IFRS 9 - Tests For PD Model Validation
IFRS 9 - Tests For PD Model Validation
IFRS 9 - Tests For PD Model Validation
ABSTRACT: With the coming into force of the IFRS 9 standard, financial institutions have went from an
incurred loss model to a forward looking model for the computation of impairment losses. As such, the IFRS 9
models use point-in-time (PIT) estimates of PDs and LGDs and provide a more faithful representation of the
credit risk at a given PIT as they are based on past experiences as well as the most recent and forecasted
economic conditions. However, given the short-term fluctuations in the macroeconomic conditions, the final
outcome of the Expected credit loss (ECL) models is highly volatile due to their sensitivity to the business cycle.
In order to prevent financial institutions’ over or under provisioning after the models have been developed, they
need to be adequately monitored and validated and if necessary re-calibrated in order to ensure that the
outcome of the models are accurate.
As such, the paper focuses on the validation of PD models under the IFRS 9 standard, presenting the complexity
and challenges of developing the PD models 9 and a selection of qualitative and quantitative techniques
applicable in the monitoring or validation processes.
KEY WORD: IFRS 9, Framework, Model Validation
Date of Submission: 04-04-2022 Date of Acceptance: 19-04-2022
1) An adequate governance should be established (policies and procedures) to ensure at a minimum the following:
accuracy and consistency of the models, risk rating systems and processes as well as an adequate estimation of all
relevant risk components (PD, LGD, EAD). Furthermore, the role of professional judgement should be detailed
along with the identified model limitations their impact and the mitigating actions considered to address them.
2) Model validation should be carried out at model development, as well as after the development of the model,
through periodic validation and monitoring. Furthermore, specific considerations should be given when significant
changes are made to the models, in order to ensure that the models continue to be fit for use.
3) The IFRS 9 models are expected to be updated frequently to ensure that changes in the macroeconomic
conditions are factored into the models to comply with the point in time requirements as well as the use of most
recent and updated information. Furthermore, the models should enable the incorporation the impact of changes in
borrower riskiness (relative and absolute) and credit risk-related variables such as: PDs, LGDs, exposure amounts,
collateral values, internal rating.
In practice, before the implementation of IFRS 9, some financial institutions did not have scorecards and for this
reason they did not have adequate risk scoring mechanisms and 12 month PDs estimates. In such cases, institutions
had to apply simplified assumptions in order to obtain an estimate for the PDs i.e. benchmarks obtained from the
credit rating institutions or banking system information reported by national regulators. In most cases the derived
PDs were based only on days past due information (without taking into consideration any unlikely to pay criteria),
hence the segmentation criteria used as the basis of the lifetime estimates were days past due buckets. In such
cases, the validation process focuses mostly on qualitative rather than quantitative criteria. Overfitting is one of the
most common modelling mistakes i.e. the model explaining the particular sample, but ignoring other particularities
of the entire population. With the help of out of time, out of sample validation tests the overfitting issue is
identified and dealt with.
In the case of a 12 months PD, the following tests can be performed to assess the calibration of the model:
Hosmer-Lemeshow or Chi-Square Test –comparing the observed versus predicted default rates for each
pool or rating grade;
Binomial Test - comparing the observed versus predicted default rates;
Calibration Curve Shape Test – is a graphical method that can be used in corroboration with other tests.
It is based on establishing a confidence bound around the values the model predicted and depending on the number
of instances for which actual outcomes lies outside this confidence bound, the result can be classified as a Red,
Amber or Green. Regardless of the method used for PD lifetime calculation, it is important to start the validation
process by assessing if the population of the development sample is comparable to the structure of the portfolio.
Another way of validating the lifetime PD estimates is by assessing the monotonicity of the lifetime’s curves. It is
expected that the lifetime PD curves are ordered according to the ranking imposed by the underlying risk drivers
hence the riskier rating must have a higher level than that of a curve with a lower risk profile, hence no intersection
between the grade level PD lines is expected. The advantage of this validation method over the MSE is that it is
assess the discriminatory power of the risk drivers over a lifetime horizon.
The following steps can be undertaken to assess monotonicity:
A matrix is constructed; rows represent the risk drivers and the columns reflect the time horizon i.e. the
years/months (most granular level based on which the PD was estimated).
For all periods for which lifetime PD is estimated the value 0 is given to a monotonicity flag (MF) for the
best risk driver level (the less risky rating grade).
As the risk drivers are ordered in ascending order based on their riskiness, each subsequent risk driver level is
compared with the previous level:
I – row dimension of matrix;
j – column dimension of matric;
PD – estimated cumulative PD
The following formula is applied for each risk driver level (rating):
If all risk drivers levels have Monotonicity = TRUE then the lifetime PD curves are ordered
according to risk level.
