Cuoun H Cale Cardiert Toireuinly Meio: (Ourse Mjm-023 0roadcast Onl Ate Roete

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(oURSE MJm-023 0ROADCAST onl ate roete


CUatch he Drme 2me hes on an o teieviston

NRAOS Ckcennd Ond descéhe Vartdoug rcufrramm fOnoois
USed by hese channels
COFedertakon 0s indian indus try (cI) org an? zed
adCuiion tied Repong ?6te media Necus $ensa
onal me dea amcon hose cuho Padtipae uerne
DeS eiéNësi On Gnd neus fapen editor and Hon
met dtorr rot ludinc EaLnonhekhart GOpic
VEKrtan Chendrta Gnd paideep Gndesai Drojart
ghartaichdek Xecutve 1CuwhirtSiCorc (waj kn
tno he dScussdon tas kooed by the Danel tak=
dueleons ktLam h Guddence t h ueieL oh£e
ChUcuaIy ended Up bunon ComcmsHSronal
Nenis luere o49 reAsWe nd the Pokti did not
hotd boK s UuHdsm 0K Ahe mdlo
AHhouh 1one ek the PaneLi aid thart formme-
DH tam h audente Should be Congdered
hostete c thest èrzg just_Deopte wriK opéniong
bul ho Koatwledqe-nodikkernt sramke_averoge
draweng rtoomoVeraadcun he frrouble SUCh
ConVenkddons ane beng hêard over nd over ochi
Cn drtauuin Foomk of meddle and uPDerr -mtdkle
Clas home 1mediobashn CSnoa thendrhS
Cuoun h Cale Cardiert toireuinLy meio
Teachers SIgnature ******p**********p*atn*************
Date eeeesoeeesnes

|Page No.-

lertonntl Cind hemstl ves omn Undert fre Fram

Oon- media rtdendi and rretatévey

f0Some extent s(ue ma have hrtbuht 4hes cn

pon oun seives eieveslon heus Channels fort en
Stance have been iece|vn lak 5orr q uhele ho
for Sensaktonetizin news
na Soceie you have the tablotd prres
Sensati onaldsm tn m diaBu You also have
he brtoadshe et paes whtch s USuGul ong? dened
morte resDons eble Bu when the mcdntineam i
he mseive Jo ablotd Su to peak then we neid
O LooR Hno1 0 q medda dveAdon hut C
SOLCal QVeeon" Satd 0enn heircmo ok 9Use
nedStGndartd tD Dortn the C UUSSeo
Soctal media ts Drzdbabongak fhe heajon
sortens attonaLism to trtadidonal mede a a we
Arcertdinq u teleVeslon achor ard Ose Cuho es (on
Stn pd/tort at todo hetwork wheg Soc
al mede Du-tratle muindiieam mëdulopeckion
h oud age Cnd Qum 3 4he SorrtAund ound
AGtLekulH_twearne Creaitng Cacophonous
Satey he Safd durtins helane Sdon

Nna tn Faut i rnaised the mosi lerdenont ug-

on hen he aJked ik midra ua eHaq anay
Teacher's signature-
Date eo
Page No, lensn

abeut he rtead sgo tratber tKan about uhethe

Sdme one oel S ghora moda K ar bor 0ut
Deapie duedionhe (retibeny ok medla aj n
Creokengya lot ok I E 0ne d 0k by orsfe
Corspocae houses orr DoliACtonk
A Coopte ok dou ado he CounHry' lagq aien
enqsh day fhe tme ok india Come uder addatk
onSotiad t d/a 6ort E1 fcten ao Didore obth
Juches 0k Cambt/dole kale med dteton weth hed
Cuhle dr bellotulny (odhe Cuend a dmat 1auunn
Yo1u toda Gcue oncw delhe
Eq Hherte anealto pouple totolercend ok an
Drratse ok th overcmend
AupMa ladert Doioted oui thae he meddle and
OpDert-m?ddlez¢lo1S Know Dolarized betwen
Prtime minaier nan endrta_mad and Aom fadm
andy Fcueh haj ekkkcent oCdal ome dia arcmf e to
Lemaie S ieus and cntimldate thase_whedani
buy Coda theze i n yingdhe
Cund d Ne b the (epertake heed 6orc Mone wliie
nd acebock kollCertd 0nd neiwte1L Or /kes'
o tnaiisAs ola4heit_me&oe do ahad wn
Su he CalualitY eSno1ud huance buf aLfo
Ei m a tm portan sortajournal heJard
Teacher's signature
Date- sn
Page No.- .

