CSH-10 Thirst For Blood and Stone

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Thirst For Blood and Stone

Cabal of Shadows Faction Scenario #10

An Adventure for 10th-Level Characters
(Scaled for 10th-13th Levels of Play)
Written By: Greg Marks
Cabal of Shadows Factionmaster: Greg Marks
The Cabal seeks to restore their allies in the Hand of Stalwart and raise an army of cloud giants to be used against the growing pirate threat. The first
step will be to overcome the madness that affects them, and for that the Children of Xoriat have stepped forward with a ritual requiring the hearts of
four individuals tied to the elements. You are sent to claim the first. A Xen'drik Expeditions Cabal of Shadows faction adventure optimized for 10th-level

Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, and Peter Adkison.

Sources: Complete Adventurer [Jesse Decker]; Complete Arcane [Richard Baker]; Miniatures Handbook [Michael Donais, Skaff Elias, Rob Heinsoo, Jonathan Tweet]

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Adventure Background
Nearly a year and half ago, the Cabal of Shadows claimed the Hand of Stalwart Reverie (CSH02 – Shadows
Over Stormreach) as its secret lair, but they are not alone inside. The minds of Deondag the Master of Rites
and his clan of cloud giants inhabit psionic constructs at the pinnacle of the tower where all of them (with the
exception of Deondag) languish in madness brought on during the last invasion of Xen’drik by the realm of
dreams, Dal Quor. As part of their agreement with Deondag, the Cabal promised that they would restore the
cloud giants to sanity and install them in new bodies that the entire clan might be brought into the shadowy
embrace of the Cabal.
The first step in fulfillment of this devil’s bargain is to restore the minds of their giant allies. Unfortunately
none of the standard spells or items function on the giants in their glass prisons, and more severe methods
are called forth. Ever the students of madness, the Children of Xoriat are well acquainted with ways to drive
others to insanity or foster the madness within. However Sublime, the fallen angel who leads the bloodthirsty
Obscura, has access to the rites of both Heaven and Hell and he has knows of a blessed ritual that can
sooth the most troubled brow. This ritual requires a drop of blood from each of the four elements. To cure
the entire clan, he postulates that more will be needed and so an entire heart must be ripped from one
dedicated and spawned of each of the elements.
The PCs have been chosen to recover the first heart, that of earth, from a stone giant elder called Boruk
the Lifestone. Boruk lives on Granite Green Mountain, which is home to the Tulwoffa clan, a peaceful tribe of
stone giants that remain close to nature and have been known to aid occasional wilderness travelers

Adventure Synopsis
Adventure Start: The adventurers are brought together in a small chapel in Stormreach in the shadow of
Radiant Hold. Once here, Sublime explains what is expected of them and how they will travel to Granite
Green Mountain.
Part One: The PCs are closeted in a caravan of missionaries traveling to Granite Green Mountain with
the intent of spreading the Silver Flame and Sovereign Host to the stone giants there. They are quite happy
to have the PCs join them for their travels through the dangerous wilderness.
Part Two: The caravan stops early for the first night following trouble fording a river. It gives the PCs a
chance to get to know some of their fellow travelers, as well as compete in a friendly contest.
Part Three: Just as the caravan nears its destination, it runs afoul of a hungry beast and the PCs must
help fight off the creature if they are to maintain their disguise.
Part Four: The PCs arrive at the giants’ camp where they are not warmly received. The PCs must
choose how to proceed and the adventure may follow down many paths while the PCs explore the giant
camp and the interplay of the faithful pilgrims with their giant hosts.
Part Five: Eventually the PCs will come into conflict with the stone giant elder Chief Boruk the Lifestone,
and claim his heart. Furious at his death, it is possible that the party will have further conflict with the rest of
his clan.
Conclusion: The PCs return to Stormreach with their prize and meet with Sublime in the same chapel
where their adventure began.

Adventure Secret: There are two places in which an adventure secret might be revealed during this
adventure. Should any of the PCs use a card or ability to unlock an adventure secret before leaving
Stormreach, they may gain some suggestion that the ability to convert stone to flesh will be helpful on their
journey as the area is fraught with strange creatures with fell powers. This might come in the form of an old
travel log or prophetic revelation (as appropriate for the ability or card). Another option is for the card or
ability to advise the PCs that Chief Boruk will not be attending the revival and instead plans to spend the
evening alone (during Part Four).
Content Warning: As members of an evil faction, Cabal of Shadows adventures often deal with mature
themes such as violence, blasphemy or depravity. It is the DM’s job to keep the sensibilities of the players in
mind when running any adventure and adjust accordingly. Always remember that everyone should be
having fun and not made to feel uncomfortable.
Obscura: Some members of the Cabal of Shadows also belong to Obscura, sub-factions within the
Cabal. The Obscura often have secret missions for their members, and this time is no different. Ask each
player to hand you a note listing his or her Obscura, if any. All players should hand in a note, even if they are
not a member of any Obscura in order to keep suspicions evenly spread throughout the party. Return the

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correct player handout to each player so they understand the details of their secret mission. This should be
done immediately following the Adventure Start but before Part One.

Adventure Start
The PCs arrive individually at roughly the same time, following a message asking them to a clandestine
meeting after dark at the Shrine of St. Isalda of the Perpetual Devotion. It is night and none of the PCs are
traveling together prior to their arrival.

You secretly received a strange note ordering you to report for a mission briefing at the Shrine of St. Isalda
of the Perpetual Devotion, a small out of the way chapel honoring a little known follower of the Silver Flame.
The night is quiet and still, a brief respite from the constant rains. A candle flickers behind the narrow stained
glass of the chapel, lighting the alleyway as you cross to enter. Inside the chapel to your right, sits a
gnomish man dressed as a priest. He is bent over small writing desk, hard at work in the feeble candlelight.
A young man wearing the robes of acolyte kneels before the altar, his hands spread as in prayer. White
feathery wings mark him as Sublime, the leader of the Children of Xoriat. He stands gracefully at your
entrance and folds his hands together.

Sublime is pleased to see the PCs and bids them to sit in the pews that he might explain why he called them
here. Any PC that succeeds in a DC 20 Knowledge (religion) check notes that much of the ritual Sublime
was undergoing is technically correct, but his manner is subtly blasphemous. Each prayer is missing a word
or two, his hands are folded downward instead of up, and the holy symbol he wears is tarnished and
crooked. To the casual observer he appears the perfect picture of piety and angelic grace. Only those who
know more will see his act for what it is.

The winged youth smiles mildly as he begins. “I am glad you were able to make it. I know today is an
important holy day for St. Isalda and you might have been otherwise busy.” A slight smirk threatens to creep
into the corners of his mouth, but he goes on. “As you likely know the Cabal shares its home with unique
allies. The cloud giants of Clan Urazga remain trapped in madness inside mental prisons constructed by
their leader Deondag. Bodiless and insane, they are of little use to the Cabal, so we must remedy both
situations. The Children of Xoriat are no stranger to madness and we are privy to much knowledge of both
heaven and hell. We do not meet here by chance. St Isalda is known for a blessed ritual that cured victims
of lunacy. While the ritual is now lost to mortal men, it remains with me, and I will twist it to our needs that we
might bring salvation to our new allies. But I require certain implements to enact the ritual and you shall be
my instruments.”

At this point allow the PCs the chance to ask questions of Sublime. He explains their mission based upon
the narrative above, and the details provided here.
• What do you need us to do? “The ritual of our dear sainted Isalda helps only one person and
requires a mixture of rare elements and the blood of our saint. I propose a few modifications. We
will instead need the hearts of four individuals, each devoted to one of the four elements. You will
recover the first heart, that of earth.”
• Where do we get the heart? “You must bring me the intact heart of the stone giant elder Boruk the
Lifestone from Granite Green Mountain; home to the reclusive Tulwoffa clan.”
• How do we get there? “I have arranged for you to join a missionary caravan leaving Radiant Hold
tomorrow at dawn. They are expecting eight different people, so you have your choice cover
identities.” Gesturing to the gnomish priest Sublime continues, “Brother Felvard will happily provide
you with the proper identification papers when you choose which suits you.”
• What is Radiant Hold: “It is a bastion of faith in this troubled land, and we believe it to be the
headquarters of the Covenant of Light.”
• How do we impersonate these identities? “Each identity has been used by the Cabal in the past
so you will find a short description of their past and personality along with a handful of props to aid
you in your impersonation. The caravan does not know the gender or race of any of the individuals,
only their name and purpose for joining, so it should be easy for you to take on these roles. As we
use these identities from time to time, it is important that you do what you can to limit any damage
to their reputations while still completing the mission. Also, assuming it is possible, all of the
equipment given to you should be returned.”
• He’s a cleric of the Silver Flame. Can we trust Brother Felvard? “You needn’t worry about
Felvard. We are old acquaintances; very old.”
• What is the caravan doing? “The caravan is traveling to Granite Green Mountain with the hopes
of converting the wild giants. While the stone giants have been never been violent or cruel, I

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suspect there is little chance of any conversions, though I suspect that knowledge would not
dissuade the missionaries.”
• Why should we travel with the caravan? “Boruk rarely leaves the company of his stone giant
clan and it would be difficult for you to get close to him on your own, however the missionaries will
give you an excuse to infiltrate the tribe and they should also provide a suitable diversion and
scapegoat for any plans you might develop. I stress however, that while you may be able to slay a
giant or two, the entire tribe is a force to be reckoned with. Do not try to rain the fire of your wrath
upon them all.”
• How are we to get the heart? “That is for you to decide. Blessed are those who think for
themselves and find a way to persevere.”
• What do we do when we have the heart? “Return here and give the heart over to me.”

