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Simple Interest ( )

1. Calculate the simple interest on Rs. 25000 at the rate of 5% per annum for 3 years
25000 # dk 5 % okf’kZd C;kt dh nj ls 3 o’kZ dk lk/kkj.k C;kt Kkr dhft,A
(a)4000 Rs (b) 3800 Rs (c) 3750 Rs. (d) 3700 Rs.
2. Calculate the simple interest on Rs. 3000 at the rate of 4 % per annum for 5 years.
3000 # dk 4 % okf’kZd C;kt dh nj ls 5 o’kZ dk lk/kkj.k C;kt Kkr dhft,A
(a)700 Rs (b) 600 Rs (c) 500 Rs. (d) 400 Rs.
3. Ashok borrowed Rs. 15,000 for 3 years. If he had paid Rs.2700 as a simple interest.
Find the rate per annum.
v”kksd us 15000 #] 3 o’kZ ds fy, lk/kkj.k C;kt ij m/kkj fy,A ;fn mlus 2700 #i,
C;kt fn;k gks] rks okf’kZd nj izfr”kr D;k gSa\
(a)10% (b) 8 % (c) 6 % (d) 5%
4. On what principle , simple interest will be Rs.200 for 2 years at the rate of 5 %
per annum.
fdl jkf”k ij 2 o’kZ dk lk/kkj.k C;kt 5 % okf’kZd nj ls 200 :i, gks tk,xk\
(a)4000 Rs (b) 3000 Rs (c) 2000 Rs. (d) 1900 Rs.
5. On what principle , simple interest will be Rs.150 for 5 years at the rate of 10%
per annum.
fdl jkf”k ij 5 o’kZ dk lk/kkj.k C;kt 10 % okf’kZd nj ls 150 :i, gks tk,xk\
(a)400 Rs (b) 300 Rs (c) 200 Rs. (d) 190 Rs.
6. A principal becomes an amount of Rs. 840 in 12 month at the rate 5 % Per annum.
What is the principle ?
;fn dksbZ /kujkf”k 12 ekg esa 5 % okf’kZd C;kt dh nj ls 840 #i, gks tkrh gS] rks og
/kujkf”k D;k gSa\
(a)500 Rs (b) 600 Rs (c) 700 Rs. (d) 800 Rs.
7. A simple interest of Rs. 6000 is gained on the certain principle at the rate of
12% per annum in one year. What is the principle.
12 % okf’kZd lk/kkj.k C;kt dh nj ls fdlh jkf”k ij ,d o’kZ esa 6000 #i, feyrk gS] rks
jkf”k Kkr dhft,\
(a)50,000 Rs (b) 30,000 Rs (c) 20,000 Rs. (d) 19,000 Rs.
8. Simple interest of Rs. 300 is gained on the principle of Rs. 600 @ of 10 % per
annum in certain time. Calculate the time period?
600 #i, dh jkf”k ij dqN le; esa 10 % okf’kZd lk/kkj.k C;kt dh nj ls 300 #i, C;kt
feyrk gS] rks le; Kkr dhft,\
(a)8yr (b) 7 yr (c) 6 yr (d) 5 yr
9. Calculate the simple interest on a principle of Rs. 1000 at the rate 5 % per annum
in 219 days.
1000 :i, dk 5 % okf’kZd C;kt dh nj ls 219 fnu dk lk/kkj.k C;kt Kkr dhft,A
(a)34 (b) 32 (c) 30 (d) 28

