1. Coding is a priority. This provided a useful design The main edit screen presents three panes: editing
constraint by helping us decide where complexity could CSS, editing HTML, and previewing the rendered page
be hidden and where it should be exposed. Web (Figure 1). The edit panes provide basic syntax
development encompasses diverse activities, including highlighting and line numbering. By juxtaposing CSS
non-coding activities like setup of the development with HTML and giving them equal visual prominence,
environment and server management, which can be users are encouraged to experiment with CSS and use
perceived by novices as barriers to making web pages it in concert with HTML to style their pages. The
[10]. We integrate web hosting with the editor, preview updates instantaneously as the user edits code
reducing the steps between delving into the code and in the other panes.
deploying it online.
openHTML eliminates the need to organize files locally
2. Iterative learner-centered design. We are interested and upload them to a remote server. Once a page has
in exploring how a web editor can be designed to been saved, it is immediately accessible to others
support learning and teaching; consequently, we online. The code of a web page can also be shared with
consider factors like motivation and understanding. other users, who can then make their own copy and
These considerations not only underscore the add edits to it. This feature makes it possible to remix
importance of providing the low barrier to coding others’ work and for instructors to seed a webpage for
activities described above, but also compelled us to an assignment or tutorial.
avoid a WYSIWYG interface that conceals syntax. We
started with a basic code editor and are studying it in Clicking the “Page List” button takes users to a list of
multiple contexts to discover what kinds of support previously created web pages (Figure 2). All revisions
beginners need to use such an environment effectively. of a web page are saved and can be accessed here; as
in a wiki system, saving revisions reduces the risk
3. Sharing and audience are critical. Education associated with experimentation because previous
literature suggests that sharing and discussing versions can always be restored. Users can also join a
group, giving another user like an instructor an Finally, openHTML has been instrumented with fine-
organized overview of the group’s pages. grained logging for research purposes. Keystroke-level
edits are recorded and can be used to reconstruct and
play back coding sessions.
We have conducted three rounds of evaluation: a pilot
test with children at a community center, a lab study
with adult users of different skill levels, and a field
study of novices in a university course. In this extended
abstract, we briefly describe the lab study.