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T Base Unit Familiarization

Exercise 1.2


 To connect power to the base unit by using power supplies.

 To verify your results with an operational test.


AC/DUAL DC POWER SUPPLY was used for the practical. adjusting and connecting the power

1. If necessary, turn off the 1242 DUAL POWER SUPPLY.

NOTE: The following instructions also apply to the 1245 DUAL POWER SUPPLY.

2. Connections were made between the 1242 DUAL POWER SUPPLY and the base unit as shown in
the figure below Figure 1-10.

3. The 1242 DUAL POWER SUPPLY was turned on and the two red LEDS on the base unit illuminatge
to indicate that the +15 Vdc and -15 Vc power is properly connected to the base unit.

4. If one or both of the LEDs are off, the base unit protection system has activated to protect the
circuits. Turn off the 1242 DUAL POWER SUPPLY, and check your connections against Figure 1-10.
Turn on the power supply (be sure that the 1242 switch light is on).

5. The power supply unit was turned off before inserting the DC FUNDAMENTALS circuit board.

6. DC FUNDAMENTALS circuit board was installed into the base unit by inserting it into the open ZIF
connector (refer to Figure 1-8 if necessary), and then the ZIF connector was closed.

7. The OHM'S LAW circuit block was located on the DC FUNDAMENTALS circuit board. See Figure 1-
11. The power sources were turned on.

8. DC volts function was selected on multimeter, test leads were connected to the meter and voltage
measured voltage. The meter black lead was connected to its common terminal and the red lead to
its volts input terminal.

9. The positive variable power source control is located at the right side of the base unit. (See the
figure in the margin to recognize a positive variable power source symbol.) Adjusting this control
varies the voltage of the OHM'S LAW circuit block. To measure voltage, the multimeter was placed
across the component, as shown in Figure 1-12.
Figure: a multimeter connected to measure voltage

10 The multimeter was connected across the variable power source with the red test lead at the top
and the black test lead at the bottom.

NOTE: If your test leads have alligator connectors, insert a terminal post into the circuit connectors
and attach your alligator leads to the posts.

11. The coarse adjustment positive supply control (large knob) was rotated from minimum (CCW) to
maximum (CW). The minimum and maximum voltages were measured and recorded as 0.285 and
10.60 respectively

12. The voltage was adjusted to 10 Vdc using both coarse and fine adjustments.

Note how the fine adjustment allows a precise voltage adjustment.

13. The fine control was set to approximately midpoint. The coarse control was adjusted to about 5
Vdc. The fine adjustment was rotated from minimum (CCW) to maximum (CW). Using 5V as a
reference, the range of voltage determined by the fine adjustment was 4.96 as minimum and 5.03

14. The power supply was turned off, and the DC FUNDAMENTALS circuit board was removed from
the base unit.


1. The DC FUNDAMENTALS circuit board connects to the base unit with the

ZIF connector.

2. A CW rotation opens the ZIF connector; a CCW rotation locks the ZIF connector.

3. To verify the operation of the + 10V control on the base unit, you can measure the variable power
source on the OHM'S LAW circuit block of the DC FUNDAMENTALS circuit board.
3.1 Circuit Voltage


 To describe and measure voltage in a simple circuit by using a multimeter.

 To verify results with information found in this exercise.


NOTE: If you have a Lab-Volt 1224

AC/DUAL DC POWER SUPPLY or two separate negative and positive power supplies, refer to
Appendix K for instructions on adjusting and connecting the power supplies.

1. If necessary, turn off the 1242 DUAL POWER SUPPLY.

NOTE: The following instructions also apply to the 1245 DUAL POWER SUPPLY.

2. Connections were made between the 1242 DUAL POWER SUPPLY and the base unit.

3. The 1242 DUAL POWER SUPPLY was turned on. When +15 Vdc and -15 Vdc power were properly
connected to the base unit, the two red LEDs on the base unit illuminate.

4. If one or both of the LEDs are off, the base unit protection system has activated to protect the
circuits. Turn off the 1242 DUAL POWER SUPPLY, and check your connections. Turn on the power
supply (be sure that the 1242 switch light is on).

