P.T 20. Keys

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Exercise 20.

You will hear a discussion in which two biologists, Ian Cartwright and Angela Sharpe, talk about
conservation and the public's perception of it. For questions 16-20, choose the answer (A, B, C or
D) which best fits according to what you hear.
16 According to Ian, why aren't people easily convinced of the importance of protecting endangered
A They find it difficult to understand the concept.
B They are presented with information that is too vague.
C They do not believe human activity causes extinction.
D They think that conservationists are exaggerating the situation.
17 Angela says that eco-tourism has been successful because
A it provides locals with a long-term source of income.
B it has been properly managed by governments in developing countries.
C it encourages people to have more respect for nature.
D it is affordable for a large number of people from developed countries.
18 The story Ian tells about how economists determined the value of the environment highlights A what a
complex subject economics can be.
B the ease with which false promises are made.
C why companies get away with polluting lakes.
D how ignorant people are of the role nature plays in their lives.
19 What explanation does Angie give for people being indifferent to the destruction of the ecosystem?
A They believe scientists will fix the problem.
B The vast majority do not suffer too much when it happens.
C They consider the exploitation of environmental resources necessary.
D They think the cost of replacing unrecognised benefits has been overestimated.
20 The species Ian refers to
A indicate how fast an ecosystem is likely to collapse.
B only live in one specific ecosystem.
C are extremely sensitive to environmental change.
D appear to be in the greatest danger of extinction.

16 B
17 A
18 D
19 B
20 C
Interviewer: Today, we'll be talking to two biologists, Ian Cartwright and Angela Sharpe, about
conservation and the public's perception of it. Now, the message of how important it is to conserve
biological diversity is one that has been passed on to the public through education and the media for some
time and yet very little seems to have changed, Do you think you are fighting a losing battle in trying to
change the public's mindset, Ian?
Ian: I wouldn't go that far. But I will admit that it's been an uphill struggle to convince people of the value
of endangered species and what can happen if they become extinct because of human activity. You see,
although we know that the loss of a single species can trigger a chain reaction, the impact of that loss is
not always immediately apparent and can be unpredictable. As such, it's an imprecise science, which
makes it difficult to provide the public with the kind of information they will be able to grasp and
hopefully act on.
Angela: I agree it is difficult, but not impossible as we've been able to witness through eco-tourism,
which is particularly important in developing countries that cannot afford conservation programmes.
Because of its direct link to economic and social development, eco-tourism allows local populations to
see clearly the benefits of exploiting biological diversity to create a permanent source of wealth
rather than destroying it to satisfy short-term needs. The success of eco-tourism shows that it is
possible to conserve diversity when the benefits are clear and within reach.
Ian: I think that's a fair point. Very often in the developed world, people who live in urban sprawls
are too far removed from nature to be able to appreciate the extent to which we rely on what it has
to offer. This was illustrated when economists were first requested to include the environmental
factor in their complicated calculations to determine whether a project was economically feasible or
not. To put a value on the environment, they visited some residents of a city with a lake nearby and
informed them that a company was interested in purchasing land next to the lake to build a factory. They
were also told the factory would probably pollute the lake and in doing so kill every living thing in it.
Then, they were asked how much they were willing to give to prevent the company from building a
factory and therefore conserve the area. The amounts were noted, but when the researchers returned to the
households to tell the residents the company wanted to go ahead with the purchase, hardly anyone was
prepared to pay the sum of money they had pledged. As a consequence, the economists concluded that the
environment was virtually worthless and could not be factored into their analyses.
Angela: That story ties in with public perception of what are aptly known as the unrecognised benefits of
conserving biodiversity. These are the services we receive when ecosystems function normally. By that I
mean such benefits as chemical cycling - the oxygen produced by rain forests for example, water
purification and flood protection. These are the kinds of things we take for granted, so we tend not to
consider them until an ecosystem together with its ability to provide these services is destroyed and we
have to foot the bill to replace them. Naturally, you might expect that the high cost of fixing such
problems would be enough to make people sit up and heed the warnings about ecological disasters, but
you would be wrong. This is because of the relatively low proportion of the population that is
severely affected by such catastrophes.
Ian: Yes, again it's a case of people not having to care unless they feel the full effect of an environmental
malfunction. What they don't realise is that there is always a wider impact of any ecosystem collapse than
just the localised one. So, keeping all ecosystems intact is obviously the primary aim of all conservation
projects with the focus on prevention rather than cure. Fortunately, this can be achieved because within
any single ecosystem there are species that act as indicators of environmental quality. The decline of
bald eagles, for instance, told us of the dangers of DDT. And more recently, in Florida, largemouth bass
have relayed the message that there is mercury contamination in freshwater ecosystems. Likewise, the
disappearance of sawgrass in freshwater marshes has informed us of nutrient problems in the Everglades.
Without such environmental monitors, we would not have realised there were contaminants until even
more damage was done.
Angela: So, in answer to your question, I think I can speak for both of us when I say that the key to
putting the message across is to get people involved in conservation even if that just means visiting a
Thank you both.


Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.
21. The play has _____ the wrath of both audiences and critics.
A. incurred B. inflicted C. evolved D. entailed
Incur=to experience something, usually something unpleasant, as a result of actions you have taken
=> incur the wrath /anger of
22. The hotel had a single _____ feature - it was cheap.
A. saving B. redeeming C. acquitting D. distinctive
redeeming quality/feature etc (=the one good thing about an unpleasant person or thing)
23. No decision has been taken about the building of the new airport. The authorities are still _____.
A. beating about the bush B. comparing notes
C. sitting on the fence D. holding their ground
beating about the bush= nói chuyện vòng vo tam quốc
'sits on the fence' (ngồi trên hàng rào), có nghĩa là họ không nghiêng về bên nào trong một cuộc tranh
luận. trung lập
compare notes =>If two people compare notes, they tell each other what they think about something they
have both done
hold one’s ground=to refuse to move back or retreat when attacked =không chịu khuất phục
24. A panel of experts was _____ to study safety issues.
A. gathered B. collected C. assembled D. convened
Covene = to arrange for a group of people to come together for an official meeting
Gather=When people or animals gather, they come together in a group
Assemble = to come together in a single place or bring parts together in a single group
25. The team members reported that they learned a lot from each other, especially _____ knowledge.
A. tacit B. mute C. implicit D. hands-on
tacit knowledge=knowledge that you do not get from being taught, or from books, etc. but get from
personal experience, for example when working in a particular organization
26. Humanitarian groups are campaigning against plans to _____ the death penalty.
A. reinstate B. replenish C. reverse D. recruit
Reinstate = phục chức, phục hồi, mang cái gì trở lại Replenish = làm đầy, bổ sung
Reverse = đảo ngược recruit = tuyển dụng
27. Oil spills will _____ even the healthiest of marine ecosystem.
A. play havoc on B. break ground with C. take their toll on D. put paid to
A. play havoc on - Ta có cụm từ: Play havoc with sth: khiến cho một tình huống khó khăn hoặc gây bối
rối hơn nhiều; hủy hoại cái gì
B. break ground with -> Ta có cụm từ: Break fresh/new ground (on/for/...) (coll): làm cái gì chưa từng
làm trước đây, phát hiện ra cái gì mới; đào đất để bắt đầu xây dựng cái gì
C. take their toll on sb/sth (coll): gây ra đau thương, thiệt hại, chết chóc cho ai/cái gì -> Với chủ ngữ số ít
thì ta dùng “take its/a toll”
D. pay/suffer the consequences for sth (coll): chấp nhận đối mặt với những hành động, lời nói,...của ai đó
đã làm
Tạm dịch: Sự cố tràn dầu thậm chí sẽ còn gây ra nhiều thiệt hại cho những phần còn tốt nhất của hệ sinh
thái dưới nước
28. The new software wasn’t _____ with my computer.
A. convergent B. conducive C. consistent D. compatible
Be compatible with = able to exist, live, or work successfully with something or someone else
29. Congratulations on your success! How does it feel to be _____?
A. the man of the hour B. a pillar of society
C. a bargaining counter D. a confirmed bachelor
'A man of the hour' nghĩa là người đang được chúc mừng, tôn vinh, tuyên dương, ngưỡng mộ vì thành
tích/chiến thắng mới đạt/giành được.
bargaining counter =something that can be used to gain an advantage when trying to make a deal or an
'a pillar of society' (trụ cột của xã hội), điều đó có nghĩa bạn là thành viên rất quan trọng và giá trị của xã
hội, tham gia vào nhiều hoạt động công cộng. Thuật ngữ 'a pillar of...' cũng được sử dụng với các nhóm
người hay tổ chức khác.
'Confirmed bachelor' có từ bachelor là người độc thân, và confirmed là đã xác nhận, chứng thực, vì thế
'confirmed bachelor' là anh chàng độc thân mãi mãi, người không hề có ý muốn lấy vợ.
30. The experimental play was only a _____ success, which disappointed the playwright.
A. downscale B. qualified C. reserved D. secluded
Downscale=low in quality and cheap in price; relating to or intended for people who are poor or not
Qualified = đạt tiêu chuẩn => qualified success = vừa đủ khả năng thành công
Reserved = kín đáo secluded = vắng vẻ, hẻo lánh

