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8224 ArticleText 25696 1 10 20240501
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2 authors, including:
Khalaf Alharbi
Qassim University
All content following this page was uploaded by Khalaf Alharbi on 10 May 2024.
This study investigates the perceptions and implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the
context of English as a Second Language (ESL) vocabulary learning. The study primarily
focuses on the perspectives of both students and teachers, examining their beliefs, attitudes,
and expectations regarding using AI in vocabulary acquisition. It also explores the benefits
and challenges of incorporating AI in ESL vocabulary learning. 77 college students and 22
English language teachers at a local university in Pakistan participated in the study. The
primary data collection method involves two Likert scale questionnaires (Student-Variant and
Teacher-Variant) that serve as quantitative tools to gauge participant opinions. Exploratory
analysis was used to validate the questionnaire consisting of eight factors related to AI
integration in vocabulary learning: effectiveness and benefit of AI, comfort level with AI tools,
advantages of AI over traditional methods, challenges, and difficulties, compared effectiveness
of AI usage over traditional methods, trust in AI Recommendations, frequency of AI tool usage,
recommendation to peers. A comparative analysis of students’ and teachers’ responses was
displayed in the Venn diagram.
Additionally, an exploratory thematic analysis was carried out on qualitative data gathered by
open-ended items in the questionnaire. The findings show that students generally have a
positive stance towards AI's role in vocabulary learning. They value AI's personalized and
immersive learning experiences, marking it more efficient than traditional methods. However,
the study also highlights challenges, including technical issues and a perceived lack of human
interaction in AI-assisted learning. Furthermore, teachers' perceptions vary based on age and
experience. Younger teachers demonstrate a more favorable to neutral view of AI, appreciating
its contribution to efficiency and innovative teaching methods. Conversely, older teachers
express resistance, voicing concerns about overshadowing traditional teaching methods and
advocating for AI's complementary role in education. The findings from this study may
contribute to a deeper understanding of how AI is perceived in vocabulary learning for ESL/
EFL contexts and how it can potentially impact teaching and learning practices.
Keywords: artificial intelligence (AI), chatbot, teacher, student perceptions, language, and
ESL vocabulary learning
1. Introduction
The recent techno1logical advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have resulted in an
unprecedented transformation in the field of language learning over the past couple of years
Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics. Department of English Language & Translation, Collage of Arabic Language and
Social Studies, Qassim University, Buraydah, Saudi Arabia ORCID: 0000-0001-9820-8923
MPhil Scholar, Riphah International University, Lahore, Pakistan ORCID: 0000-0002-0078-5181
Khalaf Alharbi et al. 1031
(Kessler, 2018; Xia, 2022). AI, known as Artificial Intelligence, is the simulation of human
intelligence in computer models that are programmed to think and learn like humans and
perform tasks such as problem-solving, data analysis, and interpretation (Hassani et al., 2020).
Specifically, AI is utilized in adaptive learning systems, socially assistive robots, intelligent
tutoring systems, and administrative support systems. These technologies aim to support
language learners in improving their linguistic skills, such as reading, writing, vocabulary, oral
communication, and grammatical skills (De La Vall & Araya, 2023). In vocabulary learning,
AI can take up roles such as personal assistant, teacher, and reviewer for second language (L2)
learners and revolutionize conventional learning methods and practices into more innovative
and effective learning solutions (Kessler, 2018). However, this area is still in its early phase of
exploration. The recent boom in AI chatbots following the release of ChatGPT has proven that
AI is the world's future, is going everywhere, and is potentially an extremely powerful ally in
education and vocabulary learning. Therefore, it is essential to effectively incorporate it in
current vocabulary learning programs and devise efficient classroom strategies that allow L2
learners to get the most out of AI technology regarding their vocabulary learning efforts.
Incorporating this cutting-edge technology in education has also had a significant impact, and
attempts are ongoing to integrate AI into teaching and learning (Kim & Kim, 2022). Filling
this pressing need, the present study generally addresses AI applications in various educational
contexts and, specifically, in language and vocabulary learning.
