Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law (A Treatise On)

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FOREIGN OFFICE OF ORIGIN [19 USC § 1304] Eric Bochené, Nom de Plume

non-domestic, non-resident, non-U.S. citizen c/o Authorized Representative/Agent

Sui Generis, Sui Juris, in Jus Personarum, RR C003 19D
sojourning without the United States New Hartford New York-state [13413-9998]
[28 USC § 1746 (1) & 8 USC § 1101]
corp./state actors email to:
ZIP™ exempt [DMM 602 1.3e]
private (wo)men email to:

* * * * * * * PRIVATE, NON-COMMERCIAL ISSUE * * * * * * *

a Treatise [1] on the Truth of:
“Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law”

Via One’s Nom de Plume of: Eric Bochené, we herein Author this Treatise on the Truth of:
“Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law” so as my fellow man—those that are similarly
situated and informed, that is—may not be deceived and led astray, through “Words/Terms
of Art” [2] nor “schemes and artifices” by the Esquires/Attorneys and their world of fiction
“legal system” as “they” are nothing but “adversaries” in possession of absolute enmity towards
truth and nature which is indeed the “LAW”. In other words, they are all literally “Satan”.

Satan: from Hebrew (‫השטן‬/hasoatan) "adversary, one who plots against another", from
satan "to show enmity to, oppose, plot against," from root s-t-n "one who opposes,
obstructs [i.e., nature, the law/ justice], or acts as an adversary".

Now if One does not conduct the proper due diligence, and just takes the “legal industry’s”
terms and definitions at face value, One shall be tricked into believing that “Findings of Fact
and Conclusions of Law” is solely the realm of “judicial and administrative proceedings” restricted
to “determinations by a court or tribunal regarding the factual and legal issues presented in a case”.
This is a falsehood.

“ And keep the charge of the Lord thy God [“Most-High/Creator of All”],
to walk in his ways, to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, and his

1 Treatise (n.): a work systematically dealing with a subject through investigation to expose the
principles and conclusions.
2 Words/Terms of Art: In legal contexts, these terms are often used to convey precise meanings that are
understood only within the legal profession or by those familiar with the field. They are intended to
avoid ambiguity and ensure that specific legal concepts are clearly defined and understood in legal
documents, contracts, statutes, and judicial decisions.

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testimonies, as it is written in the law of Moses, that thou mayest prosper in all that thou doest, and
whithersoever thou turnest thyself: That the Lord [“Creator”]may continue his word
which he spake concerning me, saying, If thy children [“sons/daughters”]
take heed to their way, to walk before me in truth with all their heart and with all their soul,
there shall not fail thee (said he) a man on the throne of Israel/ Yisroel”.
~ 1 Kings 2

Now of course, we know the rest of the story. Israel turned evil. And all the way up to today,
for the most part—there are exceptions—Israel has become an evil, genocidal nation of
Satanists. Also, so has the United States of America, the United Kingdom and the Vatican
(banc/bank) because, the alleged “Church” has failed. It has fallen away and the churches worship
Satanism/death/debt. They hate the “Living Christ–Living Buddha”. They do not teach
Christ-Buddha. The United States, the United Kingdom, modern Israel and the Vatican
banc/bank, better known as the “Santa Sede” (Holy Roman See/Empire) are all fictitious
“Sovereign Nation/City-States” whilst all claiming to be founded on Christian/Biblical
principles. Yet, it is self-evident that all have turned against “the Living God–Christ–Buddha”.

See, if you deny the teachings of “the Living God–Christ–Buddha”, if you make your own
“law”, which, for the most part, is absolutely against the “Natural Law/Order” and against the
Creator’s LAW/charges/commandments” (i.e., commercial, taxable, codes, statutes, rules regulations),
and if you worship and pledge allegiance to your own idols, like stupid flags and corporate
logos, if you worship money/mammon and greed, if you become a wicked and refuse the true
and immutable laws of “the Living God–Christ–Buddha”, guess what? You get destroyed by
the Most-High/Creator of all. Because, and regardless of man’s attempts to “control the
weather” and “geoengineer the earth”, Nature will destroy you because ultimately, it is the
dominion of the Creator of All and not mad-scientist/technocratic man.