21. A 22. B 23. C 24. D 25. A 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. B


Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.
31. No one ever _____ to breaking the window.
A. owned up B. spoke up C. got through D. came down
Own up to' = 'admit or confess to having done something wrong or embarrassing'; nghĩa là thừa nhận
điều gì sai lầm, đáng xấu hổ, xấu xa.
32. They eke _____ a miserable existence in cardboard shacks.
A. out B. up C. on D. into
Eke out' có nghĩa là kiếm sống một cách khó khăn, có thu nhập ít ỏi
33. The embassy has been _____ for over 2 weeks.
A. cordoned off B. closed out C. shut off D. put down
cordon something off = If people in authority, such as the police, cordon off a building or area, they put
something around it in order to stop people from entering it// to close an area to people and vehicles
34. She stole the shoes from right _____ the assistant’s nose.
A. down B. above C. under D. away
be (right) under your nose =to be in a place that you can clearly see
35. Peter _____ the news _____ before we could stop him.
A. finished – off B. blurted – out C. rattled – off D. raked – up
Blurt out = tiết lội bí mật
Finish off =Kết thúc hoàn toàn// giết dộng vật, thường là khi chúng đã bị thương
Rake up =Đưa cái gì đó đến sự chú ý của mọi người
Rattle off' nghĩa là đọc nhanh, đọc lướt, nói qua
36. The problem is not susceptible _____ so simple a solution.
A. to B. of C. for D. with
susceptible of=able to experience something, or able to be treated in a particular way
susceptible to= easily influenced or affected by something
37. He _____ a fortune over the years and no one ever knew!
A. took out B. dug into C. rolled over D. salted away
Salt away =Tiết kiệm tiền
dig (something) into someone/something =to press or push, or to press or push an object, hard into
someone or something
roll over =to agree to what someone wants, especially because you are under pressure or under someone's

38. Try not to become too emotionally involved _____ the children in your care.
A. for B. in C. with D. into
emotionally/romantically involved with = being in a close relationship with someone:
39. I managed to latch _____ their remarks, but they didn’t know that I was listening.
A. on to B. up on C. out on D. down with
Latch onto =Kết nối với thứ gì đó/ Quyết định hoặc nhận thấy rằng cái gì đó là tốt hay có lợi nhuận
40. The holiday plans _____ at the last minute due to illness.
A. fell through B. went off C. leveled off D. help up
Fall through =Không thành công, thất bại
Go off = nổ bom, rung chuông, bị hỏng
Level off =Ổn định độ cao của máy bay
hold up = to remain strong or successful// trì hoãn

