3.3.4 Controller���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������28
3.3.5 Gateway������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������28
3.4 SDP Secure Workflow������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������28
4 The Basics of SDP Deployment Models�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29
4.1 Architectural Considerations��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29
4.1.1 Existing Network Topologies & Technologies����������������������������������������������������������30
4.1.2 Monitoring & Logging Systems ������������������������������������������������������������������������������30
4.1.3 Application Release & DevOps��������������������������������������������������������������������������������30
4.1.4 User Experience������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 31
4.1.5 Onboarding������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31
4.1.6 Device Validation���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32
4.2 Deployment Models �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32
4.2.1 Client-to-Gateway Model���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 33
4.2.2 Client-to-Server Model��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������34
4.2.3 Server-to-Server Model������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
4.2.4 Client-to-Server-to-Client Model�����������������������������������������������������������������������������36

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. vii

4.2.5 Client-to-Gateway-to-Client Model������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37
4.2.6 Gateway-to-Gateway Model�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������38
Glossary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40

List of Figures
Figure 1: Access Granted After Device Attestation/Identify Verification����������������������������������������������2
Figure 2: Traditional IAM Security vs. SDP��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6
Figure 3: SDP Ecosystem and Communication Flows���������������������������������������������������������������������������8
Figure 4: SDP as NAC Replacement��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
Figure 5: SDP as VPN Replacement����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20
Figure 6: SDP and IAM������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 21
Figure 7: SDP Core Tenets Tree����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24
Figure 8: SDP Secure Workflow����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29
Figure 9: Onboarding Process Flow���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31
Figure 10: SDP Deployment Models��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32
Figure 11: Client-to-Gateway Model��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 33
Figure 12: Client-to-Server Model�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������34
Figure 13: Server-to-Server Model������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 35
Figure 14: Client-to-Server-to-Client Model����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������36
Figure 15: Client-to-Gateway-to-Client Model������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 37
Figure 16: Gateway-to-Gateway Model����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������38

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. viii

Course Intro
Welcome to your Introduction to Software-Defined Perimeter by Cloud Security Alliance. Please note
that moving forward we will refer to Software-Defined Perimeter as SDP and to the Cloud Security
Alliance as CSA. CSA is dedicated to defining and raising awareness of best practices to help ensure
a secure cloud computing environment across the globe. We hope you are as excited to learn about
SDP as we are about sharing this knowledge with you. This training module is part of a larger series
of CSA programs on Zero Trust (ZT) that was created with the support of subject matter experts. If
you are interested in volunteering with CSA to help our ongoing research efforts or are just interested
in learning more about cloud security, please visit our website at

This course is intended to give a high-level overview of why SDP was created, what it is, what it
does, how it can be used, and how it relates to ZT and ZTA. Although it is not within the scope of this
course to delve into SDP implementation how-tos, CSA will be releasing additional training courses
that will elaborate on ZTA and further explore the details of SDP.1

Course Structure
This introductory course on SDP consists of four units, each geared towards helping learners gain
competency in a specific area/topic:

• SDP History, Benefits, & Concepts​

• Traditional Architecture Issues & SDP Solutions​
• Core Tenets, Underlying Technologies, & Architecture​
• The Basics of SDP Deployment Models

Course Learning Objectives

After completing this course, learners will be able to do the following:

• Explain what SDP is, how it came about, and what its technology and business benefits are
• Discuss the problems that SDP solves
• Describe some of SDP’s underlying technologies
• Distinguish between the basic types of SDP deployments

Cloud Security Alliance, “Zero Trust Architecture Training,”

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 1

1 SDP History, Benefits, & Concepts
In this unit, you will be introduced to the concept of SDP, as well as gain a high-level overview of SDP
architecture. Part of this introduction includes learning about the basics, such as the history of SDP,
its technological and business benefits, as well as other related concepts.

1.1 SDP Definition & Function

CSA defines SDP2 as a network security architecture implemented to provide security for all layers
of the open systems interconnection (OSI) model. An SDP implementation hides assets and uses a
single packet to establish trust via a separate control and data plane; only then are assets exposed to
the requestor.

Although SDP has different roots than the ZT security model, the evolution of both concepts over
time has led to community consensus in categorizing SDP as an implementation option of a ZTA.
In order to isolate services from unsecured networks, SDP aims to give infrastructure and application
owners the ability to deploy perimeter functionality when and where it’s needed. SDP overlays
existing physical infrastructure with logical components that should be operated under the control
of the application owner. SDP only grants access to the application infrastructure after device
attestation and identity verification.

Figure 1: Access Granted After Device Attestation/Identify Verification


© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 2

SDP is based on the premise that organizations should not implicitly trust anything inside or outside
the network. It requires users on validated devices to cryptographically sign in to the perimeter
created around hidden assets, even as they reside on public infrastructures. An SDP implementation
hides assets with a drop-all firewall, uses a single packet to establish trust via a separate control
plane, and provides mutual verification of connections in a data plane to hidden assets.

SDP brings together multiple controls that are usually separated by function and therefore hard
to integrate: applications, firewalls, and clients, to name a few. These pieces of information need
unification in order to establish and ensure secure connections. SDP helps to integrate controls for
firewalls, encryption, identity and access management (IAM), session management, and device
management into a comprehensive security architecture.

1.2 SDP Principles

The SDP architecture is based on the principles of least privilege and segregation of duties, enforced
by implementing the following key controls and processes:

• Dynamic rules on drop-all firewalls

• Hiding servers and services
• Authentication before connections, for example not allowing connections before
authorizing users on specific devices
• Using single packet authorization (SPA) and/or bi-directional encrypted communications like
mutual transport layer security (mTLS)
• Fine-grained access control and device validation

1.3 Relationship Between SDP & ZT

In this section, you will learn about the relationship between SDP and ZT. ZT is the umbrella category
under which SDP falls.

The ZT model is based on the following principles:

• Making no assumptions about the trustworthiness of an entity as it requests access to a

• Starting with no pre-established privileges, then relying on a construct which is used to add
• Assuming breach and verifying all workforce, device, workload, network, and data access
regardless of where, who, when, or to what resource

In essence, the ZT concept retires the use of trusted entities inside a defined corporate perimeter.
Instead, it mandates that enterprises create micro-perimeters around sensitive data assets to
maintain control and visibility around data use across the environment. Essentially, ZT aims to
defend enterprise assets by distrusting anything inside or outside the perimeter. Implementing ZT
requires verifying connection requests to assets before granting access, followed by continuous
monitoring and evaluation throughout the entire duration. For additional references on ZT concepts

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 3

and architectures, please refer to the existing literature on the topic, and additional CSA training3.

By comparing the foundational principles of SDP and ZT, it is clear that they are driven by the same
high-level principle: “never trust, always verify”. In fact, SDP is considered one implementation type
of a ZTA; others include Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) and Google BeyondCorp, to name a few.

Compared to other ZTA implementations, SDP has some distinctive features and benefits, such as
the use of a drop-all rule and the adoption of SPA. While these features are not necessarily unique
to SDP, they are foundational to it; however, these features are not necessary requirements of other
ZTA implementations.

NOTE: SDP is a ZTA, but not every ZTA conforms with SDP requirements.

1.4 History of SDP

In this section, you will learn about the history of SDP, its origins, and why it was developed.

1.4.1 The Origination of SDP

SDP is a cybersecurity approach that evolved from the U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency’s
Global Information Grid Black Core Network initiative in 20074. Designed to be extensible and future
proof, this approach would later serve as the basis for CSA’s SDP framework in 2013. The CSA SDP
framework focuses on how to control access to resources based on identity and device attestation.
Per SDP, connectivity is provided on a need to know model that verifies device posture and identity
before granting access to an application infrastructure. Because the application infrastructure exists
without visible domain name system (DNS) information or IP addresses, it is effectively hidden and
undetectable unless access is specifically granted.

1.4.2 The Business Case for SDP

As organizations continue to undergo digital transformation, staying ahead of the threat landscape
and attack chain curves is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve. Today, rather than managing
and securing a single network, most organizations operate a variety of environment types, such as
the following:

• Physical, on-premises networks

• Private clouds
• Multiple public clouds
• Virtual software-defined networking (SDN) environments

Cloud Security Alliance, “Publications,”
DOD, “Vision for a Net-Centric, Service-Oriented DoD Enterprise,” June 2007, https://www.,%20June%2007.pdf

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 4

Within these newer environments, organizations must facilitate the following:

• An expanding wide area network edge

• Information technology and operation technology convergence
• An increasingly mobile workforce

As organizations shift from traditional infrastructures to more virtualized and hybrid architectures,
new attack vectors also emerge that require a novel approach to network security. SDP’s designers
focused on mitigating the most common network-based attacks, including server scanning, denial
of service, SQL injection, operating system and application vulnerability exploits, man-in-the-middle,
pass-the-hash, pass-the-ticket, to name a few. Despite the evolving cyber threat landscape, SDP
continues to hold up against both existing and unknown threats.

1.5 Technology Benefits of SDP

In this section, we will explore the technological benefits of SDP. Some of these include SDP’s attack
surface reduction and pre-access authentication/authorization. We will also discuss SDP technologi-
cal benefits such as IAM security and SDP’s open specification.

1.5.1 Reduced Attack Surface

Today’s network architectures consist of devices with assigned IP addresses used for connectivity.
When a device is establishing a connection to another device, a handshake is established and au-
thentication is verified. By reversing this sequence and first verifying the connection, SDP provides
key technical benefits, most notably attack surface reduction. Connectivity to an organization’s
assets is provided only after authentication, validation/authorization, and the determination of which
protected assets the user is allowed access to. These steps greatly reduce the attack surface of the
application infrastructure.

