In Indian construction industries has faced a lot of issues during construction, such as planning, estimation and
scheduling. In generally the most of a construction sectors not used Building Information Management (BIM)
based constructions. Building Information Management (BIM) is the process of performing and managing
Building Information in an interoperable and reusable way. BIM is the advanced construction method it
generates various dimensional (n-D) models to simulate the planning, design and construction operations. It
encourages integration of the roles of all stakeholders on a project allowing the architects, engineers and
constructors to visualize. BIM provides to build in a simulated environment and to identify potential design,
construction or operational issues. This study is mainly focused on identify the awareness level on
implementation of BIM in Indian construction industries. The questionnaire survey was conducted to determine
the level of awareness about BIM across India. The questionnaires was developed using 3 point likert scale, to
rank the awareness of BIM. The questionnaires was distributed among the architects, engineers and consultants
to rate the opinion of BIM, on their ongoing and past projects. The questionnaire consists of two major groups
i) demographic details and ii) factors of BIM. The collected data were approached significant analysis to rank
the awareness level implementation of BIM in Indian construction firms. This study concludes awareness is in
moderate level in Indian construction.
Construction sector in India will play a significant role in the nation’s infrastructure and economic growth. In a
modern world, construction industry plays a major role in development of our nation. India is a developing
country, it have poor infrastructure facilities and construction methods. Current construction technique in India
is not fare and results in delays, cost overruns and quality issues. Overcome these issues, Building Information
Management (BIM) based construction to be implemented. Building Information Management (BIM) is a
model-based design concept, in which buildings will be built virtually before they get built out in the field. BIM
is an advanced mode of construction in all over the world. In India BIM based construction is in moderate level.
Need to improve construction quality in India.
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Building Information Management (BIM) is the word that itself serves many meanings and in common
understanding “A design approach that can maximize the creativity and economic benefits using computing
power”. Building Information Management (BIM) is a digital representation of physical and functional
characteristics of materials. A BIM is a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a
reliable basis for decisions during its life-cycle.BIM is primarily a three dimensional digital representation of a
building and its intrinsic characteristics. It is made of intelligent building components which includes data
attributes and parametric rules for each object. It also manages the information exchange between the AEC
(Architects, Engineers and Contractors) professionals, to strengthen the interaction between the design team.
BIM is a shared knowledge about the information for decisions making during its lifecycle. BIM technology
provides users with accurate and consistent building/project data and information, accommodating the functions
needed to model the building and provides a virtual view of it. BIM revolutionize the AEC industry, being not
only a change between 3D and parametric modelling with 4D capabilities, but a change in workflows,
methodologies and process of constructions.
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order to visualize the sequence of activities. Through the various analyses, finding the BIM based construction
is an effective method. BIM based schedule promotes interaction and collaboration among the project team
members from different fields of construction.Elbeltagiet al, (2014) in this paper, a comprehensive cost
estimating and monitoring model is presented and integrated using BIM. To provide the user with the capability
of visualizing actual cost expended in different building elements and compare it with that budgeted at different
time intervals.BIM depends on using commercial software packages such as Microsoft Project and Microsoft
Excel. Microsoft Excel provides the capabilities needed to reduce and analyze of the input data and output
results. So the proposed system will be able to perform the estimate and monitor at different levels.A visualized
cost estimate/cost control model provides reliable features to architects, owners, engineers and contractors in the
construction industry.Smith, (2014) the main objective of this study is focus on the implementation strategies
that are being successfully used by countries leading in the construction field. BIM evolves and construction
process increasingly become automated the role of construction professionals will need to adapt accordingly to
provide more sophisticated services that incorporate 3D, 4D time, 5D cost modelling and 6D facilities
management and sharing cost information data with the project team as part of the BIM integrated delivery
approach. Investigation was to determine best practices and innovative approaches being used around the globe.
BIM has better position in capabilities and initiatives to evolve. Franco et al, (2015) the study is to identify the
major barriers to using BIM for a project’s estimating and scheduling. By the various comparisons, accuracy
and efficiency of traditional method of estimating. Using On Screen Takeoff and BIM Light Gauge Framing
Software. BIM is limited use for estimating and scheduling, especially for small to mid-sized projects. Because
the subcontractor did not have the proper structure to adopt. This research provides recommendations on the
benefits of BIM for estimating multi-family projects by addressing the obstacles to embracing the concept of
automated estimating, and scheduling.Shaikh et al, (2016) studied the adoption of Building Information
Modelling (BIM) in the construction industry by increasing quality of project, improved planning, scheduling,
and visualization, time and cost. It also involves finding the awareness and adoption of BIM in the city of
Mumbai among the construction professionals like Builders, Contractors, Site Engineers and Design Engineers
among the professors and students. The quantitative and qualitative questionnaire survey was conducted to
found the total awareness among the respondent who are aware of BIM. Survey results, awareness of BIM is
high among the professors but low among the construction professionals in the city of Mumbai.
The study was conducted through a questionnaire survey and personally interviewed among the construction
peoples in various locations and various projects in India. Study is based on a sample size of 100
respondents.Data’s are collected in the form of questionnaires. Twenty three no’s of open and twenty seven no’s
of closed type questions was prepared and distributed. Depend on the survey; number of samples to be collected
from various professionals was working in the reputed construction industries among various cities in India.
Respondents were requested to indicate the condition of BIM in Indian construction industries. The
questionnaire contained two sections: The first section have collected the demographic details of the
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respondents. In the second section The study is based on the following criteria i) Awareness of BIM, ii)
Knowledge of BIM, iii) Benefits of BIM, iv) Implementation of BIM and v) Causes of BIM.
The data was collected through primary source data collection method using three point likert scale of each
group. Statistical approach was used for the data analysis.