Communication is one of the most critical aspects of human interaction. English has been
widely adopted as the official language in most countries and is often regarded as the lingua
franca. Researchers have extensively worked on the broad fields of ESL and Foreign (EFL)
vocabulary over the years, and the research efforts are now focusing on incorporating modern
tools in vocabulary learning. The emergence of Computer Assisted Language Learning
(CALL) and Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) have resulted in technological
developments, and it would not be a far-fetched thing to assume that AI language learning
(AILL) is burgeoning as an entirely new field in L2 learning.
Integrating AI into language and vocabulary learning has great potential to transform
conventional teaching regimes positively, which still needs to be explored by future research
(Chen et al., 2021; Semerikov et al., 2021). For instance, learners' individualized training and
personalized experience are often complex tasks for teachers in the classroom setting, where
they have to cater to the needs of multiple students. As a solution, AI-powered LL programs
could offer personalized learning experiences to each student, specially curated to their
strengths and weaknesses (Gallacher et al., 2018). This could be further complemented by the
24/7 availability of AI-powered vocabulary learning tools, which allows for flexible learning
schedules and is particularly beneficial for adult learners with other commitments (Alemi et
al., 2015). Similarly, students can employ AI to prepare for their tests and assessments since it
could provide the opportunity for immediate, personalized feedback (Lee et al., 2022). The
immediacy of feedback from AI tools could also enhance the learning experience for
vocabulary learners, which can correct their mistakes and help them learn in real time.
Despite the countless benefits, the use of AI tools happens to have several challenges as well.
One of those challenges is the need for more human interaction. While AI can simulate
conversations, it has yet to fully replicate the nuances of human interaction, which can limit
the development of conversational skills and cultural understanding (Gallacher et al., 2018).
Further, like any other tool, the advantages and drawbacks of its usage depend upon the user.
In that regard, the use of AI in vocabulary learning has generally obtained mixed reviews from
students and teachers. According to the teachers, the most common worrisome implication of
AI falls in the domain of plagiarism and unethical practices. Students have been found copying
entire assignments from AI tools like ChatGPT, and this has resulted in a bad image of AI tools
in the minds of many teachers who need to be more technologically educated. Consequently,
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1032 Artificial Intelligence (AI) In ESL Vocabulary Learning: An Exploratory Study On Students And
Teachers’ Perspectives
they have no choice but to make significant changes in the assessment methods so that the
students can avoid getting an unfair advantage through AI tools. On the other hand, many
teachers have identified the potential of AI as a vocabulary learning assistant; therefore, they
have urged students to employ AI in their work ethically.
The greatest challenge in AI-powered LL programs is the execution of proper training for
students and teachers to employ AI technology effectively in vocabulary learning. Program
designers would require special training programs/seminars to introduce AI features to students
and teachers and the methodology to use them fully in LL programs. However, before
implementing these strategies, there is a solid need to gauge the initial perceptions of students
and teachers regarding AI. This study aims to explore students' and teachers' perceptions,
beliefs, and attitudes concerning AI, which could greatly assist the program designers in
effectively implementing AI-powered vocabulary learning programs.
However, the rapid pace at which AI is advancing necessitates a thorough investigation into
the key factors that influence the integration of AI in the instruction and acquisition of
ESL vocabulary. With this in mind, the present study seeks to answer the following research
1. What are the attitudes and beliefs of students and teachers towards the use of AI in
vocabulary learning?
2. What are the perceived benefits and challenges of incorporating AI in vocabulary
learning, according to the students and teachers?
English Predominant
Number of Experience in
Age Slab Teaching Attitude
Teachers AI Usage
Experience Towards AI
Positive to
25-35 8 8.8 3.2 Neutral
Neutral to
36-45 11 17.7 1.6 Slightly
Khalaf Alharbi et al., 1033
Resistant to Very
46-55 3 28.2 0.6
Since the focus of the present study is ESL vocabulary learning through AI, the division of
participants into these two groups allows for a comprehensive exploration of the perceptions
of both learners and teachers towards using AI from this aspect. This dual perspective is crucial
for understanding the perceptions of AI integration with vocabulary learning.
