Model Prequialification Document - India

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Public Private Partnership

Request For Qualification


Planning Commission
Government of India
Published by the Secretariat for PPP & Infrastructure
Planning Commission
Yojana Bhavan
Parliament Street
New Delhi-110 001

Third Edition: April 2014

Printed by Brijbasi Art Press Ltd.

A-80-81, Sector-5, Noida – 201 203

Sl. No. Contents Page


Preface iii

Overview of the framework v

Guidelines of the Ministry of Finance xi
Model Request for Qualification 1

Disclaimer 3
Glossary 5

Invitation for Qualification 7

1 Introduction 9
1.1 Background 9
1.2 Brief description of Bidding Process 10
1.3 Schedule of Bidding Process 12
1.4 Pre-Application Conference 13
2 Instructions to Applicants 14

2A General 14
2.1 Scope of Application 14
2.2 Eligibility of Applicants 14
2.3 Change in composition of the Consortium 21
2.4 Number of Applications and costs thereof 22
2.5 Site visit and verification of information 22
2.6 Acknowledgement by Applicant 22
2.7 Right to accept or reject any or all Applications/ Bids 23
2B Documents 24
2.8 Contents of the RFQ 24
2.9 Clarifications 24
2.10 Amendment of RFQ 25
2C Preparation and Submission of Application 25
2.11 Language 25
2.12 Format and signing of Application 25
2.13 Sealing and marking of Applications 26
2.14 Application Due Date 27

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2.15 Late Applications 27
2.16 Modifications/ substitution/ withdrawal of Applications 27
2D Evaluation Process 28
2.17 Opening and Evaluation of Applications 28
2.18 Confidentiality 28
2.19 Tests of responsiveness 29
2.20 Clarifications 30
2E Qualification and Bidding 30
2.21 Short-listing and notification 30
2.22 Submission of Bids 30
2.23 Proprietary data 31
2.24 Correspondence with the Applicant 31

3 Criteria for Evaluation 32

3.1 Evaluation parameters 32
3.2 Technical Capacity for purposes of evaluation 32
3.3 Details of Experience 34
3.4 Financial information for purposes of evaluation 35
3.5 Short-listing of Applicants 35

4 Fraud and Corrupt Practices 36

5 Pre-Application Conference 38
6 Miscellaneous 39
Appendices 41
I Letter Comprising the Application for Pre-Qualification 43
Annex – I Particulars of the Applicant 47
Annex – II Technical Capacity of Applicant 49
Annex – III Financial Capacity of Applicant 51
Annex – IV Details of Eligible Projects 53
Annex – V Statement of Legal Capacity 58
II Power of Attorney for signing of Application and Bid 59
III Power of Attorney for Lead Member of Consortium 61

IV Joint Bidding Agreement 64

V Guidelines of the Department of Disinvestment 71

VI List of Application-specific provisions 73

VII List of Project-specific provisions 74

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The justification for promoting Public Private Partnership (PPP) in infrastructure lies
in its potential to improve the quality of service at lower costs, besides attracting
private capital to fund public projects. This, however, is predicated on a policy and
regulatory framework that provides a fair, transparent and competitive environment.
Flaws in the framework can lead to unintended outcomes; a cautious and diligent
approach is, therefore, necessary while formulating the rules of engagement.

One of the key factors that determine the success of a PPP project is the criteria for
selection of the project sponsor, especially as such projects typically involve large
capital investments for providing essential infrastructure services to users on a long-
term basis. A bidder lacking in sufficient technical and financial capacity can
jeopardise the project and compromise the services that the government is committed
to provide. On the other hand, selection based on negotiations or inadequate
competition can deprive the public exchequer and users of the assurance that they are
paying a competitive price.

There was divergence in the principles and practices followed for selection of bidders
for PPP projects in different sectors. A variety of technical, financial and other criteria
were being used by the project authorities, and in some cases, technical proposals/bids
were also invited along with financial offers. Some of the qualification parameters
appeared subjective and were, therefore, prone to disputes and controversy. In several
cases, the costs of making applications accompanied by detailed technical proposals
were significant, and dampened bidder participation. There were instances where
inadequacies in the process attracted judicial review coupled with the attendant delays
in project implementation. A comprehensive review of the ongoing practices had,
therefore, become necessary.

With a view to deliberating on the guidelines to be laid down for pre-qualification and
short-listing of applicants who should be invited to make financial offers, the
Committee on Infrastructure (CoI), chaired by the Prime Minister constituted an Inter-
Ministerial Group under the chairmanship of Secretary, Department of Expenditure.
Following extensive consultations with stakeholders and experts, the Group submitted
its recommendations that were considered and accepted by CoI.

The Guidelines were issued by the Ministry of Finance in May 2007. Since then, the
Model RFQ document has been used by several ministries, state governments and
other project authorities for pre-qualification and short-listing of bidders for their
respective PPP projects. In the course of experience gained in evaluating the RFQ
applications for various projects, it was felt that some provisions of the Model RFQ
required modifications and/or clarifications.

Industry associations had also made representation seeking certain modifications. It

was decided that all the suggestions would be examined by an Inter-Ministerial Task
Force under the chairmanship of Member, Planning Commission with a view to
recommending modifications where necessary. The recommendations of the Task
Force have since been accepted by the Government and the Model RFQ has been
modified accordingly.

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These Guidelines include the Model RFQ (Request for Qualification) document that
Ministries and autonomous bodies of the Central Government are expected to follow.
This Model would also serve as a best practice document that State Governments may
wish to adopt. It is hoped that adoption of these Guidelines would enhance the
possibilities of a fair, transparent and competitive selection of bidders for delivery of
successful PPP projects in infrastructure.

(Gajendra Haldea)
Adviser to Deputy Chairman
June 29, 2009 Planning Commission

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Overview of the framework
For ensuring competitive, efficient and economic delivery of Selection must be
services, selection of bidders for undertaking infrastructure projects fair and transparent
through Public Private Partnership (PPP) should be undertaken in a
manner that is fair, transparent and inexpensive. In line with this
objective, guidelines have been framed for pre-qualification of
bidders for PPP projects. The guidelines are broad and generic in
nature and are aimed at providing predictability to the entire
process, allowing decisions to be made objectively and
expeditiously. They address the critical minimum requirements that
must be observed in conducting the selection process.
It is expected that the administrative ministries/autonomous bodies
intending to procure PPP projects would observe these guidelines
for short listing of bidders for the Request for Proposal (RFP) stage
involving submission of financial bids. The salient features of the
guidelines are as follows.

Two-stage Process
The bidding process for PPP projects is typically divided into two
Selection should be
stages. In the first stage, eligible and prospective bidders are
in two stages
shortlisted. This stage is generally referred to as Request for
Qualification (RFQ) or Expression of Interest (EoI). The objective
is to short-list eligible bidders for stage two of the process. In the
second and final stage, which is generally referred to as the
Request for Proposal (RFP) or invitation of financial bids, the
bidders engage in a comprehensive scrutiny of the project before
submitting their financial offers.

Request for Qualification (RFQ)

The RFQ process should aim at short-listing and pre-qualifying
Only credible bidders
applicants who will be asked to submit financial bids in the RFP
should be pre-
stage. The objective is to identify credible bidders who have the
requisite technical and financial capacity for undertaking the
project. In order to encourage greater participation from credible
domestic and international investors, the RFQ document should not
require respondents to incur significant expense in preparing a
response. The information sought for the purposes of pre-
qualification should generally be restricted to technical and
financial capabilities that are relevant to the project. Such
information should be precise and quantified so that the process of
short-listing is fair and transparent, and does not expose the
government to disputes or controversies.
Conflict of Interest
With a view to preventing potential collusion or cartelization Elimination of
among bidders, a set of transparent guidelines have been laid down Conflict of Interest

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for eliminating any conflicts of interest among bidders. These
should be strictly applied for ensuring a fair and competitive
bidding process.
Number of bidders to be pre-qualified
The number of bidders to be pre-qualified and short-listed for the
Bidders should be
final stage of bidding i.e. the RFP stage needs careful
short-listed for
consideration. On the one hand, the number of pre-qualified
inviting financial
bidders should be adequate for ensuring real competition in
bidding. On the other hand, a large number of short-listed bidders bids
is viewed as a factor that dampens participation by serious bidders,
thus diluting competition, because credible investors are normally
less inclined to spend the time and money necessary for making a
competitive PPP bid if the zone of consideration is unduly large.
Unlike a bid for procurement of goods and services, bids for PPP
projects involve greater risks, significantly larger investments and
long-term participation. Since PPP projects in infrastructure
provide a critical service to the users at large, the quality and
reliability of service assumes greater importance. Moreover,
restricting the list to the best available bidders improves the
chances of a successful PPP operation. It is also an international
best practice to short-list about three to four bidders for the final
stage of bidding. Considering all these factors, short-listing of
about six to seven pre-qualified bidders has been specified in the
RFQ with a view to securing high quality and competitive financial
bids. Towards this end, a fair and transparent system of evaluation
at the RFQ stage would be necessary.
Specifying stringent pre-qualification criteria
While stringent eligibility criteria would ensure pre-qualification of
bidders well suited for the RFP stage, yet the same would Criteria must
effectively reduce the number of qualified bidders. A balance, identify suitable
therefore, needs to be drawn for serving the objective of pre- bidders
qualifying a reasonable number of bidders for the RFP stage. The
principles for determining the eligibility criteria such as technical
and financial capacity should be formulated keeping these
considerations in view.
Project-specific flexibility
The Model RFQ provides sufficient flexibility to adapt its Project authorities
provisions for meeting sector-specific and project-specific needs. would have
Provisions encased in square parenthesis can be modified by the
sufficient flexibility
project authorities to suit their respective requirements. Further
flexibility has been provided through options specified in the
footnotes. In addition, project authorities can add project-specific
conditions in their respective RFQ documents.

mrfq/16.04.2014 vi
Evaluation Criteria
The criteria for short-listing of bidders should be divided into
technical and financial parameters as stated below:
Technical Capacity
The applicant should have acquired sufficient experience and
capacity in building infrastructure projects. This can be measured Experience to be
either from the construction work undertaken/ commissioned by indicator of
him, or from revenues of BOT/BOLT/BOO projects, or from both, technical capacity
during the 5 years preceding the application date. Eligibility
conditions, as necessary, may also be stipulated in respect of O&M
experience. The technical capacity of a bidder can be assessed on
the following parameters:
(a) Project experience on BOT projects in the specified sector.
(b) Project experience on BOT Projects in the core sector.
(c) Construction experience in the specified sector.
(d) Construction experience in the core sector.
(e) O&M Experience: The consortium may include a member
with at least ten per cent equity participation and having relevant
experience in operation and maintenance (O&M). Alternatively,
the successful bidder may be required to enter into an operation &
maintenance (O&M) agreement with an entity having equivalent
experience. While suggesting this arrangement, it is proposed to
provide sufficient flexibility for modifying these requirements to
suit the needs of individual sectors/projects.
For an Applicant to be pre-qualified, it must have undertaken
projects having a weighted capital cost/ revenues equal to twice the
Estimated Project Cost.
Financial Capacity

Applicants should have a minimum net worth equivalent to 25% of Net worth to be
the estimated capital cost of the project for which bids are to be indicator of
invited. This would ensure that pre-qualified applicants have financial capacity
sufficient financial strength to undertake the project.

Stake of consortium members

The consortium members on whose strength an Applicant has been
short-listed should have a substantial stake in the project. Each Consortium
Member should, therefore, hold at least 26 per cent of the equity in members should
the project SPV and should also hold equity equal to at least 5 per have substantial
cent of the total project cost for a period of two years after stake
commissioning of the project. This would ensure that members
with small equity holdings are not included with the sole purpose
of achieving pre-qualification. In other words, only the experience

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and net worth of consortium members who shall have a substantial
stake in implementation of the project is to be counted.
Technical evaluation to be part of Pre-Qualification stage
Requiring a technical evaluation at the RFP stage would normally
lead to an elaborate and costly evaluation of complex proposals Technical evaluation
which are, by their very nature, difficult to compare since technical to precede bid stage
proposals of different bidders would vary significantly. Apart from
the difficulties in evaluating diverse proposals on a common set of
parameters, such evaluation also implies that instead of the
government determining the assets and services to be provided by
the selected bidder, it is the technical bid that would tend to guide
the outcome. Logically, the government should set the technical
parameters and ask for financial bids only, leaving sufficient
flexibility for bidders to design and engineer the project in a
manner that conforms to pre-determined standards and
specifications, including service outputs.
In the case of exceptionally complex projects where the project
authority determines that the bidders must submit their technical Restrict bid stage to
proposals/ plans, the requirements thereof should be specified in financial bids
detail and such proposals/ plans should be invited at the
qualification stage, either along with the initial applications or at an
intermediate stage preceding the bid stage. Only pre-qualified
applicants should be invited to participate in the bid stage, which
should only consist of an invitation to submit financial offers.
Parity of Experience
In order to provide parity between the projects executed in
developed countries and those in India, the experience score for
projects executed in OECD countries will be reduced by one-half
of their nominal experience score.

Pre-qualification for social sector projects

Enabling provision has been made for suitably adapting the RFQ Use of the document
document to meet the requirements of social sectors and other for social sector
projects. The overarching principles relating to the bid process projects
would continue to apply.
A Model RFQ document has been developed based on the
Model RFQ
principles outlined above. It is generic in nature and aims at
document should be
lending transparency and predictability to the entire process,
allowing decisions to be made objectively and expeditiously. It also
provides the requisite sector-specific and project-specific flexibility
by placing several provisions within square brackets, thus enabling
project authorities to make necessary additions and substitutions.
To the extent possible, the concerned ministries should standardise
the provisions contained in square brackets so that case by case

mrfq/16.04.2014 viii
modifications are minimised. Some flexibility has also been
afforded through explanations in the footnotes and project-
specific/sector specific modifications may be undertaken to the
extent enabled by the footnotes. Additional project-specific
conditions may also be added, if necessary.
The Model RFQ document addresses the critical requirements that
should be observed for conducting a fair and transparent process of
pre-qualification. It is expected that the administrative ministries/
autonomous bodies of the Central Government intending to procure
infrastructure projects through PPP would observe these guidelines
and adopt to Model RFQ document for short-listing of applicants
for the Request for Proposal (RFP)/ financial bid stage. The Model
RFQ document is also commended for use by the State

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mrfq/16.04.2014 x
F. No. 24(1)/PF.II/07
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Plan Finance II Division

New Delhi, the 5th December, 2007


Subject: Guidelines for Pre-Qualification of Bidders for PPP Projects

1.1 I am directed to state that for pre-qualification and short-listing of bidders

eligible for submission of financial bids for projects to be implemented
through Public Private Partnership (PPP), the following guidelines may be
followed henceforth:

1.2 These guidelines shall apply to all Ministries and Departments of the Central
Government, all statutory entities under the control of Central Government
and all Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs).

2. Two-stage Process

The bidding process for PPP projects is divided into two stages. The first
stage is generally referred to as Request for Qualification (RFQ) or
Expression of Interest (EoI). The objective is to short-list eligible bidders for
stage two of the process. In the second and final stage, generally referred to
as the Request for Proposal (RFP) or invitation of financial bids, the bidders
engage in a comprehensive scrutiny of the project before submitting their
financial offers.

3. Request for Qualification (RFQ)

The RFQ process should aim at short-listing and pre-qualifying applicants

who will be asked to submit financial bids in the RFP stage. The objective is
to identify credible bidders who have the requisite technical and financial
capacity for undertaking the project. In order to encourage greater
participation from credible domestic and international investors, the RFQ
document should not require respondents to incur significant expense in
preparing a response. The information sought for the purposes of pre-
qualification should generally be restricted to technical and financial
capabilities that are relevant to the project. Such information should be
precise and quantified so that the process of short-listing is fair and
transparent, and does not expose the government to disputes or controversy.

As amended vide OM No.24(23)/PF.11/2008 dated 14th July, 2009.

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4. Number of bidders to be pre-qualified

4.1 The number of bidders to be pre-qualified and short-listed for the final stage
of bidding i.e. the RFP stage needs careful consideration. On the one hand,
the number should be adequate for ensuring real competition in bidding. On
the other hand, a large number of short-listed bidders could dampen
participation by serious bidders, thus diluting competition, because credible
investors are normally less inclined to spend the time and money necessary
for making a competitive PPP bid, if the zone of consideration is unduly large.