Cortite Crttp4 ok a Spor{s Sior& qo Setonds durtat-

con Bort a erevs'on neS packas[

Footbal Es a V fomous tnall avere he ootdd and

Hhes Spon ha mude a lol ok bong lobcd not
a t You gea ha viag-Gn hi ame s pia4ed
CanftwherreSchool 1cbiieae Or un?Vercg~1Y Cu here
eams CompleHe oth e ach otherc Yo0 e
haveng ny foothatl tourtamcn ndearchénq Bor
FOolbal COmmeolatory cdpi then Yau G n Hh&H
rU Dlaceiodhe Gaiicte btloto 1 am (oeng foH
OU how to den You hoo conl (omn@ndoy Scrip
orc oolball madch twih Kemple
CommenHarScrcp borc foo1basl madch otth E amp{e
As Ypu Knou had foethall es ver Popular buau
Se t1 CGn tiierar be ptayed ciyuhenea You Deed
dSa bad alto deejo1 dedulre Vary many tayerd
Cuhere 6 ame ok ru or AmerriccnFoolbal oosld
Oblen eed mane player T SeLWeye had
oo1balO aheu1Y 0 eVaKe huqE CemavDi& 6 1laseon
srem enertakong and rtam 4 Cauodrtehed
make oo-tball he2g1 SDorc 0n db {aoet
Belew have OCcompolerycrUpi kort &
ooball maukCh brtüm he medch 0h fc arree lon
You and v0 you
Ond rreol mo drcp hope t twel hep
foofbal not
Q Clueo prroce ed a a (O mnenfa forna
Teacher's signature *** *******aa***
Page No.

COmmt nlory cripiExamled tn Eruih2

Hello ond ood Nenn eVeyonk uhak a
mOmen uhnt vertytne t on hetr on 4htur
Etel Gnd holding a klo ond optenitn hain 1esm

Baccelona 16 poicl AletiCo uinnio Pekeia

Real maduid af 6G nc aain on ahert Let
m even twtth thé dekead hene fodoy artcelona
ShoulN be O4le o aad1 hamebu Sirongore Hhing
have haDpend
NOW 'S Cady fo reC Gnd tell thc
Se Hoo foolball 4eam exompliby doihe
Hhe fooballk that rare dsptayed a dikkerot t9
CUaqs berhap but woud-cla faalbal lers otoln
Thene hHory to he made art added to
SeCond lege maich btitoeen theie Foo and
B.cerelana s hand oSeparcate fheue foo lna
uvair dhad dale bauk o the toro akh lal
Ceniuarru altied on the_ Eaa Sed DEumsrt Che Ckin
marelo bolh o6 he feams oins tollh
heit la. Lint uD C icrt turtn bor eke n
ne 6ort muictebauk fa havtte ome ck hBa-
e leno an Wanen bauk a s i (Ua a ood
kengeve oy frum madr e Seceinq haH ee
Teacher's Signature-- *************************
age No.

idendeKed niyama uhe had pee lted 6 uhen on

ha Fart Srde Errom (oryajal na kon bu1
ood Coverc rtom lUca
Tean ha mun totth he obkstde u
Coars whea ihe ball pLayed ina ik timt
EVenSernqraRomas Todh meddle Ssem to
beon he ureng Sede oSUanez
So twe See Somirta Cwrth a Hle puIhin
he bauK bu he woud ei Gwo uth i but b
AEJondLo beanande zh mon iaiht medale Ueth_
he Cuhisile
2844ercDrck nd Chanse hen he launthe
O cn htue upe Skarp Rarceleno h a
ueL rt
c Erond O5 hfm DeK OurDoeSon oe
Aekense turth him drn to qe t1 back dikte
Ced b ROn2ema tuhtre (ould hoy been don
ertcos Cose But b cnds in o
he Ceagh oh Courge has the benekti
4601y ruted Gnd ke en 2em ond a
oad duie he Scume sort Bar ce lona' frlond
T+'S aGogd Cail by fhe
nekerse Ond dann
pnen the nles okh
Lornin hrtouh
rd|ki maiChe
dark to 4 edorne tna
Cutthout debea1 Kort n leokga
Toke a look aoin the h14i
Clese (oi hrt uhen the ball
y ver
Teacher's signature-..
Page No. e l o