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10. At what % per annum rate principle of Rs. 800 will become 1000 Rs in one year.
fdrus izfr”kr okf’kZd lk/kkj.k C;kt dh nj ls 800 :i, 1 o’kZ esa 1000 :i, gks tk,xk\
(a)20% (b) 25 % (c) 30 % (d) 35%
11. At what time the principle of Rs. 800 have simple interest of Rs.125 at the rate of
fdrus le; es 800 :i, ij 12-5 % okf’kZd nj ls lk/kkj.k C;kt 125 :i, gks tk,xk\
1 1 1 1
(a) 1 yr (b) 1 yr (c) 1 yr (d) 1 yr
6 2 8 4
12. An amount will become double in 10 years on simple interest. find the rate of
lk/kkj.k C;kt ls dksbZ /ku 10 o’kksZa esa nqxquk gks tkrk gSA C;kt nj Kkr dhft,A
(a)15% (b) 10 % (c) 9 % (d) 8%
13. An amount will become triple in 20 yrs on simple interest. find the rate of Interest
lk/kkj.k C;kt ls dksbZ /ku 20 o’kksZa es frxquk gks tkrk gSA C;kt nj Kkr dhft,A
(a)15% (b) 12 % (c) 10 % (d) 8%
14. A sum of money become double at the rateof 5% at simple interest. Find the time.
,d jkf”k lk/kkj.k C;kt }kjk 5 % okf’kZd nj ls dqN le; eas nqxquh gks tkrh gS] rks le;
Kkr fdft,\
(a)20 yr (b) 17 yr (c) 16 yr (d) 18 yr
15. In how much time an amount will become double at the rate of 20 %?
fdrus o’kZ es dksbZ jkf”k 20 % okf’kZd lk/kkj.k C;kt dh nj ls nqxuh gks tk,xh\
(a)10 yr (b) 7 yr (c) 6 yr (d) 5 yr
16. In how much time an amount will become double at the rate of 10 %?
fdrus le; es dksbZ /ku 10 % lk/kkj.k C;kt dh nj ls nqxuk gks tk,xk\
(a)15 yr (b) 17 yr (c) 10 yr (d) 18 yr
17. A sum of money become thrice at 6 % per annum at simple interest. At what rate
% it will become 6 times in same time.
lk/kkj.k C;kt ij 6 % okf’kZd C;kt dh nj ls dksbZ /ku frxquk gks tkrk gSA mlh le; esa
;g /ku fdl izfr”kr ls N% xquk gks tk,xk\
(a)24 (b) 22 (c) 30 (d) 15
18. A sum of money become double in 5 years. In how much time it will become 4
times in same rate of interest.
dksbZ jkf”k lk/kkj.k C;kt }kjk 5 o’kZ esa nqxquh gksrh gSA mlh nj ls ;g /ku fdrus le; esa
4 xq.kk gksxk \
(a)10 yr (b) 15 yr (c) 14 yr (d) 13 yr
19. At certain rate a sum of money become double in 8 year at simple interest. In how
much time at will become 3 times in same rate of interest.
,d jkf”k lk/kkj.k C;kt dh fdlh nj ls 8 o’kZ esa nqxquh gks tkrh gSA lk/kkj.k C;kt dh
mlh nj ls rhu xq.kk gksus esa fdruk le; yxsxk\
(a)15 yr (b) 16 yr (c) 18 yr (d) 20 yr
20. A sum of money become double in 5 years.In how much time it will become 8

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dksbZ /ku lk/kkj.k C;kt dh nj ls 5 o’kZ es nqxuk gks tkrk gSA fdrus o’kZ esa ;g /ku 8 xquk
gks tk,xk\
(a)30 yr (b) 35 yr (c) 32 yr (d) 33 yr
21. Simple interest of 1200 Rs. is Rs. 50 more than the simple interest of Rs. 1000 in
2 2 years. find rate of interest.
2 o’kZ ds fy, 1200 :i;s dk lk/kkj.k C;kt 1000 :i;s ds C;kt ls 50 :i;s vf/kd
gSA C;kt dh nj Kkr dhft,A
(a)14 (b) 12 (c) 10 (d) 8
22. Simple interest of Rs.2000 Rs. is increased by Rs. 80 when rate of interest is
increased by 2 %. Find the time.
C;kt dh nj es 2 % dh o`f) gksus ij 2000 :i;s ds C;kt esa 80 :i;s dh o`f) gksrh gSA
le; Kkr dhft,A
(a)3 yr (b) 3.5 yr (c) 2 yr (d) 2.5 yr
23. A lend Rs. 15000 to B at the rate of 14 % per annum on simple interest. After 6
years B returned Rs.25,000 and a watch to settled the dues. Find the price of
A u B 15000 #i, 14 % okf’kZd nj ls m/kkj fn,A 6 o’kZ ckn B 25000 #i,
rFkk ,d ?kM+h nsdj dtZ pqdk fn;kA ?kM+h dk ewY; Kkr dhft,A
(a)2600 Rs (b) 2800 Rs (c) 3000 Rs. (d) 3200 Rs.
24. Vikas borrowed Rs. 15,000 at the rate of 12 % per annum at simple interest and
borrowed another sum of money at the rate of 16 % simple interest. If he paid Rs.
10,000 as simple interest after 2 years. find the total money he borrowed.
fodkl us 15000 12 % dh nj ls m/kkj fy;k rFkk dqN vU; /ku 16 % dh nj ls
m/kkj fy;kA nks o’kZ ckn mls dqy 10000 :i;s C;kt pqdkuk iM+rk gSA mlus dqy fdruk
/ku m/kkj fy;k\
(a)26000 Rs (b) 28000 Rs (c) 30000 Rs. (d) 35000 Rs.
25. A sum of money becomes Rs. 1040 in 3 years and Rs. 1360 in 7 years. find the
sum of money.
,d jkf”k lk/kkj.k C;kt }kjk 3 o’kkZsa esa 1040 #i, rFkk 7 o’kksaZ esa 1360 #i, gks tkrh gS]
rks og fdruh jkf”k gksxh\
(a)600 Rs (b) 800 Rs (c) 900 Rs. (d) 1000 Rs.
26. A sum of money becomes Rs. 690 in 3 years and Rs. 750 in 5 years. find the sum
of money.
dksbZ /ku lk/kkj.k C;kt ij 3 o’kksaZ esa 690 #i, rFkk 5 o’kZ esa 750 #i, gks tkrk gSA ewy/ku
D;k gksxk\
(a)600 Rs (b) 800 Rs (c) 900 Rs. (d) 1000 Rs.
27. A sum of money becomes Rs. 2200 in 1 years and Rs. 2800 in 4 years. find the
sum of money and rate of interest per annum .
dksbZ /ku ,d o’kZ es lk/kkj.k C;kt ij 2200 :i, rFkk pkj o’kZ es 2800 :i, gks tkrk gS]
rks og /ku rFkk nj izfr”kr okf’kZd Kkr dhft,A
(a) 2000 Rs, 10% (b) 2200 Rs, 12%