31. A 32. A 33. A 34. C 35. B 36. B 37. D 38. C 39. A 40. A

Read the texts below and choose the best answer to each question.
Agriculture and Urbanization
In the modern world, many people take the procurement of food for granted, especially in so-called
industrialized states. Even in many states with marginalized economies, there is enough food for all. It is
just unevenly distribute, with a powerful elite living lives of luxury in a land rife with deprivation and
starvation. An abundance of food is not the norm of human history. For the first ten of thousands of years,
humans lived a literal hand-to-mouth existence as hunter-gatherers, waking each morning with one
thought in mind: how to find something to eat. The fruits and roots of the plants they gathered and the
flesh of the fish they caught and the animals they hunted were their sole sources of nourishment. This
overwhelming need occupied most of their time, leaving them with little to improve their lives in other
ways. Permanent settlements were unheard of, as each band or tribe moved from place to place seeking
new sources of food. It was not until man learned the mysteries of agriculture about 12,000 years ago that
man had a renewable source of nourishment and formed the first permanent settlements.
All of the main staple crops of the world had at one time grown in the wild, often in a different
form than man uses today. The cultivation of these plants in regularly planted fields constitutes the
beginnings of agriculture, and, coupled with the domestication of animals, it marked the first real
civilizations on Earth. Prior to this point, in approximately 10,000 B.C., there was nothing to unify
humans in any large groupings. In fact, large groupings would have been detrimental to the survival
of the group as the food from their natural surroundings could only support a limited number of
people. How and why man first began the process of planting crops, harvesting them, and storing them for
future use is still not entirely understood. Nevertheless, there are five undisputed original centers of
agriculture: the eastern United States, the area of southern Mexico and Guatemala, the Andes mountain
region of modern Peru, the Fertile Crescent region in the modern Middle East, and eastern China.
All five independently developed agriculture from the plant species available in the region. With
the exception of the eastern United States, in ancient times, all became centers of urbanization, with the
Fertile Crescent area, the most likely site of man’s first towns and cities. Agriculture is a labor-intensive
activity, requiring a large group of people to live in the same place for continuous periods. Once an area
was cleared of trees, stones, or other obstacles and planted, it made sense to stay there and settle
permanently. The crops also needed to be protected from animals and those still living a nomadic
existence. Undoubtedly, agriculture gave rise to urbanization and not the reverse since without agriculture
there was no reason to form permanent settlements.
With a surplus of food available, people had time to take part in activities other than food
procurement. Artisans, merchants, scholars, engineers, priests, bureaucratic elites, permanent garrisons,
and a myriad of others were fed by the surplus labor of the masses. For the first time in human history, a
distinction grew between different groups of people: those who grew the food and those who did not.
Perversely, those who did not grow the food became the more powerful, using their free time to plan
cities and temples, develop weapons, gather armies, and wage war on their fellow humans. The masses of
people became tied to the land, laboring for the few elites at the top.
A distinction also grew between those who lived in the city and enjoyed its vice and those left back
on the farm. In the ancient world, the city became a place of danger, where crime was rife, illness spread,
and the worst sins of mankind were perpetrated, a situation that remains unchanged today. Much of
humanity now resides in cities despite modern urban ills. Most of mankind has been free of its daily
search for sustenance, allowing humans to progress in 12,000 years a tremendous deal farther than in all
man’s previous history. Yet this progress has been with much pain, with the rise of powerful elites and a
world of haves and have-nots.
41. According to paragraph 1, in many states with marginalized economies
A. there is enough food only for a select elite. B. food is not shared fairly by everyone.
C. everyone gets more than enough food. D. select elites decide who gets the food.
Clue: Even in many states with marginalized economies, there is enough food for all. It is just unevenly
distribute, with a powerful elite living lives of luxury in a land rife with deprivation and starvation= Ngay
cả ở nhiều bang có nền kinh tế yếu thế, vẫn có đủ lương thực cho tất cả mọi người. Nó chỉ được phân bổ
không đồng đều, với một tầng lớp thượng lưu đầy quyền lực sống cuộc sống xa hoa trong một vùng đất
đầy rẫy thiếu thốn và đói khát.
42. The word deprivation in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. privacy B. distress C. desire D. poverty
Deprivation = sự tước đoạt, nghèo đói = poverty
43. According to paragraph 2, all of the following are known about early agriculture EXCEPT:
A. where humans first began to grow crops. B. how humans first managed to grow crops.
C. when humans developed the first crops. D. the origins of the crops that are common today.
Clue: The cultivation of these plants in regularly planted fields constitutes the beginnings of agriculture,
and, coupled with the domestication of animals, it marked the first real civilizations on Earth.= Việc trồng
những loại cây này trên những cánh đồng được trồng thường xuyên tạo nên sự khởi đầu của nông nghiệp,
và cùng với việc thuần hóa động vật, nó đã đánh dấu những nền văn minh thực sự đầu tiên trên Trái
All of the main staple crops of the world had at one time grown in the wild, often in a different form than
man uses today.=>D
How and why man first began the process of planting crops, harvesting them, and storing them for future
use is still not entirely understood.= Làm thế nào và tại sao con người lần đầu tiên bắt đầu quá trình trồng
trọt, thu hoạch và lưu trữ chúng để sử dụng trong tương lai vẫn chưa được hiểu rõ hoàn toàn.=> B sai

44. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the bold sentence in the
passage? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential
A. Large groups could not exist because there was not enough food in a given area for everyone to live on.
B. Large groups were needed to survive because they could gather more food from a given area.
C. The size of a group depended on the amount of food in a given area and its natural surroundings.
D. Survival was dependent on the size of the group and the amount of food its members could bring with
Clue: In fact, large groupings would have been detrimental to the survival of the group as the food
from their natural surroundings could only support a limited number of people.= Trên thực tế, các
nhóm lớn sẽ gây bất lợi cho sự tồn tại của nhóm vì thức ăn từ môi trường tự nhiên của chúng chỉ có
thể hỗ trợ một số lượng người hạn chế.=> Các nhóm lớn không thể tồn tại vì không có đủ thức ăn
trong một khu vực nhất định để mọi người sinh sống.

45. According to paragraph 3, each original area of agriculture

A. had the same plants from wild sources. B. shared plants between different areas.
C. used the plants found in its own area. D. had some plants that were in common.
Clue: All five independently developed agriculture from the plant species available in the region.= Cả năm
nền nông nghiệp phát triển độc lập từ các giống cây trồng sẵn có trong vùng.