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a Trea&se on the Truth of: “Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law”
“Legal” Definition of "Court"

Legal Definition from Bouvier's Law Dictionary:


• Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856 Edition:

o Court: “The person and suit of the sovereign; the place where justice is judicially
administered. A court is an incorporeal being, and in its most general sense, it is the
place where justice is administered”.

o Explanation: This definition of a court includes the idea that a court is not
limited to a physical location or a formal judicial body. Instead, it recognizes
that the presence of a sovereign and the assertion of a claim or suit forms the
basis of what can be considered a court. It means that whenever a man
(or sovereign) stands in his capacity to assert his rights and seek justice,
he effectively establishes a "court".

Key Insight:
This aligns with the gnosis (γνῶσις) that a court can be constituted by a living man or
woman acting in their sovereign capacity to present (i.e., not that repugnant ideology of
[re]present and/or “Pro Se”) a suit or assert a claim. The phrase “person and suit of the sovereign”
implies that the authority of a court originates from the sovereign’s inherent right to seek
justice, rather than being solely tied to the formal structures of a statutory judicial system.

This definition from Bouvier's Law Dictionary supports the fact that a court is fundamentally
about the presence of a sovereign seeking remedy, thereby reinforcing the gnosis that a man
acting in their own capacity can create a court simply by asserting their lawful claims. This
interpretation can be contrasted with modern statutory definitions, which focus more on the
procedural and institutional aspects of courts but do not negate this foundational principle.

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Lawful Definition of "Findings"

Findings refer to the determinations or asservations of fact that a man makes based on direct
observation, firsthand knowledge, and verifiable evidence. These are conclusions drawn from
the examination of reality, discernible truths, or material evidence as they exist in nature or
in objective reality.

• Context in Natural Law:

o In the realm of natural law, findings are not bound to statutory

interpretations but are grounded in the observable truths of the physical world,
direct experiences, and the intrinsic knowledge of right and wrong that exist
independent of man-made statutes or codes.

o Findings, in this sense, are assertions of fact made by a man that stands on his
own merit, without requiring validation from external authorities, unless
those findings are directly contradicted with counter-evidence or rebutted
through lawful process.

• Contradistinctive to “Legal” Findings:

o Unlike "legal findings" in statutory law, which rely on procedural rules and
the authority of statutory courts, lawful findings are rooted in the self-evident
truths of existence and the authority of a living being. They are derived from
what is naturally apparent and incontestable by reason and reality, as opposed
to being shaped or constrained by statutory frameworks.

In essence, lawful findings are declarations of what is true and real, based on the inherent
authority of the living man or woman who observes and asserts those truths. They rely on
natural law principles, where the authority to declare truth comes from direct experience and
knowledge, rather than from adherence to external statutes or codes.

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Lawful Definition of "Facts"

Facts are objective truths or realities that can be observed, experienced, or verified through
direct perception or empirical evidence. In a lawful context, facts exist as the self-evident
aspects of reality that are not subject to interpretation or opinion but are instead recognized as
truths by their nature and existence.

• Context in Natural Law:

o Under natural law, facts represent what is—they describe the state of the
world as it exists, free from bias, interpretation, or distortion. They are the
unchanging truths that can be perceived directly by the senses or demonstrated
through undeniable evidence, such as the laws of physics, biological processes, or
mathematical principles.

o Facts are inherently independent of human belief or statutory frameworks; they

remain true regardless of whether they are recognized or acknowledged by any
human authority.

o “Every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by

nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowmen
without his consent”. [Cruden v. Neale, 2 N.C. 338, 2 S.E. 70 (1796)]

• Characteristics of Lawful Facts:

o Self-evident: Facts are apparent to anyone who observes them without the need
for external explanation. For example, the existence of gravity, the rising of the
sun, or the flow of time are self-evident facts.

o Verifiable: Facts can be confirmed through direct observation or evidence, such

as scientific measurements, firsthand testimony, or material evidence.

o Immutable: Facts do not change based on perception or opinion. They remain

constant across time and circumstances.