4.2 It is to be recognised that unlike a bid for procurement of goods and services,
bids for PPP projects involve greater risks, significantly larger investments
and long-term participation. Since PPP projects in infrastructure provide a
critical service to the users at large, the quality and reliability of service
assumes greater importance. Moreover, restricting the list to the best
available bidders improves the chances of a successful PPP operation. For
these reasons, about six to seven pre-qualified bidders are favoured as a best
practice for securing high quality bids with adequate competition. For this
purpose, a fair and transparent system of evaluation at the RFQ stage would
be necessary.

5. Specifying stringent pre-qualification criteria

While stringent eligibility criteria would ensure pre-qualification of bidders

well suited for the RFP stage, it would also effectively reduce the number of
qualified bidders. A balance, therefore, needs to be drawn for serving the
objective of pre-qualifying a reasonable number of suitable bidders for the
RFP stage. The principles for determining the eligibility criteria such as
technical and financial capacity should be formulated keeping these
considerations in view.

6. Evaluation Criteria

6.1 The criteria for short-listing of bidders should be divided into technical and
financial parameters as stated below:

Technical Capacity

6.2 The applicant should have acquired sufficient experience and capacity in
building infrastructure projects. This can be measured either from the
construction work undertaken/ commissioned by it, or from revenues of
BOT/BOLT/BOO projects, or from both, during the 5 years preceding the
application date. Eligibility conditions, as necessary, may also be stipulated
in respect of O&M experience.

6.3 The technical capacity of bidders can be assessed on the following


(a) Project/construction Experience: Experience on eligible projects in

the specified sector or other core sectors should be considered for
determining the technical capacity of the applicant.

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(b) O&M Experience: The applicant should have experience of five years
or more in operation and maintenance (O&M) of projects in the
specified sector. In the absence of such experience, the applicant may
be required to enter into an operation & maintenance (O&M)
agreement with an entity having equivalent experience, failing which
the concession agreement would be liable to termination. While
suggesting this arrangement, it is proposed to provide sufficient
flexibility for modifying these requirements to suit the needs of
individual sectors/projects.

Financial Capacity

6.4 Applicants should have a minimum net worth equivalent to 25 per cent of the
estimated capital cost of the project for which bids are to be invited. This
would ensure that pre-qualified applicants have sufficient financial strength to
undertake the project.

7. Eligibility of Experience

The members of the consortium, who claim experience or networth in the RFQ
must hold at least 26 per cent of the consortium’s equity. This condition is
necessary for ensuring that only the experience of those members who have a
substantial stake is counted for the purposes of pre-qualification, and
members with a small equity holding are not added with the sole objective of
improving the ranking in pre-qualification.

8. Technical evaluation at the RFP stage

8.1 Requiring a technical evaluation at the RFP stage would normally lead to an
elaborate and costly evaluation of complex proposals which are, by their very
nature, difficult to compare since technical proposals of different bidders
could vary significantly. Apart from the difficulties in evaluating diverse
proposals on a common set of parameters, such evaluation also implies that
instead of the government determining the assets and services to be provided
by the selected bidder, it is the technical bid that would tend to guide the
outcome. Logically, the government should set the technical parameters and
ask for financial bids only, leaving sufficient flexibility for bidders to design
and engineer the project in a manner that conforms to pre-determined
standards and specifications, including service outputs.

8.2 In case of exceptionally complex projects where the project authority

determines that the bidders must submit their technical proposals/ plans, the
requirements thereof should be specified in detail and such proposals / plans
should be invited at the qualification stage, either along with the initial
applications or at an intermediate stage preceding the bid stage. Only pre-
qualified applicants should be invited to participate in the bid stage, which
shall only consist of an invitation to submit financial offers.

9. Model RFQ Document

9.1 A model RFQ document has been developed based on the principles outlined
above. The model document is generic in nature and aims at lending

mrfq/16.04.2014 xiii
transparency and predictability to the entire process, allowing decisions to be
made expeditiously. It also provides the requisite sector-specific and project-
specific flexibility by placing several provisions within square brackets, thus
enabling project authorities to make necessary substitutions. To the extent
possible, the concerned Ministries should standardise the provisions
contained in square brackets so that case by case modifications are
minimised. Some flexibility has also been afforded through explanations in the
footnotes and project-specific/ sector-specific modifications may be
undertaken to the extent enabled by the footnotes. In case any further
flexibility is needed for a specific sector or project, the required modifications
may be made with prior approval of the PPP Appraisal Committee.

9.2 The model RFQ document* addresses the critical requirements that should be
observed for conducting a fair and transparent process of pre-qualification.
The administrative ministries/autonomous bodies intending to procure
infrastructure projects through PPP should observe these guidelines for
short-listing of bidders for the Request for Proposal (RFP)/Financial Bid

10. These instructions shall supersede O.M. of even No. dated May 16, 2007 and
shall come into force with immediate effect.

(Dr. Anuradha Balaram)

Director/PF II
Tel.No. 23092668

1. Chairman, Railway Board, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.

2. Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, North Block, New Delhi.

3. Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung

Airport, New Delhi.

4. Secretary, Department of Road Transport & Highways, Transport Bhawan,

New Delhi.

5. Secretary, Department of Shipping, Transport Bhawan, New Delhi.

6. Secretary, Ministry of Power, Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi.

7. Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.

8. Secretary, Department of Telecommunication, Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi.

9. Secretary, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, CGO Complex, New


10. Secretary, Ministry of Law and Justice, Department of Legal Affairs, Shastri

mrfq/16.04.2014 xiv
Bhawan, New Delhi.

11. Adviser to Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, Yojana Bhawan, New


Copy to: PS to JS(PF.II) / PS to AS(E) / PPS to Secretary(E)

mrfq/16.04.2014 xv

Request for Qualification (RFQ)


The information contained in this Request for Qualification document (the “RFQ”) or
subsequently provided to Applicant(s), whether verbally or in documentary or any other
form, by or on behalf of the Authority or any of its employees or advisors, is provided to
Applicant(s) on the terms and conditions set out in this RFQ and such other terms and
conditions subject to which such information is provided.

This RFQ is not an agreement and is neither an offer nor invitation by the Authority to
the prospective Applicants or any other person. The purpose of this RFQ is to provide
interested parties with information that may be useful to them in the formulation of their
application for qualification pursuant to this RFQ (the “Application”). This RFQ
includes statements, which reflect various assumptions and assessments arrived at by the
Authority in relation to the Project. Such assumptions, assessments and statements do not
purport to contain all the information that each Applicant may require. This RFQ may not
be appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for the Authority, its employees or
advisors to consider the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of
each party who reads or uses this RFQ. The assumptions, assessments, statements and
information contained in this RFQ may not be complete, accurate, adequate or correct.
Each Applicant should therefore, conduct its own investigations and analysis and should
check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness of the
assumptions, assessments, statements and information contained in this RFQ and obtain
independent advice from appropriate sources.

Information provided in this RFQ to the Applicant(s) is on a wide range of matters, some
of which may depend upon interpretation of law. The information given is not intended to
be an exhaustive account of statutory requirements and should not be regarded as a
complete or authoritative statement of law. The Authority accepts no responsibility for
the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation or opinion on law expressed herein.

The Authority, its employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and shall
have no liability to any person, including any Applicant or Bidder, under any law, statute,
rules or regulations or tort, principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for
any loss, damages, cost or expense which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on
account of anything contained in this RFQ or otherwise, including the accuracy,
adequacy, correctness, completeness or reliability of the RFQ and any assessment,
assumption, statement or information contained therein or deemed to form part of this
RFQ or arising in any way with pre-qualification of Applicants for participation in the
Bidding Process.

The Authority also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence
or otherwise howsoever caused arising from reliance of any Applicant upon the
statements contained in this RFQ.

The Authority may, in its absolute discretion but without being under any obligation to
do so, update, amend or supplement the information, assessment or assumptions
contained in this RFQ.

The issue of this RFQ does not imply that the Authority is bound to select and short-list
pre-qualified Applications for Bid Stage or to appoint the selected Bidder or
Concessionaire, as the case may be, for the Project and the Authority reserves the right to
reject all or any of the Applications or Bids without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

The Applicant shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the preparation and
submission of its Application including but not limited to preparation, copying, postage,
delivery fees, expenses associated with any demonstrations or presentations which may
be required by the Authority or any other costs incurred in connection with or relating to
its Application. All such costs and expenses will remain with the Applicant and the
Authority shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or for any other costs
or other expenses incurred by an Applicant in preparation or submission of the
Application, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding Process.


Applicant(s) As defined in Clause 1.2.1

Application As defined in the Disclaimer
Application Due Date As defined in Clause 1.1.5
Associate As defined in Clause 2.2.9
Authority As defined in Clause 1.1.1
Bids As defined in Clause 1.2.3
Bid Due Date As defined in Clause 1.2.3
Bid Security As defined in Clause 1.2.4
Bidders As defined in Clause 1.1.1
Bidding Documents As defined in Clause 1.2.3
Bidding Process As defined in Clause 1.2.1
Bid Stage As defined in Clause 1.2.1
[BOT] Build, Operate and Transfer
Concessionaire As defined in Clause 1.1.2
Concession Agreement As defined in Clause 1.1.2
Conflict of Interest As defined in Clause 2.2.1(c)
Consortium As defined in Clause 2.2.1(a)
[DBFOT] As defined in Clause 1.1.1
Eligible Experience As defined in Clause 3.2.1
Eligible Projects As defined in Clause 3.2.1
Estimated Project Cost As defined in Clause 1.1.4
Experience Score As defined in Clause 3.2.6
Financial Capacity As defined in Clause 2.2.2 (B)
Government Government of *****
Grant As defined in Clause 1.2.8
Highest Bidder As defined in Clause 1.2.8
Jt. Bidding Agreement As defined in Clause 2.2.6 (g)
Lead Member As defined in Clause 2.2.6 (c)
LOA Letter of Award
Member Member of a Consortium
Net Worth As defined in Clause 2.2.4 (ii)
O&M Operation and Maintenance
PPP Public Private Partnership
Premium As defined in Clause 1.2.8
Project As defined in Clause 1.1.1
Qualification As defined in Clause 1.2.1
Qualification Stage As defined in Clause 1.2.1
Re. or Rs. or INR Indian Rupee
RFP or Request for Proposals As defined in Clause 1.2.1
RFQ As defined in the Disclaimer
SPV As defined in Clause 2.2.6
Technical Capacity As defined in Clause 2.2.2 (A)
Threshold Technical Capacity As defined in Clause 2.2.2 (A)

The words and expressions beginning with capital letters and defined in this document
shall, unless repugnant to the context, have the meaning ascribed thereto herein above.

Invitation for Qualification

[Name of Authority]


1.1 Background1

1.1.1 The [National Highways Authority of India] (the “Authority”) is engaged in the
development of [highways] and as part of this endeavour, the Authority has
decided to undertake development and operation/ maintenance of the *****
Project (the “Project”) through Public-Private Partnership (the “PPP”) on
[Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (the “DBFOT”)] basis, and has,
therefore, decided to carry out the bidding process for selection of [a private entity
as]2 the bidder to whom the Project may be awarded. [A brief description of the
Project may be seen in the Information Memorandum of the Project at the
Authority’s website www.*****.] Brief particulars of the Project are as follows:

Name of the [Highway] [Length in Km] Indicative Project Cost3

(In Rs. cr.)4

[Jaipur-Kishengarh section [94] [500]

of NH-8]

The Authority intends to pre-qualify and short-list suitable Applicants (the

“Bidders”) who will be eligible for participation in the Bid Stage, for awarding

Instructions for Applicants
Note 1: The provisions in curly brackets shall be suitably modified by the Applicant after the RFQ is
issued. (See Appendix-VI)
Note 2: Blank spaces contain formats that are to be used by the Applicant after the RFQ is issued. (See
Note 3: Footnotes marked “$” in the relevant Clauses of the RFQ are for guidance of the Applicants. In
case of Appendices, the footnotes marked “$” or in other non-numerical characters shall be omitted by the
Applicants while submitting their respective Applications. (See Appendix-VI)
Instructions for customisation of this document by the Authority
This Model Request for Qualification (the “RFQ”) may be customised for project-specific use in
accordance with the instructions below:
Note I: Serially numbered footnotes in this RFQ are for guidance of the Authority and should be omitted
from the RFQ before it is issued to prospective Applicants. (See Appendix-VII)
Note II: All project-specific provisions in this RFQ have been enclosed in square parenthesis and may be
modified, as necessary, before issuing the RFQ to prospective Applicants. The square parenthesis should be
removed after carrying out the required modification. (See Appendix-VII)
Note III: The asterisks in this RFQ should be substituted by project-specific particulars before issuing the
RFQ to prospective Applicants. (See Appendix-VII)
Note IV: Notes I, II, III and IV shall be omitted prior to issue of this RFQ.
If public sector companies are to be allowed to Bid, this Clause may be modified accordingly.
If the project agreements do not provide for any obligations or liabilities that arise from or are related to
capital costs of the project, this column may be omitted.
This amount should normally include the likely construction cost plus 25% thereof by way of financing
costs, physical and price contingencies etc.

the Project through an open competitive bidding process in accordance with the
procedure set out herein.

1.1.2 The selected Bidder, who is either a company incorporated under the Companies
Act, 1956/2013 or undertakes to incorporate as such prior to execution of the
concession agreement (the “Concessionaire”) shall be responsible for
[designing,] engineering, financing, procurement, construction, operation and
maintenance of the Project under and in accordance with the provisions of a [long
- term] concession agreement (the “Concession Agreement”) to be entered into
between the Concessionaire and the Authority in the form provided by the
Authority as part of the Bidding Documents pursuant hereto.

1.1.3 The scope of work will broadly include [rehabilitation, upgradation and widening
of the existing carriageway to four-lane standards with construction of new
pavement, rehabilitation of existing pavement, construction and/or rehabilitation
of major and minor bridges, culverts, road intersections, interchanges, drains, etc.]
and the management, operation and maintenance thereof.

1.1.4 Indicative capital cost of the Project (the “Estimated Project Cost”) will be
revised and specified in the Bidding Documents of the Project. The assessment of
actual costs, however, will have to be made by the Bidders.

1.1.5 The Authority shall receive Applications pursuant to this RFQ in accordance with
the terms set forth herein as modified, altered, amended and clarified from time to
time by the Authority, and all Applications shall be prepared and submitted in
accordance with such terms on or before the date specified in Clause 1.3 for
submission of Applications (the “Application Due Date”).

1.2 Brief description of Bidding Process

1.2.1 The Authority has adopted a two-stage bidding process (collectively referred to as
the “Bidding Process”) for selection of the Bidder for award of the Project. The
first stage (the “Qualification Stage”) of the process involves qualification (the
“Qualification”) of interested parties/ consortia who make an Application in
accordance with the provisions of this RFQ (the “Applicant”, which expression
shall, unless repugnant to the context, include the Members of the Consortium).
Prior to making an Application, the Applicant shall pay to the Authority a sum of
Rs 50, 000 (Rupees fifty thousand) as the cost of the RFQ process5. At the end of
this stage, the Authority expects to announce a short-list of up to [6 (six)] suitable
pre-qualified Applicants who shall be eligible for participation in the second stage
of the Bidding Process (the “Bid Stage”) comprising Request for Proposals (the
“Request for Proposals” or “RFP”).

Government of India has issued guidelines (see Appendix-V) for qualification of

bidders seeking to acquire stakes in any public sector enterprise through the
process of disinvestment. These guidelines shall apply mutatis mutandis to this

The cost of RFQ may be determined at the rate of Rs. 10,000 (ten thousand) for every Rs. 100 (one
hundred) crore or part thereof comprising the Estimated Project Cost. Thus, the cost of an RFQ document
for a project of Rs. 500 (five hundred) crore shall be Rs. 50, 000 (fifty thousand).

Bidding Process. The Authority shall be entitled to disqualify an Applicant in
accordance with the aforesaid guidelines at any stage of the Bidding Process.
Applicants must satisfy themselves that they are qualified to bid, and should give
an undertaking to this effect in the form at Appendix-I.

1.2.2 In the Qualification Stage, Applicants would be required to furnish all the
information specified in this RFQ. Only those Applicants that are pre-qualified
and short-listed by the Authority shall be invited to submit their Bids for the
Project. The Authority is likely to provide a comparatively short time span for
submission of the Bids for the Project. The Applicants are, therefore, advised to
visit the site and familiarise themselves with the Project.