With SDP, users and devices are no longer granted general access to network segments or subnets.
Instead, policies ensure that users and devices only have access to specified hosts, resources, and/
or services. Therefore, SDP can be used to protect different types of services or protocols such as
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) or remote desktop services (RDS). By controlling the ac-
cess level that individual users and devices have to specific services, SDP can allow authorized users
to access privileged services while hiding them from unauthorized users.

1.5.2 Authenticate & Authorize Before Access

SDP is an inherently comprehensive security architecture implemented using software components

overlaid onto physical and virtual infrastructure. SDP uses a drop-all gateway to ensure that authenti-
cation and authorization is first performed in the control plane. By performing authentication prior to
granting access to the perimeter, SDP ensures only users with appropriate authorization have access
to the hidden infrastructure.

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 5

This functionality (i.e., providing connectivity to resources after authentication and authorization) is
made possible by separating the control and data planes, providing enhanced protection by exposing
assets only to verified users and devices. Fine-grained access control is implicit in SDP’s design.

Without the SDP gateway’s drop-all capability, allowing and enforcing only trusted connections
would be prohibitively difficult. SDP’s architecture enables pre-access vetting and fine-grained access
policies through role and attribute-based permissions, as well as other similar access control mech-
anisms. Traditional architectures require separate implementations for each of these components,
leading to increased complexity and higher maintenance overhead.

In contrast to IP-based alternatives, SDP provides a connection-based security architecture — this

means access is granted per each independent connection, versus granting access to a device based
on its allowlisted IP address.

SDP is a connection-oriented security architecture: while the physical infrastructure routes packets,
SDP secures all connectivity over an infrastructure. This connection-based architecture distinction is
important because of the current IP address explosion and the disintegrated perimeter in cloud envi-
ronments — without SDP, IP-based security protections are ineffective when faced with this increas-
ing complexity. SDP enables validation on the data plane prior to any Transmission Control Protocol/
Transport Layer Security (TLS/TCP) handshake and enforces mutually encrypted communications.
This practice helps to mitigate threats related to unauthorized access.

1.5.3 Centralized Organizational IAM Security

A prominent technical aspect of SDP is its centralized organizational IAM security. With IAM, a secu-
rity problem on the front-end only requires an update to the SDP — every subsequent service with-
in the perimeter will adjust to the heightened security measures. Traditional, direct access would
require the checking and updating of potentially hundreds of services to address a single flaw. This is
another example of how SDP drastically decreases maintenance overhead and complexity.

Figure 2: Traditional IAM Security vs. SDP

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 6

1.5.4 Open Specification

Open specifications are publicly available and therefore directly benefit from greater community
contributions. This increases the volume of data flowing in, the validity, and practicality of the specifi-
cation that is developed, based on a given set of data. With an open specification you can customize
the code or implementation to your needs, audit the code as it exists, and receive community feed-
back on faults and errors.

The SDP specification is open and has been proven on many network implementations, such as
SDNs, IoT networks, network functions virtualization, edge computing, 5G, and more. As part of
the research efforts, the CSA Software-Defined Perimeter Working Group teamed up with the com-
munity at large to research how to create a high availability infrastructure using public clouds with
the equivalent robustness of a dedicated data center. The CSA Software-Defined Perimeter Work-
ing Group has also created additional reference materials, such as SDP Architecture Guide v25 and
Software-Defined Perimeter as a DDoS Prevention Mechanism vs. SDP and DDoS6 that are publicly
available. These documents were created with input from the global cybersecurity community.

1.6 Business Benefits of SDP

In this section, we will discuss the various business benefits that companies gain from implementing
SDP. As part of this discussion, we will examine how SDP enhances existing cybersecurity invest-
ments, reduces costs and labor, and assists in governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) efforts.

1.6.1 Enhances Existing Cybersecurity Investments

Organizations are under continuous pressure to respond to security events in a timely manner; to
this end, they’ve made substantial investments in cybersecurity. For example, expenditures in vul-
nerability management, patch management, and configuration management, have allowed organiza-
tions to lock down machines that utilize IP addresses for connectivity. Threat intelligence combined
with endpoint threat detection and response (EDR) may also be in place, enabling organizations to
better understand who the unauthorized users are and what connections they are making. Many
organizations also manage their own security operation centers to actively monitor for threats and
respond to intrusion alerts and other security events. SDP helps optimize security investments and
make them more cost effective as a result of both preventive and reactive security capabilities.

SDP provides a preventive measure against network-based and cross-domain attacks. By hiding re-
sources and applying the drop-all rules, SDP helps companies reduce their attack surface and conse-
quently reduce the amount of security events or alerts that are collected by the security information
and event management (SIEM) and sent to the security operation center. In addition, SDP reduces
lateral movement in attacks by keeping assets invisible to unauthorized users. SDP helps reduce the
Cloud Security Alliance, “SDP Architecture Guide v2,” 7th, May 2019, https://cloudsecurityalliance.
Cloud Security Alliance, “Software-Defined Perimeter as a DDoS Prevention Mechanism,” 27th,
October 2019,

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 7

complexity of integrating controls like firewalls, IAM, encryption, and device management by main-
taining all rules in one place instead of addressing them for each individual implementation. This al-
lows companies to focus internal resources on a smaller set of potentially negative events, therefore
increasing the cost-effectiveness of the security investments.

Figure 3: SDP Ecosystem and Communication Flows7

1.6.2 Cost Reduction & Labor Savings

Replacing traditional network security components with SDP reduces licensing and support costs.
Implementing and enforcing security policies using SDP reduces operational complexity and reliance
on traditional security tools. SDP also reduces costs of corporate backbone components by reduc-
ing or replacing multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) or leased line utilization. As information and
communication technology environments change, reliance on corporate backbone is reduced, and
more dynamic networks are implemented. SDP allows organizations to achieve dynamic network im-
plementations securely. Ultimately, SDP brings efficiency and simplicity to organizations, which can
ultimately help reduce scarce and often expensive labor needs.

1.6.3 Reduces Compliance Scope

As mentioned earlier, two of the main technology benefits of SDP are the reduction of the attack
surface and an increased granular control over resource access. These two features, alongside mi-
cro-segmentation, are key to helping organizations better face compliance challenges, as they allow
the reduction of the scope of compliance. By better controlling where regulated data are processed
and stored, and by limiting, both physically and logically, who can have access to that data, organiza-
tions can reduce the scope of the compliance requirements. In addition, granular logging and moni-
toring of who-does-what-when-why support the creation of a much-needed accountability approach,
which is foundational to any compliance effort.

Figure adapted from NIST, “SP 800-207 Zero Trust Architecture,” August 2020,

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 8

2 Traditional Architecture Issues & SDP Solutions
This unit reviews various issues that exist within current network security architectures. We will dis-
cuss how SDP protects against threats that exist due to those architectural inadequacies. In addition,
we will explore how SDP integrates with industry adopted solutions or replaces them.

2.1 Concerns SDP Addresses

In this section you will learn about critical issues that SDP addresses, including the changing perime-
ter, the IP address challenge, and the integration of security controls.

2.1.1 The Shifting Perimeter

Virtualized networks have superseded the older, fixed network perimeter paradigm that relies on
trusted internal network segments protected by network appliances (e.g., load balancers and fire-
walls). Network protocols of the past are not secure by design and are known to have vulnerabilities.
In addition, the plethora of mobile and IoT devices further challenge the validity of a fixed network

The introduction of the cloud has drastically changed the composition of organizations’ IT environ-
ments. With the emergence of bring your own device (BYOD), machine-to-machine connectivity,
the rise in remote access, and phishing attacks, legacy security approaches are no longer effective
in protecting the shifting physical perimeter. For one, there are more internal devices and varieties of
users. For example, contractors working on-site may require temporary access to IT resources, both
on-premises and in the cloud. IT environments are also increasingly diversified with the continued
enterprise adoption of hybrid architectures. Corporate devices are moving to the cloud, co-located
facilities, and in some cases to off-site customer and partner facilities. These migrations further shift
the physical perimeter of the organization; SDP addresses the inherent challenges of securing this
shifting physical perimeter with a software overlay that creates virtual perimeters dynamically, when
and where they are needed.

2.1.2 The IP Address Challenge

Everything on the internet today relies on TCP/IP for trust. This is problematic, because IP addresses
have no concept of users’ identities. TCP/IP simply addresses connectivity — it doesn’t validate the
endpoint or the user as being trustworthy.

TCP/IP is a bidirectional protocol, so internal trusted hosts communicating with external untrusted
hosts can receive unsafe messages. Any changes to IP addresses may require extensive reconfigura-
tion resulting in potential security group and network access control (NAC) list errors. Unmanaged/
forgotten internal hosts can provide an entry point for malicious actors by providing default respons-
es using legacy protocols such as ICMP. This illustrates that common use of network address transla-
tion (NAT) tables combined with TCP/IP is inherently open to compromise.

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 9

IP addresses should not be used as anchors for network locations because they are location-depen-
dent (i.e., users’ devices are assigned new IP addresses when they are relocated). SDP tackles this IP
address challenge by securing connections while being IP address agnostic. This means that the SDP
is aware of IP addresses but doesn’t rely on them for authorizing access to protected resources.