Exptaike fourt main Chartatterdsts ok ontine

JoutatismhytdCxAuoyindoratty?IY multe-
medêatily Gnd immediat wtlh Surtable exampl
HYher fext in jemiatic a4ext bich aluic
dCrives from or elaied to an Carticn wenk or
notext 1kort pxample jame joyte yiyess (ould
be earded y one ok the meoy heperiexi dec
V k0m HamêtK oduesey Anela (our-ten
the cerrdk Brude Can be Dosedened a bupu
Het UhECh_nëlade do Corlien toorK o hlo
ex the Ordinal fairtHory Beauty Gnd ihe
Rea peaAEy take a Vanieiy ok karm (ntl-
Udng Lmeiadton Doutedy dnd Dakti thi
he Coord 04 e kioed by he frenth
heor erand GEnRLHe Gs kolla Huperdex
u ay esere to ony HeatéonShep Unin a text
(tukich 1 &ha Cl ht hynentexd to n earkier
ex A Ska ok Counge Ce iHhe hypotH)
ODon uhth is Gnakied no menner thad isna
ha Omnendard So dha bupeieyt dertivej
srum bypaiex1 ( hrtouh o pratAwhhae-
Dee CaLL tontkurmaiich .tn tuhfCh 4ext " y-
OKej ext wihcot D&cQAIELMEoft'onn

Teacher's signature *****9ss*ss*stst**stsassss**s*t

Page No. .

Ds0vrse d es Courued
a DsCouEA a oned
SHoru as disCovrtked
Slore aSiched (Dotcniial Slroy 1ine)
Actosthe manY EetdsConterned utlh
tnterattvity ocloding lnkortmatlon Siente i Com
PuHerSdence humcnCompoierctnHCrtotdlon Com
munecatten nd indtirial destn here
H teemén oven the ofonPn O The HETn
totertaciiy Bui ma dekiiron one nelaHed
o nerradton htitueen ULer Gnd Compuiertu and
Othr_machinethrauh a ULec lolecfee
mUHepie Vrews On nierautésily exs Jn the
CCnicncy vieo Dok ciertactiuH her ane
NO oHertattve uhen meJjaq no Telcled.
0PeVEOUS mesja
ReaHive Iuhen a mesjeje rteaHed onLy toone
Cmmediolel ere ous mesSR
TnierotVeuhen 0 mesJae retade 4 tu a
DUmbert Previous meysagie and othe realtron-
Ship bewten hem
n dealin Cutth muttmedialiry
Ond muldemfda HRkHS ¬oe Qhe okleo Hcuck Ly
heotha4heck oyer o6 meandnd HCnd mora
Teacher's signature- *************ntasas at**********
Page No.

and mant fo r at eund werds futh 04 mtdia

multimtdi dnd mutdé medta Cemmunicauh tlon Rutt
Stemi ltort by neu had fhe wond mulic-mion
4hn one does no reall Aenu much abet fhe
aikons Qmen hc 4 htelant omc het
Jotnc foqether ore abeut hese hen Akenselues
NREHhert docs he wond media Guhes tdei'ntido
ImeA 6nd mone aJsome a Sort ok Umberrltq-
uKeCharadertSinte i (ondain man diknnd
na O61tn (n(ompod/bleSGb- dckinfiian uhéch Caz-
C Cenkuse he ncadot

ocie S(rep ort a rtad/o he tulerrléon g

bort h ar


SPEAKING (n/eT og's) _OPEnNINT n@LE 9
s 1D' Clock aad htrre he lade sland
hetns NCtOS oh
Ane Coniinun o ioveliEiakt a burtilar ok
hatShps tVeninort 0n now eard hauA3
Yeorc bld nale hal Dot heen reveaded fu heve
Teacher's signature
Page No.