2.2 Data Collection and Analysis
Questionnaires were used to collect data from both groups. Given the context of the study,
opting for a paper-based questionnaire over an electronic one was a strategic decision due to
the need for more instructional time and the lack of availability of electronic devices in
classrooms. In this case, paper-based questionnaires ensured inclusivity and practicality by
providing all participants an equal opportunity to respond without relying on external tech
devices or internet access.
The items were crafted to address the research questions about the attitudes and beliefs of
students and teachers towards using AI in vocabulary learning and the perceived benefits and
challenges of such integration. Therefore, the items were similar for both groups, except they
were asked from the participant’s point of view. The student group answered the Student-
Variant Questionnaire, whereas the teacher group’s participants responded to the Teacher-
Variant Questionnaire. Moreover, three experienced ESL teachers scrutinized and approved
the questionnaire items after some modifications.
Both variants of the questionnaire consisted of eight closed-ended items related to AI
integration in ESL vocabulary learning: effectiveness and benefit of AI, comfort level with AI
tools, advantages of AI over traditional methods, challenges and difficulties, compared
effectiveness of AI usage over traditional methods, trust in AI Recommendations, frequency
of AI tool usage, recommendation to peers. Likert scale was used to collect the responses from
the participants. The scale ranged from 1 to 5, where 1 = Strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 =
Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5= Strongly Agree. Finally, both groups answered two open-ended
questions for deeper insights.
The rationale behind their selection was multifold. Each question was designed to provide
specific information about the primary research objectives. Questions were framed in clear,
simple language to prevent misunderstandings. Finally, both closed-ended (for quantitative
data) and open-ended (for qualitative insights) questions were used to gather comprehensive
feedback from both groups.
In the data analysis, statistical and qualitative methods were employed to interpret the findings
from the questionnaires. For the Likert scale responses, the percentages were calculated to
discern general trends of responses. Responses were also cross-referenced with demographic
data where appropriate. Meanwhile, open-ended questions underwent thematic analysis.
Responses were grouped into themes and then interpreted in the context of the present study.
This dual approach ensured a comprehensive understanding of both the quantitative data and
the more profound sentiments of participants.
Migration Letters
1034 Artificial Intelligence (AI) In ESL Vocabulary Learning: An Exploratory Study On Students And
Teachers’ Perspectives
Using AI for vocabulary learning is effective and
1 2.6% 5.2% 11.7% 40.3% 40.3%
beneficial for me.
I am completely comfortable with using AI-based
2 7.8% 13.0% 32.5% 35.1% 11.7%
tools or apps for vocabulary learning.
I believe the advantages of using AI for
vocabulary learning over the traditional method
3 2.6% 5.2% 10.4% 32.5% 49.4%
are: faster learning, more personalized learning,
better retention, fun and engaging methods, etc.
I have not encountered any challenges or
4 7.8% 20.8% 29.9% 22.1% 19.5%
difficulties when using AI for vocabulary
Especially compared to traditional vocabulary
5.2% 6.5% 13.0% 50.6% 24.7%
learning methods, I consider AI-based vocabulary
learning more effective.
I completely trust the vocabulary words or phrases 10.4% 15.6% 24.7% 35.1% 14.3%
recommended by AI tools.