Role-playing Members of the Council of the Obscured

Sublime is one of the four individuals that sit upon the Council of the Obscured and make decisions for the
Cabal of Shadows. Each is an old and powerful individual whose goals exceed the daily concerns of normal
folk. Their powers exceed anything the PCs may muster. When portraying them, it is important that they
maintain an air of otherworldly mystery.
Sublime: The speaker of the Children of Xoriat takes the form of masked teen of indeterminate sex with
fine white angel-like wings. The child, known as Sublime is disturbingly calm for one of the Children and
speaks of the eradication of whole cities with the same intensity one might discuss the weather. During
discussions on how to proceed, Sublime generally urges the most violent and bloody methods.

Once the PCs are ready to proceed, Sublime leaves them in the care of Brother Felvard, an apparent
gnomish priest of the Silver Flame and expert forger. Brother Felvard provides the all the proper
identification, as well as the props listed as part of each cover identity (Player Handout #2). There is an
extra sealed, green box among the props intended for any Mourners of Yore PCs.
Brother Felvard is an obsequious little man who lives to please. The only subject upon which he will not
speak is his association with Sublime. Should the subject come up, he simply smiles, and for the briefest of
moments, his eyes look slitted, like those of a cat.
Once the PCs leave, they are welcome to purchase any additional gear in the city that they feel they
need using the rules in the Campaign Standards. When they are prepared, move to their dawn meeting at
Radiant Hold and Part One.

Part One: Sheep’s Clothing

This encounter begins as the PCs arrive at dawn in the shadow of Radiant Hold, the Covenant of Light
stronghold beyond the walls of Stormreach.

The sun barely creeps above the jungle canopy to shine on the crumbling walls of Radiant Hold and already
the bustling caravan is nearly ready to leave. Men load and secure trunks in a number of high, narrow
wagons meant to traverse difficult terrain, while a collection of robed priests sprinkle holy water and bless
the them with prayers for safe journey. A finely dressed man stands to one side glowering, watching their
displays of piety unimpressed. One of the teamsters spots your group and points you out to one of the larger
priests who hurries toward you, aspergillum bouncing in hand and dripping over his vestments and elegant
jade holy symbol.
“Hello, hello, my friends, and welcome on this fine morning. May we all find good fortune and joy. I am
Father Eldas. Would you be the others we have been waiting for?”

Father Eldas bumbles towards the PCs and welcomes them. He asks them if they are the rest of their party,
and then introduces himself as well as Sister Cleotte and Baqo the Lead Teamster (who first noticed the
PCs’ approach). For more details on these NPCs and others, see DM Aid #1. Eldas is quite pleased that the
PCs have finally arrived, and admits that he was a little worried that the caravan might be awfully
shorthanded. As it is, some people are still missing (the unused cover identities).
After the pleasantries are out of the way, he offers the party a moment of his time and asks if there is
anything they require before getting underway. Use the following to answer likely questions:
• He can introduce the PCs to any member of the expedition (DM Aid #1).
• He suggests they spread out throughout the caravan as appropriate (if any of the PCs are
pretending to be Gotolui or Lodare, they are likely in the front). If someone has a horse of wagon of
their own, they are welcome to ride, otherwise like the majority of the caravan they will be walking.

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• Father Eldas is technically in charge of the expedition, but its management is primarily left up to
Baqo, an arrangement that Eldas is perfectly comfortable with. Eldas is walking, though his
possessions are in the second wagon (along with those of Sister Cleotte).
• The convoy will be leaving as soon as the last wagon is packed and the PCs are settled. That
should be within the next ten minutes or so. The journey is expected to take approximately two
• The convoy is departing from Radiant Hold and not Stormreach because the primary sponsors of
this all-important missionary work are based here. A small portion of the costs are being funded by
some of the other members of the expedition, notably Eben Tharashk.
• There are approximately two-dozen other members in the party besides the PCs; mostly guards
(warrior 1) or teamsters (commoner 1).
• Those that have hired on as workers (guides, cooks, teamsters, guards, and the like), will be paid
the agreed upon 1 sp per day plus meals, and Father Eldas thanks them for their charity in
assisting this most holy of missions.
Once their questions are answered and any needs addressed, Father Eldas bids them to join their places in
the caravan and make ready to head out. Should any PC wish to immediately interact with one of the other
NPCs, use the information provided in Part Two and DM’s Aid #1, but keep in mind they have only a short
time before they must leave. Note that while Father Eldas is wearing a jade holy symbol, any Instrument of
Change PCs that looks closely can tell it is not carved in the likeness of a scorpion and is thus not their
Once the caravan has gotten underway, proceed with Part Two.

Part Two: First Night

The first day has gone well enough, as you made your way into the jungle. Late afternoon found you fording
the first of many small rivers that will cross your path. You made it across with out more than a few wet feet,
but as the last of the wagons was pulled across, it suddenly listed violently and plunged into the water.
Another hour fishing supplies out of the river and a broken axel that needed repair lead to the caravan
setting up camp for an early night. Now you are drying yourself by the fire as your compatriots prepare for

This encounter gives the PCs a chance to get to know the other members of their expedition during a series
of short vignettes. PCs that do not wish to participate do not have to, but try to include all those who wish to
interact with the other members of the caravan. Of course some of them will also have duties to attend to
during this period, such as cooking the evening meal or setting up tents. While listed in their most likely
order, these events can happen in whatever pattern make sense for your particular party.
This is an excellent chance for the PCs to feel out the other members of the caravan and determine who
might be useful in their future plans.

Evening Services
As the teamsters and guards go about setting up camp, any PC using Gaurnor or Ledund as their cover
identity is approached by Father Eldas who asks if they would be willing to offer evening services along side
him. He would like to offer a multi-faith service in the spirit of Radiant Hold before dinner is ready. Of course
all other members of the caravan are welcome to attend and worship in the manner of their good and
righteous faith.
It is up to the PC how to respond, though Father Eldas pushes for the joint service and will be very
disappointed if the PC refuses, though he tries to take it in good stride. If the PC agrees to perform the
service, a small handful of the teamsters and guards will attend along with Sister Cleotte. While no one will
question the PC during the service, have PCs leading a service make a DC 15 Bluff check with a +2 synergy
bonus if the PC has 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (religion) and a +2 circumstance bonus if they use a
prayer book appropriate to their “faith.” Should the PC fail, Sister Cleotte becomes suspicious of the PC and
begins to watch them much more closely and possibly becomes a problem for them in Part Four of the

Any PC portraying Tanfrid will be expected cook dinner for the entire caravan and to do it in timely fashion.
Have the PC make a DC 10 Craft (cooking) or Profession (cook) check to succeed at a passable meal.
Failure means the meal is well below average or takes much longer than it should have. Role-play this
situation up with grumbling by the guards and teamsters.

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While preparing the meal, one of the young wagon drivers, a human lad named Virth (CN, commoner 1),
attempts to swipe an apple from the stores. Have the cook make a DC 10 Spot check to catch him. If
confronted by his thievery, Virth is panicked. He knows that some of the religious types might be rather
harsh with him and he knows that Baqo might kick him out and send him to walk back to Stormreach on his
own, assuming he didn’t just chop off a hand. He begs “Tanfrid” not to tell anyone and offers to do anything
in exchange for buying silence in this matter. The PC impersonating Tanfrid has the opportunity to make an
ally through kindness or intimidation and blackmail. Either way, Virth is will to spy on others or do small
errands, though asking him to perform a blatantly evil act sends him to Father Eldas to beg for forgiveness
and divert attention to the true culprit in the caravan’s midst.

The Big Game

After dinner Baqo, Eben and Meerzon sit down to play a game of Menechtarum Roll (see the rules in
accompanying sidebar), a simple dice game from the southern side of the continent. They are betting a few
coppers each time while swapping tales and sips of whiskey. Any PCs are welcome to join, though those
playing guards or crew are more likely to be comfortable in their company. The bet is usually for 1-5 cp, and
those wanting to raise it above 1 sp make the game too rich for the NPCs who bow out. Anyone watching
each player carefully will note that Baqo is wearing a jade scorpion necklace (sought by Instrument of
Change PCs). Make careful note not to spend too much game time playing Menechtarum Roll instead of the
actual adventure.
As the game progresses and the hour grows late Meerzon eventually comes out of his shell and tells his
story. In addition to learning more about this otherwise quiet half-drow, and PCs still in the game at that time
may learn some helpful hints about the dangers of the area.

Through drunken eyes, bleary from campfire smoke and lack of sleep, the taciturn half drow Meerzon
speaks quietly, as if remembering a dream. “I’ve been here before, you know. Not but a few weeks ago. It’s
why I joined this expedition. I don’t care nothing for this “holy mission.” We were searching for some lost
ruin, supposed to have walls of glass and filled with all sorts of valuable gems. It came upon us in the night
as we were looking for a place to camp. It was huge, with great scales and a vast swishing tail. Most of the
caravan guards broke and ran right away, but not Hurthor. He was a great orc with a glowing axe, brave as
a she-wolf protecting her cubs he was. Hurthor charged and the beast fixed him with an eager eye and the
brave orc was frozen in place before covering half the distance. That was the last thing I saw. I don’t know
what happened to the rest of the caravan, but they have to be out there. When I got back to Stormreach I
signed up for the first group coming back out this way, hoping we might find some survivors.” Meerzon
suddenly goes silently and stares off into the flame before beginning to softly snore.

Meerzon doesn’t want to speak further about the incident, and only spoke on it this much because of excess
drink. If woken up and pressed further, he walks away. He is clearly haunted by having abandoned his
compatriots and doesn’t feel like sharing his pain.

