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THE ACT OF PROCLAMATION OF THE Harbor in Cuba, leading to US intervention in the

INDEPENDENCE OF THE FILIPINO PEOPLE (ACTA Cuban War of Independence. American acquisition of
DE LA PROCLAMACIÓN DE LA INDEPENDENCIA Spain's Pacific possessions led to its involvement in
DEL PUEBLO FILIPINO) the Philippine Revolution and ultimately in the
PHILIPPINE REVOLUTION Philippine-American War.
● August 1896- June 12, 1898 was a revolution and ● April 21, 1898- August 13, 1898 (3 months, 3 weeks
subsequent conflict fought between the people and and 2 days)
insurgents of the Philippines and the Kingdom of ● Cuba and Puerto Rico (Caribbean Sea) Philippines
Spain - including its Spanish Empire and Spanish and Guam (Asia-Pacific)
colonial authorities in the Spanish East Indies. ● Resulted in American victory

KKK Kataas-taasan, Kagalang-galangan, Katipunan ng BATTLE OF MANILA BAY

mga Anak ng Bayan ● Also known as the Battle of Cavite, took place on 1
● As a Philippine revolutionary society founded by May 1898, during the Spanish-American War. he
anti-Spanish colonialism Filipinos in Manila in 1892; battle took place in Manila Bay in the Philippines,
its primary goal was to gain independence from Spain and was the first major engagement of the
through a revolution. Spanish-American War. The battle was one of the
● July 7, 1892 - May 25, 1897 most decisive naval battles in history and marked the
● Andrés Bonifacio, Teodoro Plata, Ladislao Diwa, end of the Spanish colonial period in Philippine
Emilio Jacinto. history
● Kartilya ng Katipunan ● George Dewey
● Patricio Montojo
GEN. EMILIO AGUINALDO EXILED IN HONG ● Casualties and losses1 dead (due to heatstroke), (5]
KONG and 9 wounded
● On December 27, 1897, General Emilio Aguinaldo ● 1 protected cruiser damaged 77 dead and 271
and 25 other revolutionary leaders sailed for Hong wounded 2 protected cruisers sunk, 5 unprotected
Kong from Sual, Pangasinan, on board the steamer cruisers sunk, 1 transport sunk
Uranus, in compliance with the terms of the Pact of
● Republic of Biak-na-Bato on November 1, 1897 ● Was an agreement made in 1898 that involved Spain
● Spanish would give self-rule to the Philippines within relinquishing nearly all of the remaining Spanish
three years if Aguinaldo went into exile Empire, especially Cuba, and ceding Puerto Rico,
● Aguinaldo agreed to end hostilities as well in Guam, and the Philippines to the United States. The
exchange for amnesty and 800,000 pesos (Filipino cession of the Philippines involved a payment of $20
money) as an indemnity. million from the United States to Spain.
● General amnesty would be granted and the Spaniards ● Signed 10 December 1898
would institute reforms in the colony. ● Location Paris, France
● However, both the Spanish and Filipino authorities ● Effective 11 April 1899
failed to follow the terms of the pact ● Beginning of the age of the United States as a world
● As Aguinaldo kept the money in the banks of Hong power
Kong to be used in a future struggle against Spain.
Revolutionist in the Philippines did not surrender all BATTLE OF ALAPAN
their arms. ● Was the first military victory of Emilio Aguinaldo
● Notably, while in Hong Kong, Aguinaldo watched after his return to the Philippines from Hong Kong.
closely the developments in the Philippines and kept After the American naval victory of the Battle of
the P400,000 and his compatriots designed what is Manila Bay, Aguinaldo returned from exile in Hong
today the Philippine national flag. Kong, reconstituted the Philippine Revolutionary
Army, and fought against a small garrison of Spanish
SPANISH -AMERICAN WAR troops in Alapan, Imus, Cavite.
● Was fought between the United States and Spain in ● Alapan, Imus, Cavite, Philippines
1898. Hostilities began in the aftermath of the ● May 28, 1898
internal explosion of the USS Maine in Havana ● 5 hours, from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M
● Victory at Alapan ● Andres Bonifacio (Director of the Interior)
● Unfurled the Philippine flag first time at the Teatro ● Bonifacio disrupted because of educational
Caviteño in Cavite Nuevo (present-day Cavite City). attainment.
● Group of American sailors of the US Asiatic ● Bonifacio angrily declared the elections null and void
Squadron also witnessed the unfurling. then walked out.
● Bonifacio built his own government with an armed
● Bonifacio was executed for being guilty of treason
GEN. EMILIO AGUINALDO and sedition with his brother Procopio May 10, 1897
● Was a Filipino revolutionary, politician, and military
leader who is officially recognized as the first and the BIAK NA BATO