2.1.3 Integrating Security Controls

The integration of multiple security controls like firewalls and identity managers is typically imple-
mented to achieve compliance. However, integrating these controls to work as a whole in protecting
the application infrastructure can be challenging. Currently, the integration of controls may be per-
formed by gathering data in an SIEM for analysis; however, correlating disparate streams of security
to gain deeper insights (e.g., who is connected, from what device, from where, to what, and more) is
resource intensive.

A single point of trust for network connections requires the following:

• Information about users, provided by the applications

• Information about the network, provided by firewalls
• Information about devices, provided by the client

These disparate requirements make it difficult to implement an integrated set of controls for a
physical network. Furthermore, integrating identity management prior to allowing access through
a firewall requires the routing of packets to a different service — one that is resource-intensive and
may or may not be proxied. In addition, most DevOps teams consider application layer firewalls and
anti-denial of service/distributed denial of service (DoS/DDoS) protection as an afterthought; more-
over, allowing individual applications to control their own security posture may result in catastrophe.
Integrating access control, identity management, session management, and firewall management in
today’s environments is highly difficult; SDP addressed this challenge by providing a unified location
for implementing and managing controls for the entire environment, versus using traditional distrib-
uted controls.

2.2 Threats SDP Protects Against

In this section, we will analyze the efficacy of SDP for reducing cyber risk and mitigating threats. We
will present well-known threats/cyber risks published by the OWASP, Verizon, and CSA that demon-
strate the real value of ZTA using the SDP. As illustrated below, the integration of SPA and SDP with
enterprise IAM helps raise the bar for security. The tables provide a high-level overview of the rele-
vant risks/threats, results of a successful exploit execution, and how SDP can be leveraged to prevent
these security incidents from occurring.

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 10

2.2.1 CSA’s Egregious 11

Risk/Threat Result(s) of Successful SDP Mitigation

Exploit Execution
Data breaches Reputational damage, loss of SDP has a drop-all firewall that
customer/partner trust, loss drops packets not explicitly
of intellectual property to configured, preventing data
competitors which may impact breaches and/or preventing
product releases, regulatory their scope of damage.
implications that may result in
monetary loss, brand damage/
market value loss, legal and
contractual liabilities, and
financial expenses incurred
due to incident response and
forensic analysis

Misconfigurations & Exposure of data stored in SDP assists in change

inadequate change control cloud repositories control by providing access
configured for changes only
after approval.

Lack of cloud security Financial loss, reputational SDP has a ZT policy that
architecture & strategy damage, legal repercussions, outlines a framework with
and fines systems designed around
the value of the data and its
specific protection needs.

Insufficient identity, Unauthorized access, Authentication, authorization,

credential, access, & key exfiltration, modification, and mutual factor
management deletion of data, issuing of authorization (MFA) is at the
control plane and management core of SDP; subsequently,
functions, eavesdropping on using SDP integrated with
data in transit, and the release enterprise and cloud IAM/
of malicious software that identity provider (IdP) reduces
appears to originate from a the attack surface.
legitimate source

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 11

Account hijacking Complete deletion of Authentication, authorization,
organization assets, data and and MFA is at the core of SDP;
capabilities, data leaks and using SDP integrated with
resulting brand/reputational enterprise and cloud IAM/
damage, legal liability due IdP limits the exposure for
to sensitive personal and account hijacking.
business information exposure

Insider threat Loss of proprietary information SDP includes micro-

and intellectual property, segmentation of the
system downtime impacting organizational environment
company productivity, and to ensure that access to
other customer data losses resources are granted on a
that reduce their confidence in need to know basis. SDP’s
the organization’s services continuous logging integrated
with user entity behavior
analytics can limit the data
loss and/or alert on malicious/
abnormal activity and

Insecure interfaces & APIs Regulatory and financial impact SDP provides controls defining
in the form of fines/penalties, communication endpoints (as
security issues related to long as the interface and API
confidentiality, integrity, communications sit behind
availability and accountability the SDP controller).

Weak control plane Data loss, either due to theft SDP’s control plane is
or corruption, resulting in protected by both network
a substantial impact on the level controls (e.g., SPA), and
business — particularly if the strong authentication.
incident includes privileged
user data, and regulatory
punishment for data loss may
be incurred

Metastructure/application Failures at the cloud service SDP limits the impact of

infrastructure failures provider level, resulting in misconfigurations by hiding
customers being severely resources behind the gateway/
impacted, and tenant controller.
misconfigurations could
result in financial losses and
operational disruptions

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 12

Limited cloud usage visibility Lack of governance, SDP logs all inbound activity,
awareness, and security providing better visibility and
situational awareness.

Abuse of cloud services Financial losses due to SDP safeguards access to

excessive metered cloud stateful (e.g., security group/
use (e.g., attackers using network security group) and
compromised cloud servers as stateless (e.g., access control
a malware distribution host) list/network access list)
firewall configurations.

Coupling security group/

network security group
and access control list/
network access control list
configurations enables the
dropping of unauthorized
traffic (e.g., for mining
cryptocurrency or distributing

Table 1: Top Threats to Cloud Computing: Egregious Eleven Deep Dive8

2.2.2 Verizon’s DBIR

Risk/Threat Result(s) of Successful SDP Mitigation

Exploit Execution
Phishing & Acquisition of credentials SDP’s integration with
social engineering domain-based, message
authentication/reporting, as
well as its requirements for
validating source networks
and capabilities (e.g.,MFA and
device fingerprinting) reduce
the risk of these attacks.

Cloud Security Alliance, “Top Threats to Cloud Computing: Egregious Eleven Deep Dive,” 23rd,
September 2020,

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 13

Web application attacks Stolen credentials and SDP’s use of SPA for inbound/
successful brute force outbound server traffic
attempts that enable coupled with MFA helps
unauthorized access to web prevent these attack types
application servers, mail (i.e., requiring authentication
servers, and others IT assets, prior to authorizing access).
resulting in compromised
privileged data (e.g., medical
records, employee data)

Lost or stolen credentials Exposure of sensitive data SDP’s MFA requirement

minimizes the impact of stolen
credentials, since malicious
actors are not given explicit
access to resources.

Ransomware Revenue loss and supply chain SDP prevents the

disruption installation of unapproved
software and potentially
malicious applications (e.g.,
ransomware) on servers.

Miscellaneous errors Eavesdropping, data loss, data SDP requires authentication

compromising security exposure, and unauthorized prior to accessing applications
access and/or server resources.

DoS Loss of service and/or service SDP controls communication

disruption endpoints and is therefore
stateless; drop-all firewalls
block threats such as malware
and command and control

System intrusion Eavesdropping, data loss, data SDP requires the use of SPA
exposure, and unauthorized to/from the server. Coupled
access with MFA, these controls help
to enforce authentication prior
to authorized access.

Privilege abuse Eavesdropping, data loss, data SDP’s MFA requirement

exposure, and unauthorized prevents unauthorized access
access and escalation of privileges
from occurring.

Table 2: DBIR- 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report9

Verizon, “2021 Data Breach Investigations Report,” 2021,

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 14

2.2.3 OWASP IoT Top 10

Risk/Threat Result(s) of Successful SDP Mitigation

Exploit Execution
Weak, guessable, or hard Unauthorized access SDP authenticates users prior
coded passwords to granting them access;
additionally, MFA helps
mitigate the risk of stolen/lost
credentials and devices.

Insecure network services Unauthorized access SDP requires encryption for

enforcing confidentiality
in an insecure network.
For example, devices must
support encryption in order
for SPA over HOTP (HMAC
One Time Password) and data
communications via mTLS
to function (in protecting

Insecure ecosystem Unauthorized access SDP unifies the different

interfaces ecosystem interfaces into a
secure, single source of truth.

Lack of secure update Unauthorized access SDP and SPA provide device
mechanism authentication and valid
endpoints via mTLS, allowing
for secure over-the-air
authentication and device
update mechanisms.

Use of insecure or outdated Eavesdropping, data loss/ SDP leverages ZT call flows in
components exposure, and unauthorized the TCP/IP network, thereby
access protecting legacy, insecure or
outdated components.

Insufficient privacy Eavesdropping and data loss/ SDP requires encryption in

protection exposure order for SPA over HOTP
to function and ensure

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 15

Insecure data transfer & Eavesdropping and data loss/ SDP requires encryption in
storage exposure order for SPA over HOTP and
data communications via
mTLS to function and ensure

Lack of device management Unauthorized access SDP provides secure mobile

device management by
enabling device management
and software updates via SPA
and mTLS.

Insecure default settings Unauthorized access SDP requires micro-

segmentation as well as
MFA to mitigate the risk of
outdated/unpatched and
misconfigured devices.

Lack of physical hardening Unauthorized access SDP couples automated

device auditing with secure
device management to
validate device security

Table 3: OWASP IoT Top 1010

2.2.4 OWASP Top 10

Risk/Threat Result(s) of Successful SDP Mitigation

Exploit Execution
Broken access control Unauthorized access SDP authenticates users and
validates that requests are
authorized prior to granting

Cryptographic failures Exposure of sensitive data or a SDP enforces cryptography

compromised system requirements (e.g., in mTLS

Injection Malicious injection and SDP mitigates application

alteration of responses to attacks through its inherent
compromised application MFA and SPA/drop-all
server approach.

OWASP, “OWASP IoT Top 10,” 2018,

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 16

Insecure design Exploitation of vulnerabilities SDP helps bolster threat
modeling, secure design
principles, patterns, and
design practices affecting
reference architectures and
configuration audits.

