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Air Compressors Text Book

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CHAPTER 4 AIR COMPRESSORS: ‘Specific Learning Objectives ‘estate pr cteompeson ersten novlan ie sreapeso mgs canorssen Uheerton he vouners otoacy Ustinov oko orn e pevsie tar ana fore Unartond fe fe seo soa te roe Uattand apace sae eae csr ne cee at se ape conereson hese ena ont mene Ucn meng ri a cungcompeson Unrate caro Ueewndin edt aire canes Usenet fete incor at ‘tose eee or va ster coke Ucn cons an pore oa 8 8 Unartanl ne craetin of ores Cartan tn yest compress urd en os sun carictnete Sy Comet ee etn ws oer one! Cartan in contactor compen aes Xtra stay Seve equppeon a compress tetra he contactor capcom 9 sloge comes Ucar ecrsncton od operon a a eres Unaortnaecaacy colo een cone! Ure occa er coe te qn eet a a moreno Uhsesanne sat nd ppg pode crt Unecrfond avant ora a cms iden e Seca mansnanc of ampere Understand the chocks and maintsnancs of 3 oo i dies FUNCTION OF AIR COMPRESSOR ‘An air compressors a mechanical device which increases the pressure of ‘airy reducing is velume. The compvessor ie smlar to pup a both are used to inerease the pressure of a so raneprt it trough 2 pipe, Main cterence bateen pump and compressor is he change Inve of {he fos. Pumps are used to tanspot ‘guide wich ore relatively Incompressibl. On the te hand, ana compressors abl to reduce the ‘volume of air ass compressible and Ineeases the density Gung the compression process ‘Aeon ships is mosty compressed by reciprocating compressors whieh are ‘mainly bing consdered nee or the study ‘The energy supplied othe ar compressor during the compression process Is comer into heat a5 the volume of ait is decreased. Ae the a gels heated, kinetic energy of he molecules hereases which exe force onthe ‘jie wal ana ts force rtected as increase presse, “The heat generated during the comoression process has to be contanty remaved for prose functonng of the ar compreseor Oepancing onthe requirement, compression of ar may lake place n several stages. Airis ‘coals Between each stage and subsequeny ater ho compression oo ‘TYPES OF COMPRESSION PROCESSES rasor Fg. 40 snows the types of compression processes and corpares the work reguited dung esch process 1 Adiabatic orlsentropie Compression Ins gas compression process te enthalpy remains same Le. no heat I trchanged fom the eyetam and heat of compression e go ctored in C= 1.406 for diab process the folows the law PV 2lnothermal Compression Inthis gas compeession proces, tomperatre main constant wich means that heat would have to be remaves from tne gas ae is supplied to gos fring compression. “Ths wil equre 2 siow-rowng pison and well cooled cylinder 'sotermal process fotos the aw PY {Actual or Polytropie Compression Peiyvopic process fee betwean lotherms! and Aciabatc processes and fellows the on PV'=C where a has value of 13 fo a APPROACH TO ISOTHERMAL COMPRESSION Fg. 4.02 shows 2 wo-stage compression wih interstage cookng From Fig 4.01 we can see tha thermal Compression equces least werk among he three compresscn processoe. Alough ti nt achievable bul we can am to approach tay having malstage compression (yiner and tne cover ofa comprestor shoud be cooled to remove ab "much heatas posse, petra by water Ar after each stage Is alo cooled ‘heh eis to reduce tho work of campresion as shown in Fig, 4.92 Positron compression of arin fst stage lakes place along the cue 0-2 Une a represents cooing between Ihe two sages which fakes pace a ‘constant pressure. Pont b lo5-on the joined compressor cuve. ‘Compression in te second stage takes og the curve be whch is again 9 palyiope process, Thus, we can observe that there is a saving inthe work done by the compressor due 10 inlercooing by an amount bod A mulslage ‘compressor thus sis fo work near gohermal process ADVANTAGES OF MULTISTAGE COMPRESSION Mutstage air compressor fer several advantages, some ofthe mrtant ‘ones ae listed below 1 Werk done in compressing the ais reduced which saves power consurton. 