I often use AI tools or applications for vocabulary 10.4% 15.6% 24.7% 35.1% 14.3%
I would recommend AI-based vocabulary learning
8 2.6% 2.6% 10.4% 24.7% 59.7%
tools to my peers.
can enhance the overall English proficiency of primary school pupils and the general cognitive
capabilities of elementary school students. Moreover, this result also aligns well with De La
Vall and Araya (2023), who opines that using AI tools for language learning may have several
benefits, such as accelerating the learning process, personalizing it for each student, and
exposing them to new cultural perspectives and perspectives. Also, Aihua (2021) emphasizes
that AI-assisted language instruction demonstrates cost-effectiveness, enhanced efficiency, and
heightened learner engagement. On the other hand, a study conducted by Gallacher et al. (2018)
showed that students believe that using AI in the classroom is a “novelty” rather than a valuable
tool for language acquisition as it does not allow for the same level of rich interaction and
engagement as with human peers. However, AI technology has come a long way since 2018,
especially with the free availability of interactive chatbots like ChatGPT that can track user
information and adapt accordingly for a personalized experience. Therefore, further research is
required to gauge students’ perceptions in comparing the learning interaction between AI and
However, on the challenges front, the views spread across the spectrum. While only 41.6% felt
they did not encounter significant challenges (22.1% agreed and 19.5% strongly agreed), 28.6%
of the participants signified facing some difficulty, and 29.9% stayed neutral. These responses
could be due to the need for more awareness of the use of AI and its implications in language
and vocabulary learning.
Additionally, in comparing AI with conventional learning methods, 75.3% of students
highlighted AI's superior efficacy in vocabulary learning. However, it should be noted that the
trust in AI’s vocabulary suggestions was more evenly spread out. While 49.4% trusted the
recommendations (35.1% agreeing and 14.3% strongly agreeing), 50.7% held reservations,
either staying neutral or leaning towards skepticism.
The frequency pattern mirrors the trust metrics, with 49.4% acknowledging their frequent use
of AI tools (35.1% agreeing and 14.3% strongly agreeing) and 50.7% being neutral or
dissenting. Finally, a positive sentiment emerges in students' willingness to recommend AI
tools to their peers, with 84.4% showing approval.
3.2 Teacher-Variant Questionnaire
Table 3. Results of the Teacher-Variant Questionnaire
Using AI for vocabulary teaching is effective 4.5% 13.6% 9.1% 45.5% 27.3%
and beneficial for my students.
I am completely comfortable with using AI- 4.5% 22.7% 13.6% 50.0% 9.1%
based tools or apps for vocabulary teaching.
I believe the advantages of using AI for 4.5% 4.5% 18.2% 54.5% 18.2%
vocabulary teaching over the traditional
method are: faster teaching pace, more
personalized teaching methods, better
retention among students, more engaging and
interactive sessions, etc.
I have not encountered any challenges or 18.2% 9.1% 18.2% 36.4% 18.2%
4 difficulties when using AI for vocabulary
Compared to traditional vocabulary teaching 9.1% 13.6% 13.6% 45.5% 18.2%
5 methods, I consider AI-based vocabulary
teaching more effective.
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1036 Artificial Intelligence (AI) In ESL Vocabulary Learning: An Exploratory Study On Students And
Teachers’ Perspectives
I completely trust the vocabulary words or 9.1% 27.3% 31.8% 18.2% 13.6%
6 phrases recommended by AI tools for
I often use AI tools or applications for 13.6% 18.2% 18.2% 40.9% 9.1%
vocabulary teaching.
4.5% 9.1% 13.6% 36.4% 36.4%
8 would recommend AI-based vocabulary
teaching tools to fellow educators.
The results from the Teacher-Variant Questionnaire shed light on teachers' perceptions
regarding the integration of AI in vocabulary teaching to answer RQ1. The Cronbach’s alpha
for the Teacher-Variant Questionnaire was 0.79, indicating acceptable reliability and internal
consistency of results.
72.8% of the teachers found that using AI for vocabulary teaching was practical and beneficial
for their students, with 45.5% agreeing and 27.3% strongly agreeing. However, a % of teachers,
amounting to 18.1%, expressed reservations, while 9.1% remained neutral. Research shows
that AI offers efficiency and convenience for language learning, and for these features, it has
exceptionally among its users (De La Vall & Araya, 2023).
