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QP OLD 2022 (1) Wxygbieygayrxn8w

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[Central Technological Institute, Maharashtra State]

Matunga, Mumbai-400 019


SEMESTER & PROGRAM F.Y.B Tech. SEM-I TIME 11.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.
COURSE Applied Chemistry-I (R4CH1011T)

Instructions 1. Attempt all questions.

: 2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3. Upload the question paper along with the answer sheet
4. At. wt At. Wt C=12, O=16, Ca=40 Mg=24, H=1, Al=27, Cl=35.5, Si=28, S=32,
Na = 22.9, Fe = 55.8.

Q1 a The analysis of raw water gives the following result. i) CaSO4 = 84-degree 4M CO2
clark ii) Mg(HCO3)2= 250 meq/L iii) Fe2+= 250 ppm, iv) K+= 400 kg/L.
Calculate the amount of permanent hardness present for 1500 litres of water.
How much of 15 % NaCl is required to regenerate the zeolite bed which has
been used to soften 450 litres of this water.

b Draw the diagram of the Ion exchange process plant. Write the causes and 4M CO2
remedial measures for foaming.

c 250 ml of water sample required 25 ml N/25 EDTA for titration. After 4M CO2
boiling and filtration the same volume required 15.5 ml of EDTA. Calculate
both the types of hardness in it. Write the complex formed using EDTA and
hardness causing metal.

Q2 a Syndiotactic and isotactic polymers are more crystalline but atactic one are 4M CO4
more amorphous. Justify this. Why HDPE is more widely used as
packaging film than LDPE ?

b Polymer sample consists of 40% by weight of sample with molecular 4M CO4

weight 20,000 and 60 % by weight of macromolecules with molecular
weight 100,000. Calculate M̅n and M̅w. What is the significance of PDI.

c With the help of synthesis reactions of Bakelite plastic, justify the 4M CO4
characteristic property of this plastic. Tg of polystyrene is 100 (Tg=100)
what it indicates?

Q3 a 6 g of linseed oil required 6.0 ml of 0.0025 N KOH to neutralise the free 4M -

acid in the sample. Density of the lubricant oil is 0.90 g/ml. State suitability
of lubricant.
Draw neat labelled diagram of Pensky martins flash point apparatus.
b Greases are suitable lubricants for tractors and road rollers. Justify. 4M CO3
Explain the mechanism of extreme pressure lubrication.

c 2.5 g of oil was saponified by using excess alcohol 0.25 N KOH. Blank 4M CO3
titration and back titration with 0.25 N HCl respectively gave burette
readings of 56 ml and 38 ml each. Density of oil is 0.92 g/ml. Find the
saponification value of oil.

Write the function and example of additive to improve 1) Viscosity index

2) Anti-oxidant properties.

Q4 a Give classification of plain carbon steel. Write composition of alloy used in 4M CO3
making steel sheets and state two properties of the same alloy.

b Write the reaction justifying twice the quantity of lime is required for 4M CO2
removing Mg temporary hardness. Why are coagulants necessary for the
Cold lime soda process?

c With the help of reaction explain the significance of initiation and 4M CO4
propagation steps of chain growth polymerization mechanism. Write the
termination mechanism by disproportionation in free radical chain growth

Q5 a Write SN1 reaction mechanism and which factors are affecting reactivity of 4M CO1
SN1 reaction. State whether the strength of the nucleophile affect the SN1

b Which poison is adsorb on the surface of active sites in the manufacturing 4M CO1
of sulfuric acid? With the help of the following reaction explain adsorption
theory in catalysis.

c A lubricating oil has Saybolt universal viscosity of 63 Saybolt universal 4M CO3

seconds (SUS) at 210 ̊ F and 580 at 100 ̊ F. Gulf oil has viscosity of 63 SUS
at 210 ̊ F and has a viscosity of 700 SUS at 100 ̊ F. Pennsylvanian oil has
viscosity of 63 SUS at 210 ̊ F and has a viscosity of 340 SUS at 100 ̊ F. Find
viscosity index
Define alloy. Explain why plain carbon steel cannot be deep hardened by
heat treatment.


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