Oscar Niemeyers International and Perman
Oscar Niemeyers International and Perman
Oscar Niemeyers International and Perman
ISBN 0-313-17652-4
1 Spadina Crescent
Toronto, ON M5S 2J5
Sheridan Burke
Maya Hmeidan
Aziza Chaouni
Bekim Ramku
Ayşen Savaş
Shikha Jain
Mohamed Elshahed
In the early 1960s, the infamous Brazilian
modern architect Oscar Niemeyer designed The
International and Permanent Fairground of Lebanon
[later renamed Rachid Karami International
Fair (RKIF)] to accommodate a state-of-the-art
international and permanent exhibition that could
host cultural events. These ambitions were short-
lived. The modernist complex of exhibition pavilions,
theatres, museums, and residences never achieved
its intended function. Instead, it became a site that
has faced repeated misfortune.
CONTEXT focusing on regional and peripheral socio-economic
Following his election as the president of the development. As a result, Lebanon’s second-largest
Lebanese Republic in October 1958, General city, Tripoli, was selected to house the fairground
Fouad Chehab (1958-1964) embarked upon a in November 1959.5 This decision, which became
program of administrative, social, and economic effective on the 7th of May 1960,6 was facilitated by
reform intended to strengthen and modernize pressure from Tripolitan politicians, trade circles,
the Lebanese state. To achieve his general policy and civil society. Tripoli also held an advantage due
of geographically-distributed social development to the availability of unbuilt agricultural lands which
across Lebanon, Chehab called upon the IRFED could be expropriated at relatively low prices.
(International Institute for Research and Training,
Amado Chalhoub, a friend of Tripolitan Prime
Education and Development) mission (1959-1964)3
Minister Rachid Karami, was appointed the first
headed by Father Lebret, a French-Dominican
Fair Director on January 4th 1962. As a member
priest, social scientist, and philosopher. President
of the Lebanese diaspora in Brazil, Chalhoub was
Chehab decided to accelerate the implementation
of reforms and socio-economic projects which
resulted from studies conducted by the IRFED
delegation and other experts. As a result, large-
scale projects — some of which addressed regional
interests—were launched across the country.4 The
Conseil Exécutif des Grands Projets (CEGP) was
then established to implement major government
infrastructure and development projects—one of
which was a Fair in Tripoli. Thus, the early 1960s was
a transformative period in Lebanon, witnessing the
birth of new projects, regulations, and institutions
that Lebanon had never seen before. This period
is considered the golden age of the country by the
Lebanese majority.
Figure 4: General plan of the Permanent and International Fair of Lebanon in Tripoli as proposed by Niemeyer, 1963.
1 main entrance plaza 9 water tower
2 guest house 10 reflecting pools
3 merry-go-round (playground) 11 model residence
4 main exhibition pavilion - grand cover 12 housing museum
5 lebanon pavillion 13 collective housing
6 experimental theatre 14 administration
7 helipad and space museum 15 customs/ fire brigade/ depots
8 open-air theater
8 8 10
familiar with Oscar Niemeyer’s reputation7 after In Niemeyer’s own words, it was the “first to be
the completion of Brasilia and recommended that based on a criterion of unity and plastic equilibrium”
he leads the design of the fair. Shortly thereafter (fig. 4).10 Instead of following the common trend
Niemeyer was commissioned by the Lebanese of designing freestanding exhibition pavilions to
government to design Tripoli’s International and represent different countries, Niemeyer unified all
Permanent Fairgrounds.8 Niemeyer seemed an of the pavilions beneath a large canopy formed by
appropriate choice for a young postcolonial nation a simple reinforced concrete structure. The 'Grande
looking to secure its reputation regionally and to Couverture' is an astounding 750 m in length and 50
compete in global trade and tourism markets. m in width. This boomerang-shaped hall is the Fair’s
main building (figs. 5, 6).