Security misconfiguration Exposure of data and SDP mandates micro-

exploitation of application segmentation and MFA
vulnerabilities — critical SDP features for
mitigating the impact of
security misconfigurations.
MFA limits the escalation of
privileges and reduces the
blast radius of attacks.

Vulnerable & outdated Exploitation of known SDP prevents legacy, insecure,

components vulnerabilities or outdated components
from being attacked by hiding
the associated services from
unauthorized users/devices.

Identification & Privileged access escalation SDP mandates micro-

authentication failures and lateral movement segmentation and the
granting of access to
resources based on the
requester’s need to know/
need for access.

Software & data integrity Insertion of malicious code Leveraging the SPA, SDP
failures into critical path continuous uses endpoint authentication
integration/continuous to assist with verifying the
delivery (CI/CD) pipelines integrity of CI/CD pipelines
(e.g., open source software, and software updates.
containing malicious code)

Security logging & Lack of visibility into SDP enforces comprehensive

monitoring failures unauthorized or malicious and continuous monitoring.
events With logging/monitoring
services in place per SDP’s
requirements, security
incidents can be remediated in
a timely manner.

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 17

Server side request forgery Unauthorized access and SDP helps mitigate attacks
compromise of vulnerable to applications exposed
applications and related/ on a network through its
connected back-end systems. inherent MFA and SPA/drop-all
Attackers may also use this approach.
exploit method to circumvent
user input validation

Table 4: 2021 Draft OWASP Top 1011

In addition, the following sections address some of the various threats that SDP helps protect
against. These include server exploitation and hijacking, among others.

2.2.5 Server Exploitation Threats

SDP features like server isolation, SPA, and dynamic drop-all firewalls bolster application
infrastructure security and help protect against server exploitation threats such as the following:

• DoS/DDoS attacks
• Code injection attacks
• Other attacks that exploit server misconfigurations/vulnerabilities

2.2.6 Hijacking Threats

SDP attributes such as encryption, pinned certificates, and non-reliance on DNS protect against
connection hijacking threats like the following:

• Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks

• Certificate forgery
• DNS poisoning
• Code injections

2.2.7 Other Threats

SDP features like MFA, mTLS, and device fingerprinting protect against the following:

• Phishing
• Keyloggers
• Brute force attacks

For further information, please refer to CSA’s SDP Architecture Guide12 and existing research on SDP
and ZT13.

Footnote 12: OWASP, “OWASP Top 10,” 2021,
Cloud Security Alliance, “SDP Architecture Guide v2,” 7th, May 2019, https://cloudsecurityalliance.
Cloud Security Alliance, “Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) and Zero Trust,” 27th, May 2020,

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 18

2.3 SDP & Industry Adopted Solutions

In this section, you will learn about various industry adopted solutions and how SDP replaces or
works in conjunction with them. This includes NAC, virtual private networks (VPNs), IAM, and next
generation firewalls (NGFW).

2.3.1 Network Access Control

NAC typically controls what devices can connect to a given network and which network locations or
segments they have access to. These solutions use a combination of standards-based hardware (e.g,
802.1X for port-based NAC) and software to validate devices, prior to granting them network access.
NAC typically operates at layer 2 (i.e., the data link layer) of the OSI model.

When a device first appears on the network, the NAC performs device validation followed by
assignment to the correct network segment (e.g., virtual local area network). In practice, NACs
coarsely assign devices to a small number of networks, as most organizations only have a few
networks set up (e.g., guest, employee, and production). Because NACs operate at layer 2 of the OSI
model, they more often require specific network equipment, don’t operate in cloud environments,
and are not used by remote users.

Figure 4: SDP as NAC Replacement

In some respects, SDP can be considered a modern replacement for NAC. Though they share similar
functionalities, SDP, unlike NAC, does not require specific network hardware to function. This allows
for the integration of users and provisioning of device access without a dedicated network appliance.
SDP fully supports cloud environments and remote access, overcoming traditional NAC limitations.
However, some environments are more suitable for NAC implementations — for example, those with
printers, copiers, landline phones, or security cameras. These devices are often 802.1X compliant
with built-in support, which means they don’t typically support the installation of an SDP client. In
this case, the gateway-to-gateway model is a better option for protecting and managing access to
these devices.

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 19

2.3.2 Virtual Private Network

VPNs establish secure private network connections over untrusted networks. Commonly used for
secure remote access (e.g. employee access to a corporate site, secure site-to-site communications,
or site-to-site extranets between companies), VPNs use TLS/Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Internet
Protocol Security (IPSec) to establish an encrypted tunnel.

Although VPNs encapsulate and encrypt network traffic, they also allow unrestricted access to a
network segment. This is risky, especially if credentials are compromised. In contrast, SDP will only
allow access to specifically assigned applications in the network segments.

On the user experience side, VPNs tend to impose a considerable burden on users, especially in
environments undergoing significant cloud-based transformations and migrations. IT may also need
to configure VPN for users requiring secure access to multiple sites, as this prevents unintentional
network bridging and systems from connecting to multiple locations simultaneously. Ultimately, this
shifts the burden and inconvenience of switching back and forth between remote locations on the

1. In distributed environments, VPNs may require the unnecessary backhauling of user traffic
through a corporate data center, adding latency and bandwidth costs.
2. VPN servers themselves expose the network on the internet. VPN servers contain security
vulnerabilities as do most IT components, which an attacker could exploit to gain access and
exfiltrate data or perform other malicious activities.
3. VPN licensing costs are not expensive, but anecdotally they can be difficult to implement
and maintain. Whenever cloud migration is involved, VPN management balloons in
complexity. This is because IT administrators need to configure and sync VPN and firewall
policies across multiple locations,making it even more difficult to mitigate unauthorized

Figure 5: SDP as VPN Replacement

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 20

VPNs are a prime technology use case for replacement by SDP — however, it’s worth noting that SDP
can work alongside existing VPNs or replace them entirely, depending on the deployment model.
However, both require an installation of a client on the user’s device. By using SDP instead of VPNs,
organizations can have a single access control platform consistent for secure access to cloud,
remote, on-premises, and mobile device users. Since SDPs enable zero visibility via SPA and dynamic
firewalls, they are considerably more resilient to cyber attacks than traditional VPN servers.

2.3.3 Identity & Access Management

The SDP architecture is designed to integrate with existing enterprise IAM providers in the cloud,
on-premises, or hybrid environments. IAM provides a unified mechanism for users and devices to
be validated, authenticated, and authorized. It provides a way to store managed identity attributes
and group memberships within a central system using protocols to enable access directly or via
federation. SDP supports standard protocols and security mechanisms used by IAM, including
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), Active Directory (AD), and Security Assertion Markup
Language (SAML).

Figure 6: SDP and IAM

SDP typically controls access based on business rules. These rules can be built up from IAM
attributes and group memberships, as well as from the attributes of devices making the connection
and/or the network segments themselves. The telemetry data provided by these sources enables the
creation of granular access rules for allowing/restricting access. This ensures only users requesting
specific access on registered devices are granted authorization to the resources in question.

Integration of SDP with IAM is not only used for initial user authentication; it’s also commonly used in
conjunction with step-up authentication (e.g., prompting for a one-time password to access sensitive
resources). IAM systems can also communicate with an SDP via API calls, as SDP can respond to
identity lifecycle processes in this configuration. Some examples include joiners, mover, and leavers
(JML), disabling an account, group membership changes, and dropping user/device connections from
certain geographic locations.

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 21

In order to authenticate users, SDP must leverage IAM to access identity telemetry information that
the SDP controller uses to make authorization decisions. IAM data is not only used to augment the
SDP controller’s capabilities — it’s also used for populating audit logs with additional details regarding
user and device access (e.g., access granted/denied details). Compared to traditional network access
and IP address information, IAM telemetry correlates application access to users, yielding far more
useful data with less overhead. This reduced overhead is leveraged primarily by IT when auditing
historical access records in security or compliance use cases. SDP & Identity Lifecycle Management

In identity lifecycle management, IAM tools focus on the business processes for maintaining the
identity lifecycle (i.e., the JML process). IAM standardizes how identity information is used to control
access to resources, using access methods such as role-based and attribute-based access control.

SDP supports these IAM processes and relies heavily on IAM-managed identity attributes and group
memberships. As user attributes or group memberships change, SDP will alter access permissions
accordingly without changing IAM telemetry, as SDP is a downstream system. These processes are
utilized by SDP via standard protocols like SAML, AD, LDAP, or through the use of APIs. SDP & Open Authentication Protocols

SDP integrates with open authentication protocols such as SAML. Within an SDP deployment, a
SAML entity might act as an identity provider for user attributes and/or as an MFA authentication

In addition to SAML, SDP integrates with many other open authentication protocols such as OAuth,
OpenID Connect, W3C Web Authentication, and the FIDO Alliance Client-to-Authenticator Protocol.
These protocols will be explored in future SDP-related research, but are not in scope for this training.

2.3.4 Next Generation Firewall

NGFWs have all the capabilities of traditional firewalls, along with additional capabilities such as
intrusion detection/prevention and deep packet inspection. NGFWs filter data using the information
in layers 2 through 4 of the OSI model (i.e., the data-link, network, and transport layers). Additionally,
NGFWs use the information in layers 5 through 7 (i.e., the session, presentation, and application
layer) to perform additional functions.

