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Inbound 8501248654511789159
INDEPENDENCE OF THE FILIPINO PEOPLE (ACTA Cuban War of Independence. American acquisition of
DE LA PROCLAMACIÓN DE LA INDEPENDENCIA Spain's Pacific possessions led to its involvement in
DEL PUEBLO FILIPINO) the Philippine Revolution and ultimately in the
PHILIPPINE REVOLUTION Philippine-American War.
● August 1896- June 12, 1898 was a revolution and ● April 21, 1898- August 13, 1898 (3 months, 3 weeks
subsequent conflict fought between the people and and 2 days)
insurgents of the Philippines and the Kingdom of ● Cuba and Puerto Rico (Caribbean Sea) Philippines
Spain - including its Spanish Empire and Spanish and Guam (Asia-Pacific)
colonial authorities in the Spanish East Indies. ● Resulted in American victory
AMBROSIO RIANZARES BAUTISTA ● Because of arbitrary arrests and abuses of the Civil
● Was a lawyer and author of the Declaration of Guards who cause deaths in connivance with and
Philippine Independence. A distant relative of the even under the express orders of their superior
Rizal family, Bautista frequently provided advice to officers who at times would order the shooting of
Philippine national hero José Rizal during his school those placed under arrest under the pretext that they
days in Manila. attempted to escape in violation of known Rules and
● December 17, 1830 - December 4, 1903 Regulations deportations of illustrious Filipinos,
● Also known as Don Bosyong especially those who decreed by General Blanco at
● Biñan, Laguna, Captaincy General of the Philippines the instigation of the Archbishop and friars interested
● June 10, 1896, Gen Emilio Aguinaldo appointed him in keeping them in ignorance for egoistic and selfish
as Special Commissioner. ends, which deportations were carried out through
● To write "The Act of the Declaration of the processes more execrable than those of the
Independence. Inquisition which every civilized nation repudiates as
a trial without hearing.
INDEPENDENCE ● Resolved to start a revolution in August 1896 in order
● Was proclaimed on June 12, 1898 in Cavite II el to regain the independence and sovereignty of which
Viejo (present-day Kawit, Cavite), Philippines. With the people had been deprived by Spain through
the public reading of the Act of the Declaration of Governor Miguel Lopez de Legazpi.
● 16 page document ● After the Spanish Squadron and the Bombardment of
● Contained aspiration of freedom, sacrifices rule and the Americans. Emilio Aguinaldo went back to issue
revolution that resulted from it. the revolution and defeated their enemies from each
● Kawit in the afternoon Copies were distributed place of the Philippines.
● From Philippine Revolutionary Papers PRP in the
National Library had varying numbers. ● After the speech of the Supreme Judge of the
● From Jim Richardson signees 177 persons. Universe in the United states, he declared that the
Philippines has their own right and freedom in their
own country. Turning into an independent country.
● That they are and have the right to be free and North America, as a manifestation of our profound
independent; that they have ceased to have allegiance gratitude towards great Nation for its disinterested
to the Crown of Spain protection which it lent us and continues lending us.