Following his visit to the city of Tripoli in July 1962,
Niemeyer proposed an entire city quarter along the At the Fairground, Niemeyer scattered meticulously
coast with the fairground as its focal point (figs. designed modern concrete pavilions throughout the
2, 3). The press described Niemeyer’s design and site, all facing the concave side of the Grand Cover,
concept for a permanent exhibition and cultural and connected through a series of green landscapes
complex as a “revolutionary” avant-garde concept, and reflecting pools. The small structures dispersed
and as an example for future international fairs.9 throughout the site reference characteristic curves
Figure 5: Niemeyer’s drawing of the Main Exhibition Pavilion or the “Grande Couverture.”
Legend 5
1 ground floor
2 elevation 3
3 top view
4 cross section
5 arcade unit
6 perspective
and geometric forms employed in other Niemeyer reserve 18,000 m2 of the Fairground to house their
works; namely Ibirapuera Park and Brasilia. These pavilions.12
structures include the 'Lebanon Pavilion'—a square
The construction of Tripoli’s International Fair
structure surrounded by pointed arcades (figs.
started in early 1964. By 1965 various access roads
7, 8), the dome-shaped Experimental Theatre,
to the site were enlarged, and the government
the “Space Museum” with its heliport, an Open-
allocated a budget for the construction of a coastal
Air Theatre accessed through a ceremonial ramp
highway connecting Tripoli in the north to Saida in
under a monumental concrete arch, a daycare with
the south, passing through Beirut. Unfortunately,
a conical form, and many others (figs. 9, 10).
budget deficits and a lack of state funding delayed
The ideals embodied in Niemeyer’s designs were the implementation of major infrastructure
fully embraced and high hopes were placed on the projects including the coastal highway and Tripoli’s
project.11 Shortly after laying the foundation stone International Fair. The inauguration date for the
on October 1st 1963 (fig. 11), the United Kingdom Fairground was consecutively deferred until
and Australia announced their plans to each 1976.13 The project’s slow execution fueled criticism
Figure 9: : The Day Care (1st left), Experimental Threatre (Dome), Lebanon Pavilion, Helipad
and the Ramp and Monumental Arch leading into the Open Air Theatre, 2019 .
Figure 10: Open Air Theatre (center) with the Grand Cover (left) and the Water Tower (right). Notice
the Quality Inn hotel in the background- previously the Collective Housing (see figure 16).
Figure 13: Graffiti at Niemeyer’s Guest House, reminiscent of the site occupation period, 2019.
A Ground Floor
1 garden
2 rooms
3 services, kitchen, offices
B First Floor
1 void
2 bedrooms
3 bathrooms
C Cross Section
D Perspective
Figure 14: Niemeyer’s design of the Collective Housing (compare with figure 10).
against political leaders in successive governments. under a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) agreement
Widespread disappointment was shared by (fig. 14). Niemeyer’s remaining futuristic phantom
the general public and project stakeholders—in sculptures became the silent witnesses to the
particular economic organizations, local investors, erosion of the postcolonial modern condition which
and ex-land owners—whose hopes for an equitable brought them into existence (figs. 15, 16).
future for Tripoli were further dashed by the
Consecutive government strategies failed to
outbreak of the Lebanese Civil War in 1975.