youngest President of the Philippines (1899-1901) ● Was the first republic ever declared in the Philippines
and first president of a constitutional republic in Asia. by revolutionary leader Emilio Aguinaldo and his
● March 22, 1869- February 6, 1964 fellow revolutionaries. It was disestablished by a
● Born in Cavite el Viejo (present-day Kawit) Cavite peace treaty signed by Aguinaldo and the Spanish
Carlos Jamir Aguinaldo and Trinidad Governor-General, Fernando Primo de Rivera which
Famy-Aguinaldo included provision for exile of Aguinaldo and key
● Carlos J. Aguinaldo was the community's appointed associates to Hong Kong.
gobernadorcillo (municipal governor) ● November 1 1897- December 14, 1897
● His grandparents Eugenio K. Aguinaldo and Maria ● The Spanish troops regained Cavite
Jamir-Aguinaldo ● Aguinaldo was forced to retreat to the mountains of
● He studied at Colegio de San Juan de Letran Captain biak na bato.
municipal of Kawit 1894 Katipunan name Magdalo ● The Spaniards' rebels in the mountain hideout were
● In another branch of Katipunan name Magdiwang futile.
Philippine Revolution (1896-1898) ● Stalemate ensued, broken by a proposal of indemnity
and amnesty which the rebels agreed.
SUPREMO ANDRES BONIFACIO ● It was disestablished by a peace treaty signed by
● Deodato Arellano was the first president of Aguinaldo and the Spanish Governor-General,
Katipunan in 1892. But in February 1893 he was Fernando Primo de Rivera
changed by Roman Basa. In 1895 another change of ● Aguinaldo and his officers went into exile in Hong
position of leader and it was Andres Bonifacio the Kong December 1897.
new President. So he was called Supremo Bonifacio.
● Andrés Bonifacio y de Castro PHILIPPINE AMERICAN WAR
● November 30, 1863 - May 10, 1897 ● Was an armed conflict between the First Philippine
● Tondo, Manila, Captaincy General of the Philippines Republic and the United States that lasted from
● Filipino revolutionary leader and the president of the February 4, 1899, to July 2, 1902. While Filipino
Tagalog Republic The Father of the Philippine nationalists viewed the conflict as a continuation of
Revolution" Supreme leader of Katipunan the struggle for independence that began in 1896 with
● Not finishing his normal education, Bonifacio the Philippine Revolution.
enriched his natural intelligence with self-education. ● February 4, 1899 - July 2, 1902 (3 years, 4 months
● Monica (c. 1880-1890, her death)Gregoria de Jesús and 4 weeks) Filipino realized that the Americans
(1893-1897, her death) were the new colonizers.
● Children Andres de Jesús Bonifacio, Jr. (born on ● The conflict arose when the First Philippine Republic
early 1896, died in infancy objected to the terms of the Treaty of Paris under
which the United States
PAMAHALAANG PAGHIHIMAGSIK ● February 4, 1899, Second Battle of Manila
● Elections were held in Barrio Tejeros. San Francisco ● June 2, 1899, the First Philippine Republic officially
de Malabon (now General trias) on March 22, 1897. declared war against the United States.
● Aguinaldo was elected President w/ ● The war officially ended on July 2, 1902, victory for
● Mariano Trias (Vice President) the United States
● Artemio Ricarte (Captain General) ● Katipunan—continued to battle the American forces
● Emiliano Riego de Dios (Director of War) for several more years.
● Among those leaders battling against America is READING OF THE ACT OF PROCLAMATION OF
● 1916 Philippine Autonomy Act-
JAPANESE WORLD WAR II ● BEFORE ME, Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista, War
● The Empire of Japan entered World War II by Counsellor and Special Delegate designated to
launching a surprise offensive which opened with the proclaim and solemnize this Declaration of
attack on Pearl Harbor at 7:48 a.m. Hawaiian Time Independence by the Dictatorial Government of the
(18:18 GMT) on December 7th, 1941. Over the Philippines, pursuant to, and by virtue of, a Decree
course of seven hours there were coordinated issued by the Engregious Dictator Don Emilio
Japanese attacks on the U.S.-held Philippines, Guam Aguinaldo y Famy,
and Wake Island and on the British Empire in
Malava. Singapore, and Hong Kong ●  he undersigned assemblage of military chiefs and
● Japanese attacked Philippines on 8 December 1941 others of the army who could not attend, as well as
● War on 8 May 1942 - 5 July 1945 the representatives of the various towns,
● Aguinaldo was charged with collaboration by the
Americans for helping Japanese world war II ●  aking into account the fact that the people of this
country are already tired of bearing the ominous yoke
ABOUT THE TEXT of Spanish domination.