2 Due to prope colin, tot of mechanical problems such as thrmat Astortion of parts, overheating ete. are avoided, 3 Due to low air temperate, lass aifcuties ate experienced in vision of piston rings and vind 4 Low temperstue of air reduces towing and carbonization of lubricaiog o and maintains valves in larer conten 5 Helps in reducing the moisture of delved a which is undestable 'n compressed i systems as itcauses coroson, 8 Mut-stagng is asoheptl in increasing he volume efcioncy of ‘compressor 7 Purpose of intetccaing is to provide high density oF a for ‘subsequent stage, Cooling the air aso assists in removal of moisture VOLUMETRIC EFFICIENCY Juma on volume ficeney an fig. 4.03 shows he tet of erace volume on volun $B.SGoatocs he voumet ences of ange 26d wo SaDe SSrpscre acing wea ess ns Volumen eficiency ofan ar corressris defines ashe rata chon of Sravenargos as fs ao oe sept vole of pressure pln. Free [Se denver ste quant of ar at mosphere pressure ana temperature wwe, ‘As we know that ait gets heated during the compression proces, ‘Srnponents of ar compressor suchas pison, cylinder, inde cover ee foo get Mest suing operation, “Thus, a gap ot bumping dearance is nacesany between pon rm eld Giinier cover to provide (De necessary expansion allowance CBihoorents This Clearance 1 proved by the gasket used between the fylnder and ts cover orc voli ena ene occupied by he clearance is ema oo coud Soke, sare tna pss ie ane ocr oreonreson Sa sconce we wich esas te FRC He Refering a Fig, 4.09, volun ofthe low-pressure cyeer Vos gen by = Ve= Process 05+ Ve ‘whan ai i compressed in single stage compressor, theoretical swept ‘olume ofthe piston i represented by process £0, which gets reduced to \VSerepresentas by process 5-0 because thea rapped inthe clearance space has to expat atmosphere pressure before ne psion can cw the fresnairinsde In a two-stage compressor. low pressure piston i able 10 draw VS: ‘conesponding to process 5-0 whichis bxger than So because presse of fir Pr and hence the quantity of fee ais higher than pressure Py whicn responsible for higher volumete efiency than single stage compressoe ‘working within same pressures EFFECT OF CLEARANCE VOLUME ON AIR INTAKE XOINGREASEN CLEARANCE SUE TO WORN OUT BEARING oleroctennceteex Fig 4.08 deserts ne eect of cearance volume anintke ofa dunng be compressor secton stoke. Diagram 1-29-41 represen 2 thearetcal compression cycle wih 0 ‘leararce volume, thus he volume swe by the piston andar intake is same wih represented by Vv. 1 compression cycle in which Diagram 1-23-4-1 cepresants an actual compression oy GetarcolsC andthe a nie is represertedby V which less han swert voume V thinceasedciarance gram 120-41 reecot compression cl Perr. urs Soeur othe a at fer reduced 0 Ve coe sod hat ating best volume efor, manu Seutnce sod be mantsnes ACTUAL COMPRESSION ! EXPANSION CURVES Fig 4.05 shows the loss of intake ar dus to efectve stoxtering of suction ‘oko caused by exganson of rapped high pessue ar in the casrance Space unt ls sficonty bow atmosphere presse by an srt (Got instead of 41) Tous, ceorance volume must be kept af smal 36 practcaba Simaatly delivery stroke 16 also shortened by an amount (22 inslead of 23). _Aintake and dolvey stokes asa show pulsatons cs othe effect of ei rahe springs when recordae onthe Inciealr card. Suction tes place cee towonene pressure & dalvery vil occur above mean delivery 22 PROPERTIES OF AIR ‘iris a ture of gases with 78% Nuogen, 21% Oxygen, 0.89% Argan and traces of Carbon Dixie, Hesum, Metre, Hyarogen an water vapor. ‘A perfect gas obeys tne law PY = RT and has consort specie heat ‘capacities. infect hore sno pertct ga bl at eyow presse and at vy hightemperature, tase gases behave in nearly the same way a perect gases ‘Since aris amature of hese gases, canbe regarded ae perfect gas and folons the gas aus given below 1 Boyle's Law "states that volume a a given mass ofa perfect gos varies inversely a the absolut pressure when temperate s carta Matnematicaly V «11 or PY=C (at constant emerture) ar PUP = Vas 2.chatles'e Law Ht states nat i a gas is heated at censtant pressure, Hs volume changes ‘rectly a5 8 atsohte temperature, Mathematically VerT (at constant pressure) oF Wy = Vas $3 Combined Gas Law By combining th to lana, we got PTs = PAST ox PUIT= C (constant) ‘The magnitude of hs constant depends upon the patio ga¢ ane iis noted by R where Ris cabed the specie gas constant PvT=RorPv= RT Formass ofmag, PV= mT ‘LAWS & FORMULAE USED FOR SOLVING PROBLEMS Sectcheat caps al constant volume = Cx Specie hee capac at constant possure= Cp (Gy. Ri (J in Staite, 27 MAS unite) For edobatc compression, rato of specific heat at constant pressure fo pectic heat et conatantwoiume Cyr = (14 fo at) For plyric compression the index is epresented by 8 teotnermal felency = lotheral work done actu! work done ‘Work don per eye in singe stage compressions gven By = We ovina PVs-W. [Pe PBEM AD foot rete cyla W= [orth (CpCr) (T2-T3) SOLVED EXAMPLES. 1) Aingl stage ai compressors required to compress 06 of vttam 1 bar to 8 barat 22°. The compression takes place artng tothe law PV"? = C, Detormine the work done by te ‘ampressor and the temperature athe end of compression. Data aven'« fnaal youune of airs = 0.9m Ita pressure Pe = 1 ba Initia ermperture Ts = 22°C Final Presoue P= 8 bat Inde of eomoression 6 = war? vex (PUP? Woe (8)"OG = 0.1232 Pryl?= Psion Wie Work done an be found bythe easton: We fst Pavan. Ped Py 29.03) x4(080:1212) 4@I}0™9- 1] = 4.350. 47009{1.619-1}= 1.271 (08) We know that PUT: = PaViToorTs = T1PANal PA Te (@96xt01212V (0408) 176.7 K of 203.7°C (Ans) 2) Athree-stage single acting reciprocating air compressor hes @ LP. eytinder of 480 mm bore and 300 mm stroke. The clesrance volume of the LP cylinder is 5% of the swept volume. Intake pressure and temperature are 1 bar and 18°C respectively, while the delivery pressure le 15 bar. Juno-2015), Intermediate pressures are ideal and intorcoolings perfect. The ‘compression and expansion index can be taken a8 1.2. Estimate (a) the intermediate pressures, b) the work done per kg of air. R029 kuikgk 150 mm, Stoke of LP Cylinder (L) = 300, ‘Clearance volume = 5% of swape volume Intro ar presaure (P= 1 bar, Dlvary a pressure (Py) = tSbar Intane a tempersture = 18% Index of compreseion and expansion 29 kok a P-V DIAGRAM FOR 3 STAGE COMPRESSION Peofh e Retering to stave aagram, we know that compresion ratio are in | sete prepesson tes Acne P= PexPs, Pee VPS 1020) PP Pex Pa PPS 16s mn 2 (Pam) Ssubstutng the vale of Psin equation 2, we get ISN ‘Saaing bon sides we get. Ps" 225° Tus" 225,nd Ps” 5 (As) Suosttuing vave of n Psinequatin 1, we gt Pes YS=2236 Ans) PARES ‘Werk done perk far can be found bythe equation Wes anki. TAPE PAR A Ford sags ‘But. bore and stoke of. eylnde is so given inthe question, We wi ‘calculate the work pr eye by me olowrs equation w= [Bio-).Puvh Va Pe PSO] -For 3 tages ‘Swept velume Ve)= (8) DAL = (22728) x0 5x0 45109 = 0.0477 5x0. 0477 = 00023 m* Clearance volume (v) Ye (y+ (¥0)"0.0477 0.0023 0.08 m? vo" (v9= 0.0025 Wo ko that Ps a" =P tor (PAP "VS “Tus V(2286/1)"° 0.0028» 0.0083 ‘substusng the vekes of, Ps, Ps, Vs and Vin the equaton io). Pavia Pa l=, we get Ws (9x1 303) xe 1571771) = 1990.0857%(1.251-1)= 01372 hifeyle ‘Mass ot ar can be foun by the equa Actual intake (Wye Vs = i PrVSIRT= 1 x010848/ 020.254 ‘Work done kg of air= 0.137200 coos Wirt done kg of ican ao be aban by the equation mers 0.05~00061 =0.0¢49 oo0sseng | 2 257.9 (ans) = ano) RT PAP PHN 4) = (341 30.3) 20 202011154) 1 (as) 4 96568 (1.281-1)= 253.4 Pr FOR Asin stage reciprocating compressor takes 1 m? of ape ine st 1019 bar and 15°C deve ot 7 tar “Assuming thas PU" = ‘constant, and that ceararca is negligible, Calculate the hnctod power Ay 2B Asin stage deubte acing ai compressor asa tee a devery of 1m? tmin measured at 1013 bar and 18°C the pressure and temperate i the eynder ding induction ae 0.85 bar and 32°C. ‘he delivery pressure 7 bar andthe Index of compression and ‘expansion n= 1.3, caleucte the indeted power rered and the volumetic effclenoy, The cearance vokume is S% ofthe swept ‘Ainge cyinder, single acing ar compressor compresses 20 m? of ‘at at pressure of 105 Nin’ ane 30% 6x05 Nin? Gault the ower requied for the compressor If te compression is (2) lwotnermal(b) Plytoni, c) Adiabatic (ake r=1.3) uno-20%0) ‘A closed and insulated vosselcontains hg of ira 213°C and tba ‘A second vessel which s ls nulatea nas a volume of 02m and