1.2.3 In the Bid Stage, the Bidders will be called upon to submit their financial offers
(the “Bids”) in accordance with the RFP and other documents to be provided by
the Authority (collectively the “Bidding Documents”). The Bidding Documents
for the Project will be provided to every Bidder on payment of a process fee for
RFP which will be about four times the amount specified in Clause 1.2.1.The Bid
shall be valid for a period of not less than 120 days from the date specified in
Clause 1.3 for submission of Bids (the “Bid Due Date”).

1.2.4 In terms of the RFP, a Bidder will be required to deposit, along with its Bid, a bid
security [equivalent to about 1% (one per cent)6 of the Estimated Project Cost]
(the “Bid Security”), refundable no later than 60 (sixty) days from the Bid Due
Date, except in the case of the selected Bidder whose Bid Security shall be
retained till it has provided a Performance Security under the Concession
Agreement. The Bidders will have an option to provide Bid Security in the form
of a demand draft or a bank guarantee acceptable to the Authority$. In case a bank
guarantee is provided, its validity period shall not be less than 180 (one hundred
and eighty) days from the Bid Due Date, inclusive of a claim period of 60 (sixty)
days, and may be extended as may be mutually agreed between the Authority and
the Bidder from time to time. Where a demand draft is provided, its validity shall
not be less than 80 (eighty) days from the Bid Due Date for the purposes of
encashment thereof by the Authority. The Bid shall be summarily rejected if it is
not accompanied by the Bid Security.

1.2.5 Generally, the Highest Bidder shall be the selected Bidder. The remaining Bidders
shall be kept in reserve and may, in accordance with the process specified in the
RFP, be invited to match the Bid submitted by the Highest Bidder in case such
Highest Bidder withdraws or is not selected for any reason. In the event that none
of the other Bidders match the Bid of the Highest Bidder, the Authority may, in
its discretion, invite fresh Bids from the remaining Bidders or annul the Bidding
Process, as the case may be.

1.2.6 During the Bid Stage, Bidders are invited to examine the Project in greater detail,
and to carry out, at their cost, such studies as may be required for submitting their

The Authority may, if deemed necessary, prescribe a higher Bid Security not exceeding 2% of the
Estimated Project Cost. In case of a project having an Estimated Project Cost of Rs. 2,000 cr. or above, the
Authority may reduce the Bid Security, but not less than 0.5% of the Estimated Project Cost in any case.
The format for the bank guarantee has been published as part of the Model RFP document

respective Bids for award of the concession including implementation of the

1.2.7 As part of the Bidding Documents, the Authority will provide a draft Concession
Agreement and feasibility report prepared by the [Authority/ its consultants] and
other information pertaining/ relevant to the Project available with it.

1.2.8 Bids will be invited for the Project on the basis of [the lowest financial grant (the
“Grant”) required by a Bidder for implementing the Project. A Bidder may,
instead of seeking a Grant, offer to pay a premium in the form of revenue share
and/ or upfront payment, as the case may be, (the “Premium”) to the Authority
for award of the concession.] The concession period shall be pre-determined, and
will be indicated in the draft Concession Agreement forming part of the Bidding
Documents. The [Grant/ Premium amount] shall constitute the sole criteria for
evaluation of Bids. The Project shall be awarded to the Bidder quoting the
[highest Premium, and in the event that no Bidder offers a Premium, then to the
Bidder seeking the lowest Grant.]

In this RFQ, the term “Highest Bidder” shall mean the Bidder who is offering the
[highest Premium, and where no Bidder is offering a Premium, the Bidder seeking
the lowest Grant shall be the Highest Bidder].

1.2.9 The Concessionaire shall, in consideration of its investment and services, be

entitled to [levy and collect a pre-determined user fee /receive a unitary charge].

1.2.10 Details of the process to be followed at the Bid Stage and the terms thereof will be
spelt out in the Bidding Documents.

1.2.11 Any queries or request for additional information concerning this RFQ shall be
submitted in writing by speed post/ courier/ special messenger and by e-mail so as
to reach the officer designated in Clause 2.13.3 by the specified date. The
envelopes/ communications shall clearly bear the following identification/ title:

“Queries/ Request for Additional Information: RFQ for ***** Project”.

1.3 Schedule of Bidding Process

The Authority shall endeavour to adhere to the following schedule:

Event Description Date

Qualification Stage
1. Last date for receiving queries [25 days from date of RFQ]
2. Pre-Application Conference [30 days from date of RFQ]
3. Authority response to queries latest by [35 days from date of RFQ]
4. Application Due Date [45 days from date of RFQ]

5. Announcement of short-list Within 15 days of
Application Due Date

Bid Stage Estimated Date

1. Sale of Bid Documents [To be specified]
2. Last date for receiving queries [To be specified]
3. Pre-Bid Conference - 1 [To be specified]
4. Authority response to queries latest by [To be specified]
5. Pre-Bid Conference - 2 [To be specified]7
6. Bid Due Date [To be specified]
7. Opening of Bids On Bid Due Date
8. Letter of Award (LOA) Within 30 days of Bid Due
9. Validity of Bids 120 days of Bid Due Date
10. Signing of Concession Agreement Within 30 days of award of

1.4 Pre-Application Conference

The date, time and venue of the Pre-Application Conference shall be:

Date: *****

Time: 1100 hrs

Venue: *****

In case of complex projects, the number of Pre-Bid Conferences could be two or more.



2.1 Scope of Application

2.1.1 The Authority wishes to receive Applications for Qualification in order to short-
list experienced and capable Applicants for the Bid Stage.

2.1.2 Short-listed Applicants may be subsequently invited to submit the Bids for the

2.2 Eligibility of Applicants

2.2.1 For determining the eligibility of Applicants for their pre-qualification hereunder,
the following shall apply:

(a) The Applicant for pre-qualification may be a single entity or a group of

entities (the “Consortium”), coming together to implement the Project. However,
no applicant applying individually or as a member of a Consortium, as the case
may be, can be member of another Applicant. The term Applicant used herein
would apply to both a single entity and a Consortium.

(b) An Applicant may be a natural person, private entity, [government-owned

entity] or any combination of them with a formal intent to enter into an agreement
or under an existing agreement to form a Consortium. A Consortium shall be
eligible for consideration subject to the conditions set out in Clause 2.2.6 below.

(c) An Applicant shall not have a conflict of interest (the “Conflict of Interest”)
that affects the Bidding Process. Any Applicant found to have a Conflict of
Interest shall be disqualified$. An Applicant shall be deemed to have a Conflict of
Interest affecting the Bidding Process, if:

(i) the Applicant, its Member or Associate (or any constituent thereof) and
any other Applicant, its Member or any Associate thereof (or any
constituent thereof) have common controlling shareholders or other
ownership interest; provided that this disqualification shall not apply in
cases where the direct or indirect shareholding of an Applicant, its
Member or an Associate thereof (or any shareholder thereof having a
shareholding of more than 5 per cent of the paid up and subscribed share
capital of such Applicant, Member or Associate, as the case may be) in the
other Applicant, its Member or Associate is less than 5 per cent of the
subscribed and paid up equity share capital thereof; provided further that
this disqualification shall not apply to any ownership by a bank, insurance
company, pension fund or a public financial institution referred to in sub-
section (72) of section 2 of the Companies Act, 2013. For the purposes of
this Clause 2.2.1(c), indirect shareholding held through one or more

The provisions of sub-clauses (i), (iii) and (v) shall not apply to government companies.

intermediate persons shall be computed as follows: (aa) where any
intermediary is controlled by a person through management control or
otherwise, the entire shareholding held by such controlled intermediary in
any other person (the “Subject Person”) shall be taken into account for
computing the shareholding of such controlling person in the Subject
Person; and (bb) subject always to sub-clause (aa) above, where a person
does not exercise control over an intermediary, which has shareholding in
the Subject Person, the computation of indirect shareholding of such
person in the Subject Person shall be undertaken on a proportionate basis;
provided, however, that no such shareholding shall be reckoned under this
sub-clause (bb) if the shareholding of such person in the intermediary is
less than 26% of the subscribed and paid up equity shareholding of such
intermediary; or

(ii) a constituent of such Applicant is also a constituent of another Applicant;


(iii) such Applicant, or any Associate thereof receives or has received any
direct or indirect subsidy, grant, concessional loan or subordinated debt
from any other Applicant, or any Associate thereof or has provided any
such subsidy, grant, concessional loan or subordinated debt to any other
Applicant, its Member or any Associate thereof; or

(iv) such Applicant has the same legal representative for purposes of this
Application as any other Applicant; or

(v) such Applicant, or any Associate thereof has a relationship with another
Applicant, or any Associate thereof, directly or through common third
party/ parties, that puts either or both of them in a position to have access
to each other’s information about, or to influence the Application of either
or each other; or

(vi) such Applicant, or any Associate thereof has participated as a consultant to

the Authority in the preparation of any documents, design or technical
specifications of the Project.

(d) An Applicant shall be liable for disqualification if any legal, financial or

technical adviser of the Authority in relation to the Project is engaged by the
Applicant, its Member or any Associate thereof, as the case may be, in any
manner for matters related to or incidental to the Project. For the avoidance of
doubt, this disqualification shall not apply where such adviser was engaged by the
Applicant, its Member or Associate in the past but its assignment expired or was
terminated prior to the Application Due Date. Nor will this disqualification apply
where such adviser is engaged after a period of 3 (three) years from the date of
commercial operation of the Project.

Explanation: In case an Applicant is a Consortium, then the term Applicant as

used in this Clause 2.2.1, shall include each Member of such Consortium.

[(e) Other eligibility conditions shall include:***]8

2.2.2 To be eligible for pre-qualification and short-listing, an Applicant shall fulfil the
following conditions of eligibility:

(A) Technical Capacity: For demonstrating technical capacity and experience (the
“Technical Capacity”), the Applicant shall, over the past 5 (five) financial years
preceding the Application Due Date, have:

(i) paid for, or received payments for, construction of Eligible Project(s); and/

(ii) paid for development of Eligible Project(s) in Category 1 and/or Category

2 specified in Clause 3.2.1; and/ or

(iii) collected and appropriated revenues from Eligible Project(s) in Category 1

and/or Category 2 specified in Clause 3.2.1,

such that the sum total of the above is more than [Rs.1000 crore (Rs. one
thousand crore)] (the “Threshold Technical Capacity”).9

(B) Financial Capacity: The Applicant shall have a minimum Net Worth10 (the
“Financial Capacity”) of [Rs. 125 crore (Rs. one hundred and twenty five
crore)]11 at the close of the preceding financial year.

In case of a Consortium, the combined technical capacity and Net Worth of those
Members, who shall have an equity share of at least 26% (twenty six per cent)
each in the SPV, should satisfy the above conditions of eligibility; provided that
each such Member shall, for a period of 2 (two) years from the date of
commercial operation of the Project, hold equity share capital not less than: (i)
26% (twenty six per cent) of the subscribed and paid up equity of the SPV; and
(ii) 5% (five per cent) of the Total Project Cost specified in the Concession

Other sector-specific conditions of eligibility or restrictions, if any, may be stated here, such as limit on
FDI. In case of sectors such as ports and airports, the Authority may specify restrictions in order to prevent
the same entity from acquiring more than a pre-determined number of projects. In sectors where a large
number of projects are offered within a comparatively short period, such as in the case of highways, the
Authority may specify restrictions in order to prevent the same entity from getting shortlisted in a large
number of projects with the potential effect of curtailing effective competition.
This amount should be equivalent to twice the Estimated Project Cost of the Project for which Bids are
being invited. Where deemed necessary, the Authority may increase/decrease this amount by one half of
the Estimated Project Cost.
Net Worth has been adopted as the criterion for assessing financial capacity since it is a comprehensive
indication of the financial strength of the Applicant. In exceptional cases, however, the Authority may also
prescribe a minimum annual turnover and/ or net cash accruals as an indication of the Applicant’s cash
flows and financial health.
This amount should be 25% (twenty five per cent) of the Estimated Project Cost of the Project for which
Bids are being invited.

2.2.3 O&M Experience: [In the event that the Applicant does not have the requisite
O&M experience, it shall either enter into an agreement, for a period of 5 (five)
years from COD, with an entity having the aforesaid experience relating to the
performance of O&M obligations, or engage experienced and qualified personnel
for discharging its O&M obligations in accordance with the provisions of the
Concession Agreement, failing which the Concession Agreement shall be liable to

2.2.4 The Applicant shall enclose with its Application, to be submitted as per the format
at Appendix-I, complete with its Annexes, the following$:

(i) Certificate(s) from statutory auditors of the Applicant or its Associates or

the concerned client(s) stating the payments made/ received or works
commissioned, as the case may be, during the past 5 (five) years in respect
of the projects specified in paragraph 2.2.2 (A) above. In case a particular
job/ contract has been jointly executed by the Applicant (as part of a
consortium), it should further support its claim for the share in work done
for that particular job/ contract by producing a certificate from its statutory
auditor or the client; and

(ii) certificate(s) from statutory auditors of the Applicant or its Associates

specifying the Net Worth of the Applicant, as at the close of the preceding
financial year, and also specifying that the methodology adopted for
calculating such Net Worth conforms to the provisions of this Clause 2.2.4
(ii). For the purposes of this RFQ, net worth (the “Net Worth”) shall mean
the sum of subscribed and paid up equity and reserves from which shall be
deducted the sum of revaluation reserves, miscellaneous expenditure not
written off and reserves not available for distribution to equity share

2.2.5 The Applicant should submit a Power of Attorney as per the format at Appendix-
II, authorising the signatory of the Application to commit the Applicant. In the
case of a Consortium, the Members should submit a Power of Attorney in favour
of the Lead Member as per format at Appendix-III.

2.2.6 Where the Applicant is a single entity, it may be required to form an appropriate
Special Purpose Vehicle, incorporated under the Indian Companies Act, 2013 (the
“SPV”), to execute the Concession Agreement and implement the Project. In case
the Applicant is a Consortium, it shall, in addition to forming an SPV, comply
with the following additional requirements:

(a) Number of members in a consortium shall not exceed 6 (six), but

information sought in the Application may be restricted to 4 (four)
members in the order of their equity contribution;

In case duly certified audited annual financial statements containing the requisite details are provided, a
separate certification by statutory auditors would not be necessary in respect of Clause 2.2.4. In
jurisdictions that do not have statutory auditors, the firm of auditors which audits the annual accounts of the
Applicant or its Associate may provide the certificates required under this RFQ.

(b) subject to the provisions of sub-clause (a) above, the Application should
contain the information required for each member of the Consortium;

(c) members of the Consortium shall nominate one member as the lead
member (the “Lead Member”), who shall have an equity share holding of
at least 26% (twenty six per cent) of the paid up and subscribed equity of
the SPV. The nomination(s) shall be supported by a Power of Attorney, as
per the format at Appendix-III, signed by all the other members of the

(d) the Application should include a brief description of the roles and
responsibilities of individual members, particularly with reference to
financial, technical and O&M obligations;

(e) an individual Applicant cannot at the same time be member of a

Consortium applying for pre-qualification. Further, a member of a
particular Applicant Consortium cannot be member of any other Applicant
Consortium applying for pre-qualification;

(f) the members of a Consortium shall form an appropriate SPV to execute

the Project, if awarded to the Consortium;

(g) members of the Consortium shall enter into a binding Joint Bidding
Agreement, substantially in the form specified at Appendix-IV (the “Jt.
Bidding Agreement”), for the purpose of making the Application and
submitting a Bid in the event of being short-listed. The Jt. Bidding
Agreement, to be submitted along with the Application, shall, inter alia:

(i) convey the intent to form an SPV with shareholding/ ownership

equity commitment(s) in accordance with this RFQ, which would
enter into the Concession Agreement and subsequently perform all
the obligations of the Concessionaire in terms of the Concession
Agreement, in case the concession to undertake the Project is
awarded to the Consortium;

(ii) clearly outline the proposed roles and responsibilities, if any, of

each member;

(iii) commit the minimum equity stake to be held by each member;

(iv) commit that each of the members, whose experience will be

evaluated for the purposes of this RFQ, shall subscribe to 26%
(twenty six per cent) or more of the paid up and subscribed equity
of the SPV and shall further commit that each such member shall,
for a period of 2 (two) years from the date of commercial operation
of the Project, hold equity share capital not less than: (i) 26%
(twenty six per cent) of the subscribed and paid up equity share
capital of the SPV; and (ii) 5% (five per cent) of the Total Project
Cost specified in the Concession Agreement;

(v) members of the Consortium undertake that they shall collectively
hold at least 51% (fifty one per cent) of the subscribed and paid up
equity of the SPV at all times until the second anniversary of the
commercial operation date of the Project; and

(vi) include a statement to the effect that all members of the

Consortium shall be liable jointly and severally for all obligations
of the Concessionaire in relation to the Project until the Financial
Close of the Project is achieved in accordance with the Concession
Agreement; and

(h) except as provided under this RFQ and the Bidding Documents, there shall
not be any amendment to the Jt. Bidding Agreement without the prior
written consent of the Authority.