AMBROSIO RIANZARES BAUTISTA ● Because of arbitrary arrests and abuses of the Civil
● Was a lawyer and author of the Declaration of Guards who cause deaths in connivance with and
Philippine Independence. A distant relative of the even under the express orders of their superior
Rizal family, Bautista frequently provided advice to officers who at times would order the shooting of
Philippine national hero José Rizal during his school those placed under arrest under the pretext that they
days in Manila. attempted to escape in violation of known Rules and
● December 17, 1830 - December 4, 1903 Regulations deportations of illustrious Filipinos,
● Also known as Don Bosyong especially those who decreed by General Blanco at
● Biñan, Laguna, Captaincy General of the Philippines the instigation of the Archbishop and friars interested
● June 10, 1896, Gen Emilio Aguinaldo appointed him in keeping them in ignorance for egoistic and selfish
as Special Commissioner. ends, which deportations were carried out through
● To write "The Act of the Declaration of the processes more execrable than those of the
Independence. Inquisition which every civilized nation repudiates as
a trial without hearing.
INDEPENDENCE ● Resolved to start a revolution in August 1896 in order
● Was proclaimed on June 12, 1898 in Cavite II el to regain the independence and sovereignty of which
Viejo (present-day Kawit, Cavite), Philippines. With the people had been deprived by Spain through
the public reading of the Act of the Declaration of Governor Miguel Lopez de Legazpi.
● 16 page document ● After the Spanish Squadron and the Bombardment of
● Contained aspiration of freedom, sacrifices rule and the Americans. Emilio Aguinaldo went back to issue
revolution that resulted from it. the revolution and defeated their enemies from each
● Kawit in the afternoon Copies were distributed place of the Philippines.
● From Philippine Revolutionary Papers PRP in the
National Library had varying numbers. ● After the speech of the Supreme Judge of the
● From Jim Richardson signees 177 persons. Universe in the United states, he declared that the
Philippines has their own right and freedom in their
own country. Turning into an independent country.
● That they are and have the right to be free and North America, as a manifestation of our profound
independent; that they have ceased to have allegiance gratitude towards great Nation for its disinterested
to the Crown of Spain protection which it lent us and continues lending us.

● And imbued with firm confidence in Divine IDENTIFICATION OF IMPORTANTS AUTHOR/READERS

Providence, we hereby mutually bind ourselves to
support this Declaration with our lives, our fortunes, AUTHOR'S POINT
and with our sacred possession, our Honor. ● The heroine of this topic is definitely Emilio
Aguilnaldo. He really fought hard for the
● We recognize, approve, and ratify, with all the orders independence of our country. From the Spanish war,
emanating from the same, the Dictatorship Philippine- American war and Japanese war. Building
established by Don Emilio Aguinaldo whom we alliances, Katipunan, form of government and
reverse as the Supreme Head of this Nation. sacrificing his life for sake of our freedom and his
● And in punishment for the impunity with which the
Government sanctioned the commission of abuses by ● That is why we should not take this for granted and
its officials, and for the unjust execution of Rizal and learn this history about our heroes and be grateful
others who were sacrificed in order to please the that we are living this solemnly freedom because of
insatiable friars in their hydropical thirst for their braveness fighting this independence.
vengeance against and extermination of all those who
oppose their Machiavellian ends READERS POINT
● The Importance of these study for me was to give
● Unjust execution of Rizal and others who were honour and respect for those who sacrificed and fight
sacrificed in order to please the insatiable friars in for our independence; and as a Filipino we must
their hydropical thirst for vengeance against and know the history on how we achieve the
extermination of all these who oppose their independence of our country, having enough
Machiavellian, Execution of the decree-sentence knowledge about it because Globalization occurs now
issued by the Council of State in the appeal in the and modernization of new things and sometimes The
administrative case interposed by the secular clergy New Generation have less interest when it comes in
against Royal Orders that directed, Recollects in this kind of topic but have more interest when it
exchange for those controlled by them in Mindanao comes to new trends that's why it is so sad when a
which were transferred to the Jesuits, Adjoining of Filipino did not have any background of his/her story.
regions of the province where the unequaled heroism
of its inhabitants fought a one sided battle against ● The Declaration of lndependence of Filipinos in June
superior forces and General Blanco and General 12, 1898 is very important for the whole country of
Polavieja for a period of three months, without proper the Philippines. This is the Day of Freedom in
arms nor ammunitions, except bolos, pointed Filipino people under the Spanish domination. We
bamboos and arrows. need to be thankful to all the heroes and forefathers
who fought hard for our freedom from the frightful
● Dictator Don Emilio Aguinaldo had all the necessary oppression and colonization by the Spaniards. We
power to enable him to discharge the duties of need to reminisce all the efforts of our forefathers and
Government, including the prerogatives of granting heroes who loves our nation and fought just for our
pardon and amnesty. mother country even this cost of their lives. So as a
Filipino we need to have a devotion love to our
● The Declaration that the Nation was already free and country or by having a heart of a nationalism. What
independent as of this day were in the same flag must we are now today is because we achieved the day of
be used and the symbol in the flag that symbolize the our freedom, the independence of the Philippines.
Philippines History; The white triangle signifying the
famous society "Katipunan", Three stars signifying
the Philippine Islands, The Luzon, Visayas and
Mindanao, and the colors Blue, Red and White
commemorating the flag of the United States of The
Lesson 2: Philippine Cartoons: Political Caricatures of the THE NEWSPAPERS IN THE PHILIPPINE CARTOONS
American Era The Independent (la independencia)
● Founded in 1915 by the Father of Cebuano letters Vicente
ALFRED McCOY - “Historian of the Southeast Asia” Sotto, one of the militant and aggressive advocates of
● Born June 8, 1945 in Massachusetts, USA immediate independence.
● McCoy graduated from the Kent School in 1964. ● A weekly newspaper published in English and Spanish.
● He earned his BA in European Studies from Columbia ● A forum for its publishers for political crusades.
College in 1968. ● Discussed questions of tenancy, urban poverty, and
● He earned his M.A. Asian Studies in University of political issues.
California at Berkeley in 1969. ● Where Fernando Amorsolo began his career as the
● He earned his PhD in Southeast Asian history from Yale “angriest of Manila’s political cartoonists.”
University in 1977.
● McCoy served on the faculty of the University of New The Philippines Free Press
South Wales for eleven years. ● Founded in 1906 by Judge W.A. Kincaid but was taken
● In 1989, he joined University of Wisconsin-Madison over by McCullough Dick due to bankruptcy
● Used the Philippine political caricatures to understand the ● Published in both Spanish and English
social and political context of the Philippines during the ● Featured investigative reporting about the country's
American period. development
● Worked with Alfredo Roces, his co-Author of Philippine ● Appeared more personal than national and not tied to a
Cartoons: Political Caricatures of the American Era particular political party.
● In 2001, the Association for Asian Studies awarded ● Advocated integrity, and democracy Philippine progress.
McCoy the Grant Goodman Prize for his career
contributions to the study of the Philippines. Bag-Ong Kusog
● In October 2012, Yale University's Graduate School ● (Literally “New Force ''), the most popular Cebuano
Alumni Association awarded McCoy the Wilbur Lucius pre-war periodical.
Cross Medal. ● It draws a picture of pre-war social life in Cebu.
● Featured the clash between the traditional
Alfredo Reyes Roces (29 Apr 1923) Spanish-influenced culture and the new American
● a painter, an essayist, and versatile artist. orientation.
● holds a prominent place in the history of Philippine art. ● Depicted the breaking down of hallowed customs and the
● He is a painter who started with a figurative style but soon social practices due to American influence.
began to amalgamate Expressionism, Fauvism and ● Focused criticism on co-education introduced by the
Impressionism in his paintings. Americans which endangered the virtue of women.