Teachers' comfort with using AI tools exhibits some divergence. More than half of teachers,
59.1%, showed positive inclinations (50.0% agreeing and 9.1% strongly agreeing) towards
comfort level with AI usage. However, 22.7% disagreed, reflecting hesitance or potential lack
of technological proficiency. One possible reason could be age and experience in language
teaching. The teachers accustomed to the traditional teaching methodologies resist the new
technological changes and feel uncomfortable with recent technology. As highlighted in Table
3, this notion is further corroborated by teachers’ responses to the open-ended questions,
especially experienced teachers. Another reason could be the teachers' lack of training and
awareness. Nevertheless, the utilization of AI tools for language and vocabulary instruction is
frequently disregarded, and many language instructors lack familiarity with the comprehensive
range of research and practical knowledge generated by experts in the technological domain
(Kessler, 2018). AI may take time to become a part of teacher training programs and be a
challenge for the curriculum designers and policymakers to keep the language teaching stream
in the technologically equipped loop; the training programs to incorporate AI in the ESL/EFL
teaching methodologies are required (Nazaretsky et al., 2022).
For the third item, the majority, 72.7%, concurred that AI offered pronounced advantages over
traditional teaching methods, underscoring aspects such as a faster teaching pace and enhanced
student engagement. However, the responses indicate a mixed bag regarding challenges. While
54.6% have yet to face significant challenges or are neutral, 27.3% of teachers experienced
difficulties integrating AI into their teaching practices. These findings may indicate that AI is
expected to advance in ESL vocabulary learning. It is imperative to utilize these resources to
optimize language teaching and learning to leverage technologically-equipped learners and the
rapid emergence of various technologies such as language learning media, AI, and augmented
reality (Kessler, 2018). However, it should be noted that AI integration in vocabulary learning
depends on its usage because of the users. i.e., teachers and students must be adequately trained
(De La Vall & Araya, 2023). Studies reveal that the potential benefits and applications of AI
cannot ensure that teachers are likely to be competent enough to implement it effectively and
enhance the quality of their teaching (Kim & Kim, 2022), and teacher’s attitudes towards AI
and its applications (Fernández-Batanero et al., 2021).
63.7% of respondents leaned towards AI's superiority over traditional teaching methodologies
for vocabulary, with 45.5% agreeing and 18.2% strongly agreeing. However, a segment of
Khalaf Alharbi et al., 1037
36.3% showcased reservations or remained neutral. These responses align with Alemi et al.
(2015), who recommend that teachers and educators include technology in language learning
materials. As Kessler (2018) asserts that the use of technological tools such as AI has become
a part of daily lives and learning to use these gadgets is a “societal norm” (p.2), AI integration
in ESL vocabulary learning appears to be appealing for students and teachers, and this study
calls for more in-depth future research in this area.
For teachers, trust in AI recommendations is a contentious area. A combined total of 59.2%
either remained neutral or showcased dissent towards fully trusting AI's vocabulary
recommendations, hinting at a need for further validation or corroborative methods. The data
reveals a bifurcated approach. While 50.0% of the teachers acknowledged employing AI tools
frequently or occasionally for vocabulary teaching, an equal segment was more cautious or less
frequent. Recent research highlighted that in this technological era, it can be challenging to
decide which materials, technologies, or websites would be most appropriate for a particular
lesson, task, or objective, even for individuals who tend to experiment with developing
technology (Kessler, 2018). This may be a reason for this almost equal distribution of the
A noteworthy 72.8% of teachers were positive about recommending AI tools to their
counterparts, signifying an overarching optimism about the technology's potential. Moreover,
it is essential that experienced teachers can mentor the incorporation of AI-powered tools into
the classroom and impart knowledge and experience to their colleagues who have yet to have
that experience (De La Vall & Araya, 2023).
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1038 Artificial Intelligence (AI) In ESL Vocabulary Learning: An Exploratory Study On Students And
Teachers’ Perspectives
Figure 1. A Venn diagram illustrates students' and teachers' common and uncommon
perceptions concerning AI-based vocabulary learning.
