Nota Carter Center Venezuela 30jul2024
Nota Carter Center Venezuela 30jul2024
Nota Carter Center Venezuela 30jul2024
The Carter Center cannot verify or corroborate the results of the election declared
by the National Electoral Council (CNE), and the electoral authority’s failure to
announce disaggregated results by polling station constitutes a serious breach of
electoral principles. MORE CENTER NEWS
July 29, 2024
Venezuela's electoral process did not meet international standards of electoral Carter Center Calls on
integrity at any of its stages and violated numerous provisions of its own national Venezuelan Election Authorities
to Release Detailed Results
laws. The election took place in an environment of restricted freedoms for Immediately
political actors, civil society organizations, and the media. Throughout the
electoral process, the CNE demonstrated a clear bias in favor of the incumbent. July 24, 2024
Carter Center Issues Final Report
on 2023 Elections in the
Voter registration was hurt by short deadlines, relatively few places of Democratic Republic of the
registration, and minimal public information. Citizens abroad faced excessive Congo Página 1 de 3
Carter Center Statement on Venezuela Election 31/07/24, 09:11
The campaign of the incumbent president was well funded and widely visible Unique Auction Items
Still, Venezuelan citizens turned out peacefully and in large numbers to express
their will on election day. Despite reports of restrictions on access to many
polling centers for domestic observers and opposition party witnesses; potential
pressure on the voters, such as ruling party checkpoints in the vicinity of voting
centers; and incidents of tension or violence reported in some localities; voting
appeared to take place in a generally civil manner.
In the limited number of polling centers they visited, Carter Center observer
teams noted the desire of the Venezuelan people to participate in a democratic
election process, as demonstrated through their active participation as polling
staff, party witnesses, and citizen observers. However, their efforts were
undermined by the CNE's complete lack of transparency in announcing the
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Carter Center Statement on Venezuela Election 31/07/24, 09:11
final report of its observation mission, documenting the findings indicated in this
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