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(c) 2300 Rs., 14% (d) 2400 Rs., 14%
28. 1
Simple interest on a certain sum is 9 times of its principal if number of years
and rate of interest are same. Find the rate of interest.
fdlh /ku ij lk/kkj.k C;kt ewy/ku dk Hkkx gS rFkk le; dh la[;k o nj izfr”kr gSA
C;kt dh nj Kkr dhft,A
1 1 1 1
(a) 3 % (b) 2 % (c) 3 % (d) 2 %
6 6 3 3
29. 4
Simple interest on a certain sum is 25 times of its principal if number of years
and rate of interest P.A are numerically same. Find the rate of interest?
fdlh /ku ij lk/kkj.k C;kt ewy/ku dk Hkkx gS rFkk le; dh la[;k o nj izfr”kr
cjkcj gSA C;kt dh nj Kkr dhft,A
(a)3 %P.A (b) 4 %P.A (c) 5 %P.A (d) 6 %P.A
30. Simple interest on Rs. 160 is Rs 40. If number of years and rate of interest are
same. Find the rate of interest.
160 :i, dk lk/kkj.k C;kt 40 :i, gS rFkk o’kksZ dh la[;k C;kt nj ds cjkcj gSA C;kt
nj Kkr dhft,A
(a)3 % (b) 4 % (c) 5 % (d) 6 %
31. 1
Simple interest on a certain sum is 5 times of its principal in 4 years. Find the
rate of interest.
fdlh /ku ij 4 o’kZ dk lk/kkj.k C;kt ml /ku dk gS] C;kt dh okf’kZd nj fdruh gSa\
(a)3 % (b) 4 % (c) 5 % (d) 6 %
32. Rs. 3000 are lended in two parts. One part at 5 % & other part at 7 % per annum
of S.I. If total S.I of one year is Rs.182. Find the sum lended at 7 %.
3000 #i, dk dqN Hkkx 5 % rFkk ckdh Hkkx 7 % okf’kZd nj ij m/kkj fn;k x;kA ,d
o’kZ ckn dqqy lk/kkj.k C;kt 182 #i, feykA 7 % okf’kZd nj ij nh xbZ jkf”k Kkr djsAa
(a)1600 Rs (b) 1800 Rs (c) 1900 Rs. (d) 2000 Rs.
33. Aniket deposited Rs. 25000 in two banks in two parts. He gets 15 % S.I one the
first part & 18 % S.I. at second part. Rs. 4050 is the S.I for one year. Find the
part lended at 18 %.
vfudsr 25000 :i;s dks nks Hkkxks es ckaVdj nks vyx&vyx cSadks esa tek djrk gSA ,d
ls mls 15 % dk C;kt rFkk nwljs ls mls 18 % dk C;kt feyrk gSA ,d o’kZ es mls 4050
:i;s C;kt izkIr gksrk gSA crk,sa fd mlus 18 % dh nj ls fdruk /ku tek fd;k Fkk\
(a)6000 Rs (b) 8000 Rs (c) 10000 Rs. (d) 12000 Rs.
34. A man lended Rs. 2000 in two parts one at 5 % & other at 4 %. If total S.I for one
year is 92 then find the sum lended at 5 %.
,d O;fDr ds ikl 2000 :i, gS] ftlesa ls ,d Hkkx dks mlus 5 % okf’kZd nj ls rFkk
nqljs Hkkx dks 4 % okf’kZd nj ls m/kkj fn;kA mls C;kt ls dqy okf’kZd vk; 92 :i,
gksrh gSA crk, fd mlus 5 % dh nj ls fdruk /ku m/kkj fn;k Fkk\
(a)600 Rs (b) 800 Rs (c) 900 Rs. (d) 1200 Rs.

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Simple Interest

1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (b)

11. (d) 12. (b) 13. (c) 14. (a) 15. (d) 16. (c) 17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (b) 20. (b)

21. (c) 22. (c ) 23. (a) 24. (d) 25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (a) 28. (c) 29. (b) 30. (c)

31. (c) 32. (a) 33. (c) 34. (d)

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