5. Before inserting the DC FUNDAMENTALS circuit board, the power supply unit was turned off.

6. The DC FUNDAMENTALS circuit board was inserted into the base unit and the power supply
turned on

7. The SERIES CIRCUIT circuit block was located on the DC FUNDAMENTALS circuit board. The black
lead of the voltmeter was connected to the test point at the bottom of the battery and the red lead
connected at the top.

8. The battery voltage was measured and recorded as 15.01V

9. The voltmeter leads were reversed and the reading was -15.01. The voltmeter was connected to
observe voltage at the opposite polarity of the battery.

10. All equipment power was turned off and all circuit connections were removed.


1. Voltage is the potential difference between electrical charges.

2. The volt is the unit for measuring the potential difference in electrical charges.

3. A multimeter set to the volts function measures potential difference.

4. Observe voltage polarity when making voltage measurements.

5. When the black lead of a multimeter connects to the positive terminal and the red lead connectes
to the negative terminal, the reading is negative. When the leads are reversed, the reading is
3.3 Circuit Resistance


 To describe and measure resistance by using a simple circuit.

 To verify your results with a multimeter.


1. The DC FUNDAMENTALS circuit board was inserted into the base unit. All connections from the
circuit board were removed. The power sources were not turned on at this time.

2. The OHM'S LAW circuit block was located on the DC FUNDAMENTALS circuit board. The color-
coded bands for resistors R1 and R2 were recorded as follows


R1 Green Brown Brown Gold
R2 Brown Black Red Gold

3. The values and tolerances of R1 and R2 (as determined from the color code) are: R1. 485-536 and
R2. 950-1050

4. The values of resistors R1 and R2 were measured and recorded as; R1 0.503kohm, R2 0.995kohm.

5. Resistors R1, and R2 were within tolerance and the tolerance range for each resistor is + or – 5%.

6. The POWER circuit block was located and the sizes of R1, R2, R3. and R4 were measured and
recorded in watts as R1 2W, R2 and R3 ¾, and R4 ½. (refer to Figure 3-10 if necessary). Determine
and record what type of fixed resistors these resistors are.

7. The ohmic values and tolerances of resistors R1, R2, R3, and R4 were recorded using their color-
coded bands as follows R1 1.0 kiloOhms R2 and R3 1.96kiloOhms R4-0.99kiloOhms.

8. The values of resistors R1, R2, R3, and R4 were measured and recorded as R1/R4 950-1050, R2/R4
1900-2100 and each value was within tolerance

9. The SERIES/PARALLEL CIRCUIT circuit block was located on the DC FUNDAMENTALS circuit board
and the color-coded value of carbon composite resistor R1 was recorded as orange, orange, brown
and silver 297-36310.

10. The value of resistor R1 was Measured and recorded as 0.33ko and it was within tolerance.

11. The LINEAR/NONLINEAR VARIABLE RESISTOR circuit block was located on the DC
FUNDAMENTALS circuit board. The circuit was connected as shown in Figure 3-11. The ohmmeter
was connected across R2 by using the test point at the bottom of R3 and the test point at the top of
R2.switch S1 was placed in the R2A position. The R2A control was varied from the extreme CCW
position to the extreme CW position. The minimum and maximum resistance of R2A was recorded as
0.9 ohms and 2.8ko respectively.
12. The ohmmeter was removed from the circuit and the power sources were not turned on at this

13.The positive and negative power supplies were connected to the base unit power inputs and the
power sources turned on.

14. R2A was set to its maximum CW position and the voltage at the battery test points was
measured and recorded as 15.0v

15. The multimeter was set to the milliamp function, and the leads was connected to the test points
at the left of resistor R1, See Figure 3-12. the red lead was connected to the test point closest to the
positive side of the battery.

16. The current flow was measured when resistor R2A is set at its maximum CW and CCW positions
and recorded as 4mA and 17mA respectively.

17. With the voltage held constant, the resistance readings in step 11 had an effect on the current
readings in step 16. Current was maximum when resistance was minimum and current was
minimum when resistance was maximum.

18.The power supply was turned off and all circuit board connections were removed.

1. Resistance can control current and voltage in a circuit.

2. Some of the different types of resistors are made up of carbon composition and both carbon and
metal film.

3. You can determine the value of resistors by using their color-coded bands and the resistor color
code. You can verify these values with an ohmmeter.

unit 5-1

Types of Switches


 To identify each type of switch by using a multimeter.

 To verify your results with information found in this exercise.

