Develop alternative
teaching approaches for
diverse learners.
LITERATURE • 4. Apply skills in curriculum
MIDTERMS development, lesson
planning, materials
TRISIA FEE P. REVIEWER development, instructional
delivery, and educational
• NEUST MISSION • 5. Demonstrate basic and
higher levels of thinking
Advance knowledge generation skills in planning, assessing,
and innovation, produce and reporting.
globally outstanding graduates, • 6. Practice professional and
and transform communities ethical teaching standards to
towards inclusive progress respond to the demands of
the community.
• NEUST VISION • 7. Pursue lifelong learning
for personal and professional
A globally renowned University growth.
as champion of sustainable
societal development through
ethical and empowered human • PROGRAM GOALS
resources. The BSEd Degree program
aims to develop highly
motivated and competent
teachers specializing in the
OBJECTIVES OF COLLEGE OF content and pedagogy for
secondary education.
• 1. Articulate the relationship
of education to larger
historical, social, cultural,
and political processes.
• 2. Facilitate learning using a
wide range of teaching
methodologies in various
types of environment.
• DIFFERENT LITERARY 4. Diary - Personal accounts of
GENRES AND SUB-GENRES daily life events.
5. Anecdote - A short story
• Prose about an incident in
• Poetry someone's life.
Prose 6. Essay - A writer's personal
- is written or spoken language viewpoint on an issue
in its ordinary form, without the
structure of poetry. >> Poetry <<
Two types of prose
is a form of literature that uses
• Fiction
rhythm, rhyme, and language to
• Non-Fiction
evoke emotions.
>> Fiction <<< •Narrative Poetry - Tells a story.
includes stories created from
the imagination. -Legend 1. Epic - Long poem about
Explains the origin of things heroic deeds
2. Ballad - A poem that tells a
1. Short Story - A brief story short story, often set to
with a simple plot music.
2. Novel - A long, complex 3. Metrical Tale - A story told
story, often in chapters in a rhythmic, measured
3. Fable - A story with animal way.
characters that teaches a 4. Awit - Romantic poem with
lesson a 12-syllable measure
4. Parable - A short story with 5. Corrido - Adventure poem
a moral or philosophical with an 8-syllable measure
•Lyric Poetry - Expresses
» Non-Fiction << personal feelings and is often
meant to be sung.
Non-Fiction is based on real-life
events and facts. 1. Song - A poem meant to be
1. Biography - The story of a
2. Ode- A serious, formal
person's life written by
someone else
3. Elegy - A sad poem, often
2. Autobiography - A person's
about death
life story written by
4. Sonnet - A 14-line poem
usually about love
3. News - Reports of daily
5. Idyll - A poem about climate, and literary
peaceful rural life movements surrounding the
text's creation.
•Dramatic Poetry - Poetry - Analyzing the text's portrayal
meant to be performed, like of cultural values: This includes
plays. examining how the text reflects
•Descriptive Poetry - Focuses and challenges societal beliefs,
on describing scenes, objects, practices, and ideologies.
or events vividly. - Connecting the text to other
disciplines: This encourages
students to draw connections
between the text and other
subjects like history, sociology,
and anthropology.
(1) MODELS OF TEACHING The Cultural Model is often
LITERATURE by Arnold teacher-centered, with the
teacher providing information
."Teaching Literature" by and guiding students through
Carter and Long, published in analysis. It is considered the
1991. This book presents three most traditional approach to
models of teaching literature: teaching literature.
the Cultural Model, the
Language Model, and the • The Language Model
Personal Growth Model.
This model focuses on the
language of the text itself,
analyzing its structure, style,
• The Cultural Model and literary devices. Teachers
using this model would
This model emphasizes the emphasize:
historical, social, and cultural
context of literary works. - Close reading: Students
Teachers using this model engage in detailed analysis of
would focus on: specific passages, focusing on
word choice, sentence
- Understanding the text's structure, and figurative
historical background: This language.
involves exploring the time - Literary device identification:
period, social norms, political Students identify and analyze
the use of various literary - Facilitate discussions about
devices, exploring their function personal growth: Students
and impact on the text. explore how the text might
- Style analysis: Students relate to their own
compare and contrast the development and challenges.
writing styles of different - Connect the text to real-world
authors, identifying key stylistic issues: Students examine how
features and their effects. the text reflects contemporary
social, political, or ethical
The Language Model is more concerns.
learner-centered, encouraging -The Personal Growth Model
students to develop their own aims to make literature more
understanding of the text relevant and engaging for
through linguistic analysis. It students by fostering a deeper
emphasizes the role of language understanding of the text's
in creating meaning and the themes and their personal
importance of stylistic choices. significance.