● A caricature is a rendered image showing the features of its American Colonization
subject in a simplified or exaggerated way through ● Transition from Spanish colonial rule to American
sketching, pencil strokes, or through other artistic drawings colonial period.
(compared to: cartoon). ● Filipino resistance on the American Policy over the
● History outline of the Philippines. Political cartoon, a Philippine
drawing (often including caricature) made for the purpose ● American initiatives on economic, educational system,
of conveying editorial commentary on politics, politicians, public health, transportation and communication
and current events. Such cartoons play a role in the ● The freedom was more recognized such as speech and
political discourse of a society that provides for freedom of press exercised unlike during the Spanish period.
speech and of the press. ● The American colonial government sued the press through
libel charges.
Five common persuasive techniques used by cartoonists ● The Chinese were still discriminated
1. Exaggeration - Cartoonists will overdo physical ● The friars were attacked in the press
characteristics of people or things in order to make a point. ● Filipino politicians were the new illustrados
2. Labeling - Objects or people are often labeled by ● Police were corrupt and the rise of rural poverty
cartoonists to make it clear exactly what they stand for. ● Prostitution and gambling were rampant
3. Symbolism - Objects are used to stand for larger concepts ● Sanitation were poor, less hospitals population
or ideas. ● Cartoons were used to seek reforms
4. Analogy - Cartoonists will 'draw' a comparison between
two unlike things.
5. Irony - The difference between the way things are and the
way things should be.
American colonial rule: Historical Information:
● Filipino representation in the Assembly 1. Police Corruption – to protect
● Filipinization in the government gambling clubs
● Campaign for Philippine Independence 2. Passage of law authorizing all
● The Commonwealth period legislators to bear firearms


Historical Information: 1. The Manila Police here is shown taking
The problem of homesteading and bribes from the Chinese, while
US-style tenancy during the American protecting the gambling clubs
colonial government patronized by Filipinos.
2. The editorial depicts the superiority of
Analysis the legislators.
It presents the oppressed condition of
the farmers during the American Historical Information:
colonial period. ● Filipinos have always been
historically divided.
Historical Information: Analysis:
● The vulnerability of our economy ● Landlord vs. Tenants Christians
to foreign economic policy vs. Non- Christians Pro H-H-C-L
● Bankruptcy of the PNB vs. the Antis

Analysis: Historical Information:

● Tentativeness of the government to 1. Ecclesiastical Encomienda
implement policy that will help the ● Frailocracy
farmers. 2. Bureau of Public Health - Filipinos
● Exploitation of small farmers.

