Division of General Surgery, Department of Surgery, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC; 2School
of Medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC; 3Department of Pathology and Laboratory
Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC; 4Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Yang Ming
Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC; 5Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine,
Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC; 6Department of Nuclear Medicine, Taipei Veterans General
Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC; 7Institute of Biology and Anatomy, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei,
Taiwan, ROC
3496 H.-F. Lai et al.
In recent decades, extensive research has explored molec- (TNM) staging system recommended by the 8th edition of
ular analysis as a diagnostic tool of thyroid cancer. PTC har- the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC).
bors a number of genetic alterations involving the mitogen-
activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway, including B-type BRAF Testing
Raf kinase (BRAF) mutation, RAS mutation, and RET/PTC
rearrangement. BRAF substitution mutation at codon 600 Polymerase reaction chain (PCR) and direct Sanger
(p.Val600Glu) resulting from T to A transversion in exon 15 sequencing for BRAF exon 15 was performed at our insti-
at nucleotide 1799 (c.T1799A) is the most frequent, com- tution before 2015 as previously described.17 A validated
posing 98% of BRAF mutations in PTC.6,7 Wide range of immunohistochemical assay using VE1 antibody (Spring
prevalence of BRAF V600E mutation was observed in about Bioscience, Pleasanton, CA, USA) on Leica Bond-Max
27.3–87.1% of all PTC.8 Previous studies have demonstrated autostainer (Leica Microsystems GmbH, Wetzlar, Ger-
that BRAF V600E mutation was associated with high-risk many) was applied at our institution after 2015 as previ-
clinicopathological features.9–11 However, other literatures ously described.17
showed conflicting evidence and no significant correlation
was found.12–15 In the latest 2015 ATA guidelines, it was Statistical Analysis
modified to a dynamic risk stratification system and BRAF
V600E mutation was incorporated in the context of other Statistical analyses were computed using Statistical Prod-
standard clinicopathological risk factors. Nevertheless, uct and Service Solutions (SPSS) version 24.0 (IBM Corp.,
BRAF mutational evaluation was not routinely recommended Armonk, NY). Results were reported as median (range) and
due to its unclear clinical implications.16 mean (standard deviation, SD). All categorical variables
Considering the controversial results of previous litera- were summarized as numbers and percentages and were
ture, further studies are needed to verify the role of BRAF compared using Fisher’s exact test. Disease-free survival
V600E mutation in risk stratification. In this study, we evalu- was estimated by the Kaplan–Meier method and the differ-
ated the prevalence and clinical relevance of BRAF V600E ence was evaluated using the log-rank test. Cox proportional
on patients surgically treated for PTC at a single institution. hazard model was applied to identify independent prognostic
factors for disease-free survival. All tests were two-sided,
and a p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Patient Demographics
This study was approved by the Institutional Review
Board (IRB) of the Taipei Veterans General Hospital (IRB- A total of 672 patients were included in this study, includ-
TPEVGH no. 2023-03-00AC). From November 2013 to ing 173 men (25.7%) and 499 women (74.3%). Among them,
April 2018, medical charts of patients who were surgically 516 patients (76.8%) were detected with BRAF V600E muta-
treated for PTC at Taipei Veterans General Hospital were tion. The mean age at diagnosis was 49.7 (± 13.2) years
retrospectively reviewed. Central compartment neck dissec- (median 50 years, range 11–87 years). The mean tumor size
tion was conducted when preoperative sonogram or intraop- was 1.30 (± 1.07) cm (median 1.00 cm, range 0.1–11.0 cm).
erative findings showed suspicious nodes. Modified radical Overall distant metastasis rate was 2.4% at presentation. The
neck dissection was performed with preoperative cytological median follow-up time was 70 months and recurrence rate
proof of lymph node metastasis. Patients’ baseline demo- was 8.2%. Table 1 presents the clinicopathological charac-
graphics and clinical features, BRAF status, and pathologi- teristics of the 672 patients in this cohort.