Depending on the vendor, NGFWs may provide some or all of the following capabilities:

• Application awareness – recognizes applications to determine what attacks to look for

• Intrusion detection/prevention system (IDPS) – monitors the security status of the network
and denies traffic to prevent security problems
• Identity awareness (user and group control) – controls which resources users can access
• VPN – allows for remote user access across an untrusted network

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 22

While NGFWs represent a significant improvement over traditional firewalls, they still have their
limitations. Some of these include:

• Latency – as is the case with IDPS, NGFWs will cause additional network latency, especially if
they’re performing file inspection
• Scalability issues – a NGFW requires more robust hardware to scale
• Rule complexity – some NGFW vendors include identity management capabilities such as
user/group attribute assignments, but anecdotally these tend to be complex to implement

SDP is a natural complement to existing NGFWs. Enterprises can use SDP for secure user access
policies while leveraging their NGFWs for core firewall, IDPS, and traffic inspection capabilities. By
integrating SDP with a NGFW, enterprises can at once enforce the zero visibility principle and make
them more dynamic.

User access policies can be achieved by integrating NGFWs with IAM or AD. By combining NGFW
VPN capabilities with user and application awareness, enterprises can, to some degree, accomplish
many of the goals of SDP. However, there are some general architectural differences.

NGFW systems are IP-based and offer limited identity and application-centric capabilities, whereas
SDP is connection-based and therefore easier to control authorized connections. Additionally,
NGFWs tend to be much less dynamic than SDPs, while the latter often supports the ability to
include external systems in access decisions. For example, a prime use case for SDP is to only permit
developer access to staging servers during an approved change management window.

Since NGFWs are still firewalls, their network deployment/design patterns still favor traditional
perimeter-centric network architectures with site-to-site connections between locations. On the
other hand, SDP deployments usually support more distributed and flexible networks, thereby
enabling a flexible network segmentation capability.

SDP is fundamentally based on a need to know security principle, which by design hides all
unauthorized services from users and leverages SPA and dynamic firewalls to hide connections
protected by the SDP. NGFWs are not designed to function this way and typically result in
environments that are more visible and therefore higher risk than with SDP. It should be noted
that NGFWs have not yet been able to integrate authentication and authorization controls prior to
allowing connections.

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 23

3 Core Tenets, Underlying Technologies, &
In this unit you will learn the foundation of how SDP works and how it accomplishes its task of
providing network security. We will explain SDP’s core tenets, underlying technologies, architectural
components, and secure workflow.

3.1 SDP Core Tenets

SDP has three core tenets that govern its implementations: assume nothing, trust no one or thing,
and validate everything. These tenets are used as the building blocks of the SDP framework. SDP was
designed to secure dynamic workloads, most prominent in cloud mobile environments, by providing
the following:

• Software-defined, dynamic, endpoint validation

• A connection-based paradigm
• Integration of firewalls, identity and access, session, encryption, and device management

These design features are covered in CSA’s SDP Specification v214.

Figure 7: SDP Core Tenets Tree

Figure adapted from Cloud Security Allaince, “Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) Specification v2,”
10th, March, 2022,

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 24

3.2 Underlying Technology

In this section, we will introduce and discuss the underlying technologies that support the SDP
architecture, including drop-all firewalls, separate control and data planes, mTLS, and SPA. SDP
provides a security architecture designed from the ground up using these foundational technologies.

3.2.1 Drop-All Firewall

The drop-all firewall is the most critical underlying technology of the SDP. Using drop-all rules,
these firewalls operate according to the principle of least privilege: all actions not explicitly allowed
remain forbidden. This strategy supports the ability to add rules to the firewall dynamically for post-
authentication access level changes.

An SDP deployment can identify and deny risky transactions based on the analysis of a single packet.
When malicious actors attempt to connect, SDP uses a drop-all rule to drop all unauthorized packets
at the perimeter. This approach is highly effective as it only focuses on allowing approved actions,
rather than blocking unapproved actions.

3.2.2 Separate Control & Data Planes

The three basic components of an SDP architecture are the data plane, control plane, and
management plane. The data plane — also known as the user plane, forwarding plane, carrier plane,
or bearer plane — is the part of a network that carries user traffic. In SDP, the control plane and
management plane enable the data plane, which bears the traffic that the network carries. The
control plane is responsible for establishing connections and dropping unauthorized packets at the
perimeter. The control plane takes care of authenticating and authorizing users and devices prior to
sending data to the SDP gateway. No devices are allowed to reach the data plane until the user and
device in question are validated at the control plane.

In traditional architectures, data and control planes are commonly implemented together. In contrast,
SDP architectures place the control plane outside the organization’s perimeter; subsequently users
and devices do not enter the organization’s environment until they are authenticated and authorized.
By separating the data plane from the control plane, SDP enables the external control plane to
perform authentication and authorization before granting access to resources.

3.2.3 Mutual Transport Layer Security

SDP uses mTLS authentication to ensure that client-server traffic is secure and trusted in both
directions. This allows requests that do not log in with an identity provider (e.g., requests from
IoT devices) to demonstrate that they are permitted access to a given resource. Client certificate
authentication adds an additional security layer for team members who both log in with an identity
provider and use a valid client certificate for authentication.

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 25

Chiefly, mTLS is ideal for use in the following IT environments:

• A limited number of programmatic and homogeneous clients connect to specific web

• The operational burden is limited
• Security requirements are more stringent compared to consumer environments

Subsequently, mTLS authentication is more widely used in business-to-business applications.

3.2.4 Single Packet Authorization

SPA is a protocol that allows a user to make a request to a server. This request cannot be replayed
and uniquely identifies the user. SDP uses SPA to compensate for the fundamentally open and
insecure nature of TCP/IP. In addition, SDP uses SPA to authorize a valid device and authenticate a
user identity. SPA then permits access into the perimeter and the relevant system component. The
purpose of SPA is to allow assets within the perimeter to be restricted via a default drop-all firewall.

While implementations of SPA may differ slightly, they should share the following common concepts
for an SDP implementation:

• An SPA packet must be encrypted and authenticated

• An SPA packet must self-contain all the necessary information
• Packet headers are not considered trustworthy
• A SPA packet must not depend on administrator or root level access in order to generate
and send
• There is no raw packet manipulation
• The server must receive and process the SPA packet as silently as possible, no response or
verification is sent SPA Benefits

The key advantage of using SPA is service restriction. A default drop-all firewall posture prevents
port scanning and other attacker-related reconnaissance techniques. It effectively renders the
SPA components invisible to unauthorized users, significantly reducing the attack surface of
the SDP system. This compares favorably to systems such as VPNs, with open ports and known
vulnerabilities in many implementations.

There are subsequent benefits to restricting services. One is zero-day protection. Any newly
discovered vulnerability becomes significantly less critical when only authenticated users can access
the affected service. Another benefit is DDoS protection. A relatively small amount of traffic can take
an HTTPS service offline if that service is exposed to the public internet for attack. A SPA makes that
service visible only to authenticated users. Therefore, a DDoS attack is handled by a default drop-all
firewall instead of the protected service itself.

One of the core goals of SDP is to overcome the fundamentally open, or insecure nature of TCP/
IP, which follows a connect, then authenticate model. Amid today’s threat landscape, it’s simply

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 26

unacceptable to permit malicious actors to scan and connect to enterprise systems. There are far too
many known and unknown vulnerabilities in systems to allow this. SPA and SDP solve this problem
in two ways. First, applications using the SDP architecture are hidden behind an SDP gateway so that
they’re only accessible to authorized users. Second, the SDP components themselves, the controller
and gateway, are protected by SPA. This allows them to be securely deployed with internet-facing
placement, ensuring that legitimate users have productive and reliable access, while they remain
invisible to unauthorized users. SPA Limitations

SPA is only a part of SDP and is not a complete security architecture on its own. While SPA
implementations should be designed to be resilient to replay attacks, SPA may be subject to a
MITM attack; specifically, if MITM adversaries are able to capture or alter the SPA packet, they can
potentially establish the TCP connection to the controller or accepting host (AH) in place of the
authorized initiating host (IH). However, these adversaries will be unable to complete the mTLS
connection, since it will not have the client’s certificate. The controller or AH should therefore reject
this connection attempt and close the TCP connection. Even considering this limitation, which only
applies to the MITM scenario, SPA is more secure than standard TCP.

3.3 SDP Architecture Components

In this section, we will discuss the foundational SDP architecture components: IH, AH, gateways, SDP
clients, and the controller. SDP provides an integrated security architecture that is otherwise hard to
achieve with security point products.

SDP integrates the following discrete architectural elements:

• Identity-aware applications
• Client-aware devices
• Network-aware firewalls/gateways

3.3.1 Initiating Hosts

IH initiate connections to the SDP. IH are devices, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones that
SDP client software is run on. This host environment may be on a network outside the control of the
enterprise operating the SDP.

3.3.2 SDP Client

The SDP client consists of software installed on the IH device. The client initiates connections in
order to cryptographically sign in to the SDP. The SDP client typically generates the SPA packet
for the SDP gateway after completing the authentication and authorization process with the SDP

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 27

3.3.3 Accepting Hosts

AH are devices that accept connections from IH and provide a set of services that are protected
by the SDP. They typically reside on a network under the control of the enterprise (and/or direct
representative) operating the SDP, and do not acknowledge communications from any other host
or respond to non-provisioned requests. ​To unauthorized users and devices, AH remain cloaked and
inaccessible while using SDP’s SPA.