Historical Information: Analysis:

● Dramatic increase in Manila’s 1. Poor people are homeless while the
population resulted in rising rent and high food Roman Catholic Church owns big lands.
prices. 2. The Filipinization of the Bureau of Public
Analysis: resulted in ineffective and inefficient service.
● Harrison’s solution to the problem was
a band aid solution rather than implementing Historical Information:
fundamental reform like public housing The Americans introduced a free and a
construction. more democratic educational system in
● The Filipino elite were favored for the Philippines.
their loyalty to the government. Analysis:
Both editorials depict the results of the
Analysis: introduction of American Education in the
The cartoons presented the Filipino Philippine system. Gender equality in
nationalists becoming economic aliens to their education Accessibility of education
own land because Americans already
dominated the economic activities in the Historical Information:
country. The Americans used the educational system
to control/manipulate the Filipinos.
Historical Information:
The political practice in the country Analysis:
especially during elections. The introduction of the English language. As a
Analysis: result of American education, they were able
It features the political irony of the to develop an image worthy of Filipino love
election process in the Philippines and respect.
wherein initially the candidates bow and
beg favor from the Filipino masses but at
the end the Filipinos masses begging.
CONTRIBUTION AND RELEVANCE Why was Corazon Aquino in the US Congress?
● These historical caricatures are relevant visual and ● President Corazon C. Aquino has accepted an invitation
contextual realities that can fill-in the gap in from President Reagan to visit the United States, a
understanding the grand narrative of Philippine history. spokesman said today.
● Using historical caricature is a dynamic avenue of ● The announcement was confirmed in Los Angeles, where
deciphering Philippine history providing relevant visual White House officials said President Reagan invited Mrs.
representations of the past and a contextual approach of Aquino during a telephone conversation Thursday night
understanding historical meanings and implications. for a visit some
● The featured caricatures were powerful tools in the ● Mrs. Aquino's spokesman, Rene Saguisag, said that during
political, economic and social advocacies which can their three-minute conversation, which was the first direct
inspire and remind us also of our advocacies at present contact Mr. Reagan has had with the new Philippine leader
time. since she took office two months ago, Mr. Reagan invited
● The caricatures depict the realities happening during the her to visit Washington sometime after the American
American period which expresses the sentiments of the elections, and ''she said she'd be delighted.'' 'Low in Her
Filipinos. Priorities Time in the fall.
● We may not be in a specific period of the past but we are
not devoid in understanding history because historical Revisiting Corazon Aquino's Speech Before the U.S. Congress
caricatures bring us to the past and provide us a rich, Corazon "Cory" Cojuangco Aquino functioned as the
dynamic and contextual source of depicting events and symbol of the restoration of democracy and the overthrow of the
realities. Marcos Dictatorship in 1986. The EDSA People Power, which
● In contemporary times, the use of editorial caricatures are installed Cory Aquino in the presidency, put the Philippines in the
still powerful tools that depict the temper of the present international spotlight for overthrowing a dictator through peaceful
time and express the problems and sentiments of the means. Cory was easily a figure of the said revolution, as the widow
present context. of the slain Marcos oppositionist and former Senator Benigno
● It is likewise a means of the present time to trigger the "Ninoy" Aquino Jr. Cory was hoisted as the antithesis of the
awareness of the people concerning different issues dictator. Her image as a mourning, widowed housewife who had
always been in the shadow of her husband and relatives and had no
Lesson 3: President Corazon Aquino experience in politics was juxtaposed against Marco's
President Corazon Aquino Speech to a Joint Session of the statesmanship, eloquence, charisma, and cunning political skills.
U.S. Congress delivered 18 September 1986, Washington, D.C. Nevertheless, Cory was able to capture the imagination of the
people whose rights and freedom had long been compromised
Corazon Aquino throughout the Marcos regime. This is despite the fact that Cory
● Maria Corazon "Cory" Sumulong Cojuangco Aquino, (25 came from a rich haciendero family in Tarlac and owned vast
January 1933 – 1 August 2009) was a Filipina politician estates plantation and whose relatives occupy local and national
who served as the 11th president of the Philippines from government positions.
1986 to 1992. She was the most prominent figure of the
1986 People Power Revolution, which ended the On 18 September 1986, seven months since Cory became
two-decade rule of President Ferdinand Marcos and led to president, she went to the United States and spoke before the joint
the establishment of the current democratic Fifth session of the US. Congress. Cory was welcomed with long
Philippine Republic. applause as she took the podium and addressed the United States
● Corazon Aquino was married to Senator Benigno Aquino about her presidency and the challenges faced by the new republic.