contin air at bar and 412°C. The wo vessels ae then comectod y pipe of negligible volume. Calculate (a) The fal roseure of ar in the vessel (0) Final tomperature ofthe vasela Take R= 0.287 ‘ugk for ai (Gune20%0) 5. A sgl sage, single once ar compress 30cm bore and 40 cm ‘Svore runs at 250 RPM, The sucon pressure ist bat at 15°C ans Geivey pressure 6 tar Determine the nctodmean eFecva pressre land al power regited orn when a) Corresson soem ‘Compression fons fa lw PY = C, 6) Compression reverse ‘Sabate (y 14) ane) Compresion i ievestleadabste (18) ‘Aa fd sothemal eicincy fo) (2) and (ans abate efiiency for) Take R= 0 207 latgK (uuy2012) 5. A single acting two sage a compressor with pete! intercocing fetvere gin ot art 16 bar Assumg an take at 1 bar and 18°C ‘nd compratalon and expasion wih the law PV = C, Calate 9) Power reqives to ran the compressor at 420 RPW, 0) Istherna ‘ficiency, ¢) Poe a devery pat second, caarance rats for LP tnd HP cyindar are 004 and 006, ela volsmeticwicwncy nd Sep wdume fr each cylinder.) Net best vansfred LP and HP Stindor durng compression and ao i te ne-cooer. Take R= 0 2eraihgK and C071 Kang (auy20%2) ‘PRESSURE LIMIT ON SINGLE STAGE COMPRESSORS Single stage comeressars ate generally wed er sowie 0: conta ai though ‘Sevece or ontel avon shipa usualy blaine by ating te staring a 08 Gr oar Incependentsontce or corr) ar compressors wh single sage ‘ompteasion are also zeen on some sins ‘The reason fring te pressure on compressors working wih singe tage iste prevent the exlasion te cnc aut ono! vaporzed ricaing Di snare eel engines “Thus, single sage compressors have rescue it 7 bar above which 3 temperature excands the srt (760°) resafong in eaborisation of Nbresing Cand causing fouling of waves High a erperatue aso stots vahe orponnts whichis Rep wit mis by coohg he cynder ants cover [PRESSURE RATIOS IN MULTLSTAGE COMPRESSORS reser raisin lttag a compressors rein gous progression wich eane P= PoP ‘sips are usualy equipped wih compressed ai syste haweg maximum pressure er 307 25 bar ung two sage comprestors for stating cise Sramnes. Maxmum itemadite gauge pressire'can ba wotked ot from the above formulas folowing, Foe 30 ba sytem, Py = (x01)! 1 = S57 sree For 25 bar aye, P1926)" Note: -Absohte pressures ar contre fer fing he temacte atmosphere resi i subtract to ota the Gouge pressure Stating a presses resuced to 7 bar or use ae sence ar conta i USES OF COMPRESSED AIR ON BOARD 1 Forstaring ne masne dest engines 2 isssed as sie arin tb ening room for varus pupores such as _ceorng les, charging hycophore et 3A wad in pounatic cont systam expeciy in hazards area ‘wher combustie vapors maybe presetbaoause sis safe medure 4 For bowing removing sol rom th esau gos economia eet ‘oimprore th eat vanste snd preventing hes! ees ‘5 Arisaeo usd or towing sea chest gating to renove the ctctons nay of seawater ntake when tutes for ooing and mscelancaus © Reuse fora for toizing the ue nme ener and in ote er \ahen seem ie rt eve 7 For rere conto of propusion engine, vales for cargo hod blge sytem, batas sytem, bunkaing syste, quck cong valves dung fo, mart es oystoree {Closing he dameers or vertlaon fens an engine room unin case ‘of engna room fe {For operation of poumaticy operate pumps such a8 Widen pump lesed for cntainng oF pil esing ial acts of sel engine, operatn of hytaul eneonng deve ee 10 Ais sod for long he wit or slerng the sips / re cogarding angars emergencies. 11 tts sed 98 treating arn sel-contined breathing soparts, merperey escape Desig devoe ard i cylhgers of enclosed iebose 12 Arisusedas ing for cosng he hyseauealy operated exhaust ies ‘aupped en ain engine 13 Aire uses fr Poisng of gangnay and lisbosts on farkers de 12 Fazardous emiromment on the deck. Ws so use To operate sal Ainee or mucking purpoe drng cargo tank clearing cpeaton, "14 For operation of pneumatic macins! tons on deck & engine oom fr Chipsing. sting grt bling, spray paring, nul runner, engoc rene eting 18 Compressed ar is used for opeiing ha fan during go8 feng {cperaton on tanta. Compressoe a eso used to power expioan ‘roti dung cargo tank lesang operat, 18 Compressed a can be used io operate sas civ mooting wes