46. The word there in the passage refers to

A. centers of urbanization B. the Fertile Crescent C. the same place D. an area
Clue: Once an area was cleared of trees, stones, or other obstacles and planted, it made sense to stay there
and settle permanently.=Khi một khu vực đã được dọn sạch cây cối, đá hoặc các chướng ngại vật khác và
trồng cây, việc ở lại đó và định cư lâu dài là điều hợp lý.
=> there ám chỉ đến an area
47. The word nomadic in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. meager B. wandering C. bountiful D. harsh
Nomadic = du mục, đi đây đi đó, lang thang = wnadering
48. In paragraph 4, the author uses the term perversely to indicate that
A. the division of humans into various classes was unnecessary.
B. it was strange that those doing all the work were not the elites.
C. the elites should be those with the time to help humanity progress.
D. class distinctions were an inevitable result of agriculture.
Clue: For the first time in human history, a distinction grew between different groups of people: those who
grew the food and those who did not. Perversely, those who did not grow the food became the more
powerful, using their free time to plan cities and temples, develop weapons, gather armies, and wage war
on their fellow humans.= Lần đầu tiên trong lịch sử loài người, có sự khác biệt lớn giữa các nhóm người
khác nhau: những người trồng trọt và những người không trồng trọt. Nghịch lý thay, những người không
trồng lương thực lại trở nên mạnh mẽ hơn, sử dụng thời gian rảnh rỗi của họ để lên kế hoạch cho các
thành phố và đền thờ, phát triển vũ khí, tập hợp quân đội và gây chiến với đồng loại của mình.

49. It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that prior to the development of agriculture there
A. was greatly equality among people. B. was a class of leaders in most groups.
C. were some types of craftsmen. D. were no conflicts among humans.
Clue: Artisans, merchants, scholars, engineers, priests, bureaucratic elites, permanent garrisons, and a
myriad of others were fed by the surplus labor of the masses. For the first time in human history, a
distinction grew between different groups of people: those who grew the food and those who did not…=
Thợ thủ công, thương nhân, học giả, kỹ sư, linh mục, giới tinh hoa quan liêu, đồn trú lâu dài và vô số
những người khác được nuôi sống bằng sức lao động thặng dư của quần chúng. Lần đầu tiên trong lịch sử
loài người, có sự khác biệt lớn giữa các nhóm người khác nhau: những người trồng trọt và những người
không trồng trọt….=> Diều đó ám chỉ trước đây mọi ng đều bình đẳng như nhau

50. According to paragraph 5, centers of urbanization in all ages

A. developed only in places of agricultural development.
B. have attracted the best and brightest people.
C. were responsible for the spread of disease.
D. have problems that are similar to each other.
Clue: In the ancient world, the city became a place of danger, where crime was rife, illness spread, and the
worst sins of mankind were perpetrated, a situation that remains unchanged today. Much of humanity now
resides in cities despite modern urban ills…. Yet this progress has been with much pain, with the rise of
powerful elites and a world of haves and have-nots.= Trong thế giới cổ đại, thành phố trở thành một nơi
nguy hiểm, nơi tội phạm đầy rẫy, bệnh tật lan tràn và những tội lỗi tồi tệ nhất của loài người đã xảy ra,
một tình trạng vẫn không thay đổi cho đến ngày nay. Phần lớn nhân loại hiện đang cư trú tại các thành phố
bất chấp vấn đề của đô thị hiện đại… Tuy nhiên, quá trình này đã gặp nhiều khó khăn, với sự trỗi dậy của
giới tinh hoa quyền lực và một thế giới của những người có và không có.