Jr., who was one of the most prominent critics of President She began her speech with the story of her leaving the United States
Marcos. After the assassination of her husband on 21 three years prior as a newly widowed wife of Ninoy Aquino.
August 1983, she emerged as leader of the opposition
against the president. In late 1985, Marcos called for a She then told of Ninoy's character, conviction, and resolve
snap election, and Aquino ran for president with former in opposing the authoritarianism of Marcos. She talked of the three
Senator Salvador Laurel as her running mate for vice times that they lost Ninoy including his demise on 23 August 1983.
president. The first time was when the dictatorship detained Ninoy with
others. Cory related:
US CONGRESS “The government sought to break him by indignities and
● The United States Congress is the legislature of the federal terror. They locked him up in a tiny, nearly airless cell in a military
government of the United States. It is bicameral, being camp in the north. They stripped him naked and held a threat of a
composed of a lower body, the House of Representatives, sudden midnight execution over his head. Ninoy held up manfully
and an upper body, the Senate. The Congress meets in the under all of it. I barely did as well. For forty-three (43) days, the
United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. authorities would not tell me what had happened to him. This was
the first time my children and I felt we had lost him."
Cory continued that when Ninoy survived that first "Again as we restore democracy by the ways of
detention, he was then charged with subversion, murder, and other democracy, so are we completing the constitutional structures of our
crimes. He was tried by a military court, whose legitimacy Ninoy new democracy under a constitution that already gives full respect
adamantly questioned. To solidify his protest, Ninoy decided to do a to the Bill of Rights. A jealousy independent constitutional
hunger strike and fasted for 40 days. Cory treated this event as the commission is completing its draft which will be submitted later
second time that their family lost Ninoy. She said: this year to a popular referendum. When it is approved, there will be
"When that didn't work, they put him on trial for elections for both national and local positions. So, within about a
subversion, murder and a host of other crimes before a military year from a peaceful but national upheaval that overturned a
commission. Ninoy challenged its authority and went on a fast. If he dictatorship, we shall have returned to full constitutional
survived it, then he felt God intended him for another fate. We had government."
lost him again. For nothing would hold him back from his
determination to see his fast through to the end. He stopped only Cory then proceeded on her peace agenda with the existing
when it dawned on him that the government would keep his body communist insurgency, aggravated by the dictatorial and
alive after the fast had destroyed his brain. And so, with barely any authoritarian measure of Ferdinand Marcos. She asserted:
life in his body, he called off the fast on the 40th day." "May predecessor set aside democracy to save it from a
communist insurgency that numbered less than five hundred.
Ninoy's death was the third and the last time that Cory and Unhampered by respect for human rights he went at it with hammer
their children's lost Ninoy. She continued: and tongs. By the time he fled., that insurgency had grown to more
"And then, we lost him irrevocably and more painfully than sixteen thousand. I think there is a lesson here to be learned
than in the past. The news came to us in Boston. It had to be after about trying to stiíle a thing with a means by which it grows"
the three happiest years of our lives together. But his death was my
country's resurrection and the courage and faith by which alone they Cory's peace agenda involves initiatives and reintegration
could be free again. The dictator had called him a nobody. Yet, two programs to persuade insurgents to leave the countryside and return
million people threw aside their passivity and fear and escorted to to the mainstream society to participate in the restoration of
his grave." democracy. She invoked the path of peace because she believed that
it was the normal path of peace because she believed that it was the
Cory attributed the peaceful EDSA revolution to the normal path that a moral government must take. Nevertheless, Cory
martyrdom of Ninoy. She stated that the death of Ninoy sparked the took a step back when she said that while peace is the priority of her
revolution and the responsibility of "offering the democratic presidency, she "will not waiver" when freedom and democracy are
alternative: had "fallen on (her) shoulders." Cory's address threatened. She said that, similar to Abraham Lincoln, she
introduced us to her democratic philosophy, which she claimed she understands that "force may be necessary before mercy' and while
also acquired from Ninoy. She argued: she did not relish the idea, she "will do whatever it takes to defend
"I held fast to Ninoy's conviction that it must be by the the integrity and freedom of (her) county"
ways of democracy. I held out for participation in the 1984 election
the dictatorship called, even if I knew it would be rigged. I was Cory then turned to the controversial topic of the
warned by the lawyers of the opposition, that I ran the grave risk of Philippine foreign debt amounting to $26 billion at the time of her