dbia kpalEzes 13 ha hetn ame

d I.naheiacii dut PoreHert

iraiLt sians lndes Frtonm ben Smahed

Gn Sokd 2ETaHun Skutl ani evetal
h ngunt s Hhiai Hamsphirtk Poli
hav GcC4 SEs&aiRLn Eat old bey and
ntghiaza yarAld. man fta VEot na:ta
EL iniy4ianald nan Ertom Sandeun

SELaND teR CcRdleny0liyaTe Pre

purdie in nadEaz huun Catdantdohk

CacLh h plaLzLLARLERad

Teacher's signature

Page No.-

inspeeded by hc RoHol novy omh 3spasl

Unii VEW TA3

THRDSToRY: (CUE ANDCLIp) olivia Repaind

Rde Ancna Gne Sariin to take Shape
Oie (Leure in November fat Yr due
+ IE&Aucal auls (ousedby wated damae
Ltvie Chturtmon n jenkins oi tht rink
Shoutdb Conpl4-e Fort 4U aCte tn FELUary

FouRTHSTORY ttOPy S1ORY) oivta slond

eLneert unn murh hu hen eetdesl to
Hak port in expt dzttun to antarncaia
TheSevenHeen Uour old tua Chalen Erccm mone iba
One 4housand aphLicandt o dak fant indht fount-
March hene he util 1earnabout bung a lied
Qnd SaVEA h EnMnmend ¥ NEW tAg
FIFTH STORY uE AD Two way) 0liviaA
2rand h eieope uam f r a o has be
CAnnu.ced 0n th ilend Rondam sé
Cotier_Luth is reekor Aley (hdkly abou
Teacher's signature.
Page No.

a Du praict
NESaixaond Dau hent tno arth #h
Cntcadain.mid D
0 ENTER1A1.NMENT maxTh6nK4 LTRctia
SIXTH STORY(UE AND Vox poP) may uuid
Penduem ma ond jes LYnn nt mong
hLadeA GnODuntemend or AhisCats 1SEE
Lnnounced Ahtit le 1ie unien Sint uohou
SOr Song ortierc r hy -REn)CU
Cprc-BIAD HEbbired has helcoed her dehut
Stnqie 1the House GurlH wksn 1 ua maul
aurta duded mu(Ca nlaA korm úne muSEL
CL 4he slsnd'S Sei feqH Ve Cal dert on2ht
deiceeioáme OUther uteol10 taln
OnleSund have beto aedided titGnd uzit
Teacher's signature
Page No. e

Th me-6kkLe S0.C 0uvia

hert Tnorne Onkor madfo nd requlart rtove
pdal0Ondur ucbstie nebelra d0 aSmedia tulK
Com ham DaeLon 9pu (co kolloW OX on wtHtn
RheRadio As
AnatYse efuione 0keeveston n h
COrnendt Hernt 090 (dn ulakl exompled
A Utl rrevolutton es pU1 mone than hal lk
ilBen doll&r talo pla eevs ton and
med eniertialn.menteLndLialyhadional
Batoad tobHTV heinttonskartmned by tht b
and fa qown t oads og tiercnei ind
OVe ht-op (ot Vdeo ploikutm
elono innual martke VaLutio (tntenin5f0 rea
Aion railenand isteihuffo0- atsake.
OTT eievsien epuescodog Som
25 lon lo Gnnval heyeouC Oorud tucde andC
tokrtaled masti by a handEul db be V hased
GLeha DG er intludin neitiy Gm0znA
ole you uhe-is al the Cenier k thes treVaf
BHaad-(al nd Nay ty Gnd sledo trhu
or Cable 1elta and alelte hau been erieni2
Vely fK amintd 10 dale hatu vert 1here o