cal findings were reviewed. Status of distant metastasis was
established at presentation, including preoperative computer Correlation Between BRAF V600E Status
tomography (CT) scan, pathological report of the surgery and Clinicopathological Features
for distant metastasis before thyroidectomy, and whole body
scan with 131-radioiodine after thyroidectomy. Among 16 Various clinicopathological features were compared
patients who exhibited distant metastasis at presentation, 5 between patients with BRAF V600E mutation and those
patients had bone metastasis, while 6 had metastases in the without mutation. The results are presented in Table 1. No
lungs. In total, 3 patients underwent metastasectomy before statistical difference was noted between two groups for age
thyroid surgery and 13 patients had undergone radioactive and sex. Regarding extrathyroidal extension, multicentric-
iodine (RAI) therapy (≥ 100 mCi) after total thyroidectomy. ity, and positive surgical margin, the two groups showed
Tumors were staged according to the tumor, node, metastasis similar results. Classical PTC was significantly associated
BRAF V600E Mutation Lacks Association … 3497
with BRAF V600E mutation whereas follicular variant was undergone RAI therapy after total thyroidectomy. Therefore,
correlated to BRAF-negative tumors (p < 0.001). No signifi- 659 patients (672 patients excluding 13) were enrolled in
cant difference of lymph node metastasis was found between this analysis. With a median follow-up period of 70 months,
the two groups. Negative BRAF V600E tumors were sig- negative BRAF V600E group showed slightly decreased dis-
nificantly larger than the positive group (1.513 cm versus ease-free survival but no significant difference was found
1.232 cm, respectively, p = 0.020). Negative BRAF V600E (p = 0.924) (Fig. 1). We further assessed various risk fac-
patients exhibited more advanced stage (p = 0.016) and more tors affecting disease-free survival. In univariate analysis
distant metastasis (p < 0.001). as presented in Table 2, male sex, extrathyroidal extension,
tumor multicentricity, large tumor size, distant metastasis,
Risk Factors Affecting Recurrence positive surgical margin, and advanced staging were sig-
nificantly correlated with recurrent disease. Multivariate
We investigated whether BRAF V600E mutation affected regression analysis controlling the above factors demon-
disease-free survival. In our cohort, 16 patients exhibited strated that extrathyroidal extension (HR 1.933, 95% CI
distant metastasis at presentation, and 3 of them underwent 1.081–3.456, p = 0.026), tumor multicentricity (HR 3.317,
metastasectomy before thyroid surgery and 13 patients had 95% CI 1.802–6.105 p < 0.001), large tumor size (HR 1.426,
3498 H.-F. Lai et al.
Disease-free Survival
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (month)
TABLE 2 Univariate analysis for disease-free survival in patients TABLE 3 Multivariate Cox regression analysis for prognostic
with surgically treated PTC parameters associated with disease-free survival in patients with sur-
gically treated PTC
Prognostic factor Univariate analysis
Prognostic factor Multivariate analysis
Hazard ratio (95% CI) p-Value
Hazard ratio (95% CI) p-Value
BRAF V600E 0.968 (0.494–1.897) 0.924
Histology subgroup 0.734 (0.419–1.287) 0.281 BRAF V600E 0.870 (0.426–1.777) 0.702
Lymph node metastasis 1.333 (0.954–1.863) 0.092 Extrathyroidal extension 2.407 (1.296–4.471) 0.005
Extrathyroidal extension 3.780 (2.155–6.630) < 0.001 Tumor multicentricity 4.097 (2.072–8.102) < 0.001
Tumor multicentricity 3.981 (2.076–7.635) < 0.001 Tumor size 2.946 (1.607–5.400) < 0.001
Tumor size 4.207 (2.379–7.438) < 0.001 Male sex 1.608 (0.879–2.940) 0.123
Age 1.001 (0.560–1.789) 0.998 Distant metastasis 16.753 (2.179–128.809) 0.007
Male sex 1.799 (1.007–3.216) 0.047 Positive surgical margin 3.301 (0.723–15.070) 0.123
Distant metastasis 12.774 (3.090–52.806) < 0.001 AJCC stages III–IV 1.558 (0.421–5.767) 0.507
Positive surgical margin 10.073 (2.430–41.758) 0.001 Bold values indicate statistical significance with p < 0.05
AJCC stages III–IV 8.105 (3.203–20.512) < 0.001
et al. in East Asian countries, such as China, South Korea, BRAF V600E mutation harbors some high-risk features,
and Japan, which reported high rates of BRAF mutations including larger tumor size and advanced staging. To better
ranging from 70.6% to 75.5%.22 Our data are consistent with understand this discrepancy, it is important to consider the
this Asian series and other Taiwanese studies,23,24 indicat- inclusion of benign follicular neoplasm that was mistakenly
ing a geographical heterogeneity that could be influenced categorized as PTC prior to the implementation of the 2017
by genetic and dietary factors, contributing to the variation WHO classification. This misclassification could potentially
in mutation rates between Eastern and Western countries. contribute to the lower incidence of BRAF mutations and
Previous literatures in Asian countries have proposed high inaccurately portray the strong association between BRAF
iodine intake as a risk factor for the development in BRAF mutation and aggressive features.