reinstate the Fairgrounds’ original function as
Niemeyer’s Fairground was nearing completion “the only international and permanent exhibition
when it was seized by the Syrian Army in 1976. in Lebanon.”15 Several large-scale development
Using the site as a military base and detention proposals that aimed to reuse and revive the complex
center brought the modern project to a complete were halted due to the political instability in the
halt—killing postcolonial ambitions for a developed region, or through public campaigns16 opposed to
nation and Niemeyer’s utopian socialist vision for unsympathetic designs and additions to the original
Lebanon. Above all, Tripolitans came to associate complex which would have dramatically impacted
the Fairground with negative memories of the war the site. For instance, in 2004 a project known as
until the site was completely evacuated in 1998 Cedar Land proposed to transform the Permanent
(figs. 12, 13). International Fair into a tourist village which would
accommodate millions of visitors a year based on
Despite the long years of war, misuse, theft, and
the Disneyland model.17 Another project known as
neglect, the Fairground’s structures remained in
China Max proposed a permanent exhibition for
fairly good shape. The general composition of the
Chinese products and a tax-free exhibition area for
Fair is intact and the forms of the buildings still
Chinese goods.18
appear in all their plasticity. Nevertheless, the Fair
has been in a state of gradual degradation due to the In the past few years, the Rachid Karami
lack of post-war public spending, use, and vision. International Fair (RKIF) Administration Board has
changed its attitude towards the Fairground. Given
The partial rehabilitation that was introduced
the delicate condition of the exposed concrete
to selected structures in 1994 (such as the Open
and the partial collapse of some concrete roofs,
Air Theatre, part of the Grand Cover, Collective
the RKIF Administration Board opted to accept
Housing, the Lebanon Pavilion, and the Portico)
project proposals that included the rehabilitation
allowed for the occasional use of the Fairgrounds
and adaptive reuse of one or many of the onsite
by local commercial entities as well as arts
structures. Unfortunately, some of these proposals,
programming from 1995 onwards.14 In 2000,
such as the Knowledge and Innovation Centre
one of the most dramatic transformations was
(KIC project) were put in place, in the absence of
inflicted on the residential slab building known as
aa master plan or a clear vision.19 This patchwork
'Collective Housing' when it became 'the Quality
approach to protecting the site threatens the
Inn'—a three-star hotel leased to a third party
integrity and authenticity of the complex, as well
Figure 15: Aerial view of RKIF in 1974 prior to the outbreak of the civil war.
Figure 16: Aerial view of RKIF in 1999 after the end of the civil war and the partial
rehabilitation of the site. Notice the major change in the walkways, the additional parking and
the changes in the area of the collective housing. Also the urban expansion of the city around
the RKIF.
Figure 17: The status of the ceiling of the first basement at the Open Air Theatre, June 2019.
as Niemeyer’s concepts of unity and harmony of processes which promote the conscious restoration
the site. Reactive decision-making will not only and reuse of this outstanding modern complex.
lead to the fragmentation of the complex between
different users, but may also ruin the important
attributes embodied in the design of the complex. THE CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT
Unfortunately, while the idea of introducing PLAN FOR TRIPOLI’S FAIRGROUND
additional structures to the Fairground has been
The Niemeyer-designed Tripoli buildings have
widely accepted, a comprehensive masterplan for
experienced deterioration due to weathering over
the modern complex remains absent.
the last fifty years (fig. 17). Therefore, the preparation
As an outstanding manifestation of modernity and of a CMP is an important step to ensure that both
modernism in Lebanon and the Middle East, Tripoli’s repairs and future development are carried out
Fairground has made its way onto the UNESCO’s within the framework of considered conservation
World Heritage List in Danger in January 2023 due policies. Such policies would guarantee compatibility
the deteriorated state of its conservation. Today, with Niemeyer’s architectural expression along
efforts should concentrate on addressing the most with the existing landscape of the Fair.
urgent conservation issues and challenges. The site
merits special attention and care when considering
potential development options. For this reason,
the development of a Conservation Management
Plan (CMP) for Tripoli’s International Fairground
is a critical tool that can guide decision-making
Figure 18: Cover page of Niemeyer’s article on the Tripoli Fair in Módulo, Oct.1962.
Figure 20: The Grand Cover during construction, 9th of July 1965.
Figure 23: Ferdinand Dagher (1st left) and Oscar Niemeyer (7th left) on the construction site of the Tripoli Fair during his 2nd visit to Lebanon
between December 1966 and Januray/February 1967.