2.2.7 Any entity which has been barred by the [Central/ State Government, or any
entity controlled by it,] from participating in any project (BOT or otherwise), and
the bar subsists as on the date of Application, would not be eligible to submit an
Application, either individually or as member of a Consortium.

2.2.8 An Applicant including any Consortium Member or Associate should, in the last
3 (three) years, have neither failed to perform on any contract, as evidenced by
imposition of a penalty by an arbitral or judicial authority or a judicial
pronouncement or arbitration award against the Applicant, Consortium Member
or Associate, as the case may be, nor has been expelled from any project or
contract by any public entity nor have had any contract terminated by any public
entity for breach by such Applicant, Consortium Member or Associate. Provided,
however, that where an Applicant claims that its disqualification arising on
account of any cause or event specified in this Clause 2.2.8 is such that it does not
reflect (a) any malfeasance on its part in relation to such cause or event; (b) any
wilful default or patent breach of the material terms of the relevant contract; (c)
any fraud, deceit or misrepresentation in relation to such contract; or (d) any
rescinding or abandoning of such contract, it may make a representation to this
effect to the Authority for seeking a waiver from the disqualification hereunder
and the Authority may, in its sole discretion and for reasons to be recorded in
writing, grant such waiver if it is satisfied with the grounds of such representation
and is further satisfied that such waiver is not in any manner likely to cause a
material adverse impact on the Bidding Process or on the implementation of the

2.2.9 In computing the Technical Capacity and Net Worth of the Applicant/
Consortium Members under Clauses 2.2.2, 2.2.4 and 3.2, the Technical Capacity
and Net Worth of their respective Associates would also be eligible hereunder.

For purposes of this RFQ, Associate means, in relation to the Applicant/

Consortium Member, a person who controls, is controlled by, or is under the
common control with such Applicant/ Consortium Member (the “Associate”). As
used in this definition, the expression “control” means, with respect to a person
which is a company or corporation, the ownership, directly or indirectly, of more
than 50% (fifty per cent) of the voting shares of such person, and with respect to a

person which is not a company or corporation, the power to direct the
management and policies of such person by operation of law.

2.2.10 The following conditions shall be adhered to while submitting an Application:

(a) Applicants should attach clearly marked and referenced continuation

sheets in the event that the space provided in the prescribed forms in the
Annexes is insufficient. Alternatively, Applicants may format the
prescribed forms making due provision for incorporation of the requested

(b) information supplied by an Applicant (or other constituent Member if the

Applicant is a Consortium) must apply to the Applicant, Member or
Associate named in the Application and not, unless specifically requested,
to other associated companies or firms. Invitation to submit Bids will be
issued only to Applicants whose identity and/ or constitution is identical to
that at pre-qualification;

(c) in responding to the pre-qualification submissions, Applicants should

demonstrate their capabilities in accordance with Clause 3.1 below; and

(d) in case the Applicant is a Consortium, each Member should substantially

satisfy the pre-qualification requirements to the extent specified herein.

2.2.11 [While Qualification is open to persons from any country, the following
provisions shall apply:]

[(a) Where, on the date of the Application, 25% (twenty five per cent) or more
of the aggregate issued, subscribed and paid up equity share capital in an
Applicant or its Member is held by persons resident outside India or where
an Applicant or its Member is controlled by persons resident outside India;

[(b) if at any subsequent stage after the date of the Application, there is an
acquisition of 25% (twenty five per cent) or more of the aggregate issued,
subscribed and paid up equity share capital or control, by persons resident
outside India, in or of the Applicant or its Member;]

[then the Qualification of such Applicant or in the event described in sub clause
(b) above, the continued Qualification of the Applicant shall be subject to
approval of the Authority from national security and public interest perspective.
The decision of the Authority in this behalf shall be final and conclusive and
binding on the Applicant.]

[The holding or acquisition of equity or control, as above, shall include direct or

indirect holding/ acquisition, including by transfer, of the direct or indirect legal
or beneficial ownership or control, by persons acting for themselves or in concert
and in determining such holding or acquisition, the Authority shall be guided by
the principles, precedents and definitions contained in the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers)

Regulations, 2011, or any substitute thereof, as in force on the date of such

The Applicant shall promptly inform the Authority of any change in the
shareholding, as above, and failure to do so shall render the Applicant liable for
disqualification from the Bidding Process.

2.2.12 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, in the event that the
Application Due Date falls within 3 (three )months of the closing of the latest
financial year of an Applicant, it shall ignore such financial year for the purposes
of its Application and furnish all its information and certification with reference to
the 5 (five) years or 1 (one) year, as the case may be, preceding its latest financial
year. For the avoidance of doubt, financial year shall, for the purposes of an
Application hereunder, mean the accounting year followed by the Applicant in the
course of its normal business.

2.3 Change in composition of the Consortium

2.3.1 Change in the composition of a Consortium will not be permitted by the Authority
during the Qualification Stage.

2.3.2 Where the Bidder$ is a Consortium, change in the composition of a Consortium

may be permitted by the Authority during the Bid Stage, only where:

(a) the application for such change is made no later than 15 (fifteen) days
prior to the Bid Due Date;

(b) the Lead Member continues to be the Lead Member of the Consortium;

(c) the substitute is at least equal, in terms of Technical Capacity, to the

Consortium Member who is sought to be substituted and the modified
Consortium shall continue to meet the pre-qualification and short-listing
criteria for Applicants; and

(d) the new Member(s) expressly adopt(s) the Application already made on
behalf of the Consortium as if it were a party to it originally, and is not an
Applicant/Member/Associate of any other Consortium bidding for this

2.3.3 Approval for change in the composition of a Consortium shall be at the sole
discretion of the Authority and must be approved by the Authority in writing.

The provisions of this Clause 2.2.11 may be modified from time to time in accordance with the extant
instructions of the Government.
The option of change in composition of the Consortium which is available under Clause 2.3.2 may be
exercised by any Applicant who is pre-qualified either as a Consortium or as a single entity. In the case of a
single entity Applicant adding a Consortium Member at the Bid Stage, the single entity Applicant shall be
the Lead Member of the Consortium. Provided, however, that no member of such Consortium shall be an
Applicant or the member of a Consortium which has been pre-qualified.

2.3.4 The modified/ reconstituted Consortium shall submit a revised Jt. Bidding
Agreement before the Bid Due Date.

2.3.5 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in sub-clause (c) (i) of Clause
2.2.1, an Applicant may, within 10 (ten) days after the Application Due Date,
remove from its Consortium any Member who suffers from a Conflict of Interest,
and such removal shall be deemed to cure the Conflict of Interest arising in
respect thereof.

2.4 Number of Applications and costs thereof

2.4.1 No Applicant shall submit more than one Application for the Project. An
applicant applying individually or as a member of a Consortium shall not be
entitled to submit another Application either individually or as a member of any
Consortium, as the case may be.

2.4.2 The Applicants shall be responsible for all of the costs associated with the
preparation of their Applications and their participation in the Bidding Process.
The Authority will not be responsible or in any way liable for such costs,
regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding Process.

2.5 Site visit and verification of information

Applicants are encouraged to submit their respective Applications after visiting

the Project site and ascertaining for themselves the site conditions, traffic,
location, surroundings, climate, availability of power, water and other utilities for
construction, access to site, handling and storage of materials, weather data,
applicable laws and regulations, and any other matter considered relevant by

2.6 Acknowledgement by Applicant

2.6.1 It shall be deemed that by submitting the Application, the Applicant has:

(a) made a complete and careful examination of the RFQ;

(b) received all relevant information requested from the Authority;

(c) accepted the risk of inadequacy, error or mistake in the information

provided in the RFQ or furnished by or on behalf of the Authority relating
to any of the matters referred to in Clause 2.5 above; and

(d) agreed to be bound by the undertakings provided by it under and in terms


2.6.2 The Authority shall not be liable for any omission, mistake or error in respect of
any of the above or on account of any matter or thing arising out of or concerning
or relating to the RFQ or the Bidding Process, including any error or mistake
therein or in any information or data given by the Authority.

2.7 Right to accept or reject any or all Applications/ Bids

2.7.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in this RFQ, the Authority reserves the right
to accept or reject any Application and to annul the Bidding Process and reject all
Applications/ Bids, at any time without any liability or any obligation for such
acceptance, rejection or annulment, and without assigning any reasons therefor. In
the event that the Authority rejects or annuls all the Bids, it may, in its discretion,
invite all eligible Bidders to submit fresh Bids hereunder.

2.7.2 The Authority reserves the right to reject any Application and/ or Bid if:

(a) at any time, a material misrepresentation is made or uncovered, or

(b) the Applicant does not provide, within the time specified by the Authority,
the supplemental information sought by the Authority for evaluation of the

If the Applicant/Bidder is a Consortium, then the entire Consortium may be

disqualified/ rejected. If such disqualification/ rejection occurs after the Bids have
been opened and the Highest Bidder gets disqualified/ rejected, then the Authority
reserves the right to:

(i) invite the remaining Bidders to match the Highest Bidder/ submit their
Bids in accordance with the RFP; or

(ii) take any such measure as may be deemed fit in the sole discretion of the
Authority, including annulment of the Bidding Process.

2.7.3 In case it is found during the evaluation or at any time before signing of the
Concession Agreement or after its execution and during the period of subsistence
thereof, including the concession thereby granted by the Authority, that one or
more of the pre-qualification conditions have not been met by the Applicant, or
the Applicant has made material misrepresentation or has given any materially
incorrect or false information, the Applicant shall be disqualified forthwith if not
yet appointed as the Concessionaire either by issue of the LOA or entering into of
the Concession Agreement, and if the Applicant/SPV has already been issued the
LOA or has entered into the Concession Agreement, as the case may be, the same
shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained therein or in this RFQ,
be liable to be terminated, by a communication in writing by the Authority to the
Applicant, without the Authority being liable in any manner whatsoever to the
Applicant and without prejudice to any other right or remedy which the Authority
may have under this RFQ, the Bidding Documents, the Concession Agreement or
under applicable law.

2.7.4 The Authority reserves the right to verify all statements, information and
documents submitted by the Applicant in response to the RFQ. Any such
verification or lack of such verification by the Authority shall not relieve the
Applicant of its obligations or liabilities hereunder nor will it affect any rights of
the Authority thereunder.


2.8 Contents of the RFQ

This RFQ comprises the disclaimer set forth hereinabove, the contents as listed
below, and will additionally include any Addenda issued in accordance with
Clause 2.10.

Invitation for Qualification

Section 1. Introduction
Section 2. Instructions to Applicants
Section 3. Criteria for Evaluation
Section 4. Fraud & Corrupt Practices
Section 5. Pre Application Conference
Section 6. Miscellaneous


I. Letter comprising the Application

II. Power of Attorney for signing of Application
III. Power of Attorney for Lead Member of Consortium
IV. Joint Bidding Agreement for Consortium
V. Guidelines of the Department of Disinvestment
VI. List of Application-specific provisions

2.9 Clarifications

2.9.1 Applicants requiring any clarification on the RFQ may notify the Authority in
writing by speed post/ courier/ special messenger and by e-mail in accordance
with Clause 1.2.11. They should send in their queries before the date specified in
the schedule of Bidding Process contained in Clause 1.3. The Authority shall
endeavour to respond to the queries within the period specified therein, but no
later than 10 (ten) days prior to the Application Due Date. The responses will be
sent by e-mail. The Authority will forward all the queries and its responses
thereto, to all purchasers of the RFQ without identifying the source of queries.

2.9.2 The Authority shall endeavour to respond to the questions raised or clarifications
sought by the Applicants. However, the Authority reserves the right not to
respond to any question or provide any clarification, in its sole discretion, and
nothing in this Clause shall be taken or read as compelling or requiring the
Authority to respond to any question or to provide any clarification.

2.9.3 The Authority may also on its own motion, if deemed necessary, issue
interpretations and clarifications to all Applicants. All clarifications and
interpretations issued by the Authority shall be deemed to be part of the RFQ.
Verbal clarifications and information given by Authority or its employees or
representatives shall not in any way or manner be binding on the Authority.

2.10 Amendment of RFQ

2.10.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Application, the Authority
may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to clarifications
requested by an Applicant, modify the RFQ by the issuance of Addenda.

2.10.2 Any Addendum thus issued will be sent in writing to all those who have
purchased the RFQ.

2.10.3 In order to afford the Applicants a reasonable time for taking an Addendum into
account, or for any other reason, the Authority may, in its sole discretion, extend
the Application Due Date.$


2.11 Language

The Application and all related correspondence and documents in relation to the
Bidding Process shall be in English language. Supporting documents and printed
literature furnished by the Applicant with the Application may be in any other
language provided that they are accompanied by translations of all the pertinent
passages in the English language, duly authenticated and certified by the
Applicant. Supporting materials, which are not translated into English, may not be
considered. For the purpose of interpretation and evaluation of the Application,
the English language translation shall prevail.

2.12 Format and signing of Application

2.12.1 The Applicant shall provide all the information sought under this RFQ. The
Authority will evaluate only those Applications that are received in the required
formats and complete in all respects. Incomplete and /or conditional Applications
shall be liable to rejection.

2.12.2 The Applicant shall prepare 1 (one) original set of the Application (together with
the documents required to be submitted pursuant to this RFQ) and clearly marked
as “ORIGINAL”. In addition, the Applicant shall submit 1 (one) copy of such
Application and documents, which shall be marked as “COPY”. The Applicant
shall also provide 2 (two) soft copies thereof on a Compact Disc (CD). In the
event of any discrepancy between the original and the copy, the original shall

2.12.3 The Application and its copy shall be typed or written in indelible ink. It shall be
signed by the authorised signatory of the Applicant who shall also initial each
page of the Application (including each Appendix and Annex) in blue ink. In case
of printed and published documents, only the cover shall be initialled. All the

While extending the Application Due Date on account of an addendum, the Authority shall have due
regard for the time required by Applicants to address the amendments specified therein. In the case of
significant amendments, at least 15 (fifteen) days shall be provided between the date of amendment and the
Application Due Date, and in the case of minor amendments, at least 7 (seven) days shall be provided.

alterations, omissions, additions or any other amendments made to the
Application shall be initialled by the person(s) signing the Application. The
Application shall contain page numbers and shall be bound together in a manner
that does not allow replacement of any page.

2.13 Sealing and Marking of Applications

2.13.1 The Applicant shall submit the Application in the format specified at Appendix-I,
together with the documents specified in Clause 2.13.2, and seal it in an envelope
and mark the envelope as “APPLICATION”. The Applicant shall seal the original
and the copy of the Application, together with their respective enclosures, in
separate envelopes duly marking the envelopes as “ORIGINAL” and “COPY”.
The envelopes shall then be sealed in an outer envelope which shall also be
marked in accordance with Clauses 2.13.2 and 2.13.3.

2.13.2 Each envelope shall contain:

(i) Application in the prescribed format (Appendix-I) along with Annexes
and supporting documents;
(ii) Power of Attorney for signing the Application as per the format at
(iii) if applicable, the Power of Attorney for Lead Member of Consortium as
per the format at Appendix-III;
(iv) copy of the Jt. Bidding Agreement, in case of a Consortium, substantially
in the format at Appendix-IV;

(v) copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association, if the Applicant is a

body corporate, and if a partnership then a copy of its partnership deed;
(vi) copies of Applicant’s duly audited balance sheet and profit and loss
account for the preceding five years; [and]
(vii) 2 (two) soft copies of the Application on a Compact Disc (CD)[; and
(viii) any other sector or project-specific requirement that may be specified by
the Authority].

Each of the envelopes shall clearly bear the following identification:

“Application for Qualification: **** Project”

and shall clearly indicate the name and address of the Applicant. In addition, the
Application Due Date should be indicated on the right hand corner of each of the

2.13.3 Each of the envelopes shall be addressed to:

ATTN. OF: Mr *******


ADDRESS: *******

2.13.4 If the envelopes are not sealed and marked as instructed above, the Authority
assumes no responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of the
contents of the Application and consequent losses, if any, suffered by the

2.13.5 Applications submitted by fax, telex, telegram or e-mail shall not be entertained
and shall be rejected.

2.14 Application Due Date

2.14.1 Applications should be submitted before 1100 hours IST on the Application Due
Date, at the address provided in Clause 2.13.3 in the manner and form as detailed
in this RFQ. A receipt thereof should be obtained from the person specified in
Clause 2.13.3.