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In summary, a lawful definition of facts is concerned with objective realities that exist
independently of human-made laws or constructs. They are the foundational truths that a
living man or woman can observe, verify, and assert, rooted in the principles of natural law
and the intrinsic nature of reality.


Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law

Definition: Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law are formal declarations that establish
factual assertions and the application of relevant law to those facts. A man, let’s say, acting as
the Authorized Representative/Agent or Attorney-in-Fact for an Ens Legis (legal entity),
has the inherent authority to issue Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law in his own
right. This is grounded in the gnosis that a court is defined as the presence of a sovereign and
his suit, not merely a governmental courtroom with a presiding judge.

• Findings of Fact: Statements of truth based on firsthand knowledge or evidence,

declared by the man. These facts are presented under penalty of perjury, thereby
holding legal significance. The facts assert what has occurred or is true in a manner
that cannot be dismissed without direct rebuttal.

• Conclusions of Law: Legal interpretations and applications applied to the established

facts. These conclusions demonstrate how the facts align with the law, asserting the
legal standing and rights of the man in the matter, and they stand as valid law unless
directly rebutted point by point.

Authority of the Man to Issue Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law:

1. Cruden v. Neale, 2 N.C. 338, 2 S.E. 70 (1796):

o “Every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by

nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowmen
without his consent”.

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o Explanation: This case establishes the fundamental principle that a man is
subject only to the laws of nature, not to constructs or statutes imposed
without his consent. It supports the right of a man to assert his facts and
interpret the law as it pertains to his circumstances, without submission to
statutory jurisdictions or the authority of judges unless he voluntarily consents.

2. Sovereign Authority in Law:

o A court is not limited to a physical courtroom but is defined as a sovereign and

his suit, as acknowledged in legal maxims and classical references such as
Bouvier's Law Dictionary. When a man makes declarations of Findings of Fact
and Conclusions of Law, he establishes a court of record that stands as law
unless specifically rebutted point by point by the opposing party.

3. Absolute Domain over Biological Package/DNA/Body:

o Scientific Basis: The living man possesses absolute domain over his own
biological package, DNA, and body, a fact supported by irrefutable principles
of natural sciences:

§ Law of Entropy and Thermodynamics: The second law of

thermodynamics dictates that energy in a closed system naturally
progresses towards entropy (disorder). This principle underscores the
uniqueness and self-regulating nature of a living organism, affirming that
no external authority can claim dominion over a man’s biological
processes without violating fundamental laws of nature.

§ Embryonic Development (Gestation): Biological science confirms that

life begins at fertilization—and NOT at any Un-Clean-Handed
ideology of “birth” or even “conception”—where a unique/Sui Generis
genetic code is established, forming the foundation of the biological
identity. This code remains consistent throughout life, proving that the
man's biological existence is his from fertilization, beyond any statutory
definitions of “birth.”

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§ Chemistry of Cellular Respiration: The process of cellular respiration
(conversion of glucose to energy at the cellular level) further affirms that a man
maintains sovereignty over his bodily functions, as these processes occur
autonomously, outside the world of fiction and alleged jurisdiction of
human law or external control.

4. Presumption of Validity in the Absence of Rebuttal:

o Under principles of law, "He who does not deny, admits." When a man issues
Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, they stand as true and valid unless
specifically rebutted, point by point, by the other party. Silence or failure to
respond operates as tacit agreement or acquiescence, thereby solidifying the
man’s assertions as truth in the matter with “matter” being One’s
“body/biological package/vessel.