When the research team was convened to assess construction is also available (fig. 20). Several
the quality of available documentation and to draft articles appeared in the popular press and online
a work plan for the research, it became obvious after the cessation of hostilities in 1990, but
that good quality documentation existed but was these mainly pertain to a proposal that worked to
dispersed between different institutions and transform the site into a theme park, or mentions
individuals in Lebanon and abroad. Some of these of events taking place onsite. Partial drawings of
documents have been digitally archived and can the Fair exist in the Niemeyer’s archive, the RKIF
be easily accessed after permissions are secured, archive, and at some local consultants’ archives
such as through the Niemeyer Foundation in Brazil, (igs. 21, 22). Post-war surveys of the buildings and
the Arab Center for Architecture in Lebanon, and ground conditions and architectural plans of the
local newspapers. Other sources of information rehabilitated structures were also available through
had to be collected and properly archived such the RKIF archives. However, other documentation
as governmental archives (including the RKIF’s such as engineering drawings of the site’s structure
archives), as well as archival documents from local and as-built drawings have yet to be found.
consultants and contractors who implemented
Scholarly work on the Fair remains limited. A few
Niemeyer’s design, and individuals who were
research-based articles were published between
involved in the construction of the Fair and its
2012 and 2014 by Lebanese architects and urban
management over the years. For this purpose,
planners.24 One Ph.D. dissertation discussing the
several interviews with local consultants,
problem of scale in architecture included a whole
contractors, and their descendants were conducted
chapter titled Spatializing Co-Existence (around 30
and testimonies and memories were recorded in
pages), analyzing the Fairground.25
order to develop a further understanding of the
project’s context (figs. 23, 24). Based on the available budget, a strategy to
selectively collect key archival documents was
Unlike Niemeyer’s other projects, his work in
devised; prioritizing architectural and structural
Lebanon is the least known. Niemeyer’s Fairground
drawings, as well as old photographs. The team’s
in Tripoli remains underrepresented in his own
main research efforts focused on consulting the
records; the Fair is briefly described in few pages
RKIF’s un-digitized archives to ensure relevant
of Modulo, a journal established by Niemeyer to
material was made accessible to all team members.
document Brazilian architecture (fig. 18),23 with a
A common digital repository was formed to collect
brief mention in his autobiographical notes.
digital documents, including scanned plans and
Several local newspapers documented the project, drawings. These documents were made available
beginning with the initial invitations sent to Oscar to the entire team prior to the first onsite visit.
Niemeyer, the design and implementation phases, Additional data and documents collected by the team
and personal interviews with Niemeyer (fig. 19). could subsequently be added to this repository.
A critical photographic record of the site during
Figure 24: Amado Chalhoub, the Fair’s director, on site presenting a file on the project to President Charles Helou and Rachid Karami.
1. Allow the research team to present and share Activities during the first site visit included start-up
preliminary historical data they collected with meetings to discuss the logistics of operating on the
the technical team. site and procedures for conducting archival work, to
review issues of concern and problems facing the
2. Undertake a visual assessment of the Fair’s
structures and the site, and to consult the drawings,
structures; including additional physical data
specifications, and other documents held at the
and evidence to develop the technical team’s
RKIF in Tripoli. Project team members inspected
understanding of the site.
the buildings and site to understand the as-built
3. Meet the Fair’s administration and discuss the construction, alterations, present conditions, and
challenges of preserving and developing the factors which impacted deterioration. Defects
Fairground complex. and deficiencies were observed and recorded
using photographs and field notes. Project team
4. Meet with major stakeholders with interests
members conducted meetings during site visits
in the site in order to develop the team’s
with key stakeholders identified by UNESCO. In
understanding of previous, current, and future
addition to the main project stakeholders (RKIF
development interests for the complex.
administration), the team met with additional groups
5. Finalize a strategy to achieve the CMP document. such as the Directorate General of Antiquities,
the Tripoli Special Economic Zone,26 the Order of of the Fairground and the impact of these issues
Engineers and Architects in Tripoli and Beirut, as on future conservation and development efforts.