3.3.4 Controller

The SDP controller is an appliance or process that secures access to isolated services. It does this by
ensuring that users are authenticated and authorized, devices are validated, secure communications
are established, and user and management traffic on a network remain separate. Like the AH, the
controller is also protected by SPA, making it invisible and inaccessible to unauthorized users and
devices. Both IH and AH connect to the SDP controller.

3.3.5 Gateway

The SDP gateway is an appliance or process that provides access through the invisible perimeter for
authorized users and devices. Through this gateway, authorized users and devices are able to access
protected processes and services. The gateway can also effectively allow monitoring, logging, and
reporting on these connections. The functionality of the gateway depends on where it is located.

3.4 SDP Secure Workflow

In this section we will break down SDP’s workflow, illustrating how all of the architecture components
discussed in the previous section work together.

The following is the most basic SDP workflow for allowing an IH and AH to communicate securely:

1. The AH is cloaked by an SDP gateway on the AH or a similar construct.​

2. An SDP controller is added and activated within the SDP and connected to authentication
and authorization services (e.g., IAM, public key infrastructure service, device attestation,
geolocation, SAML, OpenID, OAuth, LDAP, Kerberos, MFA, and identity federation).
3. An AH is added and activated within the SDP by checking into the SDP controller. It connects
to and authenticates with the controller in a secure manner.
4. The IH is added and activated within the SDP, then connects to the SDP controller. The
SDP controller authenticates the IH and determines a list of AH the IH is authorized to
communicate with.
5. An SPA packet is always sent to establish communications, leaving the application
layer cloaked from all but authorized users. In order to establish access after sending
an SPA packet, the IH and AH exchange a mutual handshake using TLS for control plane
6. The IH sends a login message request and receives a response from the controller.
7. The controller sends the IH a list of services available (based upon services allowed).

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 28

8. The controller also sends a message stating that the IH has been authenticated with the AH.
9. Another SPA packet is sent from the IH to the AH for data plane communications.
10. Finally, a separate mTLS handshake establishes communication for data transfers.

Figure 8: SDP Secure Workflow15

4 The Basics of SDP Deployment Models

This unit will cover the various SDP architectural considerations to take into account before
implementation. Along with this, you will learn the basics of SDP deployment models.

4.1 Architectural Considerations

Several architectural considerations must be taken into account when deploying SDP. For example,
organizations should evaluate how an SDP deployment fits into existing network topologies and
technologies. Other critical considerations include how SDP impacts users, monitoring, logging,
onboarding, application release, and device validation.

Figure adapted from Cloud Security Allaince, “Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) Specification v2,”
10th, March, 2022,

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 29

4.1.1 Existing Network Topologies & Technologies

Network architects should select the SDP deployment model best suited for their particular use
case. However, some models require additional in-line network components like gateways, resulting
in network changes like adding firewalls or making routing alterations. This ensures that protected
resources are hidden and only accessible through the SDP gateway. To fully leverage the capabilities
of SDP, architects should consider proper micro-segmentation, keeping in mind that SDP ensures
secure connections irrespective of the underlying network infrastructure.

Enterprise security architectures16 can be complex, with numerous stakeholders across the
organization and business units, as well as governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC)
requirements alongside daily IT infrastructure operations and management. Architects should keep
these factors in mind when planning their enterprise’s SDP deployment.

4.1.2 Monitoring & Logging Systems

SDP affects monitoring and logging architectures. Because it uses mTLS between the IH and AH, SDP
also hides network traffic from intermediary services, which may be in place to monitor for security,
performance, or reliability. Architects must understand what systems are in operation and how the
changes to the network traffic may affect them. However, SDP typically provides richer, identity-
centric logging of user access — ideal for augmenting and enhancing existing monitoring systems
for a more focused traffic monitoring scope and purpose. In addition, all dropped packets from SDP
gateways and controllers can be logged, monitored, and analyzed using security tools like intrusion
detection systems/intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IDPS) and SIEMs. With an SDP in
place, it is easier to collect the who, what, when, how, why information for every connection versus
each individual packet.

4.1.3 Application Release & DevOps

High-velocity application release practices like DevOps17 and its supporting automation and CI/
CD framework require thoughtful integration with SDP. An SDP can be integrated with DevOps to
secure authorized users’ connections to the various deployment environments (e.g., development,
test, staging, and production), as well as used during operations to ensure legitimate users have
proper connectivity to protected servers and applications. Ideally, the SDP will be integrated into
the application stack to fully leverage its security features. Common DevOps practices such as
the use of virtualized environments and containers can further streamline SDP integration; that
said, security architects must fully understand the chosen SDP deployment model and how their
organization’s DevOps mechanisms will interact and integrate with it. When it comes to DevOps
toolset integration, security teams should carefully review and evaluate third party APIs supported by
their SDP implementation.

Sometimes referred to as enterprise information security architecture
Cloud Security Alliance, “Enterprise Architecture Reference Guide,” 18th, May 2021, https://

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 30

4.1.4 User Experience

Security teams typically strive to have their solutions work as transparently as possible, with minimal
user interruption. SDP is similar to any security control where proper application of least privilege
principles balances the user experience with security. Depending on the SDP deployment model,
users will need to run the SDP client software on their devices. Security architects should collaborate
with IT to model and plan for the user experience, client software distribution, and device onboarding

4.1.5 Onboarding

The onboarding process of SDP controllers, IH, AH, and users will vary depending on the chosen
deployment models. SDP systems can be managed via an API or administrative user interface.

A typical SDP onboarding process flow would involve the following steps:

1. One or more SDP controllers are brought online and connected to the appropriate optional
authentication and authorization services.
2. One or more AHs are enlisted as SDP gateways. These gateways connect to and
authenticate with the controllers.
3. One or more clients on the IHs are onboarded, with each user/entity authenticated by the
SDP controller.

Note: Because the onboarding process is distinct from the user authentication process, users are
only onboarded once but will require authentication/authorization for each subsequent connection.

Figure 9: Onboarding Process Flow18

Figure adapted from Cloud Security Allaince, “Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) Specification v2,”
10th, March, 2022,
© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 31
4.1.6 Device Validation

mTLS proves that the device requesting access to the SDP possesses a valid, non-expired/non-
revoked private key. However, this method can be compromised, as an attacker with a stolen key
cannot be distinguished from a legitimate user/key. Device validation can help to further establish a
trusted connection based on certificate-based keys. Per SDP, the controller acts as the trusted device
because it resides in the most heavily controlled environment. The initiating and AHs must then
validate themselves with the controller, thereby preventing unauthorized access via stolen keys.

4.2 Deployment Models

In this section we’ll introduce the various SDP deployment models and explore their similarities and

As an architecture, SDP provides the protocol to secure connections at all layers of the network
stack. By deploying gateways and controllers at key locations, SDP implementers can focus on
securing and protecting the most critical connections from both network-based and cross-domain
attacks. All the SDP models support identity-driven network access control/authorization, and most
can accommodate existing network security tools like IDS/IDPS and SIEMs by enabling the analysis of
dropped packets and unsecured connections. SDP secures the connections between components, as
depicted in each of the deployment models described below.

More information on these deployment models can be found in the SDP Architecture Guide v219.

Figure 10: SDP Deployment Models20

Cloud Security Alliance, “SDP Architecture Guide v2,” 7th, May 2019, https://cloudsecurityalliance.
Figure adapted from Cloud Security Alliance, “SDP Architecture Guide v2,” 7th, May 2019, https://

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 32

Figure 11: Client-to-Gateway Model 21

4.2.1 Client-to-Gateway Model

The client-to-gateway model is suitable for use cases where one or more servers need to be
protected behind a gateway. This approach is preferred when an organization is moving its
applications to the cloud or securing on-premises legacy applications. The client (i.e., the IH) and
gateway may be in the same location or distributed across the globe. In either case, the connections
between the client and the gateway are secured, regardless of the underlying network topology.

In this model, the client is connected to the gateway directly via an mTLS tunnel where the
connection terminates. To secure the connection to server environments, additional precautions
must be taken. For example, the network on which the server environments reside, will need to
be configured to permit inbound connections to protected servers from the gateway only. This
prevents unauthorized clients from bypassing the gateway. The gateway should be configured to
deny all traffic by default, and explicitly allow approved traffic. The same gateway can be used for the
controller and servers by locating the controller in the cloud or near the protected servers.

This model preserves the ability for an organization to use its existing network security components,
such as IDSs or IPSs, by deploying them between the SDP gateway and the protected servers.

Figure adapted from Cloud Security Alliance, “SDP Architecture Guide v2,” 7th, May 2019, https://

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 33

Figure 12: Client-to-Server Model22

4.2.2 Client-to-Server Model

The client-to-server model is ideal when moving applications to an IaaS provider, as it combines the
server and gateway in a single host to ensure connections are secured end-to-end. Organizations
are afforded a great deal of flexibility due to the portability of server-gateway combinations between
multiple IaaS providers.

Client-to-server is also appropriate for securing on-premises legacy applications that cannot be
upgraded. With this model, the protected servers will need to be outfitted with the gateways. The
network on which the servers reside do not need configuration to restrict inbound connections
to the protected servers, as the gateways or server enforcement points use SPA to prevent
unauthorized connections. Secure connections to the servers provided by the gateway may be
controlled by the infrastructure owner, as they have full control over the connections. Similar to the
client-to-gateway model, the client may be located in the same location or distributed across the
globe — in either case, it remains secured. Additionally, this model leaves the data plane completely
secure, as there are no breaks in the mTLS tunnel. Traffic can be monitored by analyzing dropped
packets from the SDP gateway/protected servers, thereby preserving the mTLS connections
between the client and the servers.