Menechtarum Roll
Menechtarum Roll simple betting dice game commonly played among various caravan personnel and
travelers across Xen’drik. To play, each player needs 2d6. A die cup is preferred to hide each player’s roll,
though some cover their dice with their hand instead (a situation ripe for accusations of cheating). The game
plays as follows:
• Before rolling, each player puts an ante into the pot. This amount is agreed upon before the start of the
game and stays the same for each round. A copper piece is a typical ante.
• Every player rolls his dice and while keeping them covered so the other players cannot see, looks at their
• In a clockwise direction, each player, starting with the player who won the previous round (or in the case
of the first hand, the DM), may up the ante. Each player must increase the bet, call the bet, or bow out
of the game forfeiting their ante. Players may only make the choice once, and once the bet has passed
to the next player it does not return to them. If a player has called the bet and a later player raises it,
that player must put in the difference. They cannot bow out.
• If all players but one bow out, that player automatically wins and claims the pot without showing his roll to
the other players.
• If multiple players remain in the game after each player has had the chance bet, call or bow, all players
show their roll (totaling both dice) and a winner if determined using the following rules:
o The highest roll usually wins, but there are exceptions.
o If two or more players both have the same total, neither player wins and the next highest total is
instead the winner. This applies even if one player has rolled doubles (see below).

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o A roll of 2 always wins. If multiple players roll a 2, they split the pot evenly with any extra coins left
in the pot for the next round.
o If a player rolls doubles (the same number on both of the dice), they cannot win, regardless of their
total unless all other players bow out.
o If no one wins, the pot remains and a second round is played with each player anteing again.
Those players that bowed out may ante again and have a chance to win the expanded pot.

You’re My Idol
Just before bed, one of the guards approaches the PC playing Bega (if present). Salla (LG female dwarf,
warrior 1) is in awe of the translator and scholar, claiming that she learned to read (somewhat poorly) using
one of the texts authored by Bega. She asks the PC about some of his/her other books, which of course the
PC has no knowledge of since they were written by other operatives establishing this cover identity.
Fortunately Salla accepts just about anything the PC might say before asking Bega to sign her copy of “A
Children’s Primer to Dwarven,” and read a section to her. Of course, it is written in Dwarven.
If the PC is particularly nice to her, Salla’s hero worship continues to swell for the rest of the journey and
she becomes fast friends with the PC, willing to aid in most tasks that do not violate her alignment. If she is
spurned, she becomes bitter and goes out of her way to impugn and embarrass the PC, possibly becoming
a problem for them in Part Four.

Continuing Relationships
These are just a few of the possibilities that might occur between the PCs and the NPCs of the caravan. If
the PCs feel inclined to further interactions with them, feel free to devote a few minutes to role-playing other
days or the development of the PCs’ plans. Be aware of the time allotted for your event however, particularly
if this adventure is being run in a convention setting. If the players do not seem inclined to use the NPCs to
their advantage, or they simply want to avoid them, proceed to the next encounter.

Part Three: Hunter or Prey (EL 12)

On the fifth day of travel, the caravan begins to enter into the foothills of the Granite Green Mountains.
Unfortunately for them, the area they pass through if the occasional hunting ground of creatures from Mabar
that pass through into this world via a thinning of the planar boundaries in this place. Allow any PCs at the
head of the column (such as those scouting or guarding) to make a DC 18 Spot check. If they succeed,
proceed with the following read aloud text and combat as normal and no one is surprised.

Buried in the lush undergrowth is a rearing statue of an antelope or deer, the exact animal is hard to tell
because the statue appears to have been gnawed upon by some creature. As the oddly out of placed statue
draws your eyes, one of the teamsters screams briefly and as you turn to look you notice his skin turn stone
gray as he stops moving. Something larger than a horse bursts from the brush behind you hissing, just out
of sight.

If no one succeeds with the initial Spot check, have each PC make an opposed Spot check against the
basilisk’s +4 Hide check. Those that fail are surprised. Those that are surprised also begin their turns looking
at the basilisk in shock.

One of the teamsters screams briefly and as you turn to look, you notice his skin turns stone gray as he
stops moving. Something larger than a horse bursts from the brush behind you hissing, its six reptilian legs
pumping towards you.

Foes: The basilisk is only interested in a few good meals, and moves in from the side of the caravan to
attack the nearest foes.
Abyssal Greater Basilisk: hp 189 each; MM 24.
Tactics: The basilisk smites good on his first attack, and then uses his petrifying gaze liberally. If brought
below 40 hp, it tries to drag a petrified victim in to the jungle and flee. For the most part, the other caravan
members are noncombatants and just try to move far enough away that they won’t be turned to stone. If the
PCs are particularly unlucky or having a hard time, you might take pity on them and us the statistics
presented in DM’s Aid #1 to help them.
Development: If any PC is turned to stone, Father Eldas has one vial of stone salve. Victims beyond the
first are up to the PCs to rescue. If all else fails, petrified PCs can be wrapped in blankets and put into the
back of a wagon until they return to Stormreach where a stone to flesh spell can be purchased.

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Scaling the Encounter
11th-Level Characters: No change.
12th-Level and 13th-Level Characters: Add the basilisk’s master, a noble salamander (MM 219) whom
has come along with his hound on the hunt.

Those That Have Come Before

It is possible that the PCs will decide to search the area for the creature’s lair (which is not on this plane) or
for other victims of the basilisk. Either way, Meerzon launches himself off into the underbrush hoping to find
survivors of his previous doomed expedition. While others in the caravan call for him to return, he is
consumed with the thought that he might be able to find one of his lost companions in the area since the
basilisk was also here. Oddly enough, in this case he is correct.
Hidden beneath a tangle of fast growing jungle vines (DC 12 Search) is the statue of a gnome female
that Meerzon can identify as Choppsie Yanderfloodle (CG rogue 2). She was part of the team on his last
voyage. No others are to be found, but finding Choppsie gives Meerzon a new sense of hope. Unfortunately
it seems that the basilisk or some other creature has gnawing upon her stony form as her legs have been
eaten away. Because of this, Meerzon suggests that it would be best to bring her frozen body back to
Stormreach where she could not only be made flesh again, but her legs might be regenerated. He is strongly
against having her suffer with these grievous wounds for the entire journey if the PCs suggest bringing to out
of her curse immediately.
Meerzon’s devotion Choppsie borders on the disturbing. He spends much of the rest of the journey
(when not searching for more survivors), fawning over her rocky torso. He spends hours cleaning her,
polishing her, and generally having a one-sided conversation about he how sorry he is to have left her and
the others. Creative PCs might find someway to use this dementia against Meerzon or to twist him to their

Part Four: Unwelcoming Arms

This encounter is broken up into four sections, each of which are closely tied and affect each other. The first
section, First Contact, deals with the arrival of the caravan in the area of Green Granite Mountain and their
initial contact with the stone giant tribe. The second section, Village of Stone, details the areas of the village
and of the giants that live there. How this information is used may vary based on the actions of the PCs. The
third section, Visitation, discuses the timeline of the caravan’s visit and opportunities the party might have to
get free reign in the village. The last section only applies is a member of the Mourners of Yore Obscura is
present at the table.

First Contact
Several days after the attack by the basilisk, the caravan has climbed into the mountains.

The climb into the mountains have not been easy, but the caravan has progressed above the jungle canopy
and the temperature has steady fallen while the terrain has become rockier. Bushes and trees still dot the
landscape, but they no longer blot out the sun.
Noting the clear blue sky and thin clouds, it is easy to see the huge boulder plummeting out of the sky
towards your head.

The caravan has come across a stone giant hunting party. The giants wish to warn away the interlopers with
a feel well placed boulders.
Creatures: Three giants (Gruk, Kronk, and Sibel) have stumbled across the expeditions. Rather than
attacking the puny humanoids, they scream threats in their direction and throw boulders in the general
direction of the caravan (and avoiding actually hitting anyone). They are protecting their territory and trying
to force the expedition away through intimidation. They are simple folk, who are actually more timid than
their initial loud front might make them appear.
Stone Giants (3): hp 119 each; MM 124.
Development: The giants do not speak or understand Common but do not want to harm anyone. If the
PCs show a willingness to approach in a calm, friendly manner, the giants stop throwing boulders. The other
members of the caravan do not want a fight to develop, as that will make their conversion efforts more
difficult. The giants are somewhat surprised if anyone in the expedition speaks the Giant language, and
begin to begrudgingly parlay with the speaker. If no one speaks Giant and cannot mimic the ability with
magic, getting the giants to allow the caravan to continue to the village after hearing the purpose of the
caravan is more difficult. If no one speaks Giant, a DC 17 Diplomacy check is required to calm the giants

CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 8

sufficiently through pantomimes and soothing words. If no one among the PCs succeeds, Father Eldas will
Should the PCs slay any of the giants, the others flee, trying to rouse the rest of the village. Should the
PCs allow them to flee, the rest of the village will go to war against the caravan shortly thereafter. Father
Eldas and the rest of the caravan will be furious with any PCs that kill one of the giants and do their best to
smooth things over. Their success is up to the DM.

Village of Stone
About twenty minutes further down the mountain trail from where the PCs encountered the giant hunters, the
caravan comes to the giant village. This following read aloud text assumes someone can communicate with
the giants and the hunters have agreed to lead the expedition to their village. If this is not the case, you
should adjust the text accordingly.

Cresting the edge of the pass offers a breathtaking morning view of a mountain valley, complete with placid
lake and a small village on the other side. One of your giant guides raises his hand, “You wait here. We will
bring your words to the Lifestone and he will decide your fate.”
After a few minutes, a delegation of stone giants walks around the lake to where the expedition waits. At
its head is a tall, imposing giant, clad in hide and cradling an intricately carved greatclub. Stopping a spear’s
throw from you, the leader speaks with a voice like cracking stone, “I am the Lifestone. We are the Tulwoffa.
Who are you and why do you come?”