well as potential investors27 to discuss and further For example, until the approval of the new law
understand the issues at stake. no.274/2022 for the reorganization of the RKIF,
rental income from events and exhibitions at
Additional presentations and guided visits took place
the Fairground is required by law to be sent to
with special interest groups Expertise France and
the national treasury. In return, the Fairground
East Architecture who, in 2017, conducted partial
received an annual budget from the Ministry of
rehabilitation works to transform Niemeyer’s Guest
Finance which barely covers operating costs and
House into the Minjara Platform28 and the NGO
salaries. In order to receive additional funding
Niemeyer’s Heritage in Tripoli which represents
for repairs and rehabilitation work, the RKIF
the interests of part of the local community. These
administration required further approval from two
meetings were key to building relationships with
bodies: the Ministry of Economy and Trade, and
locals, and helped the team better understand their
the Ministry of Finance. In turn, both ministries
concerns and aspirations for specific site elements.
must gain approvals from the Council of Ministers
These meetings also allowed the project team for an extra-budgetary allocation—a complex task
to understand the challenges faced by direct given the government’s long list of priorities.
stakeholders such as the RKIF administration, Consequently the administration has been
users, and others. Stakeholders shared their incapable of undertaking simple tasks necessary to
preliminary observations and concerns towards ensure the adequate maintenance of structures, let
proposed developments for the site. This research alone rehabilitating them.
and a set of general recommendations were
In addition to legal challenges, underfunding, and
shared through a report addressed to the RKIF
staff shortages, no comprehensive future vision
administration and the ministry in charge. The
for the RKIF complex has been developed—leading
significance of the Fairground was highlighted in
to the absence of a master plan. The result is a
the report, including an outline of key Niemeyer
fragmented approach to the conservation and
design elements that should be protected in future
development of the complex.
developments. A summary of the workshop’s main
findings, preliminary observations, concerns, and On the positive side, visual structural assessments
a set of recommendations by the project team and a review of the available documentation
(following the stakeholder meetings and field revealed that the precarious structural elements
assessments) were also enclosed.29 onsite are repairable. Recommendations by the
project’s conservation engineer ask the RKIF
By involving the RKIF administration throughout
administration to prioritize the implementation
the process, the project team developed an
of safety interventions—the removal of loose and
understanding of the legal, financial, and
unsound concrete from all buildings, shoring
administrative challenges inherent to the operation
structures as required, and restricting public
access to areas such as the Open Air Theatre, Grand it is certainly possible to collect data until the
Cover, and Space Museum. The next step, according end of the RKIF CMP process, this cannot take
to the project’s engineer, is to undertake detailed precedence over other phases. Unfortunately, the
assessments of building conditions, and to develop data collection phase was interrupted and delayed
appropriate repair methodologies accordingly. In by many external factors, one of which is related
parallel, a mock-up program should be considered to the lack of security and political instability that
to demonstrate methodologies for concrete repairs. prevailed in the country since October 2019. The
worsening socio-economic conditions experienced
4.3 COMMUNITY SURVEYS by most of the Lebanese population led to a civil
uprising, mass protests against the ruling political
To guarantee a more inclusive bottom-up class, and widespread accusations of corruption.
conservation approach, an online public survey was This crisis resulted from unsound economic policies
launched by the end of 2020.30 This survey targeted and entrenched corruption that have plagued
sample populations from Lebanon in general and Lebanon’s post-civil war decades. These events,
Tripoli in particular to assess their relationships followed by the confinement measures taken to
with the Fair, the site’s significance to them, and fight the COVID-19 pandemic since February 2020,
their aspirations for its future development. have prevented the team from carrying out their
tasks and have delayed the whole CMP process.31
While it is easy to gauge the views of institutions
and NGOs, collecting this information from local
inhabitants is more complex. Decisions which
impact demographic representation make the data
collection process challenging. For these reasons, The Chehab regime’s ideal of an international
a one-to-one survey based on a carefully selected and permanent fairground in Tripoli
percentage of the local community to ensure their has seemingly evaporated from the strategic
engagement throughout the CMP process. development plans of consecutive post-war
governments. While Niemeyer’s modern structures
The data retrieved supported both the Statement
remain as phantom sculptures in a largely vacant
of Significance and recommendations for the
landscape, a majority of stakeholders consider
Fairground’s future use. The project team worked
the International and Permanent Fair program as
to the best of their ability to ensure that the opinions
obsolete given the geopolitical and socio-economic
of those impacted by the site are represented in the
contexts of Tripoli and Lebanon. Most believe
final outcome.