Teacher's signature
Page eo. e

heeg HHe, CIud oK he em Dact ox OTT nd

hCChonginq y lobaScape ondhe anlous 1Ameli
rTa ducttuBtaYstem Gtound the Jorid
OTT OnComas.ed he dsttdhutton ok edeo
COnc entovec 4he 4op "ob dttadiHional t h
fon ethnolocqreJ A 4he mos bajP levet orf

he eplicatan Ok dhe dadiidonal home enin

tons tn a 1a (onexiLD lethnoloqy Hrug
OTT CS he detiver ok vcdeo Caoleni hrcodgh
Xed oO Slallie nedtworck To monyo
tSnethere more hor estho a treplicatta
O he e tadifono e nk (ontumer Vedeo_Levies
Forclher more alhrouqh OTT mfrran
hetadtonau VEdey_SHodk 1 ta echno-
de re en &hle man diidn ive Chartadersticd
Qnd f0 aUnes 4hd nge nat ossEhle (uih over
h r(ahle 6r Sate iedHdhvHfon theae
tolode hSheer brnead-lh ok Cnodend veailobfe
t1exebity ok ime Ond lare kor Vieowinj
COnend and thetlext bilHY 6K Ontun e ok
6erin Gnd Daie loiniHhal ComDonte (o
OEfec Ond fron éuhich (pocum re (on Choofe

Page No.5

nat10TT nd tradiHienol 4V Gng Furthere

diskerndiale by h Conded rccalord that
REpate lnihe spo.e 13y emtnaing on
Strainsi on Conded dHthutten and spa
OT hO toleedure new tpc O6 ondeot redons
fo he múcket
raditonal Drr.okCASonaf fecoduceeNes
hChUaUi Condead and ae thartaHer
tzed by awell ekned ond tuen Eunded
Q2OSYHem -ok udOS 1 Neraduction haus es nde
rrobessdenat alct Lcatludng Qdor Gnd dint-
(lot Be607OTT th rau(nifiuitdt
hi Coniet redudon eOSHHtm
Dtnkeonal rm-eúnA Cprto- omd2
na heste OcteA ta lore prtaducdton tnkrtatt-
rudurebui Ahey have tort rudutan
CChedulES Ond rcekt mct2ve and The ent

On anduco nie ktr OTI 1nd ma b

mE di nLa-l'korm (or ampl ht oun9
Ama-deun moK (onfen SPoro dicau
bu hy Gre facdue Gnd praakekic toiribt
dor he Coreni (nmmuntiyheiet aulpu
orn thi baukbont k (ontump4fan On Kocial
Courtse mam-02: Tnireductanto Tn

Page No.

SuKa facehaak wtlHert Gnd Snanchat

Ama-lCundGne Cipeiny geod ot tapiuninyt
NCnA uc mLsnaton mond .qieurg
NC hove one vita Gnd hecn Ssn 54
cllon the a Coriedel he buf huge

A$25 b{Lion tndusi to Re[6

heAe Gtlernat ve have been utltomed by une
Sumcr 1oha todo Cnjoy inib/can ChoiCes be
EL&nLeyand dheAtradetional pay ty ondu
bHadcasi PLOYuem As tAul tn uH a fCu
eor4he OTTy Vde Coleqoha r
2 S tbllien tq anoual tevnues AHh0
Ugh he heprresends ony Some 61 okihe uba
Ladtukty OTT S o h bY morne dhan ao7
Onnua und winnia Shane Over tadiioad
IVUOSe TeNenuei an aouina ar
mohe Sub dued ftale 2
ldau eNert Cimple mercke1k
Uocderr empha7e htmpaud o6 0TT uhrch_
hs bttn a dtivint 5orte kor Chane tadhe ueder
VEleotoduHey0TT'S tnat èntomAieA
hoto (onSuneny indenar oth Lnndon uh
eXDd in Hermg ak thatteleibi1y 1 andt
Da aton ad dhe ComDeiiitve (snext 2
Teacher S Signature . *
3ounat kte Gnd mal ntad iuct te ate

Page No

tnsuelch incumbenti nd 9pStosds bes

asnes Nsu Chao
eRhve x - t e n t v e Y d c i i e d fhe
Soteatha cv dubltd htmc L 3 t e h e a
Sonik13a nspor Dubkished C0h kabu
lehat Imsnth 6) Hoev&rtiocn.der atd

nad TT n9lehak Gad todived uaCoso

lahalandh dams4dic eNeLL thi Chapfer

Cue oxanine he bTT nekei h e Chtn e n
Ordce to nddrs 4h ondem.cmiod oc nkhe
Stud-he nad tk TT n alshol nd hdiviauat
Couiie demEsdr tieod Deraducdion s