2.14.2 The Authority may, in its sole discretion, extend the Application Due Date by
issuing an Addendum in accordance with Clause 2.10 uniformly for all

2.15 Late Applications

Applications received by the Authority after the specified time on the Application
Due Date shall not be eligible for consideration and shall be summarily rejected.

2.16 Modifications/ substitution/ withdrawal of Applications

2.16.1 The Applicant may modify, substitute or withdraw its Application after
submission, provided that written notice of the modification, substitution or
withdrawal is received by the Authority prior to the Application Due Date. No
Application shall be modified, substituted or withdrawn by the Applicant on or
after the Application Due Date.

2.16.2 The modification, substitution or withdrawal notice shall be prepared, sealed,

marked, and delivered in accordance with Clause 2.13, with the envelopes being
additionally marked “MODIFICATION”, “SUBSTITUTION” or
“WITHDRAWAL”, as appropriate.

2.16.3 Any alteration/ modification in the Application or additional information supplied

subsequent to the Application Due Date, unless the same has been expressly
sought for by the Authority, shall be disregarded.


2.17 Opening and Evaluation of Applications

2.17.1 The Authority shall open the Applications at 1130 hours IST on the Application
Due Date, at the place specified in Clause 2.13.3 and in the presence of the
Applicants who choose to attend.

2.17.2 Applications for which a notice of withdrawal has been submitted in accordance
with Clause 2.16 shall not be opened.

2.17.3 The Authority will subsequently examine and evaluate Applications in

accordance with the provisions set out in Section 3.

2.17.4 Applicants are advised that pre-qualification of Applicants will be entirely at the
discretion of the Authority. Applicants will be deemed to have understood and
agreed that no explanation or justification on any aspect of the Bidding Process or
selection will be given.

2.17.5 Any information contained in the Application shall not in any way be construed
as binding on the Authority, its agents, successors or assigns, but shall be binding
against the Applicant if the Project is subsequently awarded to it on the basis of
such information.

2.17.6 The Authority reserves the right not to proceed with the Bidding Process at any
time without notice or liability and to reject any or all Application(s) without
assigning any reasons.

2.17.7 If any information furnished by the Applicant is found to be incomplete, or

contained in formats other than those specified herein, the Authority may, in its
sole discretion, exclude the relevant project from computation of the Experience
Score of the Applicant.

2.17.8 In the event that an Applicant claims credit for an Eligible Project, and such claim
is determined by the Authority as incorrect or erroneous, the Authority shall reject
such claim and exclude the same from computation of the Experience Score, and
may also, while computing the aggregate Experience Score of the Applicant,
make a further deduction equivalent to the claim rejected hereunder. Where any
information is found to be patently false or amounting to a material
misrepresentation, the Authority reserves the right to reject the Application and/
or Bid in accordance with the provisions of Clauses 2.7.2 and 2.7.3.

2.18 Confidentiality

Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and

recommendation for the short-listed pre-qualified Applicants shall not be
disclosed to any person who is not officially concerned with the process or is not
a retained professional advisor advising the Authority in relation to, or matters
arising out of, or concerning the Bidding Process. The Authority will treat all
information, submitted as part of Application, in confidence and will require all

those who have access to such material to treat the same in confidence. The
Authority may not divulge any such information unless it is directed to do so by
any statutory entity that has the power under law to require its disclosure or is to
enforce or assert any right or privilege of the statutory entity and/ or the Authority
or as may be required by law or in connection with any legal process.

2.19 Tests of responsiveness

2.19.1 Prior to evaluation of Applications, the Authority shall determine whether each
Application is responsive to the requirements of the RFQ. An Application shall be
considered responsive if:

(a) it is received as per format at Appendix-I;

(b) it is received by the Application Due Date including any extension thereof
pursuant to Clause 2.14.2;

(c) it is signed, sealed, bound together in hard cover, and marked as stipulated
in Clauses 2.12 and 2.13;

(d) it is accompanied by the Power of Attorney as specified in Clause 2.2.5,

and in the case of a Consortium, the Power of Attorney as specified in
Clause 2.2.6 (c);

(e) it contains all the information and documents (complete in all respects) as
requested in this RFQ;

(f) it contains information in formats same as those specified in this RFQ;

(g) it contains certificates from its statutory auditors$ in the formats specified
at Appendix-I of the RFQ for each Eligible Project;

(h) it contains an attested copy of the receipt of the Authority towards the cost
of the RFQ process as specified in Clause 1.2.1;

(i) it is accompanied by the Jt. Bidding Agreement (for Consortium), specific

to the Project, as stipulated in Clause 2.2.6(g);

(j) it does not contain any condition or qualification; and

(k) it is not non-responsive in terms hereof.

2.19.2 The Authority reserves the right to reject any Application which is non-responsive
and no request for alteration, modification, substitution or withdrawal shall be
entertained by the Authority in respect of such Application. Provided, however,

In case duly certified audited annual financial statements containing the requisite details are provided, a
separate certification by statutory auditors would not be necessary in respect of Clause 2.19.1 (g). In
jurisdictions that do not have statutory auditors, the firm of auditors which audits the annual accounts of the
Applicant may provide the certificates required under this RFQ.

that the Authority may, in its discretion, allow the Applicant to rectify any
infirmities or omissions if the same do not constitute a material modification of
the Application.

2.20 Clarifications

2.20.1 To facilitate evaluation of Applications, the Authority may, at its sole discretion,
seek clarifications from any Applicant regarding its Application. Such
clarification(s) shall be provided within the time specified by the Authority for
this purpose. Any request for clarification(s) and all clarification(s) in response
thereto shall be in writing.

2.20.2 If an Applicant does not provide clarifications sought under Clause 2.20.1 above
within the prescribed time, its Application shall be liable to be rejected. In case
the Application is not rejected, the Authority may proceed to evaluate the
Application by construing the particulars requiring clarification to the best of its
understanding, and the Applicant shall be barred from subsequently questioning
such interpretation of the Authority.


2.21 Short-listing and notification13

After the evaluation of Applications, the Authority would announce a list of short-
listed pre-qualified Applicants (Bidders) who will be eligible for participation in
the Bid Stage. At the same time, the Authority would notify the other Applicants
that they have not been short-listed. The Authority will not entertain any query or
clarification from Applicants who fail to qualify.

2.22 Submission of Bids

The Bidders will be requested to submit a Bid in the form and manner to be set
out in the Bidding Documents.

Only pre-qualified Applicants shall be invited by the Authority to submit their

Bids for the Project. The Authority is likely to provide a comparatively short time
span for submission of the Bids for the Project. The Applicants are therefore
advised to visit the site and familiarise themselves with the Project by the time of
submission of the Application. No extension of time is likely to be considered for
submission of Bids pursuant to invitation that may be issued by the Authority.

In case of exceptionally complex projects where the Authority is of the opinion that the Bidders must
submit their technical proposal/ plan, the requirements thereof shall be specified in detail and such
proposal/ plan shall be invited at the Qualification Stage, either along with the initial applications or at an
intermediate stage. This shall form part of the pre-qualification process and only the Applicants who have
been pre-qualified shall be invited to participate in the Bid Stage for submission of Bids. The Bid Stage
shall only consist of invitation to submit financial offers.

2.23 Proprietary data

All documents and other information supplied by the Authority or submitted by

an Applicant to the Authority shall remain or become the property of the
Authority. Applicants are to treat all information as strictly confidential and shall
not use it for any purpose other than for preparation and submission of their
Application. The Authority will not return any Application or any information
provided along therewith.

2.24 Correspondence with the Applicant

Save and except as provided in this RFQ, the Authority shall not entertain any
correspondence with any Applicant in relation to the acceptance or rejection of
any Application.


3.1 Evaluation parameters

3.1.1 Only those Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria specified in Clauses 2.2.2
and 2.2.3 shall qualify for evaluation under this Section 3. Applications of firms/
consortia who do not meet these criteria shall be rejected.

3.1.2 The Applicant’s competence and capability is proposed to be established by the

following parameters:

(a) Technical Capacity; and

(b) Financial Capacity.

3.2 Technical Capacity for purposes of evaluation14

3.2.1 Subject to the provisions of Clause 2.2, the following categories of experience
would qualify as Technical Capacity and eligible experience (the “Eligible
Experience”) in relation to eligible projects as stipulated in Clauses 3.2.3 and
3.2.4 (the “Eligible Projects”):

Category 1: Project experience on Eligible Projects in [highways] sector that

qualify under Clause 3.2.3
Category 2: Project experience on Eligible Projects in core sector that qualify
under Clause 3.2.3
Category 3: Construction experience on Eligible Projects in [highways] sector
that qualify under Clause 3.2.4
Category 4: Construction experience on Eligible Projects in core sector that
qualify under Clause 3.2.4

For the purpose of this RFQ:

(i) [highways sector would be deemed to include highways, expressways,

bridges, tunnels and airfields;]15 and

(ii) core sector would be deemed to include power, telecom, ports, airports,
railways, metro rail, industrial parks/ estates, logistic parks, pipelines,
irrigation, water supply, sewerage and real estate development.$

3.2.2 Eligible Experience in respect of each category shall be measured only for
Eligible Projects.

In the case of social sectors such as health, education etc., the provisions of Clauses 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 3.2.4 and
3.2.6 may be suitably modified to meet sector-specific and project-specific requirements.
In case the RFQ is not for a highway project, substitute the highway sector by the relevant sector in sub-
clause (i), and include highways and bridges in sub-clause (ii).
Real estate development shall not include residential flats unless they form part of a real estate complex or
township which has been built by the Applicant.

3.2.3 For a project to qualify as an Eligible Project under Categories 1 and 2:

(a) It should have been undertaken as a PPP project on BOT, BOLT, BOO,
BOOT or other similar basis for providing its output or services to a public
sector entity or for providing non-discriminatory access to users in
pursuance of its charter, concession or contract, as the case may be. For
the avoidance of doubt, a project which constitutes a natural monopoly
such as an airport or port should normally be included in this category
even if it is not based on a long-term agreement with a public entity;

(b) the entity claiming experience should have held, in the company owning
the Eligible Project, a minimum of 26% (twenty six per cent) equity
during the entire year for which Eligible Experience is being claimed;

(c) the capital cost of the project should be more than [Rs. 100 crore (Rs. one
hundred crore)]16; and

(d) the entity claiming experience shall, during the last 5 (five) financial years
preceding the Application Due Date, have (i) paid for development of the
project (excluding the cost of land), and/ or (ii) collected and appropriated
the revenues from users availing of non-discriminatory access to or use of
fixed project assets, such as revenues from highways, airports, ports and
railway infrastructure, but shall not include revenues from sale or
provision of goods or services such as electricity, gas, petroleum products,
telecommunications or fare/freight revenues17 and other incomes of the
company owning the Project.

3.2.4 For a project to qualify as an Eligible Project under Categories 3 and 4, the
Applicant should have paid for execution of its construction works or received
payments from its client(s) for construction works executed, fully or partially,
during the 5 (five) financial years immediately preceding the Application Due
Date, and only the payments (gross) actually made or received, as the case may
be, during such 5 (five) financial years shall qualify for purposes of computing the
Experience Score. However, payments/receipts of less than [Rs. 100 crore (Rs.
one hundred crore)]18 shall not be reckoned as payments/receipts for Eligible
Projects. For the avoidance of doubt, construction works shall not include supply
of goods or equipment except when such goods or equipment form part of a turn-
key construction contract/ EPC contract for the project. Further, the cost of land
shall not be included hereunder.

3.2.5 The Applicant shall quote experience in respect of a particular Eligible Project
under any one category only, even though the Applicant (either individually or

This amount should not be less than 20% of the Estimated Project Cost. In case of Projects with an
Estimated Project Cost of Rs. 1,000 cr. or above, this amount may be suitably reduced but not less than
10% in any case.
In case of an RFQ for power generating stations, the Authority may, in its discretion, include all or part
of the revenues from sale of electricity. A similar dispensation could also be applied to revenues from
telephony projects or to other sector-specific revenues.
This amount should be the same as specified in Clause 3.2.3 (c).

along with a member of the Consortium) may have played multiple roles in the
cited project. Double counting for a particular Eligible Project shall not be
permitted in any form.

3.2.6 Subject to the provisions of Clause 3.2.7, an Applicant’s experience shall be

measured and stated in terms of a score (the “Experience Score”). The
Experience Score for an Eligible Project in a given category would be the eligible
payments and/or receipts specified in Clause 2.2.2 (A), divided by one crore and
then multiplied by the applicable factor in Table 3.2.6 below. In case the
Applicant has experience across different categories, the score for each category
would be computed as above and then aggregated to arrive at its Experience

Table 3.2.6: Factors for Experience across categories19

Categories Factor
Category 1 1.25
Category 2 1.00
Category 3 0.75
Category 4 0.50

3.2.7 The Experience Score determined in accordance with Clause 3.2.6 in respect of an
Eligible Project situated in a developed country which is a member of OECD
shall be further multiplied by a factor of 0.5 (zero point five) and the product
thereof shall be the Experience Score for such Eligible Project.

3.2.8 Experience for any activity relating to an Eligible Project shall not be claimed by
two or more Members of the Consortium. In other words, no double counting by a
Consortium in respect of the same experience shall be permitted in any manner

3.3 Details of Experience

3.3.1 The Applicant should furnish the details of Eligible Experience for the last 5
(five) financial years immediately preceding the Application Due Date.

3.3.2 The Applicants must provide the necessary information relating to Technical
Capacity as per format at Annex-II of Appendix-I.

3.3.3 The Applicant should furnish the required Project-specific information and
evidence in support of its claim of Technical Capacity, as per format at Annex-IV
of Appendix-I.

These factors may be modified by the Authority by upto 15% thereof in each category.

3.4 Financial information for purposes of evaluation

3.4.1 The Application must be accompanied by the Audited Annual Reports of the
Applicant (of each Member in case of a Consortium) for the last 5 (five) financial
years, preceding the year in which the Application is made.

3.4.2 In case the annual accounts for the latest financial year are not audited and
therefore the Applicant cannot make it available, the Applicant shall give an
undertaking to this effect and the statutory auditor shall certify the same. In such a
case, the Applicant shall provide the Audited Annual Reports for 5 (five) years
preceding the year for which the Audited Annual Report is not being provided.

3.4.3 The Applicant must establish the minimum Net Worth specified in Clause 2.2.2
(B), and provide details as per format at Annex-III of Appendix-I.

3.5 Short-listing of Applicants

3.5.1 The credentials of eligible Applicants shall be measured in terms of their

Experience Score. The sum total of the Experience Scores for all Eligible Projects
shall be the ‘Aggregate Experience Score’ of a particular Applicant. In case of a
Consortium, the Aggregate Experience Score of each of its Members, who have
an equity share of at least 26% in such Consortium, shall be summed up for
arriving at the combined Aggregate Experience Score of the Consortium.

3.5.2 The Applicants shall then be ranked on the basis of their respective Aggregate
Experience Scores and short-listed for submission of Bids. The Authority expects
to short-list upto 6 (six)20 pre-qualified Applicants for participation in the Bid
Stage. The Authority, however, reserves the right to increase the number of short-
listed pre-qualified Applicants by adding additional Applicant.

3.5.3 The Authority may, in its discretion, maintain a reserve list of pre-qualified
Applicants who may be invited to substitute the short-listed Applicants in the
event of their withdrawal from the Bidding Process or upon their failure to
conform to the conditions specified herein; provided that a substituted Applicant
shall be given at least 30 (thirty) days to submit its Bid.

The Authority may, in case of repetitive projects that attract a larger number of Bidders, or where the total
project cost is less than Rs. 500 crore, increase the number of short-listed Bidders to 7 (seven). In case of
power projects to be awarded on the basis of statutory guidelines for tariff-based bidding and having no
obligations or liabilities for buy-out of project assets or any similar obligations, the Authority may suitably
increase the number of short-listed Bidders.


4.1 The Applicants and their respective officers, employees, agents and advisers shall
observe the highest standard of ethics during the Bidding Process.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the Authority may
reject an Application without being liable in any manner whatsoever to the
Applicant if it determines that the Applicant has, directly or indirectly or through
an agent, engaged in corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice,
undesirable practice or restrictive practice in the Bidding Process.