then seam fe net avalale dung psy docking LIMITING TEMPERATURE RISE DURING COMPRESSION Compression of te alr rasuts 9 re of 9 temperatue as the eal of ‘compression add to & Reina temperture ils expense or father teint presse hin can be eauced by cooing thea. skews eater, otermal compression requites less work of compression. ‘nthoug te iprastestie, wo st nto approach iy akg away the Nat from onda and cover ado to colin the a ater its compression Defoe ti ent for tutor compression, ise i est cling mas to taka vay the hea of compression though aie ‘cooing consredin sma ai compressors Speci heat capacty of water {23 umes thal ofa Out water abl emove 15 mes more heat tan a 5S ‘water malas are ne lose n comparison oa molecule ‘Sea watar was used fo cooing nearer cmoresoss which has een eposed wth ran water coosng, Seawater caused requ’ fulng ofthe system and nos als espana for coroson whieh equres mere mardersnce ‘om he ane hans Fash wate vasa ti above Loubes proved the water {strated and mantaneinakaine conten Nowadays sips are equped vith a cal fe water-ooing system alo ‘cw 68 Low Tempore (LT) System whose het ransared fe seo This arrangomentis nap in reciong shi’ se water system an associates alae whet reduce the compressor cut SAFETY DEVICES For sale and eliabie operation, ar compressors are envioped wit following sate devees| 1 Reet reach tape 2 etree 5 Lenin of presse tip 4 fevartoneatse te RELIEF VALVE cournstonnit wwe ioe wocose FS Regulations recur iting of sewing devices on the highsressure stage Bur ths common pracce to arse! valve on each inter and ater coset Rete vaves do eet alow the pressure to ull up in excess of 10% above the rarmal pressure, Fig 416 shows the constuston of roi vave which const of ave Body having extoral ead fr rourting on te / flr cooler an provides the passage forfigh pressure ar- On the upper end I als forms a seat forthe vave dsc Valve cage screwed to he vale body whic has rel holes an iho Spin. epring and compression aut A Talon dis is atlached to the spies ‘hich sept pressed on the sea by the sprig fore acting on spine cols. Relieving pressure is eet by adjusting the sping force wih the hep of Compression nut secured on the valve cage. A sot provided on the Compression nut for agusiment wih a screw diver, Afsr seting the pressure, cap Secured onthe vaive cage and s seats af fo prevent ne change of setting. BURSTING DISC Fig. 4.17 shows bursting dee aerangerent which prevents the Buildup of ON oe nso eee ese af ais tocter tube. Bursting sc sin the form of thin retalic or rubber sheet secured by 2 protecton cover and seews in he compressor jock. rojcton cover hots ‘he bursting dic n place and provides tne atecton of tow fo water. Busing Sserpreatne et pes samen ate ie hoe LOW LUBRICATING OIL. PRESSURE TRIP NO: NORMALLY OPEN NC: MORMALY CLOSE Dp Ge Ss Bi T For safeguarding bea compressor against os of luoriating ol pressure 12 low lubricating ol pressure tp a shown in Fig 4.18 is proved. The pressure su shuts down the comprescr when lubricating of pressure tops below a predetemined set pressure, ‘A compressors equipped with an atached Writing of pump driven by the crankshaft hen the compressors started, tikes few seconds ould up the a pressure To prevent the damage the compress s operated in the unloaded conditon during this period. To enable the starup of compressor, a delay is provced dung the unleaded pores for about 10, Pressure sth fs equipped two set of contacts, NC (12) ofNO (183) 0 be Used for diferent purposes. NO (Nemaly Open) contact is used fe low lubneatag a pressure ip Presse swith consists ofa phragm or bollows which moves under Bud retsue and makes or reaks the eletrcal contact. Pressure can Be et by Changing the spring force wan the rep cf adusting screw Ccompeesso's usual ubriatng of pressure is beten 2 to 9 ba, pressure Sieh set to fp the compressa when uoricatng ol pressure drops 9 bor Asai comressorie operate nteratiant},lubcating ot doesnot have oodng systems eng operation ususdy resus in vip due to decrease of of viscosity HIGH AIR TEMPERATURE TRIP fic peTuaTIN H— “Sprinc ‘suuNoeR aus operarins eLLoWs | rouse career Foal Fig, 410 shows a igh aitemperatce