1 The DC FUNDAMENTALS circuit board was inserted into the base unit and power was not applied
to the base unit.

2. Switch S3 was located in the SWITCHES circuit block. The switch is SPDT

3. The handle of S3 was placed in the UP position (toward the ZIF connector), The contact was as
shown on the schematic below

4. The ohms function was selected on the multimeter. The black test lead was connected at test
point (TP) 1 and the red test lead at TP 4.

5. The resistance between TP 4 and TP 1 and between TP 5 and TP 1 was measured and recorded as
follows 3.2ohm and no reading respectively

6. The handle of S3 was placed in the DOWN position (toward you). The resistance between TP 4 and
TP 1 and then between TP 5 and TP 1 were measured with the black lead at TP 1 and the red lead to
measure the resistance at TP 4 and TP 5. The results were recorded as TP1TP5 2.6ohms and TP1TP4
no reading.

7. S3 is a single-pole, double-throw (SPDT) toggle switch that connects one conductor to either of
two other conductors. When the handle is in the UP position, TP1TP4 circuit is active.

8. S1 and S2 were located and identified as SPST

9.The normal condition of the S1 contact was PBNC

10.The normal condition of the S2 contacts was PBNO

11. The multimeter black test lead was placed at TP 1 and the red test lead was placed at TP 2. The
resistance of S1 was measured and recorded as 6.2ohms

12.The pushbutton switch S1 was depressed and the circuit was not active when the pushbutton was
13. The resistance of pushbutton switch S2 was measured and there was no reading. The black lead
was kept at TP 1 and the red lead was used to measure the resistance at TP 3.

14. Pushbutton switch S2 was depressed and the resistance was measured and recorded as 6.2ohms.
Circuit connected to S2 was active when the pushbutton was depressed.

15. Switch S4 was located and identified as DPDT.

16. The slide switch handle was placed in the UP position toward the ZIF connector.

17. The multimeter black test lead was placed at TP 7. The resistance was measured between TP 6
and TP 1 and then between TP 8 and TP 1 and recorded as 6.2ohms and no reading respectively.

18. The slide switch handle was placed in the down position with the mulimeter black test lead at TP
7, the resistance between TP 6 and TP 1 and then between TP 8 and TP 1 was measured and
recorded as when in down position tp7tp6 had no reading, tp7tp8 is 6.2ohm.

19. The resistance between TP 7 and TP 9, between TP 7 and TP 10, and between TP 7 and TP 11 had
no readings. The poles of DPDT switch were not connected.

20. The multimeter black lead was connected to TP 10. The switch handle was moved until it was
between the UP and DOWN positions and the resistance between TP 10 and TP 9 and then between
TP 10 and TP 11 had no reading because contact was not made.

21. The DPDT slide switch can connect one pair of terminals to either d two other pairs of terminals.
Test points TP 7 connect with TP6 and TP 10 connect with TP9 when the handle is in the UP position.
Test points TP 7 connect TP 8 and TP 10 connect with TP11 when the handle is in the DOWN


1. There are several different types of switches including a toggle switch." pushbutton switch, and a
slide switch.

2. Each switch has poles that control conductors in a circuit.

3. Types of switches are classified by the number of poles and positions (throws). For example a
single-pole, single-pole, single-throw (SPST) switch has one pole of one position.



 To determine the total resistance of a series resistive circuit by using a simple formula.
 To verify your results with a multimeter.


1. Power sources were turned of and the DC FUNDAMENTALS circuit board inserted into the base
unit the power sources were not turn on at this time.

2. The SERIES CIRCUIT circuit block of the DC FUNDAMENTALS circuit board was located and the
color code of R1, R2, and R3 were recorded as follows


R1 Brown Black Red Gold
R3 Brown Red Red Gold
R3 Blue Red Brown Gold

3. The resistors values were recorded as R1:950-1050Ω, R2:1140 -1260Ω and R3:587-651Ω

4. RT was calculated for the series circuit and recorded as RT= 2820 Ω.

5. The values of R1, R2, R3, and RT were measured and recorded as 0.995kΩ, 1.193kΩ, 0.620kΩ.
Two-post connector was not in place during measurement. The readings varied based on the
tolerance of each component.

