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Vallabh Vidhyanagar

Project Name : Avadh Textile Market

Preper by : Pratik Vyas

I’d no:21CE073.


(Faculty Counsellor) (Head of department)

First, I would like to thank AMI INFRASTRUCTURE for providing me this

wonderful opportunity. I would thank my guide Mr. Ahish D. Rathod for playing
the most pivotal role in completion of my internship and providing a deep
insight into the industrial and technical aspects of AMI INFRASTRUCTURE in

➢ I am very thankful to Supervisors, who gave me their support right till the
end of the internship, by providing me with the required information whenever

➢ I extend my grateful thanks to workers on the site those help me in moral

and material needs as well as sharing me their knowledge to improve my
theoretical knowledge to the real works.

Sr. No. Title

1. Concrete Used

2. Slab Casting

3. Types of Slab

4. Casting of Columns / Shear Wall

5. Column Fromwork

6. Cube Test

7. Casting of Beams

8. Masonry Work
Concrete Used

Ready-mix concrete (RMC) is a ready-to-use material, with predetermined

mixture of Cement, sand, aggregates and water.

The idea of Ready-Mix Concrete was first introduced by Architect Jurgen

Heinrich Magen's, he got his patent of RMC in Germany in 1903.

RMC is preferred to on-site concrete mixing because of the precision of the

mixture and reduce worksite confusion. It facilitates speedy construction
through programmed delivery at site and mechanized operation with
consequent economy. It also decreases labour , site supervising cost and
project time, resulting in savings. Proper control and economy in use of raw
material results in saving of natural resources. It assures consistent quality
through accurate computerized control.
Slab Casting

The slab of A&B Building, 6th Floor was cast on 8 June 2023, in which 205 cum
concrete was required.
Cover 30 mm
During the concreting of slab some tasks were given to us:
> Check for segregation of concrete
> Proper Vibration
> Check for leakage from slab formwork
> Check Depth of Slab from drawings.
The Concreting was done by pumping the concrete from ground.
Grade of Concrete was M30.

Approx. time required for concreting of 6th floor slab was 12 hours.
And 28 Truck Mixer were required.

(Slab Before Casting)

(Pumping of concrete)

Pumping of Concrete from ground using the RMC and Pump which pushes the
concrete by means of hydraulic pressure.
> During the concreting of slab:
17 Labours
1 Supervisor
3 Engineers
1 Electrician
For concreting the edges of slab. Bucket was used that is lifted by crane.
Bucket has Volume of 0.7 cum.
Vibrating is a critical step on many concrete construction projects. When
concrete is poured, it might have hundreds or even thousands of air bubbles,
which can substantially weaken the concrete structure. Concrete vibrators
eliminate air bubbles by vigorously shaking the freshly poured concrete.
For checking depth, Steel rod is cut and has mark on the specific depth like 150
mm, 165 mm etc.
Types of Slabs

Sunk Slab/ Folded Slab

The slab which is provided below the washrooms to hide the sewage pipes or
sewerage pipes is called Sunken slab. In this type, the pipes that carry water are
concealed below the floor. Special care has to be taken to avoid leakage
problems. After casting sewage pipes in the slab, the slab is filled with coal or
broken pieces of bricks.
The slab which is provided below the normal floor level at a depth of 200mm
to 300 mm and filled with broken pieces of bricks is called Sunken slab.
Casting of Columns/Shear Wall

RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) column is a structural member of RCC frame

structured building. It's a vertical member which transfers loads from slab and
beam directly to subsequent soil.
A whole building stands on columns. Most of the building failure happens due
to column failure. And most of the column failure happens not for design fault
but for the poor construction practice. So, it is very important to know the
construction process of the RCC column properly.
Before Casting the column, the Starter is provided, Starter is generally a casting
of concrete material with equivalent width and length of column section and
comparatively smaller height of around 10 cm. It is cast in such a manner that
equal cover is left encircling the reinforcement bars of column and then
shuttering of column is provided
Columns Formwork (Shuttering)
Mivan is the name of company which invented "Aluminium Formwork". So, its
often-called mivan shuttering as in India. In mivan shuttering we can cast whole
slab, beam, column at one go making the unit a composite structure.
Columns are casted first followed by beam and slab, concreting is done by
boom placer or pump.
> Advantages :
1. Fast completion of floors
2. Uniformity in structural components.
3. Good finishing can be seen.
4. No need of plastering.
> Disadvantages :
1. Expensive, used for typical floors only.
2. Initial setup takes time.
3. Construction joints should be executed properly.
4. Alignment maintenance needs skilled labourers.
5. Holes caused by wall tie should be grouted properly with GP2 else they will
be problem of leakage in columns.
Concreting of Columns/ Shear Wall