Boruk is more stern and direct than most stone giants. He minces few words and asks direct questions.
While the giants of the Tulwoffa clan are not violent, they do not appreciate outsiders, seeking to live in
relative peace. Give the PCs a chance to speak up and explain themselves, but if no one seems inclined to
do so, Father Eldas will.
Boruk gives them chance to explain themselves, interacting only when asked questions, but otherwise
giving the appearance of considering the PCs carefully. The Tulwoffa are a quiet folk, not given to strong
religious beliefs. Those few that they hold are tied to general beliefs in the sanctity of nature with druidic
overtones. The tribe holds no deity above others. Boruk tells the party their religion will find no audience
here and suggests the little folk turn around and go home. Of course the religious leaders of the expedition
will have none of that and implore the stone giant chieftain to allow them the chance to spread their word to
the members of his tribe. While the DM is encouraged role-play out this interaction and give the PCs the
illusion of involvement, in the end, Boruk is reluctantly convinced to allow the caravan to camp on this side of
the lake and send small groups of their members into the village to interact with the inhabitants. Father
Eldas offers to hold a revival the following evening, to showcase the various faiths they represent to any of
the giants that wish to visit.
Nodding, the chief returns to his village and the PCs have two days to explore and plan before the

1. Witch Doctor Oberig’s Hut

A stone hut stands off by itself on the shore of the lake. Its eves are decorated with hanging strings of
colorful stones, feathers, fish scales and bird claws. Odd blue smoke rises into the sky from a precariously
leaning chimney.

Witch Doctor Oberig is a crotchety elderly stone giant that has little love for other stone giants, much less
human interlopers from beyond the mountains. He lives by himself and if not for his responsibility to care for
the village fire and pronounce auspicious blessings over newborn giant children, he would likely enter into a
solitary life. His stone hut is poorly maintained and packed with all manner of mumbo-jumbo and
meaningless hoodoo that he uses as part of his roll. Oberig can almost always be found here or at the
nearby fire pit.
Creatures: Oberig strongly dislikes the arrival of the caravan and begins to have “visions” of vague
doom and danger associated with the expedition. He urges Boruk and the other giants to forcibly evict the
humanoids immediately, though he will not take violent action without his chief’s authorization. Should Boruk
be slain, he takes over leadership of the clan and organizers an attack on the interlopers.
Witch Doctor Oberig: male stone giant sorcerer 4, hp 147; See Combat Statistics.
Tactics: If combat seems likely or the tensions in the village have been raised for any reason, Oberig
will have previously cast mage armor upon himself. If he must fight, Oberig tries to avoid melee and uses his
ray spells from a distance. He uses his metamagic rod as often as possible.

CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 9

Witch Doctor Oberig CR 10
Male stone giant sorcerer 4
CN Large Giant (Earth)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Listen +1, Spot +12
Languages Giant

AC 24, touch 13, flat-footed 22 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +11 natural, +2 deflection)
hp 147 (18 HD)
Fort +14, Ref +7, Will +11

Speed 40 ft. (8 squares)

Melee mwk greatclub +20/+15 (2d8+12) OR
2 slams +19 (1d4+8)
Ranged rock +13 (2d8+12)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +12; Grp +24
Combat Gear potion of levitation, scroll of see invisibility, wand of glitterdust (DC 13, 2 charges)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 8th):
2nd (4/day)—scorching ray (+14 ranged)
1st (7/day)—mage armor, ray of enfeeblement (+14 ranged), true strike
0 (6/day)—detect magic, mending, message, ray of frost (+14 ranged), read magic, touch of fatigue (DC

Abilities Str 27, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
SQ rock catching
Feats Combat Reflexes, Iron Will, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Practiced Spellcaster, Precise Shot,
Weapon Focus (ray)
Skills Climb +11, Concentration +11, Hide +6 (+14 in rocky terrain), Jump +11, Spellcraft +7, Spot +12
Possessions combat gear plus ring of deflection +2, lesser metamagic rod of empower, masterwork
greatclub, 3 rocks

Rock Catching (Ex) A stone giant gains a +4 racial bonus on its Reflex saving throw when attempting to
catch a thrown rock.

Hook “You don’t belong here.”

2. Chief Boruk’s Hut

This larger structure has no seems and appears to be made of one solid piece of stone. Crude, but
extensive carvings of natural scenes decorate the walls. Dozens of sweet smelling herbs hang from the
doorframe, their fragrance filling the air.

Chief Boruk has used his abilities to fashion his home from the surrounding terrain. A DC 24 Spellcraft check
determines the building was made using magic and a DC 29 Knowledge (nature) check reveals that some
stone giants can use the stone shape spell as a spell-like ability.
The chief spends most of his time wandering the village and dispensing wisdom and magical aid. He
sleeps here with his animal companion Shaduk. For more information on Boruk the Lifestone, see Part Five.

3. Stone Giant Hut

This small structure is made of stone with a peaked roof. Its door and yard are decorated with various forms
of stone artwork.

Each of these huts is home to 1d3 adult stone giants (to a total of 16) and 1d2 children (noncombatants).
The giants are generally shy around the PCs, and spend most of their time in traditional tribal roles. Free
time is filled with the creation of stone-related artwork (sculpture, sand painting, carving friezes on the walls
of their homes, etc…). In general the giants try to be polite if proselytized to, but their blank faces suggest
that they do not truly understand the idea of all-powerful beings that dictate how they should live their lives.
Any questions they might ask are always to relate these views back to the natural world, which they believe
to be all encompassing. Is your god just another name for the wind? Does your god live in the lake? Why

CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 10

does your god care if I have two wives when I care not who his bride is? While not truly comprehending
these foreign religions, their curiosity grows with time.
The three hunters (Gruk, Kronk, and Sibel) met at the beginning of this encounter are generally more
outgoing than their neighbors and ask questions frequent about the outside world. Given to simple pleasures
of drinking and hunting, the hunters relate to those who offer similar pursuits. Drunken stupors are easily
induced in these three.
Stone Giants (16): hp 119 each; MM 124.
Tactics: The stone giants fight as expected for their kind, throwing rocks and then moving to melee. If
attacked, they scream for help while fighting and do their best to alert the rest of the village to the danger
they face.

4. Dire Bear Lair

A dark hole gapes in the center of a heaping pile of rocks. The musky odor of animals wafts from within.

The dark passage leads five feet below the ground to a rough twenty-foot diameter dugout. Bones and fur
common to a bear’s lair are everywhere.
Creatures: A dire bear called Boulder by the giants has been semi-domesticated by the clan. She lairs
here and occasionally accompanies the hunters on their forays into the wild. As long as the tribe continues
to treat her well and frequently offers her large portions of fresh meat, she will continue to raise her cubs
here. The bears occasionally surface to fish or explore. The giants toss them food, but otherwise give them
a wide berth.
Boulder the Dire Bear: hp 105; MM 63.
Dire Bear Cubs (3): hp 19 each (as black bear); MM 269.
Tactics: if her cubs are threatened or someone invades her lair, Boulder lets loose threatening growl
and if the invader does not immediately back away, she attacks without mercy. She and her cubs readily eat
any meat thrown their way.

5. Tribal Fire Pit

A huge bonfire smolders in this vast pit. Large rocks, perfect for a giant to sit upon, surround the fire and
various cooking implements and metal pots larger than a dwarf are neatly placed nearby.

The fire pit is the focus of the village life. At most hours of the day, a handful of giants can be found here
cooking, doing crafts, or gossiping. At night, the village gathers to eat and swap stories, songs or dances.
Oberig is sometimes found here tending the fire or gazing into its depths and making questionable
prophecies based upon the flickering of the flames.

This encounter is intended to be very freeform and somewhat role-playing intensive. After the giants reach a
détente with members of the religious crusade, the PCs have several days to explore the village, interact
with the giants, and plan for their eventual assassination. While each PC has a cover to maintain, and the
DM should make sure they put at least a perfunctory effort towards their duties (meals must be cooked,
religious services must be provided, etc…), they have a great deal of time to themselves. What follows is a
general outline of the events of the visitation provided no interference by the PCs. The DM should adjust
according to the actions of the PCs. The players should witness those events that PCs are near or involved
in as short role-playing vignettes that might allow them opportunities to develop their plan.
• Day 1, Morning: The caravan arrives in the village and sets up camp.
• Day 1, Afternoon: The first group of missionaries approaches the village and attempts to
understand the giants’ current religious beliefs as well as spread their faiths. If any PC spurned or
raised the suspicions of Salla the dwarven guard, she is assigned to accompany that PC in
whatever they are doing (ministering to the giants, guarding the camp, hunting for food, etc…). She
goes out of her to make things complicated for that PC and if possible, directs the ire of one of the
giants towards the PC.
• Day 1, Night: The three giant hunters venture into the camp, curious about the small humanoids.
They bring a large cask of ale.
• Day 2, Morning: Meerzon attempts to quietly approach a giant woman getting water from the lake
to ask her if she has seen any other survivors of his expedition. Unfortunately, since neither speaks
the other’s language, she mistakes his fast and loud words coupled with exaggerated pantomimes
as “evil drow spellcasting,” and flees in fear.

CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 11

• Day 2, Afternoon: Father Eldas and Sister Cleotte deliver an official invitation to a revival
showcasing the religious faiths of the Sovereign Host and the Silver Flame. At the same time the
crew begins erecting (very tall) tents and cooking huge portions of food.
• Day 2, Night: The revival occurs. Chief Boruk is the only giant not to attend, as he feels it to be a
violation of his druidic faith. Oberig joins the rest of the giants, but only to ridicule the humans and
make fun of their foolish beliefs. Grinn’ Robb offers to shave or cut the hair of any of the giants
visiting the tent and sadly finds out that stone giants possess little or no hair. He rebounds by
offering his dental services using a complicated system of ropes and pulleys to hoist himself into
their mouth. If any of the PCs have raised the suspicions of Sister Cleotte, she takes this
opportunity to put them on the spot in front of the giants. If they do not perform as they should for
their cover identity she convinces Father Eldas and some of the other members of the caravan to
arrest and interrogate the imposter.
• Day 3, Morning: The clergy make one last attempt at conversion and deliver various religious works
to the giants. Eben accompanies this group in attempt to sell goods to the giants and work out a
trade proposal with the giant Chief. If Boruk is dead, Eben discovers the body (if left where it can be
• Day 3, Midday: The caravan strikes camp and makes for Stormreach. Barring aid by the PCs, no
giants are seriously considering conversion. If Boruk has been found dead, Oberig leads the
hunters in an attack on the caravan with other giants reinforcing them until the caravan flees or all
are dead.