4.2 Without prejudice to the rights of the Authority under Clause 4.1 hereinabove, if
an Applicant is found by the Authority to have directly or indirectly or through an
agent, engaged or indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive
practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice during the Bidding Process,
such Applicant shall not be eligible to participate in any tender or RFQ issued by
the Authority during a period of 2 (two) years from the date such Applicant is
found by the Authority to have directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged
or indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice,
undesirable practice or restrictive practice, as the case may be.

4.3 For the purposes of this Clause 4, the following terms shall have the meaning
hereinafter respectively assigned to them:

(a) “corrupt practice” means (i) the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting,
directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence the actions of any
person connected with the Bidding Process (for avoidance of doubt,
offering of employment to, or employing, or engaging in any manner
whatsoever, directly or indirectly, any official of the Authority who is or
has been associated in any manner, directly or indirectly, with the Bidding
Process or the LOA or has dealt with matters concerning the Concession
Agreement or arising therefrom, before or after the execution thereof, at
any time prior to the expiry of one year from the date such official resigns
or retires from or otherwise ceases to be in the service of the Authority,
shall be deemed to constitute influencing the actions of a person
connected with the Bidding Process); or (ii) save and except as permitted
under sub clause (d) of Clause 2.2.1, engaging in any manner whatsoever,
whether during the Bidding Process or after the issue of the LOA or after
the execution of the Concession Agreement, as the case may be, any
person in respect of any matter relating to the Project or the LOA or the
Concession Agreement, who at any time has been or is a legal, financial
or technical adviser of the Authority in relation to any matter concerning
the Project;

(b) “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts or

suppression of facts or disclosure of incomplete facts, in order to influence
the Bidding Process;

(c) “coercive practice” means impairing or harming or threatening to impair
or harm, directly or indirectly, any person or property to influence any
person’s participation or action in the Bidding Process;

(d) “undesirable practice” means (i) establishing contact with any person
connected with or employed or engaged by the Authority with the
objective of canvassing, lobbying or in any manner influencing or
attempting to influence the Bidding Process; or (ii) having a Conflict of
Interest; and

(e) “restrictive practice” means forming a cartel or arriving at any

understanding or arrangement among Applicants with the objective of
restricting or manipulating a full and fair competition in the Bidding


5.1 A Pre-Application Conference of the interested parties shall be convened at the

designated date, time and place. Only those persons who have purchased the RFQ
document shall be allowed to participate in the Pre-Application Conference.
Applicants who have downloaded the RFQ document from the Authority’s
website (www.*****) should submit a Demand Draft for the amount specified in
Clause 1.2.1 towards the cost of the RFQ process, through their representative
attending the conference. A maximum of three representatives of each Applicant
shall be allowed to participate on production of authority letter from the

5.2 During the course of Pre-Application Conference, the Applicants will be free to
seek clarifications and make suggestions for consideration of the Authority. The
Authority shall endeavour to provide clarifications and such further information
as it may, in its sole discretion, consider appropriate for facilitating a fair,
transparent and competitive Bidding Process.


6.1 The Bidding Process shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the
laws of India and the courts in the State in which the Authority has its
headquarters shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes arising under,
pursuant to and/ or in connection with the Bidding Process.

6.2 The Authority, in its sole discretion and without incurring any obligation or
liability, reserves the right, at any time, to;

(a) suspend and/ or cancel the Bidding Process and/ or amend and/ or
supplement the Bidding Process or modify the dates or other terms and
conditions relating thereto;

(b) consult with any Applicant in order to receive clarification or further


(c) pre-qualify or not to pre-qualify any Applicant and/ or to consult with any
Applicant in order to receive clarification or further information;

(d) retain any information and/ or evidence submitted to the Authority by, on
behalf of, and/ or in relation to any Applicant; and/ or

(e) independently verify, disqualify, reject and/ or accept any and all
submissions or other information and/ or evidence submitted by or on behalf
of any Applicant.

6.3 It shall be deemed that by submitting the Application, the Applicant agrees and
releases the Authority, its employees, agents and advisers, irrevocably,
unconditionally, fully and finally from any and all liability for claims, losses,
damages, costs, expenses or liabilities in any way related to or arising from the
exercise of any rights and/ or performance of any obligations hereunder and the
Bidding Documents, pursuant hereto, and/ or in connection with the Bidding
Process, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, and waives any and all
rights and/ or claims it may have in this respect, whether actual or contingent,
whether present or in future.


Letter Comprising the Application for Pre-Qualification
(Refer Clause 2.13.2)


Sub: Application for pre-qualification for the …………………… Project

Dear Sir,

With reference to your RFQ document dated ……….., I/we, having examined the
RFQ document and understood its contents, hereby submit my/our Application for
Qualification for the aforesaid project. The Application is unconditional and unqualified.

2. I/ We acknowledge that the Authority will be relying on the information provided

in the Application and the documents accompanying such Application for pre-
qualification of the Applicants for the aforesaid project, and we certify that all
information provided in the Application and in Annexes I to V is true and correct;
nothing has been omitted which renders such information misleading; and all documents
accompanying such Application are true copies of their respective originals.

3. This statement is made for the express purpose of qualifying as a Bidder for the
[development, construction, operation and maintenance] of the aforesaid Project.

4. I/ We shall make available to the Authority any additional information it may find
necessary or require to supplement or authenticate the Qualification statement.

5. I/ We acknowledge the right of the Authority to reject our Application without

assigning any reason or otherwise and hereby waive, to the fullest extent permitted by
applicable law, our right to challenge the same on any account whatsoever.

6. I/ We certify that in the last three years, we/ any of the Consortium Members or
our/ their Associates have neither failed to perform on any contract, as evidenced by
imposition of a penalty by an arbitral or judicial authority or a judicial pronouncement or
arbitration award, nor been expelled from any project or contract by any public authority
nor have had any contract terminated by any public authority for breach on our part.

7. I/ We declare that:

(a) I/ We have examined and have no reservations to the RFQ document,

including any Addendum issued by the Authority;

Appendix I
Page 2

(b) I/ We do not have any conflict of interest in accordance with Clauses

2.2.1(c) and 2.2.1(d) of the RFQ document;

(c) I/We have not directly or indirectly or through an agent engaged or

indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice,
undesirable practice or restrictive practice, as defined in Clause 4.3 of the
RFQ document, in respect of any tender or request for proposal issued by
or any agreement entered into with the Authority or any other public
sector enterprise or any government, Central or State; and

(d) I/ We hereby certify that we have taken steps to ensure that in conformity
with the provisions of Section 4 of the RFQ document, no person acting
for us or on our behalf has engaged or will engage in any corrupt practice,
fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive

8. I/ We understand that you may cancel the Bidding Process at any time and that
you are neither bound to accept any Application that you may receive nor to invite the
Applicants to Bid for the Project, without incurring any liability to the Applicants, in
accordance with Clause 2.17.6 of the RFQ document.

9. I/ We believe that we/ our Consortium/ proposed Consortium satisfy(s) the Net
Worth criteria and meet(s) all the requirements as specified in the RFQ document and
am/ are qualified to submit a Bid.

10. I/ We declare that we/ any Member of the Consortium, or our/ its Associates are
not a Member of a/ any other Consortium applying for pre-qualification.

11. I/ We certify that in regard to matters other than security and integrity of the
country, we/ any Member of the Consortium or any of our/ their Associates have not been
convicted by a court or indicted or adverse orders passed by a regulatory authority which
could cast a doubt on our ability to undertake the Project or which relates to a grave
offence that outrages the moral sense of the community.

12. I/ We further certify that in regard to matters relating to security and integrity of
the country, we/ any Member of the Consortium or any of our/ their Associates have not
been charge-sheeted by any agency of the Government or convicted by a court.

13. I/ We further certify that no investigation by a regulatory authority is pending

either against us/ any Member of the Consortium or against our/ their Associates or
against our CEO or any of our directors/ managers/ employees.£

In case the Applicant is unable to provide the certification specified in paragraph 13, it may precede the
paragraph by the words viz. “Except as specified in Schedule ……..... hereto”. The exceptions to the
certification or any disclosures relating thereto may be clearly stated in a Schedule to be attached to the
Application. The Authority will consider the contents of such Schedule and determine whether or not the
exceptions/disclosures are material to the suitability of the Applicant for pre-qualification hereunder.

Appendix I
Page 3

14. I/ We further certify that we are qualified to submit a Bid in accordance with the
guidelines for qualification of bidders seeking to acquire stakes in Public Sector
Enterprises through the process of disinvestment issued by the GOI vide Department of
Disinvestment OM No. 6/4/2001-DD-II dated 13th July, 2001 which guidelines apply
mutatis mutandis to the Bidding Process. A copy of the aforesaid guidelines form part of
the RFQ at Appendix-V thereof.

15. I/We further certify that we/ any Member of the Consortium or any of our/ their
Associates are not barred by the [Central Government/ State Government] or any entity
controlled by it, from participating in any project (BOT or otherwise), and no bar subsists
as on the date of Application.
16. I/ We undertake that in case due to any change in facts or circumstances during
the Bidding Process, we are attracted by the provisions of disqualification in terms of the
provisions of this RFQ, we shall intimate the Authority of the same immediately.
17. The Statement of Legal Capacity as per format provided at Annex-V in
Appendix-I of the RFQ document, and duly signed, is enclosed. The power of attorney
for signing of Application and the power of attorney for Lead Member of consortium, as
per format provided at Appendix II and III respectively of the RFQ, are also enclosed.
18. I/ We understand that the selected Bidder shall either be an existing Company
incorporated under the Indian Companies Act, 1956/2013, or shall incorporate as such
prior to execution of the Concession Agreement.
19. I/ We hereby confirm that we shall comply with the O&M requirements specified
in Clause 2.2.3.
20. I/ We hereby irrevocably waive any right or remedy which we may have at any
stage at law or howsoever otherwise arising to challenge or question any decision taken
by the Authority in connection with the selection of Applicants, selection of the Bidder,
or in connection with the selection/ Bidding Process itself, in respect of the above
mentioned Project and the terms and implementation thereof.
21. I/ We agree and undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the RFQ
22. I/ We certify that in terms of the RFQ, my/our Net Worth is Rs. ………………..
(Rupees …………………………………….) and the Aggregate Experience Score is
…………………… (in figures) …………..………………………………… (in words).
23. We agree and undertake to be jointly and severally liable for all the obligations of
the Concessionaire under the Concession Agreement till occurrence of Financial Close in
accordance with the Concession Agreement.$
In witness thereof, I/ we submit this Application under and in accordance with the terms
of the RFQ document.

This Paragraph 23 shall be omitted if the Applicant is not a Consortium.

Appendix I
Page 4

Yours faithfully,

Date: (Signature, name and designation of the Authorised Signatory)

Place: Name and seal of the Applicant/ Lead Member

Appendix I

Particulars of the Applicant

1. (a) Name:
(b) Country of incorporation:
(c) Address of the corporate headquarters and its branch office(s), if any,
in India:
(d) Date of incorporation and/ or commencement of business:

2. Brief description of the Company including details of its main lines of

business and proposed role and responsibilities in this Project:

3. Particulars of individual(s) who will serve as the point of contact/

communication for the Applicant:
(a) Name:
(b) Designation:
(c) Company:
(d) Address:
(e) Telephone Number:
(f) E-Mail Address:

4. Particulars of the Authorised Signatory of the Applicant:

(a) Name:
(b) Designation:
(c) Address:
(d) Phone Number:

5. In case of a Consortium:
(a) The information above (1-4) should be provided for all the Members of
the Consortium.
(b) A copy of the Jt. Bidding Agreement, as envisaged in Clause 2.2.6(g)
should be attached to the Application.
(c) Information regarding the role of each Member should be provided as
per table below:

Appendix I

Sl. Name of Member Role$ Percentage of equity in the

No. Consortium$$
The role of each Member, as may be determined by the Applicant, should be indicated in
accordance with Clause 2.2.6 (d) and instruction 4 at Annex-IV.
The percentage of equity should be in accordance with Clause 2.2.6 (a), (c) and (g).

6. The following information shall also be provided for the Applicant, including
each Member of the Consortium:
Name of Applicant/ member of Consortium:
No. Criteria Yes No
1. Has the Applicant/ constituent of the Consortium
been barred by the [Central/ State] Government, or
any entity controlled by it, from participating in any
project (BOT or otherwise)?
2. If the answer to 1 is yes, does the bar subsist as on
the date of Application?
3. Has the Applicant/ constituent of the Consortium
paid liquidated damages of more than 5% of the
contract value in a contract due to delay or has been
penalised due to any other reason in relation to
execution of a contract, in the last three years?

7. A statement by the Applicant and each of the Members of its Consortium

(where applicable) or any of their Associates disclosing material non-
performance or contractual non-compliance in past projects, contractual
disputes and litigation/ arbitration in the recent past is given below (Attach
extra sheets, if necessary):

Appendix I

Technical Capacity of the Applicant@

(Refer to Clauses 2.2.2(A), 3.2 and 3.3 of the RFQ)

Applicant Member Project Cate- Experience£ Experience

type# Code¥ Code¥¥ gory$ (Equivalent Rs. crore)$$ Score££
Payments Payments Revenues
made/ made for appropriated
received for developme from
construction nt of Eligible
of Eligible Eligible Projects in
Projects in Projects in Categories 1
Categories 3 Categories and 2
and 4 1 and 2
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Single a
entity b
Applicant c
Consortium 1a
Member 1 1b
Consortium 2a
Member 2 2b
Consortium 3a
Member 3 3b
Consortium 4a
Member 4 4b
Aggregate Experience Score =

Appendix I
Provide details of only those projects that have been undertaken by the Applicant
under its own name and/ or by an Associate specified in Clause 2.2.9 and/ or by a
project company eligible under Clause 3.2.3(b). In case of Categories 1 and 2,
include only those projects which have an estimated capital cost exceeding the
amount specified in Clause 3.2.3(c) and for Categories 3 and 4, include only those
projects where the payments made/received exceed the amount specified in Clause
3.2.4. In case the Application Due Date falls within 3 (three) months of the close of
the latest financial year, refer to Clause 2.2.12.
An Applicant consisting of a single entity should fill in details as per the row titled
Single entity Applicant and ignore the rows titled Consortium Member. In case of a
Consortium, the row titled Single entity Applicant may be ignored. In case credit is
claimed for an Associate, necessary evidence to establish the relationship of the
Applicant with such Associate, in terms of Clause 2.2.9, shall be provided.
Member Code shall indicate NA for Not Applicable in case of a single entity
Applicant. For other Members, the following abbreviations are suggested viz. LM
means Lead Member, TM means Technical Member, FM means Financial Member,
OMM means Operation & Maintenance Member, OM means Other Member.
Refer Annex-IV of this Appendix-I. Add more rows if necessary.
Refer Clause 3.2.1.
In the case of Eligible Projects in Categories 1 and 2, the figures in columns 6 and 7
may be added for computing the Experience Score of the respective projects. In the
case of Categories 3 and 4, construction shall not include supply of goods or
equipment except when such goods or equipment form part of a turn-key construction
contract/ EPC contract for the project. In no case shall the cost of land be included
while computing the Experience Score of an Eligible Project.
For conversion of US Dollars to Rupees, the rate of conversion shall be Rupees [60
(sixty)] to a US Dollar. In case of any other currency, the same shall first be
converted to US Dollars as on the date 60 (sixty) days prior to the Application Due
Date, and the amount so derived in US Dollars shall be converted into Rupees at the
aforesaid rate. The conversion rate of such currencies shall be the daily
representative exchange rates published by the International Monetary Fund for the
relevant date.
Divide the amount in the Experience column by one crore and then multiply the
result thereof by the applicable factor set out in Table 3.2.6 to arrive at the
Experience Score for each Eligible Project. In the case of an Eligible Project situated
in an OECD country, the Experience Score so arrived at shall be further multiplied by
0.5, in accordance with the provisions of Clause 3.2.7, and the product thereof shall
be the Experience Score for such Eligible Projects.

Appendix I

Financial Capacity of the Applicant

(Refer to Clauses 2.2.2(B), 2.2.4 (ii) and 3.4 of the RFQ)

(In Rs. crore$)

Applicant Member Net Cash Accruals Net
type $$ Code£ Worth££
Year Year Year Year Year Year
1 2 3 4 5 1
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Single entity

Member 1

Member 2

Member 3

Member 4

Name & address of Applicant’s Bankers:

For conversion of other currencies into rupees, see notes below Annex-II of
An Applicant consisting of a single entity should fill in details as per the row titled
Single entity Applicant and ignore the rows titled Consortium Members. In case of a
Consortium, row titled Single entity Applicant may be ignored.
For Member Code, see instruction 4 at Annex-IV of this Appendix-I.
The Applicant should provide details of its own Financial Capacity or of an
Associate specified in Clause 2.2.9.