For concreting the Columns/ Shear Wall, Bucket was used that is lifted by
During casting of it, Vibration was given by hand Vibrator.
Grade of Concrete: M 40
Clear Cover: 40mm
Bucket has Volume of 0.7 cum. (casted column )
Cube Test

The compressive strength of the concrete cube test provides an idea about all
the characteristics of concrete. By this single test one judge that whether
Concreting has been done properly or not.
Compressive strength of concrete depends on many factors such as water-
cement ratio, cement strength, quality of concrete material, quality control
during the production of concrete, etc.
Test for compressive strength is carried out either on a cube.
For cube test two types of specimens either cubes of 15cm X 15cm X 15cm or
10cm X 10cm x 10cm depending upon the size of aggregate are used. For most
of the works cubical molds of size 15cm x 15cm x 15cm are commonly used.
This concrete is poured in the mold and appropriately tempered so as not to
have any voids. After 24 hours, molds are removed, and test specimens are put
in water for curing. The top surface of these specimen should be made even
and smooth. This is done by placing cement paste and spreading smoothly on
the whole area of the specimen.
These specimens are tested by compression testing machine after seven days
curing or 28 days curing. Load should be applied gradually at the rate of 140
kg/cm2 per minute till the Specimens fails. Load at the failure divided by area
of specimen gives the compressive strength of concrete.
Casting of Beams

Beams are usually horizontal structural members that carry or transfer loads
levelly by their length to the supports wherein the loads are generally set into
vertical forces.
Beams are utilized for opposing bending moments, shear forces and vertical
loads. Various types of beams can be categorized according to the type of
support. In it, the loads are acting transversely to the longitudinal axis, which
produces the shear forces and bending moment. The lateral load acting on
beams is the main cause of the bending of the beam. They are responsible to
transfer a load from the slab to the column. The load distribution pattern is,
Slab > Beam > Column > Foundation
In a residential building is 9 " x 12 " or 225 mm ? 300 mm according to the (IS
The minimum size of the RCC beam should not be less than the 9 "x 9 " or
225mm x 225mm with the addition of slab thickness which is 125mm.
Stirrups are used to counter the shear force. It is also called shear
reinforcement in the beam.
Shear force is maximum at the end supports (simply supported beams) and
zero at the mid of the span that's why the spacing of stirrups or rings is closed
to each end supports as compared to the mid.
Stirrups are made in a rectangular shape with reinforcement bars and which is
wrapped around the top and bottom bars of the beam.
Sometimes, stirrups are placed diagonally and vertically to avoid shear failure
in case of cracks in beams.
Generally, beams are classified by the shape of their cross-section, by their
length and by their equilibrium conditions.
A simply supported beam is supported at both ends. These beams are mostly
used in general construction. Supported freely to rotate at the two ends on
walls or columns.
Have no moment resistance at support.
A beam that has more than two supports this kind of beam is called continuous
beams. Two or more than two supports are used between these beams and
these beams are similar to the simply supported beams.
Supported on two or more vertical supports.
It is considered a more economical beam as compared to others.The beam over
which both sides have an overhanging called a double overhanging beam.
A beam that is fixed at both ends is called a fixed beam. Fixed beams are not
allowed the vertical movement or rotation of the beam. In this beam, no
bending moment will produce. Fixed beams are only under the shear force and
are generally used in the trusses and like other structures.
Both ends of the beam rigidly fixed with supports.
A beam that is fixed at one end and free on the other end is called an
overhanging beam. These beams carry loads of both shear stress and bending
moment. These beams are generally used in the bridge trusses and other
structural member.
Its one end is fixed in-wall or column and the other side is free.
In the cantilever, the tension zone is located at the top and compression in the
5: Overhanging beam:
A beam that is supported by two points but on the third point is hanging or not
support is called an overhanging beam. It is a combination of the cantilever and
the simply supported beam.Its ends extend beyond the columns or walls.The
overhanging portion is unsupported or may locate both sides of the beam. The
beams are casted with the casting of slab.
Masonry work

It is very important to layout the 1st course of brick/block according to the plan
and centre line.
A thread is used as a reference, according to it the layout of brick/block is
Plumb bob ( Orambho ) is also used for the same.
First off, all the threads are tied at right-angled with reference to a column.
All the measurement are done with the help of thread

My internship experience in construction has provided invaluable

insights into the intricacies of building projects. From collaborating
with skilled professionals to witnessing the meticulous planning
and execution, I've gained a deeper understanding of the
construction industry's dynamic nature. This internship has
affirmed my passion for contributing to the creation of safe,
efficient, and sustainable structures, and I look forward to applying
these learnings in my future endeavors within the field of

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