Mourners of Yore Special Mission

In addition to everything else going on, PCs belonging to the Mourners of Yore Obscura have a special
mission asking them to feed tainted meat to a large, violent animal (such as a dire animal). If they offer the
meat to Boulder, her cubs, or Shaduk, the dire animal eats it quickly. Twenty minutes later it begins acting
strangely: whining, rubbing its face, rolling on the ground and growling. Five minutes later it begins to foam
at the mouth and attacks the nearest living being (DM’s choice as to whom is nearby, but a small giant child
is always a good choice). The dire animal gains a +4 alchemical bonus to Strength and Constitution (with the
associated increase in hp), as well as a +10 bonus to its movement speed. In addition, the disease rapidly
burns up the animal’s health. It suffers 3 hp of damage per round from the incredible fever and sickness.
Anyone who wounds the animal is splattered by puss that flies from its sickness ravaged body and must
make a DC 13 Fortitude saving throw or contract Filth Fever. The animal fights till dead or subdued. Note
that due to his bond, Shaduk will not attack Boruk unless there are no other choices of target visible.
Repercussions for this event vary based on whether anyone can prove the PC caused the sickness. The
giants (and the members of the expedition) take a dim view of spreading this fast incubating plague to their

Part Five: Dirty Deeds

At some point, the PCs will have to come up with a plan to kill Chief Boruk and claim his heart. While the
adventure provides one opportunity during the revival, there is no end to the various ideas that the PCs
might come up with. As the DM, you must adjust to those possibilities.
Foes: Regardless of how they come for him, Boruk does his best to put up a fight. He spends most of
his time at the clan fire pit or visiting with other giants in the village. He is never without his animal
companion, Shaduk. Given that Boruk may have as much as two days to observe the PCs, he may alter his
spell selection (using the PHB or the ECS) if the PCs give him a reason to.
Boruk the Lifestone: Male stone giant elder druid 6, hp 173; See Combat Statistics.
Shaduk: Female dire badger animal companion, hp 76; See Combat Statistics.
Tactics: Shaduk charges the nearest foe and fights to the death, raging at the first chance available to
her. Boruk attempts to limit access to himself and his companion with spells such as sleet storm or spike
growth and then uses his spells to improve both his combat abilities, but also those of his ally. If he is not
immediately in melee, he is happy to use ranged spells before wading in with his club.

Boruk the Lifestone CR 12

Male stone giant elder druid 6
N Large giant (Earth)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Listen +4, Spot +15
Languages Giant

AC 26, touch 12, flat-footed 24 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +11 natural, +3 armor, +1 deflection)

CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 12

hp 173 (20 HD)
Resist +4 vs. spells and spell-like abilities of fey
Fort +18, Ref +8, Will +15

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); base speed 40 ft.

Melee +1 greatclub +22/+17 (2d8+13) OR
2 slams +21 (1d4+8)
Ranged rock +15 (2d8+12)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +14; Grp +26
Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot
Special Actions Spontaneous summon nature’s ally spells, wild shape (2/day)
Combat Gear scroll of cure moderate wounds, wand of dominate animal (3 charges)
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 10th):
3rd—greater magic fang, sleet storm, spike growth
2nd—barkskin, flaming sphere (DC 16), gust of wind (DC 16), resist energy
1st—entangle (DC 15), faerie fire, obscuring mist, shillelagh
0—create water, cure minor wounds, detect magic, light, mending
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th):
1/day each—stone shape, stone tell, and transmute rock to mud or transmute mud to rock (DC 17)

Abilities Str 27, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 14 [18], Cha 11
SQ rock catching, wild empathy (+6), woodland stride
Feats Combat Reflexes, Iron Will, Natural Bond, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Practiced Spellcaster,
Precise Shot
Skills Climb +11, Concentration +24, Hide +6 (+14 in rocky terrain), Knowledge (nature) +7, Jump +11,
Spellcraft +10, Spot +15, Survival +9
Possessions combat gear plus hide armor, +1 greatclub, periapt of wisdom +4, ring of protection +1, 5
rocks, 2 dragonseye acorns (ECS 91), narstone (ECS 92)

Rock Catching (Ex) A stone giant gains a +4 racial bonus on its Reflex saving throw when attempting to
catch a thrown rock.

Hook “I am the Life. I am the Stone.”

Shaduk CR – (Boruk Level 6)

Female dire badger animal companion
N Medium animal
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Listen +8, Spot +8

AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+2 armor, +3 Dex, +5 natural)

hp 76 (7 HD)
Resist +4 vs. Enchantment
Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +5; evasion

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); burrow 10 ft.

Melee 2 claws +9 (1d4+3) AND
bite +3 (1d6+1)
Base Atk +5; Grp +8
Atk Options rage

Abilities Str 16, Dex 17, Con 22, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
SQ link, share spells
Feats Alertness, Toughness, Track, Weapon Focus (claw)
Skills Listen +8, Spot +8
Possessions leather barding

Tricks Attack (x2), Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel, Stay, Track
Rage (Ex) A dire badger that takes damage in combat flies into a berserk rage on its next turn, clawing and
biting madly until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, and –2 AC. The
creature cannot end its rage voluntarily.

CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 13

Boruk the Lifestone CR 13
Male stone giant elder druid 8
N Large giant (Earth)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Listen +6, Spot +15
Languages Giant

AC 26, touch 12, flat-footed 24 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +11 natural, +3 armor, +1 deflection)
hp 191 (22 HD)
Resist +4 vs. spells and spell-like abilities of fey
Fort +19, Ref +8, Will +16

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); base speed 40 ft.

Melee +1 greatclub +24/+19/+14 (2d8+13) OR
2 slams +23 (1d4+8)
Ranged rock +17 (2d8+12)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +16; Grp +28
Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot
Special Actions Spontaneous summon nature’s ally spells, wild shape (3/day, Large)
Combat Gear scroll of cure moderate wounds, wand of dominate animal (3 charges)
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 12th):
4th—dispel magic, flamestrike (DC 18), freedom of movement
3rd—greater magic fang, sleet storm, snare (DC 17), spike growth
2nd—barkskin, flaming sphere (DC 16), gust of wind (DC 16), resist energy
1st—entangle (DC 15), faerie fire, longstrider, obscuring mist, shillelagh
0—create water, cure minor wounds, detect magic (2), light, mending
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th):
1/day each—stone shape, stone tell, and transmute rock to mud or transmute mud to rock (DC 17)

Abilities Str 27, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 14 [18], Cha 11
SQ rock catching, wild empathy (+6), woodland stride
Feats Combat Reflexes, Iron Will, Natural Bond, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Practiced Spellcaster,
Precise Shot, Sudden Silent Spell
Skills Climb +11, Concentration +26, Hide +6 (+14 in rocky terrain), Knowledge (nature) +7, Jump +11,
Listen +6, Spellcraft +12, Spot +15, Survival +11
Possessions combat gear plus hide armor, +1 greatclub, periapt of wisdom +4, ring of protection +1, 5
rocks, 2 dragonseye acorns (ECS 91), narstone (ECS 92)

Rock Catching (Ex) A stone giant gains a +4 racial bonus on its Reflex saving throw when attempting to
catch a thrown rock.

Hook “I am the Life. I am the Stone.”

Shaduk CR – (Boruk Level 8 & 10)

Female dire badger animal companion
N Medium animal
Init +4; Senses low-light vision, scent; Listen +9, Spot +9

AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+2 armor, +4 Dex, +7 natural)

hp 98 (9 HD)
Resist +4 vs. Enchantment
Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6; evasion

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); burrow 10 ft.

Melee 2 claws +10 (1d4+3) AND
bite +7 (1d6+1)
Base Atk +6; Grp +9
Atk Options rage

Abilities Str 17, Dex 19, Con 22, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10

CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 14

SQ link, share spells
Feats Alertness, Multiattack, Toughness, Track, Weapon Focus (claw)
Skills Listen +9, Spot +9
Possessions leather barding

Tricks Attack (x2), Come, Defend, Down, Fetch, Guard, Heel, Stay, Track
Rage (Ex) A dire badger that takes damage in combat flies into a berserk rage on its next turn, clawing and
biting madly until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, and –2 AC. The
creature cannot end its rage voluntarily.

Boruk the Lifestone CR 14

Male stone giant elder druid 10
N Large giant (Earth)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Listen +10, Spot +15
Languages Giant

AC 26, touch 12, flat-footed 24 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +11 natural, +3 armor, +1 deflection)
hp 209 (24 HD)
Resist +4 vs. spells and spell-like abilities of fey
Immune Poison
Fort +20, Ref +9, Will +17

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); base speed 40 ft.

Melee +1 greatclub +25/+20/+15 (2d8+13) OR
2 slams +24 (1d4+8)
Ranged rock +18 (2d8+12)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +17; Grp +29
Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot
Special Actions Spontaneous summon nature’s ally spells, wild shape (4/day, Large)
Combat Gear scroll of cure moderate wounds, wand of dominate animal (3 charges)
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 14th):
5th—animal growth, death ward
4th—dispel magic, flamestrike (DC 19), freedom of movement, ice storm
3rd—greater magic fang, sleet storm, snare (DC 17), spike growth
2nd—barkskin, flaming sphere (DC 17), gust of wind (DC 17), resist energy, zone of purity
1st—entangle (DC 15), faerie fire, longstrider, obscuring mist, shillelagh
0—create water, cure minor wounds, detect magic (2), light, mending
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th):
1/day each—stone shape, stone tell, and transmute rock to mud or transmute mud to rock (DC 17)

Abilities Str 27, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 15 [19], Cha 11
SQ rock catching, wild empathy (+6), woodland stride
Feats Combat Reflexes, Iron Will, Natural Bond, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Practiced Spellcaster,
Precise Shot, Spell Focus (evocation), Sudden Silent Spell
Skills Climb +11, Concentration +28, Hide +6 (+14 in rocky terrain), Knowledge (nature) +7, Jump +11,
Listen +10, Spellcraft +14, Spot +15, Survival +11
Possessions combat gear plus hide armor, +1 greatclub, periapt of wisdom +4, ring of protection +1, 5
rocks, 2 dragonseye acorns (ECS 91), narstone (ECS 92)

Rock Catching (Ex) A stone giant gains a +4 racial bonus on its Reflex saving throw when attempting to
catch a thrown rock.