6. CM switch 1 was placed in the ON position. The values of R1, R2, R3, and RT were measured and
recorded as 0.505KΩ, 1.193kΩ, 0.620kΩ, 2.31KΩ respectively.

7. Resistor R1 changed from0.995kΩ to 0.505KΩ at a difference of 0.490KΩ. Total circuit was 2.31KΩ

8. CM switch 1 was placed in the OFF position and CM switch 2 placed in the ON position. The values
of R1, R2, R3, and RT were measured and recorded as 0.995kΩ, 1.193kΩ, 1.234KΩ and 3.41KΩ

9. The values recorded in step 8 were compared to those recorded in step 5 and resistor R3 changed
and by 0.614KΩ. The total circuit resistance was 3.41KΩ

10. CM switch 2 was placed in the OFF position and all circuit connections were removed from the
DC FUNDAMENTALS circuit board.


1. A series circuit is made up of components connected end to end, resulting in only one path for
current flow.

2. The total resistance of a series circuit equals the sum of all individual resistors in the series string
(RT = R1 + R2 + R3).


 To find the voltage and determine the current flow in a parallel resistive circuit by using a
simple formula.
 Verify your results with a multimeter.


1. The power sources were put off and the DC FUNDAMENTALS circult board was inserted into the
base unit. The power sources were turned on.

2. The PARALLEL CIRCUIT circuit block was located and the circuit was connected as shown below
and connect the circuit shown in Figure 8-9.

3. The circuit voltages: VA, VR1, VR2 and VR3 were measured and recorded as 15.07V and all
measurements were with respect to circuit common.

4. The readings were equal and this indicate that the circuit was a parallel circuit.

5. The circuit values of R1 and Va were measured and recorded as 15.0V, 10.0KΩ respectively.

6. IR1and It were calculated and recorded as 1.5mA

7. IR1 and IT were measured and recorded as 1.52mA Refer to Figure 8-10.

8. The measured and calculated values were equal within measurement tolerance

9. R2 (2.2 kohm) was added to the circuit by inserting a two-post connector (see

Figure 8-11). RE, IT, IR1, and IR2 were calculated as 1.79KΩ, 8.4mA, 1.5mA, and 6.9mA respectively.

10. The circuit values: RE, IT, IR1, and IR2 were measured and recorded as 1.79KΩ, 8.48mA, 1.5mA,
and 6.9mA respectively.

11. The measured and calculated values were equal within measurement tolerance.

12. The sum of the two branch currents (IR1 and Ir2) equal the total current

13. The total current increased from the value recorded in step 7

14. R3 (4.7 kohms) was added to the circuit by inserting a two-post connector as in the figure below
(see Figure 8-12). RE, IT, IR1, IR2, and Ir3 were calculated and recorded as 6.88mA, 11.54mA, 1.5mA,
and 3.19mA respectively.

15. RE, IT, IR1, IR2, and Ir3 were measured and recorded as 1.29mA, 11.7mA, 1.52mA, 6.95mA,
3.28mA respectively.

16. The measured and calculated values equal within measurement tolerance

17. The sum of the three branch currents (IR1, IR2, and Ir3) equal the total current

18. The total current increased

19 CM switch 5 was placed in the ON position. IT, Ir1, Ir2 and Ir3 were measured and recorded as
16.43mA, 6.19mA, 6.96mA, 3.28mA respectively.
20. IR1 current changed in value to 2.42 and the corresponding resistor value decreased

21. The new value of this resistor (use Ohm's law formuaRN = VA/IRN)?

22. CM switch 5 was put in the off position and CM switch 7 in the on position. Measure and record
It, IR1, IR2, and IR3 were measured and recorded as 1.52mA, 6.96mA, and 3.07mA respectively

23. R3 branch current changed In value with respect to the values recorded in step 14. The
corresponding resistor value increased.

24. The new value of the resistor using ohm law was 4.89KΩ.

25. CM switch 5 was placed in the OFF position. The power sources were not turned off nor were the
circuit connections removed. The F.A.C.E.T. setup was used for a review question. After which the
power sources were removed and the circuit connections removed.


1. The voltage across each branch of a parallel circuit is the same as the source voltage.

2. The total current in a parallel circuit equals the sum of the branch currents.

3. Adding resistance to a parallel circuit increases total circuit current.

4. Current in any branch of a parallel circuit equals the branch voltage divided by the branch

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