mp equipped on the dlvery apis, ‘aby sete stop he compressor at BSC. Icons ofa bemoatat which Works onthe similar Erincpe of pressure Sich except that ft has a fed presse connection inthe form of sensing bulb stan wrth a capiary ube A highly excersile fd i sealed In the sensing Dub which exerts ts pressure on the operating bellows ough the capillary tube. increase in fompeatue ncreaves the pressure and inltes te bellows and vie versa Force of actuating sping is set by the adjusting nut wrich opposes the ‘movement of blows, Movement of acting plunger mares or breaks the Contsets Thanrosiats ars equiped wth normaly open (NO) ane exmany ‘ose NG} cones used for diferent apsteations Normaty closed (NG) contacts used during compyessor operation. Once the ‘contact opens, tipping the compressor and also sevates the ala forthe raving te atlention of euty engineer Viner high artempercture bp activates i needs tobe reset manual to find the cause of malincion and subsequent recfeation of ne faut. Cause of ‘he tp may be fouled ar cooler tubes, nautfeent cooing war du ay ump oro ong operation af the compressor ‘THREE STAGE BREATHING AR COMPRESSOR Fig4.20 shows a tvee-stage ar compressor which fe used on ships for tharging te cyngor el conained resting apeartie and ar yencors for enclosed ife boats. These compresses usualy have 8 W arrangement sd are used fr charging te oynders up fo 200 bar The eyiners are equlgped wih radia ns and caves wth al ins fr ai cooing as shown in the sketch Batween the stages and afer fa compression, aris cooled by passing trough fred tubes over which ‘atmospheric airs blown through the fan. [Attn end of iter and ater coolers, maitre soperators are equipped with manual dane Each dain Separator equipped wih a rele vale sulle forthe respecte stage pressure Compressor bearings and cylinders are splash Iubcsted for wich pure Iminera ois recormenses. Compressed airs charged ito the eyinder {trough an absorption ype ae Ber whicn shouldbe replaced afer TO hours ‘of use cherie oly vapors can pass ite the cylinder which can be harms foctreathing a Compressor i stated wth opened dala valves to stat nthe unloaded state ana subsequent opened 0 rerrove moisture and DECK AIR COMPRESSOR wacooer att ttt [oxeoocen LW ost ate retEen| | cSdbch an Feat Fig, 421 shows the layout of deck air cmprestor used fr the supiy of serves air on lage shoe for the mantznance of deck which requires continuous supply [A sctew compressor is used forthe compression far which also requires large amount offer lubreaen and seins. Os raw bythe compressor ‘along wit ai fom te ol separator though titer. A temperature conta valve fulomaticay regulates the of temperature by eontoing the How of ol eee coin. ‘Afr the compression, lls discharged aeng with the a ito the oi ‘soporaior Os retained nthe separator and he Separated ais charged {o 2 small air recsver mounted above the of separator Ai roocve Is equppee wha rele valve lo prec tom excossve pressure, ‘The at gels heated dung the compression; thus i is passed trough aie ‘cooler before devery. Boh the compressed a and Lacatng ol ae coded by aimosherc ar blown bya common fan as shou inthe sketch [Compressris driven by an elecic nctr tough ating belt Compressor is equbpped wth 2 capscty contol for is eontruaus operon under ‘varying oad concton. In compsrisen i ecprocatng compressor, Sci ompressos ae rave simp, move rebadged CAPACITY CONTROL OF SCREW COMPRESSOR _zowusTINe screw. i serns ‘coMPRESSOR ‘DELIVERY ‘an To compressor Fi azt Fig, 422 showsthe operation ofcapacy contol whic consists ofa valve, hel in equlorum under the force sping andthe delivery pressure acing onthe piston Operating pressure sso by reguling the srng tension trough acusting compressor stats with the valve in fu open conan when the deliery pressure fs zero. he presture bulds up piston ads the valve postion thereby maintaining steady pressure at requres capaci Indio, ts ao equipped wit 2 pressure switch to stp he compressor fst set pain wen he demands very land slats again when the pressure rs. AIR FILTER ‘oP cover sea an — wnke west ~ rarer PLTER ELEMENT ous | AR 10. ‘coMPRESSOR oe Fig. 4.23 shows an air fiter which is used 