Hook “I am the Life. I am the Stone.”

Boruk the Lifestone CR 15

Male stone giant elder druid 12
N Large giant (Earth)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Listen +12, Spot +17
Languages Giant

CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 15

AC 26, touch 12, flat-footed 24 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +11 natural, +3 armor, +1 deflection)
hp 227 (26 HD)
Resist +4 vs. spells and spell-like abilities of fey
Immune Poison
Fort +21, Ref +10, Will +18

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); base speed 40 ft.

Melee +1 greatclub +27/+22/+17 (2d8+13) OR
2 slams +26 (1d4+8)
Ranged rock +20 (2d8+12)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +19; Grp +31
Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot
Special Actions Spontaneous summon nature’s ally spells, wild shape (4/day, Large, Plant, Tiny)
Combat Gear scroll of cure moderate wounds, wand of dominate animal (3 charges)
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 16th):
6th—antilife shell, fireseeds (+20 ranged or DC 20)
5th—animal growth, death ward, wall of thorns
4th—dispel magic, flamestrike (DC 19), freedom of movement, ice storm
3rd—greater magic fang, sleet storm, snare (DC 17), spike growth, wind wall
2nd—barkskin, flaming sphere (DC 17), gust of wind (DC 17), resist energy, zone of purity
1st—entangle (DC 15), faerie fire, longstrider, obscuring mist, produce flame (+20 ranged), shillelagh
0—create water, cure minor wounds, detect magic (2), light, mending
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th):
1/day each—stone shape, stone tell, and transmute rock to mud or transmute mud to rock (DC 17)

Abilities Str 27, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 16 [19], Cha 11
SQ rock catching, wild empathy (+6), woodland stride
Feats Combat Reflexes, Iron Will, Natural Bond, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Practiced Spellcaster,
Precise Shot, Spell Focus (evocation), Sudden Silent Spell
Skills Climb +11, Concentration +30, Hide +6 (+14 in rocky terrain), Knowledge (nature) +7, Jump +11,
Listen +12, Spellcraft +16, Spot +17, Survival +11
Possessions combat gear plus hide armor, +1 greatclub, periapt of wisdom +4, ring of protection +1, 5
rocks, 2 dragonseye acorns (ECS 91), narstone (ECS 92)

Rock Catching (Ex) A stone giant gains a +4 racial bonus on its Reflex saving throw when attempting to
catch a thrown rock.

Hook “I am the Life. I am the Stone.”

Shaduk CR – (Boruk Level 12)

Female dire badger animal companion
N Medium animal
Init +5; Senses low-light vision, scent; Listen +10, Spot +10

AC 26, touch 15, flat-footed 21 (+2 armor, +5 Dex, +9 natural)

hp 120 (11 HD)
Resist +4 vs. Enchantment
Fort +13, Ref +12, Will +7; evasion

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); burrow 10 ft.

Melee 2 claws +13 (1d4+4) AND
bite +9 (1d6+2)
Base Atk +8; Grp +12
Atk Options rage

Abilities Str 18, Dex 20, Con 22, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
SQ link, share spells
Feats Alertness, Multiattack, Toughness, Track, Weapon Focus (claw)
Skills Listen +10, Spot +10
Possessions leather barding

CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 16

Tricks Attack (x2), Come, Defend, Down, Fetch, Guard, Heel, Seek, Stay, Track
Rage (Ex) A dire badger that takes damage in combat flies into a berserk rage on its next turn, clawing and
biting madly until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, and –2 AC. The
creature cannot end its rage voluntarily.

Scaling the Encounter

11th-Level Characters: Use the CR 13 version of Boruk.
12th-Level Characters: Use the CR 14 version of Boruk.
13th-Level Characters: Use the CR 15 version of Boruk.

Removing the Heart

After killing Boruk, his heart must still be carefully removed assuming the body remains. Any attack that
destroys the body of the target (e.g. disintegrate) or the heart specifically (e.g. clutch of orcus), results in an
automatic failure of the mission if the PCs cannot somehow reconstitute the body.
If the body is more or less (probably less) intact, the heart can surgically by removed by a DC 15 Heal
check in six rounds. PCs concerned about damaging the heart can instead remove the limbs and lower torso
with a bladed weapon taking ten rounds, and simply carry the upper/middle torso with them.

Of course killing the chief may have very deleterious consequences to the PCs if they are caught, or to the
entire expedition the chief is found dead or missing but no specific culprits are known. If Witch Doctor Oberig
still lives he quickly organizes the rest of the giants into a raving mob that violently seeks out the criminals. If
the PCs do not convince the expedition to make a hasty exit, they may end up fighting the rest of the village.
The giants stop at nothing to punish someone for this unforgivable transgression. Note that especially noisy
spells used while attacking Boruk may also attract Oberig’s attention.
The way for the PCs to avoid repercussions may be to frame some scapegoat for the murder and leave
them to the tender mercies of the giants. Of course other ways of cover up the murder may work as well, as
judged by the DM. The time remaining in convention play may also play a significant factor in making that
Of course there may also be consequences for the PCs behavior as well among the members of the
expedition. It is quite possible that if the PCs’ true identities or their crimes are discovered that the caravan
might side with the stone giants in an attempt to bring the PCs to justice. Of course, this might be avoided if
the PCs flee immediately and choose to find their own way back to Stormreach.

Ending the Adventure

If the PCs arrive at another conclusion than what is presented, it is up to the judge to determine the
appropriate ending.

Read this if the PCs successfully recovered the heart of Chief Boruk the Lifestone and gave it to Sublime:

The shrine of St. Isalda of the Perpetual Devotion is once again nearly empty as the bells chime midnight.
Sublime, still dressed in simple acolyte’s robes awaits you within, standing humbly on the altar. “Please my
children, lay your offering upon the altar that we make intone the blessed invocations.” With a gentle smile,
he gestures to your bloody prize and the altar.
Moments later, he raises his hands in supplication and begins, “Let us pray…” What follows began as
words of such pure beauty and goodness that you could not truly comprehend them and you weep tears of
blood, but slowly they turn. Something is not quite right. Foulness flows from his vile lips and the sweet pain
ends. You feel emboldened by darkness, your soul hardens, and the heart on the altar before beats one last
time before it turns to stone. “Yes, this will do nicely. You have done well my children. See Brother Felvard
for your reward.” And then as if by magic, he fades from view. The little gnome with the odd eyes is waiting
for you when you leave.

Brother Felvard is there with a sack containing the event treasure. PCs who receive this Conclusion receive
the story object EXCS33 Gift of Stone and the event treasure. Those PCs return a damaged heart still
receive this ending, but receive less event treasure (see below).


CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 17

Read this if the PCs failed to recover the heart of Chief Boruk the Lifestone or for some reason chose no to
give it to Sublime:

The shrine of St. Isalda of the Perpetual Devotion is once again nearly empty as the bells chime midnight.
Sublime, still dressed in simple acolyte’s robes awaits you within, standing humbly on the altar. “Please my
children, lay your offering upon the altar that we make intone the blessed invocations.” With a gentle smile,
he gestures to the altar, but quickly realizes you are empty handed.
He raises his hands in supplication and begins, “Oh sinners, let us pray that the Flame may forgive our
failures…” What follows began as words of such pure beauty and goodness that you could not truly
comprehend them and you weep tears of blood. Pain wracks your body as you fall to the floor and your
muscles knot so tight you fear your bones will snap. Then he stops, “I trust you will do better next time, or
you will receive more of the same reward. Brother Felvard, see that you mop up the gore before morning
services.” And then as if by magic, he fades from view. The little gnome with the odd eyes is waiting for you
when you leave.

PCs who receive this Conclusion do not receive the story object EXCS33 Gift of Stone or the event

Resolving Obscura Secret Missions

Any PC that completes the secret mission given to them by their Obscura at the beginning of the adventure
should receive the Obscura Reward #19 story object. Here is a summary of what must be done to receive
this reward.
• Children of Xoriat: To succeed in their mission the PC must bring the heart of Chief Boruk the
Lifestone to Sublime.
• The Defiance: In order to succeed in their assignment the PC must make sure that all the cover
identities will be reusable on future missions. This means that all cover identities must be
maintained and none can have living witnesses capable of accusing them of any crimes or
behavior that is not appropriate to their cover story. The DM should use their best judgment as to
whether this mission is successful.
• Instruments of Change: The PC must bring back the jade scorpion necklace worn by Baqo. Note
that Father Eldas wears a jade holy symbol (these are NOT the same).
• Mourners of Yore: The PC succeeds if he or she successfully feeds the tainted meat to Boulder the
dire bear (or her cubs) or Shaduk the dire badger and then observes the results.
• No Obscura: The PC succeeds if he or she plants the psicrystal among the Father Eldas’
possessions and makes certain that Father Eldas survives to carry to back to Radiant Hold.

Event Treasure
If you are running CSH-10 Thirst for Blood and Stone as part of another event and the PCs successfully
retrieve Boruk’s intact heart, they are rewarded by Sublime. Have each PC record the following event
treasure upon their adventure journals in addition to any story objects to be carried on their adventure
journal until the results of this event are reported and their EV is updated. Each PC receives a dose of stone
salve and a stone of good luck. Those PCs who returned a damaged heart do not receive the stone salve.

Adventure Questions
1. Did the PCs maintain their cover identities as told?
a. They were perfect. No one would suspect they weren’t whom they claimed.
b. There were some stumbles, but no one lived to report them.
c. Some NPCs carry suspicions with them back to Stormreach.
d. There is proof or testimony that the PCs aren’t whom they claim to be or that they are
guilty of some crime.