mutation.25 Moreover, radiation exposure has been found In an analysis of 2948 patients with PTC, Yan et al. found
to be correlated to BRAF mutation in Japan.26 Nonetheless, BRAF V600E mutation was not associated with distant
iodine intake in Taiwan remains borderline adequate and no metastasis and disease persistence or recurrence.33 Henke
major radiation exposure event was recorded in Taiwanese et al. reported lack of relationship between the mutation
history.27 Increased occurrence of the BRAF V600E muta- and disease recurrence or disease-specific mortality. 34 A
tion in Taiwanese population cannot be ascribed to nutri- meta-analysis conducted by Vuong et al. showed that BRAF
tional or environmental factors. V600E mutation was not significantly associated with an
From a pathological perspective, the overdiagnosis of increased risk for distant metastasis.35 Although our patients
benign lesions as the follicular variant of PTC leads to a with mutated BRAF V600E consist of more high-risk his-
lower incidence of BRAF mutations in the Western world.28 tological subtype such as tall cell variant, BRAF V600E
It is worth noting that the follicular variant of PTC is com- status is not predictive of long-term outcome in PTC. No
monly associated with RAS driver mutations, which were significant association with disease recurrence was found.
found to occur relatively frequently in the TCGA cohort.21 Our results further suggest that negative BRAF V600E muta-
In contrast, Asian countries demonstrate a lower occurrence tions correlate with spread to distant sites. In addition, we
of RAS-mutated follicular variant PTCs.29 The 2017 WHO analyzed the correlation between clinicopathological fea-
classification introduced significant changes by reclassifying tures and disease-free survival. In multivariate analysis for
most noninvasive encapsulated follicular variant of PTC as increased risk of recurrence, larger tumor size, extrathyroi-
noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like dal extension, tumor multicentricity, and distant metasta-
nuclear features (NIFTP).30 By excluding these RAS-like sis at presentation were the strongest predictors. Most of
tumors from the diagnosis of PTC, the proportion of BRAF- the features are well established and included in the AJCC
positive tumors increased. Hang et al. reported a notable staging system and the risk stratification system in ATA
shift in the incidence of BRAF V600E mutation from 78.8 guideline.5 Nevertheless, BRAF V600E mutation lost sig-
to 86.8% following the implementation of the 2017 WHO nificance as an indicator of recurrent disease in our cohort.
classification.31 If these benign lesions that exhibit low The findings may justify that presence of BRAF V600E
BRAF mutation rates are mistakenly included in a study, it mutation does not always predict aggressive characteristics
might create a misleading conclusion of a strong correlation and poor prognosis. The incorporation of BRAF mutation
between BRAF mutations and aggressive behavior. status in management algorithm of centers with high BRAF
Early in 2003, Nikiforova et al. discovered the association prevalence is contentious. Further analysis of the correlation
of BRAF V600E mutation with older age, classic papillary between BRAF mutation and aggressive behavior should be
carcinoma or tall cell variant histology, extrathyroidal exten- conducted for clarification.
sion, and more frequent presentation at advanced stages.32 Our study yielded intriguing findings regarding the
In the following years, other studies demonstrated correla- negative BRAF V600E mutation group, which exhibited a
tion of BRAF V600E mutation with larger tumor size, lymph more aggressive tumor behavior compared with patients
node metastasis, and adjacent structures invasion. The BRAF with mutated BRAF V600E. Notably, this group displayed a
mutation frequency was relatively low, ranging from 33.2 to higher incidence of distant metastasis and advanced staging.
45.7% in these studies.9–11 However, other literatures showed Among the patients with distant metastasis, five individuals
contradictory findings, with no statistically significant cor- experienced bone metastasis, while six had metastases in
relation observed between BRAF V600E mutation and tumor the lungs. These findings raise important questions about
aggressiveness. Notably, a higher BRAF mutation frequency exploring alternative molecular pathways and their impact
with 70–76.5% was documented in these cohorts.13–15 The on the aggressiveness of negative BRAF V600E PTC.
result of the present study was consistent with the latter liter- In a cohort conducted by Lee et al., consisting of 525
atures. BRAF V600E mutation was not associated with older consecutive PTC cases, 12 out of 60 BRAF V600E negative
age, sex, extrathyroidal extension, multicentricity, or lymph cases demonstrated NTRK1/3 rearrangement.36 Furthermore,
node metastasis. Our study further showed that negative a recent study identified driver gene fusions as a prominent
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