Like4 tne dintiso AK TTS Emfioi o beth

ht Lbat nd bt dc fexe1a thi Cha

Tloe Gnd tlaoraà4c thet Gne the

CEdtooddriess vertasm Cnceniice

Teacher's signature-
age No.

beAter de bned how yhe kobuin

Crc 9pes Cach ok tobech Cemptet10 oun nlay-
and is d/
Crupin9 aNalue Dou Corlhto dh raditina
hem.e NddaSio K Seec
Supnorled Servicel adictdLsig
ansoction SUpnonked
Serece Subscrepion up pardedSermvi c
CLnd diqial mtalii channel vide0 toanmA
Fdver-tesen SuPPorded ercveces 4h
se3ctece okkCr free accesL o long rab
Ttarees d5 movie d Shato1CpS Gnd 0the2
LEVE Ort on de maund Cnode tomDrtos esse onoal
RadiHondd i e 0-ait (fTa) TV Comet nd
OthEE_adE are okkse y advert 4Esên ievenu e
vert nq Soppouked SercyeceJ Var tn 0nitn
4pe nad Sitadegy and thetude dra dituna
DtokesSdonatuDecodced ToeiDreyé o03
vailabte on hrtauqh ttadi ronal et
VesconNdre@buifonj nd dHa ied (od-
DccokcLlona to m and maleun pted
Advertenq Anendeiuni 1a kcked Doal ob daloc
Cohese e Lorce kaies lesely Cueth 4he
matn economtenvcrnmend 1 Gne Shes4énHo

Teacher's signature .
s*** stsute*******************
Date nssoeessses

Page No.

OTT Vdco al 4he Oxneneng ed obr i Speni

cnand 10 0lesser destee 1V ond Sptndin 7
menybosed tmy vedo Gnd US Deone e Hufu
nd Supporcked Serrvced
ansadd on Supporled and DMpD
DEVCeA hayeSoforthad a muled mpat 0
heole od radutr hey e main in maag
a 1diqrial dstadbution Nehicte kiSAA
Vae onlent a ukate Smlar Drtca
Hdverdis ingGund SubscerepAo SOpporhe.d
Sereiles have hoteyerc matrtall is.rop
ed Ahe èaclottu twtih ne Conion oode(s
uCh a hot -forcn aad orciqinal (ae
Cindoweng ned apprcaachel o (onieod
helealoJ dnd tonovaldon rdctng Gnd alue
ChaintteaHcon Shep Such G Ama eo rime
Och 5orc a SeH 1annual tee bundiej hegh
dUalitY Vedeu (onieod Geth frceo Draduc-t Shi
PPenc ok he fMor han So 0TTSrcicoA
Naitableloball he NH maordfy opecale
CudVertieSEnqand obceriDAl00Suphorked
huRneS bio dels hese Dlerd have Copju
hed more han 807 b cba OTT JONeDUes
Teacher's signature-. ****************s*******s******
Page No.

oEnEE/48d on the us CanicH rtadudian eLoY

n_o1K LontumDATan EKone hsk Csnctn
eeto uhich OTT h unlikeigtcba
0CA5 enre ond GLess 4h peaurte 05
adtenok1lre-am od maleurt oerdCEla
n th og ht One LinE Votue Chazn had
nddujed hrts Drimers
oDbrdinAi maded3 hatwn Vide0ndeman
n ANOD (aden
haed Vap) itab rtansat
VOD Gnd 1ionhadtd-
VoD (Subs cripiton-hoied VaD) 1S
h VaD obhereviahun tadecatei
ane nod ced +o a in@ar tejeiKOn Chedufed
to hich tht *tv Cmon e nad fRtherTed
Htadditonal lllitie -haled Sica, Uidon t
EttoirtucAUneAuch CablR oz ftio Eun eXam-
DI Le haak ve 1uhich t3 Suðnoided
O8Vertts n nVentued Ar©oms_ Nideo (onl8nt
CenSedvenilY he tHtodieenol VOp me nikerc

Teacher's signature ***

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