legitimizing the fraudulent. ButI was not fighting for lawyers but speech. This debt had ballooned during the Marcos regime. Cory
for the people in whose intelligence, I had implicit faith. By the expressed her intention to honor those debts despite mentioning that
exercise of democracy even in a dictatorship when it came. And the people did not benefit from such debts. Thus, she mentioned her
then also, it was the only wayI knew by which we could measure protestations about the way the Philippines was deprived of choices
our power even in the terms dictated by the dictatorship. The people to pay those debts within the capacity of the Filipino people. She
vindicated me in an election, garnering a clear majority of the votes lamented:
even if they ended up (thanks to a corrupt Commission on “Finally may I turn that other slavery, our twenty-six
Elections) with barely a third of the seats in Parliament. Now, I billion dollar foreign debt. I have said we shall honor it. Yet, the
knew our power." means by which we shall be able to do so are kept from us. Many of
the conditions imposed on the previous government that stole this
Cory talked about her miraculous victory through the debt, continue to be imposed on us who never benefited from it"
people's struggle and continued talking about her earliest initiatives
as the president of a restored democracy. She stated that she She continued that while the country had experienced the
intended to forge and draw reconciliation after a bloody and calamities brought about by the corrupt dictatorship of Marcos, no
polarizing dictatorship. Cory emphasized the importance of the commensurate assistance was yet to be extended to the Philippines.
EDSA revolution in terms of being a "limited revolution that She even remarked that given the peaceful character of EDSA
respected the life and freedom of every Filipino." She also boasted People Power Revolution, "ours must have been the cheapest
of the restoration of a fully constitutional government whose revolution ever:'' She demonstrated that Filipino people fulfilled the
constitution gave utmost respect to the Bill of Rights. She reported "most difficult condition of the debt negotiation," which was the
to the U.S. Congress: "restoration of democracy and responsible government"
"Whenever I went in the campaign, slum area or diametric opposition of the dictator (i.e, initiating reintegration of
impoverished village. They came to me with one cry, democracy. communist rebels to the mainstream Philippine society). Cory
Not food although they clearly needed it but democracy. Not work, claimed that her main approach to this problem was through peace
although they surely wanted it but democracy. Not money, for they and not through the sword of war.
gave what little they had to my campaign. They didn't expect me to
work a miracle that would instantly put food into their mouths, Despite Cory's efforts to hoist herself as the exact opposite of
clothes on their back, education in their children and give them Marcos, her speech still revealed certain parallelisms between the
work that will put dignity in their lives. But I feel the pressing Philippines and the United States, the known affinity between the said
world super power and Marcos. The Aquino regime, as seen in Corys
obligation to respond quickly as the leader of the people so
acceptance of the invitation to address the U.S. Congress and to the content
deserving of all these things.``
of the speech, decided to build and continue with the alliance between the
Philippines and the United States and effectively implemented an
Cory proceeded in enumerating the challenges of the essentially similar foreign policy to that of the dictatorship. For example,
Filipino as they tried building the new democracy. These were the Cory recognized that the large sum of foreign debts incurred by the MarcoS
persisting communist insurgency and the economic deterioration. regime never benefited the Filipino people. Nevertheless, Cory expressed
Cory further lamented that these problems worsened by the her intention to pay off th0se debts. Unknown to many Filipinos was the
crippling debt because half of the country's export earnings fact that there was a choice of waiving the said debt because those were the
amounting to $2 billion would "go to pay just the interest on a debt debt of the dictator of her government's intention to carry on a debt-driven
whose benefit the Filipino people never received." Cory then asked
a rather compelling question to the U.S. Congress:
Reading through Aquino's speech, we can already take
"Has there been a greater test of national commitment to
cues, not just on Cory's individual ideas and aspirations, but also the
the ideals you hold dear than that my people have gone through?
guiding principles and framework of the government that she
You have spent many lives and much treasures to bring freedom to
many lands that were reluctant to receive it. And here, you have a
people who want it by themselves and need only the help it''
● The color yellow was symbolic of the anti-Marcos
movement, and eventually became associated with the new
Cory ended her speech by thanking America for serving as
President, Aquino's widow Corazón Aquino. The yellow ribbon
home to her family for what she referred to as the "three happiest
regained popularity in 2009 as a show of support for an ailing
years of our lives together." She enjoined America in building the
Corazón Aquino.
Philippines as a new home for democracy and in turning the country
as a "shining testament of our two nations' commitment to