The following graph illustrates a valid monotonicity test.
Table 1: Monotonicity test
In case the curves intersect the risk drivers used for segmentation are not adequate for the proper
discrimination between the levels of risk on a lengthy horizon. A possible cause could be the reduced
discriminatory power of the rating system however, another possible explanation can be the fact that due to
multiple calibration exercises performed over time the development/validation sample is no longer homogenous.
For the assessment of the marginal life-time PD obtained for each year Jeffrey’s test can be used. The
rest requires them to split both the lifetime empirical curve and forecasted marginal PDs t into yearly vintages.
The test compares the forecasted defaults with the observed defaults in a binomial model with
independent observations. The null hypothesis is that the PD applied at the beginning of the relevant period in
the sub-portfolio is greater than or equal to the modeled one. It is a one-sided hypothesis test.
Another statistical tests for the validation of the lifetime PD is the measurement of the “Z1” shift. “Z-
shift measures the influence of the systematic component on credit risk and can be estimated by using a PIT
transition matrix and an estimated TTC transition matrix. Under this assumptions, the lifetime PD estimation is
based on the assumption that past behavior can be the basis of the prediction of the future behavior, as such the
PDs must be as close as possible to ideal TTC. This validation method is recommended to be used for the lifetime
PD computed using Markov chains to derive an aggregated TTC transition matrix, however if the lifetime PD is
computed using the survival analysis, the data must be remodeled.
The test has the following set of hypotheses:
Z” is defined as the systematic factor that influences credit risk and can be assumed to follow a
standard normal distribution
DOI: 10.35629/8028-1104022834 www.ijbmi.org 31 | Page
IFRS 9 – Tests for PD Model Validation
– coefficient of determination between optimal Z-shift series and observed PIT-TTC error series;
(1) The TTC matrix is computed based on all transition events used for the lifetime PD estimation.
(2) The next step is the computation of the inverse of the standard normal cumulative probabilities of the
TTC matrix. In case an absorbing states is defined, such as default, closed, prepaid, restructured etc. the
corresponding rows will be excluded from the bin matrix. Ideally, no absorbing state should be defined
in order for the full spectrum of possible transitions to be captured. The first column of the matrix
doesn’t need a transformation, this is due to the fact that state 1 is limited to bin [∞, ].
Where – in other words the sum of TTC transition probabilities of each row,
from “j” column to last column;
(3) The initial shifted transition matrix for a Z-shift = 0 (no shift) is computed.
(4) PIT transition matrices are computed for each transition in the input data. The same level of granularity
as the one used for PIT matrix computation must be used, for example if monthly data is used, then
monthly PIT transition matrices must be computed.
(5) A series of error matrices as squared difference between shifted transition matrix and each PIT matrix
is computed. The errors are summed up on each row and then the final error is the sum of the sums.
a. The series of errors calculated at step 5 ( ) forms the empirical time series of differences
between PIT and TTC that is embedded in PD lifetime calculation.
(6) An optimization algorithm is applied to minimize each and reduce the distance between each
PIT matrix and the estimated TTC matrix by using the Z-shift. The Generalized Reduced Gradient
nonlinear algorithm available in excel can be used to find a Z-shift for each period. The restrictions are
given by the shifted matrix and each PIT matrix and the objective is to minimize Z. The Z-shift series
is than compared with the empirical time series.
(7) To ensure a comparison between the two series a smoothening is applied in order to highlight the trend
component in order to better reveal the underlying phenomenon and not to deprive the series of its
(8) A linear regression is computed with the Z-shift series as dependent variable and empirical time series
(SSE) as independent variable.
(9) The adjusted R square of the regression is used to test the hypothesis of the test. A high
determination coefficient reveals that the SSE explains well the optimal TTC series of the portfolio and
thus can be rejected. The financial institutions should set the f threshold to be higher than 0.4.
Model error can be calculated by a square difference of each element of the SSE series and Z-shift
The above graph shows the application of the described algorithm on a PD lifetime on a portfolio
composed which was grouped in 5 (PD model extrapolation 1 to 5) grades based on the days past due criteria,
the estimation is performed over a 3 years’ time horizon and incorporates all migration across the day past due
grades. The adjusted R square obtained ( ). Is as follows:
Adjusted R Square Adjusted R Square Adjusted R Square Adjusted R Square Adjusted R Square
Bucket 1 Bucket 2 Bucket 3 Bucket 4 Bucket 5
88.423% 76.529% 77.656% 77.937% 78.479%
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Moldoveanu Marian Valentin, et. al. "IFRS 9 – Tests for PD Model Validation." International
Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI), vol. 11(04), 2022, pp. 28-34. Journal
DOI- 10.35629/8028