2024 2025 - Essay Assignment Age of Iron

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Age of Iron – Essay Assignment – 2024-2025 – 1

For this assignment you are going to write an essay about Age of Iron by J.M. Coetzee. Write a
thesis statement that shows how you think the ‘age of iron’ is defined according to the book.
Additionally, in your last body paragraph you should argue whether your definition of ‘age of iron’
still exists today, and if so, in what form.

Further Information

Make sure that you are writing your essay according to the following structure.
● Interesting title
● Introduction (introducing your ideas + thesis statement).
● At least 3 body paragraphs (about the ‘age of iron’ in the novel)
● 1 body paragraph (connecting your definition to our current society)
● Conclusion (summarizing your ideas and restating your TS, leave the reader with
something to consider).

Structure your body paragraphs according to the PIE structure:

- Point
- Illustration
- Explanation

Your essay has to be at least 800 words. Make sure that you include the word count at the
bottom of your essay.

Make sure that you put the sources that you have used in your work cited list in APA style and
that you actively refer to them in your essay.

Do not plagiarise or use possible AI-generated answers as your own ideas (please refer to the
statement on AI-generated text).

What you can use

- Your writing schedule + portfolio of secondary sources + list of sources in APA.
- A copy of Age of Iron with sticky notes
- Dictionary (English-Dutch/Dutch-English/English-English)

Good Luck!
Rubric VWO 6 – Essay – Age of Iron Name: __________________________________________ H6______

0 10 16 20
Content Is vague and only addresses half Addresses most of the Addresses all of the Addresses all of the
of the assignment components. assignment assignment components. assignment components.
No evidence of having given the components, but not Shows some critical/reflective Illustrates critical/reflective
assignment real thought, no detailed. Poorly thinking. Relatively well thought thinking. Well thought out
evidence from the novel or thought out response out response supported by response supported by
additional source was used. which lacks evidence adequate evidence from the insightful evidence from the
from the novel and novel and additional source. novel and additional source.
additional source.
0 2 4 6
Introduction A hook is missing or weak and A hook is present The introduction includes a The introduction includes a
important information is absent. though not followed by hook, transitions to the thesis hook and transitions to the
The thesis statement does not important information. statement, and is mostly thesis statement. The
name the topic and does not The thesis statement effective. The Thesis statement introduction provides
preview what will be discussed. outlines some or all of names the topic of the essay. background information. The
the main points to be thesis statement names the
discussed but does topic of the essay and
not name the topic outlines the main points to be

Structure Some or all of the body Each of the body Each of the body paragraphs Each of the body paragraphs
paragraphs lack topic sentences. paragraphs includes a includes a well-written topic includes a creative and
The organization of some or all topic sentence and sentence, sentences with well-written topic sentence,
of the body paragraphs make for supporting sentences, supporting details and a effectively constructed
a difficult read because of poor but is not an easy wrap-up sentence. Use of sentences with supporting
sentence structure. read. linking words to show details, wrap-up sentence
connections between ideas and that presents a closing idea.
paragraphs. (PIE) Excellent and varied
use of linking words to show
connections between ideas
and paragraphs.

Conclusion The thesis is not restated or is The conclusion The conclusion is strong and
found in the same wording as the restates the writer’s leaves the reader solidly
introduction. The essay is not position. understanding the writer’s
summed up. position. The thesis statement
is clearly restated in different

Spelling The work contains a number of Despite a number of Good degree of spelling despite The work contains very few
spelling mistakes that interfere mistakes the text is still minor mistakes. spelling errors.
with the comprehension of the comprehensible.
0 2 4 6
Grammar The work contains numerous The work contains The work contains basic The work contains accurate
errors in basic grammatical basic grammatical grammatical structures, basic and more-complex
structures; making things structures, though with generally accurately. grammatical structures.
unclear. some errors.

Vocabulary and The student uses a limited The student uses a The student makes good use of Students makes excellent
style vocabulary and words fail to basic range of a basic range of vocabulary. use of a large range of
grasp intended meaning. vocabulary, with some Formal style is somewhat vocabulary. Consistent use of
inappropriate word evident. formal writing style.
choice. Essay lacks a
formal style.

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