Secularism in India (7) 2
Secularism in India (7) 2
Secularism in India (7) 2
religions in brief
Almost all the major religions of the world
have their origin only in Asia.
Zoroastrianism Confucianism
All World
Religions must
teach the
path of love,
tolerance and
• If this majority religious group has access to State power, then it could quite
easily use this power and financial resources to discriminate against and
persecute persons of other religions.
•This tyranny of the majority could result in the discrimination, coercion and at
times even violence .
• The majority could quite easily prevent minorities from practising their religions
the other interpretations of the religion to come up if they have the power of the
• So called ‘Higher Castes’ against ‘untouchables’ – among Hindus
• Shia Muslims against Sunni Muslims – in Islam
• Catholics against Protestants – in Christianity
The Constitution of India by providing for a ‘secular
state’ ensures 3 things:
This is not compulsary for all in USA as the phrase “Under God” is
assumed as religious
“It is an indivisible, secular, democratic and social Republic,
are treated as equals before the law and respecting all religious beliefs"
In February 2004,
France passed a law banning
l a rg e C h r i s t i a n c r o s s e s . T h i s
Educational Institutions”.