Appendix I

1. The Applicant/ its constituent Consortium Members shall attach copies of the
balance sheets, financial statements and Annual Reports for 5 (five) years
preceding the Application Due Date. The financial statements shall:

(a) reflect the financial situation of the Applicant or Consortium Members

and its/ their Associates where the Applicant is relying on its
Associate’s financials;

(b) be audited by a statutory auditor;

(c) be complete, including all notes to the financial statements; and

(d) correspond to accounting periods already completed and audited (no

statements for partial periods shall be requested or accepted).

2. Net Cash Accruals shall mean Profit After Tax + Depreciation.

3. Net Worth shall mean (Subscribed and Paid-up Equity + Reserves) less
(Revaluation reserves + miscellaneous expenditure not written off + reserves
not available for distribution to equity shareholders).
4. Year 1 will be the latest completed financial year, preceding the bidding. Year
2 shall be the year immediately preceding Year 1 and so on. In case the
Application Due Date falls within 3 (three) months of the close of the latest
financial year, refer to Clause 2.2.12.
5. In the case of a Consortium, a copy of the Jt. Bidding Agreement shall be
submitted in accordance with Clause 2.2.6 (g) of the RFQ document.

6. The Applicant shall provide an Auditor’s Certificate specifying the Net Worth
of the Applicant and also specifying the methodology adopted for calculating
such Net Worth in accordance with Clause 2.2.4 (ii) of the RFQ document.

Appendix I

Details of Eligible Projects

(Refer to Clauses 2.2.2(A), 3.2 and 3.3 of the RFQ)

Project Code: Member Code:

Item Refer Particulars of the Project
(1) (2) (3)
Title & nature of the project
Category 5
Year-wise (a) payments 6
received/ made for
construction, (b) payments
made for development of
PPP projects and/ or (c)
revenues appropriated
Entity for which the project 7
was constructed/ developed
Project cost 8
Date of commencement of
project/ contract
Date of completion/ 9
Equity shareholding 10
(with period during which
equity was held)
Whether credit is being taken 15
for the Eligible Experience of
an Associate (Yes/ No)

1. Applicants are expected to provide information in respect of each Eligible
Project in this Annex. The projects cited must comply with the eligibility
criteria specified in Clause 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 of the RFQ, as the case may be.
Information provided in this section is intended to serve as a back up for
information provided in the Application. Applicants should also refer to the
Instructions below.

Appendix I
2. For a single entity Applicant, the Project Codes would be a, b, c, d etc. In case
the Applicant is a Consortium then for Member 1, the Project Codes would be
1a, 1b, 1c, 1d etc., for Member 2 the Project Codes shall be 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d etc.,
and so on.
3. A separate sheet should be filled for each Eligible Project.
4. Member Code shall indicate NA for Not Applicable in case of a single entity
Applicant. For other Members, the following abbreviations are suggested viz.
LM means Lead Member, TM means Technical Member, FM means Financial
Member, OMM means Operation & Maintenance Member; and OM means
Other Member. In case the Eligible Project relates to an Associate of the
Applicant or its Member, write “Associate” along with Member Code.
5. Refer to Clause 3.2.1 of the RFQ for category number.
6. The total payments received/ made and/or revenues appropriated for each
Eligible Project are to be stated in Annex-II of this Appendix-I. The figures to
be provided here should indicate the break-up for the past 5 (five) financial
years. Year 1 refers to the financial year immediately preceding the
Application Due Date; Year 2 refers to the year before Year 1, Year 3 refers to
the year before Year 2, and so on (Refer Clause 2.2.12). For Categories 1 and
2, expenditure on development of the project and/or revenues appropriated, as
the case may be, should be provided, but only in respect of projects having an
estimated capital cost exceeding the amount specified in Clause 3.2.3(c). In
case of Categories 3 and 4, payments made/ received only in respect of
construction should be provided, but only if the amount paid/received exceeds
the minimum specified in Clause 3.2.4. Payment for construction works
should only include capital expenditure, and should not include expenditure on
repairs and maintenance.
7. In case of projects in Categories 1 and 2, particulars such as name, address and
contact details of owner/ Authority/ Agency (i.e. concession grantor, counter
party to PPA, etc.) may be provided. In case of projects in Categories 3 and 4,
similar particulars of the client need to be provided.
8. Provide the estimated capital cost of the Eligible Project. Refer to Clauses
3.2.3 and 3.2.4
9. For Categories 1 and 2, the date of commissioning of the project, upon
completion, should be indicated. In case of Categories 3 and 4, date of
completion of construction should be indicated. In the case of projects under
construction, the likely date of completion or commissioning, as the case may
be, shall be indicated.
10. For Categories 1 and 2, the equity shareholding of the Applicant, in the
company owning the Eligible Project, held continuously during the period for
which Eligible Experience is claimed, needs to be given (Refer Clause 3.2.3).
11. Experience for any activity relating to an Eligible Project shall not be claimed
by two or more Members of the Consortium. In other words, no double

Appendix I
counting by a consortium in respect of the same experience shall be permitted
in any manner whatsoever.
12. Certificate from the Applicant’s statutory auditor$ or its respective clients must
be furnished as per formats below for each Eligible Project. In jurisdictions
that do not have statutory auditors, the auditors who audit the annual accounts
of the Applicant/ Member/Associate may provide the requisite certification.
13. If the Applicant is claiming experience under Categories 1 & 2£, it should
provide a certificate from the statutory auditor of the Applicant, or its
Associate, in the format below:

Certificate from the Statutory Auditor regarding PPP projectsΦ

Based on its books of accounts and other published information authenticated by it,
this is to certify that …………………….. (name of the Applicant/Member/Associate)
is/ was an equity shareholder in ……………….. (title of the project company) and
holds/ held Rs. ……… cr. (Rupees ………………………….. crore) of equity (which
constitutes ……..%€ of the total paid up and subscribed equity capital) of the project
company from …………... (date) to …………….. (date)¥. The project was/is likely to
be commissioned on ……………. (date of commissioning of the project).

We further certify that the total estimated capital cost of the project is Rs. ……… cr.
(Rupees …………………crore), of which Rs. ……… cr. (Rupees …………… crore)
of capital expenditure was incurred during the past five financial years as per year-
wise details noted below:

We also certify that the eligible annual revenues collected and appropriated by the
aforesaid project company in terms of Clauses 3.2.1 and 3.2.3 (d) of the RFQ during
the past five financial years were Rs. ……… cr. as per year-wise details noted below:

Name of the audit firm:
Seal of the audit firm: (Signature, name and designation
Date: of the authorised signatory)

In case duly certified audited annual financial statements containing the requisite details are provided,
a separate certification by statutory auditors would not be necessary.
Refer Clause 3.2.1 of the RFQ.
Φ Provide Certificate as per this format only. Attach explanatory notes to the Certificate, if necessary.
In jurisdictions that do not have statutory auditors, the firm of auditors which audits the annual
accounts of the Applicant or its Associate may provide the certificates required under this RFQ.

Refer instruction no. 10 in this Annex-IV.
In case the project is owned by the Applicant company, this language may be suitably modified to
read: “It is certified that …………….. (name of Applicant) constructed and/ or owned the …………..
(name of project) from ……………….. (date) to ………………… (date).”

Appendix I

14. If the Applicant is claiming experience under Category 3 & 4♣, it should
provide a certificate from its statutory auditors or the client in the format
Certificate from the Statutory Auditor/ Client regarding construction worksΦ
Based on its books of accounts and other published information authenticated by it,
{this is to certify that …………………….. (name of the
Applicant/Member/Associate) was engaged by ……………….. (title of the project
company) to execute ……………… (name of project) for …………………. (nature
of project)}ψ. The construction of the project commenced on ………….. (date) and
the project was/ is likely to be commissioned on …………… (date, if any). It is
certified that ……………. (name of the Applicant/ Member/ Associate) received/paid
Rs. ……….. cr. (Rupees …………………………… crore) by way of payment for the
aforesaid construction works.

We further certify that the total estimated capital cost of the project is Rs. …… cr.
(Rupees …………………crore), of which the Applicant/Member/Associate
received/paid Rs. ……… cr. (Rupees ……………………… crore), in terms of
Clauses 3.2.1 and 3.2.4 of the RFQ, during the past five financial years as per year-
wise details noted below:
{It is further certified that the payments/ receipts indicated above are restricted to the
share of the Applicant who undertook these works as a partner or a member of joint
venture/ consortium.}♠

Name of the audit firm:

Seal of the audit firm: (Signature, name and designation of the
Date: authorised signatory).

Refer Clauses 3.2.1 and 3.2.4 of the RFQ.
Φ Provide Certificate as per this format only. Attach explanatory notes to the Certificate, if necessary.
In jurisdictions that do not have statutory auditors, the firm of auditors which audits the annual
accounts of the Applicant or its Associate may provide the certificates required under this RFQ.
In case the Applicant owned the Eligible Project and engaged a contractor for undertaking the
construction works, this language may be modified to read: “this is to certify that …………… (name of
Applicant/ Member/ Associate) held 26% or more of the paid up and subscribed share capital in
the……………. (name of Project company) when it undertook construction of the ……………….
(name of Project) through ………………… (name of the contractor).

This certification should only be provided in case of jobs/ contracts, which are executed as part of a
partnership/ joint venture/ consortium. The payments indicated in the certificate should be restricted to
the share of Applicant in such partnership/ joint venture/ consortium. This portion may be omitted if
the contract did not involve a partnership/ joint venture/ consortium. In case where work is not
executed by partnership/ joint venture/ consortium, this paragraph may be deleted.

Appendix I

15. In the event that credit is being taken for the Eligible Experience of an
Associate, as defined in Clause 2.2.9, the Applicant should also provide a
certificate in the format below:

Certificate from the Statutory Auditor/ Company Secretary regarding


Based on the authenticated record of the Company, this is to certify that more than
50% (fifty per cent) of the subscribed and paid up voting equity of ………………
(name of the Applicant/ Consortium Member/ Associate) is held, directly or
indirectly£, by ……………….. (name of Associate/ Applicant/ Consortium Member).
By virtue of the aforesaid share-holding, the latter exercises control over the former,
who is an Associate in terms of Clause 2.2.9 of the RFQ.

A brief description of the said equity held, directly or indirectly, is given below:

{Describe the share-holding of the Applicant/ Consortium Member and the

Associate. In the event the Associate is under common control with the Applicant/
Consortium Member, the relationship may be suitably described and similarly
certified herein.}

Name of the audit firm:

Seal of the audit firm: (Signature, name and designation of
Date: the authorised signatory).
In the event that the Applicant/ Consortium Member exercises control over an Associate by operation
of law, this certificate may be suitably modified and copies of the relevant law may be enclosed and
referred to.
In the case of indirect share-holding, the intervening companies in the chain of ownership should also
be Associates i.e., the share-holding in each such company should be more than 50% in order to
establish that the chain of “control” is not broken.

16. It may be noted that in the absence of any detail in the above certificates, the
information would be considered inadequate and could lead to exclusion of the
relevant project in computation of Experience ScoreΘ.

Refer Clause 3.2.6 of the RFQ.

Statement of Legal Capacity

(To be forwarded on the letterhead of the Applicant/ Lead Member of Consortium)

Ref. Date:


Dear Sir,

We hereby confirm that we/ our members in the Consortium (constitution of which
has been described in the Application) satisfy the terms and conditions laid out in the
RFQ document.

We have agreed that …………………… (insert member’s name) will act as the Lead
Member of our consortium.$

We have agreed that ………………….. (insert individual’s name) will act as our
representative/ will act as the representative of the consortium on its behalf$ and has
been duly authorized to submit the RFQ. Further, the authorised signatory is vested
with requisite powers to furnish such letter and authenticate the same.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(Signature, name and designation of the authorised signatory)

For and on behalf of……………………………..

Please strike out whichever is not applicable.


Power of Attorney for signing of Application and Bid$

(Refer Clause 2.2.5)

Know all men by these presents, We……………………………………………..

(name of the firm and address of the registered office) do hereby irrevocably
constitute, nominate, appoint and authorise Mr/ Ms (name), ……………………
son/daughter/wife of ……………………………… and presently residing at
…………………., who is presently employed with us/ the Lead Member of our
Consortium and holding the position of ……………………………. , as our true and
lawful attorney (hereinafter referred to as the “Attorney”) to do in our name and on
our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things as are necessary or required in connection
with or incidental to submission of our application for pre-qualification and
submission of our bid for the …………………………… Project proposed or being
developed by the …………………….................. (the “Authority”) including but not
limited to signing and submission of all applications, bids and other documents and
writings, participate in Pre-Applications and other conferences and providing
information/ responses to the Authority, representing us in all matters before the
Authority, signing and execution of all contracts including the Concession Agreement
and undertakings consequent to acceptance of our bid, and generally dealing with the
Authority in all matters in connection with or relating to or arising out of our bid for
the said Project and/ or upon award thereof to us and/or till the entering into of the
Concession Agreement with the Authority.

AND we hereby agree to ratify and confirm and do hereby ratify and confirm all acts,
deeds and things done or caused to be done by our said Attorney pursuant to and in
exercise of the powers conferred by this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds
and things done by our said Attorney in exercise of the powers hereby conferred shall
and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.


DAY OF …………. 2…..


(Signature, name, designation and address)



To be submitted in original.

Appendix II
Page 2



(Name, Title and Address of the Attorney)


ƒ The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the
procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of
the executant(s) and when it is so required, the same should be under common
seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure.

ƒ Wherever required, the Applicant should submit for verification the extract of the
charter documents and documents such as a board or shareholders’ resolution/
power of attorney in favour of the person executing this Power of Attorney for the
delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the Applicant.

ƒ For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the document will also
have to be legalised by the Indian Embassy and notarised in the jurisdiction where
the Power of Attorney is being issued. However, the Power of Attorney provided
by Applicants from countries that have signed the Hague Legislation Convention
1961 are not required to be legalised by the Indian Embassy if it carries a
conforming Appostille certificate.


Power of Attorney for Lead Member of Consortium$

(Refer Clause 2.2.5)

Whereas the ……………………………….. (“the Authority”) has invited applications

from interested parties for the ……………………………. Project (the “Project”).

Whereas, …………………….., …………………….., …………………….. and

…………………….. (collectively the “Consortium”) being Members of the
Consortium are interested in bidding for the Project in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the Request for Qualification document (RFQ), Request for Proposal
(RFP) and other connected documents in respect of the Project, and

Whereas, it is necessary for the Members of the Consortium to designate one of them
as the Lead Member with all necessary power and authority to do for and on behalf of
the Consortium, all acts, deeds and things as may be necessary in connection with the
Consortium’s bid for the Project and its execution.


We, …………………….. having our registered office at …………………….., M/s.

…………………….. having our registered office at …………………….., M/s.
…………………….. having our registered office at …………………….., and
…………………….. having our registered office at ……………………..,
(hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Principals”) do hereby irrevocably
designate, nominate, constitute, appoint and authorise M/S ……………………..
having its registered office at …………………….., being one of the Members of the
Consortium, as the Lead Member and true and lawful attorney of the Consortium
(hereinafter referred to as the “Attorney”). We hereby irrevocably authorise the
Attorney (with power to sub-delegate) to conduct all business for and on behalf of the
Consortium and any one of us during the bidding process and, in the event the
Consortium is awarded the concession/contract, during the execution of the Project
and in this regard, to do on our behalf and on behalf of the Consortium, all or any of
such acts, deeds or things as are necessary or required or incidental to the pre-
qualification of the Consortium and submission of its bid for the Project, including but
not limited to signing and submission of all applications, bids and other documents
and writings, accept the Letter of Award, participate in bidders’ and other
conferences, respond to queries, submit information/ documents, sign and execute
contracts and undertakings consequent to acceptance of the bid of the Consortium and
generally to represent the Consortium in all its dealings with the Authority, and/ or
any other Government Agency or any person, in all matters in connection with or
relating to or arising out of the Consortium’s bid for the Project and/ or upon award
thereof till the Concession Agreement is entered into with the Authority.

To be submitted in original.

Appendix III
Page 2

AND hereby agree to ratify and confirm and do hereby ratify and confirm all acts,
deeds and things done or caused to be done by our said Attorney pursuant to and in
exercise of the powers conferred by this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds
and things done by our said Attorney in exercise of the powers hereby conferred shall
and shall always be deemed to have been done by us/ Consortium.