41. B 42. D 43. B 44. A 45. C 46. D 47. B 48. B 49. A 50. D

Over the last century the world has become increasingly smaller. Not geographically, of course,
but in the sense that media, technology and the opening of borders has enabled the world’s citizens to
view, share and gain access to a much wider range of cultures, societies and world views. In this melting
pot that the world has become, today’s child is privy to facets of the human experience that his
immediate predecessors had no inkling even existed. It stands to reason that in order to absorb, configure
and finally form opinions about this information-laden planet, children must be supplied with certain
tools. Included in this list of ‘tools’ are: education, social skills, cultural awareness and the acquisition of
languages, the most important of these being the latter. Until recently, a child who had the ability to speak
more than one language would have been considered a very rare entity. This one-language phenomenon
could be attributed to a combination of factors. Firstly, the monolingual environment in which a child
was raised played a strong role, as did the limited, biased education of the past. With regard to
immigrants, the sad fact was that non-native parents tended to withhold the teaching of the mother tongue
so that the child would acquire the ‘more prestigious’ language of the adopted country.
Nowadays, the situation has undergone an almost complete reversal. In the majority of North
American and European countries, most children are given the opportunity to learn a second or even a
third language. Children acquire these foreign languages through various and diverse means. In many
countries, learning a foreign language is a compulsory subject in the state school curriculum. Other
children rely on language schools or private tuition to achieve their goal. In other instances, children are
born to bilingual parents, who, if they so desire, may teach the children two languages.
Bringing up one’s child bilingually is not a decision to be taken lightly. Both parents must
consider long and hard the implications involved in raising a child in a two-language home. This decision
is one of those all-important choices which will affect not only the parents’ lives but also the life of the
child. Raising a child bilingually has a two-fold effect. Firstly, of course, the child learns the two
languages of the parents. Secondly, the parents’ decision will influence factors which will have a far-
reaching effect on the child’s life. Some of these factors include: style and place of education; diameter of
social circle; employment potential and preference; and, most importantly, the way in which the child
views himself and his global environment.
One of the more advantageous by-products of being a member of a bilingual family is the
inherent awareness of two different cultures. This bicultural child inherits a wealth of knowledge brought
about by an exposure to: historical backgrounds; traditional songs and folklore; rituals of marriage;
models of social interaction; and therefore, two varying interpretations of the world. The monolingual
child seems to be at a disadvantage in comparison to the bilingual child, who has a set of languages and
an accompanying set of abstract cultural ideas. Practically speaking, when a child comes from a two-
language family, he must be taught both languages in order to communicate with the extended family
members. When, for example, the grandparents speak a language which differs from that of the child’s
locale, a monolingual child would be deprived of the interaction which occurs between grandparents and
grandchildren. On the other hand, a bilingual child will not only be able to speak to grandparents, but will
also comprehend where these people have ‘come from’. There will be a shared cultural empathy within
the family. Because all family members can communicate, on both a verbal and cultural level, no one will
feel excluded and the child will develop a sense of rootedness.
On a more abstract level, it has been said that a bilingual child thinks differently from a
monolingual child. Current research in linguistics indicates that there may be a strong correlation between
bilingualism and cognitive skills. This new research concerns itself with the fact that a bilingual child has
two lexical structures for any given physical or abstract entity. This leads logically to the assumption that
the child also has two associations for many words, as a word can mean different things in different
languages. For example, the word ‘fire’ in many western hemisphere languages connotes warmth and
relaxation. In the Inuit language however, where fire is a necessity of life, it may connote heat and
survival. For the bilingual child, then, vocabulary items and the abstract idea behind them are both dual in
nature and more elastic. Researchers maintain that this elasticity of ideas may allow the child to think
more flexibly and, therefore, more creatively.
51. In the author’s view, the world is becoming a _____.
A. more culturally diverse place B. place where only privileged children will prosper
C. less complex place to live in D. much more integrated place
Clue: Over the last century the world has become increasingly smaller. Not geographically, of course, but
in the sense that media, technology and the opening of borders has enabled the world’s citizens to view,
share and gain access to a much wider range of cultures, societies and world views=Trong thế kỷ qua, thế
giới ngày càng trở nên nhỏ hơn. Tất nhiên, không phải về mặt địa lý, mà theo nghĩa là phương tiện truyền
thông, công nghệ và việc mở rộng biên giới đã cho phép công dân thế giới xem, chia sẻ và tiếp cận với
nhiều nền văn hóa, xã hội và quan điểm thế giới rộng lớn hơn

