Maxseal Flex PIP

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Maxseal Flex

What is Maxseal Flex:

Maxseal Flex is a two component flexible cementitious waterproof coating for concrete and masonry.

Specification Tip for Design Professionals:

Maxseal Flex may be specified by name or by using the following description: “a propriety flexible waterproof
coating against positive and negative pressure for concrete and masonry”.

• Fully flexible waterproof coating

• Approved for use with drinking water

• Suitable for both positive and negative water pressure


• Covers shrinkage and hairline cracks of the concrete

• Withstands atmospheric pollution

• Effective against the corrosive effects of salt water and de-

icing salts

• Environmentally friendly, non-toxic and chloride free

• Excellent adhesion and easy to apply

• Suitable for above and belowground applications

• Root resistance when detailed with Drizoro Mesh

How does Maxseal Flex work:

Maxseal Flex consists of two components: part A (Resin) and part B (Powder). When mixed together these
components produce a flexible waterproof coating, which has excellent adhesion to concrete and masonry.

How do I prepare the surface before applying Maxseal Flex:

Using a sharp tool, square-cut all cracks, damages, etc. to the substrate and using a non-agressive method
remove the damaged concrete to a depth of 20mm and repair the surface using Maxplug.

Detail all upstands, internal corner, pipe penetrations, etc. with Maxplug, Maxseal Flex and Drizoro Mesh.

All surfaces must be free from any contaminants which may inhibit the adhesion of the Maxseal Flex.
Low-pressure washing of the surfaces with clean potable water or other non aggressive methods are

Important: All detailing must be completed prior to the application of the main coating of Maxseal Flex.

Product Information Page

SURFASOLOGY™ - The Science of Surfaces
Unit 143, Grange Drive T +353 1 832 1005
Baldoyle Industrial Estate E
Dublin 13, Ireland W
Maxseal Flex

How do I apply Maxseal Flex:

Pour the contents of Part A (Liquid) into a clean vessel, gradually adding the contents of Part B (Powder) whilst
mixing with a slow speed drill. Do not add water to the mix.

Apply the product within 15 minutes of mixing.

Maxseal Flex may be applied by using a fibre-bristled brush or a suitable sprayer to the properly prepared
substrate as follows:
 Damp down the surface with clean potable water.
 Apply a 1mm thick coat of Maxseal Flex and allow curing for between 16 hours and 3 days.
 Apply a second 1mm thick coat of Maxseal Flex in opposite direction to the first coat.

Note: Surfaces treated with Maxseal Flex should be protected from rain for at least 24 hours after application.
Maxseal Flex should not be applied if the temperature is 5°C or below, or if the temperatures are expected to fall
below 5°C in the following 24 hours.

Cleaning Equipment: Clean all equipment using clean potable water.

How do I store Maxseal Flex:

Maxseal Flex should be stored in its original manufacturer’s container in dry conditions and protected from frost.

Maxseal Flex is packed in 35kg units (25kg powder bag and 10L liquid container).

Product Information Page

SURFASOLOGY™ - The Science of Surfaces
Unit 143, Grange Drive T +353 1 832 1005
Baldoyle Industrial Estate E
Dublin 13, Ireland W
Maxseal Flex

…and now for the science bit…

Appearance Part A (white liquid)
Part B (grey coloured cement based material)
Optimum Application Temperature Plus 10°C
Application Coverage 1-1.5kg/m² per coat
Suitability for Drinking Water Listed in the Water Regulations Advisory Scheme (WRAS) for contact
with potable water, tested under BS 6920
Adhesion to Substrates Substrate N/mm² Breakage
Concrete (ASTM D-4541) 2.0 Mortar
Maxseal Flex (ASTM D-4541) 1.8 Mortar
Steel Panel HKHA MTS 97/99 1.73 Mortar
Bending Test on re-bar 8mm 20% elongation without cracks
Resistance to sulphates Classified as “High Resistance”
Elongation at break 59 ± 5²
Shelf Life 12 months from manufacture date

CE Marking:

Maxseal Flex fulfils the directive 89/106/CE for Construction Products, meeting all the prescribed requirements
relative to the application of the European Standard UNE-EN 1504-2 for Mortar for the protection of concrete

Test Reports:

 Bridge Protection Code 1994 and 2004 (Sweden)

 ASTM C1202 - Resistance to Sulfates
 Drinking Water Suitability Test

About SURFASOLOGY™- The Science of Surfaces

SURFASOLOGY™ is here to make products that work for you and the environment.
At SURFASOLOGY™ we believe that time is our greatest treasure so we try to ensure that you do not waste it.
Our products are so good that you have to use them once leaving you free to enjoy life to the most.
Our mission is to make the world a better place, one surface at a time!

The general information provided in the present technical description, application guidelines and other recommendations, is based on
research and experience. However the client is obliged to determine himself what products are suitable for use. Accordingly, no liability will be
accepted by SURFASOLOGY™ (IBC Limited).
For further information contact the Surfasology Technical Department.

Product Information Page

SURFASOLOGY™ - The Science of Surfaces
Unit 143, Grange Drive T +353 1 832 1005
Baldoyle Industrial Estate E
Dublin 13, Ireland W

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