10 Wap the Gt associated wth ar ore enters me comexesor eye Irconssts ofa metalic housing attached on ep ofthe ender over ana has 2 spout though which arenes. Fite eloment inserted ough the top Cover and eld in place Wh syrthete gaskets on both faces to prevent bypass of unsteed Fite lament is made up of oselyksted wire gauze mesh which can bo ‘Seanad by bowing ar backwards. ‘Nefiter in tandem piston arangement may be equipped wit an of bah for leecation of LP cyinder with the incoming air soaked with olly vapors, [LUBRICATING OIL FOR AIR COMPRESSORS Lubrication of yn pris most essential frm the ss bets isn ng ner na to ecu fctn for preverting he sre, Lbristing of use er hs purpose shoud have come soe to mtn the Fequred Rin thelness and shoudave fash port gree than 10° tecase the compression lonpeatre i testis teow 200° 0 tat ol does rc vaporize ana ave te carbon bins easing tang aves, Nowadays synthetic ois are prtered ever mineral is due to thelr super periomance: They ofr lrg ie, cw vont. ou onto rae ele. ethos "hoy ar very expensiein compar fo mineral ole ‘STARTING AND STOPPING PROCEDURES Aircomprestoe ee tated inte nls conto, Cmpeessorepertons ‘usualy auemacatheuph olowng procedures adored for manual operation 1 Conti natcsmprossor ute ane ecier ng valves ae open. 2 Ensure that cooing walr valves are coecty postion. 2 Encto hat eel in xnkease & ubostor ae nom 4 Ensure rains ae hap pon, tun compressor yan 5 Ensure hat operations! IS can ake he comrestr oad (6 Statin comoressor and check cooing water lube a prestures, cose tho drain vovos and mantr recaver presure. Ensure that mor (UTR, nase lee avalon stare nome Belo topping the compressor, open ne ora valves During te automatic operation, dns are kept pen by magnet unload nt ol pressures estabistos.Onsoepng the compressor, ain reopened once AUTOMATIC OPERATION OF AIR COMPRESSORS ‘A compressers on he ship are operated automat o per the srangement shown int Fig. 428 ‘One of nea races remains tab Whe the che Use wth ling. ‘lat an poesre eth valves ope, [AUTOMATIC OPERATION OF AIR COMPRESSORS a= | = Tewm | eramen fours] FS Pas vuowe-éf 4} Le) = roan ‘yen fe ship is at se8, one ofthe compresors Islet to operate on utomate mode whe he ose ee or ranval operations shown inthe sien ‘nen he pressure nthe reaver ops 0 22S ba, prossie sth cts nthe ‘tacts pane! kes the uloater open for fow seconde 0 hat lbricatng ‘pressure i estatshed before eacnal ‘nen cain vos ose, prassute sas to ul up unt SO tar when pressure wich cay out the compressor andthe arin valo8 a opones, ‘buing the ship maneuverng, engine's sang alr requirement can be siderable wie requres both the campressrs tobe on aust ade ‘the pressure in stating ae recaver cops to 180 bar, pressure switch ears compressor No.2 When te presse reaches 227.0 bar, pressure sch cuts of th compressa, “nheres compressor No.1 weconnus to work ui presse reaches 20.0 ba ‘bung an amergney whan pressure roe blow 12. standby recive can ‘Bunng af ernergency ween QUALITY OF CONTROL AIR Acorns Weatoral Sasy fAomson, cokes shod il owing 1 Pressure Dow Point ‘As prthe equrement, ressure dew pont the sya etl shold be at es 10°C below the mnimu temperate te when Ee canola yam i expceed rit old not exceed 218° ane pressure ost sususy iminates by regen type Ger where the con a ‘ocedto§°C, Oczasonly absorption ype ders als Used forts purpose, 2 Patel Size As parte recuiromor, cont! a soutsnothave pase size more then 40) Iles is acvod y pacseg he compresead ar cus miroir see 251. 2 Lubricant Content ‘As pero requirement, ci content cont! ashes be aot to zero and ‘der reunstanens it shou exceed pm vor His usualy aves by use of bern te athough sme ships are equiped wah al ee conta 4 Contaminants onto air should be tae of contaminants and hazardous goses of pas ‘emicals engine exhust. ‘CHECKS ON COMPRESSOR Fooning cick shoul be caries out onthe comprestors every dey. 1 Odtovetneankense and elinr Mbicator 2 Preseus tlubicaing cooing wate and i 3) Fw of cooing water 4 Noise an weraton 5. Motor orn 6 Anyleaks oy bh t ‘est energency tps wie nua law bret al prosur tp snd igh a temperate For telebe operon of alr compressors, rspecton and mainienance