52. According to the first paragraph, which of the following was true of immigrants?
A. Children were reluctant to use their mother tongue.
B. The mother tongue was considered less important.
C. Parents encouraged children to use their mother tongue.
D. Most parents made it a priority for children to grow up bilingual.
Clue: With regard to immigrants, the sad fact was that non-native parents tended to withhold the teaching
of the mother tongue so that the child would acquire the ‘more prestigious’ language of the adopted
country.= Đối với những người nhập cư, thực tế đáng buồn là các bậc cha mẹ không phải là người bản xứ
có xu hướng ngừng dạy tiếng mẹ đẻ để đứa trẻ tiếp thu ngôn ngữ ‘có uy tín hơn’ của quốc gia được nhận
53. The phrase privy to in paragraph 1 mostly means _____.
A. acquainted with B. advised of C. apprised of D. in the know about
be privy to something=sharing in the knowledge of facts that are secret
54. The phrase attributed to in paragraph 1 mostly means _____.
A. ascribed to B. associated with C. connected with D. held responsible for
attributed to= gán cho, quy cho là ....
55. According to the writer, second or foreign language learning is something _____.
A. people are still apathetic towards B. mainly associated with private sector education
C. that few people take seriously D. about which general attitudes have evolved considerably
Clue: Nowadays, the situation has undergone an almost complete reversal. In the majority of North
American and European countries, most children are given the opportunity to learn a second or even a
third language. Children acquire these foreign languages through various and diverse means. In many
countries, learning a foreign language is a compulsory subject in the state school curriculum.= Ngày nay,
tình hình đã đảo ngược gần như hoàn toàn. Ở phần lớn các nước Bắc Mỹ và Châu Âu, hầu hết trẻ em
được tạo cơ hội để học ngôn ngữ thứ hai hoặc thậm chí thứ ba. Trẻ em tiếp thu các ngoại ngữ này thông
qua các phương tiện đa dạng và phong phú. Ở nhiều nước, học ngoại ngữ là một môn học bắt buộc trong
chương trình học của nhà nước.
56. According to the article, the decision to raise bilingual children is difficult because _____.
A. it may limit the child’s choice of friends
B. though simple for parents, it can impact negatively on children
C. it may cause children to lose their sense of identity
D. it needs to be considered from many different angles
Clue: Both parents must consider long and hard the implications involved in raising a child in a two-
language home. This decision is one of those all-important choices which will affect not only the parents’
lives but also the life of the child= Cả cha và mẹ đều phải cân nhắc lâu dài và khó khăn về những tác
động liên quan đến việc nuôi dạy một đứa trẻ trong một gia đình nói hai ngôn ngữ. Quyết định này là một
trong những lựa chọn quan trọng không chỉ ảnh hưởng đến cuộc sống của cha mẹ mà còn ảnh hưởng đến
cuộc sống của đứa trẻ
Secondly, the parents’ decision will influence factors which will have a far-reaching effect on the child’s
life. Some of these factors include: style and place of education; diameter of social circle; employment
potential and preference; and, most importantly, the way in which the child views himself and his global
environment.= Thứ hai, quyết định của cha mẹ sẽ ảnh hưởng đến các yếu tố có ảnh hưởng sâu rộng đến
cuộc sống của đứa trẻ. Một số yếu tố này bao gồm: phong cách và nơi giáo dục; đường kính của vòng
tròn xã hội; tiềm năng và ưu tiên việc làm; và quan trọng nhất là cách đứa trẻ nhìn nhận về bản thân và
môi trường toàn cầu của chúng.
57. With regard to the ‘extended family’ in immigrant situations, the writer feels it is important that ____.
A. adults try to understand the child’s difficult cultural situation
B. children are not pressured to speak their parents’ native language
C. adults recognize the child’s need to identify more with local culture
D. children can relate to all aspects of their parents’ native culture
Clue :One of the more advantageous by-products of being a member of a bilingual family is the inherent
awareness of two different cultures. This bicultural child inherits a wealth of knowledge brought about by
an exposure to: historical backgrounds; traditional songs and folklore; rituals of marriage; models of
social interaction; and therefore, two varying interpretations of the world= Một trong những tác dụng phụ
thuận lợi hơn của việc trở thành thành viên của một gia đình song ngữ là nhận thức vốn có về hai nền văn
hóa khác nhau. Đứa trẻ đa văn hóa này được thừa hưởng vô số kiến thức do tiếp xúc với: bối cảnh lịch sử;
các bài hát truyền thống và văn học dân gian; nghi lễ kết hôn; các mô hình tương tác xã hội; và do đó, có
hai cách hiểu khác nhau về thế giới
58. The word by-products in paragraph 4 mostly means _____.
A. entailments B. knock-on effects C. side effects D. spin-offs
by-product=something that is produced as a result of making something else, or something unexpected
that happens as a result of something
59. The word connotes in paragraph 5 mostly means _____.
A underpins B implies C signifies D smacks of
Connote=ngụ ý, bao hàm
60. According to current research, the benefit of learning two languages is that _____.
A. different types of knowledge can be accessed in different languages
B. bilinguals become more aware the origin of words in languages
C. it helps to develop different capabilities of the mind
D. bilinguals develop a greater sense of the value of culture
Clue: Researchers maintain that this elasticity of ideas may allow the child to think more flexibly and,
therefore, more creatively.=C ác nhà nghiên cứu cho rằng sự co giãn của các ý tưởng có thể cho phép đứa
trẻ suy nghĩ linh hoạt hơn và do đó, sáng tạo hơn.