2. What happened during the basilisk attack?

a. The lizard turned the PCs to stone and had a crunchy snack.
b. The party ran and hid.
c. That lizard’s hide makes a great pair of boots.
d. They never made it that far.

3. How did the PCs interact with the giant village?

a. They used cunning and stealth while maintaining their false identities.

CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 18

b. They avoid the village and only went there when necessary.
c. They were violent or boorish and caused several problems.
d. It was a disaster of epic proportions.
e. They never made it that far.

4. How did the PCs deal with Chief Boruk the Lifestone?
a. The giant and his loyal clan easily repelled the PCs.
b. It was difficult, and there may have been some collateral damage, but the PCs eventually
brought the giant down.
c. The PCs were subtle and slick as they executed their plan easily.
d. They never made it this far.

5. Did the PCs recover the heart of Chief Boruk the Lifestone?
a. Yes.
b. No.
c. They brought back the heart, but it was damaged.

6. Rate the players’ role-playing (while keeping in mind limitations of convention time restrictions)?
a. Excellent, they should all be on the silver screen.
b. Good, you had a fun time.
c. Fair, someone used a funny voice.
d. Poor, they rolled some dice and ignored chances to role-play.

Story Objects
Gift of Stone
Code: EXCS33
You have been infused with a small portion of the power of the heart of stone that you can call upon once
per adventure. As a spell-like ability, you can cast stoneskin with only yourself as the target and a caster
level of 3 plus the number of action points you choose to spend. You may choose to spend no action points
when activating this ability. This story object allows you to spend multiple action points in the same round for
the activation of this ability only.

Obscura Reward #19

Code: EXCS34
You have succeeded in a secret mission given to you by your Obscura. The benefit you receive depends
upon the Obscura to which you belong.
Children of Xoriat: You have done well and gained the favorable notice of Sublime. Clearly this can’t be a
bad thing and may have future benefits.
Defiance: You are given further training in whatever identity you adopted during this adventure. You gain
a +4 competence bonus to Bluff and Disguise checks made to portraying this cover identity and may add all
nonmagical gear associated with this identity to your equipment list. You may never sell this equipment,
though it refreshes if destroyed or lost.
Instruments of Change: The necklace you recovered turns out to be periapt of wisdom. You may
purchase this one item from your Obscura (your choice of +2, +4, or +6) at a 25% discount. You may not sell
Mourners of Yore: Your brush with handling the magical disease has hardened you. You receive a
permanent +2 alchemical bonus to resist disease.
No Obscura: You feel a special connection to the psicrystal you handled. You gain an additional three
power points added to your total. If you have no power points, you may manifest mindlink as a 1st-level
kalashtar once per day.

CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 19

DM Map of Stone Giant Encampment

CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 20

DM Aid #1: Notable Caravan NPCS
Male human expert 5
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init -1; Senses Listen +12, Spot +12
Languages Common, Elven, Undercommon

AC 12, touch 9, flat-footed 12 (+3 armor, -1 Dex)

hp 32 (5 HD)
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +6

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)

Melee heavy mace +5 (1d8+2)
Ranged weapon +3 (1d8/19-20)
Base Atk +3; Grp +5

Abilities Str 14, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 10
Feats Alertness, Animal Affinity, Skill Focus (Profession)
Skills Handle Animal +10, Knowledge (geography) +10, Knowledge (nature) +12, Listen +12,
Profession (teamster) +13, Ride +11, Spot +12, Survival +10 (+12 above ground, +12 to
avoid getting lost), Use Rope +7
Possessions studded leather armor, heavy mace, light crossbow, 10 masterwork bolts, jade
scorpion necklace, eberron dragon shard, belt pouch (4 sp, 53 cp), potion of delay poison

Background Baqo has been a teamster on various Xen’drik expeditions for over forty years. He
has collected a handful of mementos from his travels but has never managed to save much
money due to a pension for gambling. He has lots of experience and expects others under
his care to follow his orders. He has seen plenty of horrible and amazing things and he
believes that anything he tells someone to do is for their own good.

Hook “Because I said so!”

Male half-orc rogue 4
CN Medium humanoid (orc)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +7, Spot +7
Languages Common, Halfling, Orc, Undercommon

AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex); Uncanny Dodge

hp 18 (4 HD)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1; Evasion

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)

Melee mwk rapier +6 (1d6+2/18-20)
Ranged mwk dagger +6 (1d4+2/19-20)
Base Atk +3; Grp +5
Atk Options Sneak attack +2d6
Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of levitate, smokestick

Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12
SQ Trapfinding, trap sense +1
Feats Deceitful, Negotiator

CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 21

Skills Appraise +9, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +14, Disguise +12 (+14 acting), Forgery +11, Gather
Information +8, Listen +7, Profession (merchant) +7, Sense Motive +9, Spot +7
Possessions combat gear plus masterwork rapier, 3 masterwork throwing daggers, fine clothing,
misc. costume jewelry, masterwork disguise kit, belt pouch (12 gp, 72 sp, 27 cp), trade goods

Background As a young man, Eben was determined to be rich despite his humble
Shadowmarch beginnings. In order to advance himself, he quickly married a young, naïve,
and dreadfully ugly daughter of House Tharashk. Using House resources, he has since
moved himself to Stormreach looking to use his new name for profit, but those profits have
yet to magically appear. Eben still hopes. A conniving rogue and snake oil salesman, Eben
will do or say just about anything to line his pocket and it would not take much to turn him to
darker pursuits.

Hook “I can make you a better deal on that. Trust me.”

Male human cleric 6
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Listen +4, Spot +4
Languages Celestial, Common

AC 18, touch 9, flat-footed 18 (+7 armor, -1 Dex, +2 shield)

hp (6 HD)
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +9

Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)

Melee +1 cold iron morningstar +6 (1d8+2)
Base Atk +4; Grp +5
Special Actions Turn undead (8/day)
Combat Gear stone salve, scroll of remove disease
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 6th, +1 caster level for Good spells):
3rd—daylight, dispel magic, prayerD, water walk
2nd—align weapon, gentle repose, lesser restoration, silence, status D,
1st—bless D, bless water, endure elements, protection from evil, sanctuary
0—create water, detect magic, detect poison, light, mending
D: Domain spell. Deity: Boldrei. Domains: Community, Good.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th):
1/day—calm emotions (DC 16)

Abilities Str 12, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 13
Feats Extra Turning, Improved Initiative, Improved Turning
Skills Concentration +10, Diplomacy +10, Knowledge (religion) +10, Spellcraft +10
Possessions combat gear plus +1 cold iron morningstar, heavy steel shield, half-plate, jade holy
symbol, vestments

Background Father Eldas believes in the inherent goodness of everyone and was only too quick
to sign on to an expedition to bring civilization and religion to the giants. He just knows that
they will want the benefits that faith in the Host can bring them, though he does not fault the
followers of the Silver Flame for trying to spread their word as well. He also hopes that
through faith, the giants, among others, can be brought closer together.

Hook “I have faith that we can do it if we work together.”

CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 22

Male human expert 3
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2
Languages Common, Dwarven, Halfling

AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)

hp 14 (3 HD)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +5

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)

Melee mwk dagger +2 (1d4-1/19-20)
Ranged mwk dagger +5 (1d4-1/19-20)
Base Atk +2; Grp +1

Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14
Feats Skill Focus (Bluff), Skill Focus (Heal), Skill Focus (Profession)
Skills Bluff +8, Diplomacy +12, Disguise +8 (+10 acting), Forgery +8, Gather Information +10,
Heal +8, Knowledge (local) +8, Profession (barber) +10, Sense Motive +8,
Possessions masterwork dagger, healer’s kit, masterwork barber’s kit, wineskin (full), dozens of
different holy symbols, chewing tobacco, cheap cologne

Background Grinn’ Robb is a traditional medieval barber, half haircutter, half healer, with a dose
of storyteller thrown in. He has no loyalty to any particular religion, unless the questioner
displays a holy symbol. In that case he is a faithful follower of the same one! His skill as a lay
healer is what brings him to the expedition, though plenty of the men take advantage of his
other services.

Hook “Shave? Haircut? Tooth Pulled? A right proper barber I am. All for the glory of the Church

Male half drow fighter 2/ranger 2
CG Medium humanoid (elf)
Action Points 3
Init +2; Senses darkvision 30 ft., low-light vision; Listen +7, Spot +7
Languages Common, Elven

AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)

hp 37 (4 HD)
Immune sleep
Resist +2 vs. Enchantment spells
Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +1

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)

Melee +1 longsword +7 (1d8+4/19-20) AND
mwk shortsword +6 (1d6+1/19-20)
Ranged mighty composite longbow +7 (1d8+3/x3)
Base Atk +4; Grp +7
Atk Options Favored enemy +2 (animals)

Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 8
SQ Wild empathy +1
Feats Heroic Spirit, Improved Toughness, Power Attack, Two Weapon Fighting, Track, Weapon
Focus (longsword)

CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 23

Skills Climb +5, Knowledge (geography) +4, Knowledge (nature) +4, Listen +7, Spot +7, Survival
Possessions +1 longsword, masterwork shortsword, dagger, chain shirt, mighty composite
longbow [+3], 20 masterwork arrows, 50’ rope, grappling hook, tinder box, 5 torches,
backpack, belt pouch (23 cp)

Background Meerzon is a grizzled survivor, haunted by the things he has seen. He was born in
Stormreach and has spent much of his life hiring himself out to whatever employer needed
him, be it as a guide or other hired muscle. Five weeks ago, he journeyed into this area of
jungle as part of another expedition that was looking for a lost ruin. Unfortunately some great
reptilian creature attacked their caravan and Meerzon watched as several of the guards were
turned to stone just for looking at the monster. Everyone broke and ran and he was
separated from the rest of his companions. After returning to the city, he joined the first
caravan heading in this direction that he might be have a chance to search for other survivors
that might be lost in the area or maybe sought refuge with the nearby stone giants.