of tellowng equament shoud be cared xt proicaly Every 2.9 Months ofa 690 Hour Interval 1 Clean air and ol strainers 2 Crankesue inspection an ol enewal 3 Ovethau sucton delivery ves 4 Checking foundation bots tightness Every 6 Months 41 Clean ner ter coolers (emia earing ofa si) 2 Clean rah water cooler (i se water cooled) {3 Clean cooking water spazeit'sea water cooled) 4 Inspect cootng water pump bek (without LT sytem) 5 Inspect magnetic unloader ae 15 Inspection of counting pad Every 30 Months 1 Overhaul of compressor 2 Caltration’ Measurement of dearances (Bumping, smal er, ig ‘end, main bearing, piston seg groove) 2 Inspecton of coling water pump (without LT sytem) Every 5 Years 41 Suny of compressor, running tals ane testing of safety vale 2 Overnauiel eacte motor 3 Inapection/ replacement of fexibie cougling ‘TROUBLE SHOOTING First stage discharge pressure slow Flowing may be te probable causes 1 2 3 4 5 8 Suctn ster s eno Unite frat stage leaking Frat sage suction eles nt sing propery, resuing in Sonoran a naage St tage suchen Vale Isnt opening ly, ean to less ita ose Sper ly eaora Role lve afer fet stage i ean. Pistons fst tage ae bad ni out Fist stage discharge prossure ie high Following maybe the probate causes: 1 2 a Intecezole ai passage is chocke ‘Second stage suction valve set esa property. lowing ar tw escape om 2ndo Tat stage Discharge valve o et tage = matincning Second stage discharge pressure Is low Fotowing may be te pobable causes: ‘Suston valve fr second stages leaking or malfunction Piston rings of second lage are wom out, compressed as loxngin canta. | ef valve of sora stage i leaking, Unloadero second tage leaking Following maybe the protabe cause: Compressor escharge vate or ar alle ing valve is shut Second stage ascnarge vave is matnctonn, ‘Aer coir passage is choked ‘rbot ts over ressurzed Rott valve of first stage is iting Foawing may be the probable causes 1 Spring of elt vate is matunctoning tus iting below he st pressure BiScharge valve offre stage is nt opening Intercooter ar passage blocked Suction vaio of second sage is esking ‘ater leakage side the compression chamber ue oerak in the jacket, Rolie vale of second stage isting Fallwng maybe the probable causes 4) lef vavo i maltunetoring and ifing below the setting Bermpresordlscargevahe caf ote fing valves cose 2 3 Blockage m the ste conle a passage. 42 ater leakage ise the comoresion chamber dve to ack in| the tet ‘Compressor tips epeatedly ‘caus: Low ubicaing ot pressure 9 + Compressors running fer abnormal feng ted to wich a 2 {ese ubraaing a ow ieatg a pessure duet choked ‘ar! wom out bangs are cause: High air temperature ip 4 Comprestoris runing for abril fg time 2 Fouedarcosiare, cause: Mote overoad 2 Compressor or motor seizure, 2 Supplto one ofthe phases is sing CHAPTER 5 PURIFIERS ‘Specific Learning Objectives ‘Understand the recess ofl preston ‘Unstand the use of rau fore inl pifisaion Uncerstand the veo fier no puifleation Ungestae constuction and operation of magnet ters Undestare conduction and operation of wire mesh ers Understare construction and operation of carte & fe lors Understand the na fr centragalsenarstion ‘Understand tne darscson ad puriston processes Understand te estimation of gravity cee ‘Understand te slecton of gravy se Understand the dference between hbuar and bow separators Understand the acton of parcles nerwcen the acs Uncestand the factors aetna parle size in pune Understane the dference n manval and se-leaning bows Undesiana the sitcenarging mechanism Understand the layout of puter pipes ‘Understand tre methods of sige ssposal as per MARPOL Understand tre tansmssicn of power to purifier bot Understand the checks requed before starting te purities Understand the grocedure stat the prfer Understand the epeaton purer ser he black Undestr the ference between purer ana cater tows Understand th operation cf ALCAP System ‘Understand th ayo oul clare ping ‘Understand the automaton in puree and clans Understand the montorng of alarm in puis and laters Understand the mthods fol purticaon Understand te optimum tnoughputate in puters and claiers

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