Understanding Media Assignment Answer Key

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1. Choose the correct option:

A. Television was invented by _______
i. John Logie Baird
ii. Thomas Edison
iii. J.C. Bosh
iv. C.V.Raman

B. Government control over the media is known as:

i. Balanced Report
ii. Censorship
iii. Independence
iv. Emergency

C. Which is the main source of income of media?

i. Advertisements
ii. Articles
iii. General news
iv. All of these

D. Which word is used to refer to a T.V. or radio programme that is widely transmitted?
i. Publish
ii. Broadcast
iii. Censorship
iv. Public protest

E. When did India censor the media?

i. When there was Emergency in 1975-77
ii. When P.M. Indira Gandhi was Assassinated
iii. When bomb blasts took place
iv. During Kargil war

F. Identify the type of Advertisement shown

i. Political Advertisement
ii. Commercial Advertisement
iii. Social Advertisement
iv. Entertainment Advertisement

2. Fill in the blanks:-

a. ___Technology___ is a very powerful weapon of mass media.
b. Media can be divided into _Print and Electronic_.
c. A Producer__ wants to sell his products to the maximum number of people.
d. It is the duty of media to provide _authentic__ information to its readers.
e. Sometimes media does not focus on the issues of __common_ interest.

3. Match Columns:
Column 1 Column 2
i. Videos and c. Examples of electronic media
ii. Books and d. Examples of print media
iii. Censorship a. A way of government’s control over media
iv. Public Protest e. A large number of people together raise their voice
against some issue.
v. Balanced b. Highlighting necessary aspects of any situation with
information positive intention.

4. Give reasons:
a. We say that cinema is an effective means of mass communication.
Answer: Key point- Cinema can be used to reach a wide audience, to inform and inspire
change through engaging audiences and reflecting society. Social film drama unites
people in a common sense of humanity and shared responsibility, which gives it added
power to help foster positive change.

b. Why advertisements are keep on repeating in cricket matches flashing on television?

Answer: Key point- In the hope that we will purchase what is advertised and increases
the sales /profit of the producer.

5. What is the relation between media and democracy?

Answer: The media plays a very important role in democracy. It stands as a fourth pillar
of democracy as:
 It provides news and discusses events taking place in the country and world.
 It criticizes unpopular policies and programme of the government.
 By writing letters in editorial columns we can share our views with concerned
government department.
 It helps us in making our opinion by giving a balanced report. By writing a balanced
report we can also make media independent.
 It forms the public opinion.
 It raises issues and problem related to common people.
 It also acts as reminder for the government about their promises.
 Raising people’s awareness among the people that need attention and drawing
attention of the government. .

6. What is a balanced report? What are the main objectives of a balanced report in the
Answer: A balanced report is:
 A balanced report is one that discusses all points of view of a particular story and
then leaves it to the readers to make up their mind.
 We would only be aware of one side of the story if we read one of the two
 Based on the News of India article, we describe the demonstrators as a nuisance.
 On the other side, the article in the India Daily informs us that the demonstrations are
taking place because poor relocation attempts would result in the loss of many
 Both of these pieces lack objectivity and balance. A balanced report presents all sides
of a given subject and allows the readers to form their own opinion without being
a. To give fair information
b. To uphold the role of media in democracy
c. To help people make informed decisions
d. To show different perspectives
e. To support democracy

7. In what ways government controls the media. Explain in brief?

Answer: When the government prevents either a news item, or scene from a movie, or
the lyrics of a song from being shared with the larger public, this is referred as
It is done by government so the sentiments of any particular group of people should not
get hurt or any chaos should not be created in the society. With censorship, government
has lot of influence in media.

8. Media ‘sets the agenda’. How?

Answer: Media ‘sets the agenda’ The media also plays an important role in deciding
what stories to focus on, and decides what is worthy. This happens because of the
interest of business houses which controls the media as their continual requirement for
money which leads to publish that news which arouse more interest and give them more

9. Writing a balanced report, however, depends on the media being independent. An

independent media means that no one should control and influence its coverage of news.
a. Why is it important for the media to be independent?
Answer: An independent media is important in a democracy. Independent media has
reliable and unbiased information.

b. Why media is no longer considered independent?

 The government has a control over media.
 Due to Censorship news item, scenes from movies or songs are not shared with
 During the Emergency 1975-1977 government censored the media.
 Government censor the films but it really does not censor media coverage of news.
 Despite the absence of censorship on news, most newspapers are unable to provide a
balanced story.
 This is due to the control of business houses over the media.
 News is given based on the interest of the business houses.
 Media needs money which it gets from advertisements.
 It becomes difficult for them to report against those who give advertisements.
 So media is not independent due to its business links.

10. State the four Ethics and Principles of the Media.

Answer: Ethics and Principles of the Media
• Authenticity – Information should be genuine and from reliable source.
• Honesty – It should present the truth.
• Sensitivity –It should not hurt the sentiments of any particular group of society.
• Impartiality – It should not discriminate or bring out hatred on grounds of race,
nationality, religion or gender

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