The Venn Diagram constructed to represent the perceptions of students and teachers regarding
AI in ESL vocabulary learning is a visual embodiment of shared and unique viewpoints. It
comprises two overlapping circles, each representing one of the two groups: students and
teachers. The overlapping section of the circles delineates the common perceptions of both
groups, while the distinct areas highlight the unique perspectives of each group.
In the overlapping section, four main themes emerge, reflecting the shared opinions of students
and teachers. Firstly, both groups acknowledge the "Effectiveness and Benefits of AI" in
enhancing vocabulary learning experiences. This consensus underscores the recognized value
of AI integration in educational contexts. Previous research indicates that teachers and students
express positive experiences with AI integration in education (Holmes & Tuomi, 2022; Kim &
Kim, 2022; Nazaretsky et al., 2022), language, and vocabulary (Alemi et al., 2015; Kessler,
2018; De La Vall & Araya, 2023).
Secondly, the "Advantages of AI Over Traditional Methods" is another mutual perception,
highlighting the superior efficacy of AI in providing tailored and immersive learning
experiences. Thirdly, students and teachers report "Frequent AI Usage for Learning/Teaching,"
indicating a growing acceptance and reliance on AI technology in educational settings. Lastly,
Khalaf Alharbi et al., 1039
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1040 Artificial Intelligence (AI) In ESL Vocabulary Learning: An Exploratory Study On Students And
Teachers’ Perspectives
The insights gained from students’ responses underscore the importance of addressing the
challenges and limitations of AI tools while leveraging their benefits to enhance vocabulary
learning experiences. Continuous research and development efforts are essential to optimize
the integration of AI in vocabulary learning, ensuring that it effectively meets students' diverse
needs and preferences.
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1042 Artificial Intelligence (AI) In ESL Vocabulary Learning: An Exploratory Study On Students And
Teachers’ Perspectives
Figure 3. Teachers’ responses to open-ended questions categorized according to three age slabs
From the teachers’ responses, three predominant themes emerge across different age slabs of
teachers: Change in Teaching Dynamics, Challenges and Concerns, and Suggestions for
Improvement. Figure 3 delineates the nuanced perspectives of teachers within the age brackets
of 25-35, 36-45, and 46-55, offering a comprehensive insight into their experiences and
a) Change in Teaching Dynamics
Teachers in the 25-35 age bracket highlighted the augmented efficiency and automation
brought about by AI. They acknowledged the enhancement in student engagement and the
emergence of innovative teaching methods. A teacher noted, “I’ve noticed a significant boost
in efficiency. Automated tasks allow me to focus more on interactive teaching.” However, for
the 36-45 age group, the shift in teaching dynamics elicited mixed reactions. Concerns about
Khalaf Alharbi et al., 1043
the diminishing role of traditional teaching and overdependence on technology were prevalent.
A teacher from this group expressed, “I find it hard to trust AI completely. I’m used to
traditional methods, and this shift isn’t easy for me.” Another teacher responded as: “Although
AI is new for me, I am excited to employ it in my teaching style and see what I can do with it
for my students”. The 46-55 age group predominantly preferred traditional teaching methods,
limited comfort with AI tools, and a desire for AI to complement rather than dominate the
teaching process. A senior teacher with the English Language teaching experience of 21 years
answered, “I believe in the human touch in teaching. AI can assist but should not dominate the
teaching process.” Interestingly, one senior teacher aged 49 responded, “I remember the days
when the internet was a new thing. Times are changing, and technology has become an
important part of our lives. Therefore, we need to happily accept the change. Using AI to teach
is definitely very difficult for me, but one must never stop learning.”
b) Challenges and Concerns
Younger teachers in the age of 25-35 articulated responses discussing challenges in navigating
technical issues and mentioned ensuring that AI does not overshadow essential human
interaction in teaching. Quotes such as “Technical glitches can be a hurdle. It’s crucial to have
robust support to resolve these issues promptly.” and “It’s good to see technology becoming a
part of education, but we shouldn’t let the human aspect of teaching erase as a result of it.”,
show these concerns. The middle age group highlighted resistance to new technology and
concerns about over-dependence on AI. A teacher stated, “Overdependence on AI is a concern.
