Bahasa Inggris Tenses

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Bahasa Inggris Pertemuan 3 Yaya


Present Past Future Past future

Simple Simple Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple Past
Continuous Present Past Continuous Future Past Future
Continuous Continuous Continuous
Perfect Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect Past Future
Perfect Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect Past Future
Continuous Continuous continuous Continuous Percfect

Kata tanya (question word)

1. siapa = Who (subjek orang) / whom (objek orang)

2. apa = what (subjek, objek dan aktifitas)

3. yang mana = which (menanyakan pilihan)

4. milik siapa = whose (kepemilikan) / whose + kata benda (kepemilikan barang)

5. dimana = where (menanyakan tempat)

6. kapan = when (menanyakan waktu)\

7. kenapa = why (menanyakan alasan)

8. bagaimana = how (menanyakan keadaan)

9. berapa = how ....... (many/ much/ old/often/far/long/deep) = (benda bisa dihitung/tidak bisa
dihitung/usia/frekuensi/jarak/lama waktu/kedalaman suatu benda)

1. Simple Present

Kegunaan :

 Menyatakan kebiasaan atau rutinitas

 Peristiwa yang ada pasa masa sekarang
 Kebenaran umum
 Judul berita
 Menyatakan hal yang sudah direncanakan

Keterangan waktu yang digunakan:

 Every.... (day,week)
 Never
 Seldom
 Usually
 Always
Formula :

Kalimat verbal

(+) S+V1(s/es)+o

(-) S+(do/does)+not+V1+o

(?) do/does+S+V1+o+?

(-?) do/does+not+s+V1+o+?

Kalimat nominal

(+) S+is,am,are+Complement

(-) S+is,am,are+not+complement

(?) is,am,are+S+complement+?

(-?) is,am,are+not+s+complement+?


we drink coffee Two cars are in the garage

she doesn’t drink coffee A car is not in the garage
do we drink coffee? Am i beautiful?
Doesn’t he drink coffee? Aren’t they at home now?

Question word (kata tanya)

Subjek = Q.w+V1+es/s+o+?

selain subjek = Q.w +do/does+s+V1+?

2. present contonuous

Kegunaan :

 Kejadian yang sedang dilakukan

 Kejadian yang akan dilakukan sudah direncanakan dengan menyertakan keterangan
 Menyatakan perubahan situasi

Keterangan waktu:

 Now
 Tonight
 Today

Formula :

Kalimat verbal
(+) S+is,am,are+Ving+o

(-) S+is,am,are+not+Ving+o

(?) is,am,are+S+Ving+o+?

(-?) is,am,are+not+s+Ving+o+?

Kalimat nominal

(+) S+is,am,are+being+complement

(-) S+is,am,are+not+being+complement

(?) is,am,are+S+being+complement+?

(-?) is,am,are+not+s+being+complement+?


Many people are dancing in the park right now Anton is being a teacher now
Sinta is not watching k-pop concert We are not being doctor today
Is the bus driver driving bus carelessly? Are those people being rich?
 Kata kerja non progressive verb tidak pake ing. (smell,hate,love,taste,hear,,,,,)

Question word (kata tanya)

Subjek = Q.w+has+Ving+o+?

selain subjek = Q.w +is,am,are+s+Ving+?

3. present perfect

Kegunaan :

 Kejadian yang telah selesai dilakukan

 Digunakan untuk menunjukan awal mula suatu kejadian (since) I have lived in this small
town since january
 Menunjukan lamanya jangka waktu hingga kini (for) Goerge has gone for week

Time signal :

 For/since
 Already
 Lately
 Never / ever

Formula :

Kalimat verbal

(+) S+has/have+V3+o

(-) S+has/have+not+V3+o

(?) has/have+S+V3+o+?

(-?) has/have+not+s+V3+o+?
Kalimat nominal

(+) S+has/have+been+Complement

(-) S+has/have+been+not+complement

(?) has/have+S+been+complement+?

(-?) has/have+not+s+been+complement+?


Najwa has taken a bath Hardy has been at home

Father hasn’t bought a new car Mother has nit been in her office yet
Have you changed your clothe? Have you been to Thailand?

Question word (kata tanya)

Subjek = Q.w+has+V3+o+?

selain subjek = Q.w +has/have+s+V3+?

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