Figure adapted from Cloud Security Alliance, “SDP Architecture Guide v2,” 7th, May 2019, https://

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 34

Figure 13: Server-to-Server Model23

4.2.3 Server-to-Server Model

The server-to-server model is ideal for IoT and virtual machine environments, as it offers full control
over connections, regardless of where the server is located, whether in the cloud or on-premises.
This model ensures that all connections between servers are encrypted, regardless of the underlying
network or IP infrastructure. In addition, it ensures that all communications are explicitly permitted
by an SDP allowlist policy. This model enables secure communications between servers across
untrusted networks while hiding the servers from all unauthorized connections using the lightweight
SPA protocol.

The server-to-server model is similar to the client-to-server model, except that the IH is itself a server
and can also act as an AH. Like the client-to-server model, the server-to-server model requires that
the SDP gateway, or similar lightweight technology, be installed on each server. This renders all
server-to-server traffic hidden to other elements of the security ecosystem. The traffic can also be
monitored by analyzing all the dropped packets from the SDP gateway/protected servers. The secure
connections to the servers going through the gateway are under the control of the owner of the
application/services on the server by default, giving the owner full control of these connections.

Figure adapted from Cloud Security Alliance, “SDP Architecture Guide v2,” 7th, May 2019, https://

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 35

Figure 14: Client-to-Server-to-Client Model24

4.2.4 Client-to-Server-to-Client Model

The client-to-server-to-client model is well-suited for environments in which organizations

are moving their peer-to-peer applications to the cloud, such as IP telephone, chat, or
videoconferencing. Regardless of where the server environment is located (cloud or on-premises),
organizations can have full control over the connections to the clients. This model results in a logical
peer-to-peer relationship between two clients. This can be used for applications in which the traffic
must pass through an intermediary server. In these cases, the SDP conceals the IP addresses of the
connecting clients, encrypts the network connections between the components, and protects the
server/AH from unauthorized network connections by using SPA.

Figure adapted from Cloud Security Alliance, “SDP Architecture Guide v2,” 7th, May 2019, https://

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 36

Figure 15: Client-to-Gateway-to-Client Model25

4.2.5 Client-to-Gateway-to-Client Model

This variation of the client-to-server-to-client model has the advantage of supporting peer-to-peer
network protocols that require clients to connect directly to one another, while still enforcing SDP
access policies. This results in a logical connection between the clients, each acting as either IH, AH,
or both depending on the application protocol. It’s worth noting that while the application protocol
determines how the clients connect to each other, the SDP gateway continues to perform its
standard role as a firewall.

Figure adapted from Cloud Security Alliance, “SDP Architecture Guide v2,” 7th, May 2019, https://

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 37

Figure 16: Gateway-to-Gateway Model26

4.2.6 Gateway-to-Gateway Model

The gateway-to-gateway model is well-suited for certain IoT environments. In this scenario, one or
more servers sits behind the AH and acts as a gateway between the clients and the servers. At the
same time, one or more clients sits behind an IH that acts as a gateway.

In this SDP model, the IH gateway is running SDP client software, but the client devices are not —
they may be incapable of supporting SDP client installation, such as in the case of printers, scanners,
sensors, or IoT devices. In this model, the gateway would operate as a firewall or router/proxy,
depending on the implementation.

Figure adapted from Cloud Security Alliance, “SDP Architecture Guide v2,” 7th, May 2019, https://

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 38

In this introductory SDP course, we provided learners with an overview of SDP’s history and how
it relates to ZT. We defined key SDP terminology and principles, explored its myriad of technology
and business benefits, and walked through current security architecture issues that SDP addresses.
Learners were introduced to leading industry cyber risk matrices/lists in order to illustrate how SDP
addresses specific, common threats, followed by a deeper dive into its core tenets and underlying

Lastly, learners were provided with a set of crucial architectural considerations to account for when
implementing SDP, followed by the various SDP deployment options and related guidance for
selecting the appropriate model.

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 39

For additional terms, please refer to our Cloud Security Glossary, a comprehensive glossary that
combines all the glossaries created by CSA Working Groups and research contributors into one place.

Term Definition Source

802.1x An IEEE standard for local and metropolitan
area networks–Port-Based Network Access security/802-1x/
Control. IEEE 802 LANs are deployed in
networks that convey or provide access to
critical data, that support mission critical
applications, or that charge for service.
Port-based network access control regulates
access to the network, guarding against
transmission and reception by unidentified
or unauthorized parties, and consequent
network disruption, theft of service, or data
Accepting Host The SDP policy enforcement points (PEPs) https://cloudsecurityalliance.
(AH) that control access to any resource (or org/artifacts/software-
service) to which an identity might need defined-perimeter-zero-trust-
to connect, and to which the responsible specification-v2/
enterprise needs to hide and control access.
AHs can be located on-premises, in a private
cloud, public cloud, etc.
Access To make contact with one or more discrete
functions of an online, digital service. term/access
Active Directory A Microsoft directory service for the
(AD) management of identities in Windows term/active_directory
domain networks.
Application A system access point or library function that
Programming has a well-defined syntax and is accessible glossary/term/application_
Interface (API) from application programs or user code to programming_interface
provide well-defined functionality.

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 40

Attribute-Based An access control approach in which access
Access Control is mediated based on attributes associated term/abac
(ABAC) with subjects (requesters) and the objects
to be accessed. Each object and subject
has a set of associated attributes, such as
location, time of creation, access rights, etc.
Access to an object is authorized or denied
depending upon whether the required (e.g.,
policy-defined) correlation can be made
between the attributes of that object and of
the requesting subject.
Authentication Verifying the identity of a user, process, or
device, often as a prerequisite to allowing term/authentication
access to resources in an information
Authorization The right or a permission that is granted to a
system entity to access a system resource. term/authorization
Brute Force An attempt to discover a password by
Attacks systematically trying every possible community/controls/Blocking_
combination of letters, numbers, and Brute_Force_Attacks
symbols until you discover the one correct
combination that works.
Certificate Data transmitted from an online certificate
Forgery issuing server to output devices (such as a document/6922060
PC or printer) can be accessed by a hacker
and modified into a false certificate.

Client-to- An application layer protocol for

Authenticator communication between a roaming specs/fido-v2.0-id-20180227/
Protocol (CTAP) authenticator and another client/platform, as fido-client-to-authenticator-
well as bindings of this application protocol protocol-v2.0-id-20180227.html
to a variety of transport protocols using
different physical media. The application
layer protocol defines requirements for such
transport protocols.
Control Plane Used by various infrastructure components
(both enterprise-owned and from service nistpubs/SpecialPublications/
providers) to maintain and configure assets; NIST.SP.800-207.pdf
judge, grant, or deny access to resources;
and perform any necessary operations to set
up communication paths between resources.

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 41

Controller (SDP Determines which SDP hosts can https://downloads.
Controller) communicate with each other. The
controller may relay information to external initiatives/sdp/Software_
authentication services such as attestation, Defined_Perimeter.pdf
geo-location, and/or identity servers.
Data Plane Used for communication between software
components. This communication channel nistpubs/SpecialPublications/
may not be possible before the path has NIST.SP.800-207.pdf
been established via the control plane.
Device The ability to provide proof that elements
Attestation of the device (e.g., firmware) have not been nistpubs/CSWP/NIST.
tampered with. CSWP.09082020-draft.pdf
Device Involves the installation of the physical
Onboarding device and the setup of credentials so that wp-content/uploads/2021/04/
Process it can securely communicate with its target Introduction-to-FIDO-Device-
cloud or platform. T Onboard-1.pdf
Distributed Involves multiple computing devices in
Denial-of-Service disparate locations sending repeated nistpubs/SpecialPublications/
(DDoS) requests to a server with the intent NIST.SP.1800-15.pdf
to overload it and ultimately render it
Domain Name Results in a DNS resolver storing (i.e., https://www.cs.cornell.
System (DNS) caching) invalid or malicious mappings edu/~shmat/shmat_
Poisoning between symbolic names and IP addresses. securecomm10.pdf
Firewall An inter-network connection device that
restricts data communication traffic between term/firewall
two connected networks. A firewall may be
either an application installed on a general-
purpose computer or a dedicated platform
(appliance), which forwards or rejects/drops
packets on a network. Typically firewalls
are used to define zone borders. Firewalls
generally have rules restricting which ports
are open.
Gateway (SDP Provides authorized users and devices with https://cloudsecurityalliance.
Gateway) access to protected processes and services. org/artifacts/sdp-architecture-
The gateway can also enact monitoring, guide-v2/
logging, and reporting on these connections.
Geolocation Provides access to geographical location
information associated with the hosting geolocation/
Hash Message A message authentication code that uses a
Authentication cryptographic key in conjunction with a hash nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.198-1.
Code (HMAC) function. pdf

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 42

Hypertext A secure network communication method,
Transport technically not a protocol in itself, HTTPS article/hypertext-transfer-
Protocol Secure is the result of layering the Hypertext protocol-secure/
(HTTPS) Transfer Protocol (HTTP) on top of the
SSL/TLS protocol, thus adding the security
capabilities of SSL/TLS to standard HTTP
Identity (ID) The set of attribute values (i.e.,
characteristics) by which an entity is term/identity
recognizable and that, within the scope of an
identity manager’s responsibility, is sufficient
to distinguish that entity from any other
Identity The set of technology, policies, and
and Access processes that are used to manage access to nistpubs/SpecialPublications/
Management resources. NIST.SP.800-203.pdf
Identity Provider A trusted entity that issues or registers
(IdP) subscriber authenticators and issues term/identity_provider
electronic credentials to subscribers. A cloud
service provider may be an independent third
party or issue credentials for its own use.
Initiating Host (IH) The host that initiates communication to the https://downloads.
controller and to the AHs. cloudsecurityalliance.
Keyloggers A reconnaissance tool--with keylogging
and screen capture functionality--used for software/
information gathering on compromised
Lightweight A networking protocol for querying and https://csguide.cs.princeton.
Directory Access modifying directory services running over edu/email/setup/ldap
Protocols (LDAP) TCP/IP.
Man-in-the-middle An attack where the adversary positions
(MITM) attacks himself in between the user and the system term/mitm
so that he can intercept and alter data
traveling between them.