It’s important not to lose the essence of traditional teaching. “The concern about over-relying
on technology seems to be common between the young and middle-aged teachers. The older
age group emphasizes limited familiarity with AI tools and strongly prefers traditional
methods. They expressed resistance to change, especially at the end of their career. A teacher
humorously responded noted, “I’m not very familiar with AI tools, and it feels overwhelming
to learn them at this stage. I can’t even use my iPhone to its fullest. I think I’ve gotten old ”.
Another senior teacher sternly responded, “I believe there’s no room for AI-assisted teaching
in my teaching style. I prefer to be direct, straight and engage students with my own ideas, and
I’ll continue to teach this way”.
c) Suggestions for Improvement
Suggestions from the young teachers’ group included enhanced technical support. A teacher
suggested, “Having a dedicated technical support team for AI tools would make the integration
much smoother.” Moreover, “I really think that if you want to learn a language, you need to be
creative. I would love to see more interactive AI vocabulary apps personalized for each of my
students to play with, for example it could be some engaging vocabulary learning games,
adaptive flash cards, etc. This will surely help them to learn as creatively as possible”, a teacher
responded, emphasizing the further development of interactive AI apps for vocabulary learning
and language learning in general.
The 36-45 age group calls for training, workshops, and a balance between AI and traditional
teaching methods. A quote from this group is, “Organizing training sessions and workshops
would help us get more acquainted with AI tools and their effective usage.” In contrast, the
most senior teacher group emphasizes the need for a simplified user interface and clear
guidelines for AI tools. A teacher states, “A simpler and more intuitive user interface for AI
tools would encourage more teachers like me to use them.”
Conclusion, study implications, and limitations
This study explores the possible integration of AI in ESL vocabulary learning, specifically on
eight factors. It concludes that most students and teachers consider integrating AI in vocabulary
learning effective and beneficial with personalized learning experiences. However, some
factors, such as the comfort level in using AI tools and trust in AI recommendations, show a
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1044 Artificial Intelligence (AI) In ESL Vocabulary Learning: An Exploratory Study On Students And
Teachers’ Perspectives
more dispersed sentiment among students and teachers. Given several benefits, including
enhanced learning efficiency and personalized learning supporting diverse learning styles, the
study also highlights the difficulties instructors and students encounter with AI in vocabulary
learning, such as technical challenges, the absence of face-to-face communication, lack of
human touch, and tendency to over-rely on technology. Another intriguing outcome is the
universal call across all age groups of teachers for a balance between AI and traditional teaching
methods, highlighting the enduring value placed on human interaction and traditional teaching
values amidst technological advancements. The varying levels of comfort and familiarity with
AI tools across different age groups of teachers underscore the importance of tailored training
and support to enhance the effective integration of AI in vocabulary teaching. The collective
insights emphasize the multifaceted impact of AI on teaching dynamics, elucidating the
opportunities, challenges, and the path forward for holistic and effective AI integration in
education. Moreover, it calls for the pressing need for proper professional training programs
for teachers and students to effectively implement AI tools in learning vocabulary.
The study provides valuable insights into the perceptions, benefits, and challenges of
integrating AI in vocabulary learning from the perspectives of both students and teachers.
Based on the elicited data provided by this study, we suggest the integration of AI in language
and vocabulary teaching for ESL and EFL learners based on an ethical framework with
precautionary measures taken by policymakers and educators.
The present study has several limitations. Despite the small sample size of teachers and
students, these findings exhibit the potential to be extended to a broader and more
representative group of teachers, making them worthwhile for further investigation in future
research. Furthermore, future research could gauge the effects of AI-based language learning
on other aspects, such as grammar, collocation learning, listening, and reading comprehension.
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