Analysis of Cory Aquino's Speech

Cory Aquino's speech was an important event in the political and
diplomatic history of the country because it has arguably cemented the
legitimacy of the EDSA government in the international arena. The speech
talks of her family background, especially her relationship with her late
husband, Ninoy Aquino. It is well that it was Ninoy who served as the real
leading figure of the opposition at that time. Indeed, Ninoy's eloquence and
charisma could very well compete with that of Marcos. In her speech, Cory
talked at length about Ninoy's toil and suffering at the hands of the
dictatorship that he resisted. Even when she proceeded talking about her
Lesson 4: Site of First Mass in the Philippines
new government, she still went back to Ninoy's legacies and lessons.
Moreover, her attribution of the revolution to Ninoy's death demonstrates
not only Cory's personal perception on the revolution, but since she was the ● around 1491 when he was born at Vicenza, Republic of
president, it also represents what the dominant discourse was at that point Venice or was know now as Italy and died at the age of
in our history. 39-40 around 1531
● He studied astronomy; geography and cartography
The ideology or the principles of the new democratic ● an Italian scholar and explorer from the Republic of
government can also be seen in the same speech. Aquino was able Venice
to draw the sharp contrast between her government and of her ● He travelled with the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand
predecessor by expressing her commitment to a democratic Magellan and his crew on their First Voyage around the
constitution drafted by an independent commission. She claimed world
that such constitution upholds and adheres to the rights and liberty ● He was one of the 18 men who returned to Spain in 1522
of the Filipino people. Cory also hoisted herself as the
reconciliatory agent after more than two decades of a polarizing ❖ The first Catholic Mass in the Philippines was held on
authoritarian politics. For example, Cory saw the blown-up March 31, 1521 (Eastern Sunday)
communist insurgency as a product of a repressive and corrupt ❖ Easter Sunday is one of the most festive events among
government. Her response to this insurgency rooted from her Christians worldwide. It commemorates Jesus Christ's
resurrection from death, as written in the Christian bible.
Easter Sunday commemorates Jesus' resurrection from ● Colin's Labor Evangelica, published in 1663, presents the
death. story of the Jesuit mission in the Philippines, China and
❖ Father Pedro de Valderrama was the only priest in Japan down to 1616. The Moluccas, as part of the Jesuit
Magellan's crew, who was given the task of celebrating the Philippine Province, appears in both his historical account
first Holy Mass on the shores of Limasawa, an island at the of the Spanish and in his record of the Jesuit mission.
tip of Southern Leyte.
❖ located at the Southern Leyte ● Francisco Albo ( pilot of Magellan’s flagship does not
❖ a popularly known as the birthplace of the Church in the mention the first mass but he wrote that they erected a
Philippines. cross on a mountain which overlooked three islands the
❖ Holy First Mass marked the birth of Roman Catholicism west and the southwest.
in the Philippines. Francisco Albo, the pilot of the Victoria (the only ship to
complete the first circumnavigation), kept a log of the
Controversies Between Limasawa & Masao/Butuan voyage, the Diario ó derrotero
● Located in Masao Butuan City, Agusan Del Norte, this site ● James Robertson agreed with Pastells in a footnote that
is believed to be where Magellan landed and made blood “Mazua” was actually Limasawa.
compact with Raja Siaiu. James Alexander Robertson, who translated Pigafetta's
● History has this to say: Antonio Pigafetta and the Official manuscripts into English in 1906
Chronicler of Magellan’s fleet wrote “as we have seen a
fire on an island (Masawa) that night before, we anchored ● In the authentic account of Pigafetta, the port was not in
near it. Butuan but an island named Mazua ( Masawa)
● “Masawa” means “bright” in Butuanon, the only language ● Father Bernard studied all the Pigafetta’s maps, which
in the Philippines that contains the word. This monument place in Mazau off the southern tip of the larger island of
is located some 30 minutes by tricycle from Butuan City Leyte., a check with the modern maps will show that this
proper. jibes with Limasawa and not Masao or Butuan.

MASAO Evidence for Limasawa

● 1872: A monument to commemorate the site of the first 1. The evidence of Albo’s Log-Book
mass in the Philippines was erected in Butuan. 2. The Evidence of Pigafetta
● 1953: The people in Butuan asked the Philippine a. Pigafetta’s testimony regarding the route;
Historical Committee to rehabilitate the monument or b. The evidence of Pigafetta’s map
place a marker on the site. c. The two native kings
● On the basis of this objection the monument was re d. The seven days at “Mazaua”
erected but the marble slab stating it was the site of first e. An argument from omission
mass was removed. 3. Summary of the evidence of Albo and Pigafetta.
4. Confirmatory evidence from the Legazpi expedition.
● Zaide identified Masao in Butuan as the location of the
first mass. The basis Zaide’s claim is the diary of Antonio Evidence for Masao
Pigafetta, chronicle of Magellan’s voyage 1. The name of the place
Gregorio F. Zaide - A multi-awarded author, Zaide wrote 2. The route from Homonhon
67 books and more than 500 articles about history, he is 3. The latitude position
known as the "Dean of Filipino Historiographers." 4. The geographical features
a. the bonfire
LIMASAWA b. the balanghai
● Jaime de Veyra stated that the first mass was celebrated in c. house
Limasawa not in Butuan. d. abundance of gold
Jaime Carlos Diaz de Veyra was a Resident Commissioner e. a developed settlement
to the U.S. House of Representatives from the Philippine
Islands and Governor of Leyte. MASAO OR LIMASAWA?
Atega emphasized the determination of longitude to
● Fr. Pablo Pastells stating by the footnote to Francisco pinpoint the location of the first Mass. Citing primary sources, he
Collin’s Labor Evangelica that Magellan did not go to traced the route taken by the Magellan expedition and concluded
Butuan but from Limasawa to Cebu. that 93⁄4 degrees latitude combined with his reading of longitude
Fr. Pablo Pastells was the Jesuit priest who attempted to coordinates in other sources led to BUTUAN ISLAND as the site of
convince Jose Rizal to return to orthodox Roman the Mass
Catholicism through letters.

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