1. Male 88%
2. Female 12%
II Age
1. 19-25 20.6%
2. 26-35 10.3%
3. 36-45 57.4%
4. 45-60 9%
5. 60 Above 3%
III Designation
2. Project Engineer 3%
4. Architect 15%
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5. Division Manager 19%
6. Others 34%
IV Experience
1. 1-3 47%
2. 3-5 17%
3. 5-8 13%
4. 8-15 10%
5. 15 Above 13%
V Education
1. Diploma 2%
2. Engineering 87%
4. Others 1%
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Hence all the respondents have a moderate knowledge knowing the national BIM standard. However the
respondents have least mean value (1.64) was aware of BIM and its benefits.
1. Do you believe that the construction industry is not clear enough of
1.78 0.559
what BIM actually is?
2. Have you had any previous experiences with BIM? 2.24 0.727
3. With the implementation of BIM did your company have occurred any
2.17 0.497
loss of productivity?
4. Do you consider the implementation costs associated with BIM, to
outweigh the financial gains from BIM? 2.07 0.553
5. Did you agree with Indian government will need to lead the next evolution
in design standards with the help of BIM technology requirements? 1.75 0.575
From the Table 4, the benefit of BIM is requested to rank like agree, not sureand disagree from the respondents.
The responses of the respondent’s shows that the maximum mean value (1.81) was the clients will increasingly
insist on BIM adoption.
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Hence, most of the respondents have disagreed the client support for the implementation of BIM in
constructions. However the respondents have agree (1.68) was full implementation of BIM with fully training,
knowledgeable and experienced construction professionals deliver reduction in costs and errors and
Implementation of BIM would be easier for smaller or larger companies in terms of costs and efficiency.
1. Do you feel the implementation of BIM will be easy for the construction
2.03 0.556
2. Do you need additional training necessary to use BIM tools for
1.85 0.582
implementation purpose?
3. Has a BIM manager been introduced at your company to aid and advice
2.25 0.439
during the transition?
4. Do you currently use 3D modelling in your projects? 2.34 0.685
5. Implementation of BIM will affect the role of the quantity surveyor? 2.29 0.527
6. Did you notice performance of BIM being advantageous to yourself or
2.02 0.601
your current construction projects?
From the Table 5, the implementation of BIM is requested to rank like yes, maybe and no from the respondents.
The responses of the respondent’s shows that the maximum mean value (2.34) was currently use 3D modelling
in their projects.
Hence all the respondents have less working with BIM. However the respondents have least mean value (1.85)
need additional training necessary to use BIM tools for implementation purpose.
1. Do you know forecast companies will be left behind and or struggle to
2.29 0.966
advise if they do not adopt BIM quickly enough?
2. Do you feel working with BIM make your job more difficult? 2.39 0.929
3. Do you think, there is a need to offer 3D modelling or BIM software to 2.36 0.943
interior design?
4. In your opinion the implementation of BIM will affect the cost analysis
2.36 0.943
and lifecycle costing?
5. Do you feel working with BIM helps to identifying, analysing and
2.28 0.970
developing responses to risks?
From the Table 6, the causes of BIM are requested to rank like no effect, redefined and extinct the respondents.
The responses of the respondent’s for all the causes of BIM are extinct.
Hence all the respondents don’t willing to known/implement the BIM for the construction firms.
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The study was carried out to identify the awareness on implementation of Building Information Management
(BIM) in Indian construction industries. The survey was carried around 100 no’s Engineers in various
construction industries in India. The retrieved data were analysed and found the top critical factor based on
mean and standard deviation.
The result found for maximum and minimum mean values. (i) The national BIM standard was established as a
project of the National Institute for Building Sciences (2.20) and aware of BIM and its benefits (1.64). (ii) The
firm have any previous experiences with BIM (2.24) and the construction industry is not clear enough
knowledge of BIM (1.78). (iii) The clients will increasingly insist on BIM adoption (1.81) and full
implementation of BIM with fully training, knowledgeable and experienced construction professionals deliver
reduction in costs and errors and Implementation of BIM would be easier for smaller or larger companies in
terms of costs and efficiency (1.68). (iv) Currently use 3D modelling in their projects (2.34) and need additional
training necessary to use BIM tools for implementation purpose (1.85). (v) Feel working with BIM make your
job more difficult (2.39) and working with BIM helps to identifying, analysing and developing responses to
risks (2.28). Later, the studies were carried out the difference of opinion among engineers based on demographic
such as gender, age, designation, experience and education. The result obtained in analysis was no difference of
opinion based on any demographic profile. The study concluded that the awareness of BIM in India, obtained
similar opinion among demographic profile. The factors are founded by mean and standard deviation to be
enhanced to determine the awareness on implementation of Building Information Management (BIM) in Indian
construction industries. The survey results, awareness of BIM is in moderate level due to lack of software
knowledge and construction systems in India. The survey results, awareness of BIM is in moderate level due to
lack of software knowledge and construction systems in India.
The recommendation of this paper suggests BIM is a new and promising approach in India which is gradually
gaining acceptance by the owners, architects, engineers, and builders. The survey explores the BIM potentials
when used in the field to better communicate and integrate construction information across different trades,
allowing for efficient work processes and better decisions. So try to aware about BIM and start implementing
BIM based constructions in India for better and efficient handling of cost, materials and time.
The following are the recommendation and suggestions as follows.
i) The standard of BIM was promoted through various conferences and workshop programs.
ii)Studying the software’s in college level for easy to work in BIM based construction.
iii) To create awareness and interactions with clients to adopt the BIM based constructions.
iv) Studying the 3D based software’s to be learned for designing purposes.
v) To develop knowledge of software’s and training to be needed for working with BIM based constructions.
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