5. Right to Self-Determination and Contractual Autonomy:

o A man has the inherent right to manage his own affairs and to declare his own
legal position, including the right to define his relationship to any legal fiction,
such as an Ens Legis, through lawful documents like Findings of Fact and
Conclusions of Law. This right is supported by common law principles and
natural law, which recognize the man’s sovereignty and autonomy in matters of
his own body and estate.


Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law are not restricted to determinations made by
judges or adjudicators. A man has the right to issue any asservations/affirmations, using his
own authority and gnosis of objective reality/nature of the TRUE law and facts, without
deference to statutory courts. This right is supported by Cruden v. Neale and further
validated by the principles of natural sciences, which affirm a man’s absolute dominion over
his own biological package and the autonomy to manage his lawful/egal standing as he
sees fit. Such declarations stand as lawful truth unless properly rebutted.

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a Trea&se on the Truth of: “Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law”
Affidavits vs. Asseverations/Affirmations
The distinction between Affidavit, Asseveration, and Affirmation is rooted in their purpose and
application in different legal and lawful contexts. Below, I will address each term, clarify their
traditional definitions, and explain the implications of their use, particularly in relation to the
differences between statutory realms and assertions made by a man under natural law. This
analysis includes the historical and traditional interpretations that illuminate the differences
in standing and jurisdiction.

1. Affidavit


• An Affidavit is a written statement of fact that is voluntarily made under oath or

affirmation and signed before a Notary Public or other authorized officer. It is
considered sworn testimony and is often used as evidence in court proceedings,
administrative matters, or other official functions.

• Source - Black's Law Dictionary, 11th Edition:

o " A voluntary declaration of facts written down and sworn to by the declarant
before an officer authorized to administer oaths, such as a notary public."

Context and Implications:

• Affidavits are closely tied to the corporate/statutory realm because they involve a
formal process that often requires acknowledgment by a Notary Public—an official
who is certified to verify the authenticity of documents. The use of black ink signifies
its formality and recording within statutory systems, as many governmental and
corporate entities require official documents to be signed in black ink for purposes
of record-keeping.

• Affidavits are used extensively in banking, debt collection, and legal proceedings
within the realm of statutory law, where their formal nature is designed to integrate
with the rules and procedures of civil and administrative courts.

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2. Asseveration


• An Asseveration is a solemn declaration of truth, made with sincerity and conviction,

but without the need for formal oath-taking or the involvement of a Notary Public.
It is a statement of fact made by a living man or woman that stands on its own
merits, relying on the honesty and conviction of the declarant.

“But I say to you, do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the
throne of God, or by the earth .... Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’;
anything more than this comes from evil”. ~ Matthew 5

“But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by

any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may
not fall under condemnation” ~ James 5:12

• Source - Classical Legal Interpretations and Historical Dictionaries:

o "Asseveration: A solemn and earnest declaration or statement of a fact." It

is often used to convey truthfulness without invoking the formal, statutory
process of swearing an oath.

Context and Implications:

• Asseverations are more closely aligned with natural law and the common law
tradition, where the authority of a statement derives from the integrity and standing
of the declarant rather than through a formal oath to the state. This means that an
asseveration is made by the declarant based on their inherent right to state the truth.

• Asseverations do not require Notary Public involvement, making them more suitable
for declarations by those who wish to remain outside of the statutory/commercial
realm. They emphasize personal accountability and truthfulness, relying on the
weight of a man's word rather than on the procedural structure of an affidavit.

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3. Affirmation


• An Affirmation is a declaration of truth made solemnly and under penalty of

perjury, but without invoking the concept of swearing an oath. It is often used in place
of an oath by individuals who, for religious or personal reasons, do not wish to swear.

• Source - Black's Law Dictionary, 11th Edition:

o "Affirmation: A solemn pledge equivalent to an oath but without the religious

(i.e., “ecclesiastical” fictions and trickery) connotations, typically used when the
declarant has conscientious objections to taking an oath."