the Fairgrounds should be better integrated into
In fine, data collection and archival research are Tripoli’s urban fabric, reinvigorating the site’s
a simultaneously tedious, daunting, and alluring function for the city and its people.
task. If prolonged, this phase may consume the
project’s remaining time and resources. While
21. Several local initiatives working to enhance conservation Lebanon Pavilion into a high end restaurant.
law, find urban planning solutions, and spread interest 28. Expertise France is implementing the Private Sector
and awareness on the values of Lebanese Modern Development Project (PSD-P) in Lebanon, funded by
architectural heritage are taking place. For instance, the European Union. They rehabilitated one building of
the Directorate General of Antiquities submitted a the Rachid Karami International Fairground in Tripoli in
law proposal on Heritage Building Protection to the 2017 – the Guest House – to be used for their Minjara
Lebanese Parliament in 2007. The proposal was amended Project within the PSD-P project. Learn more about
and re-submitted to Parliament in 2015. Moreover, a the Minjara project here: www.minjara.com; and the
Lebanese chapter of DOCOMOMO was establishment by rehabilitation project by East Architecture here: https://
the Arab Center for Architecture (ACA) in August 2012, www.eastarchitecture.net/project/trp-the-guest-house/.
with the aim of building a national registry of Modern 29. As a result of the discussions during this workshop,
architectural sites, and to spread awareness on the the Tripoli Special Economic Zone management
need to protect it. These are necessary steps working to became aware of the issues at stake concerning the
change perceptions of Modern heritage, and to safeguard new development and its effect on the RKIF’s integrity
these sites for future generations. However, a lot more and authenticity. They promised to consider the site’s
need to be done. heritage value when choosing a winning design for the
22. This aspect has reduced the budget that could have been KIC competition, in addition to keeping the channels
dedicated for parallel activities, such as implementation of communication open during the forthcoming design
of awareness activities to engage the general public, the process.
translation of the CMP into Arabic, or others.
23. Niemeyer, O., “Feira Internacional e Permanente do
Líbano em Trípoli,” Modulo 7, 30 (1962): p.2-3,7,9-10.
24. “Une Expérience Collective,” Suspended Spaces 2, 2012;
and “Inachever la Modernité’” Suspended Spaces 3,
2014; and Lahoud, A., “Architecture, the city and its scale:
Oscar Niemeyer in Tripoli, Lebanon,” The Journal of
Architecture 18, 6 (2013).
25. Lahoud, A., (2012). “The Problem of Scale: The city, the
territory and the planetary,” (Unpublished doctoral
dissertation at the University of Technology, Sydney).
26. The Tripoli Special Economic Zone (TSEZ) has been
awarded through a presidential decree part of the
RKIF site—75000 square meters that include the
Administration and Custom Buildings designed by O.
Niemeyer, in addition to some free land to invest as the
Knowledge and Innovation Center for a period of 30
years https://www.tsez.gov.lb/kic/; Over the course of
2019, the TSEZ launched an international architecture
competition, and the winning design was announced two
weeks after the UNESCO CMP workshop on the 28th of
June; https://www.tsez.gov.lb/kic/competition.
27. Investors, such as Tripolism International and the
Construction and Rehabilitation Center (CRC), exposed
two development project proposals respectively; the
first is concerned with the Experimental Theatre being
restored to be used as a theatre, opera and concert
space and the second focuses on transforming the