51. A 52. B 53. D 5A. A 55. D 56. D 57. D 58. D 59. B 60. C


Read the texts below and decide which answer best fits each space..
Why will some people pay good money to be scared out of their (61)_____? As someone who has
seen just one horror film in their life, this never ceases to (62)_____ me. You can keep your horror; to be
(63)_____, I would rather have surgery without anaesthetic. But according to psychologists, the fear we
(64)_____ is safe: we know that when the film ends, we’ll be (65)_____.
Horror films make our hearts (66)_____, and that’s part of what (67)_____ to us: if our lives are
uneventful, we seek excitement – in fact, it’s good for our nervous system.
A study carried out in 1995 showed that the higher people (68)_____ on a scale that measures
sensation-seeking, the more likely they are to be fans of horror films. People in their teens and twenties
tend to seek out (69)_____ experiences, and this makes them the biggest audience for horror films. That
usually (70)_____ with age: maybe we start to realize that real life is scary enough.
61. A. senses B. emotions C. wits D. guts
"Scare/frighten someone out of one's wits" hoặc "scares the wits out of someone" = dọa mất trí -> bị dọa
đến bần thần, không còn tỉnh táo
62. A. daze B. baffle C. elude D. defy
Baffle = to cause someone to be completely unable to understand or explain something
Daze = ngơ ngác elude = lảng tránh defy = bất chấp, thách đấu
63. A. direct B. clear C. distinct D. honest
To be honest = honestly= thành thực mà nói
64. A. crave B. wish C. yearn D. long
Crave = to have a very strong feeling of wanting something
Wish to do sth = to want to do something
Yearn for sth = to wish very strongly, especially for something that you cannot have or something that is
very difficult to have
long for something; long to do something =to want something very much
65. A. unharmed B. innocuous C. blameless D. pristine
Unharmed = không tổn hại, bị thương innocous = vô hại
Blameless = vô tội pristine = nguyên sơ
66. A. shake B. batter C. pound D. knock
Shake = rung lắc batter = đánh, đập bể pound = đạp ( nhịp tim) knock = đụng chạm
67. A. attracts B. engages C. entices D. appeals
Appeal to sb = hấp dẫn , thu hút với ai
68. A. score B. mark C. grade D. point
Score = to get a particular number of points on a test or in an examination
69. A. severe B. intense C. burning D. fierce
Intense experience = trải nghiệm mãnh liệt
70. A. fades B. dissolves C. disintegrates D. pales
Dissolves= hòa tan disintegrates= tan rã, phân tán pale = làm tái mét
Fade with age = phai nhạt theo thời gian
61. C 62. B 63. D 64. A 65. A 66. C 67. D 68. A 69. B 70. A

World Autism Awareness Day is (71)_____ on April 2nd and aims to promote understanding of
all issues related to people (72)_____ as being on the spectrum of autism disorders. Like many
neurological disorders, ASDs can result in many (73)_____ that can lead to discrimination.
There are many within the autism community who dispute that the condition is a disorder at all
and instead put forward the view that autism is simply a normal neurological variation and part of the
neurodiversity of the human race and, as such, should not be pathologised.
This take (74)_____ ASDs has lead to a certain amount of (75)_____ between the scientists
researching autism conditions and the organizations raising awareness of the conditions. A number of
(76)_____ groups fear that researchers would like to find a cure for autism, which they maintain would
rob them of the (77)_____ of their individuality, while researchers claim to only want a better
understanding of the condition and to be able to offer help with some of the effects of autism such as
(78)_____ social anxiety. Those involved in research into ASDs (79)_____ that autism should not simply
be eradicated but, (80)_____, that it needs to be better understood.
71. A. noticed B. regarded C. watched D. observed
Observe = to watch carefully the way something happens or the way someone does something,
especially in order to learn more about it
72. A. tabulated B. classified C. graded D. pigeonholed
be pigeonholed as sth= to form a fixed and often unfair idea of what someone or something is like:
73. A. hallucinations B. impressions C. misconceptions D. delusions
Delusion + that =ảo tưởng, sự lừa gạt = belief in something that is not true
Hallucination =an experience in which you see, hear, feel, or smell something that does not exist,
usually because you are ill or have taken a drug
“Be under the impression that” nghĩa là có cảm tưởng rằng/có niềm tin là đúng như vậy.
Misconception =an idea that is wrong because it has been based on a failure to understand a situation
74. A. toward B. on C. into D. against
Take on = to accept a particular job or responsibility// to begin to have a particular quality
75. A. scraping B. abrasion C. chafing D. friction
Friction = disagreement or unfriendliness caused by people having different opinions
76. A. support B. backing C. loyalty D. assistance
support group=a group of people who have had similar experiences, especially difficult ones, and who
provide help to each other
77. A. extract B. concentrate C. essence D. nectar
of the essence = critically important
78. A. maiming B. limping C. hobbling D. crippling
Crippling anxiety = chứng rối loạn lo âu
79. A. scorn B. concur C. consent D. permit
Concur with sth / concur that =to agree or have the same opinion
80. A. nonetheless B. albeit C. notwithstanding D. however
Albeit mang nghĩa mặc dù = that is, although it be (that) (used for introducing a comment that slightly
changes or reduces the effect of what you said before it)=> Albeit + Adj/Adv/ prepositional phrases
Notwithstanding = mặc dù, có chức năng làm trạng từ hoặc giới từ
Khi “nonetheless” đóng vai trò như một trạng từ liên kết giới thiệu (introductory conjunctive adverb)
trong câu, cần có dấu phẩy sau nó.
71. D 72. D 73. D 74. B 75. D 76. A 77. C 78. D 79. B 80. A

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