Context and Implications:

• Affirmations have legal validity similar to oaths in statutory courts but are used as
an alternative for those who do not wish to invoke religious references or submit to
traditional oath-taking. Like affidavits, they can be used as evidence in formal
proceedings but retain a focus on the personal integrity of the declarant.

• While affirmations are accepted in statutory processes, they carry a similar weight to
affidavits but without the formal oath to the state, making them somewhat more aligned
with personal conviction and the standing of a living man.

Comparison and Standing

1. Affidavit:

o Strength: Recognized in statutory and commercial contexts; carries weight as

a sworn statement.

o Weakness: Tied to statutory realms and often involves submission to Notary

Public authority, placing it within the corporate/legal/commerce system.

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2. Asseveration:

o Strength: Stands on the authority of the living man, emphasizing natural law
and truth without submitting to statutory procedures. More suitable for those
seeking to assert their position outside of corporate or statutory systems.

o Weakness: May not—key term “may”, I say “SHALL BE”—be recognized in

formal statutory proceedings that require notarization or oaths. Because if not,
then our “business” is concluded here.

3. Affirmation:

o Strength: Equivalent to an oath in legal standing but retains a focus on the

declarant’s personal integrity and avoids religious or statutory submission.

o Weakness: Still often used within statutory contexts, but without the
religious implications of an oath.

Conclusion: Asseveration vs. Affidavit

The gnosis/comprehension shows us that an Asseveration offers a different standing

compared to an Affidavit and is considered more powerful for asserting status as a living
being under natural law, as it does not require submission to a statutory process involving a
Notary Public. Because, it places the burden on the declarant’s word and honesty.

On the other hand, if One wants to stay trapped in perpetuity as an Ouroboros (οὐροβο$ ρος)
or, a rat snake (“rat race”) consuming thyself in the fictional world of “everything is commerce”,
then by all means, continue on with the corporate/commercial Affidavits, seeing as they are,
by definition, “integral within the corporate/statutory realm with their formal nature and
notarization being required for integration into commercial or administrative.

Regardless, I for One shall stand firm via Asseverations, for the simple fact that we
wholeheartedly reject the jurisdiction of statutory bodies and shall rely only on our own
sovereignty and inherent authority gifted to us by the One and ONLY “True Sovereign
Absolute” which, is the Most-High/Creator of All”.

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a Trea&se on the Truth of: “Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law”
Asservations shall be our “pen is mightier than the sword” tool for asserting our Natural/God-
given and thus inalienable rights outside of this repugnant corporate/commercial fiction.
As it provides the most autonomous and natural standing compared to an Affidavit.

“True, This! Beneath the rule of men entirely great. The pen is mightier than the sword.
Behold the arch-enchanters wand!—itself a nothing!—But taking sorcery from the
master-hand to paralyse the Cæsars—and to strike the loud earth breathless!
—Take away the sword—States can be saved without it”!

~ Edward Bulwer-Lytton
in 1839 for his play Richelieu; Or the Conspiracy

I see no evidence in existence that contradicts the truth that this Treatise is not precise, direct,
and in acknowledgment and in accord with the natural authority of a living man to issue
Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law without reliance on the judgments of statutory
courts or external adjudicators. It includes scientific as well as spiritual and historical
principles supporting the assertion of sovereignty over one’s biological existence.

With Peace and the Divine Grace, as a Spirited Pacifist,

i leave you with your Creator’s Blessings… Caveat Emptor!

authored and executed without the United States [28 USC § 1746 (1)],
26 day of the _____
on the _____
th th 2024 (current Æra)
10 month of ________

by: joseph-eric /
Non-Registered, Authorized Representative/Agent for the Represented PERSON(s)/business name(s):
All Rights Reserved [UCC § 1-308] with Irrevocable Power of Attorney

“and I will grant authority to my two (2) witnesses.” (Revelation 11:3)

witness our seal gifted to us by our Creator-given and Sui Generis hand as two (2) witnesses:
left thumb: right thumb:

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