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 43

Micro- Is the technique of creating secure zones
segmentation within a data center and cloud deployments searchnetworking/definition/
that allow the organization to separate and microsegmentation
secure each workload. This makes network
security more granular and effective. These
secure zones are created based on business
services, and rules are defined to secure
information workflow.
Misconfiguration An incorrect or suboptimal configuration of
an information system or system component term/misconfiguration
that may lead to vulnerabilities.
Multi-factor Authentication using two or more factors
Authentication to achieve authentication. Factors include: glossary/term/multi_factor_
(MFA) (i) something you know (e.g., password/ authentication
personal identification number (PIN)); (ii)
something you have (e.g., cryptographic
identification device, token); or (iii)
something you are (e.g., biometric).
Multiprotocol An Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)-
Label Switching specified framework that provides for the rit1_2020_2021/pages/IEC_
(MPLS) efficient designation, routing, forwarding, MPLS.pdf
and switching of traffic flows through the
network. MPLS performs the following
functions: specifies mechanisms to manage
traffic flows of various granularities, remains
independent of the Layer-2 and Layber-3
protocols, provides a means to map IP
addresses to simple, fixed-length labels used
by different packet-forwarding and packet-
switching technologies, interfaces to existing
routing protocols, and supports the IP, ATM,
and frame-relay Layer-2 protocols.
Mutual Transport An approach where each microservice https://cheatsheetseries.
Layer Security can identify who it talks to, in addition to
(mTLS) achieving confidentiality and integrity of the Microservices_security.
transmitted data. Each microservice in the html#mutual-transport-layer-
deployment has to carry a public/private key security
pair and uses that key pair to authenticate to
the recipient microservices via mTLS.
Network Access A method of bolstering the security of
Control (NAC) a private or “on-premise” network by nistpubs/Legacy/SP/
restricting the availability of network nistspecialpublication800-41r1.
resources to endpoint devices that comply pdf
with a defined security policy.

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 44

Network Address A function by which internet protocol
Translation (NAT) addresses within a packet are replaced with term/network_address_
different IP addresses. This function is most translation
commonly performed by either routers or
firewalls. It enables private IP networks that
use unregistered IP addresses to connect
to the internet. NAT operates on a router,
usually connecting two networks together,
and translates the private (not globally
unique) addresses in the internal network
into legal addresses before packets are
forwarded to another network.
Network Splitting a network into sub-networks, for
Segmentation example, by creating separate areas on the itl/smallbusinesscyber/
network which are protected by firewalls cybersecurity-basics/glossary
configured to reject unnecessary traffic.
Network segmentation minimizes the harm
of malware and other threats by isolating it
to a limited part of the network.
Next Generation Deep-packet inspection firewalls that
Firewall (NGFW) move beyond port/protocol inspection and en/information-technology/
blocking to add application-level inspection, glossary/next-generation-
intrusion prevention, and bringing firewalls-ngfws
intelligence from outside the firewall. An
NGFW should not be confused with a stand-
alone network intrusion prevention system
(IPS), which includes a commodity or non
enterprise firewall, or a firewall and IPS in
the same appliance that are not closely
Open Systems Qualifies standards for the exchange of https://www.ecma-
Interconnection information among systems that are “open”
(OSI) to one another for this purpose by virtue of uploads/s020269e.pdf
their mutual use of applicable standards.

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 45

Pass-The-Hash Adversaries may “pass the hash” using
stolen password hashes to move laterally techniques/T1550/002/
within an environment, bypassing normal
system access controls. Pass the hash (PtH)
is a method of authenticating as a user
without having access to the user’s cleartext
password. This method bypasses standard
authentication steps that require a cleartext
password, moving directly into the portion
of the authentication that uses the password

Pass-The-Ticket Adversaries may “pass the ticket” using

stolen Kerberos tickets to move laterally techniques/T1550/003/
within an environment, bypassing normal
system access controls. Pass the ticket (PtT)
is a method of authenticating to a system
using Kerberos tickets without having
access to an account’s password. Kerberos
authentication can be used as the first step
to lateral movement to a remote system.
Phishing A technique for attempting to acquire
sensitive data, such as bank account term/phishing
numbers, through a fraudulent solicitation
in email or on a web site, in which the
perpetrator masquerades as a legitimate
business or reputable person.
Port Another essential asset through which
security can be breached. In computer cyber-security/ports-and-its-
science, ports are of two types - physical security/
ports (which is a physical docking point
where other devices connect) and logical
ports (which is a well-programmed docking
point through which data flows over the
internet). Security and its consequences lie
in a logical port.

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 46

Public Key The framework and services that provide
Infrastructure for the generation, production, distribution, term/public_key_infrastructure
(PKI) control, accounting, and destruction of
public key certificates. Components include
the personnel, policies, processes, server
platforms, software, and workstations used
for the purpose of administering certificates
and public-private key pairs, including the
ability to issue, maintain, recover, and revoke
public key certificates.
Role Based Access Access control based on user roles (i.e.,
Control (RBAC) a collection of access authorizations term/role_based_access_
a user receives based on an explicit or control
implicit assumption of a given role). Role
permissions may be inherited through
a role hierarchy and typically reflect the
permissions needed to perform defined
functions within an organization. A given role
may apply to a single individual or to several
Security Assertion A protocol consisting of XML-based
Markup Language request and response message formats for term/security_assertion_
(SAML) exchanging security information, expressed markup_language
in the form of assertions about subjects,
between online business partners.
Security Group Are sets of IP filter rules that are applied to all https://docs.openstack.
project instances, which define networking org/nova/train/admin/
access to the instance. security-groups.
Single Packet Can authenticate a user to a system for
Authorization simple remote administration. It is a protocol presentations/bh-usa-05/bh-
(SPA) for allowing a remote user to authenticate us-05-madhat.pdf
securely on a “closed” system (limited or no
open services) and make changes to or run
applications on the “closed” system.

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 47

Software-Defined An approach to computer networking that
Network (SDN) allows network administrators to manage abstract/document/6819788
network services through abstractions of
higher-level functionality. SDNs manage the
networking infrastructure. This is done by
decoupling the system that makes decisions
about where traffic is sent (the control plane)
from the underlying systems that forward
traffic to the selected destination (the data
Software-Defined A network security architecture that is https://cloudsecurityalliance.
Perimeter (SDP) implemented to provide security at Layers org/artifacts/software-defined-
1-7 of the OSI network stack. An SDP perimeter-and-zero-trust/
implementation hides assets and uses a
single packet to establish trust via a separate
control and data plane prior to allowing
connections to hidden assets.
Structured Query These attacks, which are still quite common
Language (SQL) on the Internet, look for web sites that nistpubs/Legacy/IR/nistir7682.
Injection pass insufficiently processed user input to pdf
database back-ends and then send carefully-
crafted input that will cause exposure
of database records, and possibly allow
destruction of databases.
Transmission A transport protocol that is used on top of
Control Protocol IP to ensure reliable transmission of packets.
(TCP) TCP includes mechanisms to solve many of
the problems that arise from packet-based
messaging, such as lost packets, out of order
packets, duplicate packets, and corrupted
Since TCP is the protocol used most
commonly on top of IP, the Internet protocol
stack is sometimes referred to as TCP/IP.
Transmission A set of protocols covering (approximately)
Control Protocol/ the network and transport layers of the en/information-technology/
Internet Protocol seven-layer Open Systems Interconnection glossary/tcpip-transmission-
(TCP/IP) (OSI) network model. control-protocolinternet-
Transport Layer A cryptographic protocol, successor to SSL,
Security (TLS) that provides security for communications term/transport_layer_security
over a computer or IP network.

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 48

Virtual Local Area A broadcast domain that is partitioned and
Network (VLAN) isolated within a network at the data link term/virtual_local_area_
layer. A single physical local area network network_vlan
(LAN) can be logically partitioned into
multiple, independent VLANs; a group of
devices on one or more physical LANs can be
configured to communicate within the same
VLAN, as if they were attached to the same
physical LAN.
Virtual Private A virtual network built on top of existing
Network (VPN) physical networks that can provide a secure term/virtual_private_network
communications mechanism for data and IP
information transmitted between networks
or between different nodes on the same
Web Web Authentication (WebAuthn), a core
Authentication component of FIDO Alliance’s FIDO2 set of fido2-web-authentication-
(WebAuth) specifications, is a web-based API that allows webauthn/
websites to update their login pages to add
FIDO-based authentication on supported
browsers and platforms. FIDO2 enables
users to leverage common devices to easily
authenticate to online services in both
mobile and desktop environments.

© Copyright 2022, Cloud Security Alliance. All rights reserved. 49

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