………. 2..…

For ……………………..
(Name & Title)

For ……………………..

(Name & Title)

For ……………………..

(Name & Title)






(To be executed by all the Members of the Consortium)

Appendix III
Page 3


ƒ The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the
procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of
the executant(s) and when it is so required, the same should be under common
seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure.

ƒ Also, wherever required, the Applicant should submit for verification the extract
of the charter documents and documents such as a board or shareholders’
resolution/ power of attorney in favour of the person executing this Power of
Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the Applicant.

ƒ For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the document will also
have to be legalised by the Indian Embassy and notarised in the jurisdiction where
the Power of Attorney is being issued. However, the Power of Attorney provided
by Applicants from countries that have signed the Hague Legislation Convention
1961 are not required to be legalised by the Indian Embassy if it carries a
conforming Appostille certificate.


Joint Bidding Agreement

(Refer Clause 2.13.2)
(To be executed on Stamp paper of appropriate value)

THIS JOINT BIDDING AGREEMENT is entered into on this the ………… day of
………… 20…


1. ………… Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act,

1956/2013¥ and having its registered office at ………… (hereinafter referred
to as the “First Part” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context
include its successors and permitted assigns)


2. ………… Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act,

1956/2013 and having its registered office at ………… (hereinafter referred to
as the “Second Part” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context
include its successors and permitted assigns)


3. {………… Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act,

1956/2013 and having its registered office at ………… (hereinafter referred to
as the “Third Part” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context
include its successors and permitted assigns)}


4. {………… Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act,

1956/2013 and having its registered office at ………… (hereinafter referred to
as the “Fourth Part” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context
include its successors and permitted assigns)}$

The above mentioned parties of the FIRST, SECOND, {THIRD and

FOURTH} PART are collectively referred to as the “Parties” and each is
individually referred to as a “Party”

the National Highways Authority of India Act, 1988, represented by its

A Bidder who is registered abroad may substitute the words,viz “a company registered under the
Companies Act, 1956/2013” by the words, viz “a company duly organised and validly existing under
the laws of the jurisdiction of its incorporation”. A similar modification may be made in Recital 2, as
The number of Parties will be shown here, as applicable, subject however to a maximum of 6 (six).

Appendix IV
Page 2

Chairman and having its principal offices at G-5 & 6, Sector 10, Dwarka, New
Delhi-110075] (hereinafter referred to as the “Authority” which expression
shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its
administrators, successors and assigns) has invited applications (the
Applications”) by its Request for Qualification No. ………… dated
………… (the “RFQ”) for pre-qualification and short-listing of bidders for
development, operation and maintenance of the ………………………..
Project (the “Project”) through public private partnership.

(B) The Parties are interested in jointly bidding for the Project as members of a
Consortium and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the RFQ
document and other bid documents in respect of the Project, and

(C) It is a necessary condition under the RFQ document that the members of the
Consortium shall enter into a Joint Bidding Agreement and furnish a copy
thereof with the Application.


1. Definitions and Interpretations

In this Agreement, the capitalised terms shall, unless the context otherwise
requires, have the meaning ascribed thereto under the RFQ.

2. Consortium

2.1 The Parties do hereby irrevocably constitute a consortium (the “Consortium”)

for the purposes of jointly participating in the Bidding Process for the Project.

2.2 The Parties hereby undertake to participate in the Bidding Process only
through this Consortium and not individually and/ or through any other
consortium constituted for this Project, either directly or indirectly or through
any of their Associates.

3. Covenants

The Parties hereby undertake that in the event the Consortium is declared the
selected Bidder and awarded the Project, it shall incorporate a special purpose
vehicle (the “SPV”) under the Indian Companies Act, 2013 for entering into a
Concession Agreement with the Authority and for performing all its
obligations as the Concessionaire in terms of the Concession Agreement for
the Project.

4. Role of the Parties

The Parties hereby undertake to perform the roles and responsibilities as

described below:

Appendix IV
Page 3

(a) Party of the First Part shall be the Lead member of the Consortium and
shall have the power of attorney from all Parties for conducting all
business for and on behalf of the Consortium during the Bidding

Process and until the Appointed Date under the Concession Agreement
when all the obligations of the SPV shall become effective;

(b) Party of the Second Part shall be {the Technical Member of the

{(c) Party of the Third Part shall be the Financial Member of the
Consortium; and}

{(d) Party of the Fourth Part shall be the Operation and Maintenance
Member/ Other Member of the Consortium.}

5. Joint and Several Liability

The Parties do hereby undertake to be jointly and severally responsible for all
obligations and liabilities relating to the Project and in accordance with the
terms of the RFQ, RFP and the Concession Agreement, till such time as the
Financial Close for the Project is achieved under and in accordance with the
Concession Agreement.

6. Shareholding in the SPV

6.1 The Parties agree that the proportion of shareholding among the Parties in the
SPV shall be as follows:

First Party:

Second Party:

{Third Party:}

{Fourth Party:}

6.2 The Parties undertake that a minimum of 26% (twenty six per cent) of the
subscribed and paid up equity share capital of the SPV shall, at all times till
the second anniversary of the date of commercial operation of the Project, be
held by the Parties of the First, {Second and Third} Part whose experience and
Net Worth have been reckoned for the purposes of qualification and short-
listing of Applicants for the Project in terms of the RFQ.

6.3 The Parties undertake that each of the Parties specified in Clause 6.2 above
shall, at all times between the commercial operation date of the Project and the
second anniversary thereof, hold subscribed and paid up equity share capital of
SPV equivalent to at least 5% (five per cent) of the Total Project Cost.

Appendix IV
Page 4

6.4 The Parties undertake that they shall collectively hold at least 51% (fifty one
per cent) of the subscribed and paid up equity share capital of the SPV at all
times until the second anniversary of the commercial operation date of the

6.5 The Parties undertake that they shall comply with all equity lock-in
requirements set forth in the Concession Agreement.

7. Representation of the Parties

Each Party represents to the other Parties as of the date of this Agreement that:

(a) Such Party is duly organised, validly existing and in good standing
under the laws of its incorporation and has all requisite power and
authority to enter into this Agreement;

(b) The execution, delivery and performance by such Party of this

Agreement has been authorised by all necessary and appropriate
corporate or governmental action and a copy of the extract of the
charter documents and board resolution/ power of attorney in favour of
the person executing this Agreement for the delegation of power and
authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Consortium
Member is annexed to this Agreement, and will not, to the best of its

(i) require any consent or approval not already obtained;

(ii) violate any Applicable Law presently in effect and having

applicability to it;

(iii) violate the memorandum and articles of association, by-laws or

other applicable organisational documents thereof;

(iv) violate any clearance, permit, concession, grant, license or

other governmental authorisation, approval, judgement, order
or decree or any mortgage agreement, indenture or any other
instrument to which such Party is a party or by which such
Party or any of its properties or assets are bound or that is
otherwise applicable to such Party; or

(v) create or impose any liens, mortgages, pledges, claims, security

interests, charges or encumbrances or obligations to create a
lien, charge, pledge, security interest, encumbrances or
mortgage in or on the property of such Party, except for
encumbrances that would not, individually or in the aggregate,
have a material adverse effect on the financial condition or
prospects or business of such Party so as to prevent such Party
from fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement;

Appendix IV
Page 5

(c) this Agreement is the legal and binding obligation of such Party,
enforceable in accordance with its terms against it; and

(d) there is no litigation pending or, to the best of such Party's knowledge,
threatened to which it or any of its Associates is a party that presently
affects or which would have a material adverse effect on the financial
condition or prospects or business of such Party in the fulfillment of its
obligations under this Agreement.

8. Termination

This Agreement shall be effective from the date hereof and shall continue in
full force and effect until the Financial Close of the Project is achieved under
and in accordance with the Concession Agreement, in case the Project is
awarded to the Consortium. However, in case the Consortium is either not pre-
qualified for the Project or does not get selected for award of the Project, the
Agreement will stand terminated in case the Applicant is not pre-qualified or
upon return of the Bid Security by the Authority to the Bidder, as the case may

9. Miscellaneous

9.1 This Joint Bidding Agreement shall be governed by laws of India.

9.2 The Parties acknowledge and accept that this Agreement shall not be amended
by the Parties without the prior written consent of the Authority.

Appendix IV
Page 6




For and on behalf of

(Signature) (Signature)
(Name) (Name)
(Designation) (Designation)
(Address) (Address)


For and on behalf of For and on behalf of


(Signature) (Signature)
(Name) (Name)
(Designation) (Designation)
(Address) (Address)

In the presence of:

1. 2.

Appendix IV
Page 7


1. The mode of the execution of the Joint Bidding Agreement should be in

accordance with the procedure, if any, laid down by the Applicable Law and
the charter documents of the executant(s) and when it is so required, the same
should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required

2. Each Joint Bidding Agreement should attach a copy of the extract of the
charter documents and documents such as resolution / power of attorney in
favour of the person executing this Agreement for the delegation of power
and authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Consortium

3. For a Joint Bidding Agreement executed and issued overseas, the document
shall be legalised by the Indian Embassy and notarized in the jurisdiction
where the Power of Attorney has been executed.


Guidelines of the Department of Disinvestment

(Refer Clause 1.2.1)

No. 6/4/2001-DD-II
Government of India
Department of Disinvestment
Block 14, CGO Complex
New Delhi.
Dated 13th July, 2001.


Sub: Guidelines for qualification of Bidders seeking to acquire stakes in Public Sector
Enterprises through the process of disinvestment

Government has examined the issue of framing comprehensive and transparent

guidelines defining the criteria for bidders interested in PSE-disinvestment so that the
parties selected through competitive bidding could inspire public confidence. Earlier,
criteria like Net Worth, experience etc. used to be prescribed. Based on experience
and in consultation with concerned departments, Government has decided to prescribe
the following additional criteria for the qualification/ disqualification of the parties
seeking to acquire stakes in public sector enterprises through disinvestment:

(a) In regard to matters other than the security and integrity of the country,
any conviction by a Court of Law or indictment/ adverse order by a
regulatory authority that casts a doubt on the ability of the bidder to
manage the public sector unit when it is disinvested, or which relates to a
grave offence would constitute disqualification. Grave offence is defined
to be of such a nature that it outrages the moral sense of the community.
The decision in regard to the nature of the offence would be taken on case
to case basis after considering the facts of the case and relevant legal
principles, by the Government of India.
(b) In regard to matters relating to the security and integrity of the country,
any charge-sheet by an agency of the Government/ conviction by a Court
of Law for an offence committed by the bidding party or by any sister
concern of the bidding party would result in disqualification. The decision
in regard to the relationship between the sister concerns would be taken,
based on the relevant facts and after examining whether the two concerns
are substantially controlled by the same person/ persons.
(c) In both (a) and (b), disqualification shall continue for a period that
Government deems appropriate.

These guidelines may be modified or substituted by the Government from time to time.

Appendix V

(d) Any entity, which is disqualified from participating in the disinvestment

process, would not be allowed to remain associated with it or get
associated merely because it has preferred an appeal against the order
based on which it has been disqualified. The mere pendency of appeal will
have no effect on the disqualification.
(e) The disqualification criteria would come into effect immediately and
would apply to all bidders for various disinvestment transactions, which
have not been completed as yet.
(f) Before disqualifying a concern, a Show Cause Notice why it should not be
disqualified would be issued to it and it would be given an opportunity to
explain its position.
(g) Henceforth, these criteria will be prescribed in the advertisements seeking
Expression of Interest (EOI) from the interested parties. The interested
parties would be required to provide the information on the above criteria,
along with their Expressions of Interest (EOI). The bidders shall be
required to provide with their EOI an undertaking to the effect that no
investigation by a regulatory authority is pending against them. In case any
investigation is pending against the concern or its sister concern or against
its CEO or any of its Directors/ Managers/ employees, full details of such
investigation including the name of the investigating agency, the charge/
offence for which the investigation has been launched, name and
designation of persons against whom the investigation has been launched
and other relevant information should be disclosed, to the satisfaction of
the Government. For other criteria also, a similar undertaking shall be
obtained along with EOI.

(A.K. Tewari)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

List of Application-specific provisions$
A. Clauses with currency-based footnotes
1. Introduction
2. Clause 1.2.4: Brief description of Bidding Process.
3. Clause 2.2.1 (c): Eligibility of Applicants.
4. Clause 2.2.4: Eligibility of Applicants.
5. Clause 2.3.2: Change in composition of the Consortium.
6. Clause 2.10.3: Amendment of RFQ.
7. Clause 2.19.1 (g): Test of responsiveness.
8. Clause 3.2.1: Technical Capacity for purposes of evaluation.

Note: The above footnotes marked “$” shall not be deleted. They shall remain in
the RFQ to be issued to prospective Applicants.

B. Appendices with non-numeric footnotes

All non-numeric footnotes in the Appendices shall be retained in the respective
Appendices for guidance of the Applicants. These shall be omitted by the
Applicants while submitting their respective Applications.

C. Appendices where curly brackets are used

1. Appendix I (Annex-IV): Letter Comprising the Application for Pre-
2. Appendix IV: Joint Bidding Agreement: Recitals 3 and 4; Clauses 4 and 6.

Note: The curly brackets should be removed after the provisions contained therein
are suitably addressed by the Applicants.

D. Appendices with blank spaces

All blank spaces in the Appendices shall be retained in the RFQ. These shall be
filled up when the format of the respective Appendix is used.

This Appendix-VI contains a list of Clauses and Appendices that would need to be suitably modified
for reflecting application-specific provisions. This Appendix-VI may, therefore, be included in the
RFQ document to be issued to prospective Applicants.

List of Project-specific provisions22

A. Clauses with serially numbered Footnotes (Fn)

1. Clause 1.1: Background (Fn. 1).
2. Clause 1.1.1: Background: (Fn. 2, 3 and 4)*.
3. Clause 1.2.1: Brief description of Bidding Process (Fn. 5)*.
4. Clause 1.2.4: Brief description of Bidding Process (Fn. 6)*.
5. Clause 1.3: Schedule of Bidding Process (Fn. 7)*.
6. Clause 2.2.1 (e): Eligibility of Applicants (Fn. 8)*.
7. Clause 2.2.2: Eligibility of Applicants (Fn. 9*, 10 and 11*).
8. Clause 2.2.11: Eligibility of Applicants (Fn. 12)*.
9. Clause 2.21: Short-listing and notification (Fn. 13).
10. Clause 3.2: Technical Capacity for purposes of evaluation (Fn. 14)*.
11. Clause 3.2.1: Technical Capacity for purposes of evaluation (Fn. 15)*.
12. Clause 3.2.3: Technical Capacity for purposes of evaluation (Fn. 16* and 17).
13. Clause 3.2.4: Technical Capacity for purposes of evaluation (Fn. 18)*.
14. Clause 3.2.6: Technical Capacity for purposes of evaluation (Fn. 19).
15. Clause 3.5.2: Short-listing of Applicants (Fn. 20).

*Note: The Clauses to which these Footnotes relate also include square
parenthesis or asterisks which may be addressed simultaneously. Such square
parenthesis or asterisks have not been listed in (B) or (C) below.

B. Clauses with square parenthesis

1. Glossary: Definition of BOT and DBFOT.
2. Clauses 1.1.2 and 1.1.3: Background.
3. Clauses 1.2.7, 1.2.8 and 1.2.9: Brief description of Bidding Process.
4. Clauses 2.2.1 (b), 2.2.3 and 2.2.7: Eligibility of Applicants.
5. Clause 2.13.2: Sealing and Marking of Applications.

C. Clauses with asterisks

1. Glossary: Definition of Government.
2. Clause 1.2.11: Brief description of Bidding Process.
3. Clause 1.4: Pre-Application Conference.
4. Clauses 2.13.2 and 2.13.3: Sealing and Marking of Applications.
5. Clause 5.1: Pre-Application Conference.

This Appendix-VII contains a list of Clauses and Appendices that would need to be suitably
modified, prior to issue of the RFQ document, for reflecting project-specific provisions. This
Appendix-VII should be omitted before issuing the RFQ document to prospective Applicants.

D. Appendices with serially numbered Footnotes (Fn)
1. Appendix V: Guidelines of the Department of Disinvestment: (Fn. 21).
2. Appendix VII: List of Project-specific Provisions: (Fn. 22).

E. Appendices with square parenthesis

1. Appendix I: Letter Comprising the Application for Pre-Qualification:
Paragraphs 3 and 15; (Annex-I) and (Annex-II).
2. Appendix IV: Joint Bidding Agreement: Recital A.


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