Hook “You don’t want to know what I’ve seen.”

Female dwarf warrior 1
LG Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +0, Spot +0
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven

AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +5 armor, +2 shield)

hp 10 (1 HD); regeneration/fast healing ; DR
Resist +4 vs. bulrush or trip, +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +0

Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)

Melee dwarven waraxe +3 (1d10+3/x3)
Ranged throwing axe +2 (1d6+2)
Base Atk +1; Grp +3
Atk Options +1 on attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids, +4 AC against giants

Abilities Str 14, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8
SQ stonecunning
Skills Climb +6, Decipher Script +4, Jump +6, Ride +5
Possessions dwarven waraxe, breastplate, heavy steel shield, 5 throwing axes, A Children’s
Primer to Dwarven

Background Salla is a young dwarf who comes from a family of warriors. She has decided to
follow the path of her ancestors, but harbors a secret linguistic bent ever since learning to
read. Salla is fascinated by different languages and has learned Draconic and Elven since
leaving her home to seek her fortune. She is also learning to read and recognize patterns
among the various written languages, and she will claim all of this is due to her personal
hero, Bega Totro who’s book changed her life.

Hook “You’re my idol.”

Female human adept 4
LG Medium humanoid (human)

CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 24

Init -1; Senses Listen +4, Spot +4
Languages Celestial, Common, Riedran

AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9 (-1 Dex)

hp 18 (4 HD)
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +8

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)

Melee mwk halberd +3 (1d10-1/x3)
Ranged javelin +1 (1d6-1)
Base Atk +2; Grp +1
Adept Spells Prepared (CL 4th):
2nd—web (DC 16)
1st—cure light wounds, endure elements, magic weapon
0—cure minor wounds, detect magic, touch of fatigue (+1 melee touch, DC 14)
Deity: Dol Arrah. Domains: War.

Abilities Str 8, Dex 8, Con 8, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 14

Feats Blind-fight, Great Fortitude, Improved Toughness, Weapon Proficiency (halberd), Weapon
Focus (halberd)
Skills Concentration +6, Knowledge (religion) +9, Knowledge (the Planes) +3, Sense Motive +5,
Spellcraft +9
Possessions masterwork halberd, wooden holy symbol, 5 javelins, large wooden ruler

Background Sister Cleotte is stern matron who insists that everyone conduct themselves with
the utmost respect and honor and those that fail to live up to her high standards receive a
severe tongue lashing with repeat offenders suffering the wrath of her ruler. The giants of
Green Granite Mountain WILL convert.

Hook “The guilty will be punished.”

Male human commoner 1
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Listen -1, Spot -1
Languages Common

AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)

hp 6 (1 HD)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will -1

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)

Melee dagger +2 (1d4/19-20)
Ranged dagger +2 (1d4/19-20)
Base Atk +0; Grp +0

Abilities Str 10, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha 15
Feats Athletic, Weapon Finesse
Skills Climb +6, Handle Animal +6, Sleight of Hand +4, Swim +2
Possessions dagger

Background Virth is a street kid trying to make good, but his clumsy tendencies to appropriate
other people’s belongings may prevent him from having much success.

Hook “I didn’t take it, honest!”

CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 25

Player Handout #1: Obscura Orders
The DM should have each player secretly write down their PC’s membership in an Obscura, if any, and then
provide them with the appropriate handout. These are SECRET orders and should only be shown to players
whose PCs are in the listed Obscura.

Children of Xoriat
Congratulations, you have no special orders. Do as you are told and make certain this mission succeeds.
Goal: Retrieve the heart of Chief Boruk the Lifestone.


The Defiance
As you pick up the last pieces of your disguise from Brother Felvard, you find a small note marked with a
symbol depicting the eclipse of the sun in the pocket of your garb. It reads: As members of our Obscura are
prone to more intelligent uses of guile and craft, it falls to our members to use these cover identities more
than others of coarser Obscura. You must protect the sanctity and reputation of these identities that we have
worked so hard to forge. Make certain that none of your cohorts ruin their repute or if it cannot be prevented,
make sure there are no witnesses left to suggest that any of the cover identities are guilty of any crimes or
out of character actions.
Goal: Make sure that all the cover identities will be reusable on future missions.


Instruments of Change
As you pick up the last pieces of your disguise from Brother Felvard, you find a large pin on the collar in the
shape of a musical note and inside is a small missive written in cramped script. It reads: Members of our
Obscura attempted to liberate a holy artifact from a drow ruin in the area you travel to, but the relic was
already gone by the time they arrived. Be on the lookout for a necklace carved of jade in the shape of a
scorpion. Stop at nothing to recover it.
Goal: Recover the holy drow relic.


Mourners of Yore
As you pick up the last pieces of your disguise from Brother Felvard, you find a small note marked with a
symbol depicting two embracing hands in the pocket of your garb. It reads: Some of our brightest minds
have been working on efforts to dissuade nearby pioneers from settling in the area of refuge camps we have
been constructing. As such we are considering a magical disease that enhances the aggression of certain
wildlife, but it needs further testing. In the prop box you will find a sealed green box. Take it. It contains an
infected sample of rotting meat that should feed to any large animal you find upon your trip. The bigger the
better. Once you do, you should move away and observe the creature. Report the results.
Goal: Feed the tainted meat to a large carnivorous animal, observe any effects, and report back.


No Obscura
As you pick up the last pieces of your disguise from Brother Felvard, you find a small crystal in the pocket of
your garb. When you grasp it, you hear a loud voice in your mind: The Covenant of Light is a dangerous foe,
but their members are naïve. Place this psicrystal in the possessions of the leader of the expedition so I can
observe Radiant Hold upon his return.
Goal: Place the psicrystal among the caravan leader’s possessions and make certain he/she survives to
carry to back to Radiant Hold.

CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 26

Player Handout #2: Cover Identities
Give this handout to the PCs during the Adventure Start (cutting apart the eight identities apart if possible).
Detailed here are the eight possible cover identities created by the Cabal and expected by the missionary
expedition. The expedition knows each by name and specialty only, and thus gender or race can be
adjusted to match any PC. Since these cover identities have been used in the past and likely will be used
again in the future, the PCs are encouraged to limit their any damage to their reputations. All items are
expected to be returned if possible.

Gaurnor, the Flame of Karnnath Ledund Eldergirda, Knight of the

Grand Conflagration
Gaurnor is an older member of the clergy of the
Silver Flame who, while not highly placed within Ledund is a devote paladin of the Silver Flame
his/her particular sect (a minor but zealous one with a strong military bent and given to offering
from the far north), is thought to be quite the tactical advise, even in the most mundane of
religious scholar. He/she is known to be situations. He/she is known to be fanatical
somewhat cantankerous and there are whispers follower of the Flame with limited tolerance for
of an overly close association with the bottle. other religions. In the past, operatives using this
cover identity have occasionally claimed to be a
Equipment: clerical vestments, prayer book, part of the Covenant of Light, so some may
wooden holy symbol, disguise kit, bottle of expect you to be a part of this organization.
Karnnathi wine (for sacramental purposes, of
course), wand of cure light wounds (5 charges), Equipment: prayer book, wooden holy symbol,
oil of bless weapon, ring of mind shielding masterwork silver longsword, masterwork
composite longbow, lance, fullplate, heavy
warhorse with tack, horseshoes of a zephyr

Tanfrid Artanius Gnelio

Tanfrid is a mild mannered cook known for the Artanius is a traveling merchant always on the
ability to turn just about anything into a lookout for a new deal or client. This vendor is
palatable meal. Rarely noticed, this traveling always willing to travel far distances to meet a
cook has a knack for disappearing for extended new client and is known for undertaking travels
periods of the day only to return with a full meal other merchants deem too costly. This time,
already prepared, though what its made of he/she is expected to be pedaling various
might not be obvious. religious supplies.

Equipment: cookbook, apron, spices, herbs, Equipment: wagon, draft horse, crates of
small wooden cage of rabbits (3), small wooden religious texts and holy symbols, box of candles,
cage of chickens (4), myrlund’s spoon disguise kit, 50 gp, bad of holding type III

CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 27

Gotolui, the Black Charm Gilo
Gotolui is a reformed brawler turned caravan Gilo is a cantankerous teamster who is an old
guard for hire. Some call him/her the Black hat at driving wagons to all corners of Xen’drik.
Charm, as many of the caravans he/she has set He/she has dozens of tall tales, all featuring
to guarding have met with terrible fates, but some great hero or another that Gilo has helped
those few that have survived (now Cabal to save. The tend to be told by the light of a
operatives or sympathizers) all say they made it campfire while sharing foul spirits and
through only because of Gotolui’s skill and malodorous pipeweed. Despite Gilo’s many
devotion. indulgences, he/she is well known for being
ever alert.
Equipment: eye patch, masterwork great club,
sap, longbow, 5 masterwork adamantine Equipment: pipe, ample pipeweed, 50
arrows, gauntlets of ogre power tindertwigs, stained shirt, hand keg of cheap
whiskey, eyes of the eagle

Lodare Bega Totro

Lodare is a quiet guide who supposedly knows A skilled translator, Bega claims to know every
all the backwoods trails on this lost continent. language ever seen on Xen’drik, as well as
Some have commented that Lodare seems several others. A loquacious speaker that some
almost menacing, but this woods(wo)men has have claimed to be somewhat annoying, Bega
never failed to lead any group to its destination. is prone to speaking a little too loud, and his/her
pace increases when nervous. Bega wears an
Equipment: masterwork composite longbow, 20 ostentatious helm decorated in ratty feathers
arrows, 5 silver arrows, 5 byesk arrows, 5 cold that he/she claims was given to him/her by the
iron arrows, 50’ rope, potion of pass without King of Aarakocra.
trace, boots of elvenkind, cloak of elvenkind
Equipment: glyphbook, various language to
Common dictionaries, scholar’s robe, helm of
comprehend languages, scroll of